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WeTrack: Financial Management Mobile Application of CEIT

Researchers: Esteron, Jericson D.

Fabila, Renalyn L.
Magpatoc, Joshua
Po. Jr., Ulysses Jimboy A.

Kindly please check if you are:

___Student ___Academic Staff ___Non Academic Staff
Course: _________________

Instruction. Check your respective answer for each question.

1. How frequently do you use a financial management app for budgeting and tracking your expenses?
___Very frequently ___Frequently ___Occasionally ___Rarely ___Never
2. What specific financial management app do you use? (Please specify the name)
3. Are you satisfied with the analysis capabilities provided by your current financial management app?
___Extremely satisfied ___Satisfied ___Neutral ___Dissatisfied ___Extremely dissatisfied
4. Which analysis features do you find lacking or limited in your current financial management app? (Check
all that apply)
___Detailed expense categorization ___Visualization of spending patterns
___Customizable financial reports ___Other (please specify)
5. Have you ever used traditional budgeting methods (e.g., spreadsheets, pen, and paper) to manage your
___Yes ___No
6. How satisfied are you with the analysis capabilities provided by traditional budgeting methods?
___Extremely dissatisfied ___Dissatisfied ___Neutral ___Satisfied ___Extremely satisfied
7. What specific limitations or challenges have you encountered when using traditional budgeting methods
for financial analysis? (Check all that apply)
___Difficulty in aggregating and organizing financial data
___Lack of automated calculations and data entry
___Limited ability to visualize spending patterns or trends
___Time-consuming manual tracking and analysis processes
___Inability to generate customizable reports or financial summaries
____________________Other (please specify)
8. How familiar are you with the concept of financial budgeting?
___Not familiar ___Somewhat familiar ___Moderately familiar ___Very Familiar
___Extremely familiar
9. How confident do you feel in your ability to create and manage a budget effectively?
___Not confident ___Slightly confident ___Moderately confident ___Very confident
___Extremely confident
10. What sources do you typically rely on to learn about financial budgeting? (Check all that apply)
___Financial management apps ___Books or online article ___Personal finance websites or blogs
___Financial advisors or professionals ___Friends or family ___Formal education or training
11. What do you believe are the primary benefits of financial budgeting? (Check all that apply)
___Improved savings and wealth accumulation ___Reduced stress and anxiety about finances
___Better control over spending habits ___Ability to prioritize financial goals
___Improved ability to handle unexpected expenses Other (please specify): _____________
12. Do you believe that increasing awareness and knowledge about financial budgeting could lead to
improved financial management?
___ ___Maybe ___No
13. How do you currently track your savings progress?
___Financial management app ___Traditional budgeting ___I don't actively track my savings
14. How satisfied are you with the savings tracking capabilities of your current financial management app or
traditional budgeting method?
___Extremely dissatisfied ___Dissatisfied ___Neutral ___Satisfied ___Extremely satisfied
15. What specific challenges or limitations have you encountered when tracking your savings using your
current financial management app or traditional budgeting method? (Check all that apply)
___Difficulty in accurately categorizing and allocating savings
___Lack of visibility into progress and milestones
___Limited customization options for tracking different savings goals
___Inconvenient or time-consuming tracking process
___Insufficient guidance or prompts to encourage consistent savings tracking
____________________Other (please specify)
16. How satisfied are you with the overall progress you have made in achieving your savings goals using
your current savings tracking method?
___Not satisfied ___Slightly satisfied ___Moderately satisfied ___Very satisfied
___Extremely satisfied

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