UM Bahasa Inggris

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1. Mr. Jumari : " now we want to study about the teks please ........ Your book page 25 !

Student : " Allright sir !"

A. Open


C. Take

D. Put

2. Bayu : "Excuse me"

" My pencil is broken , May I borrow yours ?"

Revo :" .............."

Bayu : " Thanks "

A. Yes ,you may not

B. No , you may not

C. Sure, here it is

D. I am busy

3. Rika : Hi, what are you doing anton ?

Anton : I'm playing game online in hanphone !

Tina : ............ To operate it anton ?

Anton : connect to internet ,than choose the game that you like , and you can play it

Tina : thank you !

A. What

B. How

C. Who

D. When

4. Mother : happy birthday my son !

Doni : thank you mon ! What you bring to me on my birthday ?

Mother : I gave you a new bicycle for your gift this year .

Doni : ..........

Mother : You are wellcome

A. I amsorry

B. Thank you
C. I am sad

D. I am happy


............. On your succes in winning in the badminton

competition this year Roni it was a tough competition .
We are so proud of you , we wish you the best always !

5. The suitable word to complete the greeting card is....

A. Happy birthday

B. Congrotulation

C. Happy mother day

D. Happy new year

6. Mr. Rahmat : " we have flag ceremony on monday , Don't forget to come early "

Naila : Yes sir ! We must ...... The flag ceremony

A. Attend

B. Avoid

C Stand Up

D. See

7. Teacher : " Ok class! Are you ready to start our study ?"

Student : " Yes mom "

Teacher : " Please.......twenty One "

A. Close your book

B. Bring your book

C. Open your book

D. Show your book


Mr.ubed : We usually see this sign in the road .The sign mean..

Salsa :.........

A. Don’t parking here!

B. Don’t stop here!
C. Becarefull!
D. Parking area!

9. The student of the sixth grade have the english class

Mrs.Ika : "I will write sentence on the blackboard , but there is no chalk ............"

Nanda : Yes mis !

A. Would you please to put the chalk

B.Would you please to clean the chalk

C.Would you please to take the chalk

D. Would you please to write the chalk

10. Dika : Do you mind ....... To my song ?

Chika : No problem , I will listen to you .

A. Listen

B. Listened

C. To listen

D. Listening


Tono : " What are they doing ?"

Sasa : they are ....... English in the class

A. Doing

B. Playing

C. Studying

D. Running

12 Based on the picture , we know that....

a.The school is very dirty

b.The school is very clean

c.The school is far

d.The school is near

13. Rosa :" I lost my pancil "

Rosi : can to look for your pencil "

Rosa :" certainly

Rosi " thank you so much rosa "

A. Ask

B. Borrow

C. Help

D. Lend

14. Nina : “.......... in the classroom?”

Nisa : “ I want to study and doing some exercise”

A.Where are you

B.What are you doing

C.With whom

D.Which one

15. Today is Monday, Mr. John is teaching English in fifthclass. The classroom is very dirty. Mr John
ask thestudents to....

a. Clean the classroom

b. Wipe the mirror

c. Clean the window

d. Clean the black board

16.Bian: “ me to put my book on the shelf?” Rose :“Certainly.”

A.May I

B.May you

C.Can I

D.Can you
17. Dear : yulia

Let’s have fun together in my birthday party at :

Day/date : Sunday/March 19 ,2017

Time : 10.00 am

Place: …

The complete the blank is …


B.10.00 am

C.My house, on mawar street no. 1

D.Sunday, March 19, 2017

18.Long time ago in West Java lived a beautiful girl namedDayang Sumbi. She was also smart and
clever....…. Did the Dayang Sumbi’s story from? West Java





19. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named RoroJonggrang. She is very famous around
the country. Everyman wanted to marry her.Who is the beautiful girl?

She is….

a.Roro Jonggrang

b.Roro Mendut

c.Bandung Bondowoso

d.Dayang sumbi

20. One day,there was an old woman lived alone in themiddle of jungle.Suddenly,she got a baby
from a big cucumber.She named the baby’Timun Mas’.Timun mas growed as a beautiful , kind, and
diligent girl.From the story above, what we can learn from Timun mas?

a.Timun Mas was beautiful and diligent girl

b.Timun Mas was very lazy

c.Timun Mas was not kind but diligent

d.Timun Mas was beautiful but arrogant

21. Sekar: “Hi friends, Let’s play ……..... in the schoolyard.”

Arum: “Ok, I like it.”

a. tug of war

b. gunny sack race

c. skipping rope

d. hide and seek

22. Ana : “All the students of 6th grade are in the classroom.”

Anni : “What are they doing?”

Ana : “They are making some clippings.”

Anni : “...........?”

Ana : “ Every student need paper, glues, and sticks.”

a.What are they buy?

b.How much money they need?

c.What material they need?

d.What time they do it?



To : The student of 6th grade

Next week we will have the final exam. I hope you prepare yourselves with praying and .........hard,
so that youcan pass the exam. We wish you all the best. Good luck.


The Announcement tell us about....

A.Final exam

B.Study tour

C.Pray together

D.Flag ceremony


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