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File-by-file list of active words English File 1

niece /ni:s/
File 4 (the) opposite (n) /"Qp@zIt/
about (40 years old) /@"baUt/ our /"aU@/
advert /"&dv3:t/ parents /"pe@r@nts/
again /@"gen/ pink /pINk/
animal /"&nIm@l/ poison (n) /"pOIz@n/
antique (box) /&n"ti:k/ poor /pO:/
any /"enI/ postcard /"p@UstkA:d/
aspirin /"&sprIn/ problem /"prQbl@m/
aunt /A:nt/ professional /pr@"feS@nl/
batteries /"b&t@rIz/ purple /"p3:pl/
black /bl&k/ queen /kwi:n/
blue /blu:/ red /red/
bookshop /"bUkSQp/ rich /rIÍ/
boyfriend /"bOIfrend/ royal /"rOI@l/
brother /"brVD@/ shoes /Su:z/
brown /braUn/ shopping /"SQpIN/
(play) cards /kA:dz/ singer /"sIN@/
chemist’s /"kemIsts/ sister /"sIst@/
chess /Íes/ some /s@m, sVm/
child /ÍaIld/ son /sVn/
class (school) /klA:s/ street /stri:t/
colour (n) /"kVl@/ their /De@/
could I? /"kUd aI/ toothbrush /"tu:TbrVS/
cousin /"kVz@n/ uncle /"VNkl/
cycle (v) /"saIkl/ What colour? /wQt "kul@/
daughter /"dO:t@/ white /waIt/
divorced /dI"vO:st/ wife (pl wives) /waIf (waIvz)/
elephant /"elIf@nt/ women /"wImIn/
envelope /"env@l@Up/ yacht /jQt/
eyes /aIz/ yellow /"jel@U/
family /"f&m@lI/ 3 Adjectives  and 
father /"fA:D@/ 3 Classroom language
fax (machine) /"f&ks/ 3 Places 
friend /frend/ 3 Prepositions
funny /"fVnI/
gardening (n) /"gA:d@nIN/
girlfriend /"g3:lfrend/
good-looking /gUd "lUkIN/
grandfather /"gr&ndfA:D@/
grandmother /"gr&ndmVD@/
grandparents /"gr&ndpe@r@nts/
green /gri:n/
grey /greI/
guidebook /"gaIdbUk/
hair /he@/
hate (v) /heIt/
have got /h&v gQt/
hobby /"hQbI/
husband /"hVzb@nd/
idea /aI"dI@/
jeans /Ùi:nz/
king /kIN/
love (v) /lVv/
men /men/
microwave /"maIkr@UweIv/
mobile phone /m@UbaIl "f@Un/
money /"mVnI/
natural /"n&tSr@l/
nephew /"nefju:/
news-stand /"nju:z st&nd/

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