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wong-tinyan  

Learning Outcomes 
Improve your IELTS Academic Writing score / Types of Visuals / Analysing Visuals

Check Your Knowledge 

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 Overall Structure 5 Topics  25% Complete

 Types of Visuals 4 Topics

 Introduction to Visuals 

 Analysing Visuals 
Analysing Visuals
 Language Focus: Graphs 
In this part of the lesson, you will practise identifying types of visuals and locating

 Language Focus: Maps and Processes  information in them. This is what you will need to do at the beginning of Task 1 on
test day.
 Paragraph Structure 8 Topics

 Organisation and Logic 3 Topics

 Visual 1
 Practice 5 Topics

Look at the following visual and answer the questions.

Lesson Summary

TASK 1 IMPROVE YOUR SCORE PetOwnershipinAustralia

4 %4 Dogs
9% Fish
10% 45%


What type of visual is this?

What is the topic of the visual?
How many trends or categories are there in the visual?
What is the time period?
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
What is the unit of measurement?

 Check Your Answers

 Visual 2

Look at the following visual and answer the questions.


Engineering ServiceIndustry Agriculture

What type of visual is this?

What is the topic of the visual?
How many trends or categories are there in the visual?
What is the time period?
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
What is the unit of measurement?

 Check Your Answers

What type of visual is this? Line graph

What is the topic of the visual? Employment in Australia
How many trends or categories are there in the visual? Three
BEngineering and IT, Service Industries, Agriculture)
What is the time period? 1990G2000 (yearly)
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
in? Simple past as the graph is in the past.
What is the unit of measurement? Hundreds of thousands

 Visual 3

Look at the following visual and answer the questions.

What type of visual is this?

What is the topic of the visual?
How many trends or categories are there in the visual?
What is the time period?
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
What is the unit of measurement?

 Check Your Answers

What type of visual is this? Bar chart

What is the topic of the visual? Frequency of exercise by age group
How many trends or categories are there in the visual? Three B18G
49, 41G60, 60 plus)
What is the time period? No time period is given.
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
in? Present simple as no time is stated on the bar chart.
What is the unit of measurement? Percentage

 Visual 4

Look at the following visual and answer the questions.

What type of visual is this?

What is the topic of the visual?
What is the time period?
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written

 Check Your Answers

What type of visual is this? Map

What is the topic of the visual? Changes in the town of Flossington
What is the time period? 1998 and 2018
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
in? Simple past as the maps are both in the past.

 Visual 5

Look at the following visual and answer the questions.

What type of visual is this?

What is the topic of the visual?
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written

 Check Your Answers

What type of visual is this? Process / diagram

What is the topic of the visual? The HR recruitment process
What tense should the overview and body paragraphs be written
in? Simple present as this is a diagram

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