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Weapons and Players in History FILE

+The Millennium Earl + The Noah Clan + Akuma +

In the buried history which has been excluded from human history, the forces of the Millennium
Earl which works in the darkness. This section records the information of these adversaries.
The Earl Of Millennium <3 (Pg 132-138)

Personal Data
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Height: 220cm (Hat excluded)
Weight: 85kg
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Bloodtype: Unknown
Interest: Hat arranging (Side job)
Likes: Crocodile (Food)
Dislikes: Exorcists

Personality Bar
Education - 5
Affinity - 1
Battle Ability - 5
Mental - 5
Flexibility – 5
Persuasion – 5
Hard to understand fully, shocking personality
Speaks politely, cracks jokes often or adopts an amusing stance. But since he often bears a smile just
like an ice pillar, it is difficult to infer his true intentions through his expressions. From his actions, he
threats human lives like weed, has a calm personality, transparent and cruel. His occasional displays
of anger are also very fearsome.
His normal actions are of a courteous (?) gentleman, but when it comes to Exorcists…
Destroy INNOCENCE, bring the world to its end!
The Earl’s goal is to destroy the enemy INNOCENCE and lead the world to its destruction.
Even though his aim his clear, but he does not destroy the Exorcists with all his might, so his actions
are a mystery.
In order to destroy all the INNOCENCE, the Earl seeks the Heart. Who possesses it?
Military Forces
Possesses a large Akuma army!
The Earl himself always has a terrifying combat power. In addition, he also has the Akuma he created,
which can rival the Exorcists in combat power.
The Akuma materials are machines, and their souls are from tragedy. They will never vanish from this
The Ark hidden in Japan has a lot of high level Akuma in storage.
The strong bond he has with the Noah Family
The Earl hates all humans, but adopts a different attitude towards humans who are known as the
Noah Family. In the eyes of the Earl, the Noah Clan are like family, and searching for the Noahs who
reincarnate into this world is also another of his purposes.
Because the old Ark which has a strong connection to the 14th has disappeared, the Earl started
crying against his will.
Organising a gathering dinner, showing that their family relations are just like other humans.
Fighting skills – possesses a power which can cause human kind to despair
A fighting prowess which cannot be measured!
The Earl possesses a fighting ability which cannot be matched by any Exorcist. Special equipment
akin to INNOCENCE have not been found, so what is the source of his power?
The streets of Edo were destroyed in an instant. If he was serious, the extent of damage would be
He can also use a blade to fight. The shape is exactly like Allen’s INNOCENCE, which is troubling.
Creating Akuma – Techniques which control the Akuma’s destiny
The power to create killing machines!
The Earl can convert humans in Akuma, and create an endless army. As the Akuma are hidden
throughout the world, it is difficult to measure their numbers.
Appearing in front of humans who have potential, and create Akuma. Does not hesitate to tempt the
person with all his might
All Aluma are controlled by the Earl, and they cannot resist his commands.
Created beings
Besides the Akuma, the Earl also created various things. It seems that he has knowledge to create
things just like the Order’s “Golems”
Length: 87cm
Diameter: 90cm
Interests: Talking
Likes: Earl of Millenium
Dislikes: Exorcists
Road likes it too!
A pumpkin shaped umbrella with its own will. Because it does not have any fighting abilities on its
own, it is always treated as a toy by Road. The Earl’s sword is under Lero’s safekeeping, so it has an
important mission too.
Always pushed around by a stubborn Road. Always faced with situations where it is captured by Allen
and company.
Familiar with the Noah’s abilities, very knowledgeable. Maybe because it has been following the Earl
for a long time?
Cell Roron
The prisoner in the cell of names
When Tyki received his mission, this was the magical golem given to him by the Earl. It contains the
information of the people the Earl wants dead. It can also determine if the people on the list are
dead or alive.
Its appearance is like a picture on the card, but it seems like there is space inside. Was it made using
the same technique as the Ark?
The Guardians of the Factory
Subordinates which support the Earl. Even though they were made from humans just like the Akuma,
but they are given jobs which need higher intelligence, like guarding the Akuma production factory.
Creations which are made from the Earl’s magical power. They seem to be able to use magic as well.
The large ship which the Earl owns.
The ship which was hidden in Japan. Has the ability to teleport and houses the Akuma prodyction
factory, an important force of the Earl.
It has existed even before the rise of humans, 7000 years ago. But it is unknown if the Ark was
created by the Earl.
It can teleport freely, which is an excellent feature for a transportation vehicle. The growth factory
which makes the containers to hold the Akuma is also hidden in the Ark.
The growth factory which the Earl spent time and money on. It is managed by the Skulls.
Akuma can be sent to faraway places as long as the Ark’s teleportation feature is used. There is no
way to prevent entry as of now.
Interior structure
The Ark itself is very large, and has many interconnecting doors. The structure is complicated and it
is difficult to grasp its full structure.
A large interior, divided into many areas. Without someone who is familiar with the interior to lead
the way, you’ll definitely get lost.
The Order successfully acquired the Ark. Investigations into its functions and interior are conducted
every day.
The large book storage where Jasdevi were waiting for Allen and the rest. It was originally prepared
for Cross’ arrival.
A secret room which even the Earl does not know about. There is a piano which can control the Ark
and the consciousness of a mystery person in the room.
What is the “Musican”?
Even though the Ark has many convenient features, its weakness is that only a chosen person can
activate the Ark. It seems that those with the title of “Musician” would be able to control the Ark.
Those that have the title of the “Musician”
The Earl of Millennium
As the captain of the Ark, the Earl naturally has the title of the “Musician”
Amongst all the Noahs, only Road has the qualifications. Does it have anything to do with her ability?
Allen and Timcanpy
For reasons unknown, Allen also has the qualifications of the Musician. The score which only him
and Mana understand, and its relation to the 14th is really intriguing.
The Appearance of the new Ark
Because of the 14th’s betrayal, the old Ark was sealed in Edo, and its functions have been liited.
Therefore, the Earl created a new Ark, intending to transfer its facilities.
Earlier, the Noah, who is the Musician, betrayed the Earl, and gave the Musician rights to someone
Cross’ plan and the failed transfer
The endless supply of Akuma is a terrifying threat to the Order. Cross, who was given the mission to
destroy the Akuma Production Factory, managed to stop the transfer of the factory, thus taking
revenge on the Earl.
Cross used magic to interfere with the transfer of the Factory, leaving the final measures to his
The transfer of the Factory failed. But the Order was thrown into a terrifying incident later…
Then there were two Arks…
The old Ark should have been destroyed after the transfer of its facilities. However, due to Allen’s
abilities, it was not destroyed and continued to exist.
Old Ark
It is now in the hands of the Order. With its teleportation abilities and other functions, it will be
useful for the war in the future.
New Ark
The black exterior of the new Ark. Now in possession of the Earl with some incomplete facilities.
Noah (Pg 139-156)
The 13 Apostles who work with the Earl of Millennium!
A mystery clan with purple black skin and eye-catching stigmata. They have extraordinary abilities
and together with the Earl, go against the Exorcists. Are a fearsome enemy.
The Awakening of the Chosen People
In the beginning, Noahs are also ordinary humans. The humans who inherit the 13 memories of
Noah will reincarnate continuously, and go through the long Ages together with the Earl.
Once awakened as Noah, star shaped stigmata will appear on their forehead. At the same time, their
past memories will awaken and they can start their destiny.
Each of them have part of Noah’s memories, which has a strong relation to their unique abilities.
Special Characteristics
Enemy of the Exorcists
The abilities of the Noah Clan come from the memory each of them possess. Not only that, just like
the Earl, they are able to destroy INNOCENCE as well.
Tyki, who was able to destroy Allen’s INNOCENCE easily. This is the basic ability that all Noahs have.
Once the true power of the Noah is released, their appearance will turn into something non-human.
Road Kamelot (Pg 140-143)

Personal Data
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Height: 148cm
Weight: 37kg
Birthday: 20th June
Zodiac: Gemini
Bloodtype: B
Interest: Making fun of Akuma, Pranks
Likes: Candy, Allen, Earl of Millennium
Dislikes: Humans
Inherited Memory: Dreams

Personality Bar
Education - 3
Affinity - 1
Working Ability - 5
Mental - 4
Flexibility - 4
Skinship – 5
Innocent yet cruel
Her appearance is that of a young girl, and her personality is romantic and innocent, like a girl. But
she does show the true traits of a Noah, and would treat humans and Akuma like her toys.
Declares that she hates humans. Acts in the way she likes and takes lives without hesitation.
Road, who shows hatred towards humans, actually treats the Noah Clan and the Earl with love.
The precious musician of the Ark
Like the other Noahs, Road will act under the orders from the Earl. Unlike Tyki, whose mission is to
assassinate, her job is to handle matters related to the Ark.
Basicaaly does indoor jobs. But she will frequently sneak out and do things on her own without the
Earl’s permission.
Because she has the Musician’s qualifications, she was given the important job of transferring the
Special physical characteristics
Shocking regeneration ability
Even though her physique is slim like a girl, she has a special body that only the Noahs have. It is a
scary regeneration ability such that the body can recover in an instant even after suffering serious
Even though she has a young appearance, but inferring from the words of Skinn Bolic, she is the
oldest amongst the current Noahs.
Going through the INNOCENCE barrier, does this regeneration ability have anything to do with her
having the memory of “Dreams”?
Is infatuated with Allen for reasons unknown
Road, who is supposed to hate humans, seems to treat Allen differently. Does her interest with Allen
have anything to do with his past?
A reunion after a long separation, the scene of Road hugging Allen tightly. Seeing that caused Allen
and the rest to stare in shock…
Enjoying the human world at the same time?
Outside of the time as a Noah, she unexpectedly leads a human life as well. Showing up at social
events and studying at a human school, she expertly plays the roles of human and Noah at the same
Asking Tyki to help with her school homework. It really looks like she is a normal girl from this scene.
Dream: A frightening nightmare that will break a person’s heart
Attacking a person’s mind!
Road is good at using her own Dream world and specialises in breaking her opponent’s mind. In
some sense, this is the scariest ability.
Once dragged into Road’s Dream world, leaving on your own is very difficult…
Lavi, whose mind has been bought into the dream. It is difficult for people around Lavi to know what
is happening to him.
Door: Freedom of teleportation
Making a door appear and teleporting freely, just like the Ark’s ability. Besides Road, other people
can also travel between the doors, so it is a good supporting ability. The doors seem to connect to
the dream world.
Able to move freely even in the Ark
Teleportation. She must have used the ability which allows her to create her own world.
Candles: Using sharp candles to pierce everything
Materialising countless candles to attack the enemy. The candles can be controlled freely and is an
effective long range weapon. One of her few physical attacks.
Hurting Allen’s left eye. The ability to see Akuma has been sealed due to Allen’s serious injury.
Surrounded by candles on all sides, with nowhere to run. The human body is no match.
Box: Forming a strong barrier
Creating a box shaped barrier and trapping her target inside. It should be due to an ability to
manipulate space. It has the strength to withstand normal attacks.
Road captured Lenalee and Chaoji as hostages. Lenalee is unable to break free with her own strength.
It is known for being strong, but when it was almost dragged into Tyki’s attack, it was still moved
somewhere else.
Tyki Mikk (Pg 144-147)

Personal Data
Age: 26 (approximate)
Nationality: Portugese
Height: 188cm
Weight: 70kg
Birthday: Unknown
Zodiac: Unknown
Bloodtype: O
Interest: Double life
Likes: Eating with Eeez and gang, Koi (the fish that he eats at Edo)
Dislikes: Studying
Inherited Memory: Pleasure

Personality Bar
Education - 1
Affinity - 3
Battle Ability - 5
Mental - 4
Flexibility - 3
Activeness – 2
A cultured person who does not fuss over small details
Handsome appearance, soft outline, relaxed attitude and a personality that one cannot hate. Even if
he is a Noah, but he still preserves many humane characteristics, troubling Allen.
Treating women warming like how a good looking guy should…but this is the special Noah way of
doing so.
What Tyki said in order to get rid of Allen, who has a good impression of him (or likes him). Even
though the words are heavy, the tone is still easy going.
Killing people who are related to Cross
The mission which the Earl gave Tyki, is to kill all the Exorcists listed on the card. Most of them are
people who have connections with General Cross, Allen is also in the list.
Depending on Cell Roron, which he received from the Earl, to find his targets. Completing his mission
with an uncaring attitude.
Feeling shocked when he finds out that Allen, who should be dead, is actually still alive. He felt the
power of the INNOCENCE and now approaches the killing of Exorcists with a more serious attitude.
Double personalities
Switching between his human and Noah sides
Even though Tyki has the abilities of a Noah, but he also enjoys his human life at the same time. Both
sides are equally important to him, but this has turned into a burden as this has caused his real
power to remain asleep.
Sometimes, he will take action using his Noah abilities. During this time, he will be like the other
Noahs, thinking cruel thoughts.
Tyki has a lot of human friends. From his warm smile, his intent to destroy human kind cannot be
detected at all.
A free way of life?
His private life is unexpectedly unorganised and seems to pass life based on what he is feeling. After
awakening as a Noah, his attitude did not change, and the Earl has reprimanded him before on his
wandering life.
Eating the Koi in the pond whole. Actions which do not match his appearance. Even Jasdevi is
Human comrades who have been through thick and thin together
Unable to abandon his human way of life. He has important comrades who have been with him since
a long time ago. But he will have to bid them farewell one day?
When Tyki first met Allen, they parted ways before knowing by each other’s true identity.
Choice: Power to choose everything in the world
Able to penetrate matter based on his will
Tyki’s ability is to “choose” freely. Based on his will, he can pass through all matter, a useful ability.
Even though the original purpose of the ability is not to be used as a direct attack, but with Tyki’s
train of thought, it became a scary ability.
Able to pass through a human body and leave it unharmed. He will not kill an enemy immediately as
he prefers cruel methods.
Even Tyki’s ability is not clear, he is able to cause the man eating golems to morph and make a simple
Reject: The controller of all matter!
Being the opposite of freely choosing to pass through any matter, would be to choose a particular
substance and use “reject” on it. To Tyki, everything that exists in this world can be his weapon.
Choosing the air below his feet and rejecting it. Just like walking on flat ground, showing his ability to
walk in the air.
Ejecting all the air around Allen, creating a vacuum. To Tyki who can freely use his choosing ability,
this is his unique way of attacking.
Awakening: The awakening of his true power
Tyki was unable to abandon his human self, so naturally, he battles with only part of his power. But
after being cornered by Allen, the Noah power hidden within him awakened and he started showing
a threatening fighting power.
Tyki, who had turned into something strange, started releasing strong attacks on Allen, and went on
a rampage.
The Noah in every generation which inherited the memory of “Pleasure” seem to possess a great
power, the Earl is also happy with Tyki’s awakening.
Tease: The ability from the Earl
Tyki does not like to dirty his hands and frequently uses the golems made by the Earl, Tease, to do
the killing. General Yeegar and Daisya were both killed by Tease.
Tease reproduce by eating human. Tyki implanted Tease eggs into Suman’s body.
Using the choice ability to penetrate the body and using the Tease in the palm of his hand to eat the
opponent’s organs.
Skinn Bolic (Pg 148 – 149)

Personal Data
Age: 29
Nationality: American
Height: 198cm
Weight: 101kg
Birthday: 9th May
Zodiac: Taurus
Bloodtype: O
Interest: To visit all the confectionary shops in the world
Likes: Confectionary shops
Dislikes: Anything that isn’t sweet
Inherited Memory: Warth

Personality Bar
Education - 1
Affinity - 1
Battle Ability - 4
Mental - 3
Flexibility - 3
Short temper – 5
Mood swings which are hard to predict?
Basically has an expressionless face most of the time, and doesn’t talk much. But under his
expressionless façade is a strong hatred unique to his Noah and hatred towards humans.
An extreme fan of sweet food, and would not eat anything unless it’s sweet. He will become very
emotional when it comes to sweet foods.
Even though his body is half destroyed, he is still able to move towards Kanda. He is rather persistent,
and would be more suitable for tracking type missions.
Killing Team Tiedoll
Skinn’s mission is to kill General Tiedoll. It may be because he’s meticulous or just an idiot, but he
will only look on from afar, and will not attack at all. He was even discovered by Kanda and the rest
that he was following them.
When facing the elusive Generals, it can’t be helped if they cannot be found? Just like Jasdevi, the
Earl is displeased at their uselessness.
Abandoning the human, reborn as a Noah
Before awakening as a Noah, Skinn led a normal labourer’s life. He started becoming a Noah at 25,
and after a long time, the Noah awakened, causing terrible pains.
Being controlled by Noah’s intense “Warth”, becoming Noah’s puppet.
Power: Lightning, materialising Noah’s Warth
Strong emotions becoming lightning!
Skinn possesses the ability to control lightning freely. Its offensive strength is excellent and can be
used as a near and far range attack. His hard skin can also reflect Mugen’s attacks.
Aiming all the accumulated electricity at the opponent, an electric stream that is shot out from the
Thunder Wheel
Shooting out disc shaping lightning, can be stopped above his head to increase the strength of the
Divine Punishment
Injecting lightning into the opponent via direct contact, an attack from within
Devit (Pg 150-153)

Personal Data
Age: 17
Nationality: American
Height: 163cm
Weight: 47kg
Birthday: 21st December
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Bloodtype: B
Interest: Break dance
Likes: Omelette rice with the yolk still intact
Dislikes: Shiitake
Inherited Memory: Bonds

Personality Bar
Education - 2
Affinity - 1
Battle Ability - 4
Mental - 3
Flexibility - 2
Pride - 5

Jasdero (Pg 150-153)

Personal Data
Age: 17
Nationality: American
Height: 163cm
Weight: 47kg
Birthday: 21st December
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Bloodtype: B
Interest: Collecting dragonballs?
Likes: Spicy curry
Dislikes: Sweet candy
Inherited Memory: Bonds

Personality Bar
Education - 2
Affinity - 1
Battle Ability - 4
Mental - 3
Flexibility - 4
Talkative - 5
Naïve and cruel kids
For 17 year olds, their slightly childish behaviour stands out. They do not think deeply about things
and act according to their feelings. Occasionally, you can catch a glimpse of the unique cruelty of
Whether it is a battle or their destiny as Noah, they will approach it with a non-serious attitude.
Rather than using their brains, they prefer physical activity?
A rather exaggerated sentence said to Lenalee. Compared to Jasdero, who doesn’t seem to care,
Devit doesn’t have much patience.
Continuously being fooled by Cross?
Their mission was to assassinate General Cross. But according to Allen, Cross is not only “A real
Akuma”, they were also unable to grasp his location and even had to shoulder his debts.
Searching for Cross with the little clues they have, and when they finally reached the location, he had
already disappeared.
During their journey, the debts pushed onto them by Cross kept increasing. And the fact that they just
took the debts without complaint is also really surprising.
Using the imagination characteristics of children as a weapon?
During the battle, Jasdero also fooled around with Allen and group with a playful attitude. Their
active imagination can make use of their “abilities” to their limits, a powerful tactic.
“Materialising” the strongest enemy. Considered a unbeatable ability on a certain level.
Covering one’s body with fanciful makeup
Using thick makeup and wearing restrictive tight clothing, as if they wanted to cover all the mundane
colours, a slighting Rock style. Their taste in clothing is also shown on the clothes they wore after
Because their tears have smudged their makeup, they would take a long time to patch it up?
Materialisation: The synchronisation between the twins summons can bring about miracles
The ability to create what they imagined
Jasdevi’s ability is to “materialise” what they have imagined. Depending on the user, the possibilities
are endless, a shocking ability.
Using their abilities with synchronised imaginations, an ability restricted to twins.
Materialising Jasdevi’s “anger”, creating a strange creature to attack Allen and the rest.
Creating a fearsome torture tool. Using their cruel imagination and trapping Krory inside.
Various bullets
Creating various bullets with different effects
From guns which are not loaded with bullets to shoot out bullets with various effects, a technique
which the two of them are proud of! Allen and the rest are unclear about Jasdevi’s ability, and are
flustered by the different varieties of bullets.
Blue bullet
After the opponent is hit, they will be frozen by a blast of cold air. Every bullet is named to make
synchronisation more convenient?
White bullet
Neutralising the red bullet which had been reflected back to them, seems to be a bullet which can
neutralise its target.
Purple bullet (Lying spectacles)
After getting hit, their eyes will be covered with paint, and confuse their sight. A very troublesome
Red Bullet
A skill which shoots out a giant fireball, has the highest attack power amongst all the bullets
Green Bullet
Shooting a very sticky water bullet (?),sealing the movements of the target.
Merging: Materialising the strongest body
When Jasdero and Devit combine, they will materialise the “strongest body” which both of them
have imagined. Their fighting ability in a physical fight will increase tremendously, such that even
Krory, who is depending on Akuma blood, is no match for them.
A single body with one consciousness, turning into the real “Jasdevi”! Only the shocking
synchronisation rate of twins can use this ability.
Their defensive abilities have increased greatly as well! They can even defend against Lavi’s fire seal.
Lulu Bell (Pg 154-155)

Personal Data
Age: 23 (approximate)
Nationality: French
Height: 166cm
Weight: 55kg
Birthday: 22nd February
Zodiac: Pisces
Bloodtype: AB
Interest: Carefree strolling
Likes: Milk
Dislikes: Vacuum cleaner
Inherited Memory: Lust

Personality Bar
Education - 2
Affinity - 1
Battle Ability - 4
Mental - 4
Flexibility - 1
Loyalty – 5
A servant loyal to the Earl’s orders
Her own personality is weak and she seldom expresses her own opinions. Basically a refined person
who completes the Earl’s orders without much determination. (pika318: Not sure about this >.<) It
might be because of her special education such that she cannot express herself well.
Blindly loyal to the Earl, such that we are reminded of animals who have been tamed by humans.
No matter what, the Earl’s orders are first priority. To her, the happiest thing is to be of use to the
In charge of recovering the Egg
She is frequently by the Earl’s side waiting for orders. Even though she doesn’t do anything to catch
the attention of others, but she infiltrated the Order using her special characteristics. Tried to
recover the Production Factory, but failed.
Connecting the door of the new Ark with the Order Headquarters. Planned to use the Ark door to
transport the Production Factory to the new Ark.
Captured Allen, who was always interfering with their missions, planning to bring him back to the
Earl. Always tries her best for the Earl.
Power: Transformation
Freely changing, the power of “Lust”
Changing her body freely!
Lulu Bell, as the Noah of “Lust”, possesses the ability to free change her body. When heading
towards the Order, she changed into one of the Branch Heads, and infiltrated the Order easily.
Changing her arms into spears to pierce the enemy. Her whole body can be a weapon!
Allowing her body to become water, capturing Miranda. Able to morph into various forms.
The 14th (Pg 156)
Personal Data
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Unknown
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Birthday: Unknown
Horoscope: Unknown
Bloodtype: Unknown
Interest: Unknown
Likes: Unknown
Dislikes: Unknown
Personality Bar
The 14th Noah shrouded in mystery!
The Noah Clan, which is supposed to have 13 members initially, unexpectedly awakened a 14th Noah.
It seems like even the Earl is unsure of the reasons behind the awakening. Because he betrayed the
Earl, he was killed by the Earl personally…?
Sealing the Ark in Edo, is also the work of the 14th, who had the qualifications of the Musician.
Ever since the incident on the Ark, it has attached itself to Allen. His real purpose is?
AKUMA (Pg 157-161)
Created by the Earl
Inserting the soul summoned from the darkness of human hearts and sealed into a magic infused
body to complete the process. The core is made from “DARK MATTER”, which is their power source.
Lives lost because of tragedy, as long as someone wants to revive them, the Earl will appear. Calling
back souls using the feelings of weak humans.
Evolve by killing people!
Akuma, which are killing weapons, gain experience every time they kill. Once they gain enough
experience, they will level up and evolve into a stronger entity.
After levelling up, their fighting ability and intelligence will increase.
Level 1: Akuma that were just born
The state of the Akuma which have just been created by the Earl. Basically sphere shaped and have
ordinary abilities. Even though they will scare the ordinary humans, they are no match for Exorcists.
An unpleasant appearance which disgusts people. Possessing the body of the person who called their
soul back, and assume their form.
Akuma blood is poison to living beings. Level 1 Akuma attack by shooting out blood bullets.
Level 2: Evolve, and possess a specific ability
The form of Level 1 Akuma after they gained enough experience and evolved one level. They have
various forms, and gain new special abilities.
Annoying copy ability
Level 2 which appeared in Martel. Wishes to destroy Lala’s INNOCENCE and fought with Allen and
company. Acquired a personality as well as high intelligence. Has a sly personality, instinct to kill has
also increased compared to a Level 1.
Possess skin which can copy any matter, just like a mirror. Mimicking Allen’s features and the form of

Personal Data
Height: 170cm (Human form)
Weight: 56kg (Human form)
Interest: Make up
Likes: Krory
Dislikes: Innocence, Krory’s enemies
A tragic Akuma who yearns for love
Level 2 whose form is of a pretty lady. Has the human emotion of “love” and lived together with
Krory. The emotion present inside her, is it love?
Eliade’s Akuma form. Able to form spheres which drain moisture.
The troubles she experienced because of her self awareness. In the end, she was injured and killed by
her love, Krory.
Made by Cross . Modified Akuma
Akuma which were modified by Cross’ sorcery. Temporarily free of the Earl’s restrictions, becoming
the companions of the Exorcists
Chomesuke (Sachiko)

Personal Data
Height: 167cm (Human form)
Weight: 53kg (Human form)
Interest: Collecting cute stuff
Likes: People who pay attention to her
Dislikes: Innocence
The Akuma who helped Lavi and the rest
Actual form
The Akuma who bought Lenalee and the rest to Edo. In her human form, she is a cute girl. Because
she adds a “~cho” to the end of her sentences, Lavi gave her the nickname Chomesuke.
Timcanpy, who likes Chomesuke. She saved Lenalee, who sunk into the water after her battle with
Akuma and relayed Cross’ message.
Even though Cross’ sorcery has lessened the urges, she is unable to totally resist the instinct to kill.
When she is unable to control her urges to kill, the self-destruction program will be activated.
The modified Akuma also performed as a guide for General Tiedoll.
Chomesuke’s friend. Attacked by a Level 3 Akuma, becoming a food sacrifice.
Level 3: A killing weapon with increased strength!
Even though they rarely appear, but their individual fighting ability can even surpass the Exorcists.
Japan has already become a nest for Level 3s.
Attacking the Exorcists at sea!
The Level 3 attacked Lavi and the rest, who were travelling towards Edo. Acquiring a special
evolution for close combat, possessing strong armour. Was killed in the end when his ability to
control gravity was used against him.
Even though he was badly damaged, he is able to seal Lenalee’s movements using the accumulation
of gravity.
Just like his name, his soul comes from an artist. Retaining the characteristics of his soul, he has a
habit of titling scenery.
Attacking the Asian Branch
Savagely attacking Allen, who is undergoing INNOCENCE revival training. Even though he is a Level 3
with powerful abilities, but he was defeated by Allen’s revived and evolved INNOCENCE.
Tyki, who heard that Allen is at the Asian Branch, dispatched an Akuma through the Ark gate.
The beam shot from his hand, has the ability to break down matter, forcing Allen into a hard battle.
Facing Allen’s INNOCENCE, Crown Clown, with the ability to save Akuma. Was destroyed harbouring
peaceful feelings.
Level 4: An Akuma with unprecedented abilities!
Was born from the many Akuma who attacked the Order Headquarters, a terrifying existence. Its
power is on a totally different level compared to a Level 3.
Born in the Order Headquarters!
The combined Akuma killed many people, thus giving birth to this monster. Has an appearance of an
angel, and its personality is like a child. Was killed by the attacks of an awakened Lenalee, Allen and
Its insides are made of the souls of many Akuma, a goosebump inducing entity. Allen, who could see
all that, cried as a result.
In Bookman recorded history, there are no records of a Level 4. This is the first encounter in history.
An overwhelming battle ability to be proud of!
A small stature, and looks weaker than a Level 3, but it is a monster on par with a General. Once
worked up, it will attack without discerning friend and foe.
A scream loud enough to make anyone lose balance
With just a punch, the research area of the Order Headquarters was half-destroyed. A powerful basic
fighting ability.

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