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Practical Research 2

Quiz No. 2
I. Direction: Identity what is being asked on the following questions. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
1. It something that is not only measured, but also something that can be manipulated and something that can be
2. A type of research design that looks at the relationships between two or more variables
3. Kind of quantitative research that can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions.
4. Often called true experimentation, uses the scientific method to establish the cause-effect relationship among a
group of variables that make up a study.
5. Attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the variables. These types of design are very similar to true
experiments, but with some key differences.
6. Type of variable that act as the cause in that they precede, influence, and predict the dependent variable.
7. Variables that affects the dependent variable but are not controlled adequately by the researcher.
8. Variables that are measured on a scale that theoretically can take on an infinite number of values.
9. Variables that act as the effect in that they change as a result of being influenced by another variable.
10. Variables that are measured and assigned to groups on the basis of specific characteristics.
II. Direction: Identify the independent and dependent variable of the following: USE CAPITAL LETTERS
11. Irish’s daughter is a dancer who will be participating in an upcoming recital. For each dance her daughter plans
to perform, she will require a different costume.
12. Mark is planning his wedding. The number of announcements he orders is determined by the number of guests
he wants to invite.
13. Jambee goes biking every morning. The farther he bikes, the more calories he burns during the bike ride.
14. Dannah is selling lemonade. The number of cups of lemonade she sells determines how much money she earns.
15. A committee is organizing a music festival in Tayug. The amount of time that the venue has been reserved for
determines the number of bands that will be able to play at the festival.

Practical Research 2
Quiz No. 2
I. Direction: Identity what is being asked on the following questions. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.
1. It something that is not only measured, but also something that can be manipulated and something that can be
2. A type of research design that looks at the relationships between two or more variables
3. Kind of quantitative research that can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why questions.
4. Often called true experimentation, uses the scientific method to establish the cause-effect relationship among a
group of variables that make up a study.
5. Attempts to establish cause-effect relationships among the variables. These types of design are very similar to true
experiments, but with some key differences.
6. Type of variable that act as the cause in that they precede, influence, and predict the dependent variable.
7. Variables that affects the dependent variable but are not controlled adequately by the researcher.
8. Variables that are measured on a scale that theoretically can take on an infinite number of values.
9. Variables that act as the effect in that they change as a result of being influenced by another variable.
10. Variables that are measured and assigned to groups on the basis of specific characteristics.
II. Direction: Identify the independent and dependent variable of the following: USE CAPITAL LETTERS
11. Irish’s daughter is a dancer who will be participating in an upcoming recital. For each dance her daughter plans
to perform, she will require a different costume.
12. Mark is planning his wedding. The number of announcements he orders is determined by the number of guests
he wants to invite.
13. Jambee goes biking every morning. The farther he bikes, the more calories he burns during the bike ride.
14. Dannah is selling lemonade. The number of cups of lemonade she sells determines how much money she earns.
15. A committee is organizing a music festival in Tayug. The amount of time that the venue has been reserved for
determines the number of bands that will be able to play at the festival.
1. Variables
2. Correlational Research
3. Descriptive Research
4. Experimental Research
5. Quasi Experimental
6. Independent Variable
7. Extraneous
8. Continuous
9. Dependent Variable
10. Categorical Variable

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