Wordlist1 6

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File-by-file list of active words English File 1

us (obj pron) /Vs/

File 6 Was / were /w@z, wQz/, /w@, w3:/
alone /@"l@Un/ What about? /"wQt @"baUt/
ashtray /"&StreI/ Which? /wIÍ/
awful /"O:fl/ Why not? /"waI "nQt/
back (n) /b&k/ yesterday /"jest@deI/
because /bI"kQz/ you (obj pron) /ju:/
(a) bit /bIt/ 3 House 
(the) blues (n) /blu:z/
body /"bQdI/
boring /"bO:rIN/
brilliant /"brIlI@nt/
CD /si: "di:/
clue /klu:/
coffee table /"kQfI teIbl/
corner /"kO:n@/
country and western /kVntrI @nd
cushion (n) /"kUSn/
dark (blue) /dA:k/
garage /"g&rIÙ, "g&rA:Z/
glass (n) /glA:s/
great /greIt/
gun /gVn/
hand (n) /h&nd/
her (obj pron) /h3:/
him /hIm/
How big? /"haU bIg/
ideal (adj) /aI"di:@l/
interesting /"intrestIN/
it (obj pron) /It/
knife (pl knives) /naIf (naIvz)/
last (night) /lA:st ("naIt)/
Let’s see. /lets "si:/
light (blue) /laIt/
lovely /"lVvlI/
me (obj pron) /mi:/
modern /"mQd@n/
murder (n and v) /"m3:d@/
murderer /"m3:d@r@/
musician /mju:"zISn/
note (n) /n@Ut/
nothing special /nVTIN "speSl/
past simple /pA:st "sImpl/
plant (n) /plA:nt/
platform /"pl&tfO:m/
(swimming) pool /pu:l/
pop (music) /"pQp/
price /praIs/
(object) pronoun /"pr@UnaUn/
return (ticket) (n) /rI"t3:n/
revision /rI"vIZn/
silent (‘r’) /"saIl@nt/
single (ticket) (n) /"sINgl/
stool /stu:l/
terrible /"terIbl/
them /D@m, Dem/
thing /TIN/
think of /"TINk Qv, @v/
unusual /Vn"ju:ZU@l/
upstairs (prep) /Vp"ste@z/

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