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Rizza Mae A.


Attending the Intellectual Property Rights Seminar was a thought-provoking experience that
opened my eyes to the significance of protecting creative works. The seminar delved into the
world of patents, copyrights, and trademarks, emphasizing the importance of respecting
intellectual property rights. As I sat among fellow students and experts in the field, I couldn't
help but reflect on how innovation and creativity are cultivated through the legal frameworks of
intellectual property.

The event provided emphasis on intellectual property's role in promoting societal innovation and
creativity. I discovered how intellectual property rights encourage creators to dedicate time and
resources to developing new ideas and products. It was intriguing to observe the link between
intellectual property protection and the promotion of artistic expression, technological
innovation, and economic prosperity. This realization increased my appreciation for the
importance of intellectual property in driving advancement and preserving innovators' rights.

One of the key takeaways from the seminar was the need for responsible and ethical use of
intellectual property. As a college student with a growing interest in various creative endeavors, I
realized the importance of respecting the work of others and seeking proper authorization when
using copyrighted materials. Understanding the principles of fair use and the consequences of
intellectual property infringement highlighted the ethical responsibilities that come with sharing
and creating content in today's digital age

To summarize, the Intellectual Property Rights Seminar not only improved my awareness of
intellectual property, but also encouraged me to become a responsible creator and consumer of
creative works. I left the seminar with a renewed understanding of the role of intellectual
property rights in driving innovation, protecting creators' rights, and molding our cultural
landscape. This experience has inspired me to continue learning about intellectual property and
to fight for the necessity of appreciating and valuing the creative work of individuals and

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