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Normal Question – Are You A Yogi or A Bhogi?

The New Normal Question –

Are You A Yogi or A Viyogi?

16-09-2020 1
The Team That Created A History of Reaching 1L YPMM in 14 Months in 2002

16-09-2020 2
Today They Meet Over The New Normal & Professional Excellence
Life Be gins… Anytime!
W h e n e v e r Yo u W a k e U p … I t ‟ s G o o d M o r n i n g …

@ Five Senses & Beyond

Zoom Meeting with

Aroop Ghosh

“The New Normal & Professional Excellence”

September 13, 2020 Sunday, 16.59 – 19.00 Hrs

“The New Normal
Professional Excellence”

“Five Senses & Beyond”

Aroop Ghosh
Zoom Meeting
Sept 13, 2020

16-09-2020 4

Ability to Communicate at the

Right Time without noise is

The New Normal…

16-09-2020 5
Creating & Raising NOISE Level was Normal
Making Communication is The New Normal

16-09-2020 6
What According to You is The New Normal?
Examples/ anecdotes in short
Please avoid repetition …
Raise your index finger…
Speak one at a time...
You Have 30 Sec Max…

16-09-2020 7
What is / was Normal… Then?

16-09-2020 8
Some Teasers Follow…

16-09-2020 9
Days Before Dec 2019 – Jan 2020 was Normal?

Maintaining Status Quo Was Normal?

Making More Profit Was Normal?
Being Self Centred Was Normal?
10 Drs. 5 Chs Twice a Month Was Normal?
Staying Satisfied @ Work Was Normal?
10.00 to 18.00 Office Was Normal?
Bullying the Weak Was Normal?
Give less & Take more Was Normal?
16-09-2020 10
Weekend Shopping Mall/ Multiplex Show was Normal?

Sat_dine_out/ Lavish Sunday Lunch is Normal?

Rich Becomes Richer is Normal?

Hungry Remains Unfed is Normal?
Throwing Waste into Open is Normal?
„Crowded Local Trains‟ was Normal?
Bargain with A Hawker is Normal?
Living in Hurry, Curry, Worry is Normal?
Carbon Harassment to Nature is Normal?

Felling Trees is Normal? 11
The New Normal?

What‟s This?

16-09-2020 12
New Proverbs in English language?
1. A sneeze, in time... infects nine!
2. All that sniffles has caught a cold!
3. Home stay is the best policy!
4. One man's mask is another man's poison!
5. An unmasked guy is the Covid's workshop!
6. As you spray, so shall you reap!
7. Don't count your chickens before next March!
8. Every cough has its spray!
9. Rome was not infected in a day!
The Normal That We Thought Real
Was Our Creation

The Domino Effect

Denied Was Unreal

The Normal That We Thought Real

16-09-2020Was Not Natural… 14
Is New Normal…?

The New Normal

Is it By Chance or A Visible Change?
16-09-2020 15

Your Chance To Change? 16
16-09-2020 17
Be With The New Waves…
The New Normal is Like Huge Unforeseen Wave

Go With The Flow Head On…

16-09-2020 18
Wet Your Feet in Safe Water…
Stay Away From The Waves…


16-09-2020 19
The New Normal Manifests of
Cohesion / Cohesiveness in Thinking…

16-09-2020 20
Cohesiveness In Management Moves is
Essential to Make Things Happen:

16-09-2020 21
Cohesiveness In Management Moves Like:
Work From Home

Reopening Office with Compulsive Orders

Finance Policies like Pay Cut, Zero Incentive

HR/ Admin Policies Like Social Distancing,

Sanitization, Hygiene Factors – Physical &
Emotional, Usage of Mask, Gloves, PPE Kit,
Washing Hands, Community Eating Etc.
16-09-2020 22
The New Normal Speaks of
Outperforming The Past Strategies

16-09-2020 23
The New Normal Is Beating Your Own
Self / Upgrade Your Old Standards

16-09-2020 24
The New Normal is About Exceling…

16-09-2020 25
If you have not been feeling so, you are truly a
part of The New Normal…

If you have been feeling so, you are not a part of

The New Normal… Planning Obsolescence?

If You do not Change… The Change is

Going to Get Better of You…
16-09-2020 26
16-09-2020 27
Disaster Management Strategy is A Misnomer To
Us Across the Planet Except China
If We Blocked Arrival of All Foreign Flights in Jan20

Had We Sealed All Inter State Borders in Jan 20

Had We Parked Additional Funds to Health

Had We Asked All Tailors to Stitch PPE Kit, Mask,
Gloves etc in Jan „20 itself…

Had We Given All State Govt. Clear Advisory

Had we had True Scientific Guidelines from WHO/
ICMR in Jan 20 itself
Had We Introduced Lock-down1 in Jun/Jul20
16-09-2020 28
The Work of Ministry of Disaster
Management Begins Well Before The
Disaster Arrives and Not Months
After the Rampaging Arrival of it…

16-09-2020 29
The New Normal is About
Discovering “E” in You…

16-09-2020 30
The New Normal is About Bare Essentials

The New Normal is About Reorganising…

16-09-2020 31

Can You Decipher Those Adjectives?

16-09-2020 32
Check How Many Are in Use for YOU
List of Strategic Words That Start With E
More than 60 strategic words starting with E (still growing).
Essentials, Efficiency, Effect, Effective, Endurance, Extend, Easy,
Enormous, Energy, Enlargement, Enrichment, Enticing, Energetic,
Empathy, Earn, Enthusiasm, Earth, Ease, Effort, Efficient, Emerge,
Enable, Engage, Enjoy, Enlivening, Enough, Entertainment, Ensure,
Essential, Establish, Estimate, Everyday, Everything, Everywhere,
Everyone, Exact, Excitement, Exchange, Excel, Excellent,
Excellence, Elite, Edifice, Edification, Education, Exploration,
Eloquence, Emanate, Emancipation , Enact, Enter, Entrance,
Envision, Epitome, EQ, Equation, Equal, Equality, Equanimity,
Equitable, Ergonomics, Esteem, Eternal, Eulogy, Evaluation…

And How Much is in Use for YOU

16-09-2020 33
The New Normal is About
Finding 4E in 1 Word in YOU…

16-09-2020 34
The New Normal is About Finding That
E in YOU…
16-09-2020 35
The New Normal Has Got To Be
16-09-2020 36
The Strategic New Normal
Must Be Strategically Sharp!
16-09-2020 37
32.50 Cr.


00.85 Cr.

16-09-2020 38
Is Your Strategy Too Generic
Somewhat Different?

Either way it‟s going to bomb

16-09-2020 39
Is It Similar To What Others Are Doing in The New Normal

Like Webinars, What‟sApp Meeting, Mailing, Partially

Following Safety & Social Distancing Norms ?

It‟s going to bomb either

16-09-2020 40
The Whole Planet is Faced With Covid 19 Pandemic

Which is Much More What The Eyes Meet

Conquer The Fear… Adapt to The

16-09-2020 41
If This Picture is Symbolic of The New Normal…

Then How Effective Are You in Your STRATEGIC Move?

16-09-2020 42
Is Your Strategic Move Equipped With…

Timing, Intensity (Thump Off Jump) & Frequency?
16-09-2020 44
Are You Fully In Charge of Your Resources?

When Did You Last Have A Thorough

Audit of Your Resources?

Are You In Possession of The Latest

& Prognostic Resources?

16-09-2020 45
Are You Comfortable in The New
Normal With Your Job / Career?

Do People Look Up To You As A Red

Ocean Manager or A Blue Ocean

Where Does Your Market Exist –

Mind or Matter?
16-09-2020 46
How Do You Envisage Next 5 Years in
Your Professional & Personal Life?

Can You Think of Creating Yourself

Anew in The New Normal?
16-09-2020 47
You Got to Inculcate New Habits

Vague Objectives Misguide You & Your

Team in The New Normal…

What‟s Truly New in Your Strategy in

The New Normal?
16-09-2020 48
Seek Help. Take Help. Create Anew.

Know Your Machinery & Tools @ 360

Build Your Brand/s With The New

Normal Strategic Sharpness…

16-09-2020 49
Personal Excellence Leads to…

Strategic Professional Excellence

Competence & Commitment are Bilateral Limbs.

You Can‟t Do With One for the Other…
16-09-2020 50
Go Truly Strategic…

Get Effectively Trained…

Stay Continuously Tuned…

16-09-2020 51
Normal Question – Are You A Yogi or A Bhogi?

The New Normal Question –

Are You A Yogi or A Viyogi?

16-09-2020 52
Ask Questions…

16-09-2020 53
Thank You…

proXLence Inc.
E. Mail:
Mobile: +919830012071

proXLence Inc.Web: E.

16-09-2020 Mail: Mobile: 54

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