Class - Team Transcript

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CLASS: Hurricane09


Content Transcript Speaker

1. In my opinion, when we are born, we all have no talent
at all. Our talents are honed through the learning process.
Because when we are born, our brains are not fully
1. Are we born with
developed. The neurons in our brain are very few and not
"talents"? How is
yet connected to each other.
our brain when we
2. During the process of learning, neurons will increase in
were born (neurons
number and size, they will connect with each other to form
& connections)?
a strong block that helps us store information and
2. What happens
inside the brain
3. Our brains have been compared to muscles in their
when we learn?
ability to adapt and change based on experiences and
3. Why is our brain
environments. Brain plasticity helps us learn and adapt to
like muscles? when
many different situations in life. Our brains develop most
do your brains grow
strongly when we study and cultivate knowledge.
the most?
4. The biggest lesson I learned is that our brains are
4. What is your
constantly evolving. And we need to change our mindset
biggest lesson after
that: talent is not innate but is created by the process we
learning about the
learn, our brain develops and the neurons that connect with
each other.
WHICH Farhan: His learning goal is to meet his parents'
STUDENTS ARE expectations, so he learns by rote and rigidly follows the
YOU? prescribed curriculum. Gradually, his senior lost direction
1. Based on the and doubted himself. thanks to Rancho's encouragement
movie "3 IDIOTS" and rediscovered my true passion. Develop from a
(LUK Cinema): pressure-driven student to someone who prioritizes their
Analyze the mindsets own goals and happiness. Learn to embrace your passion
of 4 main characters and fight for your dreams.
in the movie Raju: The purpose of learning is to let others recognize
2. What lessons do your success. so he learns based heavily on memorization
you lean from the and strict adherence to prescribed methods. The difficulty
movie? he faces is the pressure of success and fear of others'
evaluation. but he later overcame it by learning from his
mistakes. Raju's mindset evolved from being fearful and
conformist to being brave and making choices in
accordance with his personal values.
Rancho: Purpose :learn to understand concepts and excel in
your field (engineering). Self-directed, actively seeks
knowledge beyond textbooks and applies knowledge
creatively. Facing the Challenge: Challenging the
institution's power and rigid system. Overcome them with
your unique methods and special understanding.
Rancho's mindset is characterized by a deep passion for
learning, creativity, and a belief in the importance of
knowing rather than remembering.
Chatur: purpose Focuses on students who score well and

adhere to the established system.

Learning style: Adopts a rigorous curriculum with minimal
room for independent thinking or questioning.
He overcame challenges thanks to Rancho's unique
learning method. Chatur's thinking remains inflexible,
highlighting the film's critique of flaws in the education
2. Lessons from the movie are: Prioritize
understanding over memorization, Pursue your
passion, Embrace innovation and creative thinking,
Believe in yourself and overcome challenges
Narrator: The story is about A first-year student at FPT
University. He started studying Luk at school. The first day
when I came to Luk to study.
A: Wow, everyone here is really good. Everyone speaks
English very well. Wow, that group gave a great
presentation. I will never be like them, I have no talent at
B: Hello, I'm in the same group as this person. Let's study
A: No, I'm not good at English or giving presentations.
THE STORY You study on yourself.
Subtitles: changing C:(coach) no you are wrong. We have to study hard so our
mindset have better brains will develop and we will get better. you will be
life better and I belive you will find your talent
Narrator: After that, A encountered many difficulties. He
mispronounced, and when he presented, he trembled, read
poorly, and made many mistakes. But he diligently spent 2
hours a day learning English and his group mates also
helped him a lot. After 4 months he has a new mindset and
his skills have improved a lot.
C: *applause* good job. you and your team presented very
well. Your team got an A
A: so I also have that talent. As long as I study hard, I will
get better


Full name Student ID Content Teamwork score by leader & Explanation

Speaker 1 Nguyễn SE190629 8/10 (Join all meetings, Team Leader)
Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
Speaker 6
Speaker 7
Speaker 8
Speaker 9

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