Investigating The Perceived Effect of Technology Integration On The Motivation of EFL Learners

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Adham Bima Shakti (2105086067)

Ahdan Zuhdy (2105086051)

Reyner Josis Rorong (2105086039)

Submitted for the Course in



This qualitative study explores the perceived effect of technology integration on the
motivation of EFL learners, focusing on semester 4 English department college students. Through
semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, the research uncovers the students' perceives of how
technology influences their language learning experiences. The findings reveal that technology plays
a crucial role in enhancing motivation by providing interactive learning opportunities tailored to
individual preferences. These insights emphasize the importance of creating meaningful and enjoyable
learning experiences through technology in EFL classrooms.
The voices of the students in this study highlight the human side of technology integration, showcasing
how it can spark joy, engagement, and a sense of fulfillment in language learning. By leveraging these
insights, educators can design effective technology-integrated language learning approaches that
foster sustained student interaction and academic success. This research underscores the significance
of listening to student experiences and tailoring technology use to create vibrant and empowering
language learning environments for all EFL learners.


The integration of technology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction has

become increasingly important in recent years. This qualitative study aims to investigate the
perceived effect of technology integration on the motivation of EFL learners, providing a
comprehensive understanding of this dynamic. The significance of this research lies in
several key areas:

1. Enhanced Engagement and Motivation: Recent studies have shown that the use of
technology in EFL learning environments can lead to enhanced student engagement
and motivation. (Zhang & Crawford, 2023).
2. Bridging the Digital Divide: With the rapid advancement of technology, there is a
growing concern about the digital divide in educational settings. (Wang, 2022).
3. Fostering Autonomous Learning: Technology offers a plethora of resources that
support autonomous learning, allowing learners to study at their own pace and
according to their individual needs. (Qiu et al., 2024).

The integration of technology in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction has

become increasingly prevalent in educational settings worldwide. Technological
advancements have revolutionized the landscape of language learning, offering a wide array
of digital tools and resources that have the potential to enhance the teaching and learning

In recent years, the role of technology in language education has shifted from being a
supplementary tool to a central component of language instruction. Digital devices, online
platforms, educational software, and communication technologies have transformed
traditional EFL classrooms into dynamic and interactive learning environments (Abel,
Tondeur, & Sang, 2022). These technological innovations have not only expanded access to
language learning resources but have also provided new avenues for practicing language
skills in authentic contexts.

The digital age has ushered in a new era of language learning, where learners can engage
with multimedia content, participate in virtual language exchanges, and access real-time
feedback through digital platforms. The integration of technology in EFL instruction offers
opportunities for personalized and self-directed learning, allowing learners to tailor their
language learning experience to their individual needs and preferences.

Despite the numerous benefits of technology integration in language education, challenges

such as the digital divide persist. The digital divide refers to the gap in access to technology
and digital resources among learners, which can hinder equitable participation and
engagement in technology-enhanced learning environments. Addressing issues of access and
digital literacy is crucial for ensuring that all learners have the opportunity to benefit from
technology in language education.

Understanding the motivational factors that drive learner engagement with

technology-integrated learning environments can inform pedagogical practices, curriculum
design, and educational policies aimed at optimizing language learning experiences for
diverse learner populations.

While there are numerous quantitative studies on this topic, a qualitative approach allows for
a deeper exploration of the subjective experiences and perceptions of EFL learners. This
study will contribute to the field by providing nuanced insights into how technology affects
learner motivation and by identifying best practices for technology integration in EFL

Our research question is:

1. How does technology integration affect motivation in EFL classrooms?

Based on the research question provided earlier, the study outlined to investigate the impact
of how technology integration influences the motivation of EFL learners, next is to address a
literature gap to examine the perceived effects of technology on motivation, which is
currently underrepresented in existing research.

This study will offer insights into the current state of technology use in EFL education and its
potential for enhancing language learning motivation. However, the findings will be
contextual and may not apply to all EFL learning environments.
Theoretical Significance:

The study's theoretical significance lies in its exploration of the motivational factors that
influence EFL learners' engagement with technology-integrated learning environments. By
examining the subjective experiences and perceptions of learners, this research contributes to
the understanding of the psychological and social aspects of technology use in language
learning contexts. The findings will provide insights into the cognitive and emotional
processes that underpin learner motivation, which can inform theoretical frameworks and
models of technology-enhanced learning.

Practical Significance:

The study's practical significance is twofold. Firstly, it offers insights into effective strategies
for integrating technology in EFL classrooms to enhance learner motivation and the
willingness to learn. This information can be applied by educators and instructional designers
to create more engaging and effective learning environments for EFL learners. Secondly, the
study contributes to the development of best practices for technology integration in EFL
settings, which can be used by policymakers, educational institutions, and educational
technology companies to promote equitable access to technology-enhanced learning

In summary, the study's theoretical and practical significance lies in its ability to provide a
deeper understanding of the motivational factors that influence EFL learners'
technology-integrated learning environments.


2.1. Concepts of Motivation

Motivation plays a very crucial role in learning and thus is important to have for
students, especially the motivation in learning. As described by Uno, H. B. (2011),
motivation is a crucial factor for students because it can drive them towards positive
behavioral changes. Those positive behaviors can be in a form of desire or willingness of
students to pursue educational goals (Filgona et al., 2020). Finally, motivation is also
described as a crucial factor that drives individuals to engage in learning activities (Schiefele,

Motivation, as highlighted by Uno, H. B. (2011), Filgona et al. (2020), and Schiefele

(1991), emerges as a critical element in education. It serves as a powerful driving force,
moving students towards positive behavioral transformations and building their desire and
willingness to pursue educational objectives. Motivation actively engages individuals in
learning activities, serving for sustained academic progress and achievement.

Kinds of Motivation

According to (Sufia Rahmi, n.d.), there are two main types of motivation, intrinsic
and extrinsic. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside sources like the environment, how
things are changing, and the efforts teachers put in. Meanwhile, intrinsic motivation is when
you're driven to do things without needing outside encouragement (Rohana & Pd, n.d.)

A study about factors that influence student motivation conducted in 2016 at the
University of Mataram (Rosiana & Wayan Mira Susanti, 2016), found that there were 3 main
factors identified in influencing motivation in learning English, which are:

a. Intrinsic Factors: The study found that students were predominantly influenced by
intrinsic factors. Specifically, 68% of the participants were motivated intrinsically by
personal interest in learning English, the belief in the importance of English, the desire to
become knowledgeable individuals, and awareness of their weaknesses.
b. Extrinsic Factors: While intrinsic factors were dominant, extrinsic factors also
played a role in influencing students' motivation. Factors such as the desire to become part of
the global society, the teaching media used by teachers, and the ease of schoolwork given
were considered as extrinsic motivators by the students.

c. Academic Achievement: The study revealed a positive correlation between

students' motivation and their academic achievement. 55% of students with high academic
achievement had high levels of motivation, while 53% of students with low academic
achievement had average motivation levels. This suggests that there is a relationship between
motivation and academic performance.

Based on this, we can conclude that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors play a role in
influencing students' motivation in learning English. Additionally, there is a clear link
between motivation and academic achievement, emphasizing the importance of
understanding and addressing factors that contribute to students' motivation in educational

2.2. Concept of Technology in Education

In recent years, technology has become an integral part of educational environments,

revolutionizing teaching and learning processes. The concept of technology in education
refers to the utilization of various technological tools and resources to enhance the teaching
and learning experience. Technology integration in education encompasses the incorporation
of digital devices, software applications, online platforms, and multimedia resources into
instructional practices (Chai et al., 2010)

The integration of technology in education has brought about significant

transformations in traditional classroom settings. With the advent of digital resources,
educators have gained access to a plethora of innovative teaching methodologies and
interactive learning materials. Technologies such as interactive whiteboards, educational
software applications, multimedia presentations, online learning platforms, and mobile
devices offer diverse opportunities for engaging and personalized learning experiences
(Delgado et al., 2015)

Moreover, technology in education facilitates collaborative learning environments,

where students can interact with peers and instructors in virtual spaces, fostering
communication and teamwork skills. Additionally, the accessibility of online resources
enables students to explore diverse educational content beyond the confines of traditional
textbooks, catering to individual learning preferences and abilities (Dede, n.d.)

Furthermore, technology integration in education has the potential to enhance

students' motivation and engagement in the learning process. Interactive and multimedia-rich
learning experiences provided by technology capture students' interest and stimulate their
curiosity, making learning more enjoyable and meaningful. Through gamification,
simulations, virtual reality, and other interactive tools, technology creates immersive learning
environments that motivate students to actively participate and persist in their learning
endeavors (Prensky, 2001)

In conclusion, the integration of technology in education has revolutionized

traditional teaching and learning methods, offering diverse opportunities for engaging and
personalized learning experiences. Through interactive tools and multimedia resources,
technology has the potential to enhance students' motivation and engagement in the learning
process, fostering a deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. However, the
effectiveness of technology integration depends on various factors, including educators'
pedagogical approaches and the socio-cultural context. By addressing the potential benefits
and challenges, educators can develop informed strategies to leverage technology effectively,
ultimately enhancing language learning outcomes and fostering students' intrinsic motivation
and engagement in education.

2.3. Previous Studies

We’ve found two similar studies in which they both have explored the relationship
between technology integration and its effect on student’s motivation.

Study 1: “The Effectiveness of Online Learning Platforms in Foreign Language

Teaching by Pichugin”, V., et al (2022).

The study conducted by Pichugin, Panfilov, and Volkova involved 660 first-year
students in the technical field from the Moscow Aviation Institute and Kazan Federal
University. The average age of the students was 17-18 years. The researchers divided the
participants into two equal groups to compare the effectiveness of two online learning
platforms: ATutor and Moodle. The sampling criteria included the same year of learning and
a comparable level of English proficiency. Age and sex differences were not considered, and
senior students were excluded from the sample due to their higher competence levels. The
study utilized a non-probability sampling technique by selecting participants based on
specific criteria rather than random selection.

The main finding of the study on the effectiveness of online learning platforms in
foreign language teaching by Pichugin, Panfilov, and Volkova is that using online platforms
such as ATutor and Moodle can be effective in distance learning for language acquisition.
The research indicated that a significant percentage of students in both groups rated the
effectiveness of learning English via online platforms as high, with a smaller percentage
rating it as average and a minority considering it low. Additionally, the study found that the
online platforms supported the development of language competences among the students.
While both platforms were effective, there was a suggestion that one platform (Moodle) may
have been slightly more effective than the other, although the difference was not significant.

Although the study did not directly address the impact of online learning platforms on
students' motivation, when students perceive that online platforms are effective tools for
learning and that they are making progress in their language skills, it can positively influence
their motivation to engage with the material and continue their language learning journey.
Additionally, the study found that the majority of students reported improvements in their
language competences through the use of online platforms, which can also contribute to
increased motivation and engagement in the learning process.


3.1. Research Design

Case Study:

As researchers, we find that using a case study technique adds significant depth and richness
to our investigations. When confronted with complicated phenomena or events that
necessitate a nuanced understanding within their real-world context, the case study technique
becomes an invaluable weapon in my research arsenal.

3.2. Research Subject

In our case study research, we have chosen to focus on 3 people who belong to 1 group
category of semester 4 English department college students enrolled in Technology in
Education and Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (CMALL) courses. This
particular group presents a unique and intriguing subject for several reasons.

These students represent a specific population with shared characteristics and experiences,
namely their academic pursuits in English language education and their exposure to
technology-integrated learning methods. By selecting this group, We aim to explore how
these students engage with technology in the context of language learning, considering
factors such as their motivations, experiences, and learning outcomes.

3.3. Research Instruments

In our case study research focusing on semester 4 English department college students
enrolled in Technology in Education and Computer and Mobile Assisted Language Learning
(CMALL) courses, we have opted to utilize semi-structured interviews as the primary
research instrument. This decision is informed by several considerations that align with the
goals and characteristics of our study.

Semi-structured interviews offer a flexible and adaptable approach to data collection,

allowing us to explore the experiences, perceptions, and insights of the students in a dynamic
and interactive manner. By employing a semi-structured format, we can guide the
conversation with a predefined set of open-ended questions while also remaining responsive
to participants' responses, probing for clarification, elaboration, or unexpected insights.

Employing semi-structured interviews as the research instrument for our case study offers a
flexible, interactive, and in-depth approach to exploring the experiences of semester 4
English department college students in Technology in Education and CMALL courses.
Through rich qualitative data collection and collaborative engagement with participants, we
aim to generate insights that inform the design and implementation of an effective
technology-integrated language learning process.

3.4. Data Collection Techniques

Semi-Structured Interviews: Conduct one-on-one interviews with each participant to explore

their experiences, perceptions, and attitudes toward technology in language learning. The
semi-structured format allows for flexibility while ensuring consistency across interviews.

Audio-Visual Recordings: Record audio during interview sessions to capture verbal and
non-verbal cues, expressions, and behaviors. This enhances the richness and depth of the data
collected, allowing for more nuanced analysis.

3.5. Data Analysis Technique

Thematic analysis is used to identify recurring patterns and themes related to aspects of
motivation affected by technology integration in EFL classroom learning.


Based on our data collection, it's clear that both intrinsic and extrinsic factors play a
significant role in motivating students in EFL classrooms through technology integration.
Here's a breakdown of the findings based on our interview transcript:

A. The Perceived Effect on Extrinsic Motivation:

1. Based on the transcript, we found from one of the lines of the interviewees that
participants expressed feeling happier in the learning process when technology was
integrated into the classroom. They attributed this increased motivation to the use of
technology, which provided varied learning opportunities and prevented boredom.

“In my opinion, I feel more good and happy.” - Subject (Translated)

When he says “I feel more good and happy” The subject is more motivated shown by
his happiness because of technology integration in his classroom. This response
correlated with the research conducted by Simendenger and Stibe, which shows that
technology increased happiness in the subject’s behavior (Simendinger, T., & Stibe, A.
(2016)). Incorporating technology into daily life where in this context the subject is a
college student that in their daily life using technology for educational purposes and
shows happiness in real-life situations. It has been reported that a person’s happiness
significantly influences performance. Compared to unhappy people, it has been found
that happy people have 37% higher work productivity and 300% higher creativity.
(Yano, K., Akitomi, T., Ara, K., Watanabe, J., Tsuji, S., Sato, N., Ph., D., Hayakawa,
M., & Moriwaki, N. (2015).)

2. Another extrinsic factor that changes their motivation is when they compare classes
that use technology with those that do not. Here we ask the subjects whether they feel
a change in motivation when the class is using technology. So they can compare
classes that use technology and those that do not.

“If you say changes, of course there are. This is where if we use traditional technology
such as Whiteboard, we will get bored. So if you say there is a change in my feelings,
there is a change.” - Subject (Translated)
The subject said that there is a change in motivation because when he participated in
the class that used whiteboards (traditional technology) he got bored. In another
research conducted by Marca and Longo justifying the effect of boredom on the
classroom, boredom can be a significant barrier to learning, affecting not only student
motivation but also their ability to focus and pay attention. (Marca, A.L., & Longo, L.

3. We also found that the participants believed that technology integration in English
language classes provided access to a diverse range of learning sources, including
social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. They appreciated the opportunity
to explore various features of websites and applications, which contributed to their

“Like I said earlier. Use TikTok videos or videos on Instagram to learn. So, learning
does not have to be through books or journals.” - Subject (Translated)

When the subject said “Use TikTok videos or videos on Instagram to learn” the
subject stated that learning English not can only be done through books or journals
but can be conducted using social media such as TikTok or Instagram for learning
platforms and not only bound to a textbook, but it’s more diverse.

B. The Perceived Effect on Intrinsic Motivation:

1. Participants found learning English through technology to be motivating as it

provided opportunities for exploration, discovery, and the acquisition of new
information and experiences.

“What made me buy the app was first of all, Canva has a lot of features that I didn't
even know existed before exploring the features. For example like... What is it called?
How to make a mockup for design. Product design. Product design like that.”

The subject said “Canva has a lot of features that I didn’t even know existed before
exploring the features” This statement indicates that the subject enjoys exploring the
various features of educational tools such as Canva even to the point where the
subject subscribes to its premium plan “What made me buy the app…”

In summary, the findings suggest that technology integration in EFL classrooms has a
positive impact on student motivation, both intrinsically and extrinsically, by providing
engaging learning experiences, diverse resources, and opportunities for personal growth and

In conclusion, this qualitative study delved into the impact of technology integration
on the motivation of EFL learners, focusing on semester 4 English department college
students enrolled in Technology in Education and CMALL courses. Through semi-structured
interviews and thematic analysis, valuable insights were gained regarding the students'
experiences and perceives towards technology in language learning. The findings suggest that
technology integration can play a significant role in enhancing motivation among EFL
learners, providing opportunities for interactive learning experiences that cater to diverse
learning styles and preferences. Moving forward, educators can leverage these insights to
design and implement effective technology-integrated language learning processes that foster
sustained student engagement and academic achievement.

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Influencing Behaviors and Happiness. ECSW@PERSUASIVE.
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