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5 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

DR Oldroyd, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
r 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1.5.1 Introduction 65
1.5.2 William Morris Davis and a Paradigm for Geomorphology 65
1.5.3 Davisian Reasoning 67
1.5.4 Articulation of the Davisian Paradigm 67 The Davisian Cycle for Arid Regions 68 Davis on Coastal Geomorphology 68 Davis on Glaciers and Glacial Geomorphology 68 Davisian Theory Applied to Karst Topography 68 Davis and Coral Atolls 69
1.5.5 Tectonic Considerations in Relation to Davisian Theory 69
1.5.6 Local Opposition to Davis 70
1.5.7 Davisian Doctrines Applied Overseas: Some Examples 70 Australasia 70 Britain 70 France 71 China 71
1.5.8 German Opposition to Davisian Ideas: Walther Penck’s Alternative 71
1.5.9 Germany and America: Differences of Opinion 73
1.5.10 Lester King in Africa: Davis Rewritten 74
1.5.11 Periglacial Geomorphology 76
1.5.12 The Beginnings of Quantitative and Experimental Geomorphology 76
1.5.13 Stream Patterns and Drainage Development 80
1.5.14 Landforms Produced by Etching 80
1.5.15 The Movement of Sand and Soil by Wind: Bagnold’s Investigations 81
1.5.16 Conclusion 82
References 83

Glossary Flume An artificial inclined channel used for irrigation,

Austausch (or exchange or eddy) coefficient A measure etc., or for investigations of the transport of sediments by
of turbulent mixing: equal to mass  the transverse distance water or wind.
traveled in unit time by a fluid in turbulent flow as it passes Grade A condition of balance or adjustment when
unit area parallel to the general direction of flow. (German: erosion and deposition are equal. May apply to either
Austausch ¼ exchange.) streams or hill-slopes, hence graded streams or slopes.
Barchan A crescent-shaped sand dune lying transversely Isarithm A line drawn on a map connecting points of
to the prevailing wind direction, with its gently sloping equal value for some variables.
convex side facing the wind. Isopachyte or isopach A line drawn on a map through
Epeirogeny Large-scale upward or downward movements points of equal true thickness of a stratigraphic unit.
of continental or oceanic areas. Nickpoint A place where there is an abrupt change in the
Etching The slow reduction of the Earth’s surface by gradient of a stream. Commonly marked by a waterfall.
differential weathering, often occurring below the external Orogeny An episode of mountain building when a belt of
land-surface due to chemical processes in the regolith in the Earth’s crust is compressed by lateral forces.
wet-tropical environments. Paradigm A piece of scientific work, which, with its
Eustasy Worldwide changes in sea level due to changes associated theories and practical procedures, serves as a
in total quantity of sea water (e.g., due to the formation model or exemplar for other pieces of research.
or melting of glaciers or to ocean basin volume Pediment A surface of low relief, usually covered by rock
changes (e.g., due to overall changes in plate tectonic debris, concave-up, and sloping gently upward toward the
rates)). base of a mountain zone. Typically occurs in arid regions.

Oldroyd, D.R., 2013. Geomorphology in the first half of the twentieth

century. In: Shroder, J. (Editor in Chief), Orme, A.R., Sack, D. (Eds.),
Treatise on Geomorphology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, vol. 1, The
Foundations of Geomorphology, pp. 64–85.

64 Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 1

Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 65

Peneplain An ‘almost plain.’ The supposed end-product of Regolith The mantle of fragmental or unconsolidated
a (‘Davisian’) cycle of erosion, being a surface of low relief rock that generally covers a land-surface over the bedrock.
with meandering watercourses in wide valleys and gentle
convex-up hillsides.


An overview of the history of geomorphology in the first half of the twentieth century is given – when the cyclic theory of
erosion and landscape formation proposed by W. M. Davis dominated the field and became ‘paradigmatic’ for many
authors. Davis envisaged periods of uplift followed by erosion (chiefly fluvial) that yielded successively ‘youthful,’ ‘mature,’
and ‘old’ landscapes. Such a cycle could be repeated after further uplift. Davis extended his ideas, first developed in New
England, to arid, glacial, and marine environments and the development of coral atolls. His views were challenged by
Walther Penck, who argued that the lateral erosion of valleys and land surfaces was as important as downward erosion. The
final stage of a Davisian cycle was called a peneplain, the real existence of which, or otherwise, became controversial.
Experimental geomorphology was initiated by G.K. Gilbert, who introduced the notion of graded rivers (a concept also
deployed by Davis). Gilbert conducted experiments on the effects of flowing water on sediments, using artificial flumes, and
later applied his ideas to the movement of debris in real rivers. His quantitative approach was developed by workers such as
Mackin, Leighly and Hjulström, who studied rivers’ carrying capacities both graphically and mathematically. Stream pat-
terns were investigated mathematically by such workers as Horton, Strahler and Schreve. The idea that erosion could
proceed below the upper surface of a landscape (‘etching’) was developed by several authors, notably in Africa and
Australia. The movement of desert sands was investigated in the North African deserts and in wind tunnels in London by
Ralph Bagnold, who developed an equation for the movement of sand-grains by wind.

‘As a result of his great didactic skill, supported by a rare ability or ‘herd’ behavior in science and various other evils! Kuhn
to draw, and the alluring simplicity of his doctrine, Davis’s himself admitted that the word ‘paradigm’ had diverse
views have been as widely accepted as was Hegel’s philosophy meanings. Critics have also claimed that there is no such thing
in its day.’ Hettner (1921), translated by Philip Tilley (1972: as normal science; or if there is it is bad science, being
pp. xxx–xxxi) uncritical.
Nevertheless, if we simply think of a paradigm as a suc-
cessful piece of work that serves as a model or exemplar for
other work in the same field then one can find many examples
1.5.1 Introduction in the history of geoscience, in addition to those involved in the
plate-tectonics revolution – and none better than the theory of
In his ‘Structure of Scientific Revolutions’ (1962), Thomas the cycle of erosion propounded by the American geographer
Kuhn discussed how a successful piece of work could serve as William Morris Davis (1850–1934). His ideas dominated the
an exemplar for further research, using the methods and the- field in Anglophone countries and France in the first half of the
ories of the successful work as a paradigm for these investi- twentieth century and his cyclic theory can reasonably be said
gations. In the process of further work, some adjustments to, to have been paradigmatic. Certainly his cyclic concepts were
or modifications of, the original ideas might be required; and widely used by others in their investigations. So we could think
there could be anomalies. However, by extending the original of the production of various applications and exemplifications
work and attempting to apply it to other cases, one could of Davis’s theory as an example of ‘normal science’; with the
explore the paradigm and ascertain its strengths and weak- various applications and modifications it received before
nesses. This process Kuhn called the ‘articulation’ of a para- being eventually discarded constituting the ‘articulation’ of the
digm, meaning its expression or application, which might paradigm. Charles Darwin (1809–82) wrote about his theory
involve ‘bending’ or modifying it to fit cases or problems that of natural selection in his autobiography: ‘‘here then I had
were not considered in the initial work. This, suggested Kuhn, at last got a theory by which to work’’ (Darwin, 1887: 83).
was the way science typically worked: it was ‘normal science.’ Geomorphologists who followed Davis seemingly thought that
But if too many anomalies begin to appear, dissatisfaction way about his geomorphic theory.
develops and various alternative theories and methods may be
proposed. If one of the new approaches (involving both the-
ory and practice) proves successful and is generally adopted
then there is a scientific revolution. A classic example in Earth 1.5.2 William Morris Davis and a Paradigm for
science has been the emergence of plate tectonics. Geomorphology
Kuhn’s views have come in for much criticism in recent
years, with the complaint that his ideas about paradigms in Davis was born in Philadelphia, as the son of Quaker parents.
science were inconsistent and vague, were drawn on too He attended Harvard University, where he took a BSc degree
large a scale, and were responsible for the support of irrational and a Master of Engineering. In the 1870s he made
66 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

meteorological studies in Argentina and served as assistant to more than once. In this way, ‘senile’ landscapes are ‘rejuven-
Raphael Pumpelly on the Northern Pacific railroad survey and ated’ and stages of youth, maturity, and old age become truly
to Nathaniel Shaler at Harvard, where he was appointed as an cyclic. A leading tenet of Davis’ theory is that relict landforms
instructor in 1879. By 1890 Davis had a full professorship from earlier cycles allow landscapes to be interpreted in terms
there in physical geography but also worked with the U.S. of several cycles of erosion. A clear exposition of Davis’s cyclic
Geological Survey (USGS) and held visiting positions in Paris theory was published in the year after his death by Maxson
and Berlin. In 1915, he retired from Harvard and thereafter and Anderson (1935), and its strengths and limitations have
served as a visiting lecturer at various leading American uni- since been revisited many times (e.g., Flemal, 1971; Chorley
versities. He was a founding Fellow of the Geological Society et al., 1973; Sack, 1992; Sherman, 1996; Orme, 2007). Al-
of America and was the driving force behind the Association of though Davis did not himself provide a simple
American Geographers, founded in 1904, for which he served pictorial representation of his theory, others did so without
three times as President. With these institutional advantages compunction (Figure 1).
and his remarkable number of publications written in a fluent Davis first gave extended written expression to these ideas
style and with numerous attractive illustrations, and with his in describing the river systems of the Appalachians in Penn-
significant efforts in education, he was in a position to exercise sylvania and New Jersey (Davis, 1889b). This was a rather
a dominant influence on the establishment and early devel- complicated area to consider, strata of differing hardness
opment of physical geography. This was cemented by his being strongly folded. Assuming that the valleys had been
textbooks, which became widely used in the Anglophone formed in the manner envisaged in his theory, he sought to
world (Davis, 1901, 1902). elucidate the geomorphic history of the region by considering
Davis built his geomorphic theories on the field investi- the development of river patterns in response to lithology
gations of others, notably John Wesley Powell (1834–1902), and structure, and for anomalies he invoked the concept
Clarence Edward Dutton (1841–1912), and Grove Karl Gilbert of ‘river capture’ or, as he called it (illustrating his penchant
(1843–1918), who had been much influenced by their ex- for anthropomorphisms) ‘river piracy’ (Davis, 1889c).
periences in the American West. Following several years of The theory was treated more generally, without reference
exploration, notably in and around the Grand Canyon, Powell
(1875) introduced notions of antecedent drainage and base
level. He explained the Grand Canyon in terms of an ante-
cedent Colorado River that incised its course during the uplift
of the Colorado Plateau. He introduced the idea of base level,
ultimately sea level, below which a land surface could not be
reduced by running water. Accepting this idea, Dutton wrote:
‘‘All regions are tending to base levels of erosion, and if the
time be long enough each region will, in its turn, approach
nearer and nearer and at last sensibly reach it’’ (Dutton, 1882:
102). Gilbert (1876) introduced the notion of ‘grade’ for the
curve of a river profile wherein sediment transport and Youth
channel erosion and deposition are more or less balanced, (a)
and no significant change in channel gradient occurs. This
form of dynamic equilibrium, which reflected Gilbert’s inter-
est in physical principles and Newtonian natural philosophy
(Pyne, 1980), was readily adopted by Davis but became in-
creasingly problematic as geomorphology matured (see Orme,
Chapter 1.12).
Davis lived in an age when Darwinian concepts were be-
coming increasingly popular and he made free use of bio-
logical or anthropomorphic metaphors in his writings, Maturity
notably in his models of landform evolution. The best-known (b)

example was his ‘life cycle’ of landform development: pro-

gressing in stages from youth through maturity to old age. In
this model, an initial flattish surface is raised by tectonic forces
above the base level of subaerial erosion. During the ‘youthful’
stage, subaerial runoff consequent to uplift becomes increas-
ingly organized until distinctive stream patterns begin to incise
this surface, although waterfalls and rapids survive where hard
and soft rocks alternate. Gradually, the original surface is de- Old age
voured by river erosion, yielding a ‘mature’ landscape of hills (c)
and valleys. With sufficient time, rocks of varying resistance are Figure 1 Stages of landform evolution, according to W.M. Davis’s
worn down by rain and rivers to a gently sloping plain of ‘old ideas. Reproduced from Holmes, A. 1944. Principles of Physical
age,’ which Davis (1889a) called a ‘peneplain.’ If uplift is Geology. Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. London and New York,
renewed, this sequence of events might be repeated, perhaps 531 pp.
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 67

to a specific area, in two papers (Davis, 1899a, 1905a). However, such a procedure may be used to create ‘Just-So
His thinking was historical and evolutionary. Rivers ‘struggled Stories.’ Obviously, for any given landform a considerable
for existence.’ This was quite different from Gilbert’s way of number of hypotheses can be suggested to account for what
thinking and later that of Walther Penck. As shown in sub- may be seen in the field or revealed on maps. The problem is
sequent debates, Davis had devised a compelling scheme; but to find the one that accounts most satisfactorily for the greatest
it was but one manifestation of different ways of thinking number of observations or data, or gives the most ‘coherent’
about geomorphology. explanation. Certainly Davis had successes with his model and
mode of reasoning. His concern was the formation of land-
scapes by mass wasting, erosion, and sediment transport (i.e.,
denudation), and the chronology of events that led to things
1.5.3 Davisian Reasoning being the way they appear at present. Hence his aim was to
establish denudation chronologies, and this became a major
In principle, Davis’s method was akin to that of one of the
quest for geomorphologists in what became the Davisian
great founders of geology, the Dane, Nicolaus Steno
school. Even so, from the beginning, Davis’s account of initial
(1651–87), in his work titled ‘Prodromus’ (Steno, 1669). In
uplift followed by erosion through stages until a landscape
this book, Steno looked at what might be seen in the Arno
reaches maturity or even senility, followed by renewed uplift
Valley in Tuscany and asked himself what event(s) might have
and a new cycle of erosion, was obviously an oversimplifi-
led to the present disposition of the rocks there. Then he went
cation. For example, further uplift and rejuvenation might well
back a step further and asked himself what might have hap-
occur before the full cycle was completed, whereas sea level
pened to produce that state of affairs. And so he continued
changes driven by isostatic and glacio-eustatic forces would
through six supposed states of the landscape, famously rep-
add further complexity.
resented by him in the form of a sequence of six cross-sections.
Anyway, in his classic paper on the Appalachians, Davis
The Danish geologist and historian of geology Hansen
claimed evidence for at least four cycles: Permian-Triassic,
(2009, p. 175) has called this mode of reasoning ‘back strip-
Jurassic-Cretaceous, an ‘incomplete’ Tertiary event, and Qua-
ping.’ Davis used it repeatedly but claimed that he was using a
ternary, each being initiated by an uplift event. His Appalachian
‘deductive approach.’ The term that would be used today is
papers also involved processes leading to rivers shifting from
‘abductive’: one has something to be explained; one proposes
synclinal axes to the eroded axes of adjacent anticlines, Gilbert’s
a hypothesis or model that might explain it; and one tests this
idea of the migration of divides (due to unequal erosive action
hypothesis by further experiment or observation. Or, as put
on opposite sides of a range), reversals of drainage due to river
schematically by the American philosopher Charles Peirce
capture (producing ‘elbow’ bends and ‘boat-hook’ river junc-
(1839–1914) (who introduced the term ‘abduction’):
tions), and the formation of wind-gaps by the abandonment of
river courses by river capture, or of water-gaps where a river
The surprising fact, C, is observed; maintained its course despite the elevation of a ridge across its
But if A were true, C would be a matter of course;
original route. A significant kind of evidence was thought to be
Hence, there is reason to suspect that A is true.
(Peirce, 1931–1935, vol. 2: 374; from Peirce, 1903) furnished by apparent relics of old erosion surfaces at different
levels. These might be identified from specific quasi-horizontal
Such a form of scientific reasoning can also be called hypo- surfaces at different altitudes, as in upland plateaus, or from
thetico-deductivism, and is much used in science, not least in the sets of isolated summits at similar heights, suggesting the for-
Earth sciences. Baker (1996) has shown that leading American mer existence of former existence of peneplains that are now
Earth scientists of the time, such as Gilbert, Chamberlin, and dissected by erosion. Such phenomena are manifest in many
Davis, were all significantly influenced by Peirce, though the regions and can also be inferred from contour maps. Stimu-
evidence for Davis is somewhat circumstantial. In line with lated by Davis’s theories, enquiries along these lines became a
Peirce’s pragmatic methodology of science, Davis (1926) advo- popular pursuit in the early twentieth century. Davis’s doctrine
cated the formulation of ‘outrageous hypotheses’ to assist the stood in marked contrast to some earlier British ideas of the
progress of science, and in so doing foreshadowed by many years nineteenth century, such as those of Andrew Ramsay (1814–91)
the notorious methodological views of Paul Feyerabend in his who initially emphasized the significance of marine, rather
‘Against Method’ (Feyerabend, 1975). than subaerial, planation (Davis, 1896a; Goudie, Chapter 1.3).
Be this as it may, as regards his cyclic theory Davis earlier But after the appearance of Davis’s papers his ideas were taken
wrote: up with as much enthusiasm in Britain and elsewhere, as in
A y means of deciding the question [of how an observed land
form was produced] will be to admit provisionally the occurrence
of a completely original system of consequent drainage, located in 1.5.4 Articulation of the Davisian Paradigm
perfect accord with the slopes of the growing mountains; to study
out the changes of stream-courses that would result from later
disturbances and from the mutual adjustments of the several
Davis’s initial area of study was, then, the wooded, fertile, and
members of such a system in the different cycles of its history; and humid regions of Appalachia and New England, but he also
finally to compare the courses thus deduced with those now seeny extended his model of landscape evolution to arid regions
[I]f the accord between deduction and fact be well markedythen it (Davis, 1905b) and to erosive activity in alpine or glaciated
seems to me that the best conclusion is distinctly in favor of the
areas (Davis, 1906a). He was ‘articulating’ his own ideas. They
correctness of the deductions (Davis, 1889b: 220).
served as his paradigm!
68 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century The Davisian Cycle for Arid Regions reflecting rock hardness. During the process, coastal rocks are
degraded whereas bottom sediment migrates farther offshore.
For arid regions, Davis (1905a, b) envisaged an initially ele-
The form of the coastline also changes as promontories suffer
vated flattish surface swept by winds and on which, during
greater erosion and comminuted matter is transferred from
youth, isolated drainage basins might develop, with local base
them to nearby bays. So the coastline becomes straighter. There
levels formed by transient lakes and playas. Both consequent
may also be longshore transference, which increases as the
and subsequent streams (formed as tributaries to consequent
shoreline becomes straighter, although the amount of sediment
streams, generally running parallel with the strike of strata, and
generated may form beaches, spits, and curved barriers, ex-
cut into the softer strata) may be developed, but these rarely
tending the coastline seaward and in the direction dictated by
carry material out of the arid region. This is done by wind – as
winds, tides, and currents. With such inferences, Davis could
occurs when fine material from the Asian deserts is carried off
make sense of coastal phenomena to his satisfaction; in this, he
in dust storms, producing the loess deposits of northern China.
was supported in 1919 by his long-time admirer Douglas
Davis suggested that maturity approaches as material ero-
Johnson (1919), Prof. at Columbia University.
ded from the highlands by wind and water is gradually
transferred to lower basins, so that streams from two or more
basins may coalesce into a larger, more integrated system of Davis on Glaciers and Glacial Geomorphology
drainage. By ‘inorganic natural selection,’ higher base levels are
For the evolution of glaciated valleys, Davis (1900) again in-
replaced by fewer and lower ones, and headward extension of
voked his concept of youth, maturity, and old age. He envis-
graded piedmont slopes proceeds. But the erosive power of
aged an initial land surface raised sufficiently high for snow to
wind is less dependent on slope so, compared with the cycle
accumulate and glaciers to develop in upland basins. These
for humid climates, erosion continues without abatement as
glaciers eventually descend to lower altitudes and melt away at
an arid landscape evolves through its mature stage, with less
their snouts. For any glacier, ice reaches a maximum volume at
irregular surfaces gradually being generated. At full maturity,
some place between its source and the snout. Erosion is
because detritus has been transported beyond the highlands
caused by moving ice or by water flowing under the ice,
(and also out of the system altogether), only one large basin
thereby transporting a large load of rock debris downslope.
(the lowest) remains.
For a youthful glacier, erosion occurs along its whole length,
For old age, Davis proposed that wind-formed hollows
but gradually slopes in its upper reaches will be increased
might occur in a landscape that is losing, or has lost, its higher
while they decrease in the lower reaches. In time, a glacier’s
ground by erosion and is generally of low relief. In such cir-
energy in its lower reaches will be spent on transporting ma-
cumstances, the unified drainage pattern may be disrupted,
terial and it will largely cease to be an eroding agent. This state
and replaced by more localized and variable systems. But
of affairs will begin toward the snout and slowly propagate
downward erosion still occurs until eventually a near-level
headward. A part of a glacier where there is a balance between
rock floor is formed, with detritus being produced and ‘ex-
the ‘ability to do work and the work to be done’ could be said
ported’ by wind at about the same rates. Such a surface can be
to be ‘graded.’ The stage of ‘maturity’ is reached when the
lower than any original hollows and even below sea level
whole extent of a glacier is in this graded state. In ‘old age,’ the
(Davis didn’t know any examples in the North American
work of ice has reduced the height of the mountains and their
deserts but was aware of French and German work in Africa).
snowfields, so that glaciers shrink and eventually disappears
So in arid environments one could have leveling without base
(possibly also due to climatic changes), leaving ‘normal’
leveling. Hard rock that resisted weathering would stand as
agencies to carry on the work of denudation.
monadnocks or inselbergs: residuals of an older topography.
But these rock floors should be distinguished from peneplains,
which have a different origin and form. A desert cycle (better Davisian Theory Applied to Karst Topography
called a sequence) is not rejuvenated in the same manner as a
peneplain in a humid climate. In fact, desert conditions are Davis did not himself give much attention to the application of
likely to be terminated by land tilting or climate change. cyclic theory to karst regions, but others did, such as the
eminent Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijić (1865–1927) who
had studied limestone landscapes for his doctorate in Vienna Davis on Coastal Geomorphology (Cvijić, 1918). He recognized that karst regions do not form
peneplains or undergo the usual cycle of erosion. Nevertheless,
Davis (1896b) also sought to account for coastline develop- he proposed an evolutionary model for such terrains, involving
ment, making direct analogies with his ideas on the evolution four stages that referred respectfully to Davis’s ideas:
of rivers. He divided his analysis into onshore and offshore
activities and longshore ones. For the former one might im-
agine waves breaking on a rocky coastline and generating Youth: normal river incision and valley formation into a quasi-
planar limestone surface.
sediment, which is washed out to sea by wave-generated cur- Maturity: surface drainage disappears; fissures enlarge to caves;
rents. This situation could be akin to that of a youthful river sink-holes form.
that carries its sediment load with ease and incises the land- Late maturity: underground rivers with no surface expression;
scape. In time, however, the amount of waste generated by cliff valleys form as cave roofs founder beneath old valley floors.
Old age: Erosion lowers the land surface to underlying non-
erosion increases while the wave and current energy declines.
limestone rocks and ‘normal’ erosion proceeds; fragments of karst
When a state of balance is reached, the shore can be said to be landscape survive as ‘hums.’
graded (maturity), with the time taken to reach this situation
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 69


Figure 2 Sector diagram showing the supposed evolution of an atoll in the Exploring Islands. (A) initial volcanic island; (B) island after erosion,
subsidence, and coral reef formation; (C) stage of maximum submergence; (D) same following uplift and exposure of lagoon; (E) after cessation of
uplift and erosion of most of limestone area; (F) appearance after further subsidence, with formation of a new lagoon and barrier reef, as observed
at present. Reproduced with permission from Davis, W.M., 1928. The Coral Reef Problem. American Geographical Society, New York, 596 pp.

Karst topographies therefore evolved, even if they did not each – which might involve both subsidence and uplift, and
undergo full cyclic development, which would be impossible glacio-eustatic sea-level changes. He could not offer a general
without the deposition of further, younger layers of limestone. cyclic model as each island had to be considered separately
An exposition of Cvijić’s scheme in English was provided by according to the vicissitudes of its formation. But he did offer
Ellen Mary Sanders (1921). an account of the several stages of the histories of the islands
by means of pie charts, as for example, for the Exploring Isles
near Fiji (Figure 2). It will be seen that there was a kind of Davis and Coral Atolls cyclicity to the model, and a characteristic Davisian diagram-
matic representation of the history. It was, at the very least, a
Davis devoted much attention to the problem of coral reefs
plausible ‘Just-So’ story!
and in 1914 made an expedition across the Pacific Ocean to
that end. He sought to settle the question of whether reefs and
atolls owed their form to ocean-floor movement, with sub-
sidence being countered by concomitant upward growth of 1.5.5 Tectonic Considerations in Relation to
coral (Darwin, 1842; Dana, 1853), or to glacio-eustatic Davisian Theory
changes in sea level, as suggested by his Harvard colleague, the
Canadian Reginald Daly (1871–1957). Daly (1910, 1915) Davis’s ideas, like those of so many of his time, were much
suggested that coral reefs did not form around subsiding influenced by the tectonic concepts of the distinguished Aus-
islands, as Darwin had proposed, but were governed by fluc- trian geologist Eduard Suess (1906). With respect to global
tuations of sea level resulting from episodes of global glaci- sea-level change, Suess supposed that ocean basins gradually
ation. During a glacial stage, sea level would fall and coral filled with sediment, thereby causing sea level to rise (and a
islands would be peneplaned. Then, during interglacial stages, concomitant lowering of land altitudes, with reduced ero-
sea level would rise again and new coral reefs would be sion). In contrast, his belief in Earth’s thermal contraction
formed round the rims of these planar islands. as a cause of mountain building led him to suppose that the
Davis (1928) eventually produced a book describing in lateral compression of the crust would cause relatively rapid
detail the forms and presumed evolution of many Pacific reefs collapse of the ocean basins, which would cause sea level
and atolls, the object of which, among other things, may have to fall (Suess, vol. 2, 1906, Chapter 14; first German ed.,
been to falsify Daly’s theory. His main point was that, ac- 3 volumes, 1885–1909). Such eustatic changes would lead to
cording to Daly, atolls have been built onto and around old, the slow denudation of land surfaces to form peneplains,
worn-down, stable volcanic islands, as sea levels rose after the followed by relatively rapid land uplift and consequent re-
termination of a glacial episode. But if that were the case (said juvenation of landforms. Thus Davis had a tectonic rationale
Davis) some islands could be expected to be cliffed, if only for his cyclic theory. Suess’s theory also held open the possi-
partly eroded away when the sea level was low. But such cliffs bility of effecting worldwide stratigraphic correlations. His
are not found. Further, Daly supposed that the large area of theory of eustasy was developed in Germany (not necessarily
coral islands was generally stable, because of their approxi- to its advantage or in accordance with Suess’s earlier ideas) by
mately equal lagoon depths. Defending Darwin’s model, Hans Stille (1876–1966), who envisaged a ‘law of orogenic
Davis made a close examination of the forms of the islands, synchronicity,’ evidenced by supposedly synchronous and
lagoons, and atolls, and sought to work out the history of correlatable unconformities. By the close of his career, Stille
70 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

had identified some 50 synchronous orogenic phases during In Australia, Davis’s ideas were taken up with no less en-
the Phanerozoic, occurring as pulses when a portion of the thusiasm by the New South Wales Government Geologist, Er-
Earth’s crust was stabilised and the continents were enlarged. nest Andrews (1870–1948), and Griffith Taylor (1880–1963),
He also proposed alternating periods of orogenic and founder of the School of Geography at the University of
epeirogenic activity (Stille, 1918, 1922, 1924). His ideas were Sydney (e.g., Andrews, 1903; Taylor, 1923). Andrews met
deployed by Abel Briquet and Henri Baulig in their geo- Gilbert in the U.S. in 1908, and Davis shortly afterward in
morphological writings. But S- engör (1991) has subsequently Britain. He formed the opinion that British geomorphologists
pointed out the circularities of Stille’s arguments. were considerably behind their American and Canadian
counterparts (Andrews, n.d., p. 82), meaning (perhaps) that
they were not yet making good use of Davisian theory.
1.5.6 Local Opposition to Davis Andrews in particular was inclined to regard the large flat
surfaces of Triassic sandstones in the Blue Mountains near
Despite its success and attraction, the Davisian theory was not Sydney as an old peneplain rather than a depositional surface.
without critics. Notably, the Prof. of Physical Geography at Also, he proposed a substantial uplift of eastern Australia
Cornell, Ralph Stockman Tarr (1864–1912) took issue with as late as the Pleistocene (Andrews’ so-called Kosciusko
Davis’s notion of the ‘peneplain’ (Tarr, 1898). He averred that uplift), an unhelpful idea that persisted in some quarters until
some upland surfaces thought to be former peneplains had the 1960s.
never been lowlands of low relief. The claimed residual flat
surfaces of the supposed New England peneplain were too
fragmentary to provide clear evidence for their origin as Britain
planed-down topography. The process of peneplanation was
inherently unlikely, thought Tarr, though he accepted the In Britain, survey geologist Sydney Hollingworth (1899–1966,
notion of ‘mature’ topography. He willingly accepted that later Prof. at University College, London) identified a multi-
erosion could reduce the relief of mountains, but the rate of tude (13!) of putative erosional platforms in and around the
denudation decreased greatly the more the land was leveled. mountainous Lake District of northwest England, supposedly
Tarr’s preferred explanation of the New England terrain was discernible from topographic maps and field observation
that it represented a mature topography that had been re- (Hollingworth, 1937, 1938). The lower steps were thought to
activated by uplift. be of marine origin; the upper ones chiefly subaerial. Both land
Davis responded vigorously (Davis, 1899b). Perhaps the uplift and sea-level changes were supposedly involved. The
most interesting issue was Tarr’s claim that no present-day motivation for these studies, clearly Davisian in origin, was to
peneplain was known anywhere, a point that, if true, would use geomorphic information to demonstrate tectonic uplift.
make Davis’s theory quite at odds with uniformitarian Another application of Davisian ideas in Britain was pro-
orthodoxy. But Davis claimed that the piedmont plains of duced by Sidney Wooldridge (1900–63) and his former stu-
New England and the Great Plains of eastern Montana served dent at King’s College, London, David Linton (1906–71), in
as sufficient examples of peneplains, although both were their studies of the structure, surface, and drainage of south-
already dissected by river valleys – implying that rejuvenation east England. Wooldridge and Linton (1938) first presented a
was already underway. For supposed ‘complete’ peneplains post-Palaeozoic geological history of the region starting with
Davis had recourse to buried surfaces, such as that which, borehole information about the form of the Palaeozoic
from unconnected exposures, seemed to underlie the Car- basement, which was assumed to represent a warped pene-
boniferous Limestone of northwest England. But this was by plain, and provided data regarding the forms and thicknesses
no means the same as looking directly at convincing present- of the overlying Mesozoic rocks. Likewise the pre-Eocene
day peneplains. In retrospect, it would appear that Tarr had topography was gauged by means of borehole evidence and
the better case; but it did not prevail at that time. the study of outcrops and isopachytes. Seemingly it too was a
warped surface that was further deformed by late Cretaceous–
Paleocene earth movements, during which some Cretaceous
sediment was eroded to provide material for Eocene
1.5.7 Davisian Doctrines Applied Overseas: Some
deposition. Later, the outer ripples of Oligocene–Miocene
(Alpine) earth movements caused further folding in the
region. Wooldridge and Linton (1939, 1955) then expanded Australasia
their work to provide a ‘veritable chronology of denuda-
Davis’s cyclic model attracted many supporters round the world tion’ for the entire Cenozoic Era, including the late
for well over half a century. In New Zealand, he found a devoted Oligocene–Miocene interval for which an onshore sediment-
advocate in Charles Cotton (1885–1970), Prof. of Geology at ary record is mostly lacking. As with observers elsewhere,
Victoria University, Wellington, who published numerous they sought accordant summits and base-leveled surfaces, now
books and articles on his country’s landforms (e.g., Cotton, uplifted and dissected, or exhumed. They proclaimed that the
1922, 1941). He later recorded that between 1909 and 1914 he (supposed) summit peneplain of southeast England of pre-
read every word of Davis he could get hold of (Grapes, 2008, sumed Paleogene age provided ‘a major landmark’ – ‘a critical
296), and he succeeded, to his own satisfaction, in applying point in time, the end of one cycle and the beginning of an-
Davis’s ideas to a country that was entirely different from New other’ (Wooldridge and Linton, 1955: 37). They pointed out
England and Appalachia where they were initially developed. how Davis (1895), visiting Britain in 1895, had attributed
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 71

supposed former planar surfaces to fluvial action rather than But Baulig went further and gave consideration to the causes
marine planation favored by some earlier British workers. of the changes of the relative levels of land and sea. There could
Thus an attempt was made to integrate the Davisian geo- be four kinds of causes in operation: (1) orogeny; (2) epeir-
morphic model with the stratigraphic and tectonic evidence ogeny Gilbert’s term (Gilbert, 1890: 340), for broad uplift or
available in the region. subsidence produced by subterranean forces), (3) isostasy; and
(4) eustasy. In Central France only the Hercynian phase,
thought Baulig, could properly be called an orogeny. Epeiro-
genic movements could be part of the story, but isostasy could France
largely be discounted as slow isostatic uplift would be largely
In France, Davis’s ideas were applied by Emmanuel de Mar- counterbalanced by erosion and would have different effects in
tonne (1873–1955), Abel Briquet (1874–?), and Baulig different regions since erosion processes are not the same
(1950), among others. De Martonne traveled with Davis to the worldwide. Nevertheless, with intermittent falling of sea level,
American West and Mexico in 1904, was appointed Prof. of distinct valleys could be cut at different levels onto a granitic
Geography at the Sorbonne in 1909, and welcomed Davis dome with a sedimentary cover (Baulig, 1928: 39–40;
there as a visiting Prof. in 1911–12. Briquet accompanied Beckinsale and Chorley, 1991: Figure 10, 276). So a great deal of
Davis on his European ‘pilgrimage’ of 1911 (Chorley et al., emphasis was placed on eustasy, which was in keeping with
1973). Baulig studied with Davis at Harvard from 1904 to Suess’s doctrine that Davis had embraced. Baulig did not rely on
1907, and then became an instructor at George Washington isolated observations but adopted a statistical approach to the
University. He returned to France in 1909 and was appointed identification of elevated planar erosion surfaces. The history of
to the University of Rennes (where de Martonne had previ- the relationship between diastrophism and geomorphology in
ously been Prof.) and then to the University of Strasbourg our period is discussed in Chorley (1963). Baulig (1935)
in 1919. Baulig’s ‘Davisian’ doctoral dissertation, ‘Le plateau expounded his ideas to British audiences in lectures at
central de la France,’ was published in 1928. University College, London, in 1933. There, more cautiously, he
Briquet (1911), presumably influenced by Davis, had pos- acknowledged that eustatic explanations could not be applied
tulated the occurrence of four main cycles of erosion for the with confidence to areas of unstable crust. Even so, while ac-
Massif Central. The region’s decipherable geomorphic evolution cepting that eustatic changes might have a variety of causes,
supposedly started with a peneplain on a Hercynian surface, base-leveling might still be ascribed to changes in sea level. But
which was acted on by Alpine earth movements in the Miocene, the confidence expressed in his 1928 thesis was now somewhat
producing a planar surface (now an inclined peneplain) on tempered. Perhaps this was because, in reviewing Baulig’s book,
which lava flows were erupted. These were subsequently folded de Martonne (1929), although accepting the denudation
into domes and basins, which initiated a new cycle of erosion. A chronology, questioned the explanation based on eustasy.
lowering of the Mediterranean Sea in the Lower Pliocene led to
incision of the Rhone valley and its tributaries, but a rise during
the Upper Pliocene flooded the valley and produced vast con- China
glomerate beds. The topography of Cycle II was developed on
Davis’s ideas also made their way to China, where consider-
this surface, which supposedly proceeded to an ‘almost senile’
able attention was given to the detection of planation surfaces.
state. Further lavas were deposited onto this surface during the
Early on, the German explorer and geologist Ferdinand von
Upper Pliocene. Further movements introduced Cycle III with
Richthofen (1833–1905) observed planation surfaces that he
the rejuvenation of valleys. The most recent cycle was thought to
interpreted as the product of marine denudation (Richthofen,
be most evident in the Rhone Valley. Briquet’s ideas were in part
1882, translated in Mather and Mason, 1939: 512–517).
beholden to Stille and he specifically mentioned some of the
Americans familiar with China, such as Bailey Willis
short-lived orogenic phases named by him, such as the Rho-
(1857–1949) and George Barbour (1891–1977), observed
danian at the end of the Miocene.
such surfaces in north China (Willis et al., 1907, Plate XXX;
Baulig (1928, 1935) provided probably the most com-
Barbour, 1927) and made tentative attempts to make strati-
prehensive geomorphological accounts of the Massif Central
graphic correlations on the basis of erosion surfaces. Chinese
during this period, dividing the evolution of the region as
geologists sought correlations of erosion planes in the famous
follows: (1) pre-Hercynian phase; (2) Hercynian phase: folding,
karst topography of Guangdong Province in the south of the
erosion, and concomitant sedimentation; (3) post-Hercynian
country. Prominent among the Chinese Davisians were Z.X.
phase: emergence and erosion (under arid conditions to a
Zeng (1921–2007) and X.J. Cui (b. 1933) (see Zhang, 2008).
planar surface); (4) submergence and marine sedimentation;
But Davis’s ideas eventually declined in China, as in the West,
(5) general emergence and erosion at the end of the Secondary
and at much the same time.
(Mesozoic) and beginning of early Tertiary (Paleogene) erosion,
also under arid conditions; concomitant sedimentation; (6)
mid-Tertiary (Alpine) orogeny: dislocation accompanied by
local sedimentation; volcanism; and (7) continuation of con- 1.5.8 German Opposition to Davisian Ideas: Walther
structive volcanic activity; continental erosion (fluvial and to a Penck’s Alternative
certain extent glacial) (Baulig, 1928: 13). It is noteworthy that
the geological history defined here was written on the basis of In fact, beyond Britain and New Zealand, Baulig’s explan-
geomorphology, with the assistance of biostratigraphy, rather ations of planation in terms of eustasy did not get very
than the other way round (Baulig, 1928: 47). far, even in Davisian America. The strongest opposition
72 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

(or disregard) came from the German-speaking part of Eur- upper valley slopes are steep (the areas of ‘Böschungen,’ scarps,
ope, where a substantially different geomorphic theory was or gravity slopes) and maintain their angle with the parallel
developed by Penck (1924), son of the distinguished Austrian retreat of the valley side due to erosion. The lower or basal
geologist Albrecht Penck (1858–1945). Subsequently, the slopes (‘Haldenhangen’) underlying the loose talus have a
relative merits of the Davisian and Penckian theories became lesser declivity. Penck called the contacts between the two kinds
one of the leading debates in geomorphology. of slope ‘Knickpunkten,’ which were different in kind from the
Until the Great War (1914–18), the Pencks were not ill- nickpoints of Davis’s theory. For Davis, sudden changes in
disposed toward Davis’s ideas, but thereafter both father and slope occur at places where a stream encounters harder rock
son began to develop ideas that were very different, and more and may be marked by a waterfall. For Penck, differences in
in line with Gilbert’s ‘engineering’ approach than Davis’s hardness were not essential for the formation of nickpoints, but
‘evolutionary historicism.’ The Pencks visited the U.S. in were produced as a concomitant of waxing development.
1908–09 and met American geomorphologists and geologists, In his old age, Davis (1932) wrote a generally negative
including Davis and Gilbert. Walther studied for a time at Yale, review of Walther Penck’s ideas, concentrating in particular on
later surveyed in the Andes, fought in the Great War, and be- his work in the Black Forest. To a considerable extent,
came a Prof. at Constantinople in 1915. Malaria forced his Anglophone geologists formed their opinions of Penck’s work
return to Germany, where he became a Prof. at Leipzig. How- via Davis’s exposition and critique. It later became apparent
ever, he was stricken with mouth cancer and died in 1923. that there were some mistranslations and misrepresentations
Walther Penck’s theoretical ideas in geomorphology were of Penck (see Simons, 1962), and some of the critiques of the
based on his observations in the Andes (Penck, 1920) and the critique were also misleading. Davis summarized the differ-
Black Forest of southwest Germany (Penck, 1925), as well as ences between these models by means of a diagram (Figure 3),
what he saw during his sojourn in Turkey. ‘Die morpholo- which shows that Penck’s theory envisaged a parallel recession
gische Analyse,’ published posthumously in 1924 and without of slopes and the production of a pointed inselberg, whereas
final editing by the author, synthesized his ideas, but in no- Davisian downwearing yielded a rounded hill.
toriously difficult German. Nevertheless, developing criticisms Based on Penck’s theory, Davis also provided a represen-
of Davis’s scheme by his father, it excited considerable interest tation of the topography of the Black Forest dome, with a
and parts of the book were soon translated into English, al- series of stepped benches (Figure 4). This figure highlights
though a full English translation did not appear until much a major difference between Davis and Penck. For Davis, such a
later (Penck, 1953). terraced topography would be the product of intermittent
Penck’s title should be noted. He sought a morphological, uplift or the presence of harder rocks. For Penck, such a sur-
not an historical analysis, of landforms so that in some ways face could be produced by an accelerated and continuous
his ideas were more akin to those of Gilbert than Davis. His uplift without differences in rock hardness. Penck (1925:
starting-point was the idea – developed in conjunction with 89–90) maintained that when domal uplift begins erosion is
his father (Penck, 1919) – that the similar heights of peak more active at lower altitudes where there is more water in the
ridges in the Alps represented an approximately level summit streams, whose slopes are increased by uplift, so the lower
plane (‘Gipfelflur’) produced by the cutting back of rock by parts of valleys become deepened and convex nickpoints de-
the processes of erosion. Also, Walther saw landforms as the velop between there and the higher parts of valleys. The levels
result of two opposing sets of forces: endogenic (produced above the nickpoints then begin to serve as base levels for the
within the Earth) and exogenic (due to weathering and ero- upper-valley reaches. In time, nickpoints move upstream but,
sion). Another basic Penckian idea was that of the ‘Primärr- with ongoing upheaval, they are elevated, and a process
umpf’ (‘primary torso’ or ‘primary plain’). Davis had the idea analogous to the first begins. So ‘‘[c]ontinuous acceleration of
of a rapid elevation of land, followed by chiefly downward- upheaval leaves in the long profile of the stream one convex
acting erosion, through stages, to a peneplain. Needless to say, nick after the other, all move up-valley, below each one there
he was well aware that erosion could accompany the uplift, begins a narrow, steep course reach with convex valley slopes,
but he tended to discount this – for didactic purposes at least. above each there is a broader reach with concave slope pro-
By contrast, instead of postulating rapid elevation that out- files’’ (translation from Simons, 1962: 11).
stripped erosion, Penck envisaged elevation accompanied by A major difference between Davis and Penck was that the
erosion, so that an approximately level surface (Primärrumpf) latter believed in the more or less parallel retreat of slopes
would eventually be produced. In this process, Penck pro- (Figure 5), and this difference has commonly been accepted.
posed three stages of development: ‘aufsteigende Entwicklung’ However, Simons has argued that, for Penck, ‘‘there is a strict
(increasing or waxing development, with accelerating uplift); proportionality between slope angle and rate of denudation’’
‘gleichförmige Entwicklung’ (uniform development); and
‘absteigende Entwicklung’ (declining or waning development,
with decelerating uplift).
During the first stage, where uplift outstrips erosion, convex-
up slopes are developed. For the second, uplift matches ero-
sion, straight-sided slopes are developed, and the effect of Figure 3 ‘Profiles of a widening valley.’ Davis’s (1932: 409)
erosion is lateral rather than downward. For the third phase, comparison of his theory of the development of slopes (right) with
where the base level is stable or rises only slowly so that it that of Penck (left). Redrawn with permission from Davis, W.M.,
cannot match the erosive processes, concave-up slopes develop. 1932. Piedmont benchlands and Primärrümpfe. Geological Society of
The denudation of a valley side occurs by lateral erosion. The America, Bulletin 43, 399–440.
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 73

Figure 4 Davis’s (1932: 401) representation of benches (I-VI) on a landform (e.g., in the Black Forest) produced by a rising dome, after being
subjected to erosion; according to his interpretation of Penck (1925). Redrawn from Penck, W., 1925. Die Piedmontflächen des südlichen
Schwarzwaldes. Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin, 82–108, with permission from Wikipedia.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21



x y F

Figure 5 Successive stages of the erosion of a slope. Redrawn from Penck, W., 1953. Morphological Analysis of Landforms: A Contribution to
Physical Geology, translated by H. Czech, K.C. Boswell, Macmillan, London, 429 pp. (Reprinted Hafner New York, 1972).

in consequence of which the recessions do not proceed by the rapid uplift was followed by distinguishable stages of down-
successive removal of exactly ‘parallel slices’ of valley-side ward denudation. For Penck, there was a slow uplift (waxing,
rock. Nevertheless, this was Penck’s view to a first approxi- steady, then waning), all the while counteracted by the forces
mation, as shown by the diagrams by which he illustrated his of erosion. Interestingly, though Davis (1932) subjected
ideas. Figure 5 shows Penck’s representation of waning de- Penck’s ideas to vigorous critique, Davis’s (1905b) own
velopment involving the removal of successive layers of a account of denudation in arid lands was quite Penckian.
valley side that consists of different rock types (a soft; b hard).
The valley gradually acquires fragmented material in its lower
part, with a lesser slope-angle than the upper parts, forming 1.5.9 Germany and America: Differences of Opinion
the Haldenhang. This part expands over time at the expense of
the rock of the Böschung. However, the Haldenhang is itself It is a nice question whether the two theories did or did not
gradually eroded away in ‘slices’ until, over 34 time-incre- constitute two different paradigms. Walther Penck’s ideas grew
ments of erosion, a valley is eventually formed with a concave from his early observations in the Andes, Black Forest, and
cross-profile. For Penck it is the upper layers that suffer erosion Alps, whereas Davis’s ideas grew from his work in the Appa-
first and most, whereas for Davis erosion proceeds chiefly by lachians and New England. After some enthusiasm at the
the action of rivers along their valley floors. beginning of the century (Beckinsale, 1976; Chorley et al.,
Penck called the final stage of denudation the ‘Endrumpf,’ 1973), Penck’s ideas became part of a developing German
which seems to have been much the same as Davis’s pene- resistance to Davisian notions, notably found in the work of
plain. If a Penckian cycle is repeated, the Endrumpf is re- Passarge (1919–20), Prof. at Breslau and then Hamburg, and
instated as a Primärrumpf; so one had two names for much Alfred Hettner (1859–1941), Prof. at Heidelberg. Hettner
the same kind of landform. The model was again cyclic in published several articles critical of Davis’s ideas in his journal
practice (though not in name), and Davis later complained, Geographische Zeitschrift (Leipzig) and gathered the materials
with some justification, that he couldn’t see any substantial together in his ‘Die Oberflächenformen des Festlands’
difference between an Endrumpf and a peneplain. (Hettner, 1921, 1972), which was highly critical of Davis’s
Despite the similarities in outcome, the Davisian and views. Machatschek (1938–40), a former student of Albrecht
Penckian models had basic differences. For Davis, relatively Penck who held chairs in Prague, Zurich, and Vienna, gave a
74 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

more favorable account of Davis’s ideas, but pointed out dif- the University of Natal. King was born in London but mi-
ficulties and did not accept his doctrines as a whole. The works grated to New Zealand, where he studied under Cotton in
of Passarge and Hettner received savage reviews by Davis Wellington, and briefly became his assistant before moving to
(1923a, 1923b), Hettner’s book being described (1923b, Africa in 1934. In Africa, he traveled over vast tracts of country
p. 318) as being characterized by ‘homilies, truisms, hesi- and published voluminously (e.g., King, 1951, 1962). King
tations, obstructive misunderstandings, and disputatious could build on Davis’s observations in South Africa (Davis,
objections’! There is little doubt that the American and 1906b) and, like Davis, he adopted a cyclic theory of erosion.
German geomorphological communities were moving apart at However, the African landscape led him to reject the notion of
that time, in part, one may suppose, because of the catas- peneplain in favor of pediplain, a term proposed by Maxson
trophe of the Great War. and Anderson (1935) as an extension of the pediment concept
But the differences were also shaped by the protagonists’ earlier recognized in the American West (e.g., Gilbert, 1877).
dissimilar interests, particularly the importance of the pro- King supposed that gently sloping rock pediments, thinly
cesses that occur during denudation, rather than the general veneered with alluvial waste, were smoothed by water running
evolution of landforms. Also the development of landforms in over them like sheets, without forming perennial channels.
different climatic regions, especially in areas of Africa that Many coalescing pediments together form a pediplain. So a
Germany had briefly colonized, was of special interest to the pediplain has a multi-concave surface, instead of the multi-
German community. A conference in Düsseldorf in 1926 fo- convex surfaces of Davis’s peneplains. But in addition to dif-
cused on climatic geomorphology rather than denudation ferences in form, the two surfaces would have quite different
chronologies, and gave particular attention to processes in origins. King (1953) thought that the pediplains that he in-
humid tropical environments (Beckinsale and Chorley, 1991) vestigated in Africa were analogues of Penck’s Endrumpfe. Any
and this work was carried further by the likes of Karl Sapper convexities were indications of the beginning of a new cycle of
(1866–1945) of the University of Würzburg, who worked in erosion. He also claimed that he had never seen a peneplain!
Central America (Sapper, 1935). German scholars, such as King included a remarkable Erosion-Cycle Map in his
Passarge, also showed much interest in the classification of South African Scenery (1951), which sought to delineate the
different types of landforms (Beckinsale and Chorley, 1991). boundaries of six cycles of erosion: (1) the upwarped portions
The differences between Davisian and Penckian theory of Gondwana; (2) the Gondwana landscape above the ‘Great
stimulated the Americans and in 1939 a conference on the Escarpment’ (which separates the coastal lowlands from the
issues was organized in Chicago, by Oscar von Engeln high interior plateaus); (3) the Gondwana landscape in the
(1896–1964) of Cornell University. He sought to evaluate the marginal regions; (4) the landscape of the multiphase ‘African’
differences between the two sets of views and several re- cycle; (5) the ‘Victoria Falls’ cycle; and (6) the multiphase
spondents had their papers published in the Annals of the ‘Congo’ cycle.
Association of American Geographers the following year. As King also applied his ideas elsewhere, for example, to
perhaps might be expected, opinion favored the Davisian Australia (King, 1950) where he identified four groups of
position. One test case focused on the way in which erosion landscapes: (1) ancient landscapes (Gondwana) older than
proceeded, a challenge accepted by Harvard geologist Kirk the present configuration of the continent; (2) laterite-capped
Bryan (1888–1950). Bryan (1940) focused on Penck’s landscapes of the ‘Australian pediplain’ that, he thought,
‘absteigende Entwicklung,’ for which he envisaged the parallel formed between Cretaceous through Paleogene time; (3) more
retreat of slopes whereas Davis thought that erosion worked varied landscapes initiated in the Miocene, some of which led
downward as well as backward, yielding, as time passed, a to extensive planation, destroying much of the Australian
curved surface of gradually diminishing relief. Bryan ac- pediplain; and (4) a series of local cyclic landscapes and
knowledged that something like a Penckian retreat occurred in phases subsequent to the (supposed) Kosciusko earth move-
arid regions. And Sapper (1935) had shown that there could ments. Remarkably, he seems to have built this model mostly
also be parallel retreat in humid tropical regions, where from his reading of maps, books, and papers, as he discussed
mudflows and landslides were commonplace. The Chicago many places in Australia that he could never have had
meeting rejected Penck’s distinction between Primärrümpfe the opportunity to visit. The same was true ‘a fortiori’ in
and Endrümpfe, maintaining that they were essentially the his ‘magnum opus’ (King, 1962), which offered a global ac-
same as Davis’s peneplain; and regarded Penck’s theory as count of the Earth’s geomorphic history. The extent of
being, in essence, as cyclic as that of Davis. But there had been King’s reading is truly mind-boggling! As a Southern Hemi-
a two-way traffic of ideas in that, in lectures delivered at the sphere geologist, King envisaged the earlier connections of
universities of Texas and California in 1927 and 1929, re- Australia, South Africa, and South America in the ancient
spectively, and published posthumously, Davis did acknow- continent of Gondwana (though he did not originate this
ledge the possibility of valley erosion occurring while uplift is idea). Figure 6 conveniently summarizes the differing theories
still in progress (King and Schumm, 1980), but he did not of landform development of Davis, Penck, and King (Thornes
pursue the implications. and Brunsden, 1977).
Although King was obviously strongly influenced by Davis
and Cotton and retained their cyclic ideas, in the matter of the
1.5.10 Lester King in Africa: Davis Rewritten Davisian/Penckian debate he sided with the Pencks. This was
perhaps due to the kinds of scenery he encountered in Africa.
Davis’s ideas were also applied in some degree to southern Be that as it may, King’s work marked the beginning of the end
Africa by Lester Charles King (1907–89), Prof. of Geology at for the Davisian paradigm, which had dominated the field for
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 75

of Youth Maturity Old age many times as long as youth and maturity

No further uplit Convex-concave valley side slopes

of highe

st divide Flood plain development


Alt Peneplain

de o
f main valley
Base level floors

(a) Time

Aulsteigende Gleichformige Absteigende entwickelung

entwickelung entwickelung

No further uplit Gravity slope ‘böschung’

Altitude of hig

hest div Wash slope ‘haidenhang’



e for m

Altitude of main valley floors

Base level

Valley deepening to obtain

maximum relief Concave slopes produced by parallel
retreat of ‘inclined flats’

of highe
s t divide

Altitude of main valleys

Base level

Youth Maturity Old age?

Incision ceases
max relief
altained ‘Constant’ Convex
sm up y

Initial surface may

al lift
ve rm all

stable slope Relief and slope decline


crest Scarp

no further
ha ifo ner


uplift forms produced remain to late stage at last stage only

ay un Ge

Altitude of highest divides Debris slope

Retreat Lateral Parallel
Pediment Final form Biconcave
corrasion retreat

Altitude of main valleys

Base level

(d) Time
Figure 6 The theories of Davis, Penck, and King. (a) Reproduced from Davis, W.M., 1899a. The geographical cycle. Geographical Journal 14,
481–504, 255, with permission from Wiley (b) Penck, as incorrectly interpreted by von Engeln (1942); (c) Penck (1954); (d) King (generalized).

well over fifty years. Davis’s work was essentially literary, art- slope profile in any of his publications. Neither is there any
istic, and qualitative, and not in keeping with the changing penetrating analysis of erosional processes based on mechanics
direction of geoscience in the mid-twentieth century, as is of fluids or plastic materials, although his deductions seem to show
an intuitive grasp of the dynamics. Davis’ treatment appealed y
revealed in an ungenerous assessment by Strahler (1952) of to persons who have had little training in basic physical
Columbia University: sciences, but who like scenery and outdoor life. As a cultural pur-
suit, Davis’ method is excellent: as a part of the basis for the
understanding of human geography it is entirely adequate. As a
Davis’ treatment y was completely qualitative. I do not recall branch of natural science it seems superficial and inadequate
having seen a measurement of slope angle or a precisely measured (Strahler, 1950: 209).
76 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

1.5.11 Periglacial Geomorphology for their formation. They structures of low relief could con-
tribute to cryoplanation if developed on inclined surfaces.
The idea of a former glacial epoch or epochs was established Meanwhile, Kirk Bryan (1946) introduced new terminology,
in the nineteenth century (Agassiz, 1840) and efforts were such as ‘congelifraction’ for frost splitting, ‘congeliturbation’ for
made, for example, by Croll (1875) in 1875, to account for the frost churning, and ‘cryoplanation’ for landscapes of low relief
recurrence of ice ages in terms of astronomical theory. Interest seemingly produced by intense frost action and related cold-
in glaciers and cold-climate phenomena was further stimu- region processes. Bryan (1946: 639) distinguished between ‘‘an
lated by contemporary explorations to Arctic regions and area [that] is or has been subject to the Cycle of Cryoplanation
Antarctica. Although permafrost had long been known in [and] areas subject to the Pluvial-fluvial Cycle.’’ Thus a door was
Russia, and North American scientists were describing cold- opened for Davisian principles to gain a foothold in the Arctic,
climate features in the nineteenth century, periglacial geo- notably by Carl Troll (1899–1975), Prof. of Geography at
morphology as a systemic study only began after 1900. It was Bonn, and Louis Peltier (1916–2003) of Washington University
not a field that attracted W.M. Davis’s attention. Then, at the (Troll, 1948; Peltier, 1950). Peltier’s periglacial cycle explicitly
International Geological Congress at Stockholm in 1910 and compared cryoplanation to peneplanation (Figure 7). How-
the following field excursion to Spitzbergen, the Polish ever, whereas Davisian stages might be invoked for planation
geologist Walery von Łozinski (1880–1943) of the Jagellonian processes in cold conditions, cyclic periglaciation would likely
University, Krakow, suggested that cold-climate regions not reflect climate change rather than sequential uplift. Thus the
permanently covered by snow or ice had a distinctive char- Davisian scheme was unhelpful. It was almost the last throw of
acter, with extensive blockfields of coarse angular rock debris, the dice for Davisian geomorphology.
giving rise to what he called a ‘periglacial facies’ (Łozinski,
1912). He had examined these in the Carpathian Mountains
and elsewhere and supposed that the coarse debris was the 1.5.12 The Beginnings of Quantitative and
product of rock splitting under arid conditions of great cold Experimental Geomorphology
and strong wind, such as occurred more generally during the
Pleistocene and persists today in mountainous regions below Despite the dominance of Davisian principles during the early
the permanent snowline. He attributed rock splitting in the twentieth century, a more quantitative and experimental geo-
Carpathians to strong diurnal temperature changes. Though morphology was beginning to emerge, notably from the work
applied to tundra regions by the Stockholm excursionists, of Gilbert (1914, 1917). Looking at a stream tumbling down a
Łozinski’s ideas were not initially developed for high latitudes, mountainside, it is by no means obvious how one might begin
where rock fracturing is not produced by daily temperature to analyze its nature, either mathematically or empirically.
changes and his periglacial facies was not necessarily charac- What Gilbert did was to approach such problems with the
teristic of all sub-Arctic periglacial environments, and today mind of an engineer, not an evolutionary historian. Gilbert
this facies is thought to occur only in Antarctica and northeast entertained the idea of graded rivers in which there is a bal-
Greenland (French, 2000). ance between force and resistance in a stream channel. If a
Periglacial studies progressed during the early twentieth river changes in some way, such as a change in discharge or
century, notably from the work of Scandinavian, Russian, sediment load, the channel form will respond until balance
Canadian, and American scientists working mostly in Arctic is restored. If one constructed artificial channels (flumes) for
and sub-Arctic lands. For example, based on work in remote studying water flows and sediment movement, then such
Bear Island and the Falklands, the term ‘solifluction’ was parameters might be varied systematically and one might be
coined in 1906 by the Swedish geographer Andersson (1906) able to make empirical generalizations, and perhaps express
for the downslope mass flowage of frost-riven debris within a them mathematically. And this is what Gilbert did at the
meltwater sludge. In 1929, Taber (1929) of the University of University of California, Berkeley, in 1907–09. To study grade,
South Carolina showed that frost heaving was due to the he dropped sand at a uniform rate into flowing water at the
subsurface growth of ice crystals, not to an overall change of upper end of a flume and collected it at the lower end. It
volume, and that crystal growth followed the upward path of gradually formed a sloping surface down the flume and a state
least resistance. During World War II, the strategic importance of equilibrium was reached when the rate of sand escaping at
of cold regions led military and civilian engineers to seek a the outfall equaled the rate on input. He had thus created
better understanding of permafrost terrains, especially for road artificially a graded system. Channel, sediment, and water
and airfield construction; these interests increased across the parameters could then be varied to see what changes followed.
subpolar regions of the Northern Hemisphere during the en- The behavior of the particles was observed through glass
suing Cold War. Periglacial environments, with permafrost panels at the side of the flumes. He found that streams adjust
overlain by an ‘active layer’ frozen in winter but not in sum- their profiles according to the supply of debris they carry. But
mer, can give rise to a host of surface forms, ranging from in a natural stream several factors may be changing simul-
pingos to patterned ground of low relief, where material taneously. Numerous data were published on the capacity for
is sorted according to size. By the mid-twentieth century, stream traction based on variations in discharge, sediment
many explanations had been proposed for these forms and size, and channel slope and width (Gilbert, 1914). These
structures. However, when various hypotheses were reviewed flume studies (which Gilbert acknowledged could not be
in 1956 by Washburn (1956), Director of the Arctic Institute extrapolated directly to ‘real’ streams) were accompanied by
of North America, he concluded at the time that the features practical investigations of the movement of gold-mining
had multiple origins and could offer no unifying explanation debris being discharged into the Sacramento River system.
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 77



Undissected surface Jagged, frost-riven cliffs

Youth Isolated remnants

Small surface of

Sea level
Extensive surfaces of
Initial surface remnants small cryoplanation with
or absent 20°−30° slopes
Maturity Congeliturbate
Surace of lateral
Sea level
Extensive surfaces of
Congelifractate-covered cryoplanation with
Surface of downwastage; slopes less than 5°
Old age of lateral planation

Sea level

Figure 7 The periglacial cycle of erosion. Reproduced from Peltier, L.C., 1950. The geographical cycle in periglacial regions as it is related to
climatic geomorphology. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 40, 214–316, with permission from AAAG.

Gilbert constructed stream gauges in the Sacramento Valley exchange through the surface and the velocity gradient across
and concluded that the movement of a large body of debris the surface, allowing turbulence to be calculated for each pris-
was analogous to the downstream movement of a great body moid. Hence the turbulence in different parts of the stream
of stormwater (Gilbert, 1917). He also predicted that the ad- could be related to the concentration profile of the suspended
verse geohydrologic effects of mining would be worked out of sediment. Figure 8b shows rates of water flow in different parts
the system in a century – which has not proved to be the case. of the stream and the forces exerted on the stream bed by
Gilbert did not have the apparatus to enable him to treat moving water. This was also done for streams of different forms.
stream slope as an independent variable, but Joseph Hoover Leighly (1934) then examined the effects of water turbu-
Mackin (1905–68), of the universities of Washington and later lence on the corrasion of stream banks produced by the
Texas, concluded that streams adjust themselves to the onset movement of water (not by the action of suspended sedi-
of new conditions primarily by modifications of channel slope ment). As he put it: ‘‘turbulence is responsible for the main-
rather than channel cross-section (Mackin, 1948, p. 508). He tenance of mineral fragments in suspension in water’’ – a
saw the whole process of stream adjustment as being in point ignored by Gilbert. He was able to calculate the so-called
accordance with Le Châtelier’s principle. ‘Austausch coefficient’ (A) at different heights in a column of
Meanwhile, geographer John Leighly (1895–1986) of the moving water from the equation sz ¼ so  ecz/A, where
University of California, Berkeley, a polymath with interests in so ¼ turbidity at the base of a column of fluid, sz ¼ turbidity at
meteorology, climatology, and hydrology, addressed stream height z, c¼ the rate of fall of suspended particles in non-
turbulence. He emphasized that there were many differences in turbulent fluid, and e ¼ the base of natural logarithms. The
the movement of water in different parts of a stream: near the quantity A (turbulent transfer coefficient) is a measure of
banks, near the bottom, near the surface, and so on. These could turbulent mixing, being the product of the mass of water and
be investigated empirically, analyzed mathematically, and rep- sediment passing through a unit area parallel to the direction
resented graphically so that the simple picture imagined earlier of flow in unit time and the distance traveled. From sampling
by Gilbert needed modification. Leighly (1932) published cross- the suspended sediment in a river at different depths Leighly
sections (Figure 8) showing ‘isarithms,’ or surfaces of equal was able to gauge the intensity of turbulence at the depths
velocity, in a stream. Each of these had a line drawn per- where the sediment was sampled and offered diagrammatic
pendicular to it, which were extrapolated to meet at the point of estimations of the degree of turbulence in different parts of a
maximum stream velocity. The shear force exerted by each stream (Figure 9). Here the arrows represent the diffusion of
prismoid of water was calculated as the product of the turbulent suspended matter, and one can see how movement of
78 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Meters




J = 0.000057
gJ = 0.05186 cm s−2


40 50
30 20
20 10

20 30


0 5 10 dynes

Figure 8 Diagrams from Leighly (1932: 7) showing in cross section: (a) the isarithms of cells of water flowing in a stream (at a power plant on
the Adige), with a thread of water moving with maximum velocity at the top center and with slower and less irregular movements near the
surface, the sides, and the bottom; (b) contours of equal rates of flow with lines drawn at right angles to the stream-floor having lengths
proportional to the forces exerted by the stream on its bed at different points. Reproduced from Leighley, J.B., 1934. Turbulence and the
transport of rock debris in streams. Geographical Review 24, 453–464, with permission from Wiley.

sediment would be different for straight reaches (left) and in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the Royal Technical High School
stream bends (right). Thus scientific work in fluid mechanics, in Stockholm. His thesis (Hjulström, 1935) presented a
relevant to geomorphology, developed empirically and theo- graphical plot of water velocities against particle sizes and
retically in our period and was applied to engineering prob- displayed the conditions under which a river would erode,
lems and the analysis of artificial and natural water flows. It transport, or deposit sediment (Figure 10). It is evident that
also began to influence ideas about erosion and deposition, there is a critical mean velocity for sediment transport. The
even during the supremacy of historical and qualitative minimum value for the water velocity, evident at the center of
Davisian geomorphology. the graph (now known as the Hjulström Curve’), had not been
During this period, the Swedish scientist Filip Hjulström identified by earlier investigators.
(1902–82) of Uppsala University studied erosion and sedi- William Walden Rubey (1898–1974) of the USGS and later
ment transport in the Fyris River, central Sweden, for his the University of California, Los Angeles, also studied sediment
doctorate. He differed from Gilbert in supposing that river entrainment, specifically the forces required to move particles
water itself could be an important agent of erosion without from a stream bed. Rubey (1938) adopted a Gilbertian ap-
regard to its sediment load. Additionally, Hjulström studied proach with a consideration of forces not histories, and fed
water velocity and suspended sediment transport in flumes at Gilbert’s data into his equations. An earlier formula, adopted
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 79

Lateral regions of low velocity and low intensity of turbulence

Flanking regions of intense
turbulence and moderate velocity
Axial region
of high velocity
Maximum Maximum
velocity velocity
ce nce
ulen bule
b Tur

(a) (b) GEOCA. REVIEW, JULY, 1934

Figure 9 Cross-profiles of the different parts of streams of: (a) symmetrical form and (b) asymmetrical form, showing differences in turbulence.
Reproduced from Leighley, J.B., 1934. Turbulence and the transport of rock debris in streams. Geographical Review 24, 453–464, with
Permission from Wiley.


300 Erosion
Velocity (cm s−1)


10 n
s port
5 Tran









Size of particles (mm)

Figure 10 Plot of water velocity vs. particle size. Reproduced from Hjulström, F., 1935. Studies of the morphological activity of rivers as
illustrated by the River Ferris: inaugural dissertation. Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri, Uppsala (Geological Institute of Uppsala), Bulletin 25,
221–527, with permission from Geological Institute of Uppsala.

by Gilbert, stated that the weight of the largest particles moved that law were needed to set small particles in motion. Seem-
by a stream varies according to the sixth power of the stream ingly the velocity of the thin layer of water adjacent to a stream
velocity. But this was not useful for practical purposes since a bed, not the turbulent layers above, was what mattered. This
stream’s velocity varies substantially across its cross-section. stream-bed velocity could not be measured directly but could
What was required was knowledge of the velocity close to the be calculated using the empirical data obtained from the flow
stream bed; but that was hard to determine. Rubey was con- of water in rough pipes. And departures from the sixth-power
cerned with stream competence – that is a stream’s ability to law became significant when the laminar film was thicker than
transport particles of different size. He was interested in finding the radius of the particles being moved, suggesting that
whether: (1) the sixth-power law; (2) critical tractive force; or hydraulic lift was the force that starts the movement of small
(3) hydraulic lift best accounted for Gilbert’s data. It seemed particles, not the direct impact of water. Since the movement of
that neither (1) nor (2) fitted the observations satisfactorily particles was an indication of the character of the stream doing
and that some kind of compromise between the two was re- the moving, Rubey suggested that it might, in principle, be
quired. The sixth-power law apparently worked quite well for possible to gauge the size and regimen of streams that had laid
coarse particles, but higher velocities than those indicated by down particular deposits in the geologic past.
80 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

The above examples served as a springboard for a more 1933, from work on rainfall infiltration, he developed the
quantitative and process-oriented geomorphology during the so-called Horton (1933) Equation: ft ¼ fc þ (f0  fc)eKt, where
second half of the twentieth century (see Sack, Chapter 1.6 ft ¼ infiltration rate at time t; f0 ¼ the initial infiltration rate
and McDowell, Chapter 1.7; and Clifford, 2008). (or maximum infiltration rate); fc ¼ the constant or equi-
librium infiltration rate after the soil has been saturated (or
minimum infiltration rate); and K¼a decay constant specific
1.5.13 Stream Patterns and Drainage Development to the soil concerned. Horton thought of the soil surface as a
dividing sieve, which separated rain into the part that soaked
Other quantitative studies developed in our period through into the ground and that which ran off into streams. From
the study of stream patterns. John Playfair (1802: 102) comprehensive studies of interception, evaporation, infil-
had pointed out that river systems have a main trunk, with tration, transpiration, overland flow, and runoff, he developed
branches and valleys of proportional size. In the twentieth a ‘hydrophysical approach to quantitative morphology’ (the
century, the question became whether any kind of math- subtitle of his classic 1945 paper), which showed among other
ematical laws could be discovered representing drainage pat- things how different drainage patterns might arise on different
terns. In 1914, Gravelius (1914) of the Technical Institute at surfaces. Horton disapproved of the term peneplain, and
Dresden addressed this question by introducing the concept of suggested ‘base surface’ in its stead. Moreover, he offered a
stream orders. He referred to the major stream in a drainage corrective to Davis’s assumptions about the earliest stages of
system as being of first order; the first tributary as second erosion on newly uplifted surfaces. He pointed out that in-
order; and so on back to the fingertip tributaries. This system cipient drainage and low drainage density may normally be
prevailed in Europe for a considerable time but it was reversed taken to imply a youthful landscape. But an area of ‘erosion-
by the USGS hydrologist Horton (1875–1945) in 1945. ally mature’ topography may be produced if the infiltration
Horton designated unbranched fingertip streams as first capacity, initial slope and resistance, and rainfall are not such
order, with two first-order streams combining to produce a as to produce significant erosion on the surface. In other
second-order stream and so on, and when orders are assigned words, the extent of dissection is not a good criterion of
throughout a basin, extended highest order stream back to geomorphic age. His hydrophysical approach established ‘ra-
define the mainstream from source to outlet. tional quantitative relationships between the interpretation of
Horton’s scheme was influential because it allowed gener- observed phenomena accurately and with confidence in the
alizations to be discerned for stream networks and drainage correctness of the results’ – which Davis’s concept failed to do
basins. For example, the drainage density of a basin was de- (Horton, 1945: 367). In this way, Horton provided another
fined as the total length of streams/rivers in a basin (L) divided foundation for a quantitative geomorphology.
by the area (D¼ SL/A). Stream frequency was given by N/A,
where N was the total number of streams in a drainage basin
of area A. Plotting log N against values of the stream orders 1.5.14 Landforms Produced by Etching
in a basin gave approximately parallel straight-line graphs for
different basins, as did plots of log L against N. Plots of log In the erosion processes considered thus far, attention has fo-
slope (S) against stream orders likewise gave straight-line cused on mechanical agents such as water, ice, and wind,
graphs – different, but approximately parallel, for different though weathering normally precedes erosion. But weathering
basins. The number of streams of a given order in a basin was is no simple process: it involves mechanical processes such as
given by N0 ¼ rb(so), where s¼ slope and o ¼ order. In short, those due to frost and temperature changes and the chemical
graphical analyses suggested mathematical patterns in the reactions of air and water on rocks and their minerals, assisted
apparently ‘disorderly’ disposition of streams. by the agencies of plants and soil organisms. Nor is it confined
In 1952, Strahler (1952) abandoned Horton’s concept of to rocks at or near the surface. Several eighteenth-century
reordering a mainstream back to its source, thereby limiting the authors noted that the forms of granitic boulders were not
highest order stream to that resulting from the confluence of easily explained by visible processes and it was later suggested
two streams of the previously highest order. Strahler’s slight that ‘core-stones’ were produced by weathering processes oc-
modifications were more mathematically flexible and came to curring along joints. Twentieth-century observations, especially
be widely adopted. Later authors such as Shreve (1966) of the in Africa and Australia, where inselbergs and bornhardts
University of California, Los Angeles offered further systems. (similar entities named after the German explorer of Tanga-
Collectively, these stream-ordering schemes are commonly nyika, Wilhelm Bornhardt, 1864–1946) are prominent, sug-
viewed as a foundation for quantitative geomorphology because gested a substantially different process. In 1911, the Falconer
they used mathematical constructs, such as stream order, stream (1911) reported bare rock slopes and remnants of sheet struc-
length, basin area, and drainage density, to define the properties tures situated on the otherwise featureless plains of northern
of drainage basins. For a while, much attention was given to the Nigeria. He thought that they originated in two stages, re-
statistical and graphical relationships that these parameters re- marking that if the overlying unconsolidated material were re-
vealed. However, the so-called ‘laws’ were revealed by Shreve to moved there would be loose boulders on a smooth rock
be statistical artifacts. In essence, stream ordering was arbitrary, surface. He envisaged, first, uneven subsurface weathering that
so different schemes yielded different generalizations. left ‘kernels’ and then, second, the stripping away of the wea-
Horton’s work on stream orders were but part of his thered material. Shortly afterward, John Jutson (1874–1959), of
wider attempt, as a hydraulic engineer, to understand and the State Survey in Western Australia, made analogous obser-
synthesize the nature and progress of drainage systems. In vations and offered a similar explanation (Jutson, 1914). The
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 81

A A early observations were mostly descriptive, and offered little

insight into the processes involved. However, a more quanti-
tative approach began to develop during the first half of the
B twentieth century, later spurred by the Dust Bowl event of the
B American Great Plains in the 1930s. This catastrophe led to
(a) numerous studies on wind erosion, aeolian dust, and their
economic implications, for example, in the Wind Erosion
Project initiated at Kansas State University in 1947 and in
other studies sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agri-
B culture. Many wind-tunnel studies were conducted and a
B Wind Erosion Equation was proposed by William Chepil
(b) (1904–47) and his colleagues that took account of soil erod-
ibility, wind energy and direction, soil-surface roughness,
A A sheltering effects, and vegetation cover.
The above research, of much practical value to agriculture,
followed in large measure on the initiative shown in the
B B interwar period by Ralph Alger Bagnold (1896–1990), de-
scribed by Goudie (2008: 787) as ‘bestrid(ing) twentieth-
century aeolian studies like a colossus.’ Bagnold was a British
Figure 11 The formation of tors, according to D.L. Linton (1955): (a) army officer who fought in both world wars, studied engin-
jointed rock; (b) subsurface weathering in jointed rock; (c) residual eering at Cambridge after the Great War and spent some of the
material after erosion of weathered rock. Reproduced from Linton, interwar years in the Middle East and India. He gained much
D.L., 1955. The problem of tors. Geographical Journal 121, 470–487,
field experience in the deserts of Egypt and Libya, successfully
with permission from Wiley-Blackwell.
conducting ‘impossible’ journeys in early model-A Ford cars
(Bagnold, 1930). But having being invalided out of the army
due to an illness he was appointed to Imperial College,
idea reemerged in Africa in the 1930s with the work of Bailey
London, where he conducted wind-tunnel experiments on
Willis and E. James Wayland (1888–1966), Director of the
sand and developed models for aeolian transport.
Ugandan Geological Survey. Willis suggested the word ‘etch’
Bagnold was interested in the physics of sand grains being
for subsurface weathering at the base of the regolith and
entrained and transported by wind and the processes whereby
Wayland (1933: 79) put the idea into print. Then Linton
ripples, dunes, barchans, and seifs were formed. To investigate
(1955) applied the idea to explain the origin of English tors
these phenomena experimentally, he constructed a wind tunnel
on Dartmoor and the Pennines (Figure 11). Linton’s model
with a fan at one end to drive sand grains down the tunnel, the
stressed the importance of deep weathering rather than direct
fan being able to create varied wind speeds. Pressure differences
dependence on stream erosion.
within the tunnel could be ascertained at different heights
The concept of two-stage erosion or double planation
above its floor by a specially designed manometer. The tunnel,
(doppelten Einebnugsflächen) was advanced in 1957 by Büdel
with its glass sides, was strongly illuminated so that the moving
(1961), Prof. of Geography at the University of Würtzburg. He
sand-grains could be observed and photographed (Bagnold,
explained how plains might be depositional surfaces outside
1936). From his laboratory studies and theoretical consider-
the tropics but erosional surfaces within the tropics, where
ations, Bagnold derived the formula: q¼ Cr/g(d/D)1/2 V03,
double planation could readily occur, accompanied by the
where q is the mass transport of sand across a transport lane of
formation of wash-surfaces. In Europe, Büdel pointed to cases
unit width; C a dimensionless empirical constant that depended
where homogenous rock undergoing intermittent uplift had
on the degree and type of sand sorting; r the density of air; g the
produced stepped benches of (mountain)-rim-wash-pedi-
acceleration due to gravity; d the average grain diameter for the
ments, with surface lowering or weathering caused by etching.
sand; D a standard grain diameter for the sand used in Bag-
His ideas offered a via media between the ideas of Davis and
nold’s original experiments (0.025 cm); and V0  the friction
those of Walther Penck. Jack Mabbutt (1922–2008) (Mabbutt,
(drag or shear) velocity, proportional to the square root of the
1961), Prof. of Geography at the University of New South
shear stress between the wind and the sheet of moving sand
Wales, proposed the term ‘weathering front’ for the interface of
when it began to move as the wind velocity was increased
fresh and weathered rock, which worked its way downward as
(Bagnold, 1941: 67). He depicted the movement of sand grains
etching proceeded. A history of this concept has been pro-
being driven along by wind in the cartoon reproduced in
vided by Twidale (2002).
Figure 12.
Bagnold considered the formation of sand ripples by im-
agining small random depressions in an initial surface. When
1.5.15 The Movement of Sand and Soil by Wind: sand grains blow across a depression, one side will receive
Bagnold’s Investigations more impacts than the other. In consequence, the sand surface
will change its profile to one in which there is a windward and
Aeolian geomorphology traces its origins to nineteenth- a leeward side, and this asymmetry will lead to the formation
century European reports of arid-land features in Asia and of small ridges (more grains being blown upslope on the
Africa, in which Davis showing only passing interest. But these windward side than fall on the leeward side). So ridges or
82 Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

ripples begin to form, whose wavelengths may be calculated seif, by the occasional action of winds from a direction different
relative to wind speed. from the prevailing wind (Figure 13). Bagnold’s overall treat-
Strong winds, acting on dry sand, would give rise to dunes ment of aeolian landforms was mathematical, physical, and
rather than ripples, and the dune forms can move as wind experimental, but became more qualitative when considering
transfers sand over their crests from windward to leeward. Dune macroforms such as dunes (rather than ripples), which could
asymmetry is increased by wind eddying on the leeward side. not be investigated experimentally.
Bagnold’s first discussion referred to a ‘long’ dune, where the
activities at its two ends could be ignored. But in general the
height of a dune is greatest at its mid-point so there is more sand 1.5.16 Conclusion
to move there. At the ends, where there is less sand to move,
material may be blown forward more easily and a dune may Early in this essay, the ideas of William Morris Davis were
become a crescent-shaped barchan. Bagnold also suggested how presented as functioning as a Kuhnian paradigm for the study
a barchan might be transformed into a longitudinal dune, or of the evolution or development of landscapes. But Kuhn gave
numerous versions of what he meant by the term ‘paradigm.’
Here it has been used in perhaps the most useful of his several
senses: a paradigm is a successful piece of work that others
utilize and adapt in their own researches. This undoubtedly
occurred with Davis himself as he applied ideas developed
from his interpretations of Appalachian and New England
landscapes to proposals on the development of coastlines,
glacial landforms, coral reefs, and so on. He also had numer-
ous devoted followers, such as Taylor, Cotton, Baulig, Johnson,
Wooldridge, Linton, and to some extent Lester King, who were
able to adapt Davis’s evolutionary and historical approach as
an exemplar for their own studies. In that sense Davis’s work
was paradigmatic and it characterised many geomorphic
studies during the first half of the twentieth century.
Grainpaths over pabble surface On the other hand, there was no universal acceptance of
Davisian ideas. As we have seen, there were substantial
countervailing forces, emanating chiefly from the work of
the German scientific community. Moreover, one cannot say
that Davis’s doctrine ‘died by a thousand cuts’ – or the accu-
mulation of counter-evidence (anomalies) that eventually led
to a Kuhnian scientific revolution. Rather, the Davisian model
became exhausted: it could not answer some interesting
Grain paths over loose sand surface kinds of questions, such as those investigated by Hjulström
and Bagnold. Nor did it cope well when applied to arid lands.
0 5 10 cm Its basic premise of rapid uplift followed by successive stages
of erosion came to be seen as simplistic or implausible.
Figure 12 Motions of sand-grains observed in Bagnold’s wind-
So even as Davisian principles dominated the thinking of
tunnel experiments. Reproduced from Bagnold, R.A., 1941. The
many geomorphologists, the work of the likes of Gilbert,
Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes. Methuen, London, 265 pp,
with permission from Methuen. Leighly, Hjulström, Rubey, Horton, and Bagnold heralded the

(a) s
g A
s s g D
g s
s (e)

Figure 13 Conversion of a barchan to a seif. g¼ direction of prevailing wind; s¼ direction of occasional storm winds.
Geomorphology in the First Half of the Twentieth Century 83

onset of a more quantitative approach to geomorphology. The Daly, R.A., 1915. The glacial control theory of coral reefs. Proceedings of the
quantitative revolution was yet to come. Eventually a new American Academy of Arts and Sciences 51, 155–251.
Dana, J.D., 1853. On Coral Reefs and Islands. Putnam, New York, 143 pp.
mathematical and experimental geomorphology appeared
Darwin, C., 1842. The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. Smith Elder,
on stage around 1950, with landforms and land-forming London, 214 pp.
processes being subjected to measurement and analysis rather Darwin, C., 1887. The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Edited by his Son,
than being constrained to denudation chronologies imposed Francis Darwin. In Three Volumes: – vol. I. John Murray, London, 395 pp.
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Biographical Sketch

Prof. David Oldroyd spent his academic career teaching History and Philosophy of Science at the University of
New South Wales and has published extensively in the history of geosciences. He is currently editor of ‘Earth
Sciences History’ and was Secretary General of the International Commission on the History of Geological
Sciences (INHIGEO) for eight years.

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