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Presented By : Group SATORAGANA

Media and Digital

Final Term

Meet The Group

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Closing Unix Navarro Shann Gaela King Rañosa


Meet The Group

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Closing Erica Sarmiento Kayezel Torres



With the vast number of websites, web
Topic 1
forums, and social media applications now
Topic 2 available for us, never before has there been
Topic 3 so much information in nearly every form
imaginable, from nearly every source
Topic 4
imaginable available to us twenty-four hours a
Closing day, no matter our location.
Discussion Overview
Where once we had librarians - "information
custodians", as you will to curate the information we
Contents regularly ingest, now there is nothing standing between
Topic 1 the individual and the wellspring of information
represented by the Internet.
Topic 2
However, as we will soon discover, it is the so-called old
Topic 3 literacies that will serve us just as faithfully in the new
Topic 4 contexts we find ourselves today as they have done in the
To begin our investigation, we must first understand the relationship between Media Literacy and Digital Literacy.

Introduction Learning Objectives

Contents 1 2
Topic 1 Gain a comprehensive Recognize the
Topic 2 grasp of Media and significance of
Cyber/Digital Literacy cultivating Media and
Topic 3 and understand their Cyber/Digital Literacy in
Topic 4 interconnectedness. individuals within the
digital era.

Acknowledge the necessity of
Topic 1
initiating the development of
Topic 2 these literacies at an early age
in children, emphasizing the
Topic 3
importance of early education
Topic 4 rather than delaying it until later
stages of life.

Table Of Contents
Topic 1

Topic 2 Media Literacy Digital Literacy

Topic 3 TOPIC 3 TOPIC 4

Topic 4
Cyber Citizenship Internet & Personal Safety

Media Literacy
Contents The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and
communicate messages in a wide variety of
Topic 1
forms. (Aufderheide, 1993)
Topic 2
The ability to identify different types of
Topic 3 media and understand the messages media
Topic 4 varies television, radio, books etc; they are
Closing communicating. Next

Media Literacy
Contents A term used by modern scholars to refer to the
process of critically analyzing and learning to
Topic 1
create one's own messages in print, audio, video,
Topic 2
and multimedia. (Hobbs, 1998)
Topic 3
Understanding the "why" behind media
Topic 4 communication is the absolute heart of
media literacy today.
Closing Next

Media Literacy
Contents It includes the ability to both read (comprehend) and
write (create, design, produce). Further, it moves
Topic 1
from merely recognizing and comprehending
Topic 2
information to the higher order critical thinking skills
Topic 3 implicit in questioning, analyzing and evaluating
Topic 4 information.
Closing Next

3 stages of Media Literacy
Contents 1. Aware of the impotance of managing one’s media
“diet”; reducing time spent with electonic devices
Topic 1
Topic 2
2. Learning specific skills of critical viewing; learning to
Topic 3 analyze and questions what in the frame.
Topic 4 3. Goes behind the frames to explore deeper issues;
(What, Why, How)

Introduction Media was being used to:

Contents Manipulate the perspective
(and subsequent actions) of
Topic 1
those exposed to it; thereby
Topic 2 giving rise to the need to
Topic 3
educate people on how to
detect biases, falsehoods,
Topic 4 and half-truths depicted in
Closing print, radio, and television.

Introduction What Media Literacy is NOT:

Criticizing the media is not in and of itself,
Topic 1 media literacy. However, being media literate
sometimes requires that one indeed criticize
Topic 2 what one sees and hears.
Topic 3 Merely producing media is not media literacy
Topic 4
although part of being literate is the ability to
produce media.

Introduction What Media Literacy is NOT:

Teaching with media (videos, presentations,
Topic 1 etc.) does not equal media literacy. An
Topic 2 education in media literacy must also include
teaching about media.
Topic 3

Topic 4


The current state of media & children
Generally the informations and experience we
Topic 1 engage with every day life through media helps to
Topic 2 shape our beliefs, attitudes, values, and identity.

Topic 3 When Media is used well, it can engage children in

positive way. It will help them to become more
Topic 4
competent and enhance their 4Cs.

6 importance of Media Literacy in

Contents 1. Critical thingking- teaches students to analyze and
Topic 1 evaluate media messages, helping them to understand
the intentions and potential manipulation present in
Topic 2 various forms of media.
2. Empowerment- gain the ability to navigate through the
Topic 3
vast among of information available. They will learn
Topic 4 how to distinguish between credible resources and
misinformation. This will make them empowered to
Closing make their own decisions and convey their own

Introduction 3. Engagement: Teaching media literacy can make

learning more engaging for students. By using
Contents examples from popular media, educators can
connect with students' interests and experiences,
Topic 1
making lessons more relatable and impactful.
Topic 2 4. Digital Citizenship: promotes responsible and
ethical behavior online. It teaches students about the
Topic 3 importance of respecting copyright laws, protecting
their privacy, and engaging in constructive online
Topic 4

Introduction 5. Prevention of Harm: Educating students about the

dangers of believing everything they see or read
Contents online can help prevent
Topic 1
6. Preparation for the Future: teaching media
Topic 2 literacy, educators are preparing students for the
challenges they will face in a constantly evolving
Topic 3 media landscape.
Topic 4


Negative impact of Media Literacy

1. Plagiarism
Contents 2. Online safety
3. Cyberbullying
Topic 1
4. Misinformation
Topic 2 5. Low self-esteem
6. Depression and suicide
Topic 3 7. Substance abuse and other risky behaviors
8. Negative body image
Topic 4
9. Reinforcement of stereotypes

Digital Literacy
Contents 1 Defined as 2 (Eshet - Alkalai, 2004)
Topic 1
The ability to locate, It is the technical,
Topic 2 evaluate, create and cognitive, and
communicate sociological skills
Topic 3 information on needed to perform tasks
various digital and solve problems in
Topic 4
platforms. digital environment.
Digital Literacy
According to Wikipedia, digital literacy is the set of
Contents competencies equired for full participation in
society that includes knowledge, skills, and
Topic 1
behaviors involving the effective use of digital
Topic 2
devices for purposes of communication,
expression, collaboration and advocacy.
Topic 3
Simply, it is the ability of an individual to engage
Topic 4 with the digital environment and operate
technologies safely by knowing what to do and
Closing what not to do and how to avoid unnecessary risks.

Introduction Digital Literacy

Digital literacy is an individual's ability to access
Topic 1 both information and methods of communication
through technological tools, such as smartphones,
Topic 2 tablets, laptops and desktop PCs. While digital
literacy is initially focused on digital skills and
Topic 3 stand-alone computers, its focus has shifted to
network devices, including the Internet and the use
Topic 4 of social media.

Introduction Cyber Citizenship

Contents Citizenship is an old value that is now applied to a
new medium, the Internet. Cyber citizenship refers to
Topic 1 being responsible when using the Internet.
Topic 2 Doing online when no one is looking speaks a lot
about one's character and morals. The power of this
Topic 3 digital world is associated with responsibilities and
consequences. Therefore, we can explore and
Topic 4 navigate all information available online however, we
should observe cyber citizenship manners and
Closing etiquette on the Web.
Topic 3

Ways on How to be a Good Cyber Citizen

The enlisted ways of becoming a good cyber citizen would guide everyone
on his/her digital operations and information processing woul prevent
anyone from further consequences, distractions, moral damages and

1. Be careful and critical for whatever you post online that could be
visible to the public even if on a "private" page through tagging by a
2. If you have a problem with someone, go to that person or an
adult to help work it out, instead of posting your expression online.
Topic 3

Ways on How to be a Good Cyber Citizen

3. Use the Internet to help you with your schoolwork, but give credit
to the sources you use and critically analyze everything you search
4. Use the internet purposefully to learn more about anything your
are interested in, to help you research relevant and needed data or
information and to stay connected with friends throughout the
5. Make sure you verify an information before you share it or use it
in a project and check on accuracy and truth in the information you
search on the web.
Topic 3

Ways on How to be a Good Cyber Citizen

6. Give out certain information only.

7. Don't answer questions that make you uncomfortable.
8. Always make sure you have told a reliable a reliable adult if you
decide to meet someone you knew through the internet.
9. Always be aware of copyright la ws and give credit to whom an
article or a part of it is due.
10. Use only the computers that you are allowed to use. Avoid

Introduction Internet Safety

Contents Internet safety, online safety or cyber safety means
trying to be safe on the Internet. It is maximizing the
Topic 1 user's personal safety and security risks to private
information and property associated with using the
Topic 2 Internet, including self-protection from computer
Topic 3
crime. As the number of Internet users continues to
grow worldwide, issues and concerns also
Topic 4 continuously exist

Introduction Information Security

Sensitive information, such as persona
Topic 1 information, identity and passwords are often
associated with personal property and privacy and
Topic 2
may present security concerns if leaked
Topic 3 nauthorized access and usage of private
information may result in insequences, such as
Topic 4 identity and property theft.

Introduction Information Security

Common causes of information security breaches
Topic 1 1. Phishing
- It is a common type of scam, of which the
Topic 2
scammers disguise as a trustworthy source in an
Topic 3 attempt to obtain private information, such as
passwords, credit card information, etc. through the
Topic 4 use of fake websites that look dentical and

Introduction Information Security

2. Internet scams
- These are schemes that deceive the users in
Topic 1 various ways in an attempt to take advantage of
Topic 2 them.
3. Malware
Topic 3 - It is a malicious software (particularly spyware)
disguised to collect and transmit private information,
Topic 4
such as password without the user's consent or
Closing knowledge, of which it is impossible to determine
whether a file is infected

Threats to Personal Safety

Topic 1 The growth of the Internet gave rise to many

important services accessible to anyone with a
Topic 2 connection, such as digital communication. While it
allows communication with others, it is also being
Topic 3 grabbed by malicious users or bad intent.
Topic 4


Introduction 1. Cyberstalking
Contents - Is the use of the Internet or other electronic
means to stalk or harass an individual, group or
Topic 1 organization through false accusations, defamation,
slander, and libel, intentional monitoring, identify
Topic 2
theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or
Topic 3 gathering information that may be used to threaten,
embarass or harass.
Topic 4


Introduction 2. Cyberbullying
Contents - Is the use of electronic means, such as instant
messaging, social media, e-mail, and other forms of
Topic 1 online communication with the intent to abuse,
intimidate, or overpower an individual or group.
Topic 2
3. Online Predation
Topic 3
- Is the act of engaging an underage minor into
Topic 4 inappropriate sexual relationships through the

Online predators may attempt to initiate and seduce
minors into relationships through the use of chat
Contents rooms or internet forums.
The behavior characteristics are categorized into three
Topic 1
Topic 2
A. Manipulative - typically a child molester;
Topic 3 B. Opportunist - typically a rapist;
C. Coercive - being a mixture of both rapists and chil
Topic 4 molester.

Introduction 4. Obscene/Offensive Content

Contents - Various websites on the Internet contain material
that may deem offensive, distasteful ir explicit, which
Topic 1
may often not be of the user's liking. Such websites
Topic 2 may include the internet, shock sites, hate speech or
otherwise, and inflammatory content.
Topic 3

Topic 4


5. Sextortion
- Is the use of webcams for flirting and cybersex.
Topic 1 Often, this involves a cybercriminal posing as
someone else, such as an attractive person
Topic 2 initiating communication of a sexual nature with
Topic 3 the victim.
- The video is recorded by the cybercriminal to
Topic 4
demand money or other services.
Thank You
By : Group 1

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