Man Power

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Position Job Qualifications Job Descriptions Duties &


 A bachelor's degree in  Oversee day-to-

business administration, day operations
management, finance, or  Maintain budgets
GENERAL a related field is typically and optimize
MANAGER required. expenses
 Previous experience in a  Ensure
managerial or leadership The general manager employees work
role is usually essential. shall be charged with the productively and
This may include improvement of efficiency develop
experience as a and increase in professionally
department manager, department profit, as well  Oversee
assistant manager, or in as overall company recruitment and
other supervisory performance. They training of new
positions. oversee a number of employees
 Effective communication elements in the company,  Ensure staff
is crucial for a general such as hiring staff, follows health
manager to interact with operating expenditure and and safety
employees, customers, launching price regulations
and other stakeholders. promotions that could
This includes both verbal attract more customers.
and written
communication skills, as
well as the ability to listen
actively and
 An understanding of
financial principles and
the ability to manage
budgets, analyze
financial reports, and
make financially sound
decisions is important for
a general manager.

 A bachelor's degree in In order to ensure a  Lead the

marketing, graphic consistent brand message Marketing Design
design, communications, and visual excellence, this team in defining
business administration, role shall be responsible and executing
MARKETING/ or a related field is often for developing and our overall
DESIGN required. A master's implementing strategic design strategy
MANAGER degree or professional marketing plans while with the goal of
certifications in marketing supervising the design attracting and
or design could be process. In order to drive maintaining
advantageous. the awareness, clients.
 Strong understanding of participation and growth of  Oversee the day
marketing principles, a brand by means of to day operation
including market strategic marketing of the Marketing
research, branding, campaigns and Design team to
positioning, and persuasive visual assets, produce visual
campaign development. the Marketing Design and graphics for
Proficiency in digital Manager will work in close our marketing
marketing strategies, cooperation with diverse and business
including social media teams. development
marketing, email efforts, including
marketing, content landing pages,
marketing, and advertisements,
SEO/SEM. brochures,
 Proficiency in graphic presentations,
design software such as webinars and

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