Robotics in Plastic Surgery It S Here.48

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Robotics in Plastic Surgery: It’s Here

Dominic Henn, MD1,2
Summary: Although robotic surgery has been routinely established in other
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Artem A. Trotsyuk, PhD1

Janos A. Barrera, MD1 surgical disciplines, robotic technologies have been less readily adopted in
plastic surgery. Despite a strong demand for innovation and cutting-edge
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Dharshan Sivaraj, BS1

Kellen Chen, PhD1,3 technology in plastic surgery, most reconstructive procedures, including
Smiti Mittal, BS1 microsurgery, have continued to necessitate an open approach. Recent
Alana M. Mermin-Bunnell, BS1 advances in robotics and artificial intelligence, however, are gaining momen-
Arhana Chattopadhyay, MD1 tum and have shown significant promise to improve patient care in plastic
Madelyn R. Larson, BS1
Brian M. Kinney, MD4 surgery. These next-generation surgical robots have the potential to enable
James Nachbar, MD5 surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater precision, flex-
Sarvam P. TerKonda, MD6 ibility, and control than previously possible with conventional techniques.
Sashank Reddy, MD7 Successful integration of robotic technologies into clinical practice in plastic
Lynn Jeffers, MD, MBA8 surgery requires achieving key milestones, including implementing appro-
Justin M. Sacks, MD, MBA9 priate surgical education and garnering patient trust. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg.
Geoffrey C. Gurtner, MD1,3 152: 239, 2023.)
Stanford, Beverly Hills, and Oxnard,
CA; Dallas, TX; Tucson and
Scottsdale, AZ; Jacksonville, FL;
Baltimore, MD; and St. Louis, MO

dvanced surgical robotics represent the The Automated Endoscopic System for
merger of surgical technique with sophis- Optimal Positioning (AESOP) robot, developed
ticated and intelligent technology. Novel by Computer Motion, Inc., was the first surgical
robotic technologies provide users with enhanced robot to gain U.S. Food and Drug Administration
precision, a greater degree of freedom in move- (FDA) approval, in 1994.1 The system was
ment, improved visual–spatial resolution, and designed to manipulate a laparoscopic surgical
tremor elimination while operating. Having the camera and possessed optical arms with seven
potential to confer dramatic improvements in degrees of freedom.2 This robot was ultimately
functional, aesthetic, and quality-of-life outcomes modified and renamed the Zeus Robotic Surgical
for patients, these innovations will expand the System (ZEUS), which included a separate oper-
breadth of operations that surgeons are able to ating console for the surgeon to sit comfortably
perform safely. during the operation. ZEUS was used for the
first transcontinental robot-assisted laparoscopic
cholecystectomy, famously known as “Operation
From the 1Hagey Laboratory for Pediatric Regenerative Lindbergh.”3
Medicine, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Today, the most popular robotic platform
Department of Surgery, Stanford University; 2Department of is the da Vinci surgical system, developed by
Plastic Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Intuitive Surgical, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA), and
Center; 3Department of Surgery, University of Arizona; 4pri- approved by the FDA in 2000 (Fig. 1). The da
vate practice; 5Scottsdate Plastic Surgery LLC; 6Division Vinci system is the market leader, with more than
of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic; 5 million reported surgical interventions across
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Johns
Hopkins University; 8St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital;
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department
Disclosure statements are at the end of this article,
of Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis School of
Medicine. following the correspondence information.
Received for publication December 26, 2021; accepted
October 20, 2022.
The first two authors contributed equally. Related digital media are available in the full-text
Copyright © 2023 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons version of the article on
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010270 239
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2023
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Fig. 1. (Above, left) Intraoperative use of the da Vinci surgical system. (Above, right) Surgeon remotely operating the da Vinci system
from the console. (Below, left) MUSA microsurgery robot (Microsure). (Below, right) Intraoperative use of the MUSA microsurgery
robot in a hand surgery case. Images used with permission from Intuitive Surgical, Inc., and Microsure.

the United States and 65 other countries. The around 1991,6 hysterectomy,7 and hip or knee
platform consists of three components: a sur- replacement.8
geon’s console; a patient trolley, which has mul- In plastic surgery, robotically assisted surgery
tiple articulating robotic arms; and an imaging has been used for transoral reconstruction of oro-
system capable of generating real-time three- pharyngeal defects, muscle and perforator flap
dimensional images.4 This system has undergone harvest, complex ventral hernia repair, and more
several modifications over the years to improve recently, microvascular anastomosis.9–11
ease of handling, increase the range of instru- Transoral robotic surgery was approved by
ment movements, and enhance image resolu- the FDA in 2009 as a minimally invasive approach
tion, leading to widespread adoption in many to resect oropharyngeal tumors.12 The recon-
disciplines, such as urology, gynecology, cardiac struction of these defects also can be performed
surgery, and general surgery.5 robotically, thus eliminating the need for mandib-
ulotomy and lip-split incision, allowing for a high
degree of precision and visualization within the
CURRENT APPLICATIONS OF ROBOTIC oropharynx.13–15 Robotic surgery has the poten-
SURGERY tial to be applied to other indications in cranio-
The introduction of robotic surgery into sur- facial surgery beyond oncologic reconstruction.
gical practice began with procedures addressing A preclinical study recently reported the develop-
anatomically uniform and easily reachable organs ment of a cleft palate simulator for robotic cleft
located at a safe distance from vital structures, palate surgery,16 providing superior visualization,
such as transurethral prostate resection beginning improved ergonomics, increased dexterity, and

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Volume 152, Number 1 • Robotics in Plastic Surgery

greater instrument articulation within the intra- MUSA robot (Microsure) compared with conven-
oral space compared with standard instruments.17 tional anastomosis.
Indications for robotic muscle harvest include Dobbs et al.4 performed a systematic review
free flaps, as well as pedicled flaps for chest wall, on the use of robotics in plastic surgery in
pelvic, and breast reconstruction. Harvesting the 2017. In Tables, Supplemental Digital Content
rectus abdominis or latissimus dorsi flaps requires 1 through 3, we provide an updated overview
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extensive skin incisions, which can result in poor of studies using robotic technologies published
cosmetic outcomes and significant donor-site between January of 2018 and March of 2022.
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morbidity.18 The da Vinci surgical system can be The MEDLINE and PubMed Central databases
used to harvest rectus abdominis flaps without were queried. The Preferred Reporting Items for
violating the anterior rectus sheath, thus decreas- Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
ing incisional morbidity.19,20 Robotic latissimus flow diagram in Figure 2 summarizes our search
dorsi harvest has demonstrated benefits over tra- strategy using Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)
ditional open and endoscopic techniques, neces- terms.32 Identified studies were imported into
sitating only minimal donor-site incisions and EndNote X9 (Clarivate Analytics), and duplicates
leading to reduced postoperative pain and length were removed. Records were then uploaded to
of hospitalization.10,21,22 the Covidence platform ( for
Early experience with robotic nipple-sparing screening by two independent reviewers (D.H.
mastectomy and implant-based reconstruction and S.M.) using inclusion and exclusion crite-
has demonstrated low rates of skin necrosis and ria (Fig. 2). (See Table, Supplemental Digital
a high degree of patient satisfaction. A transaxil- Content 1, which shows studies on breast surgery
lary approach through small incisions also may using robotic technologies published between
improve aesthetic outcomes.23,24 For autologous January of 2018 and March of 2022, http://links.
breast reconstruction, robotic pedicle dissection See Table, Supplemental
of the deep inferior epigastric perforator flap can Digital Content 2, which shows studies on cra-
be performed using a transabdominal approach niofacial surgery/head and neck reconstruction
from the posterior surface of the abdominal wall, using robotic technologies published between
thus reducing the length of the fascial incision of January of 2018 and March of 2022, http://links.
the anterior rectus sheath.9,25,26 See Table, Supplemental
Robotic surgery has allowed for improved Digital Content 3, which shows studies on recon-
visualization, precision, and flexibility in com- structive/flap surgery using robotic technologies
plex ventral hernia repairs compared with stan- published between January of 2018 and March of
dard laparoscopic approaches.27 Robot-assisted 2022,
transabdominal preperitoneal surgery for large
ventral hernias allows for a dissection in three-
dimensional space and minimally invasive mesh IDENTIFIED NEEDS FOR ARTIFICIAL
Robotic applications in microsurgery have the SURGERY
potential to revolutionize a field in which a high Although multiple indications for robotics in
degree of precision is critical for successful post- plastic surgery have been described, the adoption
operative outcomes.29 Several companies, such of robotic technology into clinical practice has
as Microsure (Eindhoven, Netherlands) (Fig. 1) been slow and is limited to some highly special-
and Medical MicroInstruments, Inc. (Calci, Italy), ized centers.10 Because most procedures in plastic
have developed robots specifically created for surgery involve surface anatomy and traditionally
microsurgical applications.30 These new systems rely on open surgical approaches, the benefits of
may be particularly useful for supermicrosur- robotically assisted surgery might not be immedi-
gery such as lymphovenous and perforator-to- ately evident to surgeons.
perforator anastomoses.30 Robotic surgery offers Another obstacle to routine implementation
important advantages, such as motion scaling for of robotics into clinical practice in plastic sur-
tremor elimination and enhanced precision and gery is the high cost of the existing systems on
stability during complex microvascular anastomo- the market, which can exceed $2 million for the
sis. Van Mulken et al.31 recently demonstrated a robot and $2000 to $6000 in consumables per 10
significantly shorter operative time in a case series procedures. The Microsure robotic system, for
of lymphovenous anastomosis for the treatment example, is in the same price bracket as many
of breast cancer–related lymphedema using the high-end microscopes, ranging between $400,000

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Fig. 2. PRISMA flow diagram showing the search strategy and process for article retrieval and screening. MEDLINE and PubMed
Central databases were queried for studies on robotic technology in plastic surgery between January of 2019 and March of 2022.

and $650,000 for a fully loaded microsurgery stay associated with robotic surgery cannot be
robot and $3000 and $4000 in consumables.33 A immediately anticipated.10,36 Further obstacles
robot with Medical MicroInstrument’s Complete to widespread adoption of currently available
Symani System developed for microsurgery pro- robotic platforms are the small range of appropri-
cedures costs $1.06 million and $4000 to $5000 ate surgical instruments for robotic microsurgery
in consumables.34 A more well-known system, the and the lack of a structured robotic training cur-
da Vinci XI robot, costs ≈$2 million, with $3000 riculum for plastic surgeons.10,36 To improve sur-
to $6000 in consumables.35 Initial upfront costs gical education in robotics during plastic surgery
offer a deterrence to some health care systems to residency and fellowship training, standardized
adopt robotic procedures into practice, even with assessment tools have been tested and validated.37
stated patient benefits to microscopic robotic Novel robotic platforms, such as the Versius
surgery. CPT codes and diagnosis-related groups system (CMR Medical, Cambdridge, United
do not reflect the use of robotics and therefore Kingdom), which recently received CE approval
are coded as standard laparoscopic approaches. in the European Union and is being used clini-
The concern for inadequate reimbursement may cally in India, are addressing some of these limi-
prevent surgeons and hospital administrations tations by pursuing alternative strategies such
from engaging in robot-assisted surgery, because as operating with a system as a service business
the benefits of cost reduction attributable to model instead of a fixed high price to purchase
reduced operative times or duration of hospital the device and consumables, reducing the cost of

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Volume 152, Number 1 • Robotics in Plastic Surgery

the lifetime operation of a robot for a hospital by Some common applications of neural networks
30% to 40%.38 This payment model would reduce include image or pattern recognition, self-
overall robot and consumable costs from $8 mil- driving vehicle trajectory prediction, and facial
lion to ~$6 million and may be prudent and more recognition.44
readily adopted by hospitals and clinics as it will Unsupervised learning, on the other hand,
mitigate substantial long-term costs for robotic does not use labeled training data.44 Instead, the
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surgery systems. The continuous improvement of algorithms try to infer the relationship among the
robotic technologies and introduction of artificial data based on natural structures present within
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intelligence (AI) have the potential to overcome the dataset (eg, color, shape). This type of learn-
the obstacles of robotics in clinical practice by ing categorizes an unlabeled dataset by identify-
making technology more user-friendly and allow- ing underlying undetected patters44 (Fig. 3).
ing for more competitive pricing because of stan-
dardized production pipelines.
Next-Generation Semiautonomous Robots
In robot-assisted surgery, most platforms are
APPLICATIONS OF AI ROBOTS semiautonomous. The robots are operated by
algorithms that use a form of supervised learn-
Principles of AI ing.45 Engineers train an algorithm on the correct
The use of AI within robotics is defined as a output task given a certain input, enabling the
concept of self-improving algorithms that enable robot to become efficient at performing special-
machines to recognize objects or words and orga- ized tasks without experiencing fatigue or tremor.
nize them into actionable patterns, which are Robot-assisted surgery has been refined to provide
then utilized to solve problems or make deci- surgeons with an immersive virtual experience
sions.39 The core feature of AI-driven software is that mimics the mechanics of an operative pro-
machine learning, that is, the incorporation of cedure, providing AI assistance to enhance the
algorithms whose performance improves as they user experience.46 With recent advancements in
are exposed to more data over time.40 Machine machine learning, robot-assisted surgery is mov-
learning is divided into two fields: supervised and ing toward a revolution that can enhance surgi-
unsupervised learning. The difference between cal environment perception, precision, safety, and
the two types of learning is that supervised learn- efficiency. Advanced robotic technologies being
ing is performed using a ground truth. A ground developed that incorporate multiple biosensors
truth refers to previous knowledge about the cor- as well as AI with a limited degree of autonomy
rect output value that is expected from an algo- will likely transform the way surgery is performed
rithm performing a certain computational task.41 in the future (Fig. 4, above).
Common supervised learning algorithms Physical touch of tissue traditionally has pro-
include logistic regression, support vector vided critical haptic feedback to the surgeon,
machines, naïve Bayes, and random forests, which information about pathologies, and guidance
are applied to a dataset to “learn” the correct about the appropriate amount of force to apply
label.41 Once a model is able to learn differences during a procedure. Robotic surgery interrupts
among data entities (eg, images, using such vari- the physical connection between the surgeon
ables as pixels, shapes, and color), the perfor- and the patient and in telerobotic surgery even
mance of the model can be evaluated on a test between the surgeon and the robot. This poses
dataset (data to which the algorithm has not been challenges that are being addressed by technolog-
exposed), allowing the operator to observe how ical advancements using AI. Soft-surface robots
well the “trained model” performs at accurately with large-area sensor arrays, called “e-skin,” are
classifying the data.41 being developed, which mimic the mechanical
The term “neural networks” recently has and haptic features of a surgeon’s hands, provid-
gained traction in supervised learning.42,43 These ing spatial resolution and thermal sensitivity.47
algorithms learn by receiving input from many Novel e-skin developments go beyond physical
labeled examples and decouple each example to properties of human skin and are able to perform
understand its underlying features.43 By decon- metabolic biosensing and transmit information
structing an input, the neural network is able to wirelessly to the user interface using Bluetooth
reconstruct it with a correct output. To achieve technology.48
greater neural network accuracy, a large num- A rapidly evolving area that aims to enhance
ber of diverse training examples are needed.43,44 the human–machine interface is the development

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Fig. 3. Supervised learning algorithms (eg, artificial neural networks) infer a function from a set of labeled training examples (train-
ing dataset), which can then be used to map unknown datasets. By deconstructing an input, supervised algorithms are able to
reconstruct it with a correct output. Unsupervised learning does not use labeled training data; instead, the algorithms try to infer
the relationship among the data based on natural structures present within the dataset (eg, color, shape). This type of learning
categorizes an unlabeled dataset by identifying underlying undetected patterns.

of AI-powered enhanced intraoperative imaging. Incision, Omaha, NE), whose arms can enter
Near-infrared cameras incorporated into robotic body cavities through a single incision.53 Catheter-
systems enable surgeons to perform indocyanine like continuum robots also have been developed,
green fluorescence imaging intraoperatively,49 an which can reach surgical target sites along tor-
option currently being transformed into three- tuous anatomic paths.54 Combined mechanical
dimensional visualization.50 Multiphoton micros- refinement and miniaturization have generated a
copy enables the visualization of subcellular novel class of “microbots” that mimic and extend
structures, such as muscle-embedded nerve fibers, the range of endoscopic surgery toward devices
without contrast enhancing or labeling.51 Confocal autonomously navigating within body cavities and
laser endomicroscopy allows for real-time in vivo vessels, as exemplified for endovascular heart
histologic evaluation of tissues on a cellular level, valve repair.55,56
providing real-time intraoperative cellular-level Semiautonomous platforms currently in clin-
magnified images with up to 5 μm resolution.52 ical use, such as the latest generation of the da
Another pathway of technological develop- Vinci robot or the Mazor X Spine Assist robot,
ment is driven toward miniaturized devices, such employ AI algorithms and feedback sensors; how-
as the miniature in vivo robot (MIVR; Virtual ever, these devices are completely dependent on

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Volume 152, Number 1 • Robotics in Plastic Surgery
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Fig. 4. (Above) The development of artificially intelligent robots requires machine learning algorithms that integrate
multimodal training datasets. (Below) The development of autonomous surgical robots requires advanced biosensors
(positional, haptic, and optic sensors) that process and integrate data from the patient, the surgical environment, and
surgical tools.

human control. The next generation of surgical For a patient receiving robot-assisted surgery
robots will integrate greater amounts of auto- under the joint custodianship of a human surgeon
mation algorithms that could ultimately lead to and a robot, accountability for surgical complica-
autonomous surgical robots57 (Fig. 4, below). tions will have to be reassessed with respect to the
physician–robot–patient axis.60 Would blame for
an atypical cut be placed on the surgeon or on
LIMITATIONS the engineering team who designed the robot?
The transition of a robotic device that Who would be held accountable for a technical
depends on a human surgeon’s decisions toward malfunction, such as tissue damage caused by
a fully autonomous artificially intelligent robot mechanical failure of a robotic cutting tool: the
that makes unsupervised final decisions and surgeon for negligence, the clinic for improper
irreversible physical actions bears obvious ethi- maintenance, or the manufacturer for faulty
cal and legal challenges.58 With regard to the design? Legal analyses show that early adopters
development and application of AI software in of novel robotic techniques are at highest risk of
medicine, the FDA took a major step in April litigation.61,62 These substantial uncertainties are
of 2019 by proposing a regulatory framework an urgent call for authoritative guidelines to be
to ensure that safe and effective AI technology developed through a multidisciplinary consensus
reaches users, including patients and health care process,58 which should also scrutinize the modes
professionals.59 of credentialing surgeons for guiding robotic

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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2023

interventions. To date, consensus articles on potential for applications in microsurgery and,

robotic surgery are scarce and only available for once further developed and scaled down, could
specific areas.63,64 A shift from “surgical robots” enable automated microvascular anastomosis.
toward “robotic surgeons” will also have profound Given that microsurgery robots, such as the MUSA
implications for our professional self-understand- system, have already proven to be clinically effi-
ing, posing new challenges for the education cient to overcome human limitations in supermi-
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and training of surgeons, nurses, and other staff crosurgery,31 novel AI-driven technologies could
members.65–69 advance the field further and reduce operative
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In a study by Boys et al.,70 the majority of pro- times of microsurgery cases.

spective patients believed that robotic surgery was AI robots geared specifically toward soft-tis-
safer, faster, less painful, or offered better results, sue surgery are already being tested in preclini-
but fewer than half of the respondents opted cal studies. Shademan et al.71 have developed
for the robot when they had the choice between an AI-powered robotic system that uses machine
undergoing a conventional versus a robotic inter- learning to generate a plan of complex surgical
vention for themselves. We should be aware that tasks on deformable tissue and includes an auton-
the barrier to adoption of autonomous robotic omous suturing algorithm. Using in vivo porcine
surgery may well be neither the technology nor models, this supervised autonomous robot out-
the surgeons’ AI-enhanced skills in the operating performed clinically established laparoscopic and
room, but rather the patients’ trust in the new robot-assisted approaches performed by expert
division of surgical labor. This study highlights the surgeons in terms of operative time, consis-
need to educate not just medical personnel but tency, and accuracy. These findings highlight the
also patients about the use of robotic technology great potential of autonomous surgery robots to
in surgery. advance clinical outcomes and increase accessibil-
ity to specialized care.
AI robots could make plastic surgery avail-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS able in geographic areas or health care systems
Given the current rate of technological with structurally limited access to surgical com-
advancement and increasing computational petence and equipment, such as economically
power, it is possible that surgical automation may disadvantaged countries.72 In addition, robotic
be achieved in our lifetime. Engineers would technologies could benefit patients in environ-
need to use thousands of hours of recorded ments that are difficult to access and routinely
procedures to train mathematical models with require telemedicine, such as cruise ships, off-
detailed instructions on implementing a certain shore platforms, polar expeditions, or even
mock procedure. Both supervised and unsu- aboard spacecrafts.73 Another important area
pervised learning will have to be implemented for AI robots would be specialized wound care
to enable robots to comprehend a scenario and during military operations.74 In combat zones,
determine the optimal solution with the highest robotic surgical devices could be operated by
success rate using previous training data. These remote steering and prevent surgeons and other
mathematical models will have to be validated medical personnel from encountering danger.75
and rigorously tested to ensure that the robot Robotic technologies would be particularly ben-
is able to perform a given task successfully. The eficial during viral outbreaks, as has been shown
development of autonomous AI-powered robots with the use of conventional robots during the
ultimately could provide a range of benefits, COVID-19 pandemic.76
including reduced operative times, increased The implementation of AI robots into clini-
access to specialized care, and improved patient cal practice likely will advance many areas in
outcomes. plastic surgery, but with some caveats. Complex
In plastic surgery, autonomous AI robots technical equipment requires proper surveil-
would be particularly useful to streamline time- lance and maintenance, which poses new chal-
consuming and highly standardized procedures, lenges to the application of high-tech medicine
such as dressing changes, wound closures, or skin in environments without a developed technolog-
grafting. Robots that enable sewing and auto- ical infrastructure.77 AI robots that act autono-
matic knot tying on three-dimensional objects mously will require careful human supervision,
have already been developed and proven to be ensuring that all important clinical information
efficient in preclinical studies on vascular stent is captured and handled correctly, and that com-
grafts.42 These technologies indicate a great plications are adequately addressed. Supervision

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Volume 152, Number 1 • Robotics in Plastic Surgery

of robotic technology will be crucial to ensur- • 

A transition from robot-assisted surgery
ing patient safety. The main goal of advanced toward autonomous AI robots will be asso-
robotic surgery should be the improvement of ciated with legal and ethical challenges
clinical outcomes rather than a reduction of hos- requiring new guidelines and regulatory
pital personnel. frameworks.
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None of the authors has a financial interest in any

The implementation of AI into surgical robot-
of the products, devices, or drugs mentioned in this arti-
ics has already demonstrated that robotic technol-
cle. The funding of this study was solely institutional.
ogies are able to outperform human surgeons in
terms of efficiency and precision. As a field that
is on the edge of technological advancement, REFERENCES
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • July 2023

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