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11 Crazy Things You Might Not

Know About Blood

Blood is a lot more interesting than you know:
 Your body has over 160,000 km (100,000 miles) of blood
vessels. which if laid end to end, would stretch 2 and a half
times around the Earth.
 In an average life time the human heart pumps 1.5 million
barrels of blood (that's enough to fill 200 train tank cars).
 Pregnant women have roughly 50% more blood by week 20
of pregnancy than they did before conception
 In emergencies, coconut water can be used as a substitute for
blood plasma.
 A blood cell can make a complete circuit of your body in less
than 30 seconds.
 There are about .2 mg of gold in your blood stream
 Your blood accounts for 8% of your body weight- on average
there are around 3-4 litres in a 10-12 year old child and 5-6
litres in an adult
 A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in his body
 George Washington was bled to death by doctors. This is
because bloodletting was a common practice back then. It
was supposed to get rid of "bad blood"
 Mosquitoes prefer people with blood type "O"
 Those strange bright white dots you see floating around
when you look at the sky are white blood cells- it's called blue
field entoptic phenomenon

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