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1. Name, age, family, what do you do (home school, part of community called YWAM), religion
2. Could you explain to me the story of how and why you and your family came here?
3. What is your native language?
4. Did you have to learn a new language by coming here and how was that?
5. How is education handled in your culture in comparison to here? you could tell what you have
heard from others about the school system
6. What kind of celebration do you have in your culture that are different from here?
7. What was a big culture shock when you came here?
8. In which way are the two countries most similar
9. In which way are the two countries most different
10. What is your favourite dish from your culture and from italian culture.
11. What would you say is the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture
12. Where do you feel most at home and why?
13. Is that also the culture you like most?
14. Do you ever experience problems because of your origins?
15. Have you ever been treated differently from others or felt discriminated?
16. What do you think about negativity on crime and unemployment
17. What do you think of the dutch political discussion about people from differnt origins
18. Are you proud you can call yourself costa rican
19. What is the most difficult thing about moving to a different country
20. Whats one thing you wish more people knew about your culture
21. How do you greet people in your culture and here
22. What is something you have adapted from this culture
23. What does your culture value the most
24. What does this culture
25. I fyou could move back would you
26. Do you think you will move back when you are old enough

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