Ingeniería Inversa en La Preparación Física, Aplicaciones Al Entrenamiento de La Agilidad

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Reverse Engineering in

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Strength and
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Applications to Agility
Anthony N. Turner, PhD,1 Paul Read, PhD,2 Luca Maestroni, MSc,1 Shyam Chavda, MSc,1 Xiang Yao, MSc,1
Kostas Papadopoulos, PhD,1 Adam Virgile, MSc,3 Abbie Spiegelhalter, MSc,1 and Chris Bishop, PhD1
London Sports Institute, Middlesex University, London, United Kingdom; 2Institute of Sport, Exercise and Health
(ISEH), London, United Kingdom; and 3College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Vermont, Burlington,

ABSTRACT context of developing an athlete who considers the question “where would we
can demonstrate a high level of agility. like to be this time next year”? In this sce-
Typically, a coach may follow a pro-
nario, a coach may work backward, first
cess in which they first identify the key
identifying the key performance indica-
performance indicators of their sport, INTRODUCTION
tors of their sport, determine the physical
everse engineering, sometimes

determine the physical attributes that attributes that map back to them, and
map back to them, and then distribute referred to as back engineering,
then finally distribute the development
the development of those capacities is a process in which products
of those capacities over the allocated
over the allocated timeframe. Further- are deconstructed to extract design infor-
timeframe (26,32). Therefore, exercise
more, effective training plans are mation from them, so that they may be
selection, frequency, repetitions, sets,
based on a theoretical or biological recreated (22,36). Engineers may use this
and rest can be manipulated in such a
basis for how we move and adapt to
strategy because a particular part of a
way that ultimately maximizes sporting
machine is now malfunctioning and the
exercise stimuli, coupled with an performance by the use of phase poten-
originating manufacturers have since gone
understanding of how these are best tiation (9,16,23,30).
out of business or may no longer offer the
sequenced, such that one stimulus It is expected that athletes who have suc-
part. Hence, through deductive reasoning
and subsequent adaptation can cessfully completed a deductively rea-
(i.e., bottom-up logic as opposed to induc-
potentiate the next. Thus, reverse or tive reasoning which requires up-down soned periodized training plan will
backward engineering, when appro- logic), the engineers will set about trying increase their chance of performing at
priately converged with the plans of to understand how a particular system or their best during the competitive period.
those devised around nutrition, condi- part accomplishes a task with very little That said, we should also acknowledge
tioning, technical, and tactical training, insight into exactly how it did so. the obvious point that performance is
for example, likely gives athletes the multidimensional, requiring the conver-
Reverse engineering is similarly adopted
best chance of attaining their perfor- gence of technical, tactical, psychologi-
in systems biology (36) and likely extends
mance goals. The aim of this article is cal, and social factors (13,25). Thus,
to the field of strength and conditioning.
to describe the application of reverse only being concerned with physical
In this regard, practitioners will design a
engineering, exampling it within the series of training programs following a
periodized and systematic approach, all KEY WORDS:
of which stemmed from future-related agility; periodization; program design;
Address correspondence to Anthony N. Tur- competition or performance-related rehabilitation
ner, goals (9,16,26,30), whereby the coach

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association 85

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Reverse Engineering in Strength and Conditioning

milestones (and strength-based ones at mode of training is emphasized in the capacity to undertake (or at least facili-
that) can be ineffective and overly reduc- order illustrated so that each phase is tate the development of) many other
tionist. This framework should be seen as optimally potentiated. Our top-down agility-based tasks.
one layer of the performance puzzle, reasoning is identified in Figure 1, with
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which needs to work in conjunction with our thought process of how we arrived THE STRETCH-SHORTENING
the aforementioned factors, to give the at this, detailed, and evidenced in the CYCLE
athlete the best chance of meeting and following sections. The motor skills above are positively
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ideally surpassing their competition- affected by an athlete’s stretch-

based key performance indicators. START WITH THE END IN MIND: shortening cycle (SSC) ability (2,10). Effi-
AGILITY AND CHANGE OF cient mechanics lead to better storage and
The aim of this article is to illustrate an DIRECTION SPEED reutilization of elastic energy, which allow
evidence-based training plan, designed Two fundamental components define for enhanced force capacity and/or more
by the process of reverse engineering. agility: (a) decision making and (b)
We address how such an approach can economical movement, resulting in
change of direction speed (CoDS) (39). improved performance (31). On one
help coaches to analyze the mecha- Decision making is arguably best devel-
nisms underpinning physical prepared- hand, to push against the ground and
oped through sport practice and compe- generate high propulsive forces would
ness, ultimately leading to the tition, so we will focus our attention on
formulation of a high-performance be essential during acceleration, whereas
CoDS; however, we will include reactive plyometric ability or reactive strength
road map. Our focus will be on phys- drills such as partner tag and mirroring
ical training, and the goal of our train- would increase in significance as we ap-
for example. Change of direction speed proached top speed as the movement
ing program will be the development centers on an athlete’s physical capacity becomes more cyclical, with a greater
of an athlete who can demonstrate a to accelerate, decelerate, and turn, as well need to convert potential (as opposed
high level of agility. That is, to be able as their capacity to seamlessly complete to chemical) energy into kinetic energy
to complete a direction change, re- any given sequence of these rapidly (Fig- (31). We can crudely separate these 2
sponding rapidly and accordingly to ure 2) (29). Without the development of
relevant stimuli (39). Focusing on agil- SSC modes based on ground contact
the relevant discrete motor skills, an effi- time (GCT), as slow SSC mechanics
ity as our end goal should enable this cient change of direction will not be pos-
process to be broadly applicable to (GCT . 250 ms) and fast SSC mechanics
sible, compromising agility and thus (GCT , 250 ms), respectively (31). Slow
many sports, athletes, and coaches. sports performance and potentially even SSC mechanics are visually noted by
increasing injury risk (20). In summary, increased flexion at the hips, knees, and
OUTCOME our end goal is to develop an athlete who ankles, resulting in a visible lowering of
Before we start, we would note that is both technically proficient and fast rel- the athlete’s center of mass. This may be
the training suggestions and order pre- ative to their teammates and opponents, to accommodate large negative accelera-
sented herein are based on our deduc- across a range of CoDS tests, and thus tion forces, or to generate greater dis-
tive reasoning; conceivably this top- we must map our journey back to this. placement, thus work, and propulsive
down logic may differ across practi- Before an athlete can string together a power (33), but all resulting in a longer
tioners. Different paths to the same series of complex athletic actions that GCT. With fast SSC mechanics, the ath-
outcome are but one element that dif- we would describe as proficient CoDS, lete aims to maintain leg stiffness
ferentiates reverse engineering in bio- we must first train the constituent parts (i.e., minimal joint flexion at ground con-
logical systems to mechanical parts. in isolation; that is, develop the athlete’s tact) through antagonistic cocontraction,
Our focus, however, is on the process acceleration, top speed, deceleration, and ensuring stretch is optimally induced at
undertaken—that of reverse engineer- turning mechanics. Similarly, before we the tendon, minimal energy is lost as heat,
ing—and the subsequent deductive rea- can teach mechanics that require turning and thus, kinetic energy output is maxi-
soning based on an understanding of . 608 (11) and thus require the athlete to mized (31). Figure 5 outlines progressions
biological principles and phase poten- reduce their approach velocity, such as for the development of an athlete’s SSC
tiation. Furthermore, and accepting the the cut or crossover (Figure 3), we would ability.
prior note, we would also highlight need to teach deceleration, while con-
that although the progression of train- currently developing acceleration and STRENGTH AND POWER TRAINING
ing herein is often presented as linear top speed. Figure 4 outlines a series of Although SSC mechanics can be
(and in discrete blocks), it should not drills to teach a 1808 CoDS, focusing on improved by training with drills that
be interpreted as the athlete having to the cut and crossover step, with the drills incorporate this mechanism (e.g., the
complete one block before moving on progressing from teaching acceleration plyometric jumps seen in Figure 3),
to the next. By contrast, each phase mechanics. This CoDS movement was much like CoDS, it can be improved
represents a temporal training empha- chosen as it is relatively physically further by training its constituent parts
sis, noting all modes can be trained demanding. If an athlete can complete (4). In the case of slow SSC mechanics,
concurrently. We just advise that the this, they are likely to have the physical this entails focusing on propulsive force

86 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2022

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Figure 1. The reverse engineering of agility. CoDS 5 change of direction speed; ACC 5 acceleration; SPD 5 speed; DEC 5
deceleration; SSC 5 stretch-shortening cycle mechanics.

production, which would increase uses the force-velocity relationship to predominately used because of their
work (noting displacement is relatively example relevant exercises that may utility in overloading the triple exten-
fixed), resulting in increased power out- be used, noting that load will ultimately sion pattern, while concurrently
put and thus jump height or distance, dictate an exercise’s position on the exposing the athlete to decelerating
for example (33). In the case of fast SSC continuum, but some exercises may suit the system during the landing/catch-
mechanics, an increase in force capac- heavy or light loads more than others ing phase. In addition, it has been
ity would give the athlete the requisite (27). Furthermore, although many posited that the utilization of the
strength to tolerate the eccentric or exercises can contribute to this phase, stretch reflex is a contributing factor
braking phase, and facilitate the disin- weightlifting derivatives have been to the high-power outputs exhibited
hibition of the golgi tendon organ, col-
lectively resulting in the maintenance of
leg stiffness (31). Finally, given these
athletic movements occur over short-
time frames (typically , 300 ms), rate
of force development (RFD) is a key to
performance and is trained using ballis-
tic exercises of varying loads (4,34). Bal-
listic training aims to improve athlete
movement velocity under external load,
which again is ultimately underpinned
by an athlete’s maximum strength.
Therefore, SSC mechanics are best
developed when an athlete is deemed
as powerful (i.e., can generate high
forces at high velocities), and in turn,
power is best developed on a founda-
tion of strength (28). Accordingly, Fig-
ure 6 outlines progressions for the
development of an athlete’s strength Figure 2. Agility schematic, whereby our focus will be on physical and technical skills
and power capacity. This schematic (29).

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Reverse Engineering in Strength and Conditioning
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Figure 3. (A–H) Sprint toward target (at top speed). Final deceleration step made by inside/left leg, concurrent to realigning the body
to turn 1808. Outside/right leg “bounces” off ground, whereas inside leg pushes into the ground to reaccelerate. Outside
leg completes the crossover step, putting the athlete back into an optimal position to accelerate.

through weightlifting movements their sport (as well as their habitual life- intralimb differences are therefore often
(19), and this may accentuate the style) favors a particular set of move- a product of competing in any single
stimuli for enhanced CoDS. ment patterns. Repeated exposures sport over time (14). If these muscle
and accumulation of training and com- and between-limb imbalances are not
INEVITABLE IMBALANCES petition external loads can result in ago- addressed, performance may eventually
Athletes seem to inevitably develop nist muscles being stronger than be compromised as well as joint integ-
movement compensations because antagonist muscles. Interlimb and rity, potentially leading to injury (12,21).

Figure 4. Progressive change of direction speed (CoDS) drills.

88 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2022

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Figure 5. Progressive SSC drills. OHS drop 5 the athlete starts in an overhead squat position, before dropping rapidly into the base
position. SBJ 5 standing broad jump, where the athlete rehearses and feels the contrast of soft (compliant) landings
where the focus is on the dissipation of forces. CMJ 5 countermovement jump, DJ 5 drop jump, and SL 5 single leg
jump. Athlete starts “blinded” means that until the athlete turns and faces the hurdles, they have no idea what to expect
—they must immediately go and figure out the best solutions while they complete the task. Reactive box drop 5 the
athlete steps from the box at which time the coach will move and the athlete must position appropriately at landing to
give chase. Jump, shove, land, go 5 athletes jump and bump in midair, before landing and traveling in a predefined then
unscripted direction.

Common sites of such imbalances in the flexor group may be a viable and easy body. When coupled with isolated exer-
lower limb that relate to CoDS, across method of enhancing range of motion in cises (e.g., glute bridges or hip thrusts)
many sports, include the hip and knee a commonly overactive region of the and more compound-based movements
musculature. Therefore, proactive mea-
sures to manage these observed deficits
are warranted.
For example, and regarding the hips, the
modified Thomas test is frequently used
to assess an individual’s hip extension
range of motion (37), with previous
research highlighting it as a valid and
reliable assessment, if pelvic tilt is con-
trolled for (35). With the hip flexor
group (e.g., iliopsoas, tensor fascia latae,
and rectus femoris) often displaying signs
of overactivity (i.e., being more comfort-
able in a hip flexed posture), this reduces Figure 6. Progressive strength and power drills. This schematic uses the force-velocity
an athlete’s ability to use the gluteal and relationship and barbell velocity to example relevant exercises that may be
hamstring muscles to their full capacity, used, noting that load will ultimately dictate an exercise’s position on the
noting that they are primarily responsi- continuum, but some exercises may suit heavy or light loads more than
ble for hip extension movements. Thus, others. The barbell velocities noted in this figure are just an example and
regular static flexibility around the hip may vary across devices and methods. STR 5 strength and SPD 5 speed.

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Reverse Engineering in Strength and Conditioning

length-tension relationships between

agonist and antagonist muscle groups.
This then provides a safe foundation
for sport-specific CoDS drills to be per-
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formed, remembering that our focus

here is on the improvement of agility
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Strength of the knee musculature must

also be considered when examining
deceleration and CoDS because of
the large braking forces involved. The
quadriceps muscles play an important
role in sudden deceleration (15). In
female soccer players, those with a
Figure 7. Step-by-step process for assessing movement competency and joint range greater knee extension strength have
of motion (if required) for any exercise (17). been shown to decelerate more rapidly
in the approach steps before the turn,
(e.g., split squats—which can target hip overactive and underactive muscles resulting in faster approach velocities
extensor strength while simultaneously around the hips can be targeted, improv- and CoDS (18). Eccentric knee flexor
stretching the hip flexors), both the ing our chances of restoring optimal strength also facilitates the production

Figure 8. Step-by-step process for how this theoretical example could work for the overhead squat assessment, with an athlete exhibiting
an excessive forward lean and lack of depth in the movement. When an athlete exhibits a lack of depth and/or an excessive
forward lean, practitioners should aim to determine whether improvements in motor patterning can be coached or whether
further assessments are required. Assuming this athlete exhibits no major improvements in squat technique from coaching cues,
practitioners may consider task manipulation. Performing the “arms in front” or “heels elevated” squat enables practitioners to
determine if technique can be improved as a result of altered center of mass or by providing “free dorsiflexion.” Any
improvements in technique may demonstrate that additional range of motion at the ankle and/or hips would be beneficial.
Coaches can then corroborate this information objectively, by isolated joint range of motion assessments. These may help to
determine whether deficits in range of motion exist at key joints in the kinetic chain, preventing optimal technique from being
achieved in the initial movement competency assessment, which in this example is the overhead squat.

90 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2022

Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
of hip extensor torque to maintain task. Angle-specific neuromuscular competency in a given task and, if
trunk position and control of knee flex- adaptations (24) and changes in peak needs be, ROM through isolated joint
ion (18). Thus, hamstring: quadriceps torque (1) have been shown at both testing thereafter. This order is pro-
(H/Q) strength ratios are commonly short and long lever lengths. Therefore, posed to determine whether move-
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measured by dividing hamstrings and in addition to resistance training that ment competency can be enhanced
quadriceps peak torques. A ratio . 0.6 encourages force production through through coaching and feedback to
has been recommended (8), and values the entire ROM at a range of velocities, the athlete or whether restricted
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above this have been indicated as a it may also be prudent to train in partial mobility may be contributing to the
marker of improved intralimb muscle ranges of motion and perform isomet- process of reduced movement quality
strength balance. Other authors sug- rics with the knee in different positions. (17). Furthermore, screening allows
gest a wider variety is expected with practitioners to further individualize
ratios dependent on test mode and MOBILITY, STABILITY, AND FORM an athlete’s training program. Earlier
population sampled (8). However, the When training our athletes under in our example, strength was evi-
load a joint will experience is depen- high loads, with high velocities, denced as a key physical quality to
dent not only on the maximal capacity naturally, we want them to move with develop as a prerequisite for power
of involved muscles to produce torque efficient technique, ensuring the and RFD development, and as shown
but also the magnitude of torque pro- appropriate distribution of load across in Figure 6, numerous exercises can be
duction when the muscles are at the the musculoskeletal system. However, programmed to develop this. Screen-
same respective angle. The peak torque mastery of technique cannot be ing serves as a filter enabling us to
generated by the flexors and extensors gained solely through coaching cues determine whether the athlete is ready
are ; 308 and 608, respectively, and H/ and feedback. Instead, athletes may for additional loading in the weight
Q ratios can exceed 1.0 when the knee have to be screened to identify their room and which movement patterns
is closer to extension (3). Thus, when deficiencies in ROM as well as joints can be performed in the presence of
considering H/Q muscle balance using that exhibit poor motor control existing limitations (17). For example,
peak torque values, angle-specific through a reduced stimulation from an athlete who struggles to gain suffi-
ratios should also be optimized, partic- synergistic muscles. Naturally then, cient depth in a squat screen may ini-
ularly in key positions that relate athletes must first be screened, ini- tially benefit from split squats and trap
to mechanics of the desired CoDS tially identifying movement bar deadlifts in their program, so that

Figure 9. The strength and power-based road map. This must be overlaid with those devised around nutrition and conditioning, for
example, as well as technical and tactical training, noting some compromise is inevitable given the multifactorial nature
of sport performance. After this convergence, the athlete will have a high-performance roadmap based around
predefined key performance indicators. WL 5 weightlifting.

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Reverse Engineering in Strength and Conditioning

strength adaptations can be enhanced, that one stimulus and subsequent adap-
all the while mobility restrictions are tation can potentiate the next, is a
Maestroni is a
worked on. Furthermore, if ankle means of devising effective and efficient
Sports Physio-
mobility is considered the primary fac- training plans. Such an approach likely
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therapist cur-
tor in this movement fault, then split gives our athletes the best chance of
rently working
squats with a short stance may be the attaining their goals. Figure 9 outlines
in Italy and a
primary choice, as this exercise will the road map to effective CoDS as out-
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PhD candidate
increase strength while encouraging lined in this article. The next stage then
at the London
the knee to move in advance of the would be to converge this plan with that
Sport Institute,
toe, and thus simultaneously driving of those devised around nutrition and
improvements in ankle mobility under conditioning, for example, as well as
load. Similarly, an athlete who exhibits technical and tactical training, noting
a knee-dominant squat pattern that is some compromise is inevitable given
deemed excessive may benefit from the multifactorial nature of sport perfor- Shyam Chavda
box squats, providing them with phys- mance. Equally, the final plan must be is the program
ical cues to “sit back” and use their managed according to the available lead for the
hips better during squatting (7). time and the strengths and weaknesses MSc in
Equally, understanding joint loading of the athlete. Strength and
across each variation may determine Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: Conditioning
that the front squat, which preferen- The authors report no conflicts of interest distance educa-
tially loads the knee extensors (38), is and no source of funding. tion at the
currently not best suited to this ath- London Sport
lete. Importantly, all squat-based exer- Institute,
cises will ultimately develop lower- Anthony N. Middlesex University.
body strength, but certain scenarios Turner is an
may encourage one to be pro- Associate Profes-
grammed over the other, generating sor in strength Xiang Yao is a
an individualized approach to an ath- and conditioning, PhD candidate
lete’s training program. and the Research and part time
Although exercises such as squat pat- Degrees Coordi- lecturer in
terns are often used for screening pur- nator for sport at Strength and
poses (5–7), Figure 7 outlines the the London Sport Conditioning at
process that practitioners can follow Institute, Mid- the London
for any exercise that they deem worthy dlesex University. Sport Institute,
for assessing movement competency, as Middlesex
long as it enhances our understanding of University.
the overarching performance goal. Fig- Paul Read is the
ure 8 shows the process of using a spe- General Manager
cific screen to highlight movement of the Institute of Kostas
competency and breakout assessments Sport, Exercise Papadopoulos
for joint ROM, based on movement and Health is the Director of
dysfunctions that cannot be corrected (ISEH) in Lon- Postgraduate
from simply coaching the athlete. don and an Hon- Programmes
orary Associate and the Pro-
REASONED ROADMAP USING Professor at UCL gramme Leader
REVERSE ENGINEERING in the Department for the MSc in
The theoretical or biological basis for of Targeted Intervention within the Divi- Sport Rehabili-
how we move and respond to exercise sion of Surgery & Interventional Sciences tation at the
stimuli, coupled with an understanding and at the University of Gloucestershire in London Sport Institute, Middlesex
of how these are best sequenced such the School of Sport and Exercise. University.

92 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2022

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Reverse Engineering in Strength and Conditioning

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94 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 4 | AUGUST 2022

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