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Influence of a 2-year strength training programme on

power performance in elite youth soccer players
a b b b
André Sander , Michael Keiner , Klaus Wirth & Dietmar Schmidtbleicher
Bobsleigh and Luge Federation Germany , Berchtesgaden , Germany
Institute of Sport Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt , Frankfurt ,
Published online: 13 Nov 2012.

To cite this article: André Sander , Michael Keiner , Klaus Wirth & Dietmar Schmidtbleicher (2013) Influence of a 2-year
strength training programme on power performance in elite youth soccer players, European Journal of Sport Science, 13:5,
445-451, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2012.742572

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European Journal of Sport Science, 2013
Vol. 13, No. 5, 445451,


Influence of a 2-year strength training programme on power

performance in elite youth soccer players


Bobsleigh and Luge Federation Germany, Berchtesgaden, Germany, 2Institute of Sport Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe
University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
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In soccer, strength, power and speed are very important because of the large number of power actions performed during the
game. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of periodised strength training for power performance
more than 2 years. In this study, 134 elite youth soccer players were recruited from two youth training centres. The cohorts
were arranged as follows: A (under 19 years), B (under 17 years) and C (under 15 years). The participants in each cohort
were divided into two groups. One group (Strength training group [STG]) was subjected to regular soccer training in
addition to strength training twice a week for 2 years. The other group (Control group [CG]) completed only the regular
soccer training. The strength training was periodised with hypertrophy and intramuscular coordination blocks. For strength
training, both the front squat and the back squat were performed once a week. The subjects were tested on the one-
repetition maximum (1RM) of the front and back squat and a linear sprint over 30 m. There was significantly better
performance from the STG on 1RM (p B0.001). In the sprint, the STG displayed significantly better improvements (p B
0.05 to p B0.001) of up to 6%. The effects of strength training are reflected in the sprint performance. Therefore, it seems
beneficial for youth to perform strength training to exploit the reserve capacity in sprint performances.

Keywords: Adolescents, squat exercise, sprint, 1RM

Introduction Several studies have shown a moderate-to-high

correlation between strength measurements and
In soccer, a player’s conditioning in terms of
sprint performances (Baker & Newton, 2008; Bissas
strength, power and speed is of great importance.
& Havenentidis, 2008; Dowson, Nevill, Lakomy,
A soccer game is characterised by 10001400 speed
Nevill, & Hazeldine, 1998; Harris, Cronin, Hopkins,
and power actions, depending on age, playing
& Hansen, 2008; Hori et al., 2008; Kukolj, Ropret,
position and class (Stolen, Chamari, Castagna, &
Ugarkovic, & Jaric, 1999, McBride et al., 2009;
Wisloff, 2005). Therefore, a soccer player must not Requena et al., 2009; Smirniotou et al., 2008;
only manage technical and tactical tasks, but also Wisloff, Castagna, Helgerud, Jones, & Hoff, 2004;
must have the necessary athletic skill for a large Young, McLean, & Ardagna, 1995). Various meth-
number of power actions. These power actions may ods have been used to assess strength by investigat-
be crucial for win/loss duels, winning the ball and ing its relationship to athletic performance. These
scoring or preventing a goal (Reilly, 2007; Verheijen, methods include isokinetics, machine squats and
1998). free-weight squats (Baker & Newton, 2008; Harris et
The prerequisites for good sprint performance are al., 2008; McBride et al., 2009; Wisloff et al., 2004).
the degree of muscle mass and the degree of neural Strong correlations between sprint performance and
control mechanisms of performance-limiting muscle strength have been found in the use of free-weight
slings, which are the basis for maximal strength. squats. Young, Benton, Duthie, and Pryor (2001)

Correspondence: André Sander, Bobsleigh and Luge Federation Germany, An der Schiesstätte 6, 83471 Berchtesgaden, Germany. E-mail:

# 2013 European College of Sport Science

446 A. Sander et al.

recommended free weights in strength training to ing in addition to their routine soccer training
improve sprint performance over the acceleration Strength training group (STG) and those who
phase. only performed routine soccer training (CG). An
These authors determined that sprint performance additional CG of youths who were not engaged in
could be improved through strength training. Stu- competitive sports was not included because this
dies show that strength training interventions can group was too difficult to organise.
lead to faster sprint times for distances of up to 60 m In addition to the four soccer training sessions,
(Ronnestad, Kvamme, Sunde, & Raastad, 2008; strength training in the STG was performed weekly
Tsimahidis et al., 2010). However, other studies twice. The strength training sessions were performed
have been unable to confirm the positive effects of on non-consecutive days. Subjects in the A, B, and C
strength training on sprint performance (McBride, cohorts varied their exercises between the parallel
Triplet-McBride, Davie, & Newton, 2002). These front and back squats during the week. Additionally,
varying results may be due to an intervention period the players in these cohorts performed bench
of less than one year. It is difficult to measure the presses, deadlifts, neck presses and exercises for the
influence of strength training methods for sprint trunk muscles as well as the standing row. The
performance for periods of less than one year strength training for the parallel squat was periodised
because many factors limit sprint performance. In in different blocks (see Figure 1), and the subjects
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 12:25 30 September 2013

the literature, no strength training interventions in performed technique training for squats during the
competitive sports extend beyond one year. There- first 4 weeks. During the following 8 weeks, the
fore, the aim of this study is to show the development subjects performed hypertrophy training, which
of sprint performances over 30 m in youth soccer consisted of five sets of 10 repetitions with 3-minutes
after two years of strength training intervention. rest between each set. The third training block (4
weeks) consisted of five sets of six repetitions with 3-
minutes rest between each set followed by an
Methods additional training block (4 weeks) of five sets of
This study included volunteer elite youth soccer four repetitions with 5-minutes rest between each
players (n 134) at the junior level. The soccer set. The amount of weight lifted in the training
players were recruited from two youth training sessions was determined by the ability of each
centres affiliated with professional teams in the individual. All subjects lifted their maximum weight
second and third divisions in Germany. The subjects while using the correct technique for the given
were informed of the experimental risks involved in number of repetitions (4, 6 or 10RM). The amount
the research. All subjects provided written informed of weight was increased at the next training session if
consent to participate. Informed consent was also the subject could lift the given weight with the proper
obtained from the subject’s parents if the subject was technique in the respective squat variant. The
younger than 18 years old. The research was training for the trunk muscles and the upper
approved by the Institutional Sport Science Ethics extremities consisted of 35 sets of 10RM with 3-
Committee of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Univer- minutes rest between each set. The subjects per-
sity in Frankfurt, Germany. At the pre-test time, the formed a rotation of three of the previously men-
age range of soccer players of the A, B and C cohorts tioned exercises for the upper body and one exercise
were 17, 15 and 13, respectively. The anthropo- for the trunk muscles in addition to the squat
metric data are presented in Table I. The soccer exercise during every training session. The described
players in each cohort were divided into two periodisation was repeated twice during one season
subgroups: those who participated in strength train- (see Figure 1). Therefore, the subjects performed the

Table I. The means9standard deviations of the anthropometric data and the per cent change between the two test times.

T1 body-mass T2 body-mass Changes between T1 body-height T2 body-height Changes between

Cohort Group (kg) (kg) T1 and T2 (%) (cm) (cm) T1 and T2 (%)

A STG (n 13) 69.995.6 73.294.8 4.7695.22 174.796.1 176.995.9 1.2790.64

CG ( n 15) 72.798.1 76.496.7 5.3395.63 177.996.2 179.596.4 0.9290.57
B STG (n 30) 63.297.7 70.199.1 11.196.9* 172.497.4 177.496.1 3.092.1
CG ( n 25) 60910.1 69.898.7 17.298.8* 171.798.0 178.496.8 4.091.8
C STG (n 18) 46.4911.6 54.5910 19910.2 155.999.4 166.598.4 6.892.2
CG ( n 33) 48.3910.2 58.1910.4 21.8913 160910.9 169.698.9 6.294.2

T1 pre-test; T2 post-test; kg kilogramme; cm centimetre.

Significant difference between the groups: *p 50.01.
Training programme on power performance in soccer players 447
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Figure 1. The study design for the two-year duration.

periodisation model four times in two years. The CG end time was used. The intra-correlation classes for
only participated in four regular soccer training the linear sprint parameters were 0.940.97.
sessions per week, and none of the subjects from
either the STG or CG groups participated in an
1RM testing
additional strength training routine.
The pre-test (T1) was performed in early July The 1RM measurement is recommended for soccer
2009, and the post-test (T2) was performed at the and is an appropriate way to determine maximum
end of May 2011. The subjects completed the sprint strength during childhood and adolescence (Faigen-
test over 30 m. The maximum strength measure- baum et al., 2009). The warm-up (two sets of 68
ments (one-repetition maximum 1RM) for the reps) was performed with a submaximal, non-
front and back squats were completed one week fatiguing amount of weight for the squat. Then,
after the sprint test. The athletes of the STG and the the 1RM was determined that could be achieved in a
CG groups completed a two-week technical training maximum of five attempts. The 1RM front squat
for both squat variations before they were tested. was tested first, and then the back squat was
The 1RM strength was tested again after one year. determined. The depth of the squat was standar-
dized approximately where top of the thigh was
parallel to the floor. The depth of the squats was
Sprint testing visually assessed by the coach during all training and
testing. The CG completed a technical training of
The 30-m linear sprint was measured using seven the squat variants two weeks before they were tested.
double-light barriers. The barriers were installed at a At least 2 days before the test time, there were no
distance of 5 m each. Time measurement began after fatiguing training sessions.
the subject had passed through the first light barrier.
The subjects independently chose when the mea-
surement began according to the activation of the Data and statistical analyses
barriers. Thus, the reaction time was excluded from The data were analysed using the SPSS 19.0 soft-
the measurement. The starting point was set to 0.75 ware. The KolmogorovSmirnov test for distribu-
m before the starting light barrier; thus, an early tion was used. Due to the different sample sizes
release due to a hand movement or a forward-leaning within individual age groups, an additional homo-
position of the upper body was avoided. Time was geneity test was applied according to Levene’s test. A
calculated at each of the 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- and two-way (treatment time) analysis of variance with
30-m marks. Each athlete had three attempts at the repeated measurements was performed. When a
sprint. Between each completed sprint, the athletes significant main effect was obtained, a Bonferroni
received a 5-minute break. The sprint with the best post-hoc correction was applied. Descriptive data (%
448 A. Sander et al.

Table II. The means9standard deviations of the maximum strength (A) and sprint performance (B) with the per cent change between the
two test times.

Changes Changes
T1 front squat T2 front squat between T1 back squat T2 back squat between
Cohort Group (kg) (kg) T1 and T2 (%) (kg) (kg) T1 and T2 (%)

A STG (n 13) 53.896.8 106.2910 101.6943* 61.2910 120.4911.4 101.6937*

CG ( n 15) 54.596.9 65910 20.9922.9 69.5912.9 87.7910.1 29.2922.7
B STG (n 30) 46.297.4 97.8913.3 115.1934.4* 52910.7§§ 113915.2 123938.5*
CG ( n 25) 35.697.5 51.5910.1 49.8939.6 41.7911.6 65911.2 67951.4
C STG (n 18) 21.498.5 81.4914.4 312.59118.6* 2599.6 90913.5 290.99107.8*
CG ( n 33) 25.7913.3 36.196.6 62.3953.8 32.9916.1 46.8910.9 59.7943.4

T1 pre-test; T2 post-test; kg kilogramme.

Significant difference relative to CG: *p 50.001. Significant difference relative to CG: §§p 50.05

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Cohort Group Test-time 5 m (s) 10 m (s) 15 m (s) 20 m (s) 25 m (s) 30 m (s)

A STG ( n 13) T1 1.02290.032 1.74690.042 2.39890.049 3.02090.067 3.61790.083 4.21190.103

T2 0.98790.030 1.71290.045 2.34690.057 2.96190.058 3.54890.075 4.14690.078
% 3.193.0** 1.992.9** 2.192.7** 1.991.9** 1.892.2* 1.592.0*
CG ( n15) T1 1.01990.037 1.74390.052 2.39290.055 3.00490.067 3.60490.081 4.19490.093
T2 1.04690.059 1.77590.076 2.42690.092 3.03890.100 3.63190.127 4.22790.132
% 2.896.3 1.994.1 1.493.1 1.192.6 0.892.8 0.892.5
B STG ( n 30) T1 1.04390.053 1.80290.082 2.47790.110 3.12090.140 3.74490.178 4.37190.203
T2 1.00490.058 1.73190.078 2.37590.102 2.98490.126 3.57790.155 4.16690.183
% 3.892.9** 3.992.4* 4.192.2 4.392.2* 4.492.2* 4.692.0
CG ( n25) T1 1.03890.050 1.79890.084 2.48290.111 3.12990.145 3.76390.181 4.40490.222
T2 1.03190.053 1.76190.075 2.38690.244 3.04590.124 3.64890.149 4.24690.177
% 0.694.3 2.093.8 3.899.5 2.692.8 3.092.5 3.592.9
C STG ( n 18) T1 1.08590.043 1.91790.056 2.65190.078 3.37590.101 4.08190.128 4.78890.158
T2 1.02690.034 1.81390.078 2.51790.105 3.19490.142 3.85490.174 4.51190.213
% 5.394.6*** 5.493.9*** 5.193.0*** 5.493.0*** 5.693.0** 5.893.1**
CG ( n33) T1 1.09890.042 1.89690.066 2.62490.087 3.32590.112 4.01390.146 4.69190.179
T2 1.10790.061 1.87890.075 2.58390.097 3.24790.120 3.89990.144 4.54890.174
% 0.895.0 0.993.2 1.592.8 2.392.7 2.892.7 3.092.9

T1 pre-test; T2 post-test; s seconds.

Significant difference relative to CG: *p 50.05; **p 50.01; ***p 50.001.

change) and Cohen’s effect sizes were also used to 1RM

identify the magnitude of the effect between the
The results of the maximum strength measurements
treatments. Cohen’s effect sizes and thresholds were
are given in Table II and show a significant difference
interpreted as follows: 0.5 was large, from 0.5 to
in the front squat (p B0.001, d1.7) and the back
0.3 was moderate and from 0.3 to 0.1 and B0.1
squat (pB0.001, d 1.7) between the two groups in
were trivial (Bortz & Döring, 2006). Additionally,
the A cohort. The B cohort shows the same
a Cohen’s correlation analysis was used between
statistical significance; however, the front squat had
sprint performance over the first 15 m and 1RM
an effect size of d 1.2, and the back squat had an
of back and front squats in relation to body weight.
effect size of d 0.9. The STG was significantly
The significance level was set at p B0.05, and the
better than the CG at T1, and the difference was
data are presented as the mean values9standard
further increased at T2. The C cohort also showed
significant differences (p B0.001) between the two
groups, with effect sizes of d1.9 for the front squat
and d2.0 for the back squat. Therefore, each effect
size can be described as large.
The KolmogorovSmirnov test determined that the The various analyses within the groups between
data were normally distributed. The Levene’s test of T1 and T2 demonstrate significant results for the
homogeneity displayed the homogeneity of the STG in all cohorts for both squat variations (p B
respective groups. 0.001). In the CG, significance was only determined
Training programme on power performance in soccer players 449

for the B cohort. For the A cohort, there were no Within the STG, the A cohort displayed signifi-
significant differences between T1 and T2. The C cantly better values from T1 to T2 at the 530 m (p B
cohort displayed significant differences between T1 0.01p B0.05) sub-sections, with effect sizes of
and T2 (pB0.01). Thus, both groups improved d 0.60.8. In the B and C cohorts, there were
their performance in the maximum strength of front significant differences at all distances (p B0.001). In
and back squat during the 2 years of the study (see this measurement, the effect sizes were d 0.71.1.
Figure 2). The CG showed no significant differences between
T1 and T2 in the A cohort. In the B cohort,
significant differences were found from T1 to T2
Sprint only at 1030 m (p B0.01p B0.05) sub-sections
with effect sizes of d 0.30.5. In the C cohort, a
The results of the analyses of the 30-m sprint are significant difference was measured at the 1530 m
given in Table II. The comparison between the two (p B0.001p B0.05, d 0.30.6) sub-sections.
groups, STG and CG, demonstrates that the STG A
cohort was significantly better than the CG in all
sub-sections (p B0.01p B0.05, d 0.70.9). In the Correlation analysis
B cohort, there was a significant difference at 5 m The correlation analysis shows a significant positive
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(pB0.01, d0.6), 10 m (p B0.05, d 0.4), 20 m moderate relationship between strength gains in

(pB0.05, d0.5) and 25 m (pB0.05, d 0.5). The 1RM/body weight and improvement in sprint per-
C cohort displayed a significant difference between formance in all cohorts. The relation coefficients are
the two groups in all sub-sections (p B0.001pB between r  0.45 and r  0.53 over 5 m,
0.01, d 0.70.9). between r  0.38 and r  0.52 over 10 m and
between r  0.48 and 0.59 over 15 m. These
results suggest the positive influence of strength level
on sprint performance for the first 15 m.

This investigation illustrates the positive influence of
strength training on maximum strength and sprint-
ing performances in adolescent soccer players. The
results presented in Table II give a positive develop-
ment of maximum strength for the STG in all
cohorts. Both the front and back squats in the A
and B cohorts demonstrated strength development
of 100120%. For the C cohort, a strength
increase of 300% in 1RM was detected. The real
percentage increase in strength caused by the train-
ing programme (%STG%CG) was estimated at
5680% in the A and B cohorts. The C cohort
showed an increase of 230250%. Other studies
have not shown such large percentage changes in
maximum strength after strength training (Blimkie,
1992). Chelly et al. (2009) recorded an increase of
25% after 8 weeks in 17-year-old soccer players.
Ronnestad et al. (2008) demonstrated an increase of
19% for the back squat in adult professional soccer
players after 10 weeks. Hartmann et al. (2012)
demonstrated front and back squat increases from
25 to 30% after a 10-week strength training pro-
gramme (Ronnestad et al., 2008). Blimkie (1992)
found strength gains of up to 50% after strength
training interventions from 8 to 20 weeks. The STG
and CG for the C cohort, however, show greater
strength gains than for the A or B cohorts. It is
Figure 2. Longitudinal course in lifted weights of 1RM front hypothesised that neural adaptations do not vary
squat (A) and back squat (B) over 2 years. significantly in the three age cohorts because all of
450 A. Sander et al.

these cohorts performed the same periodised train- changes in body size, body weight and sprint
ing. Therefore, the reason for the greater strength performance for the maturation age cohorts (U14
gains must be morphological or anthropometric U16) during a season. Body size has a significant
changes. In the anthropometric data, the C cohort impact on sprint performance because step length, as
displays the greatest changes in body weight and one of the performance-limiting factors of the sprint,
body size of the three cohorts. This larger growth in is positively influenced. Because body length growth
both width and length provides a greater increase in was largely complete in the A cohort (Table I), no
strength due to the increase in muscle fibres. This further increase in performance due to the change in
finding confirms the hypothesis that there is a body size occurred. Therefore, improvements in
significant impact of changes in body size and body sprint performance during regular soccer training
weight on the maximum strength performance. How- over a season cannot be expected (Caldwell & Peters,
ever, this finding is based on data obtained without an 2009; La Torre, Vernillo, Rodigari, Maggioni, &
additional CG of untrained adolescents. Therefore,
Merati, 2007). When the two groups are compared,
these data do not filter out the impact of soccer
the STG and CG also reflect the advantage of
training versus pure biological evolution for the
strength training for sprint performance. For the A
gains in maximum strength. Furthermore, the STG
cohort, a significant difference was observed in all
has significantly greater strength gains in all cohorts
Downloaded by [Monash University Library] at 12:25 30 September 2013

compared to the CG. It can be speculated that sections of the sprint despite the lower percentage
strength training exploits the adaptations of the neural change in the sprint times of the STG and the
mechanisms better than regular soccer training alone decreased performance of the CG. This finding
does. However, it should be noted that gains in demonstrates the importance of strength training. In
strength from 56 to 250% caused by the training the C cohort, significant differences were measured in
programme have not been found in the literature. all sections despite improvements in the CG over the
This finding may be the result of our longer inter- 2-year study period. The B cohort displayed signifi-
vention period compared to other investigations, or it cant differences in all sections, except at the 15 and 30
may be attributed to the same requirements for the m marks. This result demonstrates that strength
training and testing exercises. training has a positive effect on performance during
STG leads to a significant improvement in sprint the acceleration phase (Young et al., 2001). This
times between T1 and T2 in all cohorts in the 30-m effect apparently decreases with the length of the
sprint across all intervals (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 sprint as the contact times are shorter and a power
m). However, the A cohort was almost significant transfer to the surface is more difficult. Therefore, we
(pB0.056) at 10 m due to a high standard deviation. assume that power and strength have a significant
However, the percentages show improvements of up impact on the first few metres of a sprint (start),
to 5.8%. Comfort, Haigh, and Matthews (2012) where they are used to produce a high horizontal force
demonstrated similar changes of 5.97.6% in the pulse (Young, 2006). If the distance of the sprint is
sprint performance (5, 10 and 20 m) of elite rugby longer, other factors, such as step frequency, seem to
players after an 8-week strength training programme. limit performance (Young et al., 2001).
This finding is justified by the coordinative difficulty The correlation analysis between acceleration
of the sprint movement. During the sprint, in sprint gains and body mass-specific strength gains
addition to the power level, technical elements shows negative moderate significant correlations.
influence performance. Because of the long training
Requena et al. (2009) demonstrate similar results
intervention, we assume that sprint improvements
of approximately r  0.47 between half squat and
would be higher than the results of Comfort et al.
15-m sprint performance. Nimphius, Mc Guigan,
(2012). One reason for the differing results may be
and Newton (2010) show higher correlations (r  
the intervention time point. Comfort et al. con-
0.75 to 0.87) between 1RM/body weight and
ducted their study in the preseason and tested
subjects at the beginning and the end of preseason. sprint performance for 10 and 20 m in female
In this study, the subjects were tested after the long softball players. The reason for the higher correla-
season (T2). The CG in the C cohort also displayed tions than in our study may be the different body
significant improvements in sprint performance from composition of female softball players and young
15 to 30 m. The B cohort showed significant soccer players. Ronnestad et al. (2008) reported
improvements at 10, 20, 25 and 30 m. The A cohort similar correlations (r  0.40) between 1RM/body
showed no improvement in sprint performance. This weight and sprint performance for 10 m in profes-
finding is justified by maturation. The C cohort and sional soccer players (Hori et al., 2008). The results
the B cohort experienced changes in body size and of the correlation analysis in this study are in
body weight during the two-year period. Williams, accordance with other studies that used similar
Oliver, and Faulkner (2011) also showed similar volunteers, tests and sports.
Training programme on power performance in soccer players 451

Conclusion sprinting and changing of direction. Journal of Strength and

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shows that a strength training programme with front performance. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 39,
and back squats results in a positive effect on the
La Torre, A., Vernillo, G., Rodigari, A., Maggioni, M., & Merati,
sprinting performances of young soccer players. G. (2007). Explosive strength in female 11-on-11 versus 7-on-
Strength training in addition to regular soccer 7 soccer players. Sport Science and Health, 2, 8084.
training shows better results than regular soccer McBride, J. M., Blow, D., Kirby, T. J., Haines, T. L., Dayne, A.
training alone over 2 years. Furthermore, complex M., & Triplett, N. T. (2009). Relationship between Maximal
weightlifting exercises are suitable for training young Squat Strength and five, ten, and forty Yard Sprint Times.
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