The History of Arnis in The Philippines

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The history of Arnis, also known as Eskrima or Kali, is deeply intertwined with
the rich cultural heritage of the Philippines. The origins of Arnis can be traced
back to pre-colonial times when the indigenous peoples of the Philippines
developed fighting techniques for self-defense and warfare. These early martial
arts systems laid the foundation for what would later become Arnis.
During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines in the 16th century, the
practice of indigenous martial arts was suppressed by the Spanish authorities,
who sought to control and subjugate the local population. However, Filipinos
continued to secretly practice their martial arts, often disguising them as cultural
dances or forms of entertainment to evade Spanish scrutiny.
The term "Arnis" is believed to have originated from the Spanish word "arnés,"
meaning armor or protective gear. This suggests that the art may have been
developed as a means for Filipinos to defend themselves against Spanish
conquistadors who were armed with swords and armor.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Arnis experienced a revival as the
Philippines struggled for independence from colonial rule. Martial arts masters
began openly teaching Arnis as a means of preserving Filipino culture and
heritage, and it became an integral part of the national identity.
In the modern era, Arnis has gained international recognition as an effective
martial art system, with practitioners all over the world studying its techniques
for self-defense, sport, and personal development. Various styles and systems of
Arnis have emerged, each with its own unique techniques and training methods,
but all rooted in the traditional principles of Filipino martial arts.
Overall, the history of Arnis reflects the resilience and resourcefulness of the
Filipino people, who have preserved and passed down their martial arts heritage
through generations despite centuries of colonialism and oppression. Today,
Arnis continues to thrive as a dynamic and evolving martial art, embodying the
spirit of Filipino resilience and cultural pride.
Arnis, also known as Eskrima or Kali, is a traditional Filipino martial art that
focuses on weapon-based fighting, particularly with sticks, knives, and other
bladed weapons. It also encompasses empty-hand techniques, grappling, and
disarming techniques. Arnis is known for its practicality, efficiency, and
adaptability, making use of both offensive and defensive maneuvers. It has a
rich history in Filipino culture and has gained international recognition as a
highly effective martial art system.
The 12 basic strikes of Arnis, also known as the Doce Pares (Spanish for
"Twelve Pairs"), are foundational techniques in the practice of this Filipino
martial art. They are typically taught to beginners as they provide a solid
understanding of the fundamental movements and angles involved in Arnis.

The 12 basic strikes are as follows:

1. Forehand strike
2. Backhand strike
3. Downward diagonal strike
4. Upward diagonal strike
5. Thrust
6. Horizontal strike
7. Backhand upward diagonal strike
8. Backhand downward diagonal strike
9. Backhand thrust
10. Reverse forehand strike
11. Reverse backhand strike
12. Reverse thrust

These strikes can be executed with various weapons, including sticks, knives, or
improvised objects, and are often practiced in combination with footwork and
defensive maneuvers. Mastering these basic strikes is crucial for progressing in
Arnis and developing more advanced techniques and combinations.
Twelve Striking Techniques in Arnis
Self-defense refers to a set of techniques, strategies, and skills employed to
protect oneself from physical harm or danger. It encompasses a wide range of
actions that individuals may take to defend themselves from an attacker or
aggressor in situations where they perceive a threat to their safety or well-being.

Self-defense techniques can include both physical and non-physical methods,

such as:
1. Physical techniques: These involve using physical force to neutralize or
repel an attacker. This may include striking, blocking, grappling, joint locks,
throws, and other martial arts techniques.
2. Verbal assertiveness: Communicating assertively and setting clear
boundaries can sometimes defuse a potential confrontation before it escalates
into violence. Verbal self-defense techniques involve using assertive language,
de-escalation tactics, and verbal commands to deter an attacker.
3. Awareness and avoidance: Being aware of one's surroundings and potential
threats is a key aspect of self-defense. Avoiding dangerous situations whenever
possible and recognizing warning signs can help individuals prevent
confrontations before they occur.
4. Situational awareness: Assessing the environment and identifying potential
escape routes or safe havens can be crucial in self-defense situations. Being
mentally prepared and alert to potential threats can improve one's ability to
respond effectively to danger.
5. Self-defense tools: Carrying and knowing how to use self-defense tools such
as pepper spray, stun guns, personal alarms, or improvised objects can provide
individuals with additional options for defending themselves in threatening

Self-defense training often emphasizes the importance of staying calm, focused, and
confident under pressure. It aims to empower individuals to protect themselves and others
from harm while minimizing the risk of injury. Additionally, self-defense techniques should
be proportionate to the level of threat and used only as a last resort when other options for de-
escalation or escape are not feasible.
Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices that have
been practiced for various purposes such as self-defense, physical fitness,
mental and spiritual development, sport competition entertainment, and cultural
preservation. The term "martial arts" encompasses a wide range of disciplines
originating from different regions of the world, each with its own unique
techniques, philosophies, and traditions.
Martial arts can be classified into several categories based on their
characteristics and origins:
1. Striking arts: These martial arts primarily focus on striking techniques using
various parts of the body, such as punches, kicks, elbows, and knees. Examples
include Karate, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Boxing.
2. Grappling arts: Grappling arts emphasize controlling and manipulating an
opponent through grappling, wrestling, and submission techniques, including
joint locks, chokeholds, and takedowns. Examples include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu,
Judo, Sambo, and Wrestling.
3. Weapon-based arts: Weapon-based martial arts involve the use of traditional
or modern weapons for combat, self-defense, or artistic expression. Examples
include Kendo (Japanese swordsmanship), Eskrima (Filipino stick fighting),
Fencing, and Kalaripayattu (Indian martial art).
4. Mixed martial arts (MMA): MMA combines techniques from various
martial arts disciplines, including striking, grappling, and ground fighting, into a
comprehensive combat sport. It has gained popularity worldwide through
organizations such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
5. Traditional martial arts: These are martial arts systems that have been
practiced for centuries and often have deep cultural and philosophical roots.
They may emphasize discipline, respect, and self-improvement as much as
combat skills. Examples include Kung Fu, Aikido, Hapkido, and Capoeira.
Martial arts training typically involves physical conditioning, technical drills, sparring, forms
(also known as kata or patterns), and sometimes meditation or philosophical study. Beyond
physical skills, martial arts also often promote values such as discipline, respect, humility,
perseverance, and self-control.
While martial arts have practical applications for self-defense and combat, many practitioners
also engage in them for personal development, fitness, stress relief, and enjoyment.
Additionally, martial arts play a significant role in cultural heritage, identity, and community
bonding in many societies around the world.

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