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Write an argumentative text that follows an argument systematically. [CEFR B2] (PLO5, A2) 40%

Scope of Task

1. Task : Work in pairs or in small groups of 3

2. Duration : FIVE Weeks
3. Marks : Essay Draft (10%), Full Essay (30%)
4. Topic :

While watching a documentary on society's reliance on modern gadgets, one viewer commented:

"Our dependence on modern gadgets has greatly improved our quality of life."

Write an essay expressing your opinion on the statement. Take a stand and discuss reasons to support
your view. Write at least 300 to 350 words.


1. This assessment requires you to write an argumentative essay based on the given topic. At the end of
each week, you will submit each section of the essay according to this plan:

Week 8: Introduction

Week 9: Body Paragraph 1 ESSAY DRAFT (10%)

Week 10: Body Paragraph 2

Week 11: Body Paragraph 3

Week 12: Conclusion (Submission of Full Draft)

Week 14: Submission of Full Essay FULL ESSAY (30%)

2. Write your essay draft in point form, in complete sentences (please use the drafting template)
3. Please write a clear thesis statement, topic sentences, counterargument, refutation, supporting details
and a conclusion.
4. Word limit for the full essay: 300(min) – 350(max).
5. Argumentative Draft Submission is COMPULSORY.
6. Turnitin Similarity Report for Final Submission is COMPULSORY.
7. The use of the provided cover page for Final Submission is COMPULSORY.
8. Late submission – marks will be deducted accordingly.

SEMESTER II 2023/2024


Matric No:
Submission: Week 14


With the submission of this assignment, I/we attest that I/we have contributed to this written assignment and
confirm that all work that I/we have contributed to this written assignment is my/our own work. Any suspicion of
copying or plagiarism in this work will result in an investigation of academic misconduct.

15 points (30%)

Point Content Language Organisation

● All contents are relevant to the task. Target ● Linguistic Range ● Can produce a suitable introduction that includes
reader is fully informed. Sufficient range of language to be able to give clear detailed background information and thesis statement.
descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments
● Can respond to the prompt given and fulfil using some complex sentence forms.
the task with exemplary performance. ● Can develop a clear argument, expanding and
● Vocabulary Range supporting their points of view with subsidiary points and
● Can provide content sufficient to the taskHas
all a Good range of vocabulary to write on the related topic and relevant examples.
the time. able to avoid frequent repetition.

● Three or more main points are sufficiently ● Vocabulary Control ● Can produce a suitable conclusion that includes
developed with relevant supporting details. Lexical accuracy is generally high, though some confusion concluding sentences, reiteration of main points and a
Refutation paragraph(s) acknowledges the and incorrect word/sign choice does occur without hindering call to action.
opposing view and summarizes their main the meaning.
points. ● Longer texts are consistently clear and logically
● Grammatical Accuracy organised.
Shows a relatively high degree of grammatical control; Does
not make mistakes which lead to misunderstanding. Has a ● Can produce text that is well-organized and coherent,
good command of simple language structures and some using a range of linking expressions and cohesive
complex grammatical forms, although they tend to use devices to mark clearly the relationships between ideas.
complex structures rigidly with some inaccuracy.

● All contents are adequately relevant to the ● Linguistic Range ● Can produce a suitable introduction that includes some
task. Further explanation may be needed for Has an acceptable range of language to be able to give background information and thesis statement in an
clearer understanding. clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop adequate manner.
arguments using some complex sentence forms.
● Three or more main points are adequately • Vocabulary Range ● Can develop almost clear argument, expanding and
developed with relevant supporting details. Has a satisfactory/passable range of vocabulary to write on supporting their points of view at some length with
Refutation paragraph(s) acknowledges the the related topic and able to avoid frequent repetition. supporting points and relevant examples adequately.
opposing view and summarizes their main
points. ● Vocabulary Control ● Can produce a suitable conclusion that includes
Lexical accuracy is slightly high, though some confusion concluding sentence, reiteration of main points and
● Can respond to the prompt given and fulfill and incorrect word/sign choice does occur without hindering future actions adequately.
the task completely. the meaning.
● Can structure longer texts in clear, logical paragraphs in
● Can provide content sufficient to the task ● Grammatical Accuracy adequate manner.
almost all the time. Shows slightly high degree of grammatical control; Mistakes
which lead to misunderstanding are minimal. Has a ● Can produce text that is generally well-organized and
satisfactory command of simple language structures and coherent, using a range of linking expressions and
some complex grammatical forms. cohesive devices to show the relationships between

● All contents are sufficiently relevant to the ● Linguistic Range ● Can produce a sufficient introduction that includes some
task. More explanations are required for Has medium range of language to be able to give clear background information and thesis statement.
clarity. descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments
using some complex sentence forms.
● Three or more main points are presented ● Can develop argument, expanding and supporting their
but may lack detail and development in ● Vocabulary Range points of view at some length with supporting points and
one or two. Refutation paragraph(s) Has a moderate range of vocabulary to write on the related relevant examples.
acknowledges the opposing view but topic and is able to avoid frequent repetition.
doesn’t summarize points.
● Vocabulary Control ● Can produce a suitable conclusion that includes
● Can respond to the prompt given and fulfill Lexical accuracy is moderate, though some confusion and concluding sentence, reiteration of main points and
the task well. incorrect word/sign choice does occur without hindering the future actions in average manner.
● Can provide content sufficient to the task ● Can structure longer texts in clear, logical paragraphs in
most of the time. average manner.
● Grammatical Accuracy
Shows a moderate degree of grammatical control; Mistakes ● Can produce text that is generally well-organized and
which lead to misunderstanding are apparent. Has a coherent, using a range of linking expressions and
moderate command of simple language structures and cohesive devices in average manner to show the
some complex grammatical forms. relationships between ideas.
● All contents show poor relevance to the ● Linguistic Range ● Can produce an introduction with poorly developed
task. Has a limited range of language to be able to give clear background information and thesis statement.
descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments
● Three or more main points, but all lack using some complex sentence forms.
development. Refutation paragraph(s) ● Can develop argument well enough supported by simple
missing and/or vague. supporting points and simple examples.
● Vocabulary Range
Has a limited range of vocabulary to write on the related
topic and able to avoid frequent repetition. ● Can produce a simple conclusion that includes poor and
● Can respond to the prompt given and simple reiteration of main points and future actions.
fulfill the task adequately.
● Vocabulary Control ● The texts sometimes lack clear and logical paragraph
Lexical accuracy is limited, some confusion and incorrect structure.
word/sign choice does occur and literally hinder the
● Can provide content sufficient to the task meaning.
● Can produce text that is generally well-organized, using
more often than not. simple linking expressions and cohesive devices in poor
● Grammatical Accuracy
manner to show the relationships between ideas.
Shows a limited degree of grammatical control; Mistakes
which lead to misunderstanding are frequent. Has a limited
command of simple language structures and some complex
grammatical forms.

● Linguistic Range ● Can produce a very simple introduction with limited
Has a limited range of language to be able to give clear background information and poorly developed thesis
● Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task
descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments statement.
may be present. Target reader is using some complex sentence forms.
minimally informed. ● Can develop very simple argument but lack supporting
● Vocabulary Range points and examples.
Has a poor range of vocabulary to write on the related topic
and able to avoid frequent repetition. ● Can produce a very simple conclusion but missing the
● Less than three main points, with poor reiteration of main points and future actions.
development of ideas. Refutation missing
or vague. ● Vocabulary Control ● Can structure texts in a very simple paragraph.
Lexical accuracy is poor, some confusion and incorrect
word/sign choice does occur and literally hinder the
● Can produce text that is poorly organized, with limited
● Respond poorly to the prompt given and ● Grammatical Accuracy use of linking expressions and cohesive devices which
fulfill the task poorly. Shows a very limited degree of grammatical control; unable to show the relationships between ideas.
Mistakes which lead to misunderstanding are very frequent.
Has a very limited command of simple language structures
and some complex grammatical forms.
● Can rarely provide content sufficient to
the task.

● Performance below Band 1
● No submission
Academic Integrity

Presence of plagiarism may result in reduction of scores based on severity. Items of plagiarism include (but not limited to):

● copying statements/ideas from printed/electronic sources without acknowledging the author/writer/source.

● combining various statements or changing original statements from printed/electronic sources and presenting them as own statement.
● Using the work of other authors/writers from printed/electronic sources and claiming it as own ideas without acknowledging the author/writer/source.

Source: Ali, W. Z. W., Ismail, H., & Cheat, T. T. (2012). Plagiarism: to what extent it is understood?. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,
59, 604-611.

10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 2-1 0

● Evidence of plagiarism ● Evidence of plagiarism ● Evidence of plagiarism ● Evidence of plagiarism ● Evidence of plagiarism No evidence of plagiarism
in the written text.
– Turnitin Percentage: – Turnitin Percentage: – Turnitin Percentage: – Turnitin Percentage: – Turnitin Percentage:
Above 50% 21% - 50% 14% - 20% 6% - 13% Less than 5%

● The extent of plagiarism ● The extent of plagiarism ● The extent of

is more than five is more than two plagiarism not more ● The extent of ● The extent of plagiarism
paragraphs. paragraphs but not than two paragraphs plagiarism is more than is less than two
more than five two sentences but not sentences and less than
paragraphs. more than 1 paragraph 1/2 a paragraph

Adapted from:
1. CEFR Companion Volume 2020
2. Writing Rubric for English I, II, III, IV (Academic Reading & Writing)

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