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ELTON: Good afternoon, today marks another milestone in the history of Theresian School of Cavite, as we
roll the ball out on this 6th year of the Recognition Day program. To start with today’s culmination, ladies and
gentlemen, the Processional.
ANGEL: Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to present to you the awardees, parents of the awardees,
members of the faculty, and school officials of Theresian School of Cavite
ELTON: Let us welcome the awardees of Grade 11 students of STEM, ABM, HUMSS & ICT
ANGEL: Let us all rise for the entrance of colors ushered by CAT COQC officers followed by the doxology to
be rendered to us by selected student awardees and for the National Anthem to be conducted by
ELTON: Please be seated. Today is the culmination of all hard work and a year of study. It is a day when the
students can say, I have made it! It is also a day when we gather and celebrate success and it is the most
rewarding date in our academic calendar. This day is a special day for all the senior high school students who
deserve to be recognized together with their loving and supportive parents.
ANGEL: I agree with you Sir ELTON, remember that each recognition day is not the end but a new beginning
to a new horizon and journey of your career,
Students, dear parents, guests, faculty, and administrators
BOTH: Welcome to the 6th Recognition Day Program of Theresian School of Cavite Academic year 2022-2023
ANGEL: Ladies and gentlemen, let us now listen to ___________________________ for her welcome
[Welcome Remarks]
ELTON: Thank you, ___________________________________ for that very heartwarming remarks.
ANGEL: Now, let us lend our ears and open our hearts to the inspirational message of
___________________________________, one of the merit recipient awardees from __________________( gr
& sec)
ELTON: Thank you __________________________________ for that very inspiring message
ANGEL: Let us now proceed to the most awaited part, the awarding of medals to the deserving students.
ELTON: Let us have the Academic awardees given to students who have successfully proven their worth in
terms of performance and participation which brought them to the top proven by their academic ratings and
exemplary performance in all subject areas.
May we request, that the awardees be ready to receive your awards.
AWARDING******see list of awardees from the program
ANGEL: May we request the parents of the awardees to please accompany your sons and daughters in coming
up the stage to receive the awards May we also request our school officials to give the awards
ELTON: Congratulations to everyone and to the proud parents
ANGEL: Let us now listen to the beautiful voices of the student awardees as they sing
ANGEL: Academic year 2018-2019 is indeed a very fruitful and productive year to all of us. The proof is our
list of awardees plus our performers. TSCians exemplify a showcase of talents. The whole TSC family and
community would like to extend our deepest congratulations to our dear parents and students.
ELTON: In line with that, we are requesting everyone to please rise for the Theresian Hymn to be conducted by
ANGEL: Please be seated. As we end today’s program, may we call on Ms.
________________________________________ for the Closing remarks
Closing Remarks
ELTON : May we request everyone to please rise for the closing prayer to be led to us by
ANGEL : This has been Ms. ANGEL Lord Daroy
Teo: And Mr. ELTON Calderon
Both: Saying good day and Mabuhay!!!!
Both: God bless everyone

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