Practical Application of Traditional and Cluster.7

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Practical Application of

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Traditional and Cluster

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Set Configurations Within

a Resistance Training
Tsuyoshi Nagatani, BSc,1 G. Gregory Haff, PhD,1,2 Stuart N. Guppy, MSc,1 and Kristina L. Kendall, PhD1
School of Medical and Health Science, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, Australia; and 2Directorate of
Psychology and Sport, University of Salford, Salford, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT selection, and order, as well as the training plan. As such, the purpose of
length of the rest interval between sets this review is to offer examples of how
Altering set configurations during a
(i.e., interset rest interval), can alter the to integrate traditional and cluster sets
resistance training program can provide
physiological adaptations to resistance into a resistance training program and
a novel training variation that can be explain how to align the use of these set
training (58). One of the training varia-
used to modify the external and internal structures with key phases of a perio-
tions that is often overlooked, but has
training loads that induce specific dized training plan.
recently become more commonly used,
training outcomes. To design training
is the manipulation of the set structure Although cluster sets are an effective
programs that better target the defined
(38,52). In general, 2 types of set struc- method for maintaining movement
goal(s) of a specific training phase, tures are implemented by strength and velocity across a series of sets, one
strength and conditioning professionals conditioning professionals as part of an often noted issue with this program-
need to better understand how different athlete’s resistance training program: a ming strategy is that the total time of
set configurations affect the training traditional set and a cluster set (35,36). the session can be extended (119).
adaptations that result from resistance Traditional sets can be defined as a set Owing to the reality that the time allot-
training. Traditional and cluster set structure where repetitions are per- ted for strength training is often limited
structures are commonly implemented formed continuously (i.e., no intraset in many applied settings, several
by strength and conditioning profes- or inter-repetition rest interval) with a researchers have recommended an
sionals as part of an athlete’s resistance preplanned interset rest interval alternative that they refer to as the
training program. The purpose of this (52,117) (Figure 1). On the other hand, rest-redistribution method (117). The
review is to offer examples of the prac- cluster sets are an extended set structure rest-redistribution method can be
tical implementation of traditional and where repetitions are performed with applied by (a) redistributing the rest
cluster sets that can be integrated into a intraset or inter-repetition rest intervals time between sets to include the intra-
periodized resistance training program. that are placed within the set (121) (Fig- set or inter-repetition rest intervals
ure 1). To appropriately apply both and/or (b) reducing the number of rep-
types of set configurations, strength etitions per set and increasing the total
INTRODUCTION and conditioning professionals should number of sets while leaving the overall
he application of variation to

contextualize the athlete’s training goal
specific aspects of a resistance and incorporate set manipulation strat-
training program, such as alter- egies into their resistance training pro-
ing training intensity or volume, exercise set manipulation; training variation;
grams to target specific training
rest interval; inter-repetition rest inter-
Address correspondence to Tsuyoshi Naga- outcomes that align with the specific
val; intraset rest interval
tani, goals outlined within the periodized

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Practical Application of Set Configurations
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Figure 1. Two sets of 4 repetitions with 5 different set configurations. Green bars indicate repetitions performed in a set. Blue bars
indicate interset rest intervals, whereas red bars indicate inter-repetition or intraset rest intervals.

rest unchanged (117) (Figure 1). to introduce training variations into the not. Although several exercises can be
Although rest-redistribution and clus- training program in a systematic manner. used with cluster sets, it is generally rec-
ter sets are often referred to inter- Although a detailed discussion about ommended that not every exercise in a
changeably in the scientific literature periodization is beyond the scope of this training program is performed using
(4,6,27,39,40,51,72,75,120,139), they review (See Stone et al. (101), Plisk and cluster sets (35,36). As a rule of thumb,
should be used independently because Stone (83), and Haff (34) for more using cluster sets for 1 or 2 of the most
of distinct differences in the total detailed discussions), adopting a training technical or fatiguing exercise(s), such as
amount of rest placed within the set model consisting of several training weightlifting movements and/or their
(Figure 1) and the impact that both phases that are performed sequentially derivatives, is recommended because
set structures have on acute responses may be ideal for improving maximal this will minimize the potential time bur-
to resistance training (52). As such, the strength and rapid force-generating den which may occur when cluster sets
practical application of cluster sets, not capacity that underpins athletic perfor- are integrated into a training program.
rest-redistribution sets, within resis- mance (14,15,48,68,102,105,137). Thus,
Using weightlifting movements (e.g.,
tance training programs will be primar- the practical application of different set
clean and snatch) and their derivatives
ily discussed in this review. configurations should be considered in
(e.g., power clean and snatch) in resis-
the context of 3 different training phases,
PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF tance training programs may be an
specifically the hypertrophy, basic
DIFFERENT SET STRUCTURES important training method as they stim-
strength, and strength-power phases
When integrating training variations into (102,104) (Figure 2). In the following sec- ulate greater physiological and perfor-
a resistance training program, the train- tion, the theoretical platform by which mance adaptations when compared
ing goal(s) of the athlete should be con- strength and conditioning professionals with other training modalities such as
textualized and established to optimize can design resistance training programs jumping (116), kettlebell (77), and power-
physiological and performance adapta- that use traditional and cluster sets will lifting training (45). When weightlifting
tions (83). In doing so, the concept of be presented. movements and their derivatives are used
periodization, which is defined as “the in a resistance training program, cluster
logical integration and sequencing of EXERCISE SELECTION sets can be used to maintain lifting tech-
training factors into mutually dependent When cluster sets are used as part of a nique and movement velocity. In support
periods designed to optimize specific resistance training program, strength of this contention, Hardee et al. (42) re-
physiological and performance out- and conditioning professionals should ported that when recreational weight-
comes at predetermined time points” consider which exercises are best suited lifters performed power cleans with 3
(33), should be understood and applied for cluster sets and which exercises are sets of 6 repetitions at 80% 1RM, the

88 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2022

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Figure 2. A theoretical framework of various training variations to design resistance training programs. *low potential; **moderate
potential; ***high potential.

use of cluster sets with 20 and 40 seconds and is likely to result in false positives contention, Haff et al. (38) reported
of inter-repetition rest maintained move- (81). As such, more research on the effect that cluster sets can maintain move-
ment velocity across the sets. In addition, of cluster sets on weightlifting technique ment velocity and vertical barbell dis-
the authors reported that recreational analyzed with an appropriate statistical placement during clean pulls from the
weightlifters displayed a forward move- method is warranted. floor with loads greater than the ath-
ment of the barbell during the first pull, Cluster sets can also be useful when lete’s 1RM power clean. Thus, when
which is considered to be a fatigue- introducing weightlifting pulling deriv- introducing weightlifting pulling deriv-
induced technical breakdown (54,103). atives into resistance training programs atives into resistance training pro-
On the other hand, this fatigue-induced (109). The primary benefit of choosing grams, it is recommended that cluster
technical breakdown was not observed weightlifting pulling derivatives is that sets be used if the goal is to ensure that
during cluster sets with 20 seconds of a greater force overload stimuli can be movement velocity and vertical barbell
inter-repetition rest (41). Although this imposed on the athlete by eliminating displacement are maintained across a
study provides useful data that support the catch phase (109). For example, the set. However, more research on how
the use of cluster sets when performing catch phase of a power clean requires cluster sets affect kinetic and kinematic
weightlifting movements and their deriv- an athlete to get under the barbell to variables during various weightlifting
atives, it should be interpreted with cau- receive it across their shoulders once pulling derivatives using varying load-
tion. On closer inspection, Hardee et al. the second pull phase is completed. ing paradigms is certainly warranted.
(41) evaluated lifting technique by com- With this in mind, eliminating the The hang derivatives of the weightlift-
paring each data point within the barbell catch phase during weightlifting pull- ing movement (e.g., hang clean and
trajectory between the first and last rep- ing derivatives (e.g., snatch and/or snatch) are often used to teach an ath-
etition using a Student’s t test. Given that clean grip pull from floor, knee, and lete both the transition and second pull
barbell trajectory data are continuous, thigh) allows for greater training loads phases in the weightlifting movement
this statistical method is not appropriate to be used (38,109). In support of this before progressing to performing the

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Practical Application of Set Configurations

full lifts (69). These exercises are typi- the changes in muscular strength and (57,87–89). This recommendation is sup-
cally initiated with the athlete holding muscle hypertrophy in resistance- ported by Goto et al. (30) who reported
the barbell in a hang position and then trained women that completed 8 weeks a significantly greater increase in the
lowering it to above the knee and then of resistance training programs involving cross-sectional area of quadriceps femo-
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lifting the barbell upward to receive it multijoint exercises or combination of ris for a group of untrained men that
across their shoulders (53). To the best multijoint and single-joint exercises. trained with traditional sets when
of the authors’ knowledge, the effect of The authors in this study found no addi- compared with a group who trained
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traditional and cluster sets on kinetic tional benefits from the addition of with cluster sets (i.e., 12.9 6 1.3%
and kinematic variables during hang single-joint exercises to resistance train- versus 4.0 6 1.2%), after 12 weeks
derivatives has not yet been investi- ing programs regarding muscle hyper- of machine-based high-volume train-
gated, and consequently, it may not be trophy and muscular strength (8). ing programs (3–5 3 10 repetitions at
recommended to use cluster sets with Similar findings have been seen in other 10RM). The authors in this study also
these exercises. This is because exces- scientific literature (7,19). When taken reported that the traditional set group
sive fatigue can be generated from hav- collectively, adding single-joint exercises significantly increased body mass
ing to return the barbell to the floor and performed using cluster sets to resistance (i.e., Pre: 65.2 6 3.0 kg, Post: 66.4 6
then pick it up multiple times during the training programs may not maximize the 2.8 kg) and decreased percentage
cluster set. If, however, the strength and development of muscle hypertrophy body fat (i.e., pre: 20.3 6 1.2 kg and
conditioning professional decides to and/or muscular strength, especially post: 18.8 6 1.3 kg), which was not
implement hang derivatives, it is recom- with trained individuals. Although observed for the cluster set group
mended that lifting straps are used to single-joint exercises performed using (30). It is important to note that the
help alleviate grip fatigue and ensure cluster sets may not be an effective train- researchers equalized training loads
lifting technique is maintained. ing method for achieving these purposes, between cluster and traditional sets
they may have a place as part of reha- (30). By equalizing the training load
It seems that the back squat and bench
bilitation programs, such as those used between groups, the main benefits of
press are the most explored exercises
for the hamstrings (62,114) and rotator the cluster set may be obviated as
in the recent scientific literature on
cuff (26). As such, we recommend that cluster sets have been reported to
cluster sets, presumably because of
single-joint exercises should be per- allow for the use of the greater train-
the simplicity of these exercises
formed with traditional sets when inte- ing loads and/or volumes (47,118),
(25,59,118,119,130). A possible limita-
grated into a healthy athlete’s resistance which can increase the time under
tion of using cluster sets with these
training program. A detailed proposal of tension and the mechanical strain
exercises is that the athlete has to place
the exercises that are best used when that are associated with muscle
the barbell into a rack before every
programming cluster sets is presented hypertrophy (11,61,118). As such,
intraset and inter-repetition rest inter-
in Table 1. more research into whether the
val and remove the barbell from the
rack after the rest interval, which chronic use of cluster sets with
may lead to the accumulation of addi- THE CONTEXT OF TRAINING greater training loads and/or vol-
tional fatigue (18). This fatigue can PHASES umes results in greater muscle hyper-
be minimized by using a monolift trophy when compared with
attachment that can minimize the hor- traditional sets is warranted.
The primary goals of the hypertrophy
izontal movement required for racking For strength and power athletes (e.g.,
phase of training are to increase muscle
and unracking the barbell. However, throwers and weightlifters), hypertrophy
size, increase work capacity, and prepare
this equipment is not always available, of type II muscle fibers should be
the athlete for higher intensity work that
especially in typical resistance training emphasized as the greater type II/I fiber
will occur in subsequent training phases
settings. In this case, the strength and (102,104). To achieve these goals, a ratio has been reported to be strongly
conditioning professional should con- hypertrophy training program generally associated with their athletic perfor-
sider either extending the inter- involves low to moderate intensities and mance (67,97,112). To change the type
repetition or intraset rest interval to higher overall volumes (34,102,104). II/I fiber ratio, a training program that
better manage this possible increase During this phase, traditional sets may focuses on a muscle fiber transformation
in fatigue or using traditional sets. be favorably used over cluster sets as pre- from type I to II fiber and an increase in
Although some single-joint exercises viously published literature has demon- type II muscle fiber content should be
(i.e., barbell biceps curls and knee exten- strated greater muscle activation, prescribed for strength and power ath-
sion) can be performed with cluster sets metabolic, and hormonal responses for letes during the hypertrophy phase.
(47), several authors have questioned the traditional sets when compared with Although the fiber transformation from
addition of single-joint exercises to resis- cluster sets (25,30,76). These acute phys- type I to II fiber or vice versa is unlikely
tance training programs (7,8,19). For iological responses have been considered to occur (2,21), altering the hybrid fiber
example, Barbalho et al. (8) compared to be prerequisites for hypertrophy myosin heavy chain I/IIa to either I or

90 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2022

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Table 1
Theoretical potential of resistance exercises to maximize benefits from the use of cluster sets

High potential Moderate potential Low potential

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Snatch/clean Push jerk/press Assistance exercises (single-joint exercises)

Power snatch/clean Hang clean/snatch
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Snatch/clean grip pull from floor Hang power clean/snatch

Snatch/clean from the knee Hang high pull
Power snatch/clean from the knee Jump shrug
Snatch/clean grip pull from the knee Back/front squat
Snatch/clean from the thigh Loaded countermovement jump
Power snatch/clean from the thigh Flat/incline bench press
Snatch/clean grip pull from the thigh
Some exercises (e.g., back/front squat, flat/incline bench press, and loaded countermovement jumps) that have moderate potential may have
high potential if specific equipment (e.g., monolift attachment and hexagonal barbell) are available.

IIa has been demonstrated by several repetition failure before the prescribed associated with increased rates of
articles (115,131,132), which potentially number of repetitions is completed (86). hypertrophy (11). Given this potential
changes the overall type II/I muscle fiber These occurrences are problematic benefit of cluster sets, they may be
ratio. However, it is uncertain whether because a pronounced movement veloc- most suited for power and strength
altering myosin heavy chain I/IIa is pos- ity loss during a set of resistance training athletes as higher training loads may
sible among highly trained athletes after that likely leads to repetition failure does induce a specific hypertrophy of type
a period of high-volume resistance train- not result in greater hypertrophy (78) and II fibers that is essential to these ath-
ing. Thus, targeting an increase in type II causes substantial exercise-induced letes to improve their performance.
muscle fiber content may be a realistic fatigue (79,86,127). In this scenario, using However, strength and conditioning
and feasible strategy to change the over- cluster sets may be a viable choice as they professionals should still be aware of
all type II/I muscle fiber ratio (24). In can allow for the use of greater training the additional time it may take to
doing so, manipulating training varia- loads (e.g., $80% 1RM) while maintain- implement cluster sets as part of an
tions, specifically training volume and ing movement velocity without repeti- athlete’s resistance training program
intensity, should be considered when tion failure (118) and allowing for a (118). Any extension in training time
designing a training program. higher volume load (i.e., sets 3 reps 3 is dependent on the structure of the
load) to be completed (47). set, including the intraset and inter-
Although training volume has been con- repetition rest intervals, along with
sidered a primary factor for muscle In summary, traditional sets may be the number of repetitions performed
hypertrophy (87), to maximize type II the primary option to be chosen for in each cluster. As such, using cluster
muscle fiber hypertrophy, training inten- designing resistance training programs sets with only 1 or 2 key exercises has
sity, especially the use of higher loads for the hypertrophy phase when con- often been suggested within the scien-
(e.g., $80% 1RM), seems to be important sidering the scientific literature that tific literature (35,36). Figure 2 presents
(24). However, when high training loads reports greater muscle hypertrophy the theoretical potential of various set
are used with traditional sets, lower rep- after resistance training using tradi- configurations, whereas Table 2 pre-
etitions schemes may be required (e.g., 6– tional sets (30). However, not all lon- sents several examples of set manipu-
8 repetitions) as it is not theoretically fea- gitudinal studies agree with this lation during the hypertrophy phase of
sible to perform higher volume sets (9–12 argument (5,138). Cluster sets may a periodized training plan.
repetitions) with loads $80% 1RM when have the potential to induce greater
performing multijoint large mass exer- muscle hypertrophy as they allow for BASIC STRENGTH PHASE
cises. In addition, when performing multi- the use of greater training loads. Using The primary goal of the basic strength
joint exercises, it may not be possible to greater training loads can increase the phase of training is to increase maximal
maintain movement velocity throughout time under tension and the mechanical strength levels (31), which is often con-
a higher volume set without experiencing strain (118), both of which are sidered to be an essential factor

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Practical Application of Set Configurations

underpinning athletic performance

Rest intervals between clusters (s)

10 5 A total of 10 repetitions that are performed in a continuous manner without any rest interval within the set; 10/1 5 A total of 10 repetitions with inter-repetition rest intervals; 10/2 5 A
total of 10 repetitions with intraset rest intervals placed between each 2 repetition; 10/5 5 A total of 10 repetitions with an intraset rest interval placed between each 5 repetition. All training
loads are determined based on 1 repetition maximum power clean. Strength and conditioning professionals should construct cluster sets based on the focus of the training session, training
(46,71,135). Although muscular adapta-
tions tend to be a central aim of resis-
tance training during the hypertrophy
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phase, increased neural drive that maxi-

mizes the expression of muscular

strength is a desired training adaptation

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during this phase (21,34). To obtain this

neural adaptation, a training program
generally involves higher intensity (e.g.,
80–90% 1RM) but lower volumes than
Several examples of set manipulation during a hypertrophy phase of a periodized training plan

what is used during the hypertrophy

phase (34,102,104). For example,

Schoenfeld et al. (90) have reported


greater maximal strength gains, as indi-

cated by an increase in 1RM back squat

(i.e., ES 5 1.12 versus 0.71), after resis-


tance training with 3 sets of 2–4RM

when compared with performing 3 sets
of 8–12RM. This finding supports the

contention that high-load training is

important when targeting maximal
strength gains, especially when working

with stronger athletes (17).


During the basic strength phase, tradi-

tional sets are often favored over cluster
Table 2

Intensity ð%Þ

sets when creating training programs


that are designed to maximize strength


development. This contention is sup-



ported by Nicholson et al. (70) who re-


ported that a group of resistance-trained

men using traditional sets increased max-


imal strength slightly greater than a clus-


loads used, the exercise selected, and the athlete’s level of development.

ter set group (ES 5 1.11 versus 0.69)

after 6 weeks of high-load resistance


training (4 3 6 repetitions at 85%


1RM). The authors in this study also

compared a traditional set group with



a cluster set group using greater training


load (4 3 6 repetitions at 90% 1RM) and

found no significant difference in maxi-
mal strength gains between these 2




Source: Adapted from Haff et al. (35,36).


groups (70). Although contemporary sci-

entific literature can be interpreted as
indicating that traditional sets are more




appropriate for maximizing strength


development, most research in this space


has equalized training loads between


cluster and traditional sets (5,30,84,138).

Standard cluster

It is important to note that cluster sets

can allow for higher training loads to be
Type of set


used (47,118). As such, more research is

warranted on whether cluster sets with
higher training loads induce greater max-
imal strength gain.

92 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2022

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For strength and power athletes, or ous aspects of the force-velocity curve, velocity is maintained during resistance
highly trained athletes, it is well docu- otherwise known as a mixed method training (42), while attenuating the
mented that greater training variation is approach (37), to better optimize the accumulation of fatigue (52) to optimize
necessary to induce muscle and neural athlete’s performance capacity in com- neural adaptations that result from resis-
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adaptations when compared with nov- parison with an unidirectional approach tance training. For example, Zaras et al.
ice and intermediate athletes (83). In which only targets one aspect of the (138) investigated the effects of 7 weeks
this scenario, undulating and ascending force-velocity curve (3,44,49,50). Gen- of leg press training that was performed
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cluster sets may likely be used as a erally, this phase involves low to very with cluster sets in untrained male phys-
method for adding variability to the heavy training loads depending on the ical education students. The authors re-
resistance training program (Table 3). exercise performed (34). In the strength- ported that the participants who trained
These advanced set configurations power phase, using high training loads with cluster sets increased the rate of
may induce a potentiation effect that ($80% 1RM) is considered to be inte- force development (RFD) during time
can increase movement velocity within gral especially with stronger athletes as bands such as 0–30 milliseconds (ES 5
and between sets (20,106). This poten- training with only ballistic exercises 0.51 versus 20.21), 0–50 milliseconds
tiation effect is most likely reserved for using low training loads (#30% 1RM) (ES 5 0.56 versus 20.25), and 0–80
stronger individuals as they are more can neither improve nor maintain max- milliseconds (ES 5 0.54 versus
fatigue resistant and likely to display imal strength levels (17). In addition, 20.15), whereas the group that trained
superior potentiation response to various Comfort et al. (16) have reported signif- with traditional sets did not display
training interventions when compared icant increases in rapid force-generating improvements in RFD despite maximal
with weaker individuals (95,96,110). capacity after 4 weeks of a moderate-to- strength increasing similarly for both
In summary, during the basic strength high load training program (3 3 3 rep- groups (138). Although the authors in
phase, traditional sets are likely to pro- etitions at 75–90% 1RM), whereas 4 this study provide interesting data that
vide equal or superior training adapta- weeks of a low-to-moderate load train- support the use of cluster sets during the
tions to cluster sets when training ing program (3 3 5 repetitions at 60– strength-power phase, it is still
loads are equalized after a period of 82.5% 1RM) resulted in no improve- unknown whether trained athletes can
high-intensity resistance training (80– ments in rapid force-generating capac- gain the same benefits. In addition, Za-
90% 1RM). It should be noted that this ity. Furthermore, a combination of ras et al. (138) used leg press as their
may not be the case if greater training heavy resistance and ballistic exercises training intervention, which has been
loads and volumes permitted by the tends to result in superior athletic per- reported to be less effective for improv-
use of cluster sets are incorporated into formance improvements when com- ing jump performance (134) and maxi-
the resistance training program. Undu- pared with a training program that mal strength (85) than free-weight
lating and ascending cluster sets can be only uses heavy resistance exercises or exercises for the lower body, such as
unique methods to add variability to a ballistic exercises (44). Based on these the squat. As such, more research on
resistance training program and may findings, to develop maximal and rapid whether other training modalities (e.g.,
be suited for strength and power ath- force-generating capacity and improve weightlifting movement and their deriv-
letes, or highly trained athletes. Table 3 an athlete’s performance capacity dur- atives) using cluster sets elicit greater
presents several examples of set manip- ing the strength-power phase, a mixed increases in rapid force-generating
ulation during the basic strength phase method training program using low to capacities and athletic performance in
of a periodized training plan. heavy loads is recommended (37). trained individuals is needed.
Although a wide range of loads should For strength and power development
STRENGTH-POWER PHASE be used to develop force-generating of highly trained athletes, introducing
The primary goal of the strength-power capacity across the entire force- ascending cluster sets, which uses a
phase of training is to focus on the con- velocity curve (37), training volume different loading pattern to progres-
tinued development of maximal should be lower during the strength- sively increase the overall intensity of
strength, its translation into rapid power phase to minimize exercise- the set, may be a unique set modifica-
force-generating capacity, and ulti- induced fatigue as neural adaptations tion to elevate maximal force-
mately the improvement of an athlete’s to resistance training seem to be maxi- generating capacity (35,36). For exam-
performance (34,102,104,108). It is rec- mized during comparatively nonfa- ple, where the athlete is performing 3
ommended that training programs use tigued conditions (1,107). In addition, sets of 3 repetitions with the average
loads and exercises which target various maintaining movement velocity across load for each set corresponding to 81,
aspects of the force-velocity curve dur- training sets has been shown to elicit 84, and 87% of 1RM, the 3 repetitions
ing this phase of training (37). In sup- greater maximal strength gains and ath- in the first set may be performed in a
port of this recommendation, several letic performance improvements cluster format in which the load is
researchers have suggested that resis- (78,80). Cluster sets may be an effective increased (e.g., 78, 81, and 84% of
tance training programs focus on vari- method for ensuring that movement 1RM). The next 3 repetitions in the

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Practical Application of Set Configurations

Table 3
Several examples of set manipulation during a basic strength phase of a periodized training plan

Type of set Sets Reps Intensity (%)/rep Rest intervals between clusters (s)
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Traditional 3–5 5 70–80/5 0

3–5 6 65–75/6 0
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Standard 3–5 5/1 75–85/1 75–85/1 75–85/1 75–85/1 75–85/1 20

3–5 6/2 70–80/2 70–80/2 70–80/2 30
3–5 6/3 70–80/3 70–80/3 40
Undulating 3–5 5/1 72.5–82.5/1 75–85/1 80–90/1 75–85/1 72.5–82.5/1 30
3–5 6/2 72.5–82.5/2 80–90/2 72.5–82.5/2 40
Ascending 3–5 5/1 70–80/1 72.5–82.5/1 75–85/1 77.5–87.5/1 80–90/1 30
3–5 6/2 70–80/2 75–85/2 80–90/2 40
5 5 A total of 5 repetitions that are performed in a continuous manner without any rest interval within the set; 5/1 5 A total of 5 repetitions with
inter-repetition rest intervals; 6/2 5 A total of 6 repetitions with intra-set rest intervals placed between each 2 repetition. All training loads are
determined based upon one repetition maximum power clean. Strength and conditioning professionals should construct cluster sets based on the
focus of the training session, training loads employed, the exercise selected, and the athlete’s level of development.

Source: Adapted from Haff et al. (35,36).

second set may also be performed in potentially elevate maximal force- volume and increases in muscle hyper-
the same manner (e.g., 81, 84, and 87% generating capacity. Table 4 presents trophy seems to exist (92), a low repe-
of 1RM) followed by the last 3 repeti- several examples of set manipulation tition scheme with higher training loads
tions in the final set (e.g., 84, 87, 90% of during the strength-power phase of a necessitates more sets to provide
1RM) (Table 4). This set configuration periodized training plan. enough training volume to maximize
can potentially enhance maximal hypertrophic gains (94). Performing
force-generating capacity and may be numerous sets with higher loads may
suited for weightlifting derivatives or not be the most efficient methodology
weightlifting pulling derivatives for providing an appropriate hypertro-
The total number of repetitions in the
because using this set configuration phic stimulus because of the amount of
set should be determined based on
during full weightlifting movements time that would be required to complete
the athlete’s training goal (99). When
may result in substantial fatigue that the session. In the real world, this
muscle hypertrophy is the primary
can cause repetition failure, which increased time commitment may be
resistance training goal, a moderate-
may increase the injury risk (35,36). problematic as strength and condition-
to-high repetition scheme (e.g., 8–12
In summary, to enhance maximal and repetitions) is often recommended. ing professionals typically have time
rapid force-generating capacity and This recommendation is supported constraints when delivering training
optimize athletic performance, a by Schoenfeld et al. (90), who re- programs. Thus, from a practical stand-
mixed method training program using ported that resistance training with 3 point, a moderate-to-high repetition
a wide range of training loads, while sets of 8–12RM induced greater mus- scheme (i.e., 8–12 repetitions) is recom-
keeping training volumes low, can be cle hypertrophy when compared with mended when designing resistance
the optimum training prescription dur- 2–4RM. However, this study did not training programs targeting muscle
ing the strength-power phase. Cluster equalize the training volumes for both hypertrophy (Figure 2).
sets can be used to maintain move- groups (90), which might affect the During a basic strength phase, an
ment velocity and mitigate fatigue magnitude of muscle hypertrophy. In increase in maximal strength is the pri-
accumulation during resistance train- another study by Schoenfeld et al. mary goal established for the athlete
ing sessions, which can potentially (94), there were no differences in the (31). To attain this goal, a low-to-
optimize neural adaptations that result magnitude of muscle hypertrophy after moderate repetition scheme (e.g., 2–6
from resistance training. Ascending the volume-equated resistance training repetitions) with high training loads
cluster sets with progressively program with 3 sets of 10RM versus 7 (e.g., $ 80% 1RM) is typically recom-
increased loads across the sets may sets of 3RM. Although a dose-response mended (91,102,104). Unlike resistance
be a unique set alternation to relationship between resistance training training targeting muscle hypertrophy,

94 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2022

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Table 4
Several examples of set manipulation during a strength-power phase of a periodized training plan

Type of set Sets Reps Intensity (%)/rep Rest intervals between clusters (s)
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Traditional 3–5 3 80–90/3 0

Standard cluster 3–5 3/1 85–93/1 85–93/1 85–93/1 30
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Ascending cluster Set 1 3/1 78–81/1 81–84/1 84–87/1 30–40

Set 2 3/1 81–84/1 84–87/1 87–90/1 30–40
Set 3 3/1 84–87/1 87–90/1 90–93/1 30–40
3 5 A total of 3 repetitions that are performed in a continuous manner without any rest interval within the set; 3/1 5 A total of 3 repetitions with
inter-repetition rest intervals. All training loads are determined based upon one repetition maximum power clean. Strength and conditioning
professionals should construct cluster sets based on the focus of the training session, training loads employed, the exercise selected, and the
athlete’s level of development.

Source: Adapted from Haff et al. (35,36).

using higher training loads seems to be training programs during the strength- Unlike the hypertrophy phase, the rec-
prerequisite for optimizing maximal power phase (Figure 2). ommended number of repetitions per-
strength (91). Several authors have re- formed in a set is low to moderate in a
ported greater maximal strength gains basic strength phase (e.g., 2–6 repeti-
after resistance training with 2–5RM CLUSTER tions). In this phase, cluster sets may
when compared with that with 8– The number of repetitions performed not provide greater maximal strength
12RM (13,61,90,94). As such, a low- in the cluster should be modified based gains than traditional sets based on sev-
to-moderate repetition scheme (i.e., on the training phase. In a hypertro- eral studies (5,30,70,138). However,
2–6 repetitions) that allows for higher phy phase, given that the recommen- cluster sets with 1 to 3 repetitions in
training loads is recommended when ded number of repetitions in a set is each cluster can be used for maintain-
designing resistance training programs high (i.e., 8–12 repetitions), the number ing movement velocity and lifting tech-
targeting maximal strength gains of repetitions performed in the cluster nique (Figure 2). Several authors
(Figure 2). can vary from 1 to 6 (Figure 2). For reported that using an inter-repetition
In a strength-power phase, the devel- example, Tufano et al. (118) reported rest interval can maintain movement
opment of maximal and rapid force- that when performing the back squat velocity (42,70) and lifting technique
generating capacities and the using sets of 12 repetitions, higher (41) during resistance exercises when
improvement of an athlete’s perfor- training loads (i.e., 75% 1RM versus using high training loads (e.g., 80–90%
mance are the main goals for the ath- 60% 1RM) can be used by dividing 1RM) (38,42,59,70). In addition, Law-
lete (34,102,104,108). Using the lower 12 repetitions into 3 clusters of 4 rep- ton et al. (60) reported that using intra-
repetition scheme (e.g., 2–3 repeti- etitions with 30 seconds intraset rest set rest intervals placed between every
tions) may be recommended to attain between clusters when compared with 2 repetitions or every 3 repetitions
these goals. This recommendation is traditional sets. If weightlifting deriva- maintained power output when per-
supported by several studies showing tives are performed using sets of 8 rep- forming 6 repetitions of bench press
that resistance training with a low rep- etitions in the hypertrophy phase, 4 with 6RM load. In this study, the
etition scheme increased maximal clusters of 2 repetitions with 20 sec- reduction in power output resulted
strength (129), rapid force- onds intraset rest between clusters from a decline in movement velocity
generating capacity (16), and vertical can be used to potentially maintain as force production did not change
jump performance (102,129). These movement velocity and lifting tech- during exercise because of the use of
training adaptations may be more evi- nique across the set (41,42). Ultimately, consistent loads throughout the set. It
dent especially when the strength- strength and conditioning profes- is recommended that longer intraset
power phase is preceded by a higher sionals should determine the number rest intervals be provided when using
volume training program with lower of repetitions performed in the cluster multiple repetitions in clusters (2–3
training loads (e.g., a basic strength based on the focus of the training ses- repetitions) (Table 3).
phase) (16,102,129). Thus, a low repeti- sion, training loads used, the exercise During a strength-power phase, one
tion scheme (i.e., 2–3 repetitions) is rec- selected, and the athlete’s level of of the primary resistance training
ommended when designing resistance development. goals is to develop rapid force-

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Practical Application of Set Configurations

generating capacity that translates moderate-to-high repetition training the high hormonal responses may not
into the improvement of an athlete’s set (i.e., 8–12 repetitions) with shorter directly affect muscle protein syn-
performance (34,102,104,108). Wagle rest intervals between individual rep- thesis that is directly related to
et al. (124) reported that cluster sets etitions (e.g., 5–10 seconds) or clus- muscle hypertrophy (10,82).
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with inter-repetition rest maintained ters (e.g., 15–30 seconds) may be a McKendry et al. (64) reported a
rapid force-generating capacity viable option. When this is per- greater increase in myofibrillar pro-
throughout each set when perform- formed, the provided recovery will tein synthesis after resistance training
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ing back squat with 3 sets of 5 repe- facilitate the maintenance of perfor- with 5 minutes of interset rest than
titions at 80% of 1RM. On the other mance, allow for the use of higher that with 1 minute of interset rest,
hand, when using traditional sets, training loads (47,118), and still pro- albeit no greater serum testosterone
rapid force-generating capacity vide some degree of fatigue that may and growth hormone concentrations
decreased toward the end of each provide a stimulus that facilitates observed following the longer inter-
set (124). Given that the recommen- hypertrophy (25,28,118) (Figure 2). set rest training protocol. Another
ded number of repetitions in a set On the other hand, if the training goal important consideration is that the
during the strength-power phase is is to improve rapid force-generating longer interset rest can allow for
low (i.e., 2–3 repetitions), it is recom- capacity, rest periods between indi- greater resynthesis of ATP and PCr
mended that cluster sets with inter- vidual repetitions or clusters may be to occur and more repetitions to be
repetition rest should only be used for longer (e.g., 30–40 seconds) to ensure completed, especially when perform-
the most technical or fatiguing exer- greater recovery provided, especially ing repetitions to muscular failure
cise(s), such as weightlifting move- when full weightlifting movements (29,93). As such, regardless of the
ments and/or their derivatives, are incorporated into the resistance training goal, a sufficient amount of
whereas other exercises should be training program. rest intervals between sets (e.g., 2–
performed with traditional sets 3 minutes) is recommended during
(Figure 2). LENGTH OF INTERSET REST resistance training (Figure 2).
Traditionally, the length of interset
rest interval has been manipulated ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS
AND INTRASET REST IN THE based on the training goal (99). In a
CLUSTER SET high-volume resistance training pro- FEEDBACK
The alignment of the inter-repetition gram that targets muscle hypertro- For strength and conditioning profes-
and intraset recovery times to the phy, short interset rest intervals sionals, providing the athlete with
various training phases and goals is (e.g., 30–60 seconds) are often used feedback about the movement pattern
facilitated by considering the time (56,113) as resistance training with of the exercise performed plays a sig-
course of adenosine triphosphate short interset rest produces greater nificant role in the acquisition of
(ATP) and phosphocreatine (PCr) serum testosterone and growth hor- motor skill (100). During a set of resis-
resynthesis. When longer inter- mone concentrations when com- tance training, the use of cluster sets
repetitions and intraset rest intervals pared with longer interset rest (55), can also allow the coach to provide
are provided, more complete resyn- both of which have often been sug- the athlete with immediate feedback
thesis of these 2 substrates occurs gested to affect the magnitude of during the inter-repetition or intraset
and, therefore, allows for more rapid muscle hypertrophy (87,88). On the rest interval (109). When providing
muscular contractions (29). Con- other hand, long interset rest inter- feedback within a set, the frequency
versely, if the rest interval is short- vals (e.g., $3 minutes) are typically of the feedback should be considered,
ened, there would be incomplete recommended in a low volume but as more frequent feedback does not
ATP resynthesis and proportionally high-intensity training program that always contribute to enhancement of
greater levels of fatigue (35,36,107). targets strength development (128). skill acquisition (133). However, this
If the training goal is to stimulate However, several authors have re- may not be the case when the athlete
gains in muscle hypertrophy, it has ported greater changes in the cross- is required to acquire a complex
often been suggested that traditional sectional area and regional muscle movement pattern as frequent feed-
sets should be implemented instead thickness after resistance training back has been demonstrated to be
of cluster sets (30). However, based with longer interset rest (2.5– beneficial for the learning of complex
on more recent evidence from Tufano 3 minutes) when compared with movement patterns (136). Thus, if the
et al. (118), if higher loads are used shorter interset rest (1 minute), athlete is required to learn a highly
with cluster sets, time under tension whereas equal or greater maximal technical exercise such as weightlift-
is increased and may in turn increase strength gains were observed for the ing movements, the use of cluster sets
the hypertrophic stimulus. In addi- longer interset rest training protocol in this manner allows for frequent
tion, if cluster sets are implemented (12,93). The potential explanation for feedback and can be beneficial to facil-
with higher training loads, a these contradictory findings is that itate motor learning.

96 VOLUME 44 | NUMBER 5 | OCTOBER 2022

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Table 5
Practical integrations of standard cluster set into accentuated eccentric load training programs during key phases of a
periodized training plan
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Training variation Hypertrophy Basic strength Strength-power

Eccentric load (%1RM) 80–120 100–120 $120

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Concentric load (%1RM) 60–70 70–80 $80

Number of reps in a set 8–12 2–6 2–3
Number of reps in a cluster 3–6 1–3 1
Number of rest intervals between clusters 1–2 1–2 1–2
Length of rest intervals between clusters (s) 20 30 30–40
All concentric and eccentric training loads are determined based on 1 repetition maximum back squat in articles published by Wagle et al.
(123,124) and Merrigan et al. (65) and the book by Verkhoshansky (122). For example, if an athlete performs 10 repetitions of back squats with a
120% 1RM eccentric load and a 65% 1RM concentric load, 10 repetitions can be broken into 2 clusters of 5 repetitions and a 30-s intraset rest
interval can be added between clusters. In this case, supramaximal eccentric loads (120% 1RM) are imposed on the athlete at the first and sixth
repetition of the set of back squats.

ACCENTUATED ECCENTRIC example, the eccentric phase of the perform the rest of the set without
LOADING selected exercise is programmed with applying greater loads to the eccentric
It is well documented that the force a higher load, and then some of the phase of the lift (59,65,66,123,124) and
produced by a muscle during eccentric load is removed by using a weight re- (b) accentuate the eccentric phase of
muscle actions is larger than what can leaser before the transition from the every single repetition or the first rep-
be developed during isometric and eccentric to concentric phase of the lift etition of every single cluster
concentric muscle actions (63). As (122). The use of AEL can result in the (59,123,124). The second method
such, traditional training prescriptions potential enhancement of type II fiber necessitates time between individual
that use equal absolute loads for both recruitment as well as the hypertrophy and clusters of repetitions to reload
the concentric and eccentric muscle of type II fibers (22,23), a greater the eccentric phase of the selected
actions during a resistance exercise increase in maximal strength exercise. This form of AEL has an
do not maximize the force-generating (9,43,126), and greater improvements inherent cluster-like set configuration
capacity during the eccentric muscle in vertical jump performance (23,98) that may contribute to the training
actions (125). Accentuated eccentric (For more detail on AEL, the reader benefits associated with AEL. If AEL
loading (AEL) refers to a novel training is directed to the review paper by Wa- is introduced into training programs
modality in which the eccentric load is gle et al. (125)). that target hypertrophy and an
programmed at a higher load com- Two common methods to use AEL increase in work capacity, short rest
pared with the load used during the with the use of the weight releaser intervals between individual repetitions
concentric muscle action within a spe- are to (a) accentuate the eccentric or clusters may be selected (e.g., 20
cific resistance exercise (111,125). For phase of the first repetition and then seconds). On the other hand, if training

Figure 3. A partner cluster set. In this set configuration, athletes (A and B) take turns performing 3 clusters of 2 power snatches with
intraset rest intervals. When the athlete (A) rests, the athlete (B) performs 2 repetitions of power snatches, and vice versa.
The length of rest intervals is determined based on training loads, an exercise performed, the targeted goal of the training
plan, and the athlete’s level of development (e.g., In this example, 20 seconds of intraset rest intervals are used).

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Practical Application of Set Configurations

programs that target the development force-generating capacity, all of which

of force-generating capacity involve potentially underpin their athletic perfor-
Kendall is a
AEL, longer rest intervals between mance. In addition, cluster sets can be
Lecturer in the
individual repetitions or clusters may responsible for the efficacies of several
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School of Medical
be chosen (e.g., 30–40 seconds). Table 5 training strategies such as accentuated
and Health Sci-
presents a detailed recommendation eccentric loading and weightlifting deriv-
ences at Edith
on how AEL with cluster sets may atives. Collectively, this review has pro-
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potentially be applied into resistance vided strength and conditioning
training programs in key training professionals with comprehensive
phases. insight into the addition of set manipu-
lation for resistance training programs
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