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2nd Semester, 3rd Quarter

1st Summative Test in

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE/SECTION: _________________

Direction: Choose the best answer. Write your answer on your index card.

1. How is the energy of star produced?

a. By combustion c. by nuclear fission
b. By decomposition d. by nuclear fusion
2. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. The core of red giant star is made up of carbon
b. The average star has shorter life span
c. The more massive the star is the faster it burns its fuel
d. No elements heavier than Iron can be produced in a massive star
3. Who stated that we are made of star stuff?
a. Carl Sagan c. Galileo Galilei
b. Edwin Hubble d. Stephen Hawking
4. Which is known as the biggest stars in the universe.
a. main sequence star c. red super giant
b. red giant d. white dwarf
5. Which is the second most abundant element in the universe?
a. carbon c. hydrogen
b. helium d. oxygen
6. This is known as the origin of light elements.
a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
7. He synthesized element with atomic number 43 using a linear particle accelerator.
a. Ernest Rutherford c. Dmitri Mendeleev
b. Ernest Lawrence d. John Dalton
8. It was created by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons (heavy hydrogen, H12),
by Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier in 1937.
a. Oxygen c. Technetium
b. Helium d. Uranium
9. This is known as the origin and production of heavy elements.
a. Stellar Nucleosynthesis c. R-Process
b. Primordial Nucleosynthesis d. Supernova Nucleosynthesis
10. It is a device that is used to speed up the protons to overcome the repulsion between
the protons and the target atomic nuclei by using magnetic and electrical fields.
a. Spectroscopy c. Particle Accelerator
b. Particle Decelerator d. Microscope
11. What do you call the relative ability of a bonded atom to attract shared electron pairs?
a. Electron affinity c. Ionization energy
b. Electronegativity d. Metallic property
12. Which description below correctly describes polar molecules?
a. Have polar bonds present.
b. The polar bonds are arranged so that they do not cancel.
c. Lone pairs on the central atom are arranged so that they do not cancel.
d. Lone pairs on the central atom are arranged so that they can be cancelled out.
13. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?
a. Polar covalent bonds can be present in a nonpolar molecule.
b. Polar covalent bond is present if the electronegativity difference between atoms is
equal or less than 0.4.
c. Polarity of bond and molecular geometry are the two factors that affect the polarity of
d. Polar bond forms when electrons are unequally shared by two atoms in a compound.
14. The following molecules have polar covalent bonds EXCEPT?
a. NH3 b. CS2 c. BCl3 d. HBr
15. What is the molecular shape of CHBr3?
a. Linear b. Trigonal planar
c. Trigonal bipyramidal d. Tetrahedral
16. Which of the following IMFAs is considered as the weakest?
a. H-bonding b. Ion-dipole
c. Dipole-dipole d. London forces
17. ______ refers to the energy required to increase the surface area by a unit amount.
a. Viscosity b. Surface tension
c. Vapor pressure d. Density
18. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonpolar molecules
a. Have high boiling point b. Have high melting point
c. Have low surface tension d. Have low vapor pressure
19. Which of the following substances is miscible in hexane (C 6 H14 )?
a. Acetone (C3H6O) b. Vinegar (CH3COOH)
c. Chloroform (CHCl3) d. Methanol (CH3OH)
20. The following are intermolecular forces of attraction EXCEPT:
a. H-bond b. Dipole-dipole
c. Covalent bond d. London forces

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