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CE3153 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering




INDEX NO : 210481K


DATE OF PER : 22 / 03 / 2024

DATE OF SUB : 05 / 04 / 2024


Table of Contents

1. TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................................... 6

2. LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................... 7

3. LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................ 8

4. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 9

5. APPARATUS ................................................................................................................................................... 10

6. PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................................. 11

7. OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 12

8. COMPARISON & ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATIONS .............................................................................. 14

8.1 NOISE PRACTICAL ................................................................................................................................ 14

8.2 VIBRATION PRACTICAL ..................................................................................................................... 15

9. DISCUSSION .................................................................................................................................................. 19

10. REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 21


Figure 1 - 4.1 Noise Pollution ......................................................................................................... 9

Figure 2 - 5.1 Vibration meter ....................................................................................................... 10

Figure 3 - 5.2 Noise Level meter ................................................................................................... 10

Figure 4 - 5.3 Hammer and Large pegs (piles) ............................................................................. 10

Figure 5 - 7.1 Site layout for noise levelling ................................................................................. 12

Figure 6 - 7.2 Legend of Site layout for noise levelling ................................................................ 12

Figure 7 - 7.3 Site layout for vibration measurements .................................................................. 13

Figure 8 - 7.4 Legend of Site layout for vibration measurements ................................................. 13

Table 1 - 7.1 Noise levelling observations ............................................................................................. 12

Table 2 - 7.2 Vibration measurement observations ................................................................................ 13

Table 3 - 8.1.1 Permissible Noise Levels for Construction Activities .................................................... 14

Table 4 - 8.2.1 Categorization of structures according to the type of building (from ISO-4966: 1990E)
................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Table 5 - 8.2.2 Recommended maximum standard vibrations for frequency of vibration...................... 16

Table 6 - 8.2.3 Interim Standards for vibration of the Operation of Machinery, Construction Activities
and Vehicle Movements Traffic .............................................................................................................. 16

Table 7 - 8.2.4 Results analysis .............................................................................................................. 17

In the construction industry, excessive noise and vibration are common and can be attributed
to a variety of sources, including engines, machinery, and pile driving operations. These disruptions
may cause hearing loss, stress, anxiety, and difficulties carrying out daily tasks, among other negative
impacts on one's physical and mental health.
Because it can produce a lot of noise and vibration, pile driving in particular presents a lot of
difficulties. Because these disruptions have the potential to affect communities close to the
construction site, regulatory organizations such as Sri Lanka's Central Environmental Authority have
set rules to lessen their effects.
It is essential to closely monitor noise and vibration levels during pile driving operations in
order to guarantee regulatory compliance. Such measurements are carried out at the University of
Moratuwa near Lake Bolgoda, where a building housing rowing equipment is located. Vibration
meters and integrated noise level meters are examples of the specialized equipment used for these
In order to determine the extent of noise and vibration propagation, multiple readings are taken
at different locations throughout the building during these assessments. The allowed levels outlined
by regulations are then compared to these readings. In the event that the measurements surpass these
boundaries, it is imperative to suggest and execute mitigating measures to reduce the ramifications
for the neighboring community.
Ensuring regulatory compliance and preserving the comfort and well-being of surrounding
residents are two benefits of proactive monitoring and management of noise and vibration during
construction activities. Construction projects and their surrounding environments can coexist
peacefully with the help of such measures.
A construction site's noise and vibrations can have a variety of effects on the surrounding area.
The human body can be affected psychologically or physiologically by noise, and noise can also
have an impact on the environment. Higher vibration levels may also have an impact on nearby
structures. As a result, keeping noise and vibration levels on building sites within allowed bounds is
important to take into account when site management.

Figure 1 - 4.1 Noise Pollution


Figure 2 - 5.1 Vibration meter

Figure 3 - 5.2 Noise Level meter

Figure 4 - 5.3 Hammer and Large pegs (piles)


• Noise measurement
o For the purpose of driving the two piles (large pegs), an appropriate location was
o Hammers struck the piles at the same time, driving them into the ground.
o Using the integrated noise level meter, the noise was recorded at a location along the
o Bolgoda Lake shoreline, which served as the hypothetical construction site's border,
during the pile driving process.
o Two other locations along the boundary line were also used to measure the noise.

• Vibration measurement
o It is determined which is the appropriate line to drive the pegs into the ground.
o There were designated vibration measuring locations close to the hypothetical
construction site along the building's perimeter.
o The vibration meter was positioned on the first of the aforementioned points, and the
screws were adjusted to position the meter horizontally.
o Vibration was measured with a vibration meter after the two piles at the first pile
driving location were driven to the ground simultaneously with hammers.
o After that, the vibration meter was positioned to be horizontally adjusted at the second,
third, and so on of the points along the building boundary, and measurements were
o In a similar manner, the pile locations were moved five times along the marked line,
and the preceding procedures were carried out once more.


• Noise Measurement

Figure 5 - 7.1 Site layout for noise levelling

Figure 6 - 7.2 Legend of Site layout for noise levelling

Table 1 - 7.1 Noise levelling observations



1 126 139 78

2 116 114 75

3 101 98 76

4 106 100 70

• Vibration Measurement

Figure 7 - 7.3 Site layout for vibration measurements

Figure 8 - 7.4 Legend of Site layout for vibration measurements

Table 2 - 7.2 Vibration measurement observations

Location Frequency in Vibration (Hz) Vibration in PPV (mm/s)

1 85 0.307
2 85 1.668
3 28 0.268
4 32 0.197
5 x >100 0.993
6 15 0.158
7 51 3.531 (Center)
8 22 0.166 (Inside)



The National Environmental Law Act of 1980 establishes acceptable noise levels, which are as
Table 3 - 8.1.1 Permissible Noise Levels for Construction Activities

The following actions need to be taken in order to apply mitigation measures as soon as noise
measurements exceed these thresholds.

• Utilizing Quieter Equipment: Select construction equipment, such as tools and machinery,
that is made especially to run quietly. This could entail going for equipment with lower
decibel ratings or choosing more recent models that have noise-reducing features.
• Barriers and Enclosures: Physical barriers or enclosures should be erected around loud
machinery or activities in order to keep the noise contained within a specific area. These
barriers, which should be placed carefully to block or redirect noise, can be constructed of
sound-absorbing materials like fencing or acoustic panels.
• Frequent Maintenance: Make sure that all equipment is operating at the lowest possible noise
level and that it is functioning correctly by performing routine maintenance and inspections.
This may entail fixing any sources of excessive noise, changing out worn parts, and
lubricating moving parts.
• Plan Your Work: When construction is most likely to affect nearby homes or businesses or
other noise-sensitive receptors, it is best to schedule operations to minimize noise. This could
entail avoiding working loudly in the early morning, late at night, or on the weekends, and
saving especially loud jobs for the day.
• Materials for Noise Reduction: During construction, use materials that reduce noise, such as
rubber matting, insulated panels, and acoustic barriers. These materials can aid in reducing
the overall noise impact of construction activities by dampening the transmission of sound.
• Distance and Orientation: Keep loud activities and equipment as far away as you can from
places where people are sensitive to noise, like quiet zones or residential areas. To reduce
direct noise exposure, also position noisy operations away from these sensitive areas.
• Employee Education: Educate and train construction workers on the value of noise control
and the best ways to reduce noise emissions while they are working. This can involve using

personal protective equipment (PPE) such as earmuffs or earplugs, adhering to noise
regulations, and operating machinery properly.
• Monitoring and Adjustment: Put in place a system to periodically check the noise levels at
the construction site. Take prompt action to modify operations, move equipment, or put
additional mitigation measures in place if noise levels surpass allowable thresholds in order
to bring noise emissions back into compliance.
• Community Engagement: Throughout the construction process, keep lines of communication
open with the locals and other interested parties. Inform them about upcoming events,
possible noise disturbances, and the actions being taken to reduce noise pollution. Respond
quickly to any complaints or issues raised, and cooperate to find solutions.
• Regulatory Compliance: Make sure that all applicable local, state, and federal laws pertaining
to noise levels and mitigation techniques are fully followed. Learn about the applicable noise
ordinances, permits, and standards. Be proactive in preventing violations and fines.

Construction sites can reduce noise pollution and potential disturbances to neighboring communities
by putting these thorough mitigation measures into place.


Four categories exist for buildings, and each has particular allowable limits for peak particle velocity
(PPV) and vibration frequencies. The tables found in the Proposed Standards for Air-Blast
Overpressure and Ground Vibration in Sri Lanka provide information on these limitations.

Table 4 - 8.2.1 Categorization of structures according to the type of building (from ISO-4966: 1990E)

Given that the building under consideration falls under Type 03 classification and that the vibration
resulting from the pile driving process is intermittent in nature, the following maximum standard
vibration in PPV values is advised.

Table 5 - 8.2.2 Recommended maximum standard vibrations for frequency of vibration

Frequency of vibration (Hz) Vibration on PPV (mm/sec)

0 – 10 2.0
10 – 50 4.0
Over 50 8.0

Table 6 - 8.2.3 Interim Standards for vibration of the Operation of Machinery, Construction Activities and
Vehicle Movements Traffic

The designated structure is classified as Type 3 in accordance with the Proposed Standards for Air-
Blast Overpressure and Ground Vibration in Sri Lanka. Vibration assessments can therefore be
performed to make sure that the designated limits are followed.

Table 7 - 8.2.4 Results analysis

Frequency in Vibration in PPV Permissible limit
Location Permissible limit
Vibration (Hz) (mm/s) (mm/s)
or not
1 85 0.307 8.0 Yes

2 85 1.668 8.0 Yes

3 28 0.268 4.0 Yes

4 32 0.197 4.0 Yes

5 x>100 0.993 8.0 Yes

6 15 0.158 4.0 Yes

7 51 3.531 8.0 Yes

8 22 0.166 4.0 Yes

Among the mitigation strategies to reduce vibration on a building site are:

• Equipment Selection: Look for tools and construction machinery that are made to cause the
least amount of vibration. Choose contemporary gear that has technologies or features that
reduce vibration.
• Vibration Isolation: Install vibration isolation devices, such as mounts, on large machinery
to lessen vibration transmission to nearby structures and the ground.
• Construction Methods: Make use of methods that reduce vibration production and ground
disturbance. This can involve techniques like using alternative building materials or
prefabricating off-site.
• Monitoring and Control: To measure the amount of vibration that occurs during construction
activities, put in place a program for vibration monitoring. Utilize this information as
necessary to modify operations and lessen strong vibrations.
• Restricting Operating Hours: Limit the amount of time that loud or vibrating equipment is
operated, especially at night, to reduce the disturbance it causes to neighboring residents or
delicate structures.
• Site Layout: Arrange the building site so as to reduce the number of vibration-sensitive
structures or receptors in close proximity. Avoid using large machinery or engaging in high-
vibration activities close to buildings or vital infrastructure.
• Vibration Barriers: To contain and redirect vibrations away from sensitive areas or structures,
erect physical barriers or shields around high-vibration equipment or activities.

• Ground Preparation: To guarantee stability and lower the chance of ground vibration, prepare
the ground appropriately before starting construction. Techniques for stabilization,
reinforcement, or compaction of the soil may be used in this.
• Worker Education: Educate construction workers on the value of reducing vibration and how
to operate equipment correctly to minimize vibration emissions.
• Community Involvement: Keep lines of communication open regarding any possible
vibration effects from construction activities with the local stakeholders and residents. As
soon as possible, address issues and collaborate to find solutions.
• Regulatory Compliance: Verify that the permissible vibration levels are in accordance with
regional laws and guidelines. Learn about the relevant guidelines and take proactive steps to
reduce vibrations to within permissible bounds.

Construction sites can effectively minimize vibration generation and transmission, thereby reducing
the potential for disturbances to neighboring structures and communities, by putting these mitigation
measures into place.

There are a number of reasons why the vibration levels are lower than the upper limits that are

• Quality of Foundations: The buildings in question have stable, vibration-resistant

foundations because they were built with expert craftsmanship and premium materials.
• Effect of Distance: Materials like rock and concrete resist vibrations as they move farther
away from their source, absorbing and dispersing the vibrations' energy. As a result,
vibration intensity decreases with distance.
• Vibrometer Positioning: It's important to place the vibrometer correctly when taking
measurements. Accurate readings are guaranteed when the bottom plate is positioned with
all three points in contact with the earth. For instance, because the vibrometer makes better
contact with the ground when it is placed on or close to heavy concrete surfaces, which
effectively dampens vibrations, readings may be lower.

The observed low vibration levels are essentially the result of a combination of well-constructed
foundations, vibrations naturally attenuating over distance, and appropriately placed measurement

Monitoring Noise and Vibration Level of Pile Driving Process

• Many techniques have been researched to reduce the excessive noise and vibration levels
associated with pile driving, including grip jacking, silent piling, and echo barriers.
• Because grip jacking technique creates less vibration and noise, this system is suitable for use
in urban areas and noise-sensitive areas.
• Sheet pile installation can make use of the silent piling technique. Instead of applying sudden
or vibrational forces to piles, this method presses piles into the ground. Consequently, this
method may result in lower vibration and noise levels.
• Additionally, by preventing the transfer of noise or vibration through the media surrounding
the pile, the levels of noise and vibration can be reduced. Echo barriers are one way to
accomplish this goal; they are durable enough to be used on construction sites. By installing
these echo barriers around a pile, the noise level can be reduced by roughly 30 decibels.
• Consideration should also be given to underwater pile driving, as sound travels through water
more effectively than through air.
• Echo barriers cannot be utilized in underwater piles due to their water resistance. Therefore,
mitigating measures like bubble curtains can reduce the impact of driving under water piles.
• To reduce the amount of vibration that is transferred through the soil, trenches can be filled
or left open. Wave transmission smoothness is disrupted at trenches due to mechanisms such
as wave reflection and refraction, scattering, and diffraction of wave energy. Consequently,
vibration's impact on nearby structures can be minimized.

Monitoring Noise and Vibration Levels in Construction Sites

• Excessive noise and vibration levels can be prevented by carefully planning the construction
project and designing the structure. Thus, during the planning and designing phases,
environmental standards regarding noise and vibration should be taken into account.
• Applying noise barriers can lower the noise level. While it is not possible to completely stop
sound waves from propagating, one can greatly lower the noise level by obstructing their
direct path.
• Construction noise can be minimized by placing sound-absorbing materials at the appropriate
locations, such as carpet, foam padding, or fiberglass insulation.
• Electronically powered equipment is now available, and it is quieter than diesel-powered
equipment thanks to modern technology. There is also equipment available with reduced
vibration. Consequently, using that equipment enables the site to remain within allowable
bounds in terms of vibration and noise levels.

• It is possible to use vibration monitoring systems, which combine vibration monitors with
data servers that provide online access to the monitoring data, remote communication, and
vibration monitors. Vibration data collected at strategic locations on the site can then be
utilized to detect possible problems before they cause mishaps or damage.


• Construction Vibration and Noise - Environmental Impact (2021) Resonate Consultants -

Acoustic and vibration consultants providing advice and monitoring services across Australia.
(n.d.). Available at:
[Accessed 4 Apr. 2024].
• Successful noise management in construction Successful noise management in construction.
(2006). (n.d.). Available at:
[Accessed 4 Apr. 2024].
• Commodious (n.d.). Measuring Levels. [online] Commodious. Available at: [Accessed 4 Apr.


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