Wordlist1 8

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File-by-file list of active words English File 1

tin /tIn/
File 9 try (on) /traI/
(have an) accident /"&ksId@nt/ uncountable (noun) /Vn"kaUnt@bl/
accountant /@"kaUnt@nt/ useful /"ju:sfl/
adverb /"&dv3:b/ valuable /"v&ljU@bl/
angrily /"&Ngr@lI/ worse /w3:s/
(have a) baby /"beIbI/
badly /"b&dlI/
beans /bi:nz/
beautifully /"bju:tIflI/
better /"bet@/
box (of) /bQks/
careful /"ke@fUl/
carefully /"ke@flI/
carrots /"k&r@ts/
carton /"kA:tn/
changing room /"ÍeInÙIN rUm/
cloud (n) /klaUd/
common /"kQm@n/
comparative /k@m"p&r@tIv/
countable (noun) /"kaUnt@bl/
dangerous /"deInÙ@r@s/
deep /di:p/
Earth /3:T/
easily /"i:z@lI/
enjoyable /In"ÙOI@bl/
fall (in love) /fO:l/
fat (n) /f&t/
gram /gr&m/
happily /"h&p@lI/
heavy /"hevI/
hope (so) /"h2@Up/
kilo /"ki:l@U/
kilogram /"ki:l@gr&m/
kilometre /kI"lQmIt@, "kIl@mi:t@/
less /les/
(shopping) list /lIst/
(run a) marathon /"m&r@T@n/
margarine /mA:Ù@"ri:n/
maybe /"meIbi:/
mine (possess pron) /maIn/
Moon /mu:n/
move (house) /mu:v/
nervous /"n3:v@s/
nervously /"n3:v@slI/
of course /@v "kO:s/
oil (n) /OIl/
other /"VD@/
petrol (n) /"petr@l/
predict /prI"dIkt/
quickly /"kwIklI/
quiet /"kwaI@t/
quietly /"kwaI@tlI/
secretly /"si:kr@tlI/
sexily /"seks@lI/
sexy /"seksI/
Shepherd’s pie /Sep@dz "paI/
(What) size? /saIz/
smile (v) /smaIl/
something /"sVmTIN/
(meet a) stranger /"streInÙ@/

© Oxford University Press

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