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Age-related development terms are:

Newborn (ages 0-1month);
Infant (ages 1month-1year);
Toddler (ages1-3years);
Preschooler (ages 4-6years);
School-aged child (ages 6-11years);
Adolescent (ages 11-18)


The speed of physical growth is rapid in the months after birth, and then slows…

Birth weight is doubled in the first four months

Tripled by age 12months but not quadrupled until 24months.

Head circumference at birth

Preterm, grows 0.5cm 1-2 weeks
0.75cm – 3 weeks
1cm – 4 weeks and after

Term, circumference of 34- 35cm at birth

6months 44 cm
1 yr 47cm

3months- 12months= Age (months) + 9/2

1 yr to 6 yrs = Age + 4 x 2

Age (yr) x 6 + 7 = HT works for 2- 12 years

UBS/ LBS (Upper Body Segment/ Lower Body Segment)

1.7 At birth
1.3 At birth
1 after 7 year
Dentitions start at 6 to 9months delayed if more than 13months


 Sucking and Rooting reflex, birth 4/12 awake and 6/12 asleep
 Palmar grasp 3/12
 Placing step 3/12
 Laudau reflex, Stage 1 prone with hand under abdomen extend head, trunk and hip 4/12
Stage 2 flex head follow by trunk and hip 9/12 to 2years
 ATNR Fencing reflex head rotated one side extension ipsilateral upper and lower same side and
flexion of opposite side
> 6/12 UMNL CP
* Neck righting reflex rotation of trunk toward head when rotated 6/12- 2 years
* Moro reflex birth- 4-12 months
* Parachute reflex sudden head down toward the floor extension of arm to break fall 6/12- 12/12
Asymmetry Hemiplegia

1 month sucking/ rooting

3 months head lag
6 months roll back to tummy
9 months sit unaided


3/ 12 grasp object
4/ 12 reaches for object
6/ 12 thumb to finger grasp
12/ 12 turn over the page of book, helps dressing
13/ 12 scribble
15/ 12 spoon feed, build tower 2 cube
22/ 12 build tower 6 cubes


2 months, stare momentarily at a spot when object remove

4 months, stare at own hands self discovery
8 months, bang two cubes together/ uncover object
12months, play pretend
17 months, reach toy using stick/ pretend play with doll


1/ 12 smiling
9/ 12 stranger anxiety
12/ 12 use mother as secure base
18/ 12 independence

3 months, cooing
4 months, laughs
6 months, babbling
10 months say mama and understands NO
12 months, one step command with gesture
15 months, one step command without gesture
18 months, points to body part


1. Weight for Age

2. Height for Age
3. BMI for Children > 2years
4. Weight for Height
5. Head Circumference for Age
At 0-3 months gain increase 2cm/ months
3- 6months 1cm/ month
6- 12months 0.5cm/ month
1-3years 0- 25cm/month
4- 6years 1cm/year

A) Neonates gain 20-30 grams/ day for first 3months from the end of the 2nd week of life
2-6months 20grams per day
6-9months 15grams per day
9-12months 12grams per day

B) Uterine factors determined the weight of babies and Genetic factors after 2 years
Measure of adipose city
Supra ileac and sub-scapular skin fold

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