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1.1. This document (hereinafter referred to as the “Payments Guide”) includes useful information for retail customers, so that they can benefit from the payment services offered
by ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam, Bucharest Branch, seated in Expo Business Park, Street Aviator Popisteanu, No. 54A, Building 3, District 1, Post code 012095, Bucharest, Romania,
registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/16100/1994 and with the Register of Credit Institutions under no. RB-PJS-40-024/18.02.1999, VAT Reg. No. RO 6151100,
telephone 40 21 222 16 00; fax +40 21 222 14 01; email (hereinafter referred to as “ING Bank” or the “Bank”). ING Bank is an institution operating under the
supervision of the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank N.V.), seated in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, Westeinde 1, Post code 1017 ZN, telephone +31 (0) 20 524 9111, fax
+31 (0) 20 524 2500, email, and of the Financial Markets Authority (Autoriteit Financiële Markten), seated in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, Vijzelgracht 50, Post code
1017 HS, telephone +31 (0) 20 797 2000, fax +31 (0) 20 797 3800, website The National Bank of Romania (seated in Street Lipscani, No. 25, District 3, Bucharest,
Post code 030031; telephone +40 21 313 04 10, +40 21 315 27 50; fax +40 21 312 38 31; email acts as a subsidiary supervisory authority.
1.2. This document is an integral part of ING Bank’s General Terms and Conditions for Retail Banking (“GTC”) agreed by the Customer at the date of establishing the contractual
relationship. For additional information on the processing of personal data, the Customer may consult the Information Note on the processing of personal data - part of CGA.
1.3. The Payments Guide, ING Bank’s General Terms and Conditions for Individuals, the General Terms and Conditions for Cards for Individuals and/or the General Conditions
for the provision of Home’Bank Service for Individuals (as applicable), the List of Fees and Commissions and the List of Interest Rates together constitute the framework contract
applicable to payment services provided by ING Bank.
1.4. The Payments Guide covers the following products: accounts (current and savings) and cards, including related Tokens, transactions: with/without cash and payment services:
direct debit - pre-authorized debit of the account, future payment orders (scheduled) - recurring or on-time, payments to a mobile phone number, internet payment transactions using
non-ING cards (cards issued by other credit institutions) and ING cards to an ING account. Payment transactions can be carried out via the following channels: Home’Bank, ATM,
Gold'Line, POS, using the platform/application the ING Home’Bank service is based on and, if approved in advance by ING Bank, via the Customer Relations Department.
1.5. “Home’Bank” - payment instrument with remote access of internet banking type provided by ING Bank to its customers that have a current account opened with the Bank or
who are authorized on the account of another individual client, an instrument used to carry out payments operations /service provided to the Customer by the Bank that allows: (i)
the execution of payment operations if the Customer has a current account with the Bank or is authorized on the account of another individual client, as well as (ii) operation
regarding the administration of the business relationship with the Bank, the operations being based on the Security Credentials. “ATM” (Automated Teller Machine) - the terminals
that allow the Customer, by inserting his/her ING Bank card and entering the PIN code, to make various payment transactions with cash (deposits and withdrawals) or without cash.
Additionally, starting with October 2022 in the case of ATMs with Contactless functionality, the Customer will be able to withdraw cash by: (i) approaching the Card / the smartphone
on which ING Pay is registered / the device on which the digital wallet application with a Token is installed near an ATM with Contactless functionality, in each case together with
(ii) entering the Card PIN. From ING`s ATMs with Contactless functionality, the Customer will be able to withdraw, using this Contactless functionality, only cash in RON, by
using a card attached to a current account in RON, including when it is used by means of a Token registered in a digital wallet application. In addition, the ATMs also allow cash
deposits, without the need to use a card, based on a cash deposit code that can be issued at ING Offices. “Gold'Line” - telephone line available from Monday to Sunday between
7:00 a.m. to 23:00 p.m. exclusively for customers who have purchased the ING Gold option. “POS” - terminal for the electronic transfer of funds at the selling point of the accepting
merchant; device enabling the collection, processing, storage and transmission of information on card payments made at the selling points of the accepting merchant. “Contactless
functionality” - technology enabling fast transactions, by simply holding the contactless card / the smartphone on which ING Pay is registered / the device the digital wallet
application with a Token is installed on near a Terminal displaying the “PayWave” logo and entering the PIN code and/or signing the receipt for the transaction and/or applying the
authentication method specific to the digital wallet application with Token, if applicable; the payments that can be performed without entering the PIN code and/or signing the
relevant receipt are those with an amount lower than the limit established by the Card Organizations; these limits are permanently displayed in the Bank's locations and on the
website and may be modified at any time by Card Organizations; “Token” - unique series of digits in digital format that ensures the secure substitution of the data of a
card enrolled in a digital wallet application accepted by the Bank. The token can be used through the digital wallet application to make contactless payments, using the NFC
technology, or for online payments to merchants that accept for payment cards issued under the Visa logo and display the option to pay using the digital wallet accepted by the Bank
or to withdraw cash from ATMs with Contactless functionality. The token increase transaction security, avoiding the storage of the card number by merchants.
2.1 In this document, the terms and expressions below will have the following meanings: “Authentication” - procedure allowing the payment service provider (PSP) to verify the
identity of a payment service user or the validity of the use of a certain payment instrument and which includes the use of the User's Security Credentials; “Strong Customer
Authentication (SCA)” - authentication based on the use of two or more elements categorized as knowledge (something only the user knows - e.g. PIN, password), possession
(something only the user has - e.g. card, Digipass) and inherence (something the user is - e.g. fingerprint) which are independent, and the breach of one does not compromise the
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reliability of the others, and designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data; “BIC (Bank Identification Code)” or “SWIFT Code” - code that
uniquely identifies the payment service provider (bank) of the Payee. It is mandatory for cross-border payment orders. ING Bank’s BIC/SWIFT is INGBROBU and it is mentioned
on each Customer current account statement. “Request for information” - a request regarding an online payment account, opened by the Customer with the Bank, sent to the Bank
by a Third Party PSP, under the conditions provided by the applicable laws, regarding information about account details, balance, payment transactions and/or availability of funds
for a card-based payment transaction, necessary for the provision of payment services requested by the Customer to the Third Party PSP; “Customer” - the individual, user of the
payment services provided by the Bank, as Payer (the person consenting to make a payment or allowing the payment to be made) and/or as Payee (the person who is the intended
recipient of the amount related to a payment transaction). “Merchant” - the entity that accepts the Customer’s card for a payment transaction under a contract with an accepting bank
„Card payment transaction consisting in account funding transfer (account funding transfer (AFT)” – payment transaction in which the funds are transferred, through a VISA
card issued by ING Bank, from the account attached the card is attached to, to another VISA card belonging to the same Cardholder, issued by another bank/financial institution.
“Confirmation of funds availability” - action by which the Bank, as PSP managing the Customer's payment account accessible online, immediately confirms, by “yes” or “no”, at
the request of a Third Party PSP issuer of card-based payment instruments, if the amount necessary for the execution of a card-based payment transaction is available on the account
of the Payer Customer, based on the explicit consent given by the Customer to the Bank before the first confirmation request, in order to respond to the requests of such Third Party
PSP. “Payment account accessible online” - the account used for the execution of payment transactions (e.g. current account, payment account with basic features, savings account
enabling unrestricted execution of payment transactions, savings account for children) which can be accessed by the Customer through an online interface (e.g. via Home’Bank);
“Cut-off times” - the time limits established by the Bank for receiving the Customer's instructions, in order to execute certain types of transactions. These are notified to the Customer
through this “ING Payments Guide” and displayed in the ING Bank locations, as well as on the website “ING Pay card/ING Pay” - an electronic payment instrument
(debit - ING Pay Debit or credit - ING Pay Credit) issued by the Bank, stored in the Cardholder's smartphone, enabling the Cardholder to use the funds held on the RON current
account opened with the Bank or the funds made available in the credit account linked to the ING credit card credit line, according to the ING credit card and guarantee contract.
“Virtual Card” - an electronic payment instrument (debit - or credit) issued by the Bank, which can be stored in the Cardholder's smartphone enabling the Cardholder to use the
funds held on the RON or EUR current accounts opened with the Bank or the funds made available in the credit account linked to the ING Credit Card credit line, according to the
ING Credit Card credit and guarantee contract. The Virtual Card can be used for online transactions and for payments at POS terminals, in the last case exclusively by enrolling it in
a digital wallet application accepted by the Bank. Any reference to Virtual Card in this document will not include ING Pay Card. “Date of Receipt” - the date when ING Bank
receives the payment order and from which it can start its execution. If the date of receipt is a non-business day or if it is received after the cut-off time set by the Bank, the payment
order will be deemed to have been received on the next business day. “Security Credentials” - personalized credentials features provided by the Customer's Bank for authentication,
consisting of information and/or devices (such as, but not limited to, codes/passwords/PIN code/Security code/Digipass, etc.); “Payment Service Provider” - ING Bank and/or any
other payment service provider (PSP) within the meaning of the law, which receives or transmits a payment order and/or provides a payment service (such as the Payer's bank, if the
ING Bank customer orders transfers to an account opened with another bank, including a Third Party PSP authorized to provide Payment Initiation Services or Account Information
Services or to issue card-based payment instruments). “IBAN” (International Bank Account Number) - the combination of letters and numbers ensuring the uniqueness of an account
number opened with an international payment service provider. The IBAN of a Customer's current account is sent to the Customer by the Bank in writing, on the opening date of the
account and it is also mentioned on each account statement. “Imprinter” (voucher imprinter) - the mechanical device enabling taking an imprint of the embossed elements on the
front of the card, on the surface of a paper document certifying the execution of the transaction, usually a voucher to be signed by the cardholder. “Payment order” - any instruction
sent by a Customer to ING Bank requesting the execution of a payment transaction (such as depositing, transferring or withdrawing funds).
“Instant interbank payment” – the payment operation in RON, credit transfer type, including payment through Alias Pay payments, initiated through Home’Bank and immediately
executed by the Bank if the following conditions are met: (i) the beneficiary`s account is opened with a Payment Services Provider from Romania, participating at the Credit
Instant Transfer Scheme in RON („SCT Instant Scheme RON”). The updated list of participants in theis scheme is available on the website:
din-romania-care-au-aderat-la-schemele-sepa; (ii) the value of the payment is less than RON 50.000; (iii) meets the general conditions for accepting and executing a payment order
provided in the contractual documentation (eg. the balance of the paying account is not sufficient to perform the transaction and the commission, the paying account is blocked,
“Cashback” - in a POS online card payment transaction, at the request of the Cardholder, the merchants offering this service can disburse cash in LEI up to the limit established by
the legal regulations in force. In this case, the amount of the transaction contains both the payment made to the merchant and the disbursement of cash, and these transactions are
entered separately in the account statement. Merchants may levy from the Cardholder a charge for the cash disbursed, in addition to the fee sought by the Bank for the transaction.
“Online card payment transaction” - a mode of operation in which a terminal that accepts cards sends the transactions for authorization to the card issuing bank. “Offline card
payment transaction” - a mode of operation in which a terminal that accepts cards does not require the authorization of transactions by the card issuing bank. “Internet payment
transaction” (transaction executed through the “Porteaza-ti banii” service) - a method of transferring funds to an ING account through a card transaction ordered via the internet
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and for which the following information is required: passwords or codes such as, but not limited to: CVV2 (Card Verification Value), e-commerce password or other authentication
methods used by the card issuing bank. “Card payment transaction (at POS/ on the internet) gambling” – payment transaction made at merchants that operate gambling or bets.
These payment transactions are identified by a specific merchant code. The ING cards that perform such payment operations are highlighted in the table in section III. Card
transactions, from the Payments Guide. “Account verification transaction” – non-financial transaction initiated by the Merchant in order to verify Card status (eg blocked, lost)
prior initiating by the Cardholder a payment operation/Card enrollment in a digital wallet application accepted by the Bank. A maximum of 30 Account verification transactions per
day can be done. Beneficiary Name Display Service ("BNDS") - an optional service available for payment services providers participants in the SEPA RON Credit Transfer
Scheme, through which at the moment of initiating an interbank credit transfer in RON and /or foreign currency to accounts opened with other payment service providers from
Romania which are participating in BNDS , the payer is displayed partial/ truncated the surename / name of the holder associated with the IBAN account indicated by the payer in
the electronic payment order, as the beneficiary account of the payment operation. The information is obtained by querying the centralized database managed by Transfond* related
to BNDS and have the exclusive purpose to facilitate to the payer customer the possibility to identify possible discrepancies between the information regarding the name of the
benefficiary of the payment introduced by him in the payment order and those provided by the bank regarding the beneficiary account holder, within the fraud prevention measures
and minimize the risks related to payment operations.
*Transfond - The Funds and Settlements Transfer Company is the administrator and operator of the Automated Clearing House for interbank commercial payments – IT
infrastructure, under the name SENT. For the operation of BNDS Transfond maintains and manages the centralized database containing the data provided by the payment service
providers participating in this service regarding their clients, respectively: the initial of the full name and surname (if there are multiple first names, all will be sent) / the truncated
name as well as the IBANs of their accounts. ING provides data to the centralized database about its own clients from the moment of initiating the business relationship until its
“Account information service” - online service, provided to the Customer by a Third Party PSP, at the Customer’s request, which consists of providing consolidated
information in connection with one or more Payment Accounts accessible online, held by the Customer with the Bank; “Payment initiation service” - service provided to the
Customer, at his/her request, by a Third Party PSP, which consists of initiating a Payment Order from a Payment Account accessible online held by the Customer with the Bank.
“Durable medium” - any instrument enabling the Customer to store the information addressed to him/her personally in a manner accessible for further consultation, for a period of
time appropriate to the purposes of such information, and enabling the identical reproduction of the stored information. For example, notifications and information transmitted by
the Bank via Home’Bank or email or SMS are deemed to be transmitted on a durable medium. “Business day” - day when the banks are open to the public, i.e. all days except
Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays in Romania. “Third Party PSP” - category of payment service providers (PSP), other than the Bank, authorized by the National Bank
of Romania or by a competent authority in a Member State of the European Union to provide, as appropriate: (i) Account information services (individually referred to as PSIC) or
(ii) Payment initiation services (individually referred to as PSIP) or (iii) card-based instrument issuance services (referred to as Issuing Third Party PSP) enabling the execution of
payments from an account accessible online opened with another PSP, for which the latter confirms the availability of the funds necessary to make the payment. “3D Secure” -
security protocol for online card transactions on websites bearing the “Verified by VISA”/”Visa Secure” logo. The ING 3D Secure service is used by validating the online
transaction by the Bank through internal transactional filters and additionally, if requested to the Customer, in order to protect the Cardholder against unauthorized use of the card
with Accepting Merchants, through the authorization of the transaction through the Home’Bank service with specific Security Credentials;


(I) ACCOUNTS: RON current account “ING Card Complet”, payment account with basic features “ING Card Elementar” and other RON current accounts, current
accounts in foreign currency, liquidity accounts linked to financial investment accounts, savings accounts
3.1. Description - Current accounts are the accounts used to make payment transactions.
3.2. Consent - By sending a credit transfer payment order to the Bank (either electronically, by cards or Home’Bank, including through a PSIP, or by Gold'Line or through the
Customer Relations Department), the Customer agrees to the debiting of his/her account by such amount. Once the credit transfer payment order is received by the Bank, the
Customer can no longer withdraw his/her consent for the execution thereof by the Bank, except for scheduled payments (such as in the case of a mandate to execute a direct debit,
on-time payments, recurring payments), which may be withdrawn as provided in this Guide.
3.3. Description: RON current accounts allow the Customer to deposit and withdraw funds in RON and to execute transactions with and/or without cash in RON (as detailed in
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Chapter 4 “Transactions” below) up to the available amount, without the possibility of an unauthorised overdraft (except for the case provided in Article 5.9 of the GTC, regarding
the Customer's indebtedness to the Bank).
3.4. RON current account “ING Card Complet” – the main RON current account, offered by the Bank to its customers. A customer can have a maximum of 3 current accounts in
RON, “ING Card Complet”. As an exception, the ING Card Complet current account in RON accessed through ING Young is not included in the maximum number of current
accounts in RON.
3.5. Unique identifier - to order a payment from an “ING Card Complet” account, “ING Card Elementar” account or other RON current account, the Customer must provide the
IBAN of the account of the Payee and the IBAN of the account from which he/she orders the payment, as well as all the information provided in Article 4.17 of this Payments Guide.
The Bank will execute the credit transfer payment order exclusively based on the Payee’s IBAN, provided by the Customer. The Bank will NOT verify the consistency between the
Payee's name and the Payee’s account IBAN indicated by the Customer. Exceptions to the provisions of this article are payments to a mobile phone number, the specific functionality
of which is presented in Chapter 5 (IV) of this Guide.
3.5.1. Description: RON payment accounts with basic features allow the Customer to deposit and withdraw funds in RON and to execute transactions with and/or without
cash in RON (as detailed in Chapter 4 “Transactions” below) up to the amount available on the account, without the possibility of an unauthorised overdraft (except for the case
provided in Article 5.9 of the GTC, regarding the Customer's indebtedness to the Bank).
3.5.2. The payment account with basic features includes a RON current account, a Visa RON Non-Embossed/Visa RON Embossed debit card and the Home’Bank service
with Password and SMS. The payment account with basic features includes the following services: a) opening, servicing and closing of the payment account; b) depositing funds;
c) cash withdrawals on the territory of the European Union, at the counter of another bank in Romania or abroad offering this service or at ATMs and d) the execution of the
following payment transactions: i) direct debits in RON, ii) payment transactions by card payment, including online, iii) collections, and iv) payment orders, including scheduled
payment orders, through Home’Bank on the territory of the European Union and the European Economic Area.
3.5.3. Access conditions - at the date of requesting the payment account with basic features, the Customer: a) holds no payment account, including payment account with
basic features, with any other credit institution in Romania, or b) holds a payment account , including payment account with basic features, to be closed at the initiative of the credit
institution, the holder being notified of such closure. The condition in a) above must be met by the Customer throughout the relationship with the Bank. The Customer undertakes
to immediately inform the Bank, if, during the contractual relationship, he/she no longer meets this condition.
3.5.4. For this account, there are available 2 (two) charging schemes, detailed in the List of Fees and Commissions, according to the financial category of the Customer, i.e.
financially vulnerable or non-vulnerable consumer. At the date of accessing the account, the Customer declares the financial category he/she belongs to by signing the account
opening form.
3.5.5. A Customer is classified as financially vulnerable when he/she proves that his/her monthly income does not exceed 60% of the average gross earnings, forecast in the
autumn forecast, published by the National Forecast Commission in the current year for the following year or his/her income from the last 6 months does not exceed 60% of the
average gross earnings. The amount of the maximum income limit is always published on the Bank's website and updated annually, based on the average gross earnings
published by the National Forecast Commission.
3.5.6. The facilities offered to financially vulnerable consumers consist of offering the following services free of charge: (i) opening, servicing and closing the payment
account; (ii) depositing of funds; (iii) cash withdrawals at the counter of another bank in Romania or abroad offering this service or using a Visa RON Non-Embossed/Visa RON
Embossed debit card at the ATMs of ING Bank or other banks on the national territory; (iv) the first 10 (ten) payment transactions executed each month, on the territory of the
European Union, by direct debit, card payments (including online) or credit transfer (collections on the account and payment orders, including scheduled payments, made via ATMs
or online via Home’Bank).
3.5.7. The facilities offered to financially non-vulnerable consumers consist of offering the following services free of charge: (i) opening and closing the payment account;
(ii) cash withdrawals at the counter of another bank in Romania or abroad offering this service or using a Visa RON Non-Embossed/Visa RON Embossed debit card at the ATMs
of ING Bank or other banks in the European Union.
3.5.8. The other services included in the payment account with basic features, as detailed in Article 3.5.2 above, as well as any other products and services not included in
the payment account with basic features (e.g. Alerte service, Home’Bank service with Digipass, Visa Gold Embossed RON debit card), are charged by the Bank according to the
List of Fees and Commissions.
3.5.9. Non-vulnerable customers who, during the relationship with the Bank, meet the conditions for the category of financially vulnerable consumers, acknowledge that,
in order to be classified in this category, they must inform the Bank and provide evidence in this regard, and the fees and commissions for vulnerable consumers, as they are
provided in the List of Fees and Commissions, will be applied to their accounts.
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3.5.10. For vulnerable consumers, the Bank will verify, after a period of at least 6 months from the date of opening the account and afterwards for the entire duration of the
contractual relationship, whether the account holder continues to fall into the category of vulnerable consumers. Thus, twice a year, i.e. on the first business day of the year and on
July 1, respectively the next business day if July 1 is a non-business day, the Bank will verify the collections in both the last 6 months and in the last month of the 6-month period
considered, and, if the collections in the last 6 months, respectively in the last month of the period considered exceed the limits set forth in Article 3.5.5 above, the Customer
understands and agrees that he/she will become a non-vulnerable consumer based on a simple notification sent by the Bank, without further formalities, and he/she will be charged
the fees and commissions for non-vulnerable consumers starting with the month in which the Bank performed the verification, as they are mentioned in the List of Fees and
Commissions made available by the Bank. Furthermore, the Customer undertakes to immediately inform the Bank if his/her financial situation changes and he/she no longer falls
into the category of financially vulnerable consumers.
3.5.11. For Customers who, during the relationship with the Bank, no longer legally reside in the European Union or have opened a second payment account with basic features
at another credit institution in Romania, the Bank may decide unilaterally to close the payment account with basic features or to convert it into an “ING Card Complet” RON payment
account, and they will be charged the fees and commissions provided in the List of Fees and Commissions. For this purpose, the Bank will inform such Customer in writing at least
2 (two) months before the proposed date for closing/converting the account, on paper or on any other durable medium. If the Customer does not agree with the conversion, he/she
is entitled to refuse it until the date provided in the notification and to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship with the Bank for the payment account with basic features,
immediately and without additional costs.


3.6. Description: Current accounts in foreign currency allow the Customer to carry out non-cash transactions and, depending on the currency of the account, cash transactions (as
detailed in Chapter 4 “Transactions” below) up to the available amount, without the possibility of an unauthorised overdraft (except for the case provided in Article 5.9 of the GTC,
regarding the Customer's indebtedness to the Bank).
3.7. Information on the currencies in which the Bank can open accounts for its customers as well as the currencies cash transactions can be executed in, are displayed on the ING
Bank website, or can be obtained from any ING Office. A customer can hold only one account in each currency for which the Bank offers the product in question.
3.8. Unique identifier - to order a payment from a current account, the Customer must specify: (i) the IBAN of the account from which he/she orders the payment and (ii) the
Payee's IBAN*/Account Number and the Payee's payment service provider's BIC/SWIFT (except for SEPA Payments) or the Payee's payment service provider IBAN */account
number and name and address of the (except for SEPA Payments).
*) the IBAN must be provided for the processing of SEPA credit transfer transactions as well as of certain payment transactions, such as those within the European Union/European
Economic Area/other countries that have joined the IBAN-based account identification system (e.g. United Arab Emirates); before the execution of a payment transaction, please
learn about the countries/transactions for which the use of IBAN is mandatory.
3.9. The Bank will execute the credit transfer payment order only if the Customer provides all the information in Article 3.8 and in Article 4.20 of this Payments Guide, as applicable.
The Bank will execute the credit transfer payment order exclusively based on the unique identifier (IBAN/Account Number) of the Payee provided by the Customer and will not
verify the consistency between the name and/or any other identification elements of the Payee and the IBAN or account number of the Payee. A payment transaction executed in
accordance with the unique identifier of the Payee is deemed as correctly executed in respect of its Payee. If the Customer fails to provide to the Bank the IBAN/account number of
the Payee and the BIC/SWIFT of the Payee's Bank (except for SEPA payments) or the IBAN*/Account number of the Payee and the name and address of the Payee's payment
service provider (except for SEPA payments), the Bank reserves the right to charge him/her an investigation fee, as provided in ING Bank’s List of Fees and Commissions for
Individuals. Moreover, the correspondent banks/intermediate banks/Payee's bank may charge additional commissions and/or the payment may be refused.
3.10. Description: Cash accounts linked to financial investment accounts can be used exclusively for the following transactions: settlement of financial investment transactions,
automatic debiting of amounts owed by the Customer as charges and/or taxes for the sale/purchase of financial instruments, transfer from current and/or savings accounts held and/or
opened by the Customer, with the Bank, in RON or in foreign currency;
3.11. ING Bank can open Cash Accounts in the following currencies: RON, EUR and USD.
3.12. Description: savings accounts benefit from some of the functionalities of a current account and, at the same time, offer higher interest rates, similar to those given for deposit

(II) CARDS: debit cards (including ING Pay Debit card, Virtual Debit Cards); credit cards (including ING Pay Credit card, Virtual Credit In the case of the Virtual
Card, the card number can be fully viewed by the Cardholder through the Home’Bank service.Cards)
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3.13. Description: The card is a secure and personalised electronic payment instrument issued in material form (phiscal) or virtual enabling its user to use his/her own funds held in
an account opened with the Bank or the funds of another Bank customer (in the case of additional cards) and/or to use a credit line up to the amount previously agreed under a credit
agreement concluded between the beneficiary customer and the Bank. “ING Pay card/ING Pay” - an electronic payment instrument (debit - ING Pay Debit or credit - ING Pay
Credit) issued by the Bank, stored in the Cardholder's smartphone, enabling the Cardholder to use the funds held on the RON current account opened with the Bank or the funds
made available in the credit account linked to the ING credit card credit line, according to the ING credit card and guarantee contract. Some cards can be used for payment via digital
wallet applications accepted by the Bank, using the tokenisation technology. For this purpose, the updated list of the cards that allow this functionality and the accepted applications
are provided on the Bank's website.
3.14. The customer holding any type of card issued by ING Bank will be hereinafter referred to as the Cardholder.
Before issuing an ING card, the Customer must adhere to the General Terms and Conditions for Cards - Individuals (“GTCC”) and/or, as the case may be, to the specific terms
and conditions of the requested card (eg ING Pay).
ING Bank issues cards only under the Visa logo, and they can be Visa RON Non-Embossed/Visa RON Embossed/VISA RON virtual cards. ING Bank cards are international (they
can be used both in the country and abroad, regardless of the currency of the account to which they are attached) and can be provided with chip (EMV) and/or magnetic stripe and,
as appropriate, the Contactless functionality.
3.15. Depending on the type of card, it can be used for the following types of transactions:
a) cash withdrawals from the Bank's ATMs/POSs or the bank ATMs and counters/POSs of other banks, in Romania or abroad, which offer such services;
b) cash deposits at the Bank's ATMs;
c) payment of purchased goods and/or services provided by merchants (such as shops and utility providers), money transfer as well as payment of duties to public government
authorities (such as taxes, fines, penalties) by means of imprinters, POSs, or other electronic means (e.g. internet);
d) other transactions such as querying the account balance, changing/setting the PIN, recharge phone prepaid card, etc.
The tokens associated with a card allow the payment of goods and/or services provided by merchants and cash withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality. If the
contactless transaction option has been disabled for the card, its Token cannot be used to make contactless operations either.
3.16. In terms of the physical presence of the cards, card transactions can be classified as follows:
a) “card-present” transactions - transactions in which the Customer uses the card, including by Token, at the merchant's premises (at POS) or in which he/she inserts the card in
a terminal (such as an ATM). POS terminals and ATMs read the data stored on the magnetic stripe or card chip while, in the case of embossed cards, the merchant's imprinter (i.e.
mechanical manual processing devices) can imprint the embossed card data on a voucher.
b) “card-not-present” transactions - executed via Internet (e-commerce), telephone or mail (mail order, telephone order).
3.17. Unique identifier - The card number is the unique identifier in the transactions performed using ING cards. For “card-present” transactions, the card number or Token, if
applicable, will be read electronically by the POS or the ATM. The customer must enter his/her card number in person only if he/she performs a “card-not-present” transaction. For
the authorisation of a “card-not-present” transaction, additional information may be required, such as CVV2, expiry date, or the transaction may be authorized through the
Home’Bank service using Specific Security Credentials for authentication and authorisation in the case of 3D-Secure authentication (security standard developed by VISA for
Internet transactions, for cards enabled in the 3D-Secure system). If the Customer fails to provide the correct card number and/or the required additional information, the transaction
will be refused. For the ING Pay Card, the card number can be partially seen by the Cardholder through Home’Bank service, In the case of the Virtual Card, the card number can be
viewed by the Cardholder through the Home’Bank service.
3.18. Consent - The Customer's consent for a transaction can be given in one (or more) of the following ways:
a) by entering the PIN code at ATM and POS. Certain transactions may be exempted from requesting the PIN code, for example i) series of maximum 5 consecutive POS contactless
payments of low amounts (amounts established by the Card Organisations and displayed on the Bank's website, in the section dedicated to retail banking cards); ii)
payments made outside the EU, where the entering of the PIN code may not be required, regardless of the amount of the payment; iii) payments at unassisted terminals for transport
and parking services; in the cases mentioned as exceptions, the consent for the transaction may be given in one of the ways provided in b) and c) below, depending on the transaction
b) by signing the receipt in the case of POS transactions. The cardholder's signature on the receipt is requested as a means of verification for offline/online card payment transactions;
c) by passing the card through a terminal (POS) or holding the contactless card near a contactless terminal (e.g. POS, ATM) that reads the Card data;
d) by holding the mobile device on which the the digital wallet application with Token is installed on near the payment terminal, applying in advance, when necessary, the
authentication method specific to the application and in the case of cash withdrawals and cash deposits at ATMs with Contactless functionality, after applying the specific method of
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unlocking the device, by entering the PIN code of the Card related to the token used for withdrawal;
e) by holding the physical card (plastic) or the smartphone on which ING Pay is registered on near an ATM with Contactless functionality and by entering the card PIN code at
ATM, in case of cash withdrawals and cash deposits made at these types of ATMs.
f) by providing the card number and any additional data requested, such as the Card Verification Value (CVV2) and the expiry date, in the case of “card-not-present” transactions;
g) by authorising the transaction through the Home’Bank service with its specific Security Credentials, for the payments made on the Merchants’ websites, respectively for Card
payment transaction consisting in account funding transfer (account funding transfers operations (AFT)). As an exception, it will be possible to perform, without applying this method,
the following types of card payment transactions - in these situations the Customer's consent being given by providing the card number and, if requested, additional data such as the
Card Verification Value (CVV2) and expiry date:
i) Series of maximum 5 consecutive payments of maximum EUR 30 (or the equivalent in RON) each;
ii) Payments initiated by the Merchant, based on the authorisation given by the Customer directly to the Merchant (e.g. by filling in the relevant form on its
website or by other means) for debiting the account attached to the card;
iii) Recurring transactions carried out as a result of the authorisation given by the Customer directly to the merchant, by filling in the relevant form on its website
or by other means, for debiting the accounts attached to the card by a fixed amount, at certain intervals, for payment of certain goods or services according to the
mandate given to the merchant;
iv) Some payments for which, based on the transaction history, the Merchant payment service provider or the Bank may decide not to request additional
authentication elements, and the Bank allows the processing of these transactions in this manner
v) Some payments made on Merchants' websites located outside the European Union (the Merchant's PSP is located outside the European Union, as applicable).
h) by the agreement provided on the merchant's website/application for making the payment with the Token from the digital wallet application accepted by the Bank, applying,
where necessary, the authentication method specific to the application.
For transactions in which the entering of the PIN code is not mandatory or for transactions with high amounts, merchants must, as a rule, identify the cardholder on the basis of
his/her identity document. If the Customer consents to any of the ways presented above and, as appropriate, the approval (authorisation) code is received from ING Bank (according
to the procedure in Chapter 4 - Subchapter “Card transactions"), the payment order is deemed as irrevocable and cannot be withdrawn.
3.19. The debit card allows its user to dispose of his/her funds held in an account opened with the Bank or the funds of another customer of the Bank (in the case of additional cards).
If the Customer has taken out a credit line (such as Extra'ROL), the borrowed funds can be used through the debit card. The debit card can be physical (made of plastic) or virtual
(ING Pay Debit Card, Virtual Debit Cards). The Virtual Card can be used for: (i) online transactions and/or (ii) payments at POS terminals and/or (iii) cash withdrawals from ATMs
with Contactless functionality. The use of the virtual card for POS payments or withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality is possible exclusively by enrolling it in a
digital wallet application accepted by the Bank. The ING Pay Debit Card can be used for payments at contactless POS terminals and cash withdrawals from ATMs with contactless
functionality, in Romania or abroad.
3.20. ING Bank cards are enrolled in 3D Secure, allowing the application of the Strong Customer Authentication procedure, except for the ING Pay Card, and, in order to be able to
perform Internet transactions on the “Verified by VISA”/“Visa Secure” enrolled websites, the Customer must, at the time of payment on the Merchant's website, if requested, validate
the transaction by authorising the payment through the Home’Bank service using the specific Security Credentials.
3.21. The credit card is the card by means of which the Cardholder disposes of the funds made available by the Bank, in the form of a credit line, up to a previously established
ceiling, approved by the Bank and given based on a credit agreement concluded between the Customer and the Bank.
3.22. The customer will use the loan given by the Bank through the credit card he/she receives from the Bank (physical, made of plastic) or through the virtual card (ING Credit
Card Virtual \ING Pay Credit Card). The plastic credit card can be used in Romania and abroad for all types of transactions. The Virtual Card can be used for: (i) online transactions,
(ii) for payments at POS terminals, (iii) cash withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality. The use of the Virtual Card for POS payments or withdrawals from ATMs
with Contactless functionality is possible exclusively by enrolling it in a digital wallet application accepted by the Bank. The ING Pay Credit Card can be used for payments at
contactless POS, if they display the VISA logo and the contactless indicator and cash withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality, in Romania or abroad.

4. TRANSACTIONS: cash transactions, non-cash transactions, card transactions

4.1. Cash is deposited on or withdrawn from an account. Cash deposits and withdrawals are allowed, each one, up to RON 15,000/day/Customer without exceeding the maximum
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amount of RON 300,000/calendar year/Customer in these limits are also included the specific limits on the use of cash by a code issued by the Bank; these limits are available
in the Bank's locations and on the website For the avoidance of any doubt: i) the cash withdrawal limit is calculated for all withdrawal operations carried out from
all accounts owned by a Customer, regardless of whether they are carried out by the Customer or by a person authorized by him; ii) the cash deposit limit is calculated for all
cash deposit operations performed in any accounts held by a Customer, regardless of whether they are performed by the Customer or by another person. As an exception, for
occasional transactions, providing the information requested by the Bank, the Customer may request the Bank to increase the daily limit mentioned above by calling
031.406.24.64 or *2ING (*2464) from domestic networks or by accessing the Home’Bank Service. In this case, the Bank will inform the Customer if the request has been
approved or rejected. If the Customer exceeds the above-mentioned annual limit, the Bank will reduce the daily limit to RON 1,000/day until the end of the current year,
according to its policy, technical restrictions and legislation in force, the Customer being duly informed. The Customer can contact the Bank before any withdrawal/deposit to
obtain information on these limits or can view the use of cash up to these limits by accessing the Home’Bank service. The Bank cannot be held liable for the consequences
arising from the Customer's failure to perform this diligence.
4.1.1. Cash can be deposited via ING ATMs only in RON or in EUR, by means of a card, and via a deposit code issued by the Bank for RON deposits only. Cash
can be withdrawn using the cards attached to the current account, via ATMs (ING or non ING), at the counter of another bank in the country or abroad if it offers this service, or via
POSs; in the case of RON current accounts, amounts in RON can also be withdrawn using a withdrawal code issued by the Bank, but only via ING ATMs. Card cash withdrawals
via the ING Bank ATMs can be made either in RON or in EUR, regardless of the currency of the attached card account. Withdrawals from non-ING ATMs can be made in any
currency, regardless of the currency of the attached card account.
4.1.2. For a cash deposit by deposit code at ING ATMs in Romania:
- it is necessary to sign an application indicating the IBAN of the account on which the deposit will be made, in any ING Office; any ING Customer or Non-Customer
can make deposits;
- The Unique Deposit Code is a personalised security credential, which must be kept in complete safety (printed on paper, sent by SMS/email), valid until 23:59 of the
day it was issued, necessary for the identification of the Customer/Non-Customer at the ATM and for the validation of the occasional cash deposit transaction;
- The bank can issue only one Unique Deposit Code per Customer in one day;
- the consent for the authorisation of the deposit is given by the entering by the Customer in the ATM of the Unique Deposit Code and of the amount to be deposited on
the account indicated in the code request, followed by the deposit confirmation;
- the deposit limit is RON 5,000 per day/per Customer, but up to the Customer’s maximum limits for using cash.
- the non-client ING depositor will be able to make deposits in the ING accounts of individual and / or legal entity clients up to a maximum of 75000 lei for a period of
18 months.
4.1.3. For a cardless cash withdrawal at ING ATMs in Romania:
- it is necessary for the Customer to access the Home’Bank internet banking application for tablet/smartphone, where the Bank will generate the Unique Withdrawal
Code, after the Customer has previously authorised the withdrawal;
- the consent for the withdrawal authorisation is given by the entering by the Customer of the Security Credentials related to Home’Bank (e.g. Password, SMS Code,
Authorisation Code) according to the Home’Bank specific authentication requirements, after, in advance, the Customer has selected the details related to the account from
which the withdrawal will be processed and the amount he/she wishes to withdraw;
- The Unique Withdrawal Code is a personalised security credential, which must be kept completely safe, valid (active) for 15 minutes, to be entered by the Customer
in the ING ATM to identify himself/herself and to collect the amount he/she has authorised for withdrawal in Home’Bank; the Customer can have only one active code, and,
in order to authorise a new withdrawal in Home’Bank, he/she has to cancel (delete) this code, to wait for its expiry or to actually use it at the ATM for the initially instructed
- the withdrawal limits are: (i) RON 500 (by a multiple of RON 50)/day; and (ii) RON 10,000/month, but up to the maximum limits for cash use applicable to the
- The Customer is notified by means of a push message as soon as a Unique Withdrawal Code is issued, provided that the smartphone/tablet on which the Home’Bank
application is installed is configured to allow the receipt of such messages and have an internet connection. If the Customer has not accessed Home’Bank to generate his/her
code, he/she is required to notify the Bank immediately by calling My Line: *2ING (*2464) or 031.406.2464.
4.1.4. In the case of both withdrawals and cash deposits, the Bank reserves the right to unilaterally block the codes and/or make unavailable withdrawals/deposits, in
the following situations: (a) as soon as it becomes aware that a code is lost, stolen, copied or in the possession of an unauthorised person or has been used by an unauthorised person;
(b) as soon as it becomes aware of the fraudulent/unauthorised use of cardless withdrawals/deposits; (c) if it suspects fraudulent/unauthorised use of codes or cardless
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deposits/withdrawals. If the Bank decides to block the use of the code and/or to make unavailable cardless deposits/withdrawals, it will notify the Customer, if possible, before
blocking or immediately after blocking, specifying the reasons for blocking/making unavailable, unless the provision of such information: (i) would prejudice objectively justified
safety reasons or (ii) is prohibited under certain legal provisions.
4.2. All cash transactions, regardless of the method used (by card or code), immediately modifies the account balance and the limits of cash use for the Customer and are therefore
irrevocable from the moment they are received by ING Bank.
4.3. The payment order is deemed as received by ING Bank:
- via ATM: when, after reading the card and entering the PIN code or after entering the Cash Deposit/Withdrawal Code, where appropriate, the Customer electronically
accepts the transaction;
- via POS: when, after reading the card and entering the PIN code, where appropriate, the Customer electronically accepts the transaction;
- via Home’Bank: when the Customer has authorised the cardless ATM withdrawal by entering the Home’Bank Security Credentials after having previously selected
the account and the amount he/she wants to withdraw from it.
4.4. ING Bank does not carry out cash transactions after the cut-off time, as provided in the table at the end of this Guide and displayed in the Bank's locations.
(II) NON-CASH TRANSACTIONS: transfers, foreign exchange
TRANSFERS - GENERAL RULES FOR TRANSFERS (The rules in this chapter do not apply to “card-not-present” transactions, POS or imprinter transactions, ATM cash
transactions, intra-bank payments to a mobile phone number, Internet payment transactions made with non-ING cards (cards issued by other credit institutions) and ING cards to
an ING account)
4.5. The customer can order a payment from his/her account to another account using an electronic form (via Home’Bank, ATM) or by phone, via Gold'Line, or, when approved
in advance by ING Bank, via the Customer Relations Department. The amount entered on the credit transfer payment order will be debited from the Payer's account and sent to the
Payee's account. In addition, the Customer can initiate an electronic payment order from a Payment Account accessible online, via a Payment Initiation Service provided to him/her
by a Third Party PSP, under the conditions provided in section (VII) of this document.
4.6. If the credit transfer payment order contains incorrect or incomplete data, the Bank may refuse to process it. In case of refusal to execute a payment order or refusal to initiate
a payment transaction, the Bank, as soon as possible, but not later than the expiry of the maximum time for execution of the payment order provided in Article 4.15 of this Guide,
will notify the Customer in this regard (indicating, if possible, the reason for the refusal and the steps to be followed for correction, if applicable), if this is not prohibited by legal
provisions. The Customer will be notified in one of the agreed ways, provided in the GTC. If the refusal is justified, the Bank reserves the right to levy from the Customer a charge
for notifying the refusal, and the level of such commissions is provided in the List of Fees and Commissions of the Bank for Individuals. A payment order the execution of which
was refused is deemed as not received.
4.7. If the Customer provides additional information based on which the Bank decides to process the credit transfer payment order, the complete and/or correct credit transfer
payment order will be deemed as a new credit transfer payment order received by the Bank when ING Bank has all the necessary information (the execution time limits being
modified accordingly). However, ING Bank is not required to process such a credit transfer payment order and may request the Customer to submit a new credit transfer payment
order (through Home’Bank, Gold'Line or the Customer Relations Department).
4.8. (1) The Customer can order the following transfer categories:
- depending on the currency to be transferred: (i) transfers in RON; (ii) transfers in foreign currency (AUD, CAD, CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HUF, JPY, NOK, SEK, PLN
and USD) that can be initiated from FCY or RON accounts. The transfers in foreign currency initiated from RON accounts can be made starting with June 2022;
- depending on the Payee: (i) intrabank transfers - between the accounts of the same Customer, opened with ING Bank, or to the accounts of other customers, opened with ING
Bank; (ii) interbank transfers - to accounts opened with other payment service providers in Romania or abroad, including to the State Treasury.
(2) Considering the Bank's participation in BNDS , when the Customer / Authorized person initiates through Home`Bank an interbank credit transfer in RON and / or foreign
currency to a beneficiary with account opened with another participant (eg credit institution) in BNDS, after entering the beneficiary account in the payment order, the initial of the
surename and full first name will be displayed (if there are several first names, all will be displayed) / partial/truncated name of the IBAN account holder indicated by the
Customer/Authorized person , based on the information received by the Bank within BNDS. The purpose of providing this information is purely informative to offer the Customer
/ Authorized person the possibility to identify possible discrepancies between the information about the beneficiary information he holds and those provided by the Bank regarding
the holder of the completed beneficiary account. The display of the previously mentioned information will be available to the Client/Authorized persons starting from
September 2022. The Customer / Authorized person understands and accepts that he remains at his free discretion to authorize the payment or not in case there are discrepancies.
The display of information does not modify the l the payment operation, the provisions of art. 2.52 of the GTC being applicable accordingly.
The Bank shall execute the national interbank credit -transfer payment order in RON and/or forreign currency exclusevely based onbeneficiary`s IBAN provided by the Customer
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/Authorized person, without verifying the correlation between the sure name/name of the payment beneficiary and the beneficiary IBAN indicated by the Customer / Authorized
person and the information dispalyed by the Bank.
If the Customer / Authorized person initiates an interbank payments in lei and/or foreign currency without authorzing them in an unjustified way, from security reasons, at the fourth
attempt the Bank shall restrict the display of the beneficiary account for 24 hours, in order to prevent the use of information that is not intended to initiate a payment.
The updated list of payment service providers participating in BNDS is available on the website:
(3) When the Customer / Authorized person initiates an intrabank credit transfer in RON and/or foreign currency to a beneficiary with an account opened with the Bank, after
entering in the payment order the beneficiary account, the following information will be displayed: the initial of the surename and full first name (if there are several first names, all
will be displayed) / partial / truncated name of the IBAN account holder indicated by the indicated by the Customer/Authorized person .
The purpose of providing this information is purely informative to offer the Customer / Authorized person the possibility to identify possible discrepancies between the information
about the beneficiary he holds and those provided by the Bank regarding the holder of the completed beneficiary account. The Customer/Authorized person understands and accepts
that it remains at his free discretion to authorize the payment or not in case there are discrepancies. The display of information does not modify the way the Bank executes the
payment operation, the provisions of art. 2.52 of the GTC being applicable accordingly.
The Bank shall execute the intrabank transfer-credit payment order in RON and/or forreign currency exclusevely based on IBAN’s beneficiary provided by the Customer / Authorized
person, without verifying the correlation between the surename/name of the payment beneficiary and the beneficiary IBAN indicated by the Customer / Authorized person and the
information dispalyed by the Bank.
4.9. Charges - For credit transfer payment transactions in any currency carried out within the European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) and in which both the Payer's
payment service provider and the Payee's payment service provider are on its territory, the charges are borne by both the Payer and the Payee (each of them bearing the charges
sought by their own payment service provider). This principle is known as the shared charging principle (SHA).
For any other credit transfer payment transactions that do not fall into the above-mentioned category, the Customer may opt for the application of one of the following charging
rules: (i) SHA; (ii) OUR - in which all charges are borne by the Payer; or (iii) BEN - in which all charges are borne by the Payee.
The Customer agrees that, if he/she fails to indicate the SHA charging rule in a payment order for a transfer to a Payee's account opened with a payment service provider located in
one of the EU/EEA countries, the Bank will process such transfer according to the SHA charging rule, without taking into account the option (BEN/OUR) indicated by the Customer
in the payment order. Furthermore, if the Customer fails to express his/her option for the charging rule via the methods specific to the payment instrument, the Bank will process the
payment transaction using the SHA charging rule.
4.10. The level of all the charges levied by ING Bank is presented in the List of Fees and Commissions for Individuals
4.11. For the amounts received on the account, the Bank reserves the right to deduct its commissions from the payment order amount before crediting it to the Customer's account.
The customer will be informed about the total amount of the payment transaction and of the commissions levied, in the account statement.
4.12. In case of payments, the transferred amounts and the related commissions will be debited from the Customer's accounts as follows: (i) for payments in RON instructed before
the cut-off time, regardless of whether they are intrabank or interbank, as well as for Instant interbank payments the Customer's account is debited immediately by the amount of
the transaction and the related commissions. Moreover, by way of exception from the above mentioned rule, in the situations considered in Article 2.4 (2) of the GTC, the amount
of the payment order is blocked on the account, and at the time of the transaction the Customer's account is debited by the amount of the payment order and of the commissions for
the transaction; (ii) for payments in RON instructed after the cut-off time, regardless of whether they are intrabank or interbank, the amount of the payment order and of the related
commissions is blocked on the Customer's account and it is debited at the time of executing the instruction; (iii) for payments in foreign currency, the amount of the payment order
and of the related commissions is blocked on the Customer's account and it is debited at the moment of executing the instruction, except for intrabank payments, instructed before
the cut-off time, when the Customer's account is debited immediately by the amount of the transaction and of the related commissions. Furthermore, in the situations considered in
Article 2.4. (2) of the GTC, for intrabank payments instructed before the cut-off time, only the amount of the payment order is blocked on the account until the analysis is completed,
and at the time of the transaction the Customer's account will be debited by the amount of the payment order and of the commissions for the transaction.
4.13. Blocked amounts are interest-bearing until the date they are debited from the account. The amounts will be debited at the latest at the end of the next business day.
4.14. The credit transfer payment order is deemed as received by ING Bank:
- via Home’Bank: when the payment order is authorised by the Customer;
- via Gold'Line/Customer Relations Department: at the time of communication of telephone requests/instructions to the Bank, but only after the prior identification of the
- via ATM: when the Customer, after entering the card and the PIN code, if applicable, electronically accepts the transfer.
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- via a PSIP: when the payment order is authorised by the Customer according to the procedure provided in section (VII).
4.15. (1) Maximum execution time of payment transactions by credit transfer differs according to the currency of the payment transaction and the location of the Payee's payment
service provider.
After receiving the payment order, the Bank debits the amount of the payment transaction from the Customer's account and credits it to the payment service provider's account of
the Payee, as follows:
a) at the latest by the end of the next Business Day from the date of receipt (maximum execution period of 1 (one) Business Day/T+1), for: (i) domestic interbank payment transactions
in RON (to accounts opened with other payment service providers in Romania); (ii) payment transactions in EUR to accounts opened with other payment service providers on
the territory of the European Union (EU) or of the European Economic Area (EEA); (iii) domestic interbank payment transactions in the currency of an EU Member State (other
than EUR).
b) no later than the end of the third Business Day from the date of receipt (maximum execution time of 3 (three) Business Days/T+3), for foreign currency payment transactions to
accounts opened with other payment service providers from abroad, with the exceptions provided for in (a) in this Article
(2) The customer/ Authorized person may order, through the Home’Bank service, to make an urgent payment in EUR, USD, GBP, HUF, CAD, CHF, DKK, SEK and / or PLN,
from his FCY/RON account or from the FCY/RON account on which he is empowered, to the account of another person opened with another payment service provider in Romania
or abroad. To order such a payment, the Client / Authorized Person will select the emergency processing option available in the Home Bank service. the payment will be executed
by the Bank on the same working day if it is sent to the Bank within the cut-off time limits specific to each currency, the cut-off times mentioned in the table at the end of the Guide
for making payments. Thus, in case of an urgent paument in foreign currency made in the same currency as the account after receiving the instruction, the Bank shall debit the
account in foreign currency with the amount of the operation and shall credit the account to the payment service provider of the beneficiary. In case of an urgent payment in foreign
currency made from a RON account or from another foreign currency account other than the currency of the payment order, the Bank shall make the exchange at the exchange rate
of the Bank valid at the time of debiting the account, it shall debit the account with the amount in RON or, as the case may be, with the equivalent value in the currency of the
account of the amount from the payment order, and then it shall transfer the corresponding amount (the amount from the payment order) to the account of the payment service
provider of the beneficiary.
(3) If the Customer / Authorized Person does not select the emergency processing option, then the payment in foreign currency will be made in the normal processing regime, which
will be executed within the maximum execution term mentioned in the first paragraph above specific to the payment currency.
4.16. (1) The execution time starts at the time of receipt of the payment order by ING Bank and depends on the cut-off times. These are presented in the table at the end of the Guide
and displayed in the Bank's locations and on Transfers in RON to Payees with accounts opened with other banks in Romania, approved by the Customer on Business
Days until 18:00, will be entered in the account statement on the same day, the money being credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider either on the same
Business Day or on the next Business Day, depending on the Transfond-Sent, respectively BNR-Regis, cut-off times. Payments made on a Business Day after 18:00 or on a Non-
Business Day will be entered in the account statement and executed by the bank on the next Business Day. Between the receipt of the payment order by the bank and its transmission
to the Payee's bank through Transfond-Sent, respectively BNR-Regis, there may be a maximum interval of 30 minutes necessary for the internal processing of the Customer's
Transfers in RON that meet the conditions of the Instant interbank payment are being executed immediately by the Bank, regardless of the time and day when they were initiated,
the money being credited in a few seconds to the account of the payment service provider of the beneficiary and will be included in the account statement.
If the payment cannot be executed immediately due to technical reasons related to the SCT Instant RON Scheme (e.g. unavailability of the scheme /of a participant, etc.), it shall
be executed within the maximum execution term according to provisions of art. 4.15 letter a, taking into account the above mentioned cut-off time.
(2) All transfers in foreign currency to the Payees with accounts opened with other banks, approved by the Customer on Business Days until 17:00, will be entered in the account
statement on the same day, the money being credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider according to the maximum execution time limits mentioned in Article
4.15 above). The execution by the Bank of the payment instructions in foreign currency in emergency regime is dependent on the cut- off- times limits and on the operating
conditions of the national and international clearing houses. Payments made on a Business Day after 17:00 or on a Non-Business Day will be entered in the account statement and
executed by the bank on the next Business Day, observing the maximum time limits provided in Article 4.15. (3) The transfers postponed in accordance with Article 2.4. (2) of the
GTC are entered in the Customer's account statement at the time of the transaction.
4.17. (1) The credit transfer payment order must contain the following information: a) Payer details: name and account number in IBAN format; b) Payee details: name, account
number in IBAN format; c) Payment details: amount in figures; description of the payment (purpose of the payment, message to the Payee). In some cases (such as payments to
predefined recipients - utility providers, for example) certain specific details are required (such as the Customer code set by the provider, the invoice number); In the case of a credit
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transfer payment order to the State Treasury, in addition to the elements mentioned in (a) - (c) in this Article, the Customer will provide: (i) the Payer's tax identifier ( unique
registration code, personal identification number or tax identification number, as appropriate) (ii) the Payee’s tax identifier (unique registration code., personal identification number
or tax identification number, as appropriate); (iii) the number of the credit transfer payment order given by the Payer; (iv) details of the economic content of the transaction. (v) the
payment record number allocated by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration. In case of payment obligations to the budget requiring a payment record number assigned by
the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, the Customer will provide this number in the description of the payment.
(2) The customer cannot order the following types of credit transfer payments made to another customer with accounts opened with ING: (i) payment in RON from an account in
RON to a beneficiary account in a currency other than RON and (ii) payment in RON from an account in a currency other than RON to a beneficiary account in RON.
4.18. In the case of payments in foreign currency, the ruled of the National Bank of Romania on foreign currency transactions must be observed.
4.19. The Customer has the option to order payment to another customer's account, in a currency other than his/her account (for example, a payment order in EUR from an account
in USD or payment order in EUR from an account in RON). In this case, the Bank will make the exchange at the Bank's exchange rate valid at the time of debiting the account and
will transfer such amount to the account of the Payee's payment service provider.
4.20. The payment order must contain the following information: a) Payer details: name, domicile (to determine whether the Customer is a Romanian resident or not, considering
the applicable legal regime) and account number in IBAN format; b) Payee details: Payee's name (for SEPA Payments, when known), address of the Payee, account number (for
SEPA payments and payments within the European Union/European Economic Area/other countries that have joined the IBAN-based account identification system, the account
number must be in IBAN format), BIC/SWIFT of the Payee's payment service provider or the name and address of the Payee's payment service provider (except for SEPA Payments,
for which the BIC/SWIFT, address and Payee's name's payment service provider are not required). c) Payment details: amount in figures; payment description (purpose of the
payment, message to the Payee); d) Transaction details: description and the transaction code according to the NBR Guide (for resident Payer and non-resident Payee) or transaction
type (regardless of the Payer's residence and resident Payee).
Payment transactions (payments and collections) by credit transfer in EUR (“SEPA payments”) on the territory of the European Union (EU), in which both the Payer's payment
service provider and the Payee's payment service provider or the only payment provider involved are/is located (i) in the European Union, are executed by the bank in accordance
with the provisions of EU Regulation No 260/2016 establishing technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits in EUR and amending Regulation (EC) No
924/2009. In order to be able to process a SEPA Payment, the Payer must provide in the credit transfer payment order the following elements: (i) the name of the Payer and the
IBAN of the Payer's Account; (ii) the IBAN account of the Payee; (iii) the Payee's name, if known; (iv) the payment amount; (v) any submission information (payment description).
4.21. The customer can perform foreign exchange transactions (i) by transferring an amount from one of his/her accounts (in one currency) to another of his/her accounts (in another
currency), therefore, in order to carry out foreign exchange transactions, the Customer must have accounts in different currencies opened with ING Bank, (ii) by withdrawing or
depositing via the ING ATM a currency different from that of the account attached to the card used to withdraw or deposit cash (iii) by using the “Currency exchange” function of
the ING ATM if the Customer wishes, within the same transactions performed using the ING card, to withdraw a currency different from the currency initially deposited and (iv)
by transferring an amount from one of its accounts in lei to another account in a different currency belonging to another person.
4.22. The foreign exchange transactions immediately modify the account balance. Therefore, they are irrevocable from the date of receipt by ING Bank.
4.23. The payment order is deemed as received by ING Bank:
- via Home’Bank: when the payment order is authorised by the Customer;
- via Gold'Line/Customer Relations Department: at the time of communication of telephone requests/instructions to the Bank, but only after the prior identification of the
4.24. Cut-off times for foreign exchange orders are listed in the table at the end of the Guide and displayed in the Bank's locations and on
4.25. The EXCHANGE RATE is established by ING Bank according to the Bank's internal reference exchange rate, it is published at all times on the website and may
be modified several times during the same day immediately and without the need for prior notification of the Customer by the Bank.
4.26. Online payment transactions require the electronic authorisation of each transaction by ING Bank, as the card issuer. Cardholder details (such as card number, PIN, CVV2,
expiry date), or Home’Bank-specific Security Credentials are used to generate the transaction authorisation (approval) request transmitted to ING Bank.
4.27. If ING Bank approves the transaction, it sends to the merchant an approval (authorisation) code and, until the receipt of the request for settlement of the transaction, it blocks
the relevant amount on the Customer's account (the transaction can be viewed by the Customer via Home’Bank in the menu “Transactions pending”, if he/she is contracted this
service). When the transaction is settled, the blocked amount is disbursed, and the account is debited by the amount of the transaction and the commissions for the transaction,
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according to the List of Fees and Commissions, in the currency of the card account.
4.28. Offline and online card transactions usually require 2-3 days to be shown in the Customer's account balance, depending on the date on which the merchant's bank sends the
transaction details to ING Bank for settlement. A merchant has, on average, 31 days to complete the transaction with the issuing bank (ING), according to Visa rules. However, the
Bank is required to accept transactions submitted for settlement by the merchant after the 31-day time limit, as well.
4.29. The ING Bank card servicing system responds to the request for authorisation of the transaction and allows the authorisation of the transaction in real time, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. If, due to temporary technical malfunctions, the ING Bank card servicing system is not operational and the standard transaction authorisation processing service is not
available, VISA international card systems may make the authorisation decision on behalf of ING Bank, according to certain preset parameters.
4.30. ING Bank will debit the Customer's account by the amount of the card transaction performed at the latest at the end of the Business Day following the date on which the
settlement request was received from the merchant.
4.31. The following transactions can be performed using ING cards:

Instant Cash
Currency Transactions collection Cash disbursement
Card Type of the with Merchants Transactions at Cash via card disburseme via ATM
VISA account the (Account gambling deposit from nt via merchants' transactions*
card is Funding merchants via the individuals ATM/bank POS
attached to Transfer ATM /legal teller
(AFT)) entities
International debit card RON yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
attached to RON
International debit card
attached to foreign EUR yes yes yes yes yes yes no
currency accounts
International credit card RON yes no yes yes** yes yes no

ING Pay*** RON yes yes no no yes yes no

International Virtual yes

debit card attached to RON yes**** yes no yes**** yes no
RON accounts
International Virtual yes **
debit card attached to yes
foreign currency EUR yes **** no yes**** yes no

International Virtual yes **

RON yes **** no yes**** yes no
Credit Card yes
Debit card VISA
YOUNG / Virtual VISA RON yes no yes yes yes yes no

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Notes: * Only transactions for recharging phone cards
**Money transfers to eligible ING cards, initiated by an individual and, as an exception, by merchants offering the Instant Money Back option
***Only contactless transactions at POS (merchants) and cash withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality
**** for payments at POS terminals and cash withdrawals from ATMs with Contactless functionality exclusively by enrolling it in a digital wallet application accepted by the
5. SERVICES: direct debit, my invoices, scheduled payments (recurring/on-time), payments to a mobile phone number, internet payment transactions performed
through the “Porteaza-ti banii” option, with non-ING debit cards (cards issued by other credit institutions) to an ING account, Switchingaccounts
5.1. Service Description. Definition of terms used
“Direct Debit Service”- consists of the debiting by the Bank of the Payer’s Account exclusively on the basis and up to the limits of the Mandate given by the Customer, at the
request of the Payee, and the crediting of the Payee’s Account by the Payee’s Institution. “Payee”- service providers and/or public utility service (e.g. water, sewer, electricity)
providers having a claim against the Customer under a service contract concluded to such end. “Customer”- the individual requesting the direct debit (intrabank/interbank) service
under a Direct Debit Mandate. “Payee’s Account” - the current account of the Payee opened with his/her payment service provider. “Payer's Account”- the current account of the
Customer opened with the Bank, which will be debited by the Bank upon receipt of a Direct Debit Instruction. “Payee's Institution” - the payment service provider the Payee
concluded a direct debit commitment. “Direct Debit Instruction”- the action initiated by the Payee to debit the Payer's Account opened with the Bank, according to the Mandate
given by the Customer. “Direct Debit Mandate/Mandate”- the assent given in writing, by registered phone call or by electronic means, signed by the Payer, or the authenticity of
which has been verified by applying a security procedure, whereby the Payer Customer gives the Bank a one-off or permanent authorisation, as appropriate, but revocable, for
debiting the Payer's Account under the Direct Debit Instruction received from the Payee. The Direct Debit Mandate can be: (i) intrabank when the Payer's Account and the Payee's
Account are opened with ING Bank or (ii) interbank when the Payee's Account is not opened with ING Bank. The direct debit transactions performed in the case of this type of
mandate will be processed according to the rules of the SEPA RON system (available for consultation on the Romanian Banks Association website at, each mandate
being registered in the Single Register of Mandates; “Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit Instructions”- optional service offered by the Bank at the express
request of the Payee, which consists of the automatic repetition of the processing of an Intrabank Direct Debit Instruction received from the Payee and which was automatically
rejected on the execution date. The processing of initially rejected Direct Debit Instructions will be resumed daily for a reinstruction period (interval) of 1 to 20 consecutive Business
Days following the date of the automatic rejection of such Direct Debit Instruction, until its settlement or until the aforementioned reinstruction period expires. “Maximum
amount/Maximum limit”- the amount the Customer can reasonably estimate as the maximum amount of each payment/claim due to the Payee.
5.2. Authorisation and Consent
(1) The intrabank mandate can be given, (i) by registered phone call (the Customer consents to the conclusion of the Mandate and the execution of the Direct Debit Instructions
issued by the Payee and the debiting of the Payer’s Account by verbal agreement expressed within the registered telephone conversation), this method being available exclusively
at the Bank's initiative and only in cases where the Bank indicates the possibility to grant the mandate within a registered telephone call, or (ii) on paper by filling in the Direct Debit
Mandate form, in any of the Bank's locations (the Customer consents to the conclusion of the Mandate and the execution of the Direct Debit Instructions issued by the Payee and
the debiting of the Payer's Account by signing the Mandate form). The interbank mandate can be concluded (i) in any of the Bank's locations or (ii) at the Payee.
(2) Under the Mandate, the Customer authorises the Bank to debit his/her Payer Account only once or permanently, according to the limits and conditions mentioned in the details
of the Mandate given and with the terms and conditions of this Direct Debit section, by the amount specified in the Direct Debit Instruction sent by the Payee. The Mandate given
by the Customer to the Bank consists of (i) the relevant mandate form provided by the Bank/Payee containing the details of the Mandate such as, but not limited to, Maximum
Amount/Limit, Payer details (e.g. first name & surname, Payer's Account, Payee identifier), Payee details (e.g. name, unique registration code, address) and (ii) the provisions of
this Direct Debit section.
(3) The Customer represents to have been informed and taken note of the Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit Instructions service offered to the Payee Customers
at their express request, and the updated list of Payees who opted for such a service is made available to the Customer in the Bank's locations and/or by contacting the Customer
Service at the telephone numbers * 2ING or 0314062464 or at the email address If the Payee has opted for the Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit
Instructions service, the Customer authorises the Bank to debit his/her Payer's Account by the amount provided in the initial reinstructed/repeated Intrabank Direct Debit Instruction.
(4) In order to benefit from the Direct Debit Service, the Customer must meet the following conditions: (i) to hold a RON current account opened with ING Bank; (ii) to provide
correct and complete data regarding all the details of the Mandate according to the form provided by the Bank or the Payee; (iii) to give the Bank a Direct Debit Mandate for each
Payee separately and (iv) to have in the Payer's Account indicated in the Mandate the amounts necessary for making the payment, at least one day before the execution date (which
may be on the due date or immediately after the due date of the invoice, insurance premium, etc. if the Payee has opted for the Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit
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Instructions service.
5.3. Entry into force of the Mandate
(1) Intrabank Mandate: It enters into force within 2 (two) Business Days in the case of mandates opened by registered phone call and 5 (five) Business Days in the case of paper-
based mandates, calculated from the time of receipt of the Mandate by ING Bank; if the date of receipt is a Non-Business Day, the time limit is calculated starting with the first
Business Day following the receipt by ING Bank of the Mandate, with the cumulative fulfilment of the following conditions: (i) the identification data provided by the Customer in
the form matches the data in ING Bank’s records; (ii) all the details of the Mandate are correct and complete; and for those that are concluded on paper it is also checked (iii) the
Customer's signature applied on the form matches the specimen signature submitted by him/her to ING Bank. The Customer can check at any time if the Intrabank Direct Debit
Mandate has been enabled, via the Home’Bank electronic service, if he/she uses this service, in the Bank's locations or via the Customer Relations Department.
(2) Interbank Mandate: It enters into force within 10 (ten) Business Days, calculated from the time of receipt of the Mandate by the Bank, provided that it is complete, correct
and duly signed by the Customer.
(3) After the entry into force of the Mandate, within 5 Business Days, ING Bank will inform the Payee that the Mandate has been enabled, in order to send the Direct Debit
Instructions for the invoices issued by the Payee after being informed that the Mandate has been enabled. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that he/she is solely liable for any
payment due to the Payee before the entry into force of the Mandate and until the expiry of the period in which ING Bank informs the Payee that the Mandate has been enabled. In
the absence of a Direct Debit Instruction sent by the Payee to ING Bank, none of the Customer's payment obligations will be processed through the Direct Debit system.
5.4. Limit and right to reimbursement
(1) The Customer can set a Maximum Amount/Limit in the details of the Mandate. The Customer confirms and agrees that, if the amount provided in the Direct Debit Instruction
exceeds the Maximum Amount/Limit indicated by the Customer in the Mandate details, ING Bank will not debit the Payer's Account (it will automatically reject the payment
instruction), and the payment due to the Payee by the Customer will not be performed. If the amount indicated in the Direct Debit Instruction is less than or equal to the Maximum
Amount/Limit, ING Bank will debit the Payer's Account on the date and by the amount indicated by the Payee in the instruction.
(2) Within 8 (eight) weeks from the date of debiting the funds, the Customer may request in writing to the Bank the reimbursement of the amount from an authorised payment
transaction initiated by the Payee and executed, if the following conditions are cumulatively met:
A) the authorisation does not specify the exact amount of the payment transaction at the time it was given,
B) the amount of the payment transaction exceeded the amount the Customer could reasonably have expected, taking into account the profile of his/her previous expenses and the
relevant circumstances for such case.
At the request of ING, the Customer will prove the fulfilment of the above conditions.
ING will credit the amount of the payment transaction by direct debit within 10 Business Days from the receipt of the reimbursement request, the date of the currency of the account
being the date on which the amount was debited or, as appropriate, it will justify the refusal to reimburse the amount.
5.5. Modification of the Mandate
(1) Intrabank Mandate: (a) The Customer cannot request any modification of the mandate given/concluded, except for the Maximum Amount/Limit mentioned in the details of
the Mandate, which he/she may modify, through the Home’Bank service, if he/she uses this service, or at the Bank's locations. The new limit will enter into force within 2 (two)
Business Days from the modification by the Customer.
(2) Interbank Mandate: The Customer may modify the details of the Mandate through the form provided by the Bank in its locations or by the Payee at its premises, as follows:
(i) Payer's Account, only if the new Payer's Account is opened with the Bank, (ii) Fixed amount/Maximum limit, (iii) name of the Customer, (iv) Customer identifier with the Payee,
(v) the person in whose name the payment is made. Any Modification to the Mandate enters into force within 10 (ten) Business Days, calculated from the time of receipt of the
modified Mandate by the Bank, provided that it is complete, correct and duly signed by the Customer.
(3) Until the entry into force of the new Maximum Amount/Limit, ING Bank will process any Direct Debit Instruction based on the previous Maximum Amount set by the
(4) If the Customer wants to make any other modification of the Mandate (intrabank/interbank), he/she may request for free the cancellation (termination) thereof and agree on a
new mandate, with modified terms and conditions.
(5) If the Bank wishes to modify the terms and conditions of the Mandate, it will notify the Customer of the revised terms and conditions on a durable medium, two months before
their entry into force, except for modifications that are to the Customer's benefit. The modifications are deemed as accepted by the Customer if he/she does not notify the Bank of
his/her refusal to accept the modified terms and conditions within the aforementioned time limit. In the latter case, the Customer may terminate the Mandate with immediate effect
and at no additional costs.
5.6. Liability
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As ING Bank acts exclusively as an intermediary between the Customer and the Payee, ING Bank cannot be involved in any dispute that may arise between the Customer and the
Payee in connection with an amount debited from the Payer's Account based on any Direct Debit Instruction, including the case of the Automatic Reinstruction of an Intrabank
Direct Debit Instruction. ING Bank will not be liable for any loss or direct or indirect costs incurred by the Customer as a result of the processing by ING Bank under the Mandate
of any Direct Debit Instruction, including the Automatic Reinstruction of an Intrabank Direct Debit Instruction.
5.7. Mandate Term and Termination
a) Mandate Term:
The Mandate is concluded for 1 (one) year from the date of entry into force and will be automatically renewed for successive periods of 1 (one) year each. In the case of mandates
concluded for the payment of insurance premiums, the mandate is being concluded for the entire period in which the insurance policies, including the renewed ones, are in force.The
Customer may set an expiry date of the interbank Mandate for recurring payment, respectively the date of the last collection, in which case the Mandate ends on the day following
the date of the last collection provided in the Mandate. The interbank Mandate for one-off payments ends after the date of execution of such payment.
b) Mandate Termination:
(1) The Mandate may be terminated by (i) cancellation by the Customer or (ii) withdrawal by the Bank and (iii) closing of the Payer's Account.
(2) The Customer may cancel the Mandate free of charge at any time, using for this purpose the electronic channels or by filling in a form provided by the Bank, as follows: (i)
Intrabank Mandates can be cancelled via the Home’Bank service, if the Customer uses this service, or by completing the Mandate closing form in the Bank’s locations. The Payer
Customer may withdraw his/her consent for the execution of the Intrabank Direct Debit Instructions, by cancelling the Mandate, at the latest on the Business Day preceding the day
agreed with the Payee for debiting the funds, but not later than 12:00. Following the cancellation of the Mandate, no other Direct Debit Instruction will be processed by the Bank
under such Mandate. If the Customer decides to cancel a mandate on the grounds that he/she does not agree with the execution of one/certain payment orders, and subsequently
wishes to conclude a new intrabank mandate with the same object, the Customer will have to send the new mandate to the Bank within a period of no less than 10 calendar days
from the date of execution (the date on which the cancelled payment order should have been executed), as certain Payees send the same payment instruction for several days in a
row if it has not been successfully processed the first time. If the Customer sends the new intrabank mandate earlier, it is deemed that he/she has accepted the risk of debiting his/her
Payer’s Account based on the relevant payment instruction of the Payee. (ii) Interbank Mandates can be cancelled only in paper format by completing the Mandate revocation form
in any of the Bank’s locations or at the Payee's premises. The cancellation of an interbank mandate for recurring payment enters into force within 10 (ten) Business Days, calculated
from the time the Bank receives the cancellation of the mandate.
(3) In cases of termination of the Mandate by the modalities mentioned in paragraph (1) (i) and (ii) above and when the Paying Account is kept open, the Bank will process the
Direct Debit Instruction given under the Mandate and received before the termination of the Mandate, an instruction that expires on the day of the termination of the Mandate and
its liability cannot be held for any of the consequences of executing such instruction and debiting the Payer's Account after the termination of the Mandate. The closing of the Payer’s
Account has as a direct consequence the termination of the Mandate, without any other additional formality. In case of termination of the Mandate as a result of closing the Payer’s
Account, the Direct Debit Instruction received and not executed until the closing of the Payer’s Account will not be be executed by the Bank, the Customer understanding that its
payment can no longer be made through the Direct Debit Service and that the responsibility for making this payment belongs to the Customer.
(4) The Bank may terminate the Mandate under a notification sent to the Customer 2 months before its termination. In this case, the Mandate is deemed as terminated after 2 (two)
months from the date of receipt of the notification by the Customer. As an exception, ING Bank will block/suspend the service and may subsequently terminate the Mandate without
any other formality (except for a written notification) and without the intervention of the courts, if the Payer's Account is legally attached or otherwise seized or if, for any reason,
the Payer's Account is blocked.
5.8. Service Description. Definition of terms used:
(1) My Invoices Service (the Service) is an intrabank direct debit service enabling the Customer to manage through Home’Bank the payment of his/her invoices issued by
Payees/Suppliers the Bank has ongoing direct debit arrangements with, as they are made available in the Home’Bank application. The payment of invoices can be managed using
the Service in two alternative ways: (i) Individual payment - the Customer authorises individually each payment for the invoices issued by the payment Payee or (ii) Automatic
payment - consists in debiting the Paying Account by the Bank, exclusively based on and within the limits of the Mandate given by the Customer, at the request of the payment’s
Payee and crediting the Payee's Account. The Customer authorises only once the automatic payment of all invoices issued by each Payee. If the Customer does not authorise the
payment of an invoice via one of the two options, the invoice will not be paid via the Service.
(2) The Customer can verify information about each invoice issued by the Payee, its amount and payment due date, by accessing My Invoices from the Home’Bank menu. This
information is displayed in Home’Bank for a limited period, i.e. until the Payee communicates to the Bank information about the next invoice issued to the Customer.
(3) The Service allows the payment of invoices only if the Payee communicates to the Bank information about the invoice issued to the Customer.
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(4) "Payment Payee" - the service provider and/or the suppliers of public utility services (e.g. running water, sewer, electricity) who has a claim against the Client resulting from
the service contract concluded in this regard. "Customer" - individual who requested the intrabank direct debit service, within the Service, based on the Direct Debit Mandate.
"Beneficiary Account" - the Payee's current account opened with the Bank. “Paying Account" - the Client's current account opened with the Bank which will be debited by it upon
receipt of a Direct Debit Instruction. "Direct Debit Instruction" - the action initiated by the payment’s Payee in order to debit the Paying Account opened with the Bank, according
to the Mandate given by the Customer. "Direct debit mandate/Mandate" - the voluntary agreement sent by electronic means of whose authenticity has been verified by applying a
security procedure, whereby the paying Client grants the Bank a singular or permanent authorization, as the case may be, but revocable, for debiting the Paying Account based on
the Direct Debit Instruction received from the Payment’s Payee. The direct debit mandate is intrabank, the Payer's Account and the Payee's Account are opened with ING Bank.
"Automatic reinstructions of intrabank Direct Debit Instructions" - optional service offered by the Bank at the express request of the Payee, which consists in automatically
repeating the processing of an intrabank Direct Debit Instruction received from Payee and which was automatically rejected on the execution date. The processing of initially
rejected Direct Debit Instructions will be resumed daily within a re-instruction period (interval) from 1 to 20 consecutive working days following the date of automatic rejection of
the respective Direct Debit Instruction, until its settlement or until the fulfilment of the deadline previously mentioned reinstruction. "Maximum amount/Maximum limit" - the
amount that the Customer can reasonably estimate as the maximum value of each payment/claim owed to the Payee.
5.9. Eligibility conditions:
(1) The Customer can use this Service if he/she meets the following cumulative conditions: (i) holds (at least) one RON current account opened with ING Bank indicated to the
Bank for payment (“Payer's Account”); (ii) has an active Home’Bank service; (iii) provides accurate and complete data for the provision of the Service as requested in Home’Bank.
5.10. Conclusion of the Service Contract:
(1) The contract for the provision of the Service (the “Contract”) is concluded electronically through Home’Bank for each Payee separately. After accepting these contractual
provisions displayed in Home’Bank, the Customer expresses his/her consent to the conclusion of the Contract by entering his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials (e.g. Password,
SMS code, Authorisation code).
(2) The Contract is concluded for 1 (one) year and will be automatically renewed for successive periods of 1 (one) year each. For mandates concluded for payments of insurance
premiums, the mandate is concluded for the entire period in which the insurance policies, including the renewed ones, are in force.
5.11. Consent for Individual Payment:
(1) The Customer authorises the payment of each invoice separately in Home’Bank by pressing the button Pay now displayed for the invoice Payee in the My Invoices service,
followed by the entering of his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials (e.g. Password, SMS code, Authorisation code) according to the Home’Bank authentication requirements.
(2) The Customer can authorise the Individual Payment for an invoice exclusively during the period in which the information related to such invoice is displayed in the My Invoices
service in Home’Bank. Afterwards, the payment of the invoice can no longer be authorised through the Service via any of the options.
5.12. Consent for Automatic Payment
(1) The Customer authorises via Home’Bank the automatic payment of invoices by enabling the Automatic Payment option where he/she sets a Maximum Authorised Amount
for the payment of each invoice. The Automatic Payment can be enabled only if the following cumulative conditions are met: (i) an invoice has been issued to the Customer by the
Payee, (ii) the invoice is not overdue, (iii) the invoice has not yet been paid by Individual Payment.
(2) The Customer's consent for enabling the Automatic Payment is expressed by entering his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials (e.g. Password, SMS code, Authorisation code)
according to the Home’Bank specific authentication requirements.
(3) If the amount of an invoice issued by the Payee exceeds the Maximum Authorised Amount, the Bank will not execute the Automatic Payment of the invoice, as it exceeds the
limit agreed by the Customer.
5.13. Individual Payment features
(1) The execution by the Bank of an Individual Payment authorised by the Customer is subject to the contractual conditions applicable to a credit transfer payment order ordered
through Home’Bank
(2) The Individual Payment of an invoice is available only when the Automatic Payment in the Service is not enabled by the Customer and the invoice has not already been paid
via the Service.
5.14. Automatic Payment features
(1) By Automatic Payment, the Customer authorises ING Bank to debit the Payer's Account, without exceeding the Maximum Amount set, by the amount of the invoice provided
in the instruction issued by the Payee („Direct Debit Instruction”) and to credit it to the Payee's Account opened with ING Bank. The Bank will attempt to debit the Payer's Account
only on the payment due date if the Payee has not opted for the optional service of Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit Instructions.
(2) The Customer is informed about the optional service of Automatic Reinstruction of Intrabank Direct Debit Instructions offered by ING Bank to Payees under direct debit
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arrangements. This service consists of the automatic repetition of the processing of an Intrabank Direct Debit Instruction received from the Payee which was previously automatically
rejected on the execution date. The processing of Direct Debit Instructions initially rejected will be resumed daily for 1 (one) to 20 (twenty) consecutive Business Days, until its
settlement or until the aforementioned reinstruction period expires. The list of Payees who have opted for this optional service is made available to the Customer at the Bank's offices
and/or through the ING Home’Bank internet banking service.
(3) In case the Payee uses the optional service mentioned above, the Customer authorises ING Bank to debit the Payer's Account by the amount provided in the initial Direct Debit
Instruction and reinstructed/repeated in the time period applicable to the Payee.
(4) The Automatic Payment enters into force on the day it is enabled. The Customer is solely liable for any payment due to the Payee before the entry into force of the Automatic
(5) When enabling the Automatic Payment, the Customer must indicate in the field “Maximum Amount” the maximum admissible amount (“Maximum Amount”), reasonably
estimated by him/her, as the amount of each payment. If the amount provided in the Direct Debit Instruction exceeds the Maximum Amount, ING Bank will not debit the Payer's
Account by any amount (it will automatically reject the payment instruction). If the amount specified in the Direct Debit Instruction is less than or equal to the Maximum Amount,
ING Bank will debit the Payer's Account on the date and by the amount indicated by the Payee in the Direct Debit Instruction. Within 8 (eight) weeks from the date of debiting the
funds, the Customer can request in writing from the Bank the reimbursement of the amount from an authorized automatic payment operation, initiated by the Beneficiary and
executed, if the following conditions are cumulatively met:
a) the authorization does not specify the exact amount of the Payment Transaction at the time it was given,
b) the amount of the payment operation exceeded the amount that the Client could have reasonably expected, taking into account the profile of his previous expenses and the
relevant circumstances for the respective case.
At ING's request, the Customer will provide proof of fulfilment of the above conditions.
(6) ING will credit the amount of the payment operation by direct debit within a maximum of 10 working days from the receipt of the reimbursement request, the date of crediting
the account being the date on which the amount was debited or, as the case may be, it will justify the refusal to reimburse the amount.To execute the Automatic Payment, the
Customer must have in the Payer's Account the amounts necessary for making the payment, at least one day before the date of execution of the payment.
5.15. Automatic Payment modification
(1) With the Automatic Payment enabled, the Customer can modify the Maximum Amount. For this purpose, he/she will access the My Invoices service where he/she will indicate
the new Maximum Amount and will confirm it by entering his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials (e.g. Password, SMS code, Authorisation code) according to the Home’Bank
specific authentication requirements. The new limit will enter into force within 2 (two) Business Days from the modification by the Customer. Until the entry into force of the new
Maximum Amount, ING Bank will process any Direct Debit Instruction based on the previous Maximum Amount set by the Customer.
(2) The Customer can disable via Home’Bank the Automatic Payment at the latest at the end of the Business Day preceding the day agreed with the Payee for debiting the funds,
but no later than 12:00. For this, the Customer will access, in the Home’Bank menu, My Invoices and/or the details of the invoice and will confirm the disabling by entering his/her
Home’Bank Security Credentials (e.g. Password, SMS code, Authorisation code).
(3) The Direct Debit instructions received before the Automatic Payment was disabled and due after the Automatic Payment is disabled will not be executed by the Bank. If the
Customer decides to revoke a mandate on the grounds that he does not agree with the execution of a single/certain payment order, and subsequently wishes to conclude a new
intrabank mandate with the same object, the Customer will have to submit the new mandate to the Bank within of at least 20 calendar days from the execution date (the date on
which the revoked payment order should have been executed), because certain payment’s Payee send the same payment instruction for several days in a row if it was not successfully
processed on first try. If the Customer submits the new intrabank mandate earlier, it is considered to have accepted the risk of debiting his Payer Account based on the respective
payment instruction from the Payment’s Payee.
(4) The Customer can reenable the Automatic Payment at any time under the conditions provided in Article 5.12 above. If the Customer decides to revoke the automatic payment
for a Payee on the grounds that he does not agree with the execution of a single/certain payment order, and subsequently wishes to conclude a new automatic payment with the same
object, the Customer will have to activate the Automatic Payment within a minimum of 20 calendar days from the execution date (the date on which the revoked payment order
should have been executed), because certain Payees send the same payment instruction for several days in a row if it was not processed successfully from the first time. If the
Customer activates the Automatic Payment earlier, he is considered to have accepted the risk of debiting the Payer Account based on the respective payment instruction of the
Payment’s Payee.
5.16. Liability
(1) The Bank is not liable for the accuracy of the information about the invoices received from the Payee and made available to the Customer under the Service, i.e. the amount
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due, the payment due date, other details of the invoice. For any doubts or inaccuracies in connection with this information, the Bank will refer the Customer to the Payee.
(2) ING Bank acts exclusively as an intermediary between the Customer (as Payer) and the Payee, therefore the Bank cannot be involved in any dispute between the Customer
and the Payee in connection with the amount debited from the Payer's Account under the Service, including in the case of the automatic re-instruction of an intrabank Direct Debit
Instruction. ING Bank will not be liable for any loss incurred by the Customer as a result of the execution of payments by ING Bank under the Service, including in the case of the
automatic re-instruction of an intrabank Direct Debit Instruction.
(3) The Bank is not liable for the non-execution of an Individual Payment if it does not meet the applicable contractual conditions for the execution of a credit transfer payment
order ordered via Home’Bank.
(4) The service is provided to the Customer via Home’Bank. The Customer acknowledges that he/she cannot instruct an Individual Payment nor can he/she enable the Automatic
Payment when Home’Bank is not active, and ING Bank cannot be held liable for this. During the period when Home’Bank is not active, and the Customer has the Automatic
Payment enabled, the Bank will continue to execute it.
(5) ING Bank may block the Service and inform the Customer thereabout, if the Payer's Account is subject to a garnishment measure or otherwise seized, for any reason, and it
will no longer allow the execution of payments under the Service. The Bank will not be held liable in such cases.
(6) After the Conclusion of the Service Contract, within 5 Business Days, ING Bank will inform the Payee that the Service has been enabled, in order to send the Direct Debit
Instructions for the invoices issued by the Payee after being informed that the Service has been enabled. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that, when using the Automatic
Payment option provided by the Service, he/she is solely liable for any payment due to the Payee before the entry into force of the Service and until the expiry of the period in which
ING Bank informs the Payee that the Service has been enabled, and, when using the Individual Payment option provided by the Service, via Home’Bank, he/she will be made
available for payment the invoices issued by the Payee after being informed that the Mandate has been enabled, as provided above. In the absence of a Direct Debit Instruction sent
by the Payee to ING Bank, none of the Customer's payment obligations can be processed through the My Invoices Service.
5.17. Termination of Service
(1) The contract can be terminated by both the Customer and the Bank, as follows:
a) The Customer can terminate the Contract via Home’Bank. For this purpose, the Customer will select from the Home’Bank menu, My Invoices the option “···” displayed next
to the provider's name to authorise the termination of the Service by pressing the Delete button. The Service will be terminated immediately for the Individual Payment option and
on the next banking day for the Automatic Payment option.
b) The Bank will notify the Customer about the termination of the Service 2 months in advance. Furthermore, ING Bank may terminate the Contract with immediate effect by
notifying the Customer if no payments have been authorised through the Service in the last 6 calendar months.
In case of termination of the Mandate following the methods mentioned above and when the Paying Account is kept open, the Bank will process the Direct Debit Instruction given
on the basis of the Mandate and received before the moment of the termination of the Mandate, instruction which is due on the day of the termination of the Mandate and no
liability can be incurred for any of the consequences of the execution of the respective instruction and the debiting of the Paying Account after the termination of the Mandate.
c) Closing the Payer’s Account automatically leads to the termination of the direct debit mandate based on which the Service is provided and thus represents a cause for termination
of the contract regarding the My Invoices service, without any additional formality; In this case, the Direct Debit Instruction received and not executed until the closing of the Payer’s
Account by Automatic Payment will no longer be executed by the Bank, the Customer understanding that its payment can no longer be made through the Service and that the
responsibility for making this payment belongs to the Customer.
(2) The Direct Debit instructions received by the Bank under an Automatic Payment for payments due after the Automatic Payment is terminated will not be processed by the
5.18. Final provisions
(1) This Contract is supplemented by the General Terms and Conditions for Individuals and the Payments Guide, with the proviso that, in the case of inconsistencies between
them, the provisions of this Contract will prevail.
(2) If the Bank plans to change the terms and conditions of the Service, then it will notify the Customer of the revised terms and conditions on a durable medium, two months
before their entry into force, with the exception of changes that benefit the Customer. It will be considered that the changes are accepted by the Customer if he does not notify the
Bank of his refusal to accept the modified terms and conditions within the previously mentioned term. In this latter case, the Customer can cancel the Service with immediate effect
and without additional costs.
5.19. Description: The Customer may authorise the Bank to make periodic payments on his/her behalf by transferring fixed amounts on agreed dates to other accounts of his/her or
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other customers (opened with ING Bank or other banks).
5.20. The frequency of the payments will be agreed between the Customer and the Bank (weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, annually). On the agreed date, the account indicated
by the Customer will be debited. If the agreed date is not a Business Day, the payment will be made on the next Business Day.
5.21. Description: The Customer may authorise the Bank to make a future payment on his/her behalf by transferring a fixed amount on an agreed date/after a certain period. The
date chosen by the Customer/the due date must be a Business Day.
5.22. Expressing consent and the necessary conditions for establishing and processing scheduled payment orders:
(i) The information for establishing and processing scheduled payment orders (recurring or on-time, as appropriate) can be transmitted:
- through the Home’Bank service, the Customer's consent being given by authorising the transaction, by entering his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials under the specific
authentication requirements of Home’Bank;
- in paper format, in ING Offices and ING Bank Agencies, the Customer's consent being given by signing the form;
- by telephone, at the initiative of the bank, the Customer's consent being given by telephone;
- via the Internet, following an invitation received from ING Bank, the Customer's consent being expressed by pressing the agreement submission button;
- by SMS, the Customer's consent being expressed by sending an SMS in response to an invitation received from ING Bank.
- through a PSIP, the Customer's consent being given by authorising the transaction, according to the procedure mentioned in section (VII).
(ii) For a customer to be provided these services, he/she must cumulatively meet the following conditions: (i) to hold a current account opened with ING Bank (account debited
by the payment amount(s)); (ii) to have in such account the amounts necessary for making the payment at least one day before the agreed date for debiting the account. If the amount
in the current account is not enough to make the payment, and the account has an Extra'Rol credit line attached with available funds, the Bank will automatically debit from the
credit line the amount necessary to make the scheduled payment.
5.23. Reception - The date of receipt of the payment order is considered to be (each of) the agreed dates.
5.24. Modification or Withdrawal of the payment order
The customer may modify/withdraw the scheduled payment order at any time, including the day agreed for debiting the funds, provided that the payment has not been made by the
Bank, via the channels used to order it (e.g. Home’Bank), except for payment orders confirmed by internet/SMS/telephone, for which the modification/withdrawal is possible via
the ING Home’Bank service, if provided, or at the ING Bank offices. If the payment was made by the Bank, the modification of the recurring payment order takes effect from the
next date agreed by the Customer and the Bank for making the payment. A scheduled payment order modification only covers the modification of the payment amount and/or of the
payment date and/or of the payment frequency (in the case of recurring payments) and is equivalent to the cancellation of the initial order and the instruction of a new payment order
by the Customer. Withdrawal of any payment order will have the effect that no scheduled payment based on such scheduled order will be processed by the Bank.
A. Intra-bank RON payments to a mobile phone number
5.25. Description - Service allowing the Customer, including a Customer holding an ING Young, to instruct a payment to the mobile phone number of another Customer, including
a Customer holding an ING Young . This service is available exclusively for intrabank payments in RON (payments from/to ING Bank Romania customers).
5.26. In order to benefit from this service, a Customer must cumulatively meet the following conditions: (i) to have the ING Home’Bank service and (ii) regarding the payer
Customer he must have at least one current account in RON or be empowered on a RON current account opened with the Bank (the account that the payer will indicate to the Bank
for debiting the amount - "Payer’s Account"), and regarding the beneficiary Customer he must have at least one current account opened with the Bank.
5.27. The payment order can be sent to the Bank through the ING Home’Bank application and must contain the following information: (a) The Payer's Account; (b) details of the
Payee: (b1) name and (b2) mobile phone number; the phone number will be in the 07xxxxxxxx format; (c) the amount of the payment, expressed in figures; the Maximum Amount
allowed per transaction is RON 3,000 and in case of payments instructed by a Customer holding an ING Young, the limits mentioned in the ING Young Terms and Conditions will
also apply and (d) the description of the payment (purpose of the payment, message to the Payee).
5.28. The payment order is deemed as received by the Bank when it has been authorised by the Customer by entering his/her Home’Bank Security Credentials under the specific
authentication requirements of Home’Bank, and the Bank will execute the payment instruction exclusively based on the information provided by the Customer (Payer and Payee)
as provided below.
5.29. Immediately after sending the payment instruction, the Payer must communicate to the Payee the date of the payment order (the date of sending the payment instruction to the
Bank) and the amount of the transaction.
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5.30. After receiving the payment instruction, the Bank (i) will transfer the amount to the payee and will credit the current account in RON held by him or if he has several current
accounts in RON, will credit the first current account in RON opened at the Bank; if the beneficiary holds an ING Young, the amount will be transferred to the current account in
RON to which an ING Young is attached or, as appropriate, (ii) it will make unavailable (block) the amount of the transaction and the related fees on the Payer's Account if the
phone number provided by the paying customer is associated with two or more customers of the Bank. In the latter case, the Bank will send to the Payee by SMS, at the mobile
phone number provided by the Payer, a unique transaction identifier. The amounts blocked in the Payer's Account bear interest until the date on which they are debited from the
account. The amounts will be debited from the Payer's Account at the latest at the expiry of the time limit provided in Article 5.31, when the Payee will successfully complete the
request for collection of the transferred amount.
5.31. In the situation described in Article 5.30. (ii), the Payee can collect the amount transferred within 3 (three) days. The term is calculated by calendar days (not hours), starting
with the day on which the payment instruction was sent to the Bank and ending at 24:00 on the third calendar day. After the expiry of this time limit, the Payee can no longer request
the collection of the amount sent. By way of exception, the Payee can no longer request the collection of the amount sent before the expiry of the term in the case of a third consecutive
unsuccessful collection attempt, following the erroneous entering of the information mentioned in Article 5.32 (ii). In these situations, the Bank will invalidate the unique transaction
identifier code and will unblock the amounts made unavailable in the Payer's Account.
5.32. For the situation described in Article 5.30. (ii), in order to collect the transferred amount, the Customer must take the following steps within the time limit provided in Article
5.31: (i) to access the ING Home’Bank application for tablet/smartphone and (ii) to enter in the application: (a) the unique transaction identifier code communicated by the Bank
via SMS; (b) the amount of the transaction communicated by the Payer and (c) the payee's account (the account held by the beneficiary customer or another current account in RON
on which he is empowered). The Bank will credit the amount of the transaction to the Payee's Account as soon as the aforementioned conditions are met.
5.33. The Bank reserves the right to deduct its fees from the payment order amount before crediting it to the Customer's account. The customer will be informed about the total
amount of the payment transaction and of the fees levied, through the account statement.
5.34. These payments will be highlighted both in the account statement for the Payer's Account and in the account statement for the Payee's Account, the Customer agreeing to
mention of the IBAN codes of these accounts in the account statements issued by the Bank.
5.35. The charges for this service are identical to those applicable to transfers in RON between accounts opened with ING Bank, initiated via the Home’Bank service. These are
presented in the List of Fees and Commissions for Individuals.
B. Inter-bank RON payments to a mobile phone number (AliasPay)
5.35 1 Description:
AliasPay - ING AliasPay - is a service offered by ING Bank related to the SPL Scheme (Standardized Proxy Lookup) RON ("SPL Scheme"), administered by the Romanian
Association of Banks ("ARB") based on the Convention on National Payment Schemes and the mandate given by the National Bank of Romania. The SPL scheme establishes the
procedures for the exchange of information necessary for the initiation of payments made from mobile terminals, using the payment solutions developed by the participating Banks
* in which the mobile phone number is used as an alias (proxy) to an IBAN account number. The SPL scheme and its database are managed by Transfond**. The SPL scheme is
subject to a set of specific rules, which must be followed by all participating Banks* available on the ARB website. AliasPay facilitates the initiation of interbank payments by the
clients of the participating Banks using the mobile phone number (alias) of the payment beneficiary (previously registered in the database related to the SPL Scheme). AliasPay
makes the correlation between the alias and the IBAN account number of the payment beneficiary within the database related to the SPL Scheme.
** Transfond - The Funds and Settlements Transfer Company is the administrator and operator of the Automatic Clearing House for commercial interbank payments - a specialized
IT infrastructure, called SENT, through which payments initiated through AliasPay are also processed. For the operation of AliasPay, Transfond keeps and manages in a centralized
database the data of the clients who have given their consent for the registration of their data through the participating Banks.
* Participating banks - Romanian banks that have joined the SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme. The updated list of participating Banks can be found on the website
The specific AliasPay terms and conditions can also be found on our website: These will be communicated to the Client also during the enrollment in AliasPay
database, if he chooses to do so. In addition, at any time while maintaining the AliasPay service, the Client may request ING Bank to be informed of the specific terms and conditions
in force at the time of the request.
5.352 Enrollment in AliasPay database
(1) Enrollment in the AliasPay database is optional and is made on the basis of the consent expressed in this respect within Home’Bank by the holder of a current account in RON
opened at the Bank and of the consent regarding the data processing. For more information on personal data processing activities, the Client will consult the Information Note on
the processing of data related to the AliasPay Service.
(2) The Client's data communicated for registration in the AliasPay database may be accessed by the participating Banks and their clients who initiate a payment indicating the
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beneficiary of the payment by the mobile phone number registered by the Client as an alias.
(3) The enrollment consent and the consent regarding the processing of personal data can be withdrawn for the future by accessing the dedicated AliasPay menu in Home'Bank, the
submenu „Mai multe-Acorduri”, of the Home'Bank application for tablet / smartphone or in the website, menu “Setari cont – Acorduri”.
(4) The AliasPay database allows a phone number to be associated with only one IBAN account at any one time. If the holder of a current account opened with the Bank associates
in the database the telephone number (alias) with the current account opened with ING Bank, and later will associate in that database the same telephone number and another account
opened with another participating Bank, from the moment of making the new registration, the association of the telephone number with the current account opened at ING Bank
will be deleted from the database related to AliasPay.
(5) When the holder of a current account opened with the Bank has registered in the database through ING Bank, the Bank will inform him as soon as possible about the changes of
the data associated with his phone number (alias) made in the AliasPay associated database, by an email / push, using in this sense the contact data that he declared in the relationship
with ING.
(6) At the same time, ING Bank will update as soon as possible the information registered in connection with a Client in the AliasPay database through the Bank, respectively when
there are changes in his data in relation to ING Bank or if the Client chooses to withdraw his consent for their maintenance in the AliasPay database and the personal data processing
(7) The Client assumes full responsibility and related consequences in case the phone number, associated with the account opened with the Bank with which he enrolls for AliasPay,
actually belongs to another person who was enrolled with the respective phone number in the database related to SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme.
(8) The following data of the Client, holder of a current account in lei opened at the Bank, respectively: name, surname, IBAN of the account opened at the Bank, telephone number
declared in relation to the Bank, can be registered in the AliasPay database , if the following conditions are cumulatively fulfilled: (i) The Client has (at least) an active current
account in lei opened at the Bank (if he has several active current accounts in lei, the first account opened at the Bank will be enrolled); (ii) The customer has contracted Home’Bank
service ; (iii) the telephone number of the Client declared in relation to ING Bank is not indicated for the same purpose by another client of the Bank; (iv) The Client, the holder of
the current account, has expressed in Home'Bank (a) the consent for registering his data in the database related to the SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme and also for accessing
them by the participating Banks which can communicate them to their own clients who initiate a payment and indicate as the beneficiary of the payment the holder of the mobile
phone number registered by the Client as an alias, as well as (b) the consent for the processing of the Customer's personal data.
(9) Enrollment in the AliasPay database can be initiated through Home'Bank.
(10) After fulfilling the above conditions, for enrollment in the AliasPay database, the Client, holder of a current account in lei opened with the Bank, must complete the following
a) To access AliasPay from: „Portofoliu”- „Mai multe - Acorduri” menu, from Home'Bank application for tablet / smartphone or from the website, the
menu “Setari cont – Acorduri”, in order to enroll in AliasPay service the telephone number registered at the Bank that will be associated as an alias of the current account
and of the data related to it;
b) To take note of the Information Note regarding the processing of personal data and to express its consent for the processing of the following personal data: name, telephone
number and IBAN associated with the telephone number in the database related to the SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme;
c) To express its consent that its data mentioned in letter b) above can be accessed by the participating Banks and by their clients who initiate a payment indicating the
beneficiary of the payment by the mobile phone number registered as an alias;
d) Accept the specific AliasPay terms and conditions that will be displayed during the AliasPay enrollment process.
(11) The decision regarding the application for enrollment in AliasPay database is displayed in Home'Bank and is also communicated by e-mail together with the specific terms and
conditions of AliasPay if the enrollment through Home'Bank has been successfully initiated and completed. At the same time, the data will be communicated to Transfond database
related to the SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme.
(12) The Bank shall keep records of the AliasPay enrollment process during the Client's relationship with the Bank, also for a period of at least five years after its termination, these
representing full and complete evidence for the consents provided in the process.
5.353 How the data enrolled in the AliasPay database is used
(1) In order to make a payment that is initiated by indicating the mobile phone number (alias) of the payment beneficiary, the participating bank, where the payer has opened the
account from which he wishes to initiate payment, will query the Transfond database related to the SPL scheme Standardized Proxy Lookup if that phone number is in the database.
If the telephone number is identified following the query, Transfond will confirm this information to the participating Bank and will communicate the other information associated
with the telephone number (IBAN of the ING account, name and surname). The participating bank will provide the information received to its client who initiated the payment,
regardless of whether the initiated transaction will be completed or not by its authorization.
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5.354 How to use the AliasPay service
(1) After the Client registers his data in the AliasPay database, the clients of the participating Banks will be able to initiate payments to his account from ING Bank indicating, for
the identification of the payment beneficiary, his mobile phone number (alias). The collection and crediting of the amounts in the current account is carried out according to the
provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of ING Bank for individuals and to this document. The client is fully responsible for the consequences arising from sharing, to
persons wishing to transfer money by telephone number, of another telephone number than the one with which he registered in the AliasPay database. At the same time, the payer,
client of another participating Bank, may choose to transfer to ING Client sums of money in his account from the Bank also by other methods.
(2) Even if the holder of a current account in lei opened at the Bank chooses not to enroll in the AliasPay database, he can use AliasPay to initiate payments, from his accounts in
lei opened at the Bank, to clients of the participating Banks who are enrolled in AliasPay database.
(3) The holder of a current account in lei opened at the Bank / The authorized person on a current account in lei opened at the Bank can make payments using AliasPay only through
Home’Bank service. The maximum amount that can be transferred in a transaction through AliasPay is 3,000 lei.
(4) When initiating a payment by telephone number, indicating the telephone number of the beneficiary of the payment, the Bank shall check in advance whether the respective
transfer can be made by intra-bank transfer, through the service Payment to a mobile phone number according to Chapter IV point A of this document. Only if the verification shows
that the payment cannot be made to the beneficiary in his account opened with ING Bank, then the Client will have the possibility to instruct it using AliasPay.
(5) If the holder of a current account in lei opened at the Bank / The authorized person on a current account in lei opened at the Bank initiates payments through the AliasPay Service
which in the end he will not unjustifiably authorize, for security reasons the access to service will be temporarily restricted, and for repeated violations of this kind the access to
the service may be permanently blocked for the future. The Bank has the right to terminate the service, notifying the decision in this regard.
(6) Before authorizing a payment through AliasPay, the holder of a current account in lei opened at the Bank / The authorized person on a current account in lei opened at the Bank
has the obligation to verify and ensure the correctness of the information related to the payment instruction displayed in the screens in Home'Bank. He must verify and ensure that
all his details are correct, namely: (a) The Paying Account; (b) details of the payee, namely: (b1) the account holder's instructions and (b2) the payee's mobile phone number; the
telephone number must be in the format 07xxxxxxxx; and (b3) the Iban account of the payee to whom the transfer is to be made; (c) the amount of the payment, which shall be
expressed in figures;
If the payment instruction contains incorrect statements, it must not be authorized, otherwise the Customer fully assumes the risks arising from the authorization of the payment
instruction under these conditions.
If all the details of the payment are correct, in order to authorize and execute the payment, the provisions contained in chapter (II) Non-cash operations apply: transfers -general rules
regarding transfers- art 4.9,4.10,4.11,4.12, 4.13,4.14 , 4.15 (1), 4.16 of this document.
(7) The payment order sent through AliasPay is considered received by the Bank when it has been authorized by the Customer using the Home’Bank security elements under the
specific Home’Bank authentication conditions.
(8) Payments made through AliasPay represent interbank transfers from the current account ordered through Home’Bank and the commissions and fees related to this type of transfer
are applied accordingly according to the List of Fees and Commissions for individuals.
(9) The account statement shows the payments instructed by AliasPay, as well as the amounts received from transfers initiated based on the telephone number.
(10) The Client has the obligation to monitor the transactions carried out through AliasPay and to immediately communicate to the Bank by calling the Bank's Call Center any
discrepancy or irregularity identified in connection with them.
5.355 Delete data from the AliasPay database
(1) Withdrawal of the consent for enrollment in AliasPay and withdrawal of the consent for data processing lead to the deletion for the future of the alias associated with the account
opened with the Bank from the database related to the SPL Standardized Proxy Lookup scheme.
(2) The deletion of the alias associated with the account opened with the Bank, registered through the Bank in AliasPay database, is performed automatically for the future in the
following situations:
a) change of the declared telephone number in the relationship with the Bank
b) closing for any reason of the current account associated with the telephone number declared in the relationship with the Bank
c) closing the relationship with the Bank for any reason
d) modification of the name and / or first name attached to the account communicated and documented in the relationship with the Bank
e) associating the telephone number in AliasPay with an account opened with another participating Bank;
(3) In order to use AliasPay with the new data, the Client must re-enroll in AliasPay and resume the enrolment steps.
5.356 Processing of personal data related to AliasPay
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For detailed information on the data processing activities performed in connection with AliasPay, the Client can read here the Information Note on the processing of data related to
the AliasPay Service. This note is permanently available on, the section dedicated to personal data protection and is completed with the stipulations of this document and
C. Intrabank request for payment in lei sent to a phone number (starting with November 2022)
5.357 "Request to pay" - Service through which the beneficiary Client of an intrabank payment in lei (the Beneficiary) can initiate the details of that payment order, as part of a
request, transmitted to the Paying Client (the Payer) through the ING application Home'Bank for tablet/mobile. The validity of the payment request lasts until the moment when the
Payer authorizes the payment or, as the case may be, upon the expiration of the 30-day period from the date of its receipt, if it is not authorized. The payment request will include the
following information: (a) Beneficiary's account; (b) the Payer's name according to the Beneficiary's phonebook (c) the amount of the payment expressed in figures (the maximum
amount allowed per transaction is 3,000 lei) and (d) the description of the payment (what the payment represents), the request that will be sent to the Payer who will be identified by
the mobile phone number indicated by the Beneficiary, in Home 'Bank. If the Beneficiary has several active lei current accounts at the Bank, then the Beneficiary's account that will
be included in the details sent through the payment request will be the one first account opened at the Bank.
The Beneficiary has the obligation to send payment requests only to persons from whom he have received confirmation that they are clients of the Bank. A payment request application
can include several requests for payment (maximum 10) addressed to different Payers. A maximum of 7 payment requests applications can be sent in one day.
This service is available exclusively for payment requests that contain details for intrabank payment orders in lei (requests from/to ING Bank Romania clients) and can be accessed
from Home'Bank>Plati>Alte plati>Cereri de plata or by initiating a payment request by selecting the transaction from Raport Tranzactii.
5.358. In order to use this service, both the Beneficiary and the Payer must cumulatively fulfill the following conditions: (i) to be the holder of (at least) a current account in lei opened
at the Bank, and (ii) use the ING Home'Bank service for tablet/mobile.
5.359. Payment requests sent/received as well as their status can be viewed in the menu Home'Bank>Plati>Alte plati>Cereri de plata.
.5.3510. The Beneficiary has the possibility, within 30 calendar days from the date of payment request, to cancel it if it has not yet been paid, or to cancel it partially, cancelling any
of the payment request instructions included and sent to each Payer which were not yet paid or the possibility to cancel all payments instructions included in the request payment
application which were not yet paid. Also the Beneficiary has the possibility to remind the Payer about the Payment Request sent, accessing the details of the payment request from
the menu Trimise from Home'Bank>Plati>Alte plati>Cereri de plata in which case the Payer will be informed by the Bank through a Push notification, if he has activated the Push
service or if the mobile device/tablet is set as a trusted device, about the actions performed by the Beneficiary in this regard.
5.3511. After receiving a payment request, the Payer will decide whether to proceed with it. The payment request can be viewed and/or authorized by the Payer through Home'Bank
for the tablet/mobile by accessing: i) the Push notification received from the Bank, if the Push service is activated or if the mobile device/tablet is set as a trusted device ; ii) the
menu Primite from Home'Bank>Plati>Alte plati>Cereri de plata, , within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of its sending, if the Beneficiary has not decided to
cancel it before this deadline. In order to authorize and execute the payment order included in the received request, the provisions of the General Conditions for Home'Bank service
for natural persons will be applied accordingly, as well as the specific provisions from point (II), OPERATIONS WITHOUT CASH (Non-Cash): transfers, currency
exchanges within chapter 4. OPERATIONS: operations with cash (cash), operations without cash (non-cash), card transactions, from this document, and the Payer will
indicate only the Payer account and the other elements of the payment order will be maintained as they were completed by the Beneficiary according to art 5.357 above and cannot
be modified.
5.3512. The payment order authorized by the Payer is considered to have been received by the Bank at the moment it was authorized by using Home'Bank's Security Elements
according to Home'Bank's specific authentication conditions.
5.3513. The commissions related to payment orders authorized and executed through this service are those applicable to transfers in lei between accounts opened at ING Bank,
initiated through the Home'Bank service. These are presented in the List of Taxes and Commissions for individuals. If necessary, the Bank reserves the right to deduct its
commissions from the amount of the payment order before crediting it to the Beneficiary's account.
5.3514. If the Beneficiary initiates repeated Payment Requests that he does not authorize for communication to the Payer unjustifiably, for security reasons, access to this service
will be temporarily restricted, and for repeated violations of this kind, future access to the service may be permanently blocked. At the same time, the Beneficiary has the
obligations to use the Payment Request service according to these provisions, not to unjustifiably send payment requests through the service, and in case of finding contrary
behavior on his part, the Bank has the right to terminate the service, notifying - is the decision in this regard.
(V) Internet payment transactions performed through the “Porteaza-ti banii” option, with non-ING debit cards (cards issued by other credit institutions) to an ING
account - “Porteaza-ti banii” service
5.36. Description: Service allowing the Customer to initiate an internet payment transaction to a Payee's Account opened with ING Bank, existing in the Customer's portfolio, using
for this transaction a debit card issued by another bank on the Romanian territory and the Bank's platform/application the ING Home’Bank service is based on.
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5.37. In order to benefit from this service, the Customer must cumulatively meet the following conditions: (i) to hold (at least) one RON current account opened with the Bank (the
account to be indicated by the Customer to ING Bank for crediting (collecting) the amount - “Payee's Account”), (ii) to be the cardholder of a valid bank card that cumulatively
meets the following specific requirements: (ii. 1) to be issued by a bank on the territory of Romania; (ii. 2) the card must be Visa, Mastercard or Maestro and (iii) to have the ING
Home’Bank service.
5.38. The service is available in 3 options, as follows: (i) Porteaza-ti banii in 3 steps (ii) Porteaza-ti banii in one step (iii) Porteaza-ti banii by Automatic Payment
V.1. Porteaza-ti banii in 3 steps has the following specific requirements:
5.39. The payment order for the internet payment transaction can be sent by the Customer to the Bank using/accessing the platform/application the ING Home’Bank service is based
on and it must contain the following information: (a) details about the source of funds and the Payer: (a1) the card number attached to the account from which the funds are to be
transferred; (a2) CVV2/CVC2 written on the back of the card; (a3) card expiry date; (a4) 3D Secure validation if the card has enabled this service/is 3D Secure enrolled; (b) details
about the Payee, respectively. The current account in the Customer’s portfolio in which the transferred amount will be collected; (c) the amount transferred. Payment transactions
performed via the service may have limits for amounts and/or number of transactions over a certain period of time. The minimum and maximum values and/or the number of
transactions for a period are displayed at all times in the Bank’s locations and on the website in the section dedicated to this service and can be accessed by the Customer
directly in the ING Home’Bank Service in the “Payment in RON” menu, the submenu “Porteaza-ti banii”, the section “Limite portari”;
5.40. If the transaction is authorised by the card issuing bank (“Source Bank”), the card will be automatically registered in the name of the account holder in the Your Cards section
of the “Porteaza-ti banii” submenu, the “Payments” menu of the ING Home’Bank Service.
5.41. Optionally, you can select the check mark for setting automatic payments, under the specific terms and conditions of this option described in V. 3 below.
5.42. After receiving the payment instruction, ING Bank (i) will request the Source Bank to authorise the Porteaza-ti banii transaction, and (ii) will immediately credit the amount
indicated in the payment order to the Payee's Account if the transaction is authorised by the issuing bank. If the Payee's Account is restricted to collection, the transferred amount
will not be credited to the Payee's Account and ING Bank will take steps to adjust the situation with the Bank issuing the card in order to unblock the amount to be transferred.
5.43. ING Bank will credit the Payee's Account indicated by the Customer with the amount of the internet payment transaction on the day the payment transaction was initiated,
based on the authorisation received from the Source Bank. If the card used for the internet payment transaction is issued in a currency other than RON, when debiting the transaction
from the account to which the card is attached, the issuing bank of the card could make a currency exchange between the amount of the internet payment transaction and its equivalent
amount in the currency of the account to which the card is attached, in accordance with the contract concluded between the issuing bank and the Cardholder.
V.2. Porteaza-ti banii in one step has in addition compared to the Porteaza-ti banii in 3 steps option the following features:
5.44. This option is available only if the Customer has previously used this service, making at least one transfer to the Payee's Account. Thus, up to a maximum of 6 distinct cards,
each such card used in an internet payment transaction authorised by the Source Bank will be recorded in the ING Home’Bank Service in the “Payments” menu, the “Porteaza-ti
banii” submenu, “Your Cards” section.
5.45. The payment order can be sent by the Customer to the Bank by selecting from the “Your Cards” section the card for which he/she wants to reinitiate the transaction; after
selecting the card, the Customer is presented the payment details of the last transaction authorised by the issuing Bank using that card, as follows: (a) details about the source of
funds and the Payer: (a1) the truncated number of the card attached to the account the funds are to be transferred from; (a2) the card expiry date; (b) Payee details, i.e. the current
account in the Customer's portfolio in which the transferred amount will be collected; the account can be modified by selecting from a drop-down list of accounts in the portfolio of
RON current accounts (c) the amount to be transferred; the amount can be modified by the Customer within the limits (minimum/maximum amounts and/or number of transactions
over a certain period of time) set for the service; (d) the CVV2/CVC2 code (written on the back of the card).
5.46. To complete the transaction in one step, the Customer will enter the code CVV2/CVC2 (written on the back of the card), and the 3D Secure validation will be requested from
the Source Bank, if the card used has this service enabled.
5.47. After receiving the payment instruction, ING Bank will proceed according to the provisions of Article 5.42 and Article 5.43 above.
5.48. To delete the card from the “Your Cards” section, it is necessary to access the “Delete card” option.
V.3. Porteza-ti banii by Automatic Payment has in addition compared to the Porteaza-ti banii in 3 steps option the following features:
5.49. This option allows the Customer to authorise the Bank to initiate periodic payments (“Automatic payments”) on his/her behalf, under the consent given in a 3-step ” Porteza-
ti banii” transaction instructed by him/her.
5.50. For a Customer to benefit from this functionality, he/she must cumulatively meet the following conditions:
(i) to hold (at least) one RON current account opened with ING Bank (the account to be indicated by the Customer to the Bank for collection following a Porteaza-ti banii
transaction); (ii) to select the option “Recurrent Payment” when entering the data necessary to initiate a Porteaz-ti banii transaction (iii) the transaction for which the Customer has
given his/her consent to set the automatic payment mandate to be authorised by the issuing bank of the card used in the Porteaza-ti banii transaction (“Source Bank”); (iv) not to
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have saved another automatic payment mandate for the same card used in the initial transaction; (v) the card used by the Customer to be Visa or Mastercard, not Maestro.
5.51. Automatic Payment Data will be set automatically as follows: (i) the payment amount is the amount of the initial transaction authorised by the Source Bank; (ii) the receiving
account will be the one indicated for the initial transaction, (iii) the payment frequency will be monthly and, starting with June 2023, bi-monthly or weekly (iv) the payment date
will be the one on which the initial transaction authorised by the Source Bank was performed for the monthly recurrencies or the chosen day of the week for the weekly recurrencies
or the two chosen dates for the bi-monthly recurrenciesand (v) the validity period of the mandate for Automatic Payments given to the Bank is of 5 years from the date of the initial
transaction. If, during the validity period of the Automatic Payments mandate, the Source Bank rejects an automatic payment for “expired card” reasons, no automatic payment
subsequent to the rejected one will be initiated by the Bank. When executing an Automatic Payment, the Bank will check the limits (as minimum/maximum amounts and/or number
of transactions over a certain period of time) set for the service, limits displayed at all times in the Bank's locations and on the website as well as in the ING Home’Bank
Service in the menu “Payments”, submenu “Porteaza-ti banii”, section “Limite Portari”, and the Automatic Payment will not be performed in such month if these limits have been
5.52. The Customer can modify the automatic payment datas, as follows: the payment amount, the Payee's Account ,the payment date and frecquency. Any modification to payment
dates will take effect immediately by confirming the modification made by the Customer. The modification will be made by accessing the ING Home’Bank Service, “Your Cards”
section, “Recurrence Edit” option. If the Customer modifies the date/frecquency of the automatic payment and the new date/day set is after the date on which the modification took
place, the next automatic payment will be made in the respective month on the new date/day of payment. In this case, if the new payment date is not available for that month (e.g.
February on the 30th, 31st and 29th in leap years), the automatic payment will be made on the last day of that month. If the Customer modifies the date/frequency of the automatic
payment and the new date set is before the date on which the modification took place, the next automatic payment will be made in the following month on the new date/dayset.
5.53. The customer can request at any time during the validity of the automatic payment mandate the deletion (cancellation) of the automatic payment by accessing the “Delete card”
option via the ING Home’Bank Service, “Paymentsmenu, “Porteaza-ti banii” submenu/Your Cards. If the Customer decides to cancel an Automatic Payment on the grounds that
he/she does not agree with the execution of one/certain payment sequences, and subsequently wishes to authorise the Bank to make Automatic Payments under the same conditions,
the Customer will have to make a new payment by checking the setting option Automatic Payment and the respective transaction to be authorised by the Source Bank.
5.54. If an automatic payment is rejected by the Source Bank due to “insufficient funds”, the Customer authorises the Bank to repeat the automatic payment instruction over the next
2 calendar days. If the payment is rejected due to “insufficient funds” on the first day of the two calendar days, the payment will be reinstructed the following day too. If the
transaction is rejected by the Source Bank on the second day too, the process stops. If, during the period of reinstructing the automatic payment, the Source Bank rejects the automatic
transaction for any reason, other than “insufficient funds”, (e.g. blocked card) and regardless of the time of rejection, the process of reinstructing the automatic payment will not
5.55. The automatic payment is disabled in the following situations: (i) if no transaction authorised by the Source Bank is executed for 3 months (ii) the 5-year term from the date
of setting the recurrence mandate expires (iii) a transaction in the Automatic Payments series was rejected by the Source Bank for “expired card” reasons. The Automatic Payment
Status can be identified in the Your Cards section as follows: (i) by showing a specific status “ok”in the Recurrence indicator for Automatic Payments for which the last payment
sequence was approved by the Source Bank, (ii) showing a specific status “rejected” the Recurrence indicator for Automatic Payments for which the last payment sequence was
rejected by the Source Bank (iii) by eliminating the Recurrence indicator for Automatic Payment in the following cases: (a) after the third consecutive month in which the transaction
was rejected by the Source Bank, (b) if the limit of 5 years from the date of the initial transaction has been exceeded or (c) if a transaction in the Automatic Payments series was
rejected by the Source Bank for “expired card” reasons.
5.56. The fees for the Porteaza-ti banii Service are presented in the List of Fees and Commissions for Individuals.
5.57. The payment transactions will be highlighted both in the account statement of the Payer's Account to which the card used for initiating the internet payment transaction attached
was initiated according to the contract concluded with the Source Bank, as well as in the Payee's Account statement.
(VI) Switching accounts
5.58. Description - the account switching service allows, at the Customer's request, the transfer from one payment service provider to another, either of all or only of some scheduled
payment orders, direct debit mandates and recurring incomings executed in a payment account, or of any positive balance of the payment account from one payment account to
another, or both, with or without closing the old payment account.
5.59. This service operates between payment accounts held in the same currency by a Customer with two payment service providers located on the national territory.
5.60. The service is initiated by the Customer, by filling in an authorisation form for switching the payment account, a form that is submitted to the payment service provider where
he/she wants to make the transfer (recipient PSP/New Bank). The latter sends the authorisation form to the payment service provider the transfer is to be made from (previous
PSP/transfer PSP/Old Bank).
5.61. The complete information regarding the account switching service is made available to the Customer by the Bank at all its offices (ING Offices and/or ING Bank Agencies)
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and is provided to him/her on request, free of charge, on paper or on another durable medium, in the manner agreed with them. This information is also published on the ING Bank
(VII) Special provisions on payment services provided by Third Party Payment Service Providers (Account Information Services, Payment Initiation Services,
Confirmation on the availability of funds)
5.62. In connection with the payment accounts accessible online opened with the Bank, the Customer is entitled to be provided, under the law, payment services by Third Party
PSPs, and the Customer, at his/her discretion, can choose to use Account Information Services or Payment Initiation Services or card-based payment instruments issued by an Issuing
Third Party PSP.
5.63. Under the applicable law, the Bank will communicate securely with Third Party PSPs via a single dedicated interface (API) and will observe the payment initiation instructions
and/or Information Requests made by Third Party PSPs, necessary for the Account Information Services, the Payment Initiation Services they provide to the Customer or the use of
the card-based payment instruments issued by them to the Customer.
The Customer acknowledges and accepts that, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, if the API does not operate according to the standards or is unavailable, in order
not to create obstacles for the Third Party PSP in providing payment services to the Customer, the Bank will allow the Third Party PSP, as part of an emergency mechanism, to use
the Home’Bank interface provided to the Customer for authentication and communication with the Bank, and the Third Party PSP is required to take all necessary measures not to
access, store or process data for purposes other than providing the payment service requested by the Customer.
5.64. Account Information Service.
The Customer can obtain from the Bank through a PSIC communicating with the Bank via API the following information about one or more payment accounts accessible online at
the date of request (in Home’Bank): account details, balance and transaction history.
In order to obtain information about accounts through PSIC, the Customer must give his/her consent through the PSIC application, observing Strong Authentication Requirements,
using the following “Home’Bank” Security Credentials: User Code, Password and Authentication Code sent by the Bank via SMS to the user, and he/she must indicate the accounts
for which PSIC can request information from the Bank.
The Customer's consent is valid for 90 days from the date of giving. During this period, PSIC may initiate Account Information Requests whenever the Customer actively requests
such information via the application owned by PSIC or up to 4 times/day if the Customer does not actively request such information, without other authentication by the Customer.
After the 90 days, the Customer must give a new consent using the procedure mentioned above.
The customer can view the history of the consents given by accessing, using the “Home’Bank” User Code and Password.
5.65. Payment Initiation Service
The Customer can initiate a payment order from a Payment Account accessible online on the date of initiating the payment (in Home’Bank), through a PSIP, which will communicate
with the Bank via the API.
For the Bank to execute a payment order initiated through PISP, the Customer's consent is required, given in observance with Strong Authentication Requirements, using the
following Home’Bank Security Credentials: User Code, Password and Authentication Code sent by the Bank via SMS to the user. Based on this consent, PSIP will access information
on the status of the initiated payment transaction.
After giving his/her consent, the Customer will be able to cancel the payment order initiated by PISP through it.
The customer can view the payment transactions, including those initiated through PSIP, by accessing the Home’Bank internet banking service.
5.66. Confirmation on the Availability of Funds
In order to allow the Bank to respond to Information Requests made by a certain issuing Third Party PSP in connection to a Payment Account accessible online at the time of the
request, the Customer must give his/her consent in advance, through the Third Party PSP application, observing Strong Authentication Requirements and using the following
Home’Bank security credentials: User Code, Password and Authentication Code sent by the Bank via SMS to the user, and he/she must indicate the account for which the Third
Party PSP can request information from the Bank.
The consent thus given is valid until its cancellation by the Customer.
Based on the consent thus given, the issuing Third Party PSP will be allowed to send to the Bank Information Requests on the availability in the Payment Account accessible online
designated by the Customer of the amounts necessary to perform the card-based payment transactions initiated by the Customer.
At the request of an issuing Third Party PSP that communicates with the Bank through API, for which the Bank has the Customer's consent, the Bank will immediately confirm to
it, through API, if an amount necessary to execute a certain card-based payment transaction initiated by the Customer is available in the Payment Account accessible online of the
Customer. The answer is “Yes” or “No” and does not include a statement on the account balance.
The customer can view the history of the consents given and can cancel them by accessing, using the “Home’Bank” User Code and Password.
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5.67. The Bank will not allow the access of a Third Party PSP to the Payment Account accessible online, respectively will not comply with the payment initiation instructions or
Information Requests sent by it if the legal access conditions and those mentioned in this section are not met. The Bank may deny access to the Online Payment Account for
objectively justified reasons related to unauthorised or fraudulent access to the Online Payment Account by a Third Party PSP, including the unauthorised or fraudulent initiation of
a payment transaction. In such cases, to the extent possible, the Bank will inform the Customer, before denying access or at the latest immediately thereafter, by any of the means
of communication used in the relationship with the Customer, that access to the Payment Account is denied and the reasons for such denial, unless the provision of such information
would compromise objectively justified security reasons or be prohibited by law. The Bank will allow access to the Payment Account once the grounds for denial cease to exist.
5.68. The payment services provided by a Third Party PSP, as identified in this section, are governed by the framework contract applicable to payment services concluded between
the Bank and the Customer, as well as by the contractual framework between the Third Party PSP and the Customer and the Bank cannot be held liable for the latter.
6.1. In order to collect an amount in a current/savings account opened with the Bank, the Customer must provide the Payer at least the IBAN code of his/her account, as well as the
BIC/SWIFT of the Bank, except for SEPA Payments, where it is not mandatory to provide the BIC/SWIFT to the Payer. Where the Customer accesses the service for payments to
a mobile phone number, he/she will provide the Payer’s name and his mobile phone number. If the Customer is the beneficiary of an instant interbank payment (executed through
the SCT Instant RON Scheme), the money will be credited to his account as soon as it is received by the Bank, regardless of the time and day of their receipt.
The date of the crediting of the Customer's account will not be later than the Business Day on which the transaction amount is credited to the Bank's account.
7.1. The Customer also expressly accepts, fully aware of the facts, the following clauses of this Contract: 3.2, 3.5, 3.5.3., 3.5.8. – 3.511., 3.9, 3.20, 3.22, 4.2-4.4, 4.6-4.7,
4.9, 4.11- 4.17, 4.20, 4.22-4.28, 4.30, 5.2-5.7, 5.11-5.18, 5.22, 5.24 and 5.26 – 5.35 and 5.37-5.42, 5.44-5.46, 5.50-5.55, 5.63, 5.67, 5.68.

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Operational channel
Operation type at ATM via Home’Bank via Gold'Line

Payments in foreign currency

Between own accounts, opened with ING not possible between 00:00 and 24:00**** between 07:00 and 23:00

To the accounts of other customers, opened with ING* not possible between 00:00 and 24:00**** between 07:00 and 17:00

To accounts opened with other banks not possible between 00:00 and 17:00**** between 07:00 and 17:00

Payments in RON
Between own accounts, opened with ING, regardless of
amount not possible between 00:00 and 24:00**** between 07:00 and 23:00
To the accounts of other customers, opened with ING,
regardless of the amount not possible between 00:00 and 24:00**** between 07:00 and 15:00
To accounts opened with other banks, for amounts < RON
50,000, less payments initiated through Home’Bank that are not possible between 00:00 and 18:00**** between 07:00 and 10:00
immediately executed
To accounts opened with other banks, for amounts > RON
50,000 not possible between 00:00 and 18:00 between 07:00 and 12:00

To a mobile phone number*** not possible between 00:00 and 24:00 not possible

Fixed-term deposits

Placement of deposits not possible between 00:00 and 24:00 between 07:00 and 15:30

Liquidation of Deposits not possible between 00:00 and 24:00 between 07:00 and 15:30

Foreign exchange

Buying or selling currency not possible between 00:00 and 24:00 between 07:00 and 23:00
Conversion between various currencies not possible between 00:00 and 24:00 between 07:00 and 23:00

Cash transactions

RON deposit between 00:00 and 24:00** not possible not possible

RON withdrawal between 00:00 and 24:00 not possible not possible

EUR withdrawal between 00:00 and 24:00 not possible not possible

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*If the Payee is a legal entity and his/her account is in the format ROXXINGB00XX00XXXXXXXXXXX, the time limit for receiving payment orders is 00:00 and 19:00
** the deposit code can be obtained during the business hours of the ING Offices
*** Payments to a mobile phone number can only be instructed via the ING Home’Bank tablet/smartphone application
****. The credit transfer payment transactions initiated by the Customer through the Payment Initiation Service provided to him/her by a PSIP, under the conditions described in
this document, will be subject to the same execution conditions applicable to the credit transfer payment transactions initiated by the Customer directly through Home’Bank
1. Instructions to accounts opened with other banks and to ING Bank Romania accounts in the format ROXXINGB00XX00XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, sent by the Bank's
Customers on a Business Day after the above specified cut-off times and on non-Business Days, will be deemed as received by the Bank on the next Business Day.
2. The instructions to own accounts opened with ING Bank Romania and to accounts of other ING Bank Romania customers, other than those in
ROXXINGB00XX00XXXXXXXXXX format, sent by the Bank's Customers, will be deemed as received by the Bank on the day of their authorisation, regardless of whether it is
a Business or Non-Business Day.
3. The time interval in which customers can send payment instructions to the Bank, depending on the operational channel, is Home’Bank: 00:00 and 24:00.
4. The maximum time limits for the execution of the instructions received by the Bank are:
- for payments in foreign currency: T+3 (the exception is payments to beneficiaries with accounts opened at ING, which will be made on the same day starting with June 2023,
payments initiated on a working day after 19:00 or on a non-working day to individual beneficiaries legal entities whose account has the format
ROXXINGB00XX00XXXXXXXXXX, which will be made on the next working day and payments in EUR to other banks and national payments in the currency of an EU member
state (other than EUR), which will be made within a maximum of 1 (one) day working from the date of receipt)the interbank payments in the aforementioned currencies ordered in
an emergency regime through Home’Bank service: they will be executed on the same Business Day (T) in which they were received by the Bank, in compliance with the time limits
provided in the table below:
Emergency processing Time limits for
through Home’Bank receiving
Payments in EUR 14:00
Payments in USD, CAD 17:00
Payments in GBP 16:30
Payments in HUF, CHF, 15:00
Payments in SEK, DKK 11:00
- for payments in RON, T+1 (except for payments to accounts opened with ING, which shall be made on the same day, and certain intrabank payments to a mobile phone
number, that shall be made within 3 (three) calendar days, depending on the time of receipt of collection by the payee);
- for Fixed-Term Deposits, Foreign Exchange and Cash transactions: T, where T is the day of receipt of the instruction by the Bank. The execution time starts when the payment
order is received by ING Bank and depends on the cut-off times.
Transfers in RON to Payees with accounts opened with other banks, approved by the Customer on Business Days until 18:00, will be highlighted in the account statement on the
same day, the money being credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider either on the same Business Day or on the next Business Day, depending on the Transfond-
Sent (15:25), respectively BNR-Regis (16:00), cut-off times. Payments made on a Business Day after 18:00 or on a Non-Business Day will be highlighted in the account statement
and executed by the bank on the next Business Day. Between the receipt of the payment order by the bank and its transmission to the Payee's bank through Transfond-Sent,
respectively BNR-Regis, there may be a maximum interval of 30 minutes necessary for the internal processing of the Customer's instruction.
Transfers in RON that meet the conditions of the Instant interbank payment shall be immediately executed by the Bank, regardless of the time and day when they were initiated, the
money being credited in a few seconds to the account of payment service provider of the beneficiary and will be included in the account statement.
Starting with December 2022, transfers in lei that meet the conditions of instant inter-bank payments will be immediately executed by the Bank, regardless of the time and day they

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were initiated, the money being credited in the beneficiary account opened with the payment’s services provider in a few seconds.
If the payment cannot be executed immediately due to technical reasons related to the SCT Instant RON Scheme (e.g. unavailability of the scheme / of a participant, etc.), it shall be
executed within the maximum execution term taking into account the time limit of receipt (cut -off-time), respectively 18:00.

All transfers in foreign currency to Payees with accounts opened with other banks, approved by the Customer on Business Days until 17:00, will be entered in the account statement
on the same day, the money being credited to the account of the Payee's payment service provider on the following Business day (for payments in EUR and domestic payments in
the currency of an EU Member State (other than EUR) or in the next 3 (three) Business Days (for payments in a currency other than EUR) or in the same Business Day for emergency
payments ordered in the currencies mentioned at Art 4.15. Payments made on a Business Day after 17:00 or on a Non-Business Day will be entered in the account statement and
executed by the bank on the next Business Day, observing the maximum time limits provided above.

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