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Chapter 1 Quiz

Note: All answers should be written in paper with your name on top.

A. True or False. Write true if the statement is true. Otherwise, write false. (1 point each)

________1. History is the study of the past.

________2. Historical sources that were not written should not be used in writing history.

________3. The subject historiography is history itself.

________4. History has no use for the present, thus, saying “past is past” is true.

________5. History is limited to the story of hero versus villain.

_______6. Only primary sources may be used in writing history.

________7. There are 3 types of sources: primary, secondary and tertiary sources.

________8. External criticism is done by examining the physical characteristics of the source.

________9. Internal criticism is done by looking at a source’s quality of paper and type of ink
among others.

________10. The historians are the only source of history.

B. What Source? Read the following scenarios and classify the sources discovered as primary,
secondary or tertiary source. (2 pts each)

1. Jose was exploring the library in his school in Manila. He wanted to study the history of
Calamba, Laguna during the 19th century. In one of the books, he saw an old photograph of a
woman standing in front of an old church, clipped among the pages. At the back of the photo
was a fine inscription that says: “Kalamba, 19 de Junio 1861.”


2. It was Lean’s first day in his first year of college in a big university. His excitement made him
come to class unusually early and he found their classroom empty. He explored the classroom
and sat at the teacher’s table. He looked at the table drawer and saw a book entitled U.G. An
Underground tale: The Journey of Edgar Jopson and the First Quarter Storm Generation. He
started reading the book and realized that it was a biography of a student leader turned
political activist during the time of Ferdinand Marcos. The author used interviews with friends
and family of Jopson, and other primary documents related to his works and life.

3. Lorena was a new teacher of Araling Panlipunan in a small elementary school in Mauban,
Quezon. Her colleagues gave her new textbook that she ought to use in class. Before the class
started, Lorena studied the book carefully. She noted that the authors used works by other
known historians in writing the textbook. She saw the bibliography included Teodoro
Agoncillo’s Revolt of the Masses and the Fateful Years: Japan’s Adventure in the Philippines,
1941-1945. She also saw that the authors used Ma. Luisa Camagay’s Working Women of Manila
During the 19th Century and many others.


4. Manuel visited the United States for a few months to see his relatives who have lived there
for decades. His uncle brought him on tours around Illinois. Manuel visited the Field Museum of
Natural History where the golden image of a woman caught his eye. Manuel looked closer and
read that the image was called “The Golden Tara.” It originated from the Agusan del Sur and
was bought by the museum in 1922. It was believed to be made prior to the arrival od the
Spaniard in the Philippines.


5. Gregoria loved to travel around the country. She liked bringing with her a travel brochure
that informs her of the different sites worth visiting in the area. Her travel brochure was usually
produced by the department of the province. It shows pictures of destinations visited by
tourists and a few basic Informations about the place like the origin of the name, the historical
Significance acquired by the offices researchers and writers

Travel brochure

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