Table It Naked

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[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


The desire for truth should supersede that for perfection. Truth is not
meant to be clothed, rather it is to be seen for what it is.

The thrill of a blossoming love cannot be overstated, it is beyond the

pleasure of many things. Despite the urge to make it last, the
aftermath is what forms it solid or not. When the honeymoon phase is
over and done, the relationship gets exposed to the consuming
flames of a burning furnace.

This is a story of a group of male friends that must come to each

other's aid to save the day. They are faced with diverse issues that
need to be sorted out as they pose a threat to the relationships they
are in - marriages and courtships.

When an erring friend misinterprets the groups' good deeds, they are
faced with a hard call to make, to either let Kwite be? Or intervene
against his will, as he is clearly headed for the fall. A pit stop seems
inevitable but it still comes down to him.

On the other hand, dealing with retrogressive society norms curves

Suka on the verge of giving up on everything and everyone. He is
failing to find purpose for what is worth.

In an unorthodox fashion, the group of friends must deal with each

other's truth without dressing it. They have to table it naked.

The personal battles seem to be far and wide. When the climax to a
time of a life calls for a man who is at the doorstep of a lifetime
commitment, it is left to him to decide what matters. Does he give in
to the call or goes on to enter the doorway to a commitment that is
being challenged?

Character and principles determine how one takes to truth. The

escapades of this tale are breathtaking and an eye-opener.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

The night was giving in to the day when Kwite's phone rang. A little
awkward for someone that never got phone calls that early. It was still
dark outside as the wee hours eased to dawn.

In his drowsy state, he groped for the phone on the bedside table.

'Hello!' he answered without checking the caller's identity.

'Sorry for waking you up!' apologised the brother.

'Hey, Joe. Is everything okay?' he was slipping away from being


'I don't know. I just had a bad dream and it felt real,' said the brother.

'Glad it was only a dream. Go back to sleep,' scuffed Kwite.

'Kwite!' the brother called for his attention.

'Yes, Joe. Can't this wait?' he was irate.

'Are you fine with Yvonne?' asked Joe.

'As best as we possibly can. Need I remind you that I'll be marrying
her in a few days?' Kwite sarcastically made a joke of the brother's

'I think you should check on her when you wake up. I advise that it
should be the first thing you do,' said Joe.

'Go back to sleep,' he added, before ending the call.

'Hello. Joe!' frantically said Kwite. But all he got was an end call tone.

'What now?' he lost his sleep.

He checked his phone and saw that it was ten minutes past four in the

He got up and turned on the light. By the side of the bed was a picture
of Yvonne wearing her beautiful smile.

'Hope you're fine!' he said, looking at the picture as he got up to help

himself with a glass of water.

'This is worrying!' he couldn't stop thinking about the call.

He'd just had his chilanga mulilo the previous weekend.

'Joe never freaks out easily. Why would he even call me at this hour
over an allegedly bad dream?' he was troubled.

He failed to go back to sleep. He fought back the urge to ring Yvonne.

'I won't disturb her sleep,' he said to himself, as he sunk in the couch.
'What was the dream about?' he remembered that he didn't get

It got him to chuckle.

'Joe and his dreams. I thought this had ended,' he recalled how his
brother tell their mother in the morning about a dream he had the
previous night.

At the show of the sun's rays. Kwite drove to Yvonne's house.

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On his way there, he called her but the line didn't go through. He tried
several times to no avail and he panicked.

'What's going on?' he was getting nervous.

She doesn't switch off her phone. He got to her house and knocked
on the door.

There was no sign of Yvonne. He went to the car and got a key she'd
given him.

He opened the door to a deafening silence in the house. It was so

quiet that he could get the fridge in the kitchen.

'Babe!' he called for her.

'Yvonne,' he got scared. He sent the doors flying as he looked for her
in all the rooms.

He opened the master bedroom door and a weird smell stung his

'What's that smell?'

'Smells like herbs!' he soliloquezed.

He saw a bucket in the middle of the room. Stealthily, he walked to it.

'Yvonne!' he called out one more time.

The lid was down. He looked into the bucket and saw his picture
floating amid what looked like leaves and tree bucks.

He got chills down his spine.

'What is this?' he was scared.

It looked and felt wrong.

'Is this what I think it is?' he hoped he was wrong.

He began to sweat profusely. His mind raced.

'Is this the person I will be marrying, come Saturday?' he was freaking

He walked out of the house feeling weak. He couldn't bring himself to

unsee what he found in his fiancee's bedroom.
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He got in the car and sat for a while. He needed to gather strength
before he could drive.

'Where could she be?' he wondered. It seemed as though she'd not

spent the night at her house.
'I dropped her off late in the night yesterday,' it wasn't adding up for

Yvonne's phone was still unreachable.

He looked at her house as if to get answers from it before driving off.

Ring! Ring!

It was Joe.

'Hello!' picked Kwite, his voice was quivering.

'Have you checked on her?' asked the brother.

'I have. What was the dream about?' he was terrified.

'Calm down,' advised Joe.

'I can't!' snapped Kwite.

'Where are you?' asked Joe.

'I'm driving from her place,' he responded.

'Pass by my house,' said Joe.

It felt like a long drive to his brother's house. Which wasn't far from
Yvonne's house. They lived in the same part of the city.

'What could she be doing with those weird things in her room?' he
couldn't wrap his mind around it.
Joe figured his brother would be arriving any time, and he went
outside to wait for him. He could tell how worried the brother was
over the phone.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Kwite trusted his brother with his life. They grew up in a loving home
and developed a strong bond. They spent much of their teenage years
being buddies besides savouring the sibling relationship.

The progression of life sent them apart. As Joe was finishing senior
secondary school, Kwite was admitted into University.

The gap year saw Joe grow into his own man. The two brothers would
end up not seeing much of each other but maintained a good

Joe ended up marrying before his older brother, Kwite and it didn't
rock their relationship in anyway.

The two brothers had a unique relationship. Joe was spiritually

inclined. His ability to tell dreams from a young age caught the
mother's attention, as most of them turned out to come true with
accuracy to the last detail.

It seemed as though it was some sort of gift he possessed.

When Kwite came back from University after completing his studies,
he met Yvonne who was also a graduate.
A beautiful girl from the neighbourhood that men wanted but could
not get. She only had eyes for one man and it was him she gave her
heart to.

No one could match up to him. Not even Kwite.

'I am seeing someone,' she refused Kwite's proposal at the time.

A year and a half later. Kwite visited his family during the festive

As he drove down the street, and memories from his childhood

refreshed. He remembered how as a small boy he would watch with
his family the fireworks display from miles away taking place at
Arcades Shopping Mall on the Eves of Christmas and New Year.
They'd be on the verandah at home with heads turned to the skies as
colours flaired up the often dark skies.

When the spectacle was done, they'd go outside the wall fence and
wish their neighbours a Merry Christmas or happy New Year.

A house away was where Yvonne lived with her parents.

As those memories washed his mind. The smile they put on his face
grew into cold tight lips as he drove past Yvonne's house.

Kwite's heart skipped. In no time, he was parked at his parents'


'Is there a funeral?' he fearfully asked Joe.

'Yes. Yvonne's father passed on,' he told him.

'Shame. That's sad,' empathised Kwite.

'What a time to lose a loved one,' said Joe.

They went to the funeral house later in the evening.

There was a bush green army tent mounted, with chairs and couches
under it.

The two brothers greeted the men they found in the tent. Yvonne
caught a glimpse of Joe and Kwite. She knew they were there for her.

She went outside the gate after she was done with what she was

Joe and Kwite respectfully left the tent, heads lowered with one hand
on the chest as they walked passed the elderly men.

Yvonne stood outside the wall fence. The brothers emerged through
the wide opened gate.

'My condolences!' said Joe and the brother.

They had barely talked when Joe excused himself.

'Take heart!' he told her, before leaving.

It was a bit awkward for Kwite and Yvonne. 'What happened?' he

broke the silence.

She told him how about how the father had survived a bomb defusing
accident. After which, his life never went back to what it was. The
mission had left him with a skin condition.
'The government used to take care of his medical needs. He was
actually supposed to be flown overseas for specialised care. But he
succumbed to the condition,' she said.

'I am sorry for your loss,' said Kwite.

They exchanged numbers and remained in touch. Eventually, they

began dating and he went on to propose marriage to her.

He found love in Yvonne. Which was being put to the sword that

'Can she do that to me?' he questioned what he'd seen in her


The desire to justify an action is often greater than to see it for what it
could be.

Kwite's was no easy situation. The scene at his fiancee's house could
be anything. He remained open to both possibilities.

He was able to tell from a distance that the person a few metres in
front of him was his brother.

He pulled up on the other side of the road and put on the hazard
lights of the car. As the ticking sound echoed, so did his heart beat

He got more nervous with each step that Joe took towards the car.

He got in the car and Kwite panicked. It was as if his heart stopped
with the swing of the door.
Bam! The door closed as Kwite took a deep breath.

'You don't seem fine for someone who is about to marry in a few
days,' said Joe.

'I bet no one would if they were in my situation,' responded Kwite.

'Did you find her?' calmly asked Joe.

He had always been such a person. Level headed. Kwite too. But,
when he lost it, then it was bad and visible. The reason Joe saw
through him.

'I didn't,' sluggishly said Kwite without saying much.

'Any idea where she is?' asked Joe.

The questions were getting on Kwite's nerves. 'Anyway, he's only

watching out for me?' he calmed himself down.

'What was your dream about?' Kwite remembered to ask.

'This is why you're here. It is because of the dream that I asked if you
could pass through,' softly said Joe.

'I want to tell you about the dream,' he added.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

Kwite remained quiet as his brother narrated the dream.

'The two of you were at the church altar being married off when
Yvonne suddenly began to wail. She sobbed bitterly as a pool of tears
formed in the church. As that happened, some people's shoes began
to dissolve, and so did hers. But not yours,' said Joe, to Kwite's

‘Then a fire started on them. The flames burned furiously without

destroying an inch of your shoes. 'Surprisingly, your shoes remained
intact. It puzzled everyone as to how that was possible given that the
pool of tears from Yvonne's crying went a little above your ankles but
a fire still flamed,' Joe was covered in goosebumps telling the dream.

Kwite envisioned what was being told to him, he understood why his
brother called at that hour.

'This is scary and weird!' he cautiously said.

It was a horrible morning for him. His mind went astray, it took him
back to Yvonne's house then the brother's dream.

'What is going on?' he was confused.

He was scared and Joe sympathised with him.

He wished there was more he could do to contain the situation.

'What does the dream mean?' sought Kwite.

The expression on Joe's face got him. If only he knew what was going
to come out of his mouth.

'I have no idea! I don't know what the dream means, if at all it has a
meaning,' said Joe.
The response shattered Kwite's hopes. He felt helpless.

'How is that possible?' he desperately asked.

'To one, a dream is given. To another, an interpretation. If God

pleases, he gives both to one person,' pensively responded Joe.

There was more to Kwite's worries than his brother knew. He couldn't
bring himself to explain what he'd seen at Yvonne's house to Joe.

Ring! Ring!

'That's your phone!' Joe told his absent minded brother.

Kwite got jerked to life. He got his phone and behold, it was his
fiancee calling.

'Hello!' he picked it.

'Good morning,’ she said, and he returned the greeting.

'Are you fine?' asked Yvonne.

'You don't sound yourself,' she noted.

'I am okay,' he coughed out the words.

Joe stared at him. His brother wasn't telling the truth.

'I tried calling you earlier,' said Kwite.

'Oh! I am sorry about that. I forgot to charge my phone last night. It

went off when I went jogging,' she told him.

'Okay!' he responded.
'I must say that was too early to get a call from you, as you're usually
asleep that time. Are you sure you are fine?' she insisted.

'We’ll talk when we meet. Are you home?' he asked her.

'Yes. I got here a few minutes ago,' she said.

'I will be there soon,' he told her, before ending the call.

'Are the two of you fine?' worried Joe.

'We are! I just need to see her, that's all,' said Kwite, sounding a bit

'You urged me to check on her first thing when I wake up. I didn't find
her when I went to her place, so I want to do precisely as you advised.
So I know if she's fine. If at all the dream is anything to worry about,'
he added.

'I see,' responded Joe.

'What are you doing tomorrow?' asked Joe.

'I am meeting the boys,' said Kwite.

'You should come,' he invited the brother.

Joe chuckled. 'I will pass on this one. But, thanks,' he said.

'Why?' wondered Kwite.

'Everyone will be there. It will be nice to have you around,' he insisted.

'I can imagine. You enjoy your time with friends,' warmly said Joe.
'I'll expect you, in case you change your mind,' said Kwite.

'Is Shanzi in?' asked Joe.

'Yes, he came in three days ago,' there was a bit of life in Kwite's

'And, how is Trey and Suka?' asked Joe.

'It's been a while,' he further said.

'They are fine. They are seen. You've just been busy,' responded

'Pass my regards,' he told Kwite.

'Alright. You get going. Let me not hold you any further,' said Joe, as
he opened the door.

The sun was shining bright and the day was brought to life by human

'Regards to mulamu and the kids,' said Kwite.

'She'll appreciate,' Joe closed the door, and his brother drove off.

The dream had left Kwite more confused. He couldn't make anything
of what was happening that morning.

His phone rang again.

'You have an incoming call from Joe!' resounded the audio system in
the car.
He picked the brother's call.

'Don't worry too much. Sometimes dreams are just that, dreams!
Don't put your mind to it. And drive safely,' said Joe.

'Thank you, man!' said Kwite. He was sentimental. He knew Joe would
worry the entire time about him.

'I am fine. Thank you for everything,' added Kwite.

The call ended and his mind immediately went to Yvonne as he drove
to her place.

When he got there. She'd prepared breakfast for him.

'Come in!' she said, as she opened the door with a smile.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

She didn't reciprocate his energy.

'Cheer up! It scares me when you're too serious around me,' she said,
as he sat on the couch while she closed the door behind him.

'Babe!' she stood before him, with the coffee table between them.

'Will you help me carry a bucket? I can't do it alone,' she told him.

'Right now?' he asked.

'Yes. Then we can come and have breakfast,' she told him.

The house was swept by the aroma of the delicacy she'd prepared.

He got up and went after her.

She opened the bedroom door. 'You know what?' rhetorically asked

'I found the bedroom door open. I am certain I'd closed it before going
to jog,' she told him.

'It's because I came by,' he coldly responded.

'Is this a game or what?' his mind raced.

'You could have told me you were coming. I wouldn't have gone,' she

'I am here,' he shrugged it off.

As they entered her bedroom, he hoped to find the bucket that he had

'So I don't seem like I'm talking from without,' he thought.

'Oh my goodness!' She took out Kwite's picture from the bucket.

'Oh please!' she tried to dry it.

'This is my favourite photo of you,' she was sad.

'How did it get in there?' he questioned her.

'I don't know. I guess it flew there cause I had put it here after staring
at it in the night,' she said, pointing at the bedside table.

Kwite looked around and saw the window as he'd earlier found it,

'I think the wind blew it off the table,' she said.

'What's this?' he pointed in the bucket.

She let out a sigh. 'Mum and her issues,' she scoffed.

'She's ever trying out things for her medical issues,' she added.

She got up from the ottoman chair where she'd sat delicately making
efforts to ensure the photo of her man retained it's integrity.

Yvonne looked him in the eyes. 'I know this looks wrong. But, I
wouldn't do what you think this is,' she told him.

She held his hands.

'There's no way I'd have asked for help with the bucket if I was doing
something wrong. It was mum trying this for her hypertension,
someone recommended it to her,' she explained.

The mother had spent a few days at her house. Kwite didn't know
what to believe. He'd have loved to take her word for it but he'd heard

He hesitated to carry the bucket alone.

'Hold the other side,' he said.

'Thank you!' she told him.

She put the photo on a plain paper and closed the window.

'Let's go and have breakfast,' she said.

They went to the kitchen and she served a kettle of hot water before
sitting next to him.

She could tell that he wasn't himself.

She got up and went to the living room. 'Where are you going?' he

'Just a minute!' she hurried for her phone.

She removed it from the charger and went back to sit with him.

'Here you go!' she gave him her phone.

On the screen was a video.

'Play it,' she demanded.

He did.

It was a recording of what her mother was doing the previous night.
She was using the herbal concoction for medical purposes.

'Awe! You've killed me with laughter,' echoed Yvonne's voice from the

'For the love of life,' jokingly responded to the mother.

'All for you to live long to see your grandchildren,' she pulled her
mother's leg.
He took a deep breath once the short video was done.

'I wouldn't hurt you in any way. Not knowingly,' she held his cheek.

He took note of the details of the video. She was telling the truth
about the bucket and the picture he found in it. It seemed.

'Thank God I didn't mention anything to my brother,' he thought about


'The food will get cold,' she saved him.

'I thought you don't eat cheese,' he wondered.

'For your peace of mind. I want you to eat what you'll see me save
you,' she calmly told him.

'I didn't mean to make it seem the way it has come out,' he was sorry.

'I understand. Anyone would think that about what was in my

bedroom. I'm not holding it against you,' she told him.

'That's why I love you!' he kissed her hand.

'I am sorry,' he told her.

'I am sorry too,' she said.

'For what?' he wondered.

'I put us in this situation. It wouldn't have been, if I was a little

thoughtful about it,' said Yvonne.
'The last thing I want is for you to have doubts about me and what we
have,' she sincerely told him.

'Then what is the dream about?' he was puzzled.

'What's on your mind?' she noticed his attention had drifted.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Nothing, really. I will be fine,' he put himself together.

'Kindly bless the meal,' she told him.

She stretched her hands for him to hold them. They shut their eyes
and he prayed.

'Amen!' she beamed a smile.

He wasn't at peace. A part of him wasn't convinced with the

explanation that his fiancee had given him about the herbs.

'Are you meeting your friends tonight?' she asked.

'I am,' he avoided eye contact.

They spent the rest of the day together.

'We'll have the last meeting with the wedding planner in the
afternoon,' she said.
'Can't I skip it?' he dreaded it.

'I know you don't like her. It's the last one and we're done with her,'
she insisted.

'Okay. We should make it fast,' he told her.

'We will,' she pecked him on the cheek.

'Let me get ready,' she excused herself.

He was tempted to check through her phone once he saw it.

He'd never had a reason to doubt her before. The sight of what his
eyes beheld and what how he knew her contrasted, which prompted
him to reassess what she was upto if at all she was up to something.

Yvonne's phone was on the coffee table on top of a magazine. He

stared at it, then checked to see if she was coming.

He picked the phone then he had second thoughts about it.

'I need to trust her,' he put it back.

He'd barely put the phone down when she walked into the room.

'How do I look?' she flirted with him.

'Impeccable!' he gave a forced smile.

'Lets go!' she said.

The wedding planner's office was elegant. The walls were impregnate
with gold finishing, a pile of it from half way the wall was a mount for
pictures of elite weddings she'd planned. The faces were familiar, A-
list celebrities and other famous people.

Clearly, it was for her bragging rights. The clients couches were set in
a way that they'd not help it but looked at the display of grandeur on
the wall.

The wedding planner took a glance at Kwite and Yvonne. She'd come
to sense that he hadn't warmed up to her as she would have liked.

'Everything is set and grand. These are a few last minute changes I'd
propose to you,' she showed them a typed list that was clipped to a
writing pad.

At first glance, he was irate.

'I thought we had discussed these things,' he told the planner.

'Yes, we did. But, I think this would add an extra sparkle to the event,'
said the wedding planner.

Yvonne wished the planner had not said that.

'I appreciate. We re set on what we'd initially agreed to do,' countered


'I think you're missing the point. We value your input but certain
things are upto us, my fiancee and I. You can't keep shooting down
what we want,' he told the wedding planner.

'I am afraid he is right,' Yvonne backed her man.

'The additions won't cost much!' bluffed the wedding planner.

'This isn't about money. We want to have a ceremony that fits us,
without getting lost in what you want it to be,' said Yvonne.

Kwite looked at woman and grinned.

They went through everything to make sure it was in place and as

they had planned. The sun set and she knew the meeting had taken
way longer than she'd anticipated it would.

Kwite's phone binged. It was a text from Trey.

'We're here,' it read. Before he could reply, another came through.

'Suka and I,'

'I will be there. Not done with the planner,' replied Kwite.

'Not done with the planner?' Replied Trey.

He could only imagine the two friends laughing before sending the

'Get lost. Not what you think,' replied Kwite, before putting the phone

He remained calm. Through the remainder of the meeting.

When they walked out of the office. It was a breath of fresh air. He
didn't complain about it, though Yvonne knew better.

'I didn't know it was going to take this long,' she said.

'It's okay. Glad it was the last one,' he responded.

He took her home before going to meet his friends.

Suka and Trey had been at the location for close to over half an hour
with no show of Kwite or Shanzi.

'Look who's here!' said Suka, who was seated facing the door.

They'd reserved a VIP lounge for themselves. They greeted and

bumped shoulders.

'You look great!' they complimented Kwite.

'Thank you,'

'I thought you were coming with Shanzi,' said Trey.

'He's on his way,' he responded.

'Oh damn it,' exclaimed Suka.

'What?' wondered his friends.

They turned to see what he was looking at.


[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


Kwite's ex lover saw Suka then turned to her two friends.

She seemed to be saying something to them. When Trey and Kwite

looked at her, she turned to give the men her back.
'Let me go and say hi, I'll be back shortly,' she told the two friends
that she was with.

Keith and the friends took their seats as she walked towards them.

'Oh goodness me!' she muttered, when she saw Kwite. She'd initially
not seen him.

'Hai!' she greeted everyone.

'You look beautiful. You've not aged by a day it seems,' said Trey.

'You don't mean that. You are only being nice,' she responded.

They laughed with her.

'It's true!' said Kwite.

'See!' she thought he was agreeing to what she had said.

'No!' he refused.

'I mean what Trey said, is true. You haven't aged one bit,' said Kwite.

'You can join us if you don't mind,' offered Suka.

Kwite gave him an eye to disapprove.

'It wouldn't be a problem. Would it?' Suka turned to Kwite.

'I guess not!' Kwite gave in.

'Great! Get your friends over here,' Suka told Amanda.

'Let me hear what they have to say. We had plans for the night,' She
told them and left.

'What was that for?' Trey blasted his friends.

'You want to have drinks with your ex? Are you sure it is something
you would want your woman to hear. I think this is a bad idea,' he

Trey was a sworn bachelor. He'd given up on the thought of marriage.

A man in his thirties like his friends, but divergent to their views on
the institution of marriage.

The conviction only got stronger with age. It became more rooted as
he went through life.

Amanda talked to the friends.

'It wouldn't hurt. The more the merrier,' said the birthday girl that
Amanda was with.

'Plus, they are fine throbs,' added the other.

'Come on!' Amanda scolded her.

'What? Kwite is still fire you know! I wonder why you broke up,' said
the friend.

'Are you being serious right now?' asked Amanda.

'Of course, not. Though you know he's a catch ,' the friend pulled her

'Damn it! They are waiting,' said the birthday girl.

They joined Kwite and the friends in the VIP lounge.

'Make yourselves comfortable,' said Suka.

Amanda sat on the couch with Trey, looking at Kwite. The friends
friends sandwiched Kwite.

'To the birthday girl!' they tossed to her.

Shanzi walked in and saw his friends.

'Sorry, I'm late,' he apologised.

'It's okay. You haven't missed anything, Kwite just got here a few
minutes ago,' said Suka.

Shanzi recognised Amanda. He didn't know the ladies that sat Kwite's
on sides.

He wasn't going to tolerate what he thought it was. The night was

about them, not a bachelor party with women.

'Hey ladies! Has this man told you that he'll be marrying on
Saturday?' asked Shanzi.

They turned to Kwite. Amanda too.

'Just saying, in case you get ideas. He's not available,' added Shanzi.

They thought his behaviour was inappropriate, except Trey who was

The ladies didn't stay long after that.

'We have to go,' said Amanda.

None of the men objected.

'Enjoy the rest of the night,' said Kwite.

'Happy birthday, once more,' added Suka, as the ladies left.

'What was that for?' Suka snapped at Shanzi.

He held out his hand as he finished his drink in one gulp. He put down
the glass and looked Suka in the eyes.

'Are sure that you want me to answer that? Asked Shanzi.

'Those are ladies,' said Suka.

'So?' retaliated Shanzi.

'You could have been a little bit nice,' responded Suka.

'I could care less. These are things that lead us into trouble. You can't
afford being nice to every woman, especially in this context,' he
rebuked his friends.

'Let this not repeat itself. This is not what we should represent,' said

'I think you should be the last person to say anything about this,'
Suka flew off the handle.

'Why? Because I'm not married?' taunted Trey.

'Guys! This is not worth it,' Kwite calmed them down.

'I've heard. We have to do better next time,' he agreed with Trey and

'Is it not so?' he turned to Suka.

'You are right,' he responded.

The night turned out fine after that. Suka did not take alcohol. He was
the designated driver.

'We'll pick the two cars tomorrow,' he told the security guard.

Kwite sent a drunk text to Amanda before blacking out.

She was still out with the friends when she got the text.

'You smoked the place. You looked fiercely beautiful,' read the text.

She smiled.

'Who's chafing you?' asked the birthday girl.

'No one,' she put away the phone.

'Is it Kwite?' pushed the other friend.

'Didn't you hear that he will be marrying. Why would I entertain him?'
she shrugged her off.

The following day meant one more day to the wedding.

Kwite woke up with a pounding headache. He called his friends to

check on them before getting out of bed.
Everyone was fine besides Suka. 'You don't sound fine,' worried

'I am not,' he was distressed.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Stop scaring me!' warned Kwite.

'Suka!' he called after an awkward silence as he sat up in bed.

Suka's wife was taking glances at her husband while he sat in the car.

'What is it?' insisted Kwite.

Suka let out a sigh as he adjusted the car seat.

'I don't know how long this will go on but I need it sorted,' lamented

'My wife has been behaving strange of late,' he said.

'She locked me out of the bedroom last night. Can you imagine?' he

'Really. What did you do?' inquired Kwite.

'She doesn't look like a person that would do that,' he added.

'You can't be serious,' responded Suka.

'I did nothing. The only issue was my coming home late,' faintly said

'I won't tolerate such things,' he bemoaned the wife's behaviour.

Kwite was about to ask something, but Suka was too emotional to
give his friend a chance to talk. He was relished the chance to talk
about how he was feeling.

'She knew I was going to get back home late. I told her even before I
left,' said Suka.

'Exactly what I wanted to ask,' reacted Kwite.

'I am sorry to hear about your troubles,' regretted Kwite.

'It's nothing. Besides, it's not your fault,' insisted Suka.

The sun was blazing the hardest it could at that hour in the morning.
Suka was having a terrible hangover which made him feel weak.

The wife rolled her eyes and walked away from the sink as he entered
the house.

'God give me grace to deal with this,' he muttered.

He heard the clapping noises of slippers quickly fade as she walked

away from him.

There was a pot steaming on the stove. The steam burnt his arm when
he tried to properly position it

'Ouch!' the lid slipped off his hand and hit the floor hard. She got out
of bed at the sound of something breaking.
'You'll finish my things!' she yelled, as she walked to the kitchen.

Suka ignor d the wife and cleaned up the broken pieces of the glass

She was in the kitchen preparing a meal when he was done.

'You need to put your act together! Your behaviour has been pathetic
of late,' he told her.

She looked at him from the corner of her eye and shrugged him off.

It wasn't a good morning leading up to the wedding, at least not for

Suka. However, things weren't messy for all.

Shanzi travelled with the wife for his friend's wedding. They booked
for themselves a fully furnished flat, as the wife had objected to
staying at a hotel.

'I want the feel of home. We can even have people over, moreover
we've not been here in a while,' she had told Shanzi.

'It's actually a good idea,' he agreed.

He was woken up by Kwite's phone call and he noticed that there was
no sight of his wife.

She walked in while he was still on the phone.

'Good morning,' she mouthed.

He smiled at her as she walked to him. She kissed him on the lips
while he was on the phone.
He couldn't help it but beam a broad smile before smacking her
behind as she walked away.

'Naughty!' she whispered.

She moved to draw the curtains and windows open.

It was a bright beautiful morning despite being windy. The curtains

cascaded to the flow of the wind. It danced the morning away as fresh
air eased Shanzi's lungs.

The wife sat on the edge of the bed by his side.

'Alright man. See you tonight,' he said, before ending the phone call.

He immediately threw the phone away.

'Come here,' he embraced the wife for a kiss.

He looked her in the eyes and softly greeted her. 'Good Morning!'

She blushed.

'I look forward to another ten years with you,' she heartily told him.

'It's been ten already?' he was wowed.

'Not really. It clocks this year,' she responded.

'Gracious God! It feels like yesterday,' he sounded pensive.

'How was the night out with your friends?' she was caressing his

'I hope you had a great time,' she added.

'I certainly did,' he told her.

'That's nice. With girls?' she teased him.

'Mine was home. I'm in her arms right now,' he dearly held her cheek.

'I love you,' he told his wife.

She dropped her jaw. She could tell that he said it as a result of a
thought or something.

'Where is this coming from?' she softly asked.

He smiled.

'You make our life beautiful. You're an amazing human being,' he told
her, while holding her face.

She felt immensely happy that her eyes filled with tears.

'Look at me making a fool of myself,' she mocked herself.

'No, you're not,' he let go of her and with his hand wiped away tears
that rolled down her cheeks.

'Thank you,' she said.

Shanzi felt a peace of mind and soul when the wife asked about his
outing. She'd always done that when he went out. As a friend
interested in a buddy's story.

She was always genuine about it. In that instant, it struck home for
Shanzi just how fortunate he was to have a wife that he did. He didn't
go out much but she liked it when he did.
The joy he'd have around his friends was something that melted the
wife's heart.

'You are lucky to have Trey, Kwite and Suka in your life. They are
equal to brothers. You all love each other and celebrate one another,'
she shared in his joy.

She never gave him an attitude for going out. It was different from
what Suka went through, despite his marriage only being half the
years of Shanzi's.

Things were turning into a nightmare for Suka as his wife grew more
cold and distant.

[3/30, 12:27 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Kwite got a text from Amanda as he was about to call Trey.

'Did you black out? Thought you stopped doing that,' she teased.

'Ouch!' he involuntarily let that out.

The sun was picking it's brightness. The wedding bells were jingling
louder by the hour and Kwite couldn't stop thinking of Yvonne.

'What did I want to do?' he tried to recall.

'Snap! I was about to her,'

'Hey babe,' she answered his call.

'Hey love,' his voice was hoarse.

'A little too much right?' she said.

'Unfortunately!' he conceded.

'I'll sit out any drinking tonight,' he told her.

She laughed it off, 'I hope so.'

'I'll see you later,' he told her.

'No you won't,' she told him.

'Why is that?' he got edgy.

'Babe! We won't see each other until tomorrow at church, or have you
forgotten?' she nicely told him.

When she spoke, she did it like she was putting out a fire. She spoke
gently with meekness. She knew the power of her tongue.

She was careful with it. It was poised of her wisdom.

'I totally forgot about that,' he was relieved.

'Later. They'll actually get my phone from me,' she said.

'Mwaaah!' he kissed her through the phone.

He got off the phone and fixed his eyes on Amanda's reply. Trey
called before he could do anything about Amanda's text.
'We only need to get the suits from the dry cleaners,' said Kwite.

'Don't worry about that. Consider it done,' said Trey.

He got off the phone and dragged himself out of bed. He went to the
bathroom and the phone binged as he brushed his tooth.

It was Amanda, she sent him a text. He looked at the phone then
stared at himself in the mirror.

'I hope you got home safe,' read the text.

'Thanks. I did,' he replied.

Amanda smiled. She was curled up in bed. The friend's birthday

celebration had gone on until past one in the morning.

'Can I see you today before you become a married man,' she texted.

Kwite's heart skipped.

'What does she want?'

The devil was caressing his ear. To listen to his physicality. He was
ignoring all the reasons why it wasn't a good idea to indulge Amanda
in a conversation.

'I will be out for a bit before heading back home,' he replied.

'Hope I'll be considered in that bit,' she enticed him.

'The day has only begun. Lets see what happens,' he texted.

He then got himself ready to leave the house. The friends were going
to spend the night at his house.
'Give Mr. Trey the keys,' he told the gardener before driving out.

He drove out of the yard filling edgy as he went to pick his order for
suit accessories.

It was a quick errand. On his way back, was when he linked up with
Amanda at her house.

It was near the mall he'd gone to. He called her once he was at the

His heart was throbbing. He wasn't supposed to be there, it wasn't a

question of whether he was doing something right or wrong. It was a
margin based on morality.

He slowly drove in as she waited for him to pack. She was clad in a
skimpy dress.

He got out of the car and Amanda met him with a tight hug. It felt
wrong but the adrenaline rush kept him daring for more.

'Mmmh!' she squeezed herself against his body. He didn't hold her as
they hugged.

'Come in!'

He walked behind her as she put up a show for him. She left nothing
to imagination as she seductively jellied her behind.

He was uncomfortable and he kept his eyes away from what was
before him.

'I didn't call you for nothing other than seeing you,' she told him once
they were seated.
He was spooked.

'Oh, okay!' He was relieved.

'What happened between us?' She took them to their time together.

'It couldn't be,' he respectfully told her.

'Unless with the one you're marrying?' she pulled his leg.

He grinned before saying, 'yes.'

The gate railed open.

'Whose car is this?' he drove slowly into the compound.

He got out of his car and stared at Kwite's as he walked into the
house. Amanda heard footsteps but it was too late.

'Hey babe!' said Amanda's man.

Kwite offered a handshake to the man.

Amanda's boyfriend remembered the stranger's face from


'Your former lover!' he said with a calm voice.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked
Amanda was nervous, what she felt was near fear. She could barely
construct a sentence as her knees trembled.

The boyfriend went out of the house without a fuss and she was
confused by it.

'Maybe I should go!' Kwite got up from the couch.

'No!' she pushed him down.

He could tell that she was disturbed and not thinking straight.

'I don't know what he'll think if you leave now,' she sat alone on the
edge of another couch, with hands clasped between her legs.

They were visibly perspiring.

She turned to Kwite at the sound of shuttering glass.

Crunch! Crack!

'Oh my goodness!' Kwite rushed out of the house to find the

headlights of his car getting smashed by Amanda's boyfriend.

He was walking round to the rear as he broke the windows with a golf
club. Kwite was enraged.

'Stop it!' he yelled, as he walked towards him.

'Babe please!' repeatedly screamed Amanda.

The devil was in detail. The man was deploying hell's wrath. He
paused, looked at Kwite then swung the club to smash the tail lights.
Crack! He hit the first one then another.

Kwite charged towards the man.

'No!' yelled Amanda.

The man was in limbo. To either swing the club at Kwite or not, while
he was indecisive, Kwite grabbed him and pushed him away from his

'What do you want from me?' shouted Kwite.

The man lost footing and fell to the ground. The golf club lay away
from him, but between them.

Kwite looked at it, and so did the man. Kwite shook his head and
walked away to get in his car. The man got up and grabbed the club,
then lashed it at defenseless Kwite.

It was a hit in the calf. He groaned in pain as he turned to find the man
about to hit him again. He managed to stop him and snatched the club
from his hands.
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They tumbled to the ground as they tossed back and forth for the

Amanda was helplessly shouting at them to stop fighting.

A phone was head ringing.

'Kwite, it's your phone!' said Amanda.

He was standing astride her boyfriend as he repeatedly struck him

with bare knuckles.
'Stop! Please!' she pushed him from her boyfriend.

He was panting as he stumbled to his car. The man was on the

ground with a cut lip and swollen face.

'You wanted to kill me!' The thought of it made Kwite more furious.

He stood upright and was about to walk to the man when Amanda
stood in his way.

'Please leave! Go!' she begged Kwite.

He looked at the man with eyes of pity. 'You should thank her!' he
muttered, before getting in the car.

The man got up, she attempted to help him but he refused.

'Get away from me!' he shouted at Amanda.

She went and opened the gate for Kwite.

He checked his phone and saw Trey's missed.

'Hello,' Trey answered when he called back.

'I will be there soon,' said Kwite.

'Where are you? You ain't supposed to have taken this long,' said

'I'm on my way to the police station,' he hesitantly responded.

'Police station!' Trey freaked out.

Beep! Beep!

'Hello!' frantically repeated Trey.

There was no answer from Kwite. He dialled his line, and the feedback
only got him more agitated.

'There is no response from the requested number,' resounded the

familiar feminine voice from the service provider.

He tried again, but to no avail. He was beyond worried.

Shanzi was enjoying his time with the wife when the phone rang.

'Pass me the phone,' he told the wife.

They were cozied up in the living room. The television was on and she
was keenly watching a cooking programme while he was on his iPad.

Their legs crisscrossed as they quietly enjoyed each other's


'Hello,' he answered the call.

'What did you say?' he rhetorically asked Trey.

The wife turned down the television volume.

None of his friends was troublesome. It was weird. They had every
reason to be worried.

'Where are you?' he asked Trey.

'I am at his house,' he responded.

'Alright, buddy. Don't worry his relatives yet. Don't tell them,' he said,
before getting off the phone.

'Is everything okay?' worried the wife.

'It's Kwite. Though I don't have details yet,' he told her.

'Hope all is well,' she comforted him.

'Looks like I have to go earlier than planned,' he told her.

'Please, keep me posted if anything,' she got up to help him prepare.

'Here you go! In case the weather changes,' she handed him a
lightweight coat.

'I'll see you tomorrow,' he kissed her on the lips.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

The sun had gone down the horizon and Kwite wasn't anywhere to be
seen and his phone was still off.

'Damn it!' muttered Trey under his breath after he noticed that Kwite
had left the phone charger.

Shanzi and Suka got to Kwite's house. It was dark and there was no
sign of people besides Trey's car.

'Hey! We're outside,' said Suka, when Trey picked his phone.
He railed the gate open and they drove in. He was standing on the
verandah with hands on his waist.

'Anything?' asked Shanzi, the moment his head was out of the car.

'Nothing!' Trey waved his hands, as the headlights faintly beames at


'There is no power,' said Trey.

'I thought he had a genset,' responded Suka, as the car door slammed
behind him.

'Maybe it has a fault,' responded Shanzi.

They saw a beam of light pierce through the spaces of the gate.

They turned to each other. Without a word, Trey presssd a button on

the remote of the gate.

The wait to see who was on the other side was painstaking as the
gate slowly opened. They'd all anxiously taken steps towards it.

There was Kwite's car. It only had one headlight on, and it looked
bashed. Besides, only one bulb from the same headlight was

The expensive beautiful white AMG sports edition Mercedes Benz was

They dropped their jaws as it looked like a harbinger of the bad to


Kwite could see right through the anxiety written on his friends' faces.
They stood aside as he drove in. They remained in exact spots as
they waited to see what revelation would come out of the car.

Kwite was glad to be home. But, he was sick to his stomach at the
thought of what happened. He took a few seconds to get out of the

'Maybe he is hurt!' said Suka.

They steadily walked to the car, not sure what to expect. At that point,
the door steadily and slowly flew open.

As he stepped his foot out, power was restored. It put everything

under light.

'Oh my....!' Trey covered his mouth.

'Damn..!' exclaimed Shanzi.

'What is going on?' Suka was deflated.

Kwite stood tall. He quietly stared at his friends. He opened his arms
to show them the car as if to present it to them.

'Pimped, I guess!' he tried to make light of the situation. But the

friends didn't respond in a similar manner.

'Are you fine?' asked Shanzi.

'I think so,' Kwite was a bit in his head.

'I am. I was just a mess of a day,' he afforded a sentence.

'And this?' asked Trey, touching the car.

Kwite took a deep breath. 'He used a golf club on it,' he said.

'What?' reacted Shanzi.

'I punched him,' said Kwite.

'Wait. You hit someone then they did this to your car?' quizzed Suka.

'He did this, then I smacked him,' said Kwite.

'Who's he?' asked Shanzi.

'Where were you?' Trey chipped in.

He shamefully told his friend about what happened. 'I wish it wasn't,'
he said when ending the narration.

'Oh my goodness!' scoffed Trey.

'How could you do something so stupid?' Suka was bewildered.

'Seriously!' Shanzi was perplexed.

'What if you got shot?' Suka got upset.

'You were reckless,' he added.

'Calm down!' Shanzi told Suka.

'It's good that he's back. And fit to go through with the wedding,
right?' he looked Kwite in the eyes for confirmation.

'Of course. I'm glad you guys are here,' he answered.

Amanda couldn't put her nerves in check. The unknown was killing

She tried calling her man but he wasn't picking her calls. She decided
to drive to his place. She saw his car parked.

She let out a sigh as she walked to his door. She knocked and waited

'What do you want?' he asked.

'Can we talk, please?' requested Amanda.

'About what? Go home and be ready to be taking food for your lover
to the police station,' he told her before attempting to slam the door.

She threw her weight at it. 'Please, hear me out,' she begged.

'What do you want?' he was cold and rude.

'I wronged you. And I misjudged things. It is my fault that things are
like this. It is the reason I'm here. I wouldn't want you to go to jail in
case he placed charges,' she told him.

'I placed charges too. He assaulted me!' he said.

'I Know. I would want you amicably sort this, please!' she begged him.

'I don't care about what you think. I'll make sure he pays for this,' he
pointed at his sutured lip.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Trey couldn't wait while doing nothing. He made an effort to check

with Suka.

'Hello!' he gladly picked.

'What? No, we've not talked since morning,' he told Trey.

The wife walked past him and gave him a rude eye.

'Fidelia!' he called his wife soon after he got off the phone.

'What?' she yelled.

He got up from the couch and hurried to the bedroom. She heard him
coming, and put away the make-up kit.

'Do you have a problem with me?' he asked.

'No. Do you?' she arrogantly responded.

'Trey this. Shanzi that. Kwite this,' she burst out.

'Is this what this is about?' he wondered.

'Yes!' she responded.

'What have my friends done?' He was surprised.

'It's always about them,' she looked away.

Suka felt helpless. 'Really? How is that when I barely see them?' he
asked that she became objective.
'It's only this week that I've been out with them, and it's for reasons
that are obvious. Do I have to spell it out for you?' he was getting

'I think there is more. It just can't be this!' he trashed her reason.

'Even the times I've gotten out with them, I've been telling you ahead
of time. You're overreacting. Get your act together,' he told her and
walked away.

She got the make-up kit and a coat, then left the house.

The disdain towards the husband was unfolded and it rooted from
something more than what met the eye.

He heard the sound of stilettos as if someone was heading out. He got

a glimpse of the wife walking out.

He looked at his wristwatch. It was fifteen past six in the evening. He

figured that she was going for work. She hosted a live television show
after the main news.

A journalist himself, working for the state owned broadcasting

cooperation at the main studios, as the wife. Both proven
professionals in their right.

He got the car keys and wallet from the couch and headed out too. He
drove to meet Trey at Kwite's house.

The drive from Amanda's place was one of introspection, Kwite went
back and forth over what had happened. He weighed the possible
outcomes of what he was about to do.
As that was the state of things for him, he was worried about what
was going to transpire on Amanda's end. What the man was going to

A turn on the left was going to take him to the police station. He drove
past it, and parked at the bus stop.

'What if all this comes to light after I open a docket?' he asked


He risked jeopardizing the wedding, and getting the wrath of his

friends. The engine was still running. He took a quick look in the side
mirror and skid to join the road.

He'd decided to not take action against the man for breaking his car.

He drove cautiously avoiding traffic officers as he drove home.

The same was required at Amanda's house, caution. She needed to be

weary of the situation as tempers had flared.

'What were you doing with him?' charged the man.

'Nothing. Did you find us doing anything wrong?' She tried to remain

The man gave a cynical laugh. He was hurting while finding her
audacity pissing.

'Is it about that?' Huh!' he went near her.

'Where are your morals? Your decency and proper judgment. How am
I supposed to feel about that?' he questioned her.

His face was disfigured and blood seeped from his lip.
'You are to blame for all this,' he pointed at his face.

'It's not what it seems,' she pleaded innocent.

'No it isn't! It's about what I saw,' he retaliated.

'No. Please, nothing wrong happened or was going to,' she tried to
hold his hands but he pushed her away.

'You are naive. I thought you learnt,' he turned to leave.

'Please, you're being jealous and I understand. I'm sorry,' she held his

He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. 'What do you take
me for?' he asked.

He knew about Kwite because of her social media activity. She was
ever mentioning and commenting on his pictures when she got on
with her man.

Kwite and Amanda never really dated. They had a fling that got
sensual way before he began dating Yvonne.

Amanda had remained hanged over it. She'd lead Kwite on time and
again without him falling it.

'Get your life together,' the man left Amanda's house.

She ran after him.

'Babe!' she tried to stop him.

'I can't do this anymore. We are done,' he calmly told her.

She stood motionless. The words hit her hard that she stopped in her

He got in the car and drove off. It dawned on her how much she'd
risked through her actions. The failure to see her wrong in the ordeal
was something her man couldn't take.

He went to the police station after leaving her place.

'I've been assaulted?' he told a police officer.

'By who?' asked the officer.

He took a long and awkward pause.

'Should I say it's him?' he thought hard.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

She didn't see herself convincing him to drop the charges and sort
things without police involvement.

Amanda looked at him, as if to tell him to reconsider, before she left.

He locked the door as soon as she stepped away.

The situation was far from sorted at Kwite's house.

'Yvonne doesn't need to see the car like this,' worried Kwite.
'I know a place where it can get fixed,' said Suka.

He took out his phone and called the owner of the garage. They
waited for the call to be answered like their lives depended on it.

'Hello,' jovially answered the man.

'Is my interview due already,' he pulled Suka's leg.

'Unfortunately, not. But, there is one I need from you,' He baited the

'Anything for you, Suka,' said the man.

'I need a huge favour. My friend has gotten in trouble with his car, and
we need it perfect by eight in the morning,' he bit his tongue in
anticipation of the response.

The man let out a sigh after a moment of silence. 'Can you have it
driven to the garage?' he asked.

The friends shook their heads. They eagerly awaited to hear that it
would be sorted. They circled the phone to listen as it was on put on
loudspeaker and resting on the table.

'It is not roadworthy,' said Suka.

'Alright. Send me the address, and I'll have my men come to pick it,'
offered the man.

'Thank you. I owe you one,' said Suka.

'Come on. You'd do the same for me,' said the man, before they ended
the phone call.
Phew! At last there was a sense of relief.

As they rested their backs on the couches, Kwite's face froze when
his phone displayed a call from Amanda.

'What is it?' noticed Shanzi.

'She's calling,' he showed him the phone.

'Oh man! What does she want?' lamented Trey.

'Don't take the call! She's caused enough trouble, and your wedding
is a few hours away,' advised Suka.

The call finally cut. Then in quick succession, a car tooted at the gate.

'Don't tell me!' Said Kwite.

'Is it her?' wondered Trey.

'I don't know,' Kwite got up from the couch.

'I don't like the way things are turning out,' Suka made his feelings

'You can say that again. I don't have a good feeling about this,' said a
skeptical Trey.

'Let's hope for the best,' added Shanzi.

Suka went to the fridge.

'I've had enough of this day already,' he got himself a beer.

'Bring me one,' said Trey.

'Come on guys! We ain't drinking tonight. Not after last night,' said
Shanzi, with a laugh.

Kwite's fear was there as a reality. He'd hoped it wasn't Amanda at his
gate. Unfortunately, it was her.

He didn't let her inside the house.

'What are you doing here?' he peeped through the window of her car.

'Get in,' she told him.

'You are in trouble. I think he's gotten a call out for you,' said Amanda,
without looking at him.

'What? This is absurd,' responded Kwite.

He was distressed. He couldn't imagine how everything would affect

Yvonne, the wedding and everyone.

'You need to sort this without police involvement,' she urged him.

'I want that too. That's why I didn't take the matter to the police,'
conquered Kwite.

Amanda kept quiet.

'We need to get this sorted,' she said.

He turned to her.

'We? There isn't that,' he rebuked her.

'Well, I mean we're in this mess together. I have to do my part,' she

'What do you suggest I do? He's already placed charges,' reasoned


'I don't know,' she was feeding on his desperation to not interrupt the

In as much as she wanted to sort out things outside the police

station. She was looking out for herself. She didn't want news of what
happened at her house to make rounds.

'What do you care?' he rebuffed.

'I partly caused this. I have to see to it that things don't get uglier,' she

'Like having your name rubber-stamped all over the story?' he


She gave him a blank look. He'd hit home with his statement, and he
saw that it got to her.

'Tomorrow is your wedding day, right?' she rhetorically asked.

'What's that supposed to mean?' he didn't like the sound of that.

'We should go and convince him to drop the charges. That last thing
you want is to risk getting locked up on your wedding day,' she

He stopped in his tracks. He gave it thought, and he hated to admit

that she had a point.
'The last thing I want is to be locked up on my wedding day,' he
thought out loud.

'Give me a minute,' he told her.

He walked away.

He'd taken a while since left the house.

'Do you think it's her?' wondered Trey.

The door opened and Kwite entered.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'What is it?' asked Suka, in anticipation of bad news.

Kwite was downbeat. He had no idea of how he was going to tell his
friends of the move he had agreed to make with Amanda.

He sat on the armrest of the couch that was near the door, then let out
a sigh.

'Listen up!' he motioned with his hands.

'Come on! You're making us nervous,' urged Trey.

'I will be going with Amanda,' he finally spoke. His friends stared at
him with puzzled looks.
'You must be kidding!' uttered Shanzi.

Kwite didn't flinch.

'Oh no. He's not!' bewailed Suka. He buried his face in his hands.

'This is a bad joke, right?' asked Trey, in disbelief. As he eagerly

stared at Kwite.

'I wish it was,' he responded.

'Wow. Just wow!' exclaimed Suka.

'After all the trouble?' he protested against the friend's decision.

'You are blowing the trumpet louder than it should be played. It's
nothing like it seems, the guy has placed charges against me. The last
thing I want is to receive a call out from the police on my wedding
day,' he explained his decision.

The friends had reservations about the action he was about to take.

'I think there is a better way to go about this than doing so with her,'
Suka aired his concerns.

'I have to go, she's waiting,' said Kwite.

'In case the tow truck comes before I'm back,' he put the car keys on
the table.

'Here you go!' he said, then got up to leave.

The friends were utterly dumbfounded. They looked at each other with
jaws dropped.
'What's going on?' rhetorically asked Shanzi.

'What just happened?' wondered Trey.

'Kwite!' shouted Suka, after the door was shut.

He abruptly got up from the couch and went after him.

Suka ran after him. He emerged from the gate to only see the red light
of the tailights of the car disappearing in the dark.

He took out his phone to call Kwite. But Trey answered it.

'He has forgotten the phone,' he said.

Suka was dejected.

'I don't know what's going on with him,' he complained.

Everything was all joy at Yvonne's parents' house. The mood was
right and the atmosphere celebratory.

There was dancing and ululating time and again. The cousins were
there and so was everyone she loved to have around.

The auntie walked into the room and found Yvonne chatting with the

'Get out!' she wanted to be alone with Yvonne.

'You seem to be glowing,' she told her.

Yvonne could only manage a smile to that. 'You have to ensure this
remains the case,' said the auntie.
'I will do my best,' she told the auntie.

'I've brought something that will help you ensure that,' said the auntie,
as she was about to undo her wrap.

'Did your mother give you anything?' She asked.

'Like what?' wondered Yvonne.

'Was she supposed to?' she asked.

'Did we miss out anything for the wedding?' panicked Yvonne.

'I see, she didn't do anything. Don't worry, that's why I am here,' said
the auntie.

Yvonne felt relieved, thinking the auntie had taken care of whatever it
was they might have overlooked for the wedding.

'What I am giving you has nothing to do with the wedding but your
marriage,' the auntie stretched her hand.

She revealed a knotted transparent plastic that seemed to have what

looked like herbs.

It had been a while since Fidelia had clocked in at work. She was too
early for the show, but she didn't mind that, compared to being home
with her husband, Suka.

His presence was beginning to irritate her of late. She sat in the
preparation room with the makeup artist, passing time talking about
trivial issues.
Suka excused himself from the friends. He dialed the wife's number
and his call when unanswered. A second attempt didn't get him an
answer too.

'She's probably busy at work,' he was convinced.

He went back to join the friends in the living room.

'How are things at home?' Shanzi asked Suka.

'Fine, besides last night's occurrence,' he said.

'What happened?' asked Trey.

'My wife's behaviour was odd. She was upset that about me going
home late,' he said.

'I don't know, women!' he shrugged.

'Did you tell her about the outing?' queried Shanzi.

'I did. In fact, I began mentioning it two days beforehand,' responded


'Then why would she be upset?' asked a surprised Trey.

'Just don't marry, bro,' Suka joked with Trey.

'Look who's siding with me,' said Trey.

'Don't listen to him. Marriage can be a good thing. It's entirely up to

those in it,' objected Shanzi.

'He's right. I mean why did I marry if I didn't think so,' Suka patted
'Get away from me!' Trey dismissed them.


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


'I do not need that,' refused Yvonne.

'He loves me enough for me to do that, besides, that's not a way in

which I'd want to get someone to love me,' she rebuked her auntie.

'I'm your auntie. Mind how you talk to me,' she charged.

'The problem with young people of today is that you think that you
know better. You think you're better christians than us,' she caught

'There is nothing wrong with what I'm doing or the things I'm giving
you. It's not like you're bewitching someone,' she told Yvonne.

She was frightened by her auntie's advances. The determination she

exhibited got her concerned.

'I am sorry. I won't take this,' said Yvonne.

'You have to!' insisted the woman.

She got upset at the auntie's antics and got up from the bed to leave
the room.
'Excuse me!' softly spoke Yvonne.

She found her auntie's behaviour outrageous.

'What's wrong?' noticed Yvonne's mother.

'You need to talk to your sister,' responded Yvonne.

As she expressed her displeasure to the mother, the auntie was not
going to let anything take away her determination for what she set out
to do. Not even Yvonne's refusal was going to bar her.

She sneaked the herb looking charms in the niece's bag.

As she opened the door to walk out of the bedroom, she met her
sister, Yvonne's mother.

'Is everything okay?' she was asked by the owner of the house.

'Yes. Why?' responded the auntie.

Yvonne's mother looked at her daughter then the sister.

'Ahhh, mule funda abana ifituntulu,' she said, then hastily walked

Yvonne's mother was confused at what was going on.

She followed her daughter, who was seated on the verandah, thinking
about what had happened.

'You know how your auntie is. Don't take it to heart,' said the mother,
putting her hand over the daughter's shoulder.
'But she...,' Yvonne was about to tell the mother what the auntie had
done but she interrupted her.

'Forget about it. Don't let it spoil your night,' strongly said the mother.

'You should come inside,' said the mother before going back in the

'After all, I didn't give in to what she wanted me to do,' Yvonne

decided to not make a big deal out of the occurrence.

She thought about Kwite and her lips bulged to curve into a smile.

'I wonder what you're doing right now,' she whispered to a star in the

'As that one shines the brightest among the rest, so are you to me.
You'll be mine, and I yours,' she murmured.

With a bright face, and her joy back, she left the outdoors joined went
everyone indoors.

The night was eventful. When a television show was done, Fidelia was
eager to go home. She got off work past midnight.

'Why this feeling?' she thought out loud when she was in the car.

She realised that it was because Suka wasn't home. She was going to
be alone and not have him annoy her with his presence.

She was increasingly growing frustrated, and it was turning into

resentment for her husband. It was something she wasn't willing to
talk about.
When Fidelia got to know Suka, he was the hotcake in media industry.
He's future looked set, there was no stopping him. The media world
was at his feet. He was the it thing everyone wanted.

It was then that he had eyes for Fidelia. They got into a relationship
after their first date.

'What makes you so driven?' she asked as they enjoyed their meal.
She thought back.

'The desire to improve,' he told her.

'I can see it's yielding results,' she said.

'I think it is,' he downplayed what she was insinuating.

'Congratulations on your offer,' she told him.

'Thank you! News truly spreads like wildfire,' he commented.

He'd been offered a chance to work with some of the best

broadcasting corporations in the world. He had on his list a choice to
go to Doha to work with the biggest news television station in the
Qatar, Al jeezera. Other offers were from CNN and DW.

'Are you going to become a correspondent?' she asked.

'More like a permanent employee, only that I'll be based here when I
come back,' he explained.

It was music to Fidelias ears. The good news exhilarated her.

They began dating a few weeks before he was scheduled to travel. A

week to the date, he lost his mother.
The opportunity passed him by and he never fully recovered from the
loss of his mother and the opportunity. It resulted in him not living up
to his full potential.

It became a draw back for Fidelia. At the backdrop of things, she'd

expected her husband to go far and beyond the stars. Unfortunately,
it wasn't seeming like it anymore and it was beginning to be a bone of
contention for her.

She got home and treated herself to some spoiling regardless of time.
She looked at the phone and ignored the husband's missed calls.

They'd not talked since she left for work, and it didn't bother her.

He called her again. She got the phone and saw it was him, then put it
down. She let it ring until it stopped.

'I'll tell him that I was asleep,' she shrugged.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'You acted out of ignorance,' he told Amanda.

She was angered by what his statement. The engine was humming to
each of their thoughts, it gave a constant sound that almost eased his

All of a sudden, Amanda groaned.

He turned to look at her and he could immediately tell that she was in
'Pull up!' he told her.

She groaned again while labouring to breath. The indicator lights

flashed as she went to the side of the road.

It was a moment of relief. She rested her head on her arms which
were still gripped to the steering wheel.

'What's wrong?' asked Kwite.

She motioned to him that she needed a moment.

He anguishingly let out a sigh.

'Just what I needed!' he thoughtfully lamented.

He had no phone on him and it was late in the night.

'I need to be home. To be thinking about tomorrow not this,' he


She lifted her head and slowly dragged herself out of the car.

'I won't manage to drive,' she muttered.

He quickly got out of the car and helped her take the passenger's seat
before driving off.

She seemed to be in agonising pain.

'We have to go to the clinic,' he told her.

'No!' she refused.

'Why? Ain't you not fine?' he wasn't getting it.

'Of course I'm not, it's not the first time that this is happening. There
is medication I'm supposed to take everytime I feel like this,' she
spoke with difficulty.

'Then we need to get it,' he told her.

'Just take me home. I have the medicine,' she said.

'I can't stay at your place until you feel better. You need to call
someone to be with you,' he told her.

'After all the trouble to get you out of your mess,' she snapped.

'You are not thinking right. I am not supposed to be here. I will be

marrying someone tomorrow. Doesn't that mean anything to you?' he
lashed out.

'Oh! Please,' she shrugged him off.

'You can't even be there for me when I need someone the most,' she
suddenly changed her tone, it was lowered in an instant.

He looked at her. She was in pain.

'Hurry!' she gently hit the dashboard with her fist.

She clasped her hands to radiate the pain she was in.

Kwite's friends were expecting him to be back.

'This is too much,' Shanzi grew impatient.

'I hope he doesn't do anything foolish,' worried Trey.

'You should have seen the way she was dressed,' said Suka, to tell
how inappropriate she was dressed.

'Do you know where she stays?' asked Trey.

'No!' said Suka.

None of them knew where Amanda lived. They had to hopelessly wait
for their friend's return.

Kwite pulled up at her house.

'Are you going to manage to walk?' he watched her struggling to get

out of the car.

She didn't respond.

He helped her into the house. 'Will you help me with a glass of water?'
she deliberately asked.

'Sure!' he went to the kitchen.

As he returned, she made a fist as if there was something in her hand.

Sure that he was seeing her, she put the hand to her mouth and
stretched her hand for the glass of water.

'It's bitter,' she lied.

'The pill?' he asked.

'Yes!' she nodded.

There was nothing in her hand. She didn't swallow any medication.
The pain and everything was staged. She was as fine as she could be.
She was doing a good job making him believe that she wasn't fine.

'Won't you sit?' she asked.

'I'm good. I must be on my way out anyway,' he said.

He asked for her phone.

'Can I use it to get an Ulendo taxi?' he said.

'I unfortunately don't have the app on my phone,' she told him.

'You can download app, right?' he suggested.

'Unfortunately, I cannot. I have no storage space on my phone,' she


'Sorry!' she added.

'You can go with my car. I can have it back tomorrow,' she said.

'I appreciate, but no,' he responded.

He knocked his head trying to think of other options. He'd not

memorised any of his friends' phone numbers.

Joe was the last person he'd want to call in that situation.

'I can have a taxi come and get you. I know someone, since you don't
want to go with my car,' she told him.

'I'd appreciate that!' he said, before sitting on the couch.

She got her phone and dragged herself to the bathroom.

'Hello!' she said.

'Are you working?' she asked.

'I need a taxi,' she said.

As she walked away from him. She was faking a phone call, her voice
faded as she got away from him.

'At least I'll be out of this place,' he sighed in relief.

She got a few pills from her prescription of sedatives.

She went to the kitchen and emptied some capsules in a wine glass
before pouring wine in it.

She got herself a glass of water. Then went back to join him.

'The taxi will be here in a bit,' she announced.

'Calm your nerves!' she handed him the glass of wine.

He was hesitant.

'I know you don't want to drink. It's late and your day starts early
tomorrow. Just to calm your nerves,' she softly spoke.

He got the glass of wine and sipped from it.

She sat back on the couch and glanced at him.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


It wasn't long after Kwite left with Amanda that the tow truck arrived.
The friends helped get his car bound and off it went.

'We will have it ready by morning,' assured the auto mechanic.

When Amanda was joining the street to her man's house, she spotted
his car driving in the yard.

She slowed down and pulled up to the side of the road.

'Why are we stopping?' asked Kwite.

Se could tell he didn't trust her.

'That must be him?' she sounded nervous.

'If you could walk there,' she suggested.

'What?' he found it absurd.

He angrily got out of the car and shut the door behind him.

The car's headlights illuminated his path. He stopped and turned to

look at her.

She immediately turned off the lights. Then, he continued on his way
to the man's house.
The street was quiet. The sound of the engine had died off. Only his
thoughts were loud. It was dark serve for a few patches that had
incandescent street light poles.

She keenly watched him vanish in the dark then appear under the
next street light poles.

'I hope all goes well,' she took a deep breath.

'He shouldn't act foolishly,' thought Kwite, as he stood at the man's


Steadily and watchfully, he knocked. Amanda's man was getting out

of the car when he heard the knock.

'I'm not expecting anyone,' He frowned.

The knock sounded again and he walked to the gate to opened it.

'You again?' he found Kwite.

'Hear me out!' said Kwite.

'I took no step over what happened because I realised you had every
right to be mad at me,' he sincerely told the man.

'I won't take any action over the car smashing,' added Kwite.

'What do you want from me?' charged the man.

'I left her for you. Do as you please,' he added.

'No. It's not about that. I'd like us to sort this without involving the
police,' shot Kwite.
The man gave a mocking laugh. 'She sent you right?' he confronted

'What are you talking about?' responded Kwite.

'I should have known better,' the man regretted telling Amanda that
he'd taken action.

'You are lucky. I'm actually coming from the police station. I figured it
was for the best if I closed the case I had opened against you.
Besides, you paid for it with your car,' he spoke with pomposity.

'It could have been worse. Maybe a life for it,' insinuated the man.

The man was being rude and arrogant that Kwite almost lost his cool.

'Calm down. You have everything to lose. A bride to go to tomorrow,'

thought Kwite.

'Thank you for your time,' he said, before leaving.

Amanda grew increasingly worried with each second that clocked.

She was tempted to go and see if things had gotten out of hand.

She feared the worst as the two could hardly keep their egos in check,
especially her man. Besides, she was worried about her man's short

She started the engine and turned on the lights. Kwite knew that she
was about to mess everything up by getting seen. He'd just refused
that she had nothing to do with him going to seek peace.

In fact, at the back of the man's mind. He was wondering how Kwite
got to his place. Only that he'd decided to not dwell on that.
'There are so many ways he could have gotten here,' the man had
convinced himself.

He remained standing by the gate as Kwite walked away.

'Finally!' said Amanda, when she saw Kwite walking back in her

She was anxious for details.

The man remained standing at the gate. Kwite checked for his phone
but it wasn't there in the pockets.

'Damn it!' he realised he'd left it home.

He was desperate to call Amanda not to get near him. He tried hard to
signal her but she wouldn't make sense of anything he did.

Kwite by passed the car to not make it look that he was with her.

'What are you doing?' she asked.

When in close range, she noticed that her man's gate was still open
and there was someone standing there.

She'd sold herself off.

'I hope it's not him. I really hope he didn't get my voice!' she begun to

She made a U-turn to go back the direction she had come from.

The man saw everything unfold. When she finally managed to change
course of direction, the rear registration number was visible to him.
'That's Amanda's car!' he was enraged.

They are still making a fool out of me.

He set out of the gate to chance if he could see anything implicating.

To his dismay, she pulled up in front of Kwite, who paced up to the
car and hopped in. She skid off in a rush just as her heart begun to

'Take it easy!' he told her.

'Did he see me?' she was tense.

'I don't know,' Kwite sounded irate.

'What was that?' he scolded her.

'Spare me that please!' she reiterated.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

It was an experience he wished he could bury. One he wasn't proud of

and something he didn't want to have his friends know the details

They were already getting on his nerves with their advice. He didn't
see it for what it was.

'I'll have it figured,' he assured himself.

He felt nagged about his situation with Amanda.

He felt light headed and his sight was becoming blurry.

'Is the taxi coming?' he asked before passing out.

'It will be here in no time,' she vaguely told him.

He was deep asleep in a blink of an eye and she grinned.

'Phew!' she could finally put an end to the pretence.

Amanda threw away the fleece and walked across the room to where
Kwite was helplessly asleep.

She unbuttoned his shirt and took pictures of him, then sat next to
him and laid her head on his chest. All this had pictures taken of.

Someone barged into the house. They'd not locked the doors and the

She turned to see her man.

He found her with Kwite's shirt in one hand and a phone in another.

The man was infuriated.

'I can explain!' she said.

'Stop! Enough!' he was enraged.

She was overwhelmed by emotions. He stared at Kwite, who was fast

asleep, then he caught eye of the glass of water that she'd left.
As if he'd been taken over by a greater force. He grabbed the glass of
water and hit Kwite.

'Nooo!' she cried out.

'Please stop! Go home,' she was scared to get near him.

'After closing his case!' he yelled.

'You made a fool out of me,' their was pain in his voice.

'Please go!' she cried.

Kwite sustained a cut on his face, right before the left ear and he
begun to bleed.

'Ouch!' he exclaimed.

'What was that?' he was disoriented.

'I'll kill you,' the man hurled undesirables at Kwite.

She pushed him away.

'Please leave!' she begged. She'd never seen him like that. He was
angrier than he was in the afternoon.

As time went by and Kwite's friends got tired of waiting, they decided
to step out of the house after efforts to contact Amanda proved futile.
Kwite's phone required a password.

'What if something has happened?' quizzed Trey.

'Like what?' asked Suka.

'It seems the other guy can go crazy, judging by the damage he did to
the car,' said Trey.

'You are right,' agreed Shanzi.

'I can imagine what would happen if he saw or found her with Kwite,'
wondered Shanzi.

They went through nearby police stations and healthy facilities to

look for Kwite.

All was in vain. They were left with no option but to call Joe.

'It's late. I know. But we have no option,' conceded Shanzi.

'Hello!' sheepishly answered Joe.

'Hey, sorry to call you at this hour,' apologised Shanzi.

'But we have no option,' it was difficult to break the news.

'Is everything okay?' asked Joe, as he sneaked out of bed, careful not
to awake his wife.

Something felt wrong about the call.

'What has happened to Kwite?' he asked Shanzi.

'Maybe he knows what's going on,' he had hoped.

'Kwite is not here,' said Shanzi.

'Huh! This must be a joke,' he lost the last of sleep that was partially
making his eyes feel heavy.
'Are you not supposed to be together?' he wondered.

'I want to know if by any chance you would happen to know where
Amanda lives,' Shanzi was at pains saying that.

'I do not know where she lives,' said Joe.

'Alright. I'll let you know when something comes up,' said Shanzi.

'His wedding is in a few hours,' rhetorically said Joe.

'Exactly. That's why you don't have to blow the trumpet. Let's see if
we can save the wedding,' advised Shanzi.

'I'll be in trouble for talking about Amanda with his brother,' said
Shanzi, off the phone.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

The friends hoped that Kwite would show up in time for the wedding.

Amanda was skeptical about taking Kwite to a medical facility for the
cut face.

She got her phone and called a friend, a qualified nurse.

'Amy!'said the friend when she picked up the call. a name she fondly
called Amanda. "

'I am embarrassed by this,' said Amanda.

'I know I've been a bad friend. I haven't called in a while,' she added.

'Amy! What do you need?' A calm voice echoed from the other side of
the line.

'Are you at home?' asked Amanda.

'Yes! I just got back from work,' said the friend.

'Please, I need your help,' begged Amanda.

'What is it?' asked the friend.

'It's a long story. I'll explain,' responded Amanda.

'I would appreciate it if you came. I don't mind incurring the cost,' she
told the friend.

'I'm only doing this because it's you,' said the nurse.

The friend went to Amanda's house at the earliest convenience.

'I am happy to see you,' said Amanda, as she hugged the friend.

'Did you do this?' asked the friend.

The cut was not big, but a bit deep into the tissue.

She was upset at Amanda for keeping Kwite at home instead of

rushing him to a health facility.

She opened the kit of supplies she came with.

'It's not very bad; it won't need suturing,' she said.

Amanda keenly watched the procedure as her friend tended to him.

'What happened?' asked the nurse.

Amanda explained the ordeal.

'How come I'm only hearing about Kwite now?' the nurse wondered.

'We weren't really a thing. Nothing much to talk about,' responded


'This should be it,' said the nurse.

She patched the wound.

'I am so grateful,' said Amanda.

'I am surprised he's not awake. Did you give him something?' asked
the nurse.

'No!' exclaimed Amanda.

'I am sure it's the alcohol,' she said.

'I hope so,' the nurse said, shaking her head.

Amanda took money from her purse and handed it over to her friend.

'No. I'm not taking any payment for this,' she refused the money.

'This is for the cost incurred to come here,' insisted Amanda.

'Just like I'd mentioned during the call,' she added.

'Thank you,' the nurse said, getting the money and heading out.

At Kwite's house. The mood was somber, and the friends were
worried about the unknown. It was like their friend had vanished into
thin air.

'Could it be that this was planned?' Trey thought out loud.

'You mean, he has eloped with Amanda?' asked Suka.

'Going by the way things have turned out, no one can fail to speculate
that,' said Shanzi.

They were tired and drained after hardly shutting their eyes to sleep.

The night slowly began to give way to the morning. The sun will be
out soon.

Amanda had fallen asleep on the couch while watching Kwite. She
was rudely awoken after having a dream that her man had barged into
the house with a gun.

'Ouch!' she groaned as she sat up.

She wasn't rested, and her body was sore.

Kwite was still asleep in the same position she'd left him as the sun
gave the first rays of light for the day. She was scared.

'Are his friends going to report him missing?' She wondered.

'What if he doesn't wake up in time for the wedding?' she was

The day finally flew into full swing. The sun was out; it was a beautiful
Saturday morning with clear skies.

The atmosphere was ecstatic at Yvonne's mother's house. People had

woken up early to get ready for the day.

The marriage blessing was slated for 9 a.m. at their local church. The
camera crew was on hand, capturing the activities at the bride's
house while the make-up artist was busy with Yvonne.

The dazzling white wedding gown was hanging ready for her.

'We have to hurry!' the matron said, bringing everyone to a pace.

We don't have to keep people waiting. Time is of the essence,'she

hustled them.

Kwite's friends were hopeless.

'What do we do?' asked Suka.

'We gave him a bit of time,' said Trey.

'We're supposed to be at church by now,' said Shanzi.

'Maybe we should tell the families,' suggested Suka.

'Just a bit more time,' Trey remained adamant.

A car honked at the gate. They looked at each other. Their faces
brightened up.

'Did you hear that?' asked Suka.

A car tooted again. 'That should be here,' said Shanzi.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


They pressed a button to rail the gate open as they expectantly

walked out of the house.

There was Kwite's car, as spotless as new. The manner in which it

was driven matched the car's pomp.

They sluggishly got off the verandah and stood in front of the car as it
pulled up in the yard.

'You've done an immaculate job,' commented Shanzi, as he walked

around the car.

'Incredible!' said Suka.

'Glad you like it,' said the auto mechanic as he handed back the car

'This is good!' Shanzi patted him on the back.

The man looked tired. He'd broken dawn working on the car.

'Just as Kwite wanted it,' said Trey.

'Speaking of which, I think we should get dressed,' said Shanzi.

'Get dressed?' his friends shook their heads.

'I don't know. What would you rather we do?' asked Shanzi.

'I don't know. Perhaps we should wait,' Trey suggested.

Shanzi's phone began to explode with calls.

'Are you from the church?' asked the matron of honour. "

'We will be there,' he responded.

Anxiety was kicking in. Those gathered at the church kept twisting
their necks in anticipation of the groom and groomsmen.

The bride and the bridesmaids started off for church.

Shanzi's phone rang.

'Hey Joe!' he answered.

'Anything yet?' asked Kwite's brother nervously.

'No. He's not shown up, and we have no clue how we could find
Amanda. We have Kwite's phone but it has a password,' said Shanzi.

'We are already at church. Maybe we shouldn't proceed with the

wedding,' suggested Joe.

'Let's hold on a bit. Just a bit,' insisted Shanzi.

It was a depressing sight to see the groomsmen dressed up. None of

them put on the complete attire. Neckties weren't knotted and jackets
were still on hangers.
Amanda stared at Kwite as he lay helpless. She noticed he had
turned. Then, he opened his eyes.

'What am I doing here?' he panicked.

'What time is it?!' he jerked off the couch.

'Where is my phone?' he panicked.

'I need to be at church,' he got up, almost running out of the house
without a shirt.

'Why am I not wearing my shirt?' he angrily asked Amanda before

grabbing it from the couch. "

'Nothing happened!' she assured him.

'Ouch!' he exclaimed as he felt pain radiate from the wound.

Slowly and gently, he touched the patched wound.

'What happened?' he asked her.

She couldn't bring herself to explain.

'It was him, right?' asked Kwite.

She nodded, then told him what happened.

He walked to the mirror in the living room and stared at himself.

'Damn it! How do I explain this?' he was gutted.

He stormed out of the house.

'Let me take you!' she screamed.

He didn't look back. He went out of the gate in a panic, looking for a
taxi, but there was none. He ran to the highway to find one. He got to
the rank of panting.

There was no taxi. As he stood there to catch his breath, a car pulled
up a few parking slots away from him.

It was a sight to behold for him. He brisked up the gray Corolla.

'Boss!' He was out of breath.

'Yes!' the driver responded.

Kwite hopped into the taxi without hearing another word.

'Sorry, sir!' the driver politely offered an apology.

'What do you mean?' frowned Kwite.

'I am here to pick up a client,' said the driver. 'I wish I could take you!'
he added.

'Please, I need to attend a wedding. I have to marry my woman,' he

tried to convince the driver.

'I wish I could help,' sympathised the driver.

'It's fine!' Kwite got out of the car, dejected. He could feel his heart

The client showed up. She had seen the driver talking to Kwite.
'Is everything okay?' I saw you talking to that man. She asked the
driver if he looked like he had a lot going on.

'It seems so. He says he's supposed to be a groom somewhere,'

reluctantly said the driver, as he reversed the taxi.

'Stop!' She hit the driver's chair from behind."

The woman got out of the car and hurried to Kwite. He was a mess.
The shirt wasn't properly buttoned, and the wound patch on the side
of his head didn't help with his image.

'I was told you're getting married today,' she said.

'I should actually be at the altar,' he responded. "

'Then let's not waste anymore time,' she said, turning and walking to
the car. When she looked back, there was no one following her.

'Do you want to be a husband or not?' asked the woman. "

'Come with me!' she shouted.

'Let's get him where he's going,' she told the driver.


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked


Amanda was having feelings after Kwite left. She hoped he could
come back.
The reality of losing the man she was dating sank in. She seemed not
to be as bothered by it as she was about not getting her way with

She was kind of stuck on him. A weird feeling about it confused her.
She knew that she didn't want to wholly have him.

There was no desire in her that said he should commit to him. She
was on the loose when it came to commitment. Hers was a longing for
a thrill. It seemed Kwite was the reason for Amanda's adventure. She
wanted the best of both worlds.

She'd been feeling suffocated by her man. a struggle she'd had in her
past relationships. She was a one-man woman with an issue of
committing to the future. She embraced the idea of being single, able
to walk away whenever she wanted.

'Kwite is a good fit. He is going to be committed in marriage to

another woman, which would allow me to have a thrill with him
without the worry of him wanting to marry her,' thought Amanda.

'I could walk away whenever I want,' She soliloquized

She relived the drama that unfolded the previous night.

"That guy is crazy!" she said, referring to the man she was seeing.

The drama was a whirlwind of emotions. It wrecked anything in its

way. There was a trail of anxiety, anger, and confusion.

Unfortunately, the ordeal was just getting started for Kwite. "

Can't you move faster?" he irritably asked the taxi driver for the
thousandth time.
The woman who had permitted the lift looked over her shoulder. "

Calm down!" she urged Kwite.

Forgive me! "he said, with hands clasped between his legs.

He was carrying an almost exploding mind. There wasn't any other

thought he could possibly have had in that situation other than that of
his woman.

The thought of making Yvonne cry was unsettling for him. Not to
speak of the embarrassment he would cause her.

'Have you talked to someone about why you're running late?' asked
the woman.

'No,' said Kwite.

'Not to intrude, but why haven't you?' she asked.

'I don't have my phone on me,' he told her. His

mind was glued to the windscreen. He was desperate in a way he'd

never been about getting home.

The invited guests at the church were confused to see the bride and
the bridesmaids get there before the groom.

'Maybe there is a problem,' whispered others in speculation.

'They could be doing it differently. You know how Yvonne is,' said the
One of the church elders and Yvonne's relative went out to meet the
bride once they saw them drive in.

They hurried to the car as the bridesmaids were already getting out of
the vehicles.

The church elder went to meet Yvonne, whereas the relative went to
see the matron of honour for a quick word.

'Ladies! Can we please go back to the cars?' The matron acted

quickly to contain the situation.

'What's going on?' they asked amongst themselves before the matron
explained the situation.

Yvonne felt sick to her stomach. She began to sweat. The make-up
couldn't contain the profuseness that was happening.

'Call him!' she frantically told the elderly.

'We are all doing what we can,' he sympathised with her.

The bride's mother got wind of what was happening, and she instantly
almost fainted.

'My chest feels compressed,' she told her sister.

'We can't afford to lose it. We have to be composed for Yvonne's

sake,' she told the bride's mother.

When Yvonne's mother was collected, The sister excused herself. She
was noticed by all for her larger than life persona.

She was all over the show. She was easily mistaken for the bride's
mother, given the resemblance between them.
She went to the bride's car and tapped on the window.

'Open, unlock the doors,' Yvonne told the driver.

The auntie got in the car and asked the driver to give them some
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Yvonne nodded, waiting for the man to leave her alone with the

'Did you fight?' asked the auntie.

'No. We didn't,' she refused.

'I hope he shows up,' she said.

'I hope so too,' said the auntie.

'Does mom know?' asked Yvonne.

'Iwe, bonse nabeshiba. What do you mean, does mum know?'

snapped the auntie. "

'He better show up!' she added.

Yvonne didn't like the tone of it. She bit her tongue to not respond.

Joe came out of the church. People were restless and a few were seen

The church elders and pastor called representatives from Kwite and
Yvonne's family.
'We might want to save ourselves some embarrassment. It looks like
we are not getting a true picture of what's going on,' said the pastor.

The two families didn't like what things had come to. Kwite's phone
had countless missed calls.

The friends didn't want to say he wasn't home, and that they didn't
know where their friend was.

'What are you doing?'asked Trey, upon seeing Shanzi about to turn
off Kwite's phone. "

'I think we should just turn it off, then we go to the church and explain
what's going on,' said Shanzi.

'No. We'll get them more worried if we do that,' advised Suka.

Let's go to church, but leave the phone on," said Trey.

Shanzi's wife called. She was at church and had tried to remain
patient, but things were getting out of hand.

'Yes, babe!' he answered.

'Where are you?' she whispered.

'On our way. We'll be there soon,' he told her.

'Please, hurry. Things are ugly here. People have lost patience and
they are leaving,' she told the husband.

'Alright, sweetie!' he said. He sounded like he was in a rush.

'Babe!' she said, before he cut the call.

'Yes, love,' he responded. "

'Drive safely!' she told him. He said, "

'I will,' and then ended the call.

The brief meeting was still underway at the church.

'Maybe we should cancel it for now. People have been waiting for a
while,' suggested the pastor."

'Some are even leaving,' said Yvonne's uncle.

Kwite's uncle could not say much. He was ashamed of his nephew's

'Talk to the bride,' he advised.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Yvonne was nerve wrecked upon seeing the uncle and church elder
come towards the car that she was in.

She was almost panicking, her palms got sweaty and her thoughts
run wild.

She opened the door for them.

The uncle sat with her while the church elder took the front seat.
'How are you faring?' asked the elder.

'I'm hanging in there,' her voice quivered.

'We are thinking...,' said the uncle. She didn't let him finish what he
was about to say.

'Don't say it,' tears filled her eyes.

'My man will come for me,' she rebuked them.

'I know him,' she insisted.

'Can I be left alone?' she politely asked.

She was on the verge of losing it.

The two men reported back to the expectant pastor, and delivered the

'We can give it some minutes. For her sake,' said the Pastor.

The patience of those waiting had run thin, and the sporadic
departures of guests reached a crescendo.

It was basically a frame of what the attendance was when people

trooped the church. What was left of it, were family members and few
close friends.

They were still equally restless and disappointed.

Joe was tormented by what was happening. He was quickly taken

back to the dream he had a few days ago. He recalled telling it to his
brother, Kwite.
'The two of you were at the altar in church, being married off, when
Yvonne suddenly began to wail. She sobbed bitterly as a pool of tears
formed in the church. As that happened, some people's shoes began
to dissolve, and so did hers. But not yours. Surprisingly, your shoes
remained intact and a fire started on them. The flames burned
furiously without destroying an inch of your shoes. It puzzled
everyone as to how that was possible given that the pool of tears
from Yvonne's crying went a little above your ankles,' Joe was
covered in goosebumps as he relived the dream.

'Could this be it?' he wondered.

He called Kwite's phone, hoping he was the one going to answer. It

was dismaying that Trey picked.

'He's not here, yet!' he said, as they walked out of the house.

They were about to get in the car when they heard a honk.

'Thank you!' Kwite handed money to the lady.

'It's fine. That's my wedding gift to you,' she said.

'Please, I insist!' he said.

'It's fine. All the best,' she told him, before instructing the driver to go.

'Thank you, alot. I'm indebted to you,' said Kwite.

Suka pressed a button for the gate to open. Revealed on the other
side was the sight of Kwite, standing in awe of the woman's

'What is it?' asked Trey, when Suka stood as a statue. Motionless with
hands on his waist.
He couldn't respond. They got out of the car upon seeing Kwite.

'Where were you?’ shouted Shanzi.

'You got everyone worried. Do you know what we went through?’

rhetorically asked Suka.

'Look at you. Don't tell me you got into a fight?’ said Suka.

Kwite ran to the house. He was having a bad day for what was
supposed to be one of the best of his life.

'I'll explain later,' he told his friends.

He rushed into the bathroom and had a quick shower. He did

everything in a rush, as the friends looked on after following him

They soon came out. He's collar was up, and they went fixing him on
their way to church.

'This is nonsense!' Trey lashed out.

'Not now, no!' said Suka.

The atmosphere was tense. Shanzi silently cruised th car, until his
wife's words resounded.

'Drive safely!' she had told him over the phone.

The car was not decorated for wedding. The friends had avoided
picking the matron's calls for a while the previous day.
When they did, they managed to convince her to do the decor in the
morning at church.

Kwite took a deep breath and rested his back on the seat.

He shut his eyes and let out a sigh.

The side of the face that was hit wasn't swollen anymore, but the cut
was still radiating a bit of pain.

It remained patched, and gave him a villain appearance.

Suka called Joe. Who was at pains having to pick the call.

'This is it. There is no wedding,' he prepared his mind for the worst.

'We are going to be there in two minutes. If you'd try and normalise
the situation there,' said Shanzi.

'Are you with him?' asked Joe, to be sure.

'He's here!' responded Shanzi. Then, he looked in the rear view mirror
to see Kwite.

'Alright,' Joe was relieved.

He could feel his facial muscles relax as he smiled at the heavens.

'Thank you, God!' he looked up.

They'd been saved from worse embarrassment. He walked to the

bride's car feeling like he'd scream.

She was lost in thoughts to notice Joe opening the door.

'Doesn't he want to marry me anymore?' she quizzed herself.

'Is this it?' she thought.

Her heart was bleeding. It got to her nerves, and everything around
her stopped.

She'd cried those tears she'd not managed to hold back. She was
emotionally devastated. her palms sweated and so did her face. The
makeup was ruined.

'Yvonne!' softly called Joe.

She was startled.

'I didn't see you!' she wiped off tears from her face. There was no
hiding that she'd been crying, her voice was horse and she looked

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'What's that on his side of the face?' Kwite's mother whispered to the

'Was he in a fight or what?' wondered Kwite's father.

The church was brought to its feet when I Yvonne walked in. It was a
delightful moment for Kwite. A while ago, everything looked destined
for doom but the desire to marry her saw him through.
He beheld her beauty and it pleased his heart. She was a sight to
endear himself with.

She looked beautiful in the cap sleeves lace bridal gown. She had the
body and height for it. She dazzled the finesse out of the dress.

The uncle was walking hand in hand with her before they stopped a
metre or two from the altar, where Kwite went to meet them.

He greeted the bride's uncle, and he was given the bride.

He slipped his hand into hers. They held and firmly gripped to each

'You look gorgeous,' he whispered.

She wasn't wearing makeup anymore. It had been ruined when she
broke down in tears in the car and there was no time to have it fixed.
In fact, she told the Matron to not bother to run around to have
something for her to use for fixing the makeup.

She flexed her hand.

'Stop it!' was the signal. She knew he was trying to be naughty.

She expected to smell the scent of liquor off him but there was none.
Otherwise, she couldn't think of any reason he could have a patched

It was a fast paced ceremony, as another wedding was scheduled to

take place after theirs. They agreed to make do with whatever time
they had left of what had initially been allocated to them.
All was done and vows exchanged. They were pronounced husband
and wife. All the while, Suka was looking for his wife among those in

She'd not picked his call in the morning, and he hoped to see her at

The struggle and nerve wreck that preceded the marriage blessing
was a thing of the past. Though, not for the couple, especially not for

He requested to meet his people and the wife's family before they
went for the photo shoot.

Shanzi and his uncle helped gather a few elders from both families in
the church cafeteria.

As they walked in, Kwite was seated at the head of the table with the
wife on his immediate left.

His father and mother were the last to walk in. They took seats and it
was at that point that Kwite's uncle stood.

'Our presence has been requested by our son. He does so in humility,

so as to clear out the heavy hearts he'd caused before the marriage
blessing,' he then looked at Kwite before sitting.

'I am sorry without reservation. I had an accident which derailed me

from doing as I was expected. I want to take this chance to ask for
everyone's forgiveness,' he spoke with humility.

'We appreciate that you've taken time to do this. It will help us

continue the day with hearts that are not burden by a thing. We accept
your apology,' tendered Yvonne's uncle, the one who walked her
down the aisle.
'Thank you!' said Kwite.

All those in attendance commended him for taking a bold step to

apologise to them.

'We appreciate your warm hearts as parents,' said Kwite's uncle,

who'd assumed the role of mediator.

'I appreciate your forgiveness. And I don't take it lightly. To my wife,'

he turned to look at Yvonne.

'Before everyone here, I want to apologise for what I made you go

through. I can't imagine the despair I put you through. It isn't how I
hoped to have you remember this day,' he pushed back tears.

She got up and hugged him.

'It's okay, love,' she said.

It was awkward for the family elders. Their conservative way of life
was tested at that moment. The women saved the day, by responding
with ululation to what the newlyweds did.

There was no show of Suka's wife. He was still hopeful that she could
make it for the wedding reception which was scheduled for later in the

She called him around lunchtime.

'Hey babe,' he answered.

'I found your missed calls,' she said.

'I wanted to check on you,' he told her.

'Thank you. I was packing,' she responded.

'Are you going somewhere?' he wondered.

'Yes, I will tell you when you come,' she sounded a bit excited.

'Alright. Does that mean you're not coming for the wedding
reception?' he asked.

'About that, I intended to call you but I got carried away. I won't make
it,' she said, without remorse.

'Okay,' he ended the call.

Beep! Beep! The phone echoed in her ear. 'Did he just hung up on
me?' she looked at the phone as if to get an answer.

'Whatever!' she threw the phone on the bed.

Trey was relaxed after a meal, they were done with the photoshoot.

'Is everything okay?' he asked Suka.

'Yes, it is,' he responded.

'It doesn't seem so. Marital issues I guess,' chuckled Trey.

'I don't know why people get themselves into that,' he added.

'Honestly, there seems to be more stress than good,' he argued his


Suka was too disappointed with the wife to respond. Shanzi came
with the wife.
'Hai, is Fidelia coming?' she asked.

It was something Suka hoped didn't come up.

'She's not too well,' he uncomfortably gave a response.

'Shame. My regards to her,' said Shanzi's wife.

She excused herself from the men. On her way, she was viewing
statues and she stumbled on a live video of Fidelia.

She seemed excited about something. She was broadcasting it on her

social media page.

Shanzi's wife stopped in her tracks. She turned to look at Suka before
continuing her walk to the car.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Fix up! Look your best,' joyfully said Joe.

'He'll be here, any minute from now,' he added.

She looked at Joe in disbelief.

'Yes. He'll be here in no time,' he assured her.

The news overwhelmed her with joy. She beamed a grin, and
chuckled as if to let go of the despair. The makeup on her face was
messed up.

'They are here!' said Joe, as the groom drove in.

A sight that brought relief to everyone.

The meeting with the pastor was quickly disbanded. The church elder
rushed inside the church, as he did, the guests were thrown aloof.
They didn't know what to expect.

'Here comes the cancellation of the wedding,' whispered some


The elder trotted the stairs up to the altar. He stood before those who
were patient to wait.

'Excuse me!' said the man.

'First of all, we apologise for the unforeseen circumstances that have

overwhelmed everyone. It has led to a delay that some couldn't be
patient with, totally understood. I come with good news, we're pleased
to announce to you that the wedding will proceed as intended,' said
the church elder, as he firmly gripped to the lectern.

The announcement was met with ululation.

He climbed down the stairs in high spirits. He was to sit and enjoy the

Yvonne stared at Kwite as he got out of the car. He had a wound

patch on the side of the head.

'Oh my goodness! What happened?' she wondered.

He'd fastened up, and was looking tidy.

'I want to see Yvonne!' said Kwite.

'No, you can't. It's for the best,' advised his friends.

They argued as they walked to the pastor's office. Everyone had gone
back in the church.

'Shhh!' gestured Trey, when they were at the door of the pastor's

'Come in,' said the clergyman, when Suka knocked.

The four of them walked in. The pastor was seated on the other side
of the desk with hands clasped resting on the table.

'You may sit,' he pointed to the chairs.

'Thank you,' said the men. They were timid.

'I called you for a quick word,' said the pastor, he seemed unpleased
by the occurrence.

'It really has to be quick because I have another wedding in less than
an hour's time,' he added.

'Are you having second thoughts about the wedding? The marriage?'
the pastor wore a straight face.

'What happened?' he didn't want to proceed with Kwite's wedding

without a word with him.

As he waited for the answer, he stared at the patched wound.

'I had an accident last night,' said Kwite.

'I have no doubt about marrying Yvonne,' he said.

His friends were surprised. They weren't expecting him to say that.

'Really!' the pastor was bewildered.

'Did you tell your family?' he further inquired. 'No, I didn't want to
worry them,' responded Kwite.

He got his phone and showed the pastor the wreck of what his car
had been reduced to.

'Isn't it the one that's outside?' the pastor wasn't getting it.

Trey turned and slightly pushed the window blind. 'It is,' he

'We had to get it fixed. It was an all night job,' he said.

'It explains your being late,' nodded the pastor.

'I hope that wound isn't giving you a headache,' the pastor was

'It's bearable,' said Kwite.

'Alright. Let's get going,' the pastor let them off the hook.

'Son!' he said, as Kwite was about to get up from the chair.

'Honesty is a virtue in marriage. Be transparent, regardless of
whatever the situation may be. You owe your soon to be wife, and
family an explanation,' said the Pastor.

Keith nodded.

'That was close,' said Kwite, to his friends.

'It's not right,' bemoaned Shanzi. 'You have to change your ways,' he
spoke further.

Kwite was downbeat. 'This couldn't wait?' he gave Shanzi an attitude.

'No, it couldn't. You have to sort out your life. Avoid Amanda,' said

'You almost wrecked your life. You better learn from it,' insisted Suka

'Alright, enough,' Kwite scuffed them off.

Yvonne was delighted to set eyes her groom as he walked out of the
church office building. He looked to be of better energy than when he
walked in.

She was delighted, until the auntie came.

'Mumoneni, salapuka,' she told Yvonne.

'He made us wait. We're not supposed to. We're his in-laws,' she told

The bride slowly turned to her. She'd have had enough of her antics.

'Find it in you to forgive him,' urged Yvonne.

'Ooh, what?' responded the auntie.

'Have I said anything bad?' asked the bride.

'Awe, continue. That's what he'll be doing in your homw. You have to
tame him,' said the auntie.

'It’s the reason I gave you the charms which you refused,' she added.

'I don't think it is okay for you to say what you're saying. I understand
he's erred, but you're taking it a bit too far,' reiterated Yvonne.

'Lobe,' said the auntie.

The matron of honour came to the car.

'Get ready to go in,' she told the bride.

The musical organ played, and the orchestra was perfect. She closed
her eyes and took a deep breath to let go of the auntie's bad energy.

The groom and his friends entered the church. There was an eruption
of ululation, especially from the family members.

'How does he come to his wedding looking like a villain?' some

guests were taken by what to make of the groom's wound patch.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.
The wedding reception was as colourful and exquisite as Yvonne had
imagined it would be.

She was in a space of gratitude amidst what was going on. Kwite
leaned towards her.

'Babe!' he whispered.

The guests were kept busy as the master of ceremony kept them
engaged. He called a family representative from Yvonne's side.

'Yes babe. Sorry!' she responded.

'Are you fine?' he asked.

'I am,' she was quick to draw the conversation away from his

'I just wanted you to know that I appreciate and love you,' he said,
with a serious face.

'Thank you! I'll keep that in my heart of hearts,' she smiled.

When the speeches were done. One of the people that was ushering
guests in, went up to the master of ceremony.

He had something in his hands. For a second, he whispered in the

MC's ear and went back to man the entrance.

The MC's face spelt the doubts that were going through his mind. He
looked at the parcel then at the man that brought it to him.

'This isn't part of the programme,' he stared at the paper in his hand.

'At this point, I'd like to present this gift to the couple,' he said.
'What could it be?' Kwite's friends asked each other.

He looked at them and thought whatever was going on with the MC,
was a deed of his friends.

He turned to his friends and smiled. Shanzi awkwardly grinned. They

were all eager to know what the gift was.

The master of ceremony looked at the couple. All there was on their
minds was the thought of gratitude for whoever was responsible for
what was about to be unveiled.

'And here it goes!' he didn't help people's anxiety.

'To the newlyweds, yours is to be enjoyed. Here is a little something

for you lovebirds, I hope it counts for something. Amanda!' read the
note that came with the parcel.

Kwite was struggling to breathe, he was upset and scared. He didn't

understand what was going on.

The friends worried that it could be a prerequisite to the mayhem that

overshadowed the ceremony.

'In this parcel is a cheque, worth thousands,' said the master of

ceremony in awe.

'Wow!' he added.

The guests clapped their hands off. It was in that moment that
Amanda walked in and was ushered to a seat in the back.

'How did she get in here?' snapped Trey.

'Who? Or you mean how did the parcel get in here?' Suka thought his
friend was mixing up things.

'No. Haven't you seen her?' he spoke through his teeth.

Suka looked blank. He'd not seen her.

'He means Amanda!' whispered Shanzi.

'She's at the back,' he added.

Yvonne clapped along with others. 'Who is Amanda?' she thought

Kwite would know.

'No one I can easily remember,' his heart was beating.

'Who is Amanda?' asked Yvonne's auntie, the mother to the cousin.

'Maybe a friend of hers. I don't know,' she shrugged off her mother.

'This is nice. It befits the ceremony,' she said, to the displeasure of

the mother.

'Shut up! I've been to better weddings,' said Yvonne's auntie.

'We will see,' Yvonne's auntie thought out loud.

'Did you say something?' asked the daughter.

'Tapali,' responded Yvonne's auntie.

The ceremony went on without any disturbances regardless of the

unwelcomed presence of Amanda.

'How did she get in?' Kwite was worried.

'I thought it was strictly by card,' he wondered.

'I am not from here. When they reached out about the wedding, I
wasn't sure if I'd fly in to attend,' Amanda faked a story, then handed
one of them a parcel.

'Now that I am here. I thought it would be a perfect surprise for the

newlyweds if I showed up in this manner,' she explained her way in.

The two ushers looked at each other.

'Get her a chair, it looks like there isn't one that's not taken,' one of
the two instructed the other.

'So kind of you!' Amanda smiled at them.

At the end of the ceremony, the master of ceremony announced that

those who wanted to have a moment to congratulate the couple could
do so after their dance.

'Congratulations!' said the guests to the couple, as they took turns

while others posed for selfies with the newlyweds.

Kwite was restless the rest of the night.

'Are you fine?' repeatedly asked his wife.

'I am. Just a little tired, I guess,' he told her the last time she asked.

Next in turn to have a chance with the newlyweds was Amanda.

'All the best in your marriage,' she hugged Yvonne.

It was as if she knew not Kwite. She didn't take a second to look at
him. All her focus was on his wife.
'You've made a beautiful bride,' she whispered, before leaving Yvonne
in tantamount confusion.

She didn't recall who the lady was. Going by how Amanda talked to
and embraced her, Yvonne was convinced she'd just forgotten who
the person was.

'I have no idea who that lady is,' she quickly whispered to Kwite.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Maybe I should give this a fresh start by telling Yvonne the truth,' he

After the ceremony, the couple went to the hotel for their first night of

'It was a long day,' she sat on the bed.

'One that was worth it,' he sat next to her.

'What's on your mind?' asked Yvonne.

'Just letting things sink,' he said.

Trey went back home with a lot on his mind. Once parked in front at
his house, he turned off the engine and took an awkwardly long time
to get out of the car.
He sat in the dark in silence, for the first time he'd noticed a void his
life and house.

'Is marriage worth it?' he asked himself.

The darkness around him was real and tangible. At least, it felt so, the
thought of Kwite's situation only accentuated the reality of what he
was seeing in that instant. Oblique and vague.

The thought of his newly wedded friend's issue sent chills down his

He let out a sigh.

He remembered the master of ceremony reading the note from

Amanda. Then she walked in and joined in the proceedings like she
was looting for the couple.

'She's sick in the head. Kwite needs to watch his ways,' Trey thought
out loud.

He was tired from everything to do with the wedding. Finally, a relief

that it had passed, the previous night kept him and the friends on
their toes. They hardly closed their eyes to sleep.

He got out of the car and left all he'd come with in there. He was too
tired to carry a thing. He opened the door to the house and he was
met with a deafening silence for a welcome.

He smiled at the thought of what Shanzi had with the wife.

'They seem to have it going well,' he soliloquized as he took off his

The idea of marriage was far fetched for Trey. He thought human
relations are constrained to be subjected to an institution as
marriage. The dynamics to have it work are as plenty as those
predisposing it not to.

He argued the need to be in such a union, especially given what

seemed as an evolution in the human core. No one really cares about
another person, in everything and anything, each is out to get their
lot. It doesn't matter the cost. Even if it is at the expense of their
marriage, it seemed.

The avalanche of selfishness is evident, both among the married and

single people. The results are devastating, more so for those in the

These and more are reasons Trey laughed off the idea of marriage.
Despite that, he respects the institution, and thinks people get into it
for reasons not befitting.

Of course, there isn't a prescriptive narrative of why one must marry,

but there is what one should be before they consider marriage.

They should leave their parents' house and cling with the other
person to become one. Whether figurative or not, one would
speculate the interpretation of the condition which precedes

To leave the influence of others including parents is to grow into your

own being. To be self aware and armed to make critical decisions for
your life, this is followed by the binding of two entities. The world of
two partners is to bond in a selfless union that puts the needs of the
other person before hand.
There should no longer be 'I' but 'we'. The concept that many have
fallen short of. Regardless of the basis for a union; spiritual, cultural
or civil, they all mirror in the teaching of selflessness.

'I don't believe a person would be selfless to sustain a marriage. In

this day and age? I don't know,' thought Trey before he was stolen by

Suka got home and found his wife's suitcase packed.

'How was the wedding?' she asked.

'It was fine,' he responded.

She'd noticed him glare at the suitcase. 'I will be going to Kasama for
a work trip tomorrow,' said the wife.

'Alright!' he told her.

He sat on the wing arm chair in the bedroom and stretched his legs
then closed his eyes and blocked his thoughts from anything.

He was taking a moment to breath. To do it consciously, and to relax

his mind.

'I want to sleep,' said Fidelia, with a scornful tone.

'Go ahead!' he motioned with his hand without opening the eyes.

'I want to switch off the light,' she rebuffed.

'Please do,' softly said Suka.

She got up and reached for the switch.

He saw the wife's silhouette.

'How do you expect me to prepare for bed?' he asked her.

'Mxxxxm!' she made a sound then left the light on.

He opened his eyes. The look he gave her said it all.

'What's that you did?' he was firm with the question.

'I... didn't mean it that way!' she stammered.

'I will not tolerate insolence in this house. Not from you,' he sat up.

'This should be the last time you relate with me in this manner,' he
was enraged.

'I have noticed your demeaning behaviour of late. Do. Not. Try. My
patience with you!' he cautioned her.

She got scared. She'd never seen him like that. There was a fire in his
voice that made her shake with fear. There was a conviction to it that
sounded serious.

'Leave the light on, and sleep if you want to,' he told her.

She threw a fit. She wanted to leave the room.

'Where are you going?' he asked.

'You said that you want to sleep. Do so!' he ordered her.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Fidelia dared not undermine the husband. It was a rude awakening to

what Suka would be at a flip of a coin.

He went to the bathroom before she could get back to bed. Clearly, he
cared less whether she did or not.

After a while, he was out of there freshened up and ready for bed.

'Goodnight,' he told the wife, before facing the other side to sleep.

'You good for nothing,' she muttered between breaths.

'How did I get to this?' she wondered.

'Where did it go wrong?' he pensively asked himself.

They both were looking for answers in different directions. They

sought the truth away from where it was supposed to be found, in
each other.

He was angered by her disrespectful deed. She was frustrated by his

stagnated career.

She couldn't wait to be out of the house for the trip. To be away from

'I used to yearn to come home to her,' he wondered what had

She sneaked out of bed and tiptoed to the sitting room. It was dark
outside, and the half moon had created shadows of the trees on the

She found herself staring at the dancing silhouettes of the trees. It

took her back to a time when she was in sync with Suka. When he
was all she wanted, and the love in his eyes burned furiously. When
he was a promising rising professional that was on a road to a career

'I hope your rhyme won't stop playing,' she said, as though the trees
were listening.

She curled up on the couch and fell asleep.

Fidelia was beginning to feel like Suka was a compromise in her life. It
was escalating to feelings of, her life could have been better with
another man.

At the break of dawn, she was up and pacing in the house getting
ready to leave for the trip.

The vehicle from work came to pick her up. She left without saying
bye to the husband.

'He's sleeping!' was the excuse she gave herself.

The newly wedded couple was also up early in the morning for their
honeymoon trip.

They drove away from the city, as they passed through the bushes
that covered most highways in the country side.

'Babe!' said Kwite, with eyes fixed on the road.

'Yes babe,' she responded, a song had finished playing and another
about to start.

'Oh this song!' she turned up the music.

It seemed an omen that the universe was presenting to Kwite about

the timing for the conversation.

'Maybe I will talk about this some other time,' he thought.

Yvonne was over the moon, he'd never seen her that happy. The
patched wound was healing without the gauze, and the headache was
no more.

They rode with the sun, passing towns after another. To heighten the
thrill of the honeymoon, they'd settled for three places.

'I don't want to know where we shall go. Make the pick a surprise for
me,' she told him prior to the wedding.

When they got to the location, she was blown away by the beauty of
the bay. It was more than she'd imagined.

'I love it!' she told him.

'Glad you do,' he smiled.

They were taken to what was going to be their chalet for the next few

Kwite was dying to take the load off his chest. But he'd decided to do
so at a later stage.

'Babe,' called the wife.

'Yes love,' he was sunk in the lazy man's chair.

'My bad. I've just remembered that you called me as if you had
something to tell me on our way here,' she stood leaning by one of
the beams that supported the thatched roof.

'It's okay. It was nothing,' he shrugged it off.

'Let's unpack the bags,' he told her.

They got to it right away. When she was dealing with the last bag, a
small plastic ball fell from the bag.

She looked at it until it stopped rolling. Keith saw it to.

She recognised it.

'But I told her, no!' she thought.

It was the ball of herbs that the auntie had offered her. She had no
idea that it was put in her bag.

She was mad at the auntie.

'What's this?' he picked it.

Yvonne panicked.

'It's nothing,' she attempted to take things lightly.

'This doesn't look right,' he insisted while trying to remain calm.

'Maybe I wasn't going to tell you, but I surely wasn't going to use it,'
she told him.
'Oh, really! How's that possible? When these came from your bag,' he

She gave in and explained what happened the previous night with her

'I said no, and I have no idea when or how she put this in my bag,' she

'Were you going to tell me?' he asked.


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


'This is hard, I don't know what to believe. This, my picture floating in

a bucket of herbs!' he was confused by it all.

'I will be honest with you. A part of me is scared that you might be
taking me for a ride. What if it's true?' he dreaded the thought of it.

'Babe,' she squatted between his legs and held his hands.

'I wouldn't do anything like that to you. I can never hurt you,' she
looked him in the eyes.
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They revealed nothing but purity. She was a gentle soul, kind and

'I know!' he muttered.

'Then trust me on this,' she sat on his lap, and caressed his head.

'I am sorry,' he said.

'No. It's my fault, I put you in a compromising situation. It's only right
that you got worried,' she tried to soften his heart.

'Not that!' he sounded more somber.

'Am I missing something?' she wondered. He buried his face in his


Yvonne got up.

'What is it?' she asked.

'This wound is as a result of someone attacking me,' he pointed at the

patched wound.

'Wait! What?' she covered her mouth.

'Attacked? Over what?' she inquired.

'Have a seat,' he softly spoke.

The words echoed fear in her. She took to the bed and sat on the

He couldn't bring himself to say a word. It was hard in that moment of


She anxiously and quietly waited for him to talk. He finally explained
everything without leaving any detail.
'This is what I actually wanted to tell you in the car, on our way here,'
he said.

Yvonne was too stunned to say or do anything. She was visibly


'Do you feel anything for her?' she looked him in the eyes.

'I don't,' he said without hesitation.

She broke down in tears. For a moment, he wasn't sure what to do.
Whether to let her be or embrace her. He intuitively acted, he found
himself engulfing her in his arms.

'I am so sorry!' he whispered to her ear.

She took all the time she needed before she stopped crying. The
atmosphere was timid and hostile for a honeymoon.

There was a knock on the door. They slowly looked at each other.
There was no way they were expecting anyone there. The sun had set
and the sound of water hitting the rocks was rattling outside.

He got up to check who was at the door.

Suka found the wife gone when he woke up. The day went back
without communication between them, besides a text that chimed on
his phone in the evening.

'I've arrived safely,' it read.

He immediately called her back. She picked at the first ring.

'Let me call you back,' she said, as soon as she answered the phone.

'You are not calling me back. We are talking right now!' he said.

'Okay,' she forcefully conceded.

She pushed back a chair and left the company she was with.

'What is it you're doing that needs me to wait?' he asked.

'I was with my colleagues,' she responded.

'Wow!' he gave a cynical laugh.

'It's a Sunday night, and transit day. I'm certain work programmes will
not start until tomorrow,' he charged.

She kept quiet. She couldn't wait for him to hang out. She was already
irritated talking to him.

Everything was going downhill together with her affection. It was all
beginning to feel like a chore for her. Cooking for him was no longer
something she enjoyed. Their sex life was nothing to talk about.

She'd only give in because he'd desire her. There was no effort on her
part. No initiation whatsoever, and she endeavoured to make the
atmosphere unconducive for such encounters.

'After having your phone off the whole day, then you only send a text!'
he was upset.

'What do you take me for?' he ranted.

'There was no network much of the way,' she said.

'You couldn't even say bye,' he paused, then laughed. It was out of
pain and disbelief that he did.

'No. Network. Isn't that even the more reason you should have called
once you got service?' he didn't understand her logic.

'I guess it was an oversight,' was Fidelia's response.

'No. I guess this is an oversight for you. This whole thing,' he felt
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'What are you talking about?' she asked.

'This marriage!' he shouted.

He was enraged.

She looked behind her back to see if there was anyone paying
attention to her conversation before walking further away.

'I think you're overthinking,' she said.

'Really?' he taunted her.

'We both know I'm saying the truth,' he told her.

'Doesn't it mean anything to you?' he asked.

'Just because I erred, it doesn't mean our marriage means nothing,'

she said, in defence.

He awfully went quiet. Suddenly, he felt composed and horrible at the

same time. He leaned back on the couch.
'Hello!' she checked if he was there.

From the other side, a composed Suka asked, 'when was the last time
you touched me?'

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Wish I cut the call,' she rolled her eyes.

'I could be doing better. I should!' Fidelia reluctantly said.

'If you say so!' he responded, before hanging up on her.

She remained standing by one of the pillars of the pool house. The
surrounding was dark as her feelings for the Shanzi.

'Shouldn't I be feeling bad about it?' she questioned herself.

'Excuse me!' said a man.

'Sorry for disturbing you,' he apologised.

'It's fine,' she said.

'The man has sent for you,' said the resort employee.

She was surprised to find that the director of the broadcasting

cooperation was the man that had sent for her.
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'Alright, thank you,' Fidelia told the resort employee.

She walked to where the director was seated, the table was under a
thatched gazebo that was on the other side of the pool and across it
was the team she was seated with.

She saw them from the corner of her eyes, as they elbowed each
other to watch where she was going.

'They are obviously talking about me right now,' thought Fidelia.

She got up the stairs and was almost out of breath.

'A gym membership would do wonders,' said the director.

'I guess so,' she said, under her breath.

'Have a seat,' he offered her.

'Thank you,' she kept a distance from the table.

'Get done, already. Get to the point,' she raged in her head.

'You'll join the team I'll be with tomorrow. Your work doesn't go
unnoticed,' he said.

'That's kind of you to say,' she responded.

'How is your husband?' he asked.

Fidelia's body language changed, her smile dwindled to something

'He's fine,' she was not convincing.

'Pass my regards!' he said.

'I will,'

'That's all I called you for,' he told her.

'Goodnight,' she said, before leaving the gazebo.

The murmurs of her colleagues died down as she approached the

table to join them.

'I'll call it a night,' she said.

'Just yet?' asked one of them.

'It's still early,' said another.

'I need to rest,' insisted Fidelia.

The night was only young for the newly married couple.

'We have a special surprise for you!' said the lady at the door.

Yvonne was expectantly waiting to see who was at there. Kwite turned
to the wife.

'You've heard that?' he asked with a smile.

Though, much of the smile was as a result of the relief that it wasn't
Amanda at the door.

'Would you mind telling us what it is?' he asked.

'Babe! It won't be a surprise anymore,' said the wife.

'Yes! Sir, that's why I can't tell you,' said the resort employee.

'Give us a few minutes. We'll be right back,' he told the lady.

It was a clear night with stars scattered and beaming in the skies.

A whizzing sound was heard every time the wind blew against the
glass panes and Amanda sunk in the couch watching TV.

'Where's that coming from?' she wondered, then got up to check the
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'I wonder what Andrew is upto,' she thought about the man who had
walked out of her life.

She'd not heard from him. Her efforts to make contact were in vain as
he never picked or returned her calls.

As she checked for what was causing the whizzing sound. She
noticed that one of the windows wasn't properly closed.

She moved the curtain and reached for the handle to close it.

'Haaa!' she screamed.

Andrew was standing on the other side of the glass pane outside her

She was frightened.

'How did he get in the yard? She wondered.

'The guard!' she got upset.

'Oh! My,' she remembered that the guard was not working. He'd called
in sick.

'Should I go and meet him?' she didn't know what to do.

'Why hasn't he knocked?' she was terrified.

'But I didn't hear the gate open,' it was too much to take in at once.

The anxiety wasn't helping.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

Amanda tried to remain calm. But when she saw him walk to the other
side of the house, she panicked.

She walked away from the window. There was a knock at the door.

'Please, go home!' she said, leaning against the door.

'I just want to see you,' he was too calm for his actions.

'We will tomorrow,' she said.

'You either open the door or I take it down,' he threatened her.

'I am calling the police,' she shouted, her voice quivering.

He laughed. 'Cops! This is what we've come to?' he said.

The handle of the door moved.

'Please, stop it!' her voice was shakey.

'Open it!' he yelled.

She could tell that he was upset. In doubting the promptness of the
cops, she decided to call an alternative.

She was frantic, 'Please connect!' Network service was bad.

Andrew suddenly went quiet.

Kwite's looked at the clock when his phone rang.

It was Amanda calling late at night. He cut the line. She immediately
called again.

Yvonne looked at him.

'Are you not picking the call?' she asked.

'It's her,' he took a deep breath. He cut the line, and turned off the

'Damn it!' Amanda was disappointed.

She finally turned to the cops for help, she dialled their emergency
toll free line.

The number was constantly engaged. She remained opportunistic as

her heart throbbed.
She heard a click sound in the keyhole. Andrew had gotten the key he
had for her house.

She realised that her key was on the table. As she usually put it after
locking the door.

Andrew let himself in. It was at that moment that the line went

'Hello! You're through to the police toll free emergency contact, who
am I speaking to?' answered a police officer.

Amanda could hear a feminine voice but he was quick to forcefully

get the phone from her.

'Hello!' the cop repeatedly said.

He ended the call without Amanda uttering a word to the cop. He

looked at the phone and checked the call log while holding her hand
as they stood by the door.

'Oh! Interesting,' he looked at her in the eyes.

'You called him, huh?' he saw a contact saved as Kwite.

'And the cops! Hmmm, this is serious. You shouldn't be afraid,' he

was disturbingly calm and soft with her.

'Your hero didn't answer!' he mocked her for calling Kwite.

He smashed her phone against the wall. It was as if he'd been taken
over by a dark force. He went from cool to psycho in a mark of a

He pushed her against the wall and put his hand on her neck.
'Your choking me!' she was scared.

He forcefully kissed her. 'Huh! You like me now?' he rhetorically


She was trembled and he could see the fear in her eyes.

He took his hands off her and looked her in the eyes.

'But, why?' he asked.

'We had a good thing going on,' he shook his head.

She nodded.

'Let's sit and talk,' she begged.

'Talk about what?' he refused.

'Us!' she cautiously said.

'Us?' he softly spoke.

'Yes!' she nodded.

He laughed. He was emotionally messed up.

The laughter was everything bad and feelings he did it with were
sheer disturbing.

'Us! You liar,' he shouted and hit the wall.

She closed her eyes thinking he was going to hit her.

He could see her chest vividly bulge out and collapse in.
'There's no us!' he said.

He held her hand and locked the door. Then he pulled her as he went
to sit on the couch.

'Stand there!' he ordered.

'You will do as I say,' he got the key he had used to open the door and
the one on the coffee table.

'Please, let's talk when you're calm,' she begged.

He quickly shut and opened his eyes. 'This is what you wanted,' he
told her.

'You made this happen. You did this to me. It's your fault,' he blamed

He forgot that the reaction to what she did to him was entirely within
his power. He had an option to choose his actions. But the pain and
hurt was too deep to have him have a clear thought pattern. What she
did was her fault, and how he was reacting to things was his fault. As
the old adage goes, 'We are all responsible for our actions.'

At the resort, Kwite and the wife were treated to a serenade. Their
dinner was set on the warm sand of the river bank.

The music was soothing, but not enough to keep Yvonne's mind from

'Why was she calling?' she asked him.

'I don't know,' he responded.

'You've got to trust me. I could have said it was someone else calling,
if I had interest in her. All I said is what it was,' he explained himself.

'Excuse me!' she got up and left.


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


'Do you love him?' asked Andrew.

'Is it love? What do I feel for him?' she wondered at the thought of it.

'It is you that I love,' she told Andrew.

'Liar!' he yelled.

'Prove it!' he challenged her.

'How?' she asked, without giving it a second thought.

'Exactly!' pointed out Andrew. 'You have no clue on how to do that

because you don't feel what you are claiming,' he told her.

'You know that's not true,' she tried to convince him.

'I honestly don't care anymore. What does it matter?' he responded.

'Despite that, you're mine!' he told her before leaving.

She trembled with fear in the living room.

'Thank you,' Kwite told the waiter before running after the wife.

The man gave a slight bow. 'You are welcome,' he responded.

When Kwite got to the chalet, he found Yvonne crying. The sight of it
made him feel horrible.

Gently, he curled his arms around her from behind the chair without
uttering a word.

The embrace reduced Yvonne to tears. 'I didn't want it like this,' she

She went on like that for a few minutes.

'I am sorry!' she said, after turning to him.

'It's okay,' he said.

'No. I shouldn't have walked away from you,' she told him.

He silently wiped tears off her face with his hand.

She grinned.

'You look beautiful,' he softly spoke.

She couldn't help the smile on her face. They locked eyes and
passionately kissed.
The days that followed filled with love and basking in each other's

They returned home after the honeymoon about the same time when
Fidelia was getting back from the work trip.

The trip had taken a turn for her. What was supposed to be a getaway
from Suka became a hard break of sweat.

The director got Fidelia involved in more tasks than she was
supposed to and it didn't go without whispers from her colleagues.

'She will grow big headed,' said one of them.

They returned home the very day the work schedule was done. It was
until evening that she got home after a long drive. She found her
husband in the kitchen.

The aroma of the food swept through her nostrils when she opened
the door.

'Welcome back!' he told her.

'Thank you,' she gave a forced response.

When he turned, she wasn't there. He followed her to the bedroom,

and she found her get ready to shower.

'Dinner is ready! We can have it when you're done,' he told her.

'Thank you, but I'm not hungry,' she said, then closed the bathroom
door behind her.

Suka was about to burst with rage. He was stunned and he remained
quiet for a minute or so.
'Just what I needed,' he said, before leaving th bedroom.

He left everything the way he'd set it on the table. When Fidelia was
done freshening up, he went to talk to her.

'I will not take this behaviour from you. You need to straighten up
your attitude,' he snapped at her.

He did not take a moment to hear her response.

The following day, Yvonne called her auntie in the morning.

'Hello,' she picked.

'Mwana wandi, did you find it?' she sounded excited for feedback.

'Auntie,' she called her.


'I thought I said no to such things. What you did was wrong!' Yvonne
reprimanded the auntie.

'You are too young to scold me,' she responded.

'I am not scolding you. I'm only airing out my concerns,' said Yvonne.

'Apapene you've gotten married, and you already think we're age
mates,' charged the auntie.

'Awe, this isn't about that. You and I know what I'm talking about. I
don't appreciate what you did,' continued Yvonne.
The line cut before they spoke further. Yvonne's cousin was walking
into the mum's room when she had just gotten off the phone.

'Did she do that?' Yvonne's auntie looked at the phone.

'Do what?' asked the daughter.

'Yvonne cut the line on me,' she told the daughter.

'Are you sure she did?' the daughter didn't think her cousin could do
that to her mum.

'Did she just cut the call?' wondered Yvonne on the other side of the

She dialed the auntie's contact once more. There was deafening
silence before she got feedback.

'Network busy,' was displayed on her screen then followed a beep.

'Call her back,' the cousin to Yvonne told the mother.

'Why? Children no longer have respect for elders. How dare she cut
the line after scolding me?' Yvonne's auntie refused to call back.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Yvonne's auntie complained bitterly about what had happened.

'Maybe things are not as they seem,' said the daughter.

'What do you mean? Stop making excuses for her,' responded the

'Moreover I was looking out for her. The husband doesn't even seem
to be a responsible person,' charged Yvonne's auntie.

The daughter couldn't hold it anymore. 'You don't know him!' she
rebuked her mother.

The eye she gave the daughter was intimidating. 'You better say no
more,' she hinted.

'You think you know him? What do you know about a man like him?'
she belittled her daughter.

'He was my classmate in high school. I know him,' she told the

The mother was stunned. She weirdly looked at her daughter in


'What did you say?' she rhetorically asked.

As the daughter was about to repeat herself, the mother flew off the

'Shut up!'

'Look at you!' said the mother, before leaving the daughter's sight.

'Your friends are getting married and here you're claiming to know
people,' she muttered.
The mother's words got to her. She looked at her walk away. She had
handled well the societal pressure that came with a girl of her age not
being married. Partly, due to the fact that she had never felt any of
that pressure from those close with her.

'Are you seeing someone? You never say anything about that,' some
of her liberal auntie's would ask.

The energy it came with wasn't demeaning, it was more genuine and
they'd go on to advise her to take her time.

'Do not be in a hurry. It is a life time decision and one you don't want
to regret making. A life partner is one thing you shouldn't make a
mistake about,' the youngest auntie would tell her.

To hear the mother say the words she did crushed her soul. She
never thought being single in her mid-twenties was too big of a deal
with the mother.

She was sad that the mother sounded frustrated about it, and it gave
her a lot of questions.

It was a gloomy day for Yvonne's cousin. It took her to update a few
sad statuses on social media, they had a subliminal message on
people's views on marriage.

When Yvonne viewed those, she replied to one of them.

'How are you?' she texted the cousin.

'I'm okay. Not so good though,' she responded.

Yvonne decided to call her instead. The auntie's daughter declined

the call with a generic text.
'I can't talk. Text me!' it read.

It was shocking for Yvonne. At the same time frightening.

'You are scaring me. What's going on?' asked Yvonne.

'Mum is around. She might get me. I just had a misunderstanding with
her because of you,' responded the cousin.

'Over what?' wondered Yvonne.

'She thinks you're disrespectful. She says you cut her call,'

'Really? I just lost network,' Yvonne was baffled.

'She misinterpreted it. You know how she is over such issues,' said
the cousin.

'You don't say,' said Yvonne. She didn't bother to explain what had
gone on during the call.

When the call ended. Yvonne was troubled and she thought of telling
the husband when he came home for lunch from work.

She tried to call him but his phone went unanswered. It was on the
desk in his office.

'You can't show up here. You know I'm married,' Kwite scolded

'You have to put an end to this!' he pushed her in the car and shut the

'Go!' he told her.

'You need to hear me out,' she demanded.

'Amanda! No, we're causing a scene here,' he looked over his

shoulder, and there were a few of his colleagues in the car park.

'Andrew showed up at my house in the night,' she said, while running

after him as he walked away.

He stopped and turned to face her. 'That's good,' he sarcastically


'Oh, please!' she bemoaned.

'It could mean you're now cool,' he went back into the building and
left Amanda standing.

He got in his office, and threw himself on the chair.

'She is insane!' he thought out loud about Amanda.

He found a missed from his wife found and he immediately called her

'Hey love,' she answered.

'Why do you sound low?' he asked.

'I'll tell you when you get back home,' she said.

'At least tell me what it's about,' he implored her.

She let out a sigh. 'I called auntie,' she said.

'Alright, we'll talk when I get home,' he said.

There was a knock on the door. 'Are you expecting someone?' asked
the wife.

'No,' refused Kwite.

'It might be work related. Let me not disturb you,' she was about to

'No. Don't go,' he asked her to hold.

'Come in!' he answered to the knock on the door.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'A lady brought lunch for you a while ago,' said his junior colleague.

'A lady? Lunch?' Kwite wasn't expecting any of that.

'She said her name is Amanda,' remembered the colleague.

Kwite still had his wife on hold.Yvonne heard what the feminine voice
on the other end of the line echoed.

Beep! Beep! She cut the line.

'Babe!' Kwite frantically spoke on the phone.

'Ohhh goodness!' he was distressed.

He finished his day's work before he left the office.

'You haven't had your lunch,' said the colleague.

'Oh yeah!' He took the carrier bag and left.

As he drove away, the brother's dream echoed on his mind.

'Rest well, boss!' said the security guard at the gate.

Kwite reached for the carrier bag and handed it to the man.

'It's yours!' he said.

'Thank you!' excitedly said the security guard.

'No problem, my friend,' said Kwite.

He drove home to a stressed wife.

'Why has my marriage started off like this?' she lamented, curled on
th couch.

She heard a car pulled then the engine switched off.

'Is he from seeing her?' her mind run wild.

'I don't want to overreact,' she thought.

'How's been your day?' he asked, then kissed her cheek.

She was timid and cold. The body language was told it all. The silence
was ramming the ears.

'It's not what it seems like, I didn't even know she'd brought me
lunch,' he said.
'I know it's hard for you to believe,' he continued.

She blinked to keep tears were running down her cheeks.

'I hate putting you in this position,' he held her hands.

'How is it possible that you knew nothing about her coming or

bringing lunch?' she looked him in the eyes.

'I am not lying,' he held her cheeks. Then he embraced her after a kiss
on the lips.

'I'll never let you

She reservedly nodded.

He led her to the sitting stools in the kitchen.

'What did you want to tell me?' he asked.

'I had a misunderstanding with auntie,' she responded.

'I later talked to my cousin and she told me that auntie is upset,' said

'I see. Maybe it will be better if you talked to her,' he advised.

'Who? Auntie?' she rhetorically asked.

'Yes, her,' he said.

They talked about everything that affected them that day, and he
joined her in the kitchen.
'What's cooking?' he asked, as he rolled up his sleeves.

'Babe! Go away,' she said.

'Okay. I'll cut vegetables,' he said, with a laugh.

She went close to him and tiptoed to kiss him.


'After protesting about me being in here,' he grinned and hit her bum
as she turned away.

'Stop being naughty,' she blushed.

Suka was seated on the couch working on something for production

at work.

'Goodnight,' said Fidelia, after cleaning the kitchen.

'Goodnight,' he said, without looking at her.

He was buried in work.

He could care less. He was tired of reminding her how to love. She
had forgotten what they loved about each other.

'I won't be going for the Association of Arts Awards,' she said, before
heading to the bedroom.

'I guess she doesn't want to go with me,' he thought.

'She would never snub the Awards. I know her,' he entertained his

'I would rather be home along than go with him anywhere,' she said,
under her breath once she was in the bedroom.

The following morning, Kwite left for work and reminded his wife to
talk to the auntie.

'Settle it,' he kissed Yvonne on the forehead as she was seated on the
bed watching him dress up for work.

'I will,' she unconvincingly responded.

Around midmorning, Yvonne gave her auntie an unannounced visit.

'Yvonne!' She wore a smile upon seeing her.

'Weird!' thought Yvonne.

'Your cousin just stepped out,' she told her.

'I met her on my way. Besides, I am here to see you,' she told the


'To what do I owe this visit?' said the auntie.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.
'I realised I might have wronged you when we talked yesterday,' said

'Really? That was nothing,' said the auntie, shrugging.

'Please accept my apologies in any case. I shouldn't have spoken to

you in that way,' she told the auntie.

'It's fine,' responded the auntie.

'I guess we're now agemates since you're married,' the auntie came
off bitter.

'I should be leaving,' said Yvonne, ignoring the sentiments.

'You just got here. I am almost done cooking,' insisted the auntie.

'I can always come for a meal anytime,' responded Yvonne.

'It won't take long,' said the auntie.

'Why the sudden niceness?' wondered Yvonne.

She got up from the couch and followed her auntie in the kitchen.

The woman was fidgeting around the cupboard. Groping for

something she'd put away there.

As she got up with a small glass spice jar in her hand, Yvonne walked

The auntie was startled. It was enough for the spice jar to slip off her
hand and hit the floor rolling without breaking.
'I am sorry,' apologised Yvonne.

'It's okay,' stammered the auntie.

She quickly picked the rolling spice jar.

'I didn't mean to scare you. I need water to drink,' said Yvonne.

'There you go,' pointed the auntie.

'Thank you,' she responded.

The auntie carefully put back the spice jar in the cupboard. She made
sure to not raise any suspicions.

Yvonne drank from the glass of water while staring at the auntie from
the corner of an eye.

'The food is ready,' the auntie scooped from the pot.

'Can I help with anything?' asked Yvonne.

'Help me with the cutlery,' responded the auntie.

Yvonne was uncomfortable having the meal.

Later in the day, Shanzi checked on Kwite at his workplace during


'Isn't this the longest you've stayed in town?' asked Kwite.

'We needed this time,' responded Shanzi, as he took a seat.

'We? With your wife?' asked Kwite.

'Of course, who else?' laughed Shanzi.

'You are really keeping it locked. You seem to be doing this marriage
thing right,' Kwite continued.

'Thank you. It's not what it seems though,' reasoned Shanzi.

'Come on. Look at you, you're the happiest couple I know,'

complimented Kwite.

'You've got to want it more than your feelings do. It's about knowing
you want it and doing so to have it. Otherwise, working with feelings
won't take you anywhere,' there was a tone of sadness in Shanzi's

'Is everything okay?' asked Kwite.

Their eyes met. Shanzi sat back in the chair and held his cheek. He
was being bothered by something.

'We are struggling to conceive and it's taking a toil on us,' said

Kwite was devastated by what his friend said. 'You two look solid. It's
hard to tell,' he added.

'It's been hard of late. Then physical intimacy became programmed

cause we were trying to work with the calendar. It yielded nothing,
months went by then years,' explained Shanzi.

'I hate to see you like this,' said Kwite.

'I can't begin to fathom what you're going through,' he added.

'It's been hard. My wife is depressed about it. I am trying to be strong
but it's not easy,' he poured his heart.

Kwite had suggestions to make but opted to be quiet about it. He

figured the best thing to do in that moment was to be there for the
friend. To listen and sympathise with him.

'Mabye they should see a doctor,' he thought.

'Other than that we are fine,' Shanzi held his head up and momentarily
shook off his troubles.

'How's your wife?' he asked Kwite.

'She's fine,' he responded.

'You don't seem to be sure,' Shanzi looked through this friend.

Kwite leaned forward and put elbows on the desk.

'Amanda is a pain in my flesh,' he said.

'She won't stop for anything. She's been causing trouble of late,' he
told the friend.

'You need to fix this with the urgency it deserves,' Shanzi

reprimanded him.

'I already came clean with my wife. I told her everything,' said Kwite.

'That's good. I should get going,' said Shanzi.

Kwite reached for the top drawer of the desk and pulled out two
'Make sure you attend the Awards ceremony,' he told Shanzi.

'If we'll still be around,' he responded.

'Pass my regards to your wife,' said Kwite.

Fidelia was called by the director in his office. 'Have a seat,' she was

Being in there made her nervous as those that went there were either
in for a stick or good news.

'I hope Suka isn't coming at me through work,' she wondered.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.*

'Your hardwork is yielding results,' the director pointed to the TV

screen on the wall in his office.

He had projected data for her performance review.

Fidelia couldn't believe her eyes as she beamed with pride at what
she saw.

'The ratings for the show are soaring over the roof,' said the director.

'You'll never know what would come up if you keep this up,' he urged.
She left the director's office feeling on top of the world. It wasn't the
stick she got in there after all. Things were quickly taking a turn in her

She sat on her desk. The first thing that her eyes saw was the picture
of her husband. She felt her smile and joy fade at the thought of him.

She looked around and when she was sure that no one was looking,
she put away the husband's picture in the drawer.

She remembered that the show she was getting pats for was Suka's
idea. He pitched it to her and she wasn't for it in the beginning.

'I don't think it would take off,' she recalled being adamant.

'I bet it will. Try it, you won't lose anything,' he told her.

'I would lose. I'll be linked to a failed show,' she remembered refusing.

Suka's laughter echoed in her mind.

'And if you don't, your name won't be attached to anything,' he told

her back then.

The run of the memory made her feel robbed of credit. Her ego was

The phone binged and it was her husband.

'I am in a meeting and there is a rev for your show. Job well done!'
read the text.

She wasn't impressed. She hated the fact that the show had
something to do with him. Meanwhile, Suka never saw it that way.
He gave all the credit to his wife for the brevity to take it on. Not to
even talk about how far she'd come with it.

It was never an idea he pitched to her out of pride. He always saw his
wife as a partner, they were a team. His gain were hers. It was about
we, with him.

Sadly, it wasn't the case for Fidelia. She was about proving a point. To
make it alone. To have nothing to do with her husband.

A day before the Awards ceremony. Shanzi checked his mails after
waking up.

'Good morning babe!' said the wife.

He greeted her back and kisser her.

'You'll end up finding an email from work,' she stated.

'I doubt. I'm on days off,' he told her.

'Your presence is requested. We have an urgent matter that needs

your attention,' he read out to his wife a part of an email he laid eyes

'Is it so?' she hoped it was a joke.

'I kid you not,' he was stunned.

'We have to travel back today. I'm needed tomorrow,' he said.

'Kwite will not be happy. He wanted us to attend the Awards

ceremony,' he told his wife.

'What's Lorato doing on Friday? Ask her if she can go,' he suggested.
'That would be nice. She needs time off her routine life,' she

He got his phone to call Kwite and she texted her sister.

'Why don't you call her instead?' he asked.

'She's usually online. She'll respond,' said the wife.

He talked to Kwite.

'Don't you want to have company? We have two tickets,' she asked

'No. The only friend I'd want to go with is out of town. Don't worry, I'll
go alone,' said Lorato.

Suka was still not impressed with the wife's behaviour. There wasn't
really anything she'd done to address the issues at home. But, that
evening on his way from work, he was happy.

He was proud of his wife's accomplishment, she was moving to

greater heights. She was making the most of the show by herself.

He stopped by a flower shop and got a yellow rose and lily bouquet
for his wife.

It was unusual for him to get home that late after work. He put the
flowers on the table in the dining room and loosened up to get
They would often call each other if anything out of routine was going
to happen. Fidelia didn't that night. Neither did she mention anything
when they texted during the day.

He dialled her number as his eyes remained fixed on the wall clock. It
was fifteen past nine in the night.

'Hello!' she answered.

'Where are you?' he heard noises in the background. It was more

cheerful and he recognised a distinct voice.

'Are you out with friends?' he got agitated.

'Have you forgotten that you're a married woman?' he snapped.

'I will be home. Am not staying out very late,' she responded.

'I don't care. Get yourself here,' he was upset.

'This is not necessary,' she brushed it off.

'You think?' he sarcastically asked, before ending the call.

'Arrrgh! Can't a woman have her time,' bemoaned Fidelia to the


She gulped down a glass of wine.

'Don't get married,' she looked at a single friend.

The two friends stared at each other.

'Here's to you!' they drank to Fidelia.

It was her night. She was the epitome of attention. She was beaming
at lightening speed to being the queen of reality TV. Something she'd
always wanted.

'He could be intimidated by your shine,' suggested one of her friends.

They were getting comfortable saying such things because of how

she'd been acting with regards to her marriage and things she said
about her husband.

She knew it wasn't true. There was more that the friends didn't know
about the show. His role in birthing it. She let it be, she neither
reprimanded her friend over what she said nor did she stand by Suka.

She let them be to their own imagination, after all, it glorified her.

Fidelia ended up staying out late than she had told Suka that she

'What do I care?' she looked at the wrist watch.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Suka awake and waiting for his wife when she got home. He heard the
door of the car bang.

'Where have you been?' he asked, as soon as she entered the house.

'Am I not here?' she responded.

He flew off the handle. He charged towards her, and hit her.

He beat her up. Fidelia never saw it coming because she had never
seen or known him to be a violent person.

'You animal!' she shouted at him as he repeatedly hit her.

She was helpless and piled herself in the corner of the living room.

'Bring that phone!' he got it and locked all the doors.

His heart was pounding. He regretted what he had done. He sat on the
bed and felt his head throb. She was sobbing in the living room.

He couldn't bring himself to ignore her. He went to the living room

and squatted beside his wife.

'I didn't mean to do it,' he told her.

'You know that I love you,' he repeatedly said.

She was bruised on the forehead, and got a swollen face with a cut
above her left eye. She was bleeding from the eyebrows.

She couldn't look him in the eyes out of fear. She didn't know who he
was anymore.

'You did this. You caused me to do it,' he blamed her.

He got up and went to the bedroom

The following day was awards ceremony night. He left early in the
morning without talking to her. She was curled on the couch covered
in a fleece.
He took a glance at her and she was still swollen. He locked her in the
house and went to work.

'Good Morning!' he was greeted by the director.

'I haven't seen Fidelia, I checked for her in the departmental office,' he

'She isn't well,' lied Suka.

'That's unfortunate,' said the director.

The day went by and Fidelia's friends tried to reach her but they
couldn't get through.

When one of them called Suka. He kept on with the lie.

'She didn't wake up fine. She's got a terrible headache from last
night's drinking,' he told the wife's friend whose distinct voice he had
recognised the previous night.

'I can't get through to her,' she told him.

'She should have not charged her phone. We had loadshedding last
night,' he said.

'Alright, thank you,' said the wife's friend.

'I'll tell her to call you,' he said.

He let out a sigh as soon as she cut the call and he got nervous.
There was no time to go home and check on her. The day was busy
and he was spearheading the preparations of the Awards event.
They got done in time and he went to change into something dapper.
He was to don one of the sponsor's clothing lines.

He had invited all his friends to the ceremony. Kwite and the wife
arrived before the rest of his friends.

Shanzi was flying back to his town that evening. Trey got there in

'Here he comes, alone,' Suka told Trey.

'It's simple. I'm single,' he laughed it off.

'I can't see your wife,' Trey jabbed back.

Suka didn't seem interested in the conversation.

'What is it?' wondered Trey.

'She's not feeling okay,' said Suka.

'What are you doing here?' asked Trey.

'Are you not supposed to be with her in that case,' continued Trey.

'It's nothing serious,' responded Suka.

Lorato was glad to spot Suka after nervously keeping an eye for him.
She went to announce her presence.

When Trey saw someone heard towards them. He let the conversation

'You and I need to talk,' he said, before going to sit.

'Hai,' Lorato greeted Suka.

'Hey, long time,'

'It's good to see you,' he added.

One of the crew members came to interrupt them.

'Sir, I need a moment with you,' the man told Suka.

'Enjoy your evening,' Suka told Lorato.

She found herself sitting next to Trey. He thought the face was
familiar but he couldn't put a finger to it.

'Have we met before,' he asked.

He figured she could be the friend's relative. Besides, the face was

'I think we have,' she said.

'Trey!' he introduced himself.

'Shanzi's friend?' she asked.

'Oh yes. The wife's sister, right?' he remembered her.


'Lorato!' she said her name.

The host came on the stage and kicked off the ceremony. Kwite and
the wife were seated on the other side of the aisle.
One of the Award recipients was Fidelia. She won herself a gong.

Suka went up stage and accepted the award.

'On behalf of my wife who couldn't be here tonight. You deserve this
babe. I'm sure you're watching,' he looked in the camera.

She was indeed watching, and she was disgusted by him.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

When the awards event was done. Suka tried by all means to avoid
Trey. He knew that they had a conversation pending. The truth would
get him backlash from his friend.

They knew Fidelia was acting up, but he knew that none of his friends
would condone him beating the wife.

Kwite and the wife excused themselves from the after party.

'We'll call it a night,' he told Suka.

'Just yet. There is a party after this, and you're on the guest list,' said

'You mentioned. But I've got work tomorrow,' insisted Kwite.

'Tell Fidelia, I'm happy for her,' said Yvonne.

The direction that the conversation was taking unsettled Suka.

'I will,' he said, before the couple left.

He turned to the sight of Trey and Lorato. It was too late for him to
avoid them.

'Are you going for the after party?' Lorato asked Trey.

'I am,'

'I'm sure you'll find us. That's if Kwite is headed there,' Trey told Suka.

'Unfortunately, I have to go home,' Suka excused himself.

'I thought this was your thing,' said a baffled Trey.

'Yes. But my wife is alone,' responded Suka.

'So sweet!' admired Lorato.

'Such a wonderful husband to Fidelia,' she blushed.

'By the way, Kwite has work tomorrow. Do you know what that
means?' Suka was in a hurry to leave.

'He's not going to the after party,' guessed Trey.

'Exactly!' confirmed Suka.

Trey turned to Lorato.

'I'll meet you there,' he told her.

They drove to the venue for the After Party and it was laden with faces
they knew from TV. It was a high profile guest list with strictly basing
entry on invitation.

'You've got to be a movie star,' she joked with him.

'And you're my Winslet,' he told her, before she chuckled.

'You're kidding me, right! She's no match,' said Lorato.

Suka took his time getting home. The wife was still awake when he
got there. Still on the couch the same way he'd left her.

'Here is your thing!' he put the gong on the table.

She silently stared at it. The swelling on her face had reduced.

'Are you holding me hostage?' she murmured.

'I can't get you,' he responded.

As she got emotional as she opened her mouth to repeat herself. She
felt a lump on her throat and tears filled her eyes.

'Why are you doing this?' she wasn't her confident self anymore.

He had crushed her spirits.

'Do you like it?' he moved the gong close to her.

'It has your name,' he got it and put it on the couch such that it leaned
on her.
'There you go!' he taunted.

He kept quiet and stared at her. She could not read his mind. He was
no longer predictable and it seemed as if he was a different person.

'Do I need to remind you that you're married?' he asked.

'Am I talking to myself?' he hit the table with his palm.

'I just want out,' she gathered strength to talk.

He sat up on the edge of the couch and laughter.

'No one is going anywhere. We are were we wanted,' he said.

'Let this be the last time I hear you say that,' he threatened her.

'I don't love you anymore. I stopped way back. You did not amount to
anything I wanted in life,' she yelled.

'Is that so?' he got up and grabbed a pillow.

'I'll choke you to death,' he put it on her face.

'Please don't!' she wrestled his hand.

He had not applied pressure on the pillow.

'You think I didn't hear what you were up to on your work trip?' he

'People talk. I've heard whispers about it,' he claimed.

The colleagues she was with were spreading false rumours.

She was traumatised, and the night was long as she feared the

Suka had become her nightmare overnight. She was scared of him.

The sun rose to her open eyes. She heard footsteps in corridor when
she was about to be whiskered away by sleep.

She opened her eyes and sat up.

'Have a shower and fix up,' he touched her cheek.

'Hurry!' he shouted at her.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

She felt her face get heavy as she woke up. She anxiously dragged
herself to the bathroom and keenly looked in the mirror.

She stood under the shower and cried as the water washed off her

'Does it have to be like this?' she lamented.

'Hurry up!' he banged on the door.

She shut her eyes and took a deep breath before getting out of the
shower and to find he had put clothes for her on the bed.

'Where are we going?' she spoke with a faint voice.

'Just put the clothes on!' he shouted at her.

She couldn't risk standing up for herself. She wasn't sure what he was
capable of after the previous night.

She dressed up and fixed her face.

'You've missed a spot!' he held her shoulder.

She repelled him.

'They are here!' he said, after he heard a little toot of a horn.

'Who?' she asked.

'Your relatives,' he said, as he walked away.

He went to meet his wife's uncle and two aunties.

'You're welcome,' he told them.

They responded, then greeted him before they were led to the living

Suka and Fidelia's wedding portrait hung on the wall. The aunties
glanced at it and turned to each other.

'She's well married,' Whispered one of them.

Fidelia spent most of her marriage years tolerating Suka. She lived
each day sourcing for strength to go through another day with him.

'Would you like something to drink?' Suka asked the guests.

'We are fine,' responded the uncle after keenly looking at those he
was with.

Suka excused himself and went to call his wife.

'Thought I told you that people are here,' he scolded the wife.

'I heard,' she answered.

'Then move!' he hurled abuse at her.

They emerged from the bedroom like nothing was happening a few
seconds ago.

She saw her relatives then she turned to Suka, but he ignored her.

'How are you?' greeted the uncle. It was more of a rhetorical question.
They didn't wait for her to respond before the uncle went straight into

'We heard your request and rushed here the quickest we could,' said
Fidelia's uncle.

'We are told there are challenges in this house,' he continued.

'Is it so?' one of the aunties asked Fidelia.

'I guess so,' she reservedly responded.

Suka chipped in and explained how they'd been living of late. He

omitted the part where he beat her.

She gave him an eye.

The auntie caught eye of what Fidelia did. 'She's stubborn,' she
whispered to the other woman.

They were ashamed to see her do that.

'Kwati tafundwa,' whispered back the other auntie.

'My daughter, this man is your husband. This is no way to live with
your spouse,' they scolded her.

She got upset. Her lower jaw began to shake. She wanted to talk but
knew she was going to break down.

'Is what your husband has said a lie?' asked the uncle.

She shook her head.

'We are talking here. You won't use gestures,' the uncle reprimanded

'No!' she said, then broke down in tears.

A part of Suka was moved. He knew what was going on. The reason
she broke down was something to do with what he had omitted.

It stunned her relatives to see her like that. Timid and defeated. She
wasn't her usual self. Fidelia had a larger than life personality and it
was astounding to see her in that emotional space.

The aunties looked at each other.

'Do you have anything to say?' asked one of the aunties.

'No!' Fidelia wiped off the tears.

She felt betrayed by her husband.

'How dare he hides what he did?' she thought it through.

'He hit me,' she said, then broke down in tears.

She sobbed as the relatives looked on in awe.

'Is it true?' the uncle asked Suka.

They needed no vocal answer from him. His body language gave him
out. He was guilty of being physically violent against the wife.

The uncle felt his blood boil. He got up and left the room.

The two aunties had to deal with the situation. One of them went after
the man. There was silence in the house apart from the silent sobs of

A little while later, the other auntie came back in. 'Where is he?' asked
the one that had remained.

'He's outside,' she said, while looking at Suka.

'You can't do that to your wife,' said the older auntie.

Fidelia looked up and pulled back her hair. She revealed the black eye
and cut.

'Aweee! Tefyo,' complained the younger auntie.

'Don't do this. You will end up liking each other,' she lamented.

The door swung open and the uncle walked in.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Suka wished it was a bad that he was going to wake up from.

Unfortunately, he needed to sit through it the shame.

The wife's uncle sat on the edge of the couch. He cut a frustrated

'This is marriage not a fighting ring. You have to care for your wife
and love her as yourself. I am certain you wouldn't hurt yourself
physically. Would you?' he looked at Suka.

'No,' He shook his head with his face down.

'Exactly. Let this be the last time this happens. You can always talk
things over,' said the uncle.

'Don't destroy your household with your own hands. Only a foolish
woman does that,' the old auntie told Fidelia.

'I am the one that was beaten. Not him,' she thought.

'Never should you get physical. Regardless of the circumstances.

This is your wife,' added the younger auntie.

Fidelia raised her head and looked at them.

'I want to leave this house. I can't stay here,' she surprised them.

'Nooo! You can't say that,' the older auntie rebuked her.
Suka was stunned by the wife's request.

'I erred. It is an act I can never write off but wish I could. Forgive me. I
will be a better person and I won't go back to doing that again,' said

'It doesn't matter. I don't want this anymore,' hollered Fidelia.

'Iwe! Calm down. This is your husband, and show us some respect,'
the uncle got upset.

'What has become of you? Someone is apologising and you are here
uttering such things,' he went at her.

'You need to check your behaviour. Your attitude leaves much to be

desired. I thought you had changed,' charged the younger auntie.

'She's actually gotten worse,' added the older auntie.

'This is your house, and you chose this man for yourself. You brought
him to us. You'll live together and sort your issues as advised. We
didn't come here to dissolve your union,' the uncle stood his ground.

'Give him peace!' he added.

Suka humbled himself before the elders from the wife's clan.

'I ask for your forgiveness as well. I failed you by laying my hands on
my wife. Please, find it in your heart to know that I'll be a better man
after this,' he was remorseful.

'You've heard your husband,' said the uncle.

'We expect you to take care of each other. This shouldn't repeat itself,'
he told Suka.

'If there is nothing more, we'll be leaving,' he said.

'I am grateful you came through. Your wisdom will help build this
household,' he thanked the wife's relatives.

They wished them well and left. Suka saw them off as the wife
remained in the house.

When he went back inside. Fidelia was nowhere he left her. Neither
was she in the kitchen or dining room.

He looked for her and found her in the bedroom. She was packing

He stood by the door and looked at her in disbelief.

'What are you doing?' he asked.

She didn't answer him.

'I am talking to you,' he said.

'What does it look like I'm doing?' she rudely responded.

'I am sorry I hurt you. But you don't have to do this,' he held her hand
to stop her from packing her things.

'Don't touch me!' she yelled.

He could feel that he was losing it.

He let go of her hand and walked out of the room to clear his

'Calm down,' he told himself.

Fidelia broke down the moment Suka left the bedroom.

He heard her sobbing and he rushed back inside. He put away her
things. Then he left her alone.

She heard the engine rev as he drove out.

Things were looking up for Kwite and Yvonne. They were free of
drama from either the wife's auntie or Amanda.

'You are beginning to put on weight,' she told him.

'Just yet?' he made a face.

'I am not lying,' she chuckled and he grinned.

'I can tell. What's your aim?' he joked.

'Get you looking unattractive to other women,' she said.

He walked to where she was lying and he kissed her on the lips.

'Let's step out,' he told her.

'Aaaah! When I'm comfortable,' she protested.

'I need to do something at the mall. We'll be back soon,' he told her.
She got up and hopped on his back as he was tying laces.

He effortlessly supported her weight as he stood straight, then turned

his neck to meet her lips.

They kissed and it was intense.

'Let's go!' she interrupted the moment.

'Damn it! You're right, they'll close the mall,' he agonised.

When they got to the shopping mall. They had to wait in the queue at
an ATM. As they fancied their turn, Amanda walked in.

Kwite's wife noticed the husband's change in energy and body


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'What is it?' asked the wife, picking up on the vibe.

'Nothing!' His response was almost oblivious.

Amanda was stunning. She showed off everything. She was aware of
her beauty and capitalized on it.

Yvonne noticed the woman who had most people's attention in the
bank hall, except for her husband. Who was making every effort not to
look at her.
Everything became awkward as a result.

'Do you know who she is?' enquired Yvonne.

He pretended to ask, 'Who?'

'That lovely lady,' she replied.

He looked up to double-check. And he locked his gaze on Amanda.

She hadn't noticed him at first. She noticed he had company and that
she appeared to be being discussed.

She stood up and walked over to them. Kwite had not yet responded
to the wife.

'Hello, Kwite!' said Amanda

'This has to be your wife,' she continued.


'Babe, Amanda!' he exclaimed, his heart heavy.

The atmosphere abruptly changed. Yvonne became tense.

'So it's you?' she asked rhetorically.

'Excuse me,' Amanda pardoned herself.

'I'm glad we are here. Stay away from my marriage,' Yvonne said

'You can't go on like this. We are not a thing,' Kwite added, before
calming down his wife.
Amanda giggled.

'This is funny. Don't get ahead of yourself. I only came to greet you,'
she turned to leave.

She had hardly walked away a step or two before she stopped.

'Who wouldn't want to have me? It's not your marriage I'm after
honey, don't lose sleep,' she winked at Kwite, then walked away.

Yvonne was enraged. She felt disrespected. 'Did you see that?' She
lost her cool.

'Calm down,' he held the wife's hand and walked out of the bank.

'Let's go elsewhere,' he said.

Amanda grinned. 'I want no commitment. It works well for me if he's

committed, I only get to have him when I want,' she reminded herself.

'Stay away from my marriage. Mxxxm!' she soliloquized.

Yvonne was mad.

'And you watched her talk to me that way!' she complained.

'You wanted us to cause a scene in there?' he asked in turn.

'You could have at least said something,' she said.

He stopped the car by the side of the road. 'I understand how you're
feeling though you are forgetting something important. It's you who
has me. I'm your husband. She neither has me nor gets attention from
me. There is no battle here. I'm already yours,' he got her hand and
kissed it.

'Now, focus on giving me some of you,' he pulled her leg.

Yvonne blushed. 'Thank you for reminding me of what I am to you,'

she spoke softly.

Trey had been casually texting with Lorato. He learnt that she had
recently broken up with the person she was dating.

'What's your view on love? Dating and marriage,' she asked via text.

'Both are overrated. I think people shouldn't be bound in such

arrangements,' he replied.

It was a shocker for her.

'What do you mean?' she replied.

'How about a response over lunch?' he texted.

She sent laughing emojis. Then a question. 'Are you asking me to go

on a date with you?'

'Not in the common sense it's applied,' he said.

'I see. I already have plans for the day,' she replied, despite not having

'Next time then,' he told her.

Suka returned home in the evening. There was no light on, inside or
outside the house.

He lingered in the car a little longer.

'I'm sure she's gone,' he muttered to himself.

He stepped out of the car and slammed the door.

Fidelia heard the noise.

He entered the house and turned on the living room lights. In the dark,
there was the wife, drinking her sorrows.

He went to take the liquor bottles from her. There were a few
unopened one on the coffee table and a few empty bottles on the

'Why are you doing this to yourself?' he asked, grabbing the bottle
she was holding.

She fought him for it.

Clink! The bottled shattered upon impact.

She smacked him on the head.

He felt something roll across his forehead before noticing blood

dripping on the floor.

He shook his head in disbelief.

'What have you done?' He was enraged.

She sat back and looked at him, unconcerned. 'What do you expect of
me?' He was on the verge of hitting her.

'Go ahead!'

'Do it!' she exclaimed.

He took a deep breath and turned away from her. It became clear to
him how adamant she was about leaving their marriage.

He realized who he was becoming as a result of his toxic relationship

with his wife.


[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.


�[Graphic Scenes! Not suitable for sensitive readers]

Suka's cut continued to bleed after he washed it. He did everything he

could to stop the bleeding. He was looking in the mirror while holding
on to the face wash basin when his wife passed behind him and
murmured something.

'What exactly did you say?' He caught a glimpse of her expression in

the mirror.

'Nothing!' she replied angrily.

He wasn't having any of it. It was the final stroll he required.

'You're not going to walk away from me when I'm talking,' he assured

She came to a halt and yelled at him.

'What will you do?'

He spun around and smacked her. 'You're not going to talk to me like
this!' he exclaimed.

She ran for her life, but he outpaced her. He grabbed her by the
garment, and she yanked away, only to lose her balance and knock
the kitchen door open.

She rose to her feet as he walked viciously and slowly towards her.

'Do you still want to talk?' he asked, mocking her.

She was panting heavily and terrified for her life. 'Don't come near
me!' she exclaimed, her voice quivering.

He smiled at her. His eyes were unlike anything she'd ever seen

She reacted instinctively, despite being only a few inches away from
him. Fidelia leap a step forward and reached for the knife block.

She stabbed him in the tummy. She felt blood ooze to her hand. She
hastily let go of the knife.

As he struggled for breath, a pool of blood formed on the white tiles.

He closed his eyes and leaned against the cupboard.

She was frightened. She didn't even move an inch. She got back to
her sense and immediately regretted her actions.
Meanwhile, Suka gathered all of his strength and chose to ignore the
pain. He reached for a knife on the block and stabbed her in the ribs.

Her flank was pierced. In disbelief and pain, the eyes popped open.

She moaned in agony as he collapsed to the floor, clinging to the


He took care not to trip over the knife, which was still lodged in him.

Fidelia crouched down on her knees, one hand on her wound. As the
vessels pulsated, she felt blood ooze out.

He cried when she looked him in the eyes. As he looked up, a tear
rolled down the side of his face.

He mumbled, 'I love you.'

She then collapsed on the opposite side of her body.

Suka came to mind as Shanzi sat on the couch with his wife.

'You appear troubled,' she observed.

'Yes, I am. 'I suddenly feel the need to talk to Suka,' he said

'Is everything alright with him?' she inquired.


'As far as I know,' he said.

'You should call him,' she suggested as she handed him his phone.

'Thank you,' he said.

He dialed Suka's number. His phone call, however, went unanswered.

He tried again, but there was no change in fortunes.

The wife was staring at him intently. 'He's not picking,' he explained.

'Perhaps you should call Fidelia,' she suggested.

He inhaled deeply. 'I'm not sure I want to,' he said, avoiding

conversation with his friend's wife.

'Let me call her,' she said as she took out her phone.

All of her attempts were also futile.

'This doesn't feel right,' he mumbled.

He dialed Trey's number.

'Hello!' he said as he answered the phone.

'I hope I didn't wake you up,' Shanzi said.

'No. I've been wanting to work on something, but I'm having trouble
focusing. My mind is racing and I'm restless for some reason,' Trey

'It's the same here. I want to talk to Suka, but he's not picking,' he told
a friend.

'Perhaps call the wife,' Trey suggested.

Shanzi exhaled a sigh.

'I understand. But what are your options?' Trey stated.

'My wife did call her.'

'She's not picking as well,' he said.

'In that case, we'll talk to him tomorrow,' Shanzi replied.

'You are right. We'll do it,' said the friend.

'Get the job done,' he said to Trey.

'Sure!' they said as they hung up the phone.

'Perhaps I'm overreacting,' he said to his wife.


'You aren't,' she says.

She switched off the television. 'Let's go get some rest,' she said.

He stood up and carried their belongings. 'I have to see that piece of
land tomorrow,' he admitted sheepishly.

Before going to bed, they discussed their next investment project.

'I've got a long day tomorrow,' he explained.

'All the more reason you need to get enough sleep,' she said as she
turned off the bedside lamps.
They kissed and said, 'Goodnight!'

He wrapped his hand around her and she rested her head on his

'I adore you!' She kissed his chest.

He kissed her on the lips, and they fell asleep.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked

The morning skies were ceiled by an overcast that sought to sit on

the spirits of Suka's friends.

When Shanzi's wife opened her eyes, she found him awake.

'Good morning,' She greeted him.

'Are you alright?' she noted, he was pensive.

'I am,' he said.

She kissed him and then rose from her bed. He dragged himself to the
shower and spent some time trying to figure out what was bothering

'Did Suka respond to my message?' he wondered. He was eager to

check his phone.
When he did, a strange sensation overcame him. His hair began to
stand on end. He knew it wasn't typical of his friend to refuse. He was
an early riser, and he would have called.

'The subscriber mobile number has the phone turned off. Please call
again later,'

When his wife noticed him hurrying.

'Are you not eating?' she said

She despised him leaving the house hungry.

'What do we have here?' he inquired as he sat down on a stool.

'It appears to be a dreary day outside. The sun isn't shining,' she
observed as she served him breakfast.

'Yes, it is. I'd like to check on Suka before continuing with my day as
planned,' he told the wife.

'Is he fine?' she inquired.

'I'm unsure.'

'His phone is turned off, and his wife isn't picking up hers,' he

'Oh, I see,' she pondered.

'This isn't like him. He always has his phone on, especially when he is
at work,' he said as he sipped from his cup.

'It tastes great,' he said as he sipped from the cup.

She grinned and said, 'I prepared it the way you like it.'

He took her hand in his and rubbed it together.

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'I don't know what I could do without you,' he looked her in the eyes.

Following that, he went to Suka's home.

'Babe!' Yvonne gave her hubby a firm shake of her hand.

He opened them for a split second before closing them again. She
said, 'Your phone.'

He raised his body and reached for it. Shanzi, it was.

'I'm clueless,' Kwite confessed.

'Should I be concerned?' he wondered aloud.

Yvonne was busy looking in the mirror as she fixed her hair.

He got off the phone and went behind her, then gave her a hug.

'You look good,' he stared at her in the mirror.

'Thank you,' she turned to kiss him.

'Do you really have to go?' he joked about her going for work.

'Yes, babe. My leave is over,' she kissed him again then got a
handbag and left.
'See you,' she said.

'Work well,'

'Enjoy your day,' he told her.

She had prepared breakfast for him, and set the dining table for his

He freshened up and turned on the news on the television.

There was a note on the tray.

'With love!' it was handwritten.

He couldn't stop himself from smiling. He called his wife and

complimented her on how lovely she was.

'A smile on your face fixes my crown,' she told him.

'I'm glad to have you. I love you,' he said.

He had barely taken a bite when he received a phone call.

He glanced at the phone as it vibrated and rang on the table.

'Shanzi!' he picked up in high spirits.

The energy wasn't matched on the other end. For a minute, there was
nothing else Kwite could get other than the heavy breathing of the

'Hello!' he repeatedly spoke.

'You need to come to Suka's house immediately,' said Shanzi.

'Right away. It's an emergency!' insisted Shanzi.

Trey was already at work. He had talked with Lorato on his way, and
they agreed to meet in the evening.

He was hell bent on having nothing serious with Lorato. He liked her
company and that was about it. The mental engagement between
them was to die for, when they talked. Their level of connection was
astounding. They could talk about a whole bunch of things. The
conversations were free flowing and unlimited.

She found him to be an interesting personality. He's divergent views,

and desire to learn was impeccable.

She had conversations with him about things they had different
opinions on.

'It makes an interesting point. I haven't thought of it that way,' his

words echoed on her mind.

She wasn't looking for a relationship with him. She'd been convinced
he was rooted in his outlook on marriage.

It was clear for her that nothing was going to materialise from their

Shanzi was outside Suka's house when Kwite got there.

'The wife's phone is ringing from inside but no one is answering my

knock,' Shanzi was desperate.

'She could have forgotten her phone on her way to work,' said Kwite.
He called Suka's colleague.

'Is he there?' asked Kwite, after exchanging pleasantries.

'Oh, okay. Thank you,' responded Kwite.

'Hey!' he desperately kept the man from hanging up.

'How about Fidelia?' asked Kwite.

'She isn't. We haven't seen her in days,' answered Suka's colleague.

'Thank you,' said Kwite.

'You are welcome. Is everything okay?' the colleague got concerned.

'I cannot get a hold of him. So, I thought of checking with you.
Otherwise, it's nothing other than that,' responded Kwite.

He got off the phone.

'None of them is at work,' he told Shanzi.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'What must we do?' Asked Kwite.

'I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this,' said Shanzi.
Kwite went to his car and opened the trunk. He took out an iron tool,
something he could improvise with to open the door.

'What do you want to do?' wondered Shanzi.

'I'm breaking in!' said Kwite.

'Wait!' he was stopped.

'We can start by checking with their relatives for information before
we take such a drastic step,' suggested Shanzi.

He called Suka's cousin, while Kwite talked to Trey.

'Hai! Have you heard from your cousin?' he wasted no time.

'Suka?' the voice was sheepish from the other side.

'Yes,' agreed Shanzi.

'No, I haven't. Last I heard, he was having issues with his wife,' said
the cousin.

'Is everything okay?' asked the cousin.

'Not really. Just that he wasn't picking his phone last night, and the
wife wasn't too. It isn't on anymore and Fidelia's is still going
unanswered,' explained Shanzi.

'That's odd!' sat up the cousin in bed.

'Have you tried his work line? How about getting in touch with his
colleagues? Maybe his at work,' he was throwing it all in.

'None of that has gotten us anywhere,' responded Shanzi.

'Oh, you have already done so,' conceded Suka's cousin.

The phone call ended and both of them went on to make more calls.
Shanzi tried contacts he thought would get him something tangible,
while Suka's cousin alerted other family members.

Kwite was off the phone with Trey. 'He knows nothing too,' he told

'Neither does anyone I've been on phone with,' he responded.

The two were restless. Kwite paced round the house.

Something horribly caught Kwite's eye.

'Shanzi!' he shouted.

He made his friend's heart beat out of the chest. It was a cry in horror.
They almost bumped into each other around the corner of the house
as Shanzi ran to the kitchen side of the house while Kwite was
rushing to get the iron bar he'd taken out the car.

'There!' Kwite pointed at the doorstep.

Shanzi was petrified. He'd had the gut feeling all night long, but none
of it strayed him to think anything close to what his eyes beheld.

He wished he could unsee the clotted stream of blood that had dried
from underneath the door.

The sight gave him chills down his spine. His mouth dried and he
began to sweat through the chilly temperatures of morning. The
forehead perspired unrelentingly.
Kwite jerked his friend.

'Don't just stand there!' he yelled, before getting busy with the door.

He frantically and strategically hit it as his mind avoided to think the

worst. A few minutes later, he realised Shanzi wasn't still doing

He looked over his shoulder and saw the friend visibly shocked.

'We've got to be strong,' Kwite patted him.

They worked the door together until it opened. Nothing could have
prepared them for the sight they were welcomed to.

Suka and the wife lay on the floor in a pool of blood in the kitchen.

Kwite couldn't stomach it. He let go of the iron bar, and it landed on
his feet.

He reacted emotionless to the physical pain. The emotional trauma he

was going through sufficed it.

They checked the pulses for the couple.

Shanzi put two fingers on Suka's neck as Kwite did the same on

He could not feel anything pulsating, Suka was numb and cold.
Shanzi did it repeatedly in disbelief.

'Suka!' he shook the friend. The knife wiggled as the body moved
Kwite shut his eyes. He hoped even for a faint pulse, but it was not

'Why?' he broke down.

The married couple was unresponsive. They had bled to death from
the knife stabs.

Shanzi shed tears as he hysterically laughed.

'This can't be!' he repeatedly said.

They grieved in a manner that portrayed nothing but anguish that

their friend's death caused them.

It happened that Suka's cousin was already on his way there. He had
put everything on hold until he'd checked on his cousin.

He got there at the same time as Trey. The sight of Shanzi and Kwite
was telling of everything worse that was inside the house.

They had not told Trey yet. When he got out of the car, he felt his
tummy sink.

Shanzi let out a sigh.

'They are no more!' he said.

'What do you mean?' Suka's cousin was distraught.

'Suka and the wife are dead,' he told them.

Trey acknowledged the friends' efforts before going in the house with
Suka's cousin.
The bodies were covered in bedsheets. They uncovered them to their
own shock. The knives were still jabbed in the bodies.

They covered them properly and went outside. Shanzi was


'This is my fault!' he blamed himself.

'I could have done something last night,' he said.

'I should have come here,' he regretted foregoing the gut feeling.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

Fidelia's uncle, who had come to her house to discuss her niece's
marital problems, was having breakfast with his wife and discussing
the situation.

'How are they now?' he inquired of his wife, who was one of the two
women who had accompanied him.

'I haven't heard from her,' she said.

'I hope they're doing well,' he expressed his wish.

'This is nice,' he said.

'The banana loaf?' she inquired rhetorically.

He nodded, 'Yes.'
'The phone is ringing!' she passed it to him.

'Who is it?' he inquired of his wife.

It was a call from an unknown number.

'Hello,' he answered the call.

'You are talking to Suka's cousin!' said caller.

'Oh! Okay,' Fidelia's uncle was caught off guard.

'You might want to be seated in case you're on your feet,' cautioned

the caller.

'Is there bad news?' his mind raced to Fidelia being beaten.

'What is it?' he was restless.

The wife swallowed her bite and blankly stared at the husband. The
phone call had visibly gotten him worried, and she was concerned.

'Suka is dead!' said the cousin.

'Hello!' The caller checked if the elderly man was still on the line.

'What happened?' asked Fidelia's uncle.

A lump formed in Suka's cousin's throat. He was having trouble

accepting the harsh reality. Images of his Suka and his wife as
newlyweds flashed before his eyes. Who could have predicted the
dreadful conclusion?
'It appears he died from a knife stab,' he said, pausing between each

It felt extremely wrong for him to say it out loud.

'What?' exclaimed the uncle, startled.

'Is it Fidelia?' inquired the uncle.

Though, deep down, he wished it hadn't been her.

Suka's cousin was having trouble breaking the news of Fidelia's death
to the rest of the family.

'No one knows who did it,' said the caller.

'What exactly do you mean?'

'Where has Fidelia gone?' the uncle asked.

Suka's cousin was silent for a moment.

'Can you tell me where she is?' insisted the uncle.

'She's gone,' he declared.

'What do you mean?' the uncle inquired.

The caller stated, 'She's dead.'

'They are both no more,' he added. Tears streamed down his face. He
couldn't get the image of Suka and his wife in their house, resting in a
pool of blood, out of his mind.
Everything around him came to a halt; Fidelia's uncle could see his
wife talking but couldn't hear her, and his vision began to blur.

'What is it, exactly?' she inquired.

'Oh my God!' exclaimed the wife, when she realized what was about to

He passed out and collapsed from his chair. The phone shattered and
landed on the table.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye for her.

She exclaimed, 'My husband!'

'Babe!' she exclaimed, shaking his hand.

'Imwe Bantu, Mayo ine!' She screamed angrily.

The gardener dashed inside the room. He discovered one dining table
chair with the backrest down on the floor, while the one his wife was
seated in was pushed far away from the table as she got up.

He crouched down in front of the man and took his pulse. It was there.

'He needs to get some air!' he said.

The woman removed her chitenge and proceeded to fan him. She was
too preoccupied to consider another option.

The gardener drew all the curtains open and grabbed a newspaper to
assist him in fanning himself.

The man inhaled deeply and opened his eyes. He looked terrified and
'This isn't possible. 'No!' he grumbled as he regained his composure.

They assisted him in taking a seat on the couch. He hid his face in his
hands and shook his head incessantly.

'This can't be true!' he exclaimed repeatedly.

She stood there, staring at him without asking what he was talking
about. She judged by his body language, and figured he was
traumatised by whatever he was told on the phone.

'Fidelia is dead!' he said, after recuperating.

'What?' she was jerked awake.

'Iye imwe!' she cried.

He went over what he'd been informed over the phone.

'When we got there, we should have considered about the likelihood

of this,' he grumbled.

'We have lost two lives,' his voice trembled.

'Two souls!' exclaimed the wife, her eyes widening.

'Is Suka also dead?' She inquired softly.

'Ahhhhh! 'This is weighing heavily on my heart,' she sobbed.

She bemoaned the fact that it had come to this. 'This can't be!' she

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

They waited for Fidelia's uncle to show up before they could call the

Joe and Shanzi were talking while Kwite and Trey stood outside the
house in silence, with hands folded.

Suka's cousin was a tangle of emotions. They had to get him to sit in
the car so he could calm down.

Fidelia's uncle got to the funeral house in the company of his wife and
other family members. Suka's friends took them in the house to see
the bodies.

'Since this is a crime scene, we have to wait for the cops before the
bodies are deposited in the mortuary,' said Kwite.

One of Fidelia's relatives refused to go in. She had a nervous


The uncle and his wife went in with another relative. They were
accompanied by Shanzi and Suka's cousin.

They heard sobs from inside the house. Fidelia's auntie couldn't
stomach the scene.

'This is not the way it is,' argued Fidelia's uncle.

He had a different narrative for everything.

'He obviously stabbed her then killed himself,' he was adamant.

'This is absurd!' snapped Suka's cousin.

'You know what she made him go through. He fought for this
marriage, he loved life to take his own,' he stood up to Fidelia's uncle.

'Show me respect,' the old man was upset.

'I haven't disrespected you in any way. I just won't allow you to say
such things about my cousin,' said Suka's cousin.

'Let's leave that to the cops,' he added.

'Speculations will do is no good,' he continued.

'I know what I'm talking about,' said the old man.

'Fidelia wanted to leave him!' the uncle spoke.

He couldn't bring himself to say Suka's name. He hated anything to do

with him.

'Our family doesn't know that. At least, I don't,' said Suka's cousin.

'Your cousin became abusive,' charged the old man.

'He hit her!' he added.

The cops came and the family feud died off.

They did their work, went through procedures of investigative works.

The knives were taken by the cops for thorough investigation.

The house was screened and swabbed for fingerprints too.

'We have to rule out third party involvement,' explained the lead cop.

The bodies were deposited in the mortuary by the families and the
atmosphere was tense as rumours of what happened made rounds.

A phone rang as Yvonne drove to work.

She noticed that Kwite had left his work phone in her car the previous
night. She ignored it without checking who the caller was.

'I'll call him to come and get it,' she thought.

Barely a minute passed before it rang again. She was prompted to

check it.

She hesitantly picked the phone to put it on silent mode. Behold, a

text popped up and it showed part of the message in the drop down

'Hi Love....!' read the first part.

She felt light headed as she pulled up in the car park.

She trembled and the thumb could hardly tap to open the text.

'Should I?' she thought.

She gave in to reading it.

'Hi Love, It's been a while and I seriously miss us,'

She got the number and run it through an online application to check
the identity of sender.
'Amanda!' popped the name after it finished searching.

Yvonne felt an anger that she'd never encompassed before.

She was disturbed. She stayed longer in the parked car that she was
running late for work.

The profusely sweated despite the tree shielding her from the
morning sun.

'Take a deep breath,' she told herself.

She did several times until she had a clear head. Which wasn't
enough to diffuse the anger she harboured.

Her cellphone rang.

'Hello!' she answered the boss's call.

'You are running late. Where are you?' she was asked.

'I'll be in in a minute,' she faintly responded before ending the call.

The boss barely heard what she said.

'Hello! Hello!' the boss was frantic. She took the phone off her ear and
stared at it.

'This is not like her,' she wondered what could be wrong with Yvonne.

As she was seated in her glass office, concerned about one of her
best performing members of staff, she saw Yvonne walk through the

She instructed her secretary to send Yvonne to her office.

At the funeral house, tempers flared when Suka's family members got

'Fidelia's uncle accused Suka of murdering the wife,' said Suka's


There was an uproar from their side of the family.

'This is madness!' rebuffed Suka's uncle.

'How dare they make such utterances?' he was enraged.

'They need to be put in their place,' he left a small family gathering

they had made near one of the cars.

'Please! Not now,' urged the brother.

'Unless when?' he rubbished the calls for him to hold off.

[3/30, 12:28 PM] Empire �: #Table_It_Naked.

'Good morning,' the secretary greeted Yvonne.

She was staring at the wall and absent minded. The door to her office
was open.

'Morning!' She repeated herself.

Yvonne was startled. 'Morning! Come in,' she turned and invited her

'You wanted by the boss,' said the secretary.

'Alright,' she got up to go as the secretary left the office.

She paced to the boss's office knowing why she was called there.

The boss was a cordial and good woman. Notoriously known for her
no nonsense attitude. It was quarter past eight in the morning and she
was already buried in papers, with her jacket hanging behind the chair
she was seated on.

The office was a glass enclosure with the desk set to overlook the
cubicles of employees.

She saw Yvonne over her lenses. She'd put them to sag on her nose.

'Come in,' she sat up and leaned in the chair.

Yvonne took a sit and looked at the blue handmade Egyptian rug that
the furniture sat on.

'Good morning,' she greeted her superior.

'What happened?' she asked Yvonne.

She was skeptical about answering the question, it was too general
for her. She'd submit a work document the previous day. She didn't
know what the boss meant by what she asked.

'Should I ask what she means?' she didn't want to come off as being
'The report was well done besides the misplaced figures I saw in the
summary table,' she said.

'For the goods returned,' she acknowledged.

'Yes,' responded the boss.

'I will correct it,' she told the boss.

'Alright,' The brief discussion was done. The boss got back to what
she was doing.

The misery toiled on for Yvonne. She was housing a raging battle in
her mind.

She was angry at Kwite and Amanda. The day unfolded and she tried
to shake it off for the sake of work, but it was hard to do.

At lunchtime, she wanted to call Kwite. But she held herself back.

She'd gone to the restroom to cry at some point. She was hurt.

The boss had noticed Yvonne struggling to get herself through the
day. She'd seen how her response in the meeting lacked her persona.

As she was going for lunch, she saw Yvonne in the office. She lightly
knocked on the door.

'Come in,' Yvonne acted fine.

'Go for lunch an hour later than you're supposed to, and don't report
back tomorrow. Get yourself together,' said the boss.

'Thank you,' responded a relieved Yvonne.

She did as told, then picked her bag and drove to the auntie's place.

She didn't like her much after their altercation, they weren't really in
good terms.

She couldn't stop going there because of her cousin. She'd been
nothing but good to her.

Yvonne got to the auntie's house and found her cousin waiting for

'You did well to tell me that you're coming,' said the cousin.

'I had to. In case you weren't home,'

'I'm glad you're here. I was feeling lazy to eat,' she got up from the

'Where is auntie?' asked Yvonne.

'She stepped out a while ago. She should be back soon,' said the

They went to the kitchen and sat to eat. Yvonne was trying hard to
mask the emotional struggle she was going through but it was visible
to someone as close to her as the cousin.

'You don't look fine,' said Yvonne.

'I am okay. Maybe shaken by Suka and Fidelia's death,' she curved
her way out of saying what was wrong.

'You don't say,' the cousin almost dropped the glass of water that was
in her hand.
'What happened?' she sulked.

Yvonne told her what she'd heard from her husband.

'Other than that. We don't have the facts,' she insisted.

The cousin's phone rung.

'Hello!' she answered.

She attentively listened to the caller. When the call was done, there
was a faint spark of brightness on her face.

'What is it?' asked Yvonne.

'I have to meet someone to get mom's delivery. It's a mother's day
present,' she pushed the chair.

'You eat,' she added.

'I'll wait for you,' responded Yvonne.

'You are not fine and you'll tell me what's bothering you when I get
back,' said the cousin.

'Hope it's not hubby,' she joked.

The statement elicited nothing but silence for a response from


'Go!' she shrugged the cousin off.

She met the mother on her way out. She knew Yvonne was in because
of the car.
'Whatever she wants?' the auntie murmured under her breath.

She wore a fake smile when she entered the kitchen.

'Yvonne!' she jovially called her, before they hugged.

'How are you auntie?' she reciprocated the energy. Even more, to an

They were both spooked by the other's warmth.

'What's with the change in fortunes? Is this genuine?' wondered the


'How is my in-law?' asked the auntie.

'He's fine,' Yvonne was nice to her.

'I thought of coming to see you,' she said.

'Is everything okay?' she asked the niece.

The question almost made Yvonne breakdown.

'I need your help,' she looked the auntie in the eyes.

The elderly woman could see through her. She instantly knew what it
was about.

'Talk to me,' she urged Yvonne.

'I have a problem that needs me to take back what I have said to you
before,' She drunk from the poisoned chalice of rage.
It was a delight for the auntie to live through that. She marvelled in
seeing the niece miserable and having a tough time in her marriage.

'I need you to help me with something that will keep my household,'
she angrily said.

'What's with the change of mind? I thought you don't do such things,'

'Please auntie! I can't lose what I have,' she begged.

'What do you want?' asked the auntie, after a brief moment of silence
and staring.



'Is he fooling me or what?' Yvonne Go confused.

In her heart of hearts, she was convinced that what he said was the
truth, but a part of her didn't want to be taken for a ride.

'Maybe I give it a bit of time before I can use my auntie's portion,' she

'I shouldn't serve him that,' she hurried to the kitchen to prepare
another meal for Kwite.

She had barely been in the kitchen when he emerged from the
bedroom and went straight to the dining table.
'This is delicious,' he dug into the food.

'Oh please!' she was petrified.

Almost in a robotic manner, she took him juice.

'Thank you!' he leaned back to give her space to maneuver her hands.

She calculatively knocked the plate off the table with her elbow after
putting down the glass of juice

'Oh my goodness!' she exclaimed.

'What the hell?' it wasn't a perfect execution because something

about it looked off.

It gave a niche of deliberate deed.

'Be careful!' he almost snapped.

He was hungry and she just knocked down a plate of food on the

'Is there more?' he requested for another serving.

'Unfortunately, it was the last of it,' she lied, then quickly went away.

She sighed in relief as her heart pounded.


She got a broom and cleaned the mess she had caused. Kwite got up
and went to the bedroom. He had to impatiently wait for food to be
He sat on the bed and as his eyes wandered around the room. He
noticed a drawer that was not properly closed. Prompted to push it,
he got up from the bed.

'What is this?' he soliloquised.

The wife had put the charms she'd gotten from the auntie in the
drawer when she heard his voice when he got home.

'This doesn't look right,'

'I hope it's not what I think it is,'

It was the second time in their young marriage that he was finding
questionable things weirdly wrapped on small cut out plastics.

Yvonne felt her hair stand. She suddenly got covered in goosebumps
and an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

'What is going on?' she wondered.

In a snap of a finger, she went to the master bedroom.

The gut feeling sensed something wrong.

She entered the bedroom and found Kwite standing by the drawer.

'What is this?' he was composed.

She tried to explain her way out but she got caught up in the lies.

'Are you still going to claim it's your auntie that put it in our drawer?'
he charged.

'Hear me out!' she cried out.


When Yvonne's cousin got home. She was tired and only wanted to
sleep but the mother couldn't let her.

'Sit here my daughter,' the mother looked thrilled.

She did as the mother asked.

'I need you to listen to me. And do so real good,' she said.

'You won't have to be a laughing stock as to why your younger cousin

is married and you're not,' she beamed with pride at saying that.

She knew the mother was referring to Yvonne.

'What's going on?' she was jerked awake.

'Nothing. Just know that the shame won't be on you but the one who
fails to keep her marriage,' said the mother.

'Mum! What have you done?' she asked.

'Me?' the mother dramatically pointed at herself.

'Nothing!' she claimed.

'I'll blame you if anything happens to Yvonne's marriage,' fumed the


'You imbecile!' the mother slaped her from across the table.

'You're very ungrateful,' she lashed at her daughter.

'Do you know the shame you've brought upon me for being in my
house at your age? For failing to have yourself a husband!' said the

The daughter stormed out of the house upset. She went to sit in the
car, and cried her eyes out.

'I thought she was understanding of my life and supportive,'

'Yvonne!' A thought dawned on her.

She called her.

The phone rang on top of the table next to Kwite.

She saw the wife's cousin's name pop on the screen.

'I'm sure she wants to see how it's going,' Kwite got mad upon saying
that out loud.

It made him feel like a chess pawn, like he was being played by the

He got out of the room, and left her alone.

The call cut and she called back the cousin.

'Hello!' She answered.

Yvonne's voice was hoarse. She cleared her throat.

'Are you fine?' asked the cousin.


'I am not. I feel worse than I did when I came to see you,' she told the

'I don't know what your problems are, but I want to warn you,' the
cousin checked around for her mother.

'Don't use whatever it is you got from mum,' she was earnest.

'What do you mean?' Yvonne played damn.

'I know you talked to her about something. She was glad you did, and
you're being taken for a ride. Some of the instructions you were given
weren't necessary. She is toying with you, rather, the charms you
got...' she paused.

'I think they are real but she's up to no good. She's not looking out for
you,' continued the cousin.

'Was she fake in how understanding and supportive she was to me?'
She thought out loud.

'I guess she was,' said the cousin.

'But why?' Yvonne was distressed.

The cousin explained her ordeal and everything she was told by the

'This is why I'm calling you,' she finished.

'I honestly think the damage has already been done. I've lost my
husband's trust,' she bemoaned.

'I am sorry to hear that,' responded the cousin.

'What a time for me! What a start to marriage life,' she scoffed.

'You can work on earning his trust back. A step at a time,' advised the

'I thought it was that easy. This isn't the first time he has found
charms in my custody,' she was ashamed.

'Wait, have you been using them on him?' the cousin was baffled.


'The first time wasn't my fault. I found myself in a predicament I'd not
signed up for. I was betrayed by auntie, she went against my will,'
Yvonne explained herself.

'And you still came back to her? Right?' asked the cousin.

'Do you know what's good for you?' she charged.

'Don't judge me. I'm already down, you shouldn't beat me while here,'
complained Yvonne.

'Have you used whatever it is you got?' the cousin was hoping not.

'I attempted too. But I changed my mind,' said Yvonne.

'You kept your love without anything to manipulate him while you
were dating. Why do you feel the need to now do so? Moreover, he
was going to hate you the time anytime he was going to find out
about this. What you're resorting to isn't right. You need to find your
path and believe in love. Talk to him if there are issues affecting you,'
said the cousin.

'Go and win your husband back,' she urged her.

Yvonne got off the phone and found Kwite preparing to leave for the

'Babe!' she was timid.

He sat up from tying his shoelaces, and looked at her.

'Is that why you broke the plate of food?' he stared at her in the eyes.

'I wish it wasn't the reason!' she told him.

He got up and grabbed the coat he'd put on the bed.

'Babe! Say something,' she held him from leaving.

'I need to go to the funeral,' he reminded her.

'I know, but let's talk,' she said.

'Clearly, that doesn't work with you. How many times have I told you
to pay attention only to what I tell you? To us,' he was mad at her. He
tossed his way out of her hands and left.

She felt a piece of him leave her. She had lost a part of her husband
that she doubted would be won back.

He called Trey, but his line was engaged. Kwite started the car and
drove out of his yard.
'I hope you get better. My condolences,' said Lorato.

'Thank you. I have to go now,' said Trey.

He had been on the phone with her to explain why they had to cancel
their plan for the night.

He saw her as nothing but a mate he enjoyed spending time with. A

smart lady that rattled his brains.

She was well informed and he liked talking to her.

'I am on my way to the funeral house,' he returned Kwite's call.

'I will be there too. I'm leaving now,' said Trey.

Kwite got there right after Joe did. The brother was seated in the car
reading the Bible.

He parked a few metres from Joe and walked to the brother's car. The
doors were closed, with the window on the driver's side slightly rolled

'Evening Pastor!' Kwite taunted the brother.

Joe softly chuckled.

'You can join me for devotion. I'm almost done,' he told Kwite.

'Do your thing man! I'll be here,' he politely declined.

Joe did as he was supposed to. He closed the Bible then shut his
eyes to offer a silent prayer.
'Amen!' Kwite said after Joe opened his eyes.

'Amen!' affirmed Joe.

He put away the Bible and laid back in the chair. 'I had so much to do.
I couldn't manage to do my devotion from home,' he explained.

'I totally understand. You didn't mount up the hill for a show. You
secluded yourself for a time alone. I respect that,' said Kwite.

'What changed?' Joe asked the elder brother.

'About what?' responded Kwite.

'Your walk with God?' said Joe.



The questions gave Kwite thoughts he'd never taken time to have.

'I honestly don't know,' he said.

'I think I never took time to find the truth and own it. God was more of
a passed on reality to me. He was alive in our house because of our
parents, and I guess that was the case for me. Life happened and I
grew lukewarm,' he spoke with a sense of conviction.
'This day is proving to be more than I can take - the death of Suka, the
happening at home and this conversation,' he thought out loud.

'What's happening at home?' asked Joe.

'Nothing serious,' said Kwite.

Trey parked next to Kwite's car. 'Let me see him,' he told Joe.

'Alright, I'll be with you guys. I need to say goodnight to the kids,' Joe
told Kwite.

He got out of the car and disappeared in the maze of cars.

Joe talked to the kids on the phone.

'Are you going to be here in the morning?' asked his little daughter.

'Yes, sweetie,' he responded.

'Will you please wake me up in the morning?' asked the girl.

'Sure, baby!' he told her.

He ended the video call by talking to the wife. 'I love you. Goodnight,'
he told her.

She responded, and he ended the call.

He immediately dozed off in the car. The brother was waiting for him
with Trey.

'What are you saying?' Trey couldn't make anything of what Kwite
'Yvonne!' he said, looking absent minded.

'What has she done?' asked Trey.

'Hey! Kwite!' Trey shook him.

'Leave me alone. Don't touch my clothes,' he was agitated.

A group of people seated around the fire looked on with curiosity.

'Kwite!' panicked Trey.

'Stop touching me, Yvonne!' Kwite was delusional.

'I don't want these clothes anymore. Why have you touched me?' he
frantically and angrily bemoaned Trey, thinking it was the wife.

He started unbuttoning his shirt. Joe was fast asleep, and dreaming
about the same dream he'd had about Yvonne before.

He dreamt that he was in the car telling Kwite about the dream.

'The two of you were in front at church being married off when
Yvonne suddenly began to wail. She sobs bitterly as a pool of tears
formed in the church. As that happened, some people's shoes began
to dissolve, and so did hers. But not yours,' said Joe, to Kwite's
shook, in the dream.

'Surprisingly, your shoes remained intact. Then a fire started on them.

The flames burned furiously without destroying an inch of your
shoes. It puzzled everyone as to how that was possible given that the
pool of tears from Yvonne's crying went a little above your ankles,'
Joe was covered in goosebumps as he told the dream.

Trey was preoccupied hustling Kwite in the car.

'Don't take off your clothes!' he panicked.

Some men came to help calm Kwite down. He sat bound by the men
in the corner of the rear car seat.

He stared outside at nothing in the dark without saying a word. He

was clearly losing his sanity.

He kept mumbling indistinct things as he looked in one direction

while jerking his head.

'Let me call his brother!' said Trey, before he brisked up to Joe's car.

He went and tapped hard on the window.

'Joe!' He was repetitive.

'Your brother!' he said.

Joe was rudely woken up. 'Kwite!' he yelled.

He immediately realised that he was dreaming. The dream was

repetitive, and it got to him.

'Hurry! Come with me,' Trey rushed back.

Joe ran. He went faster than Trey and found his brother looking

He was lost for words. He didn't know what to make of things.

'Has this happened before?' asked one of the men that held Kwite.

'No! I'm shocked,' said Joe, with his jaw dropped.

'It could be the trauma of his friend's death,' said a relative to Suka.

Trey called Yvonne as Joe was being interrogated by the men that
offered a helping hand.

'What?' she was awakened from sleep.

She freaked out.

'Hello!' said Trey, as Yvonne went quiet.

'We'll take him to the hospital,' he told her.

'Meet us there,' he added.

'Okay!' she cut the call. She took a deep breath and offered a small
prayer under her breath before calling the auntie.

The phone went unanswered at first, then she picked.

'What does she want?' muttered the auntie as she got the phone.

She could tell the tangible panic from Yvonne's breathing and voice
when she answered the call.

'Are you fine?' asked the auntie.

'No! I'm told Kwite is exhibiting psychotic behaviours,' she said, as if

to get some remedy from the auntie.

'Is it the first time?' she was too calm for the situation.

'Yes,' said a desperate Yvonne.

'Oh, my goodness! I forgot,' the auntie said.

'I hope he didn't see what I gave you. Otherwise, such things happen
if he did,' the auntie was calm.



'Did he see it?' she mockingly asked the niece.

'He did!' she said, before breaking down.

'Oh shame!' responded the auntie.

'What do I do?' Yvonne was desperate.

'Stay away from him. You don't have to be near him,' said the auntie.

'What if I do?' tearfully asked Yvonne.

'Tell me what happens when you do,' said the auntie before ending
the line.

She was betrayed by her own actions and pursuit.

She thought of calling the mother.

'What am I going to do?' she slid her back against the wall as she sat
on the floor.

'Meet us at the hospital!' Kwite's words echoed.

She got up and rushed to the car. She was scared for her husband's
life. She was guilty and remorseful.

She got in the car and skid off. The auntie's last words were terrifying.

'Tell me what happens when you do,'

'How do I stay away from my husband when he needs me the most?

Moreover, it's my fault,' tears couldn't stop running down her cheeks.

There was chaos at the hospital. Kwite became violent and he was
repeatedly saying his wife's name.

They tied him so they could assess him.

'Don't take me, Yvonne!' he was fearful.

The occurrence and pronunciations had Joe and Trey confused.

'Who is Yvonne?' asked one of the men that escorted them to the

Trey was seated on the other side of the corridor and Joe was leaning
against the wall. They locked eyes, then Trey held the man by the
hand and walked out with him.

'We appreciate your assistance. We can have it from here,' he told

They didn't appreciate his inquisitiveness. He stopped a taxi for the

'Wait! I need to go back with my friends,' protested the man.

'I'll call them,' said Trey, before going back in and did as he'd told the

He came out with the men and saw them off. From afar, he recognised
Yvonne's car.
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She parked near the hospital entrance and got out.

Trey had questions. He was spooked at how his friend repeatedly

called the wife's name.

'Does she know something?' her presence was of no relief for him.

They greeted, then went in together. The atmosphere was tense.

They got to the screening room at the time the doctor called Joe in.

The three of them went in together.

'You can sit,' said the doctor.

Kwite was piled in the corner of the bed, wearing a fearful face. His
eyes terrifyingly wandered the room.

Yvonne's heart sunk. She looked at him, and regretted her actions.

The husband stared back at her and made a loud cry.

He was petrified and became restless again. He started sweat

'Nooo! Nooo!' he tried to lift his hands, but they were bound.

'Go away!' he couldn't look at Yvonne anymore.

She had enough of it. There was no strength in her to take it any
longer. She broke down as Trey helped her out of the room.

Once the door was shut behind her, Kwite stopped screaming despite
continuing to breathe hard.

'What is it?' asked Joe.

He was distraught. The sight of his brother in that state was horrible.

He slowly moved close to him.

'Kwite!' he called him.

He paid no attention to Joe. When the young brother called his name
once more. Kwite abruptly turned to him.

His head animatedly moving sideways.

'Hmmmm!' he was out of his senses.

'He needs to be seen by a psychiatrist,' said the doctor.

'He would best be helped by one,' he added.

Joe spoke to the doctor without looking at him. He had his eyes fixed
on Kwite, with his back turned to the physician.
'I had a dream some months ago, it repeated itself tonight. Nothing
was different. It had everything to do with my brother and his wife,'
said Joe.

The doctor had been there before. He knew what Joe was leading to
and cut him short.

'You think it's spiritual?' he charged.

Joe chuckled.

'I don't think this is something that can be sorted by a psychiatrist,' he

was convinced.

The doctor got offended, but he had to do his work.

'I'd rather he gets seen by one,' he insisted.

The men that were sent away by Trey didn't do away with their
curiosity. Instead, they went on to feed it.

'I think the Yvonne he was calling might be the woman in his life,' said
the man that Trey had held by the hand.

'You never know,' responded another.

'Who knows?' he added.

The three went back and forth to satisfy their curiosity.

'Maybe he has something to do with Suka's death!' said one of them.

'How would he go crazy the day the friend is found stabbed with a
knife?' their imagination ran wild.


Yvonne couldn't stomach what was going on. She was confused and

'This is my fault,' she silently blamed herself.

She felt excruciating pain in her lower abdomen. It was a tearing pull
which made her rest her face between the legs.

'Ouch!' She felt her lower back get numb. Then she suddenly had the
urge to go to the toilet.

Trey had gone back to the doctor's office.

She got up and hurried a few steps down the hospital corridor for the
ablution block.

She went in and pushed one of the doors open. Dancing around as
she unfastened her jeans.

She hated public toilets, the strong chlorine scent with the pungent
smell stung her nose.

Though she could care less in her situation. She got down to urinate,
and saw a stain of blood in the toilet after she got up.
She was confused.

'I just finished mensurating a few days ago. This can't be possible,'
she got a scare.

She was clouding her mind with questions. She walked out of the
ablution and headed to the car park.

'I hope I have something to use ,' she crossed her fingers to find a
sanitary pad in there.

She couldn't find any, even after checking through everything in

there. In despair, she felt the pull again. It was getting unbearable.

She caught sight of a beaming neon advertising poster.

'Pharmacy!' it flashed from across the road.

'It's now or never,' she gathered strength to go there.

All she wanted was relief for her pain.

As she dragged her legs to cross the road, a motorist tooted at her as
he almost hit her.

The pedestrian light had signaled red but she was absent minded to

'Goodness me!' she held her breath.

'Look where you're going!' yelled the driver.

She raised a hand to apologise, then went straight to the pharmacy

and bought what she wanted.
'Do you have a toilet?' she asked.

The elderly man that had attended to her, saw through the pain. He
reached for the drawer behind the counter and handed her a key.

'You can use that one,' he pointed to the one meant for staff only.

'Thank you!' she got the key and walked the agonising distance to

She helped herself, and the flow immediately increased.

'I don't understand this,' she got worried.

She took back the key with gratitude. And walked back to the hospital.

She found Trey seated on the bench outside the doctor's office.

Quietly, she joined him.

'He's being assessed by the psychiatrist,' he told her.

'How is he doing?' she asked.

'I don't know. It's hard to tell, I think you can go in,' he suggested.

'You are right,' she got up.

It was after a while of assessment that Kwite was released.

'Get him this medication from the pharmacy. Don't hesitate to bring
him back if anything like this happens again,' the doctor scribbled
something for them.

Yvonne didn't bother to consult about her condition.

The bleeding had stopped by the time they got home and the pain was

They helped Kwite out of the car and she escorted him to the

'He is sleeping,' she told them, upon entering the sitting room.

They went over what had happened to Kwite, with Trey and Joe.

They had barely talked when they heard aggressive screams from the

At once, they ran there. Kwite was frightened and tears rolled down
his cheeks.

He was running around the bedroom with a pillow.

'She's here to get me,' he reached out for the brother.

Joe hugged him.

'It's okay!' he assured Kwite.

Trey couldn't hold his tears back. They well up his eyes.

Yvonne was trembling.

In spontaneity, Joe began to pray. It was an exorcism in reality.

'Wait!' she pulled his hand.

He turned to her in disbelief.

'What is it?' he wondered.

'I...' she couldn't talk.

She pulled his hand again when he tried to get back to prayer.

'Do you have anything to say?' he asked.

She looked at him with eyes wide open. Trey felt she was being a

'Is anything the matter?' he chipped in.

Yvonne got them weak with what she said when she confessed the
truth to them.


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Before Yvonne could finish explaining, the bleeding resumed with a

heavy flow.

She excused herself before rushing to the bathroom.

'What is happening to me?' she got worried.

It took her a while to go back to the bedroom where Joe had
continued praying.

Kwite made another loud agonising cry, then went quiet after letting
out a sigh.

'Amen!' said Joe.

Trey had been a spectator all the while. When Kwite went oddly quiet,
they looked at each other and got concerned.

'Is he fine?' asked Trey.

Joe reached for the neck to check the pulse. It was their, and normal.

'He's fallen asleep, it seems,' he said.

Yvonne walked back in the room.

'Are you fine?' asked Joe, seeing that she looked pale.

'I am!' she nodded.

'Is he fine?' she asked, about the husband.

'It seems so,' responded Trey.

They walked out of the bedroom and sat in the living room. She
offered them coffee and they declined.

They could tell she was having physical pain, and they didn't want to
bother her.

She continued from were she had left with the confession.
They sat quietly listening to her. There was no ounce of judgment
from their end. For Trey, it was a learning curve. So was it for Joe.

'I hope you'll find it in you to forgive me,' she told them.

Trey leaned forward.

'Let Kwite be the one to do that!' he said.

'Yes,' agreed Joe.

'Hope I do what?' Kwite walked in.

The room fell quiet. They at once stopped talking.

'Huh!' he remained standing.

Yvonne got up and went to her husband. 'I am sorry for everything
I've made you go through,' she told him.

'Please! Find it in your heart to forgive me,' she said.

He looked her in the eyes, and said nothing for a while.

Joe and Trey didn't know what to make of the silence.

'You went on to jeopardise everything we've built over time. You

could have ruined my life to say the least,' he said, his voice steadily
rising in tone.

She sat on the couch as he talked while pacing the room before
sitting on the couch.

'I don't know why you could do such a thing,' he ranted.

'I was blinded by insecurity and anger,' she told him.

'It's no excuse and I take the blame. I could have done what was best
for us, rather than risk your life and our marriage,' she was

He sunk in the couch and recollected himself.

'I am sorry,' she went down on her knees.

Kwite had closed her eyes in thought. He didn't see her.

Trey lightly tapped him. He opened his eyes and saw the wife on her

'Get up!' he helped her.

'Please, forgive me!' she repeated herself.

He sat next to her.

'In as much as I would want you to take the blame, I also have to
acknowledge my role in this. I shouldn't have put you in a position to
have to think of doing this. I am not justifying or excusing your wrong
act. I want to make known my error in this,' he paused.

'I should have protected you from feeling the way I made you feel,' he
told her.

They stared into each other's eyes. What they saw was the undying
love they had for each other.

They synced for a warm embrace. He then kissed her on the forehead.

It brought joy to Joe and Trey.

'I didn't know he had such a big heart,' Trey made a mental note about
the friend.

She felt the urge to pee. She knew it was the bleeding. She politely
got up and hurried to the bathroom.

Kwite looked at the brother, then the friend. They suggested he

followed her.

He went to the bedroom, then heard water running in the bathroom.

'Are you fine?' he leaned against the door.

She didn't respond. The groans he heard from her made him slowly
open the door.

'Oh please!' he freaked after seeing what was going on.

'Are you sure you're fine?' he made her sit down in the bathroom. She
was weak.

'Aren't your menses supposed to start weeks from now? What's going
on?' he asked.

She sat on the toilet doing nothing but fight to gain back composure.
He stood besides her.

'It started the moment I saw you at the hospital,' she softly spoke.

'It could be stress induced,' he sympathised with her.

'Maybe, but I fear it might not be that,' she was terrified.

'What is it?' he put his hand on her shoulder.

'Auntie warned me about seeing you in the condition that you were in.
She was stern about it,' explained Yvonne.

He helped her up and walked her weak frame to the bed.

'Let me get you something to help you rehydrate and energize,' he put
a pillow under her head.

'Tell them I am grateful for their help,' she meant the two men in the
living room.

He went to the kitchen and got fluids for her. He went to sit with Joe
and Trey after she slept.

He told them what was going on.

'I am confused. I don't know what to do,' he shared his problem.

'Maybe we should take her to the hospital,' suggested Trey.

'You are right. Though I think this is a spiritual issue,' said Joe.

Kwite looked at him in disbelief. They all thought Joe was over
stretching it.

He could tell there were thoughts of indifference on their minds.

'What God has done for you, he can do for her,' he told Kwite.

'If we believe and pray, nothing is impossible in the power of prayer,'

he added.
'The beauty of it is that she has brought out the truth. The truth sets
one free when it is tabled. Working within it makes situations less of a
burden,' said Joe.

They held hands and prayed. It was a non aggressive utterance of

words. He was gentle and scripture bound.

'Amen!' they said in unison at the end.

'We ought to believe that she'll be fine,' he encouraged them.



Hope is the last thing you should lose! Anchor those anxieties,
worries, pains and troubles on the hanger of Prayer �� Someone
Cares, He is above all and everyone �



The night went by fast. They stayed at Kwite's house till morning the
following day. It was an act of solidarity. They didn't want to take
chances on him too. In case, he got another episode. But it wasn't
going to be. It was a peaceful though short night for them.
Keith couldn't go to the funeral house on the second day of the
funeral. He had to stay home and nurse the wife.

'We'll keep you posted,' Trey assured him.

'I'll go and check on the family before proceeding to the funeral

house,' said Joe.

'I will pay for the funeral services,' offered Kwite.

'I will cater the bill for food,' said Joe.

Joe nodded in disbelief.

'I have always admired the friendship that's there amongst you,' he

Kwite saw them off.

Trey couldn't keep his mind off Lorato. He could tell that she felt
something for him. She made it obvious.

On the other hand, what he felt was different. The company she'd
given to him ignited thoughts he didn't think possible about himself.

'The peace I've had with her, the conversations and companionship
has been astounding,' he conceded.

'I wouldn't mind finding someone I can love. Who will desperately
want a functional marriage as much as I want it. To be able to offer
her a genuine person I can be to a wife,' he thought out loud.

He saw how much Kwite and their marriage meant to Yvonne. She
erred, but the wisdom to come out in the open and risk condemnation
was an act of selflessness that resides in one whose heart is not filled
with pride.

Only, Lorato wasn't that woman for him. She was an angel meant only
to pierce him with the Cupid arrow. One to redefine his objectivity.

They never dated, or had anything other than friendship. Feelings

were getting involved on her end but nothing materialised.

She didn't command the same feelings in him. He appreciated her for
what she was to him, a friend. In the end, he's perception about
marriage was altered. Trey became open to the idea of love and
settling in the institution of marriage.

When they went to the funeral house, it was a sight reflective of what
Suka and Fidelia's marriage had become in it's latter stages, divided.

The families to the deceased had clearly separated, the only reason
they were in one place, was because the deceased were married.
Otherwise, nothing was done in unity.

The rumour of Kwite's misfortune was still going round ears in

whispers. It hadn't died off yet, Trey and Joe's presence brought it up
revving again.

'He's not even here. I am sure he had something to do with their

death,' said some mourners.

The nosy nature of human beings is made worse in situations that

beg answers, like death.

The two gentlemen would go on to learn that the division heightened

with the release of the autopsy report.
It was indicated that there was strong evidence to suggest that the
couple murdered each other.
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'From our examination, it was concluded through fingerprints and
cadaver laying positions besides many other details that this was
manslaughter, possibly following a domestic outburst,' said the
pathologist, to representatives of the deceased families.

'We found fingerprints of the spouses on the knives, the pattern of

hand prints on the handle showed that she stabbed him and he
stabbed her,' he explained.

The families resented each other, as they felt robbed of their loved
one by the other family's person.

Kwite was able to attend burial the following day. The wife didn't as
she was still recovering from her trauma and episodes of bleeding.

It was three days before she stopped bleeding. The horrendous

experience knitted them together. The weight of the situation had
gotten to her husband, and she'd seen a side of him she hadn't

Kwite would pray with the wife each day of the three days, and it
continued after she stopped experiencing the bleeding.

They lived together in peace as a loving couple they desired to be.

Amanda was a thing of the past as Kwite did everything to protect his
wife and marriage.

On a night after an outing, they were curled up in bed with Yvonne's

head resting on her husband's chest.
'Babe,' he said.

'Yes love,' she lifted her head at the seriousness of his tone.

'My brother had a dream a few days before we got married.

Apparently, the same dream was had by him the night I had the
psychotic episode,' he said.

He wore a straight face and she was scared at what was coming. She
didn't want anything to take away the peace that was reigning in their

'I'd want him to come over and explain it. If he can,' he said, after
telling her the dream.

She was fine with asking Joe to visit.

When Joe went to their house.

'I appreciate you coming. I wonder if the dream you had has a
connection to our reality,' said Kwite.

A wave of seriousness swept through their minds. The smiles faded

and the laughter got silent.

Joe sipped from a glass of water, then sat on the edge of the chair. He
stared at the distant tree as if to gauge if they were ready for truth.

'I am sure you know the dream he's talking about' urged Joe.

'You are crying at the altar in the dream. It's your wedding day,' he

'That's a woman forcing her way into your marriage. Your reaction is
the tears that flood the church,' he looked at Yvonne.
Kwite held his wife's hand.

'Go on!' he urged the brother.

'Your failing to deal with the pressure properly is the flood melting
other people's shoes and not yours. Does it make sense?' rhetorically
asked Joe.

'You are destroying relations in effort to save your marriage,' he

further explained.

'The fire that starts on the flood of tears is odd. This is the effect of
what your actions brought on your husband and yourself. The result
of your seeking advice and wisdom in the wrong places,' finished Joe.

There was a sigh of relief.

'We ought to table the truth naked from here on,' said Kwite, to the


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