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Name Muhammad Hamdan

Roll No. 22-NTU-BA-1632

Assignment Consumer Behavior

Semester 4th

Submitted To Mam Kiran Shehzadi

Date 6th May, 2023

Q1: Find two examples of ads that are designed to arouse
consumer needs and discuss their effectiveness.

Ans: Let's explore two advertisements designed to arouse consumer

needs and discuss their effectiveness:

1. Amazon Prime "Free One-Day Delivery" Ad:

Advertisement: Amazon Prime's ad showcasing the convenience of free

one-day delivery for Prime members. The commercial features a busy
parent ordering a last-minute birthday gift for their child and receiving it
the very next day, just in time for the celebration.

Appeal to Convenience: The advertisement taps into consumers' need
for convenience by highlighting the ease and speed of Amazon Prime's
one-day delivery service. It resonates with busy individuals who value
time-saving solutions and the ability to fulfill their needs quickly and
Emotional Connection: The ad evokes emotions of relief and
satisfaction as the parent successfully finds and purchases the perfect
gift for their child without the stress of worrying about delivery delays.
Viewers empathize with the relatable scenario and envision themselves
enjoying the same convenience offered by Amazon Prime.
Call to Action: The advertisement includes a clear call to action,
encouraging viewers to sign up for Amazon Prime to access the benefits
of free one-day delivery. By providing a solution to consumers' need for
convenience and offering a tangible way to fulfill that need, the ad
effectively drives engagement and conversion.

2. Airbnb "Live There" Campaign:

Advertisement: The Airbnb "Live There" campaign featured various ads

showcasing unique and immersive travel experiences, highlighting the
idea of living like a local in destinations around the world. One example
ad depicted a couple staying in a cozy apartment in Paris, enjoying a
meal at a neighborhood cafe, and exploring hidden gems off the beaten

- Appeal to the Need for Experience: The campaign taps into
consumers' need for novel experiences and exploration. By showcasing
authentic travel experiences rather than traditional tourist attractions,
Airbnb positions itself as a platform that fulfills consumers' desires for
adventure and discovery.
- Emotional Connection: The ad evokes emotions of excitement,
curiosity, and wanderlust, resonating with consumers' aspirations for
meaningful travel experiences. Viewers are drawn to the idea of
immersing themselves in local culture and creating lasting memories.
- Differentiation: The campaign sets Airbnb apart from traditional hotel
accommodations by emphasizing the unique and personalized nature of
its offerings. By highlighting the opportunity to "live like a local," Airbnb
appeals to consumers seeking authentic and immersive travel
experiences that cater to their individual preferences and interests.

Q2: Find three advertisements that illustrate the needs

for power, affiliation and achievement and discuss their
effectiveness. (Each advertisement should depict one of
the three needs.)

Ans: Let's explore three advertisements, each illustrating one of the trio
of needs—power, affiliation, and achievement—and discuss their

1. Advertisement Illustrating the Need for Power:

Advertisement: A commercial for a luxury watch brand featuring a
successful business executive confidently wearing the brand's premium
timepiece while making decisive decisions in the boardroom.

- Symbol of Status and Authority: The advertisement appeals to
consumers' need for power by associating the luxury watch with
success, status, and authority. The imagery of the business executive
exuding confidence and leadership qualities while wearing the watch
reinforces the idea that owning the product confers a sense of power
and prestige.
- Aspirational Appeal: The ad triggers aspirations for achievement and
influence, as viewers aspire to emulate the success and confidence
portrayed by the executive in the advertisement. By positioning the
watch as a symbol of power, the ad motivates consumers to desire
ownership of the product as a means of enhancing their own status and
- Brand Association: The advertisement effectively aligns the luxury
watch brand with the values and aspirations of consumers seeking
power and success. By showcasing the watch as an essential accessory
for individuals in positions of power and authority, the ad strengthens
the brand's image as a status symbol and reinforces its appeal to
affluent consumers.

2. Advertisement Illustrating the Need for Affiliation:

Advertisement: A commercial for a popular soft drink brand featuring a
group of friends enjoying a refreshing beverage together at a lively
outdoor gathering or party.

- Sense of Belonging: The advertisement appeals to consumers' need
for affiliation by depicting social interactions and camaraderie among
friends. The imagery of people coming together to share moments of
joy and connection while enjoying the soft drink reinforces the idea that
consuming the product fosters a sense of belonging and community.
- Emotional Connection: The ad evokes positive emotions associated
with friendship, acceptance, and shared experiences, resonating with
consumers who value social connections and relationships. Viewers are
likely to associate the brand with feelings of happiness, warmth, and
inclusivity, strengthening their emotional connection to the product.
- Social Proof: By showcasing the soft drink as a popular choice for
social gatherings and celebrations, the advertisement leverages social
proof to influence consumer behavior. Viewers are more inclined to
purchase the product when they see others enjoying it in social settings,
as it validates their desire to belong to the same community or group.

3. Advertisement Illustrating the Need for Achievement:

Advertisement: A commercial for a fitness app featuring individuals
setting and surpassing personal fitness goals, tracking their progress,
and celebrating their achievements.

- Focus on Personal Growth: The advertisement appeals to consumers'
need for achievement by emphasizing the app's ability to support goal
setting, progress tracking, and personal development. The imagery of
individuals pushing their limits, overcoming obstacles, and achieving
fitness milestones inspires viewers to pursue their own goals and
- Motivational Messaging: The ad employs motivational messaging to
instill a sense of determination, resilience, and self-improvement. By
highlighting the success stories of individuals who have achieved their
fitness goals using the app, the advertisement encourages viewers to
believe in their own ability to succeed and persevere in the face of
- Call to Action: The advertisement includes a clear call to action
prompting viewers to download the app and embark on their own
fitness journey. By providing a practical means of pursuing achievement
and personal growth, the ad motivates consumers to take concrete
steps toward realizing their goals and aspirations.

In summary, each of these advertisements effectively taps into one of

the trio of needs—power, affiliation, and achievement—by leveraging
relevant imagery, emotional appeal, and brand messaging. By aligning
with consumers' underlying motivations, these ads can drive
engagement, influence purchasing decisions, and strengthen brand

Q3: Find two advertisements that depict two different

defense mechanisms and discuss their effectiveness.

Ans: Let's explore two advertisements that depict different defense

mechanisms and discuss their effectiveness:

1. Advertisement Depicting Projection:

Advertisement: A commercial for a skincare brand that features a
celebrity spokesperson claiming that their flawless skin is solely due to
using the brand's products, implying that anyone who doesn't have
perfect skin must not be using the same skincare regimen.

- Perceived Credibility: The advertisement may be effective in
convincing consumers to purchase the skincare products by leveraging
the credibility and attractiveness of the celebrity spokesperson. Viewers
may be inclined to believe that if the product works for someone
famous and admired, it will work for them too.
- Appeal to Aspiration: By associating the skincare products with the
image of flawless celebrity skin, the advertisement appeals to
consumers' aspirations for beauty and perfection. Viewers may be
motivated to purchase the products in hopes of achieving similar results
and projecting an image of success and attractiveness to others.
2. Advertisement Depicting Rationalization:

Advertisement: A commercial for a fast food chain that promotes its

new line of "healthier" menu options, claiming that customers can
indulge guilt-free because the items are made with "natural"
ingredients and contain fewer calories.

- Reduced Cognitive Dissonance: The advertisement may be effective in
reducing cognitive dissonance for consumers who want to indulge in
fast food but feel guilty about the health implications. By presenting the
menu items as "healthier" choices, the advertisement provides a
rationalization for consumers to justify their decision to eat at the fast
food chain.
- Appeal to Convenience: The advertisement capitalizes on consumers'
desire for convenience by offering "healthier" alternatives that align
with their busy lifestyles. Viewers may be more likely to patronize the
fast food chain if they believe they can satisfy their cravings without
compromising their health goals, thanks to the rationalization provided
in the advertisement.

In summary, these advertisements effectively leverage defense

mechanisms to influence consumer behavior by providing
rationalizations and projections that align with consumers' desires and
motivations. However, it's important for consumers to critically evaluate
such claims and consider the actual health implications of their choices.

Q4: How can marketers use consumers’ failures to

achieve goals in developing promotional appeals for
specific products and services? Give examples.

Ans: Marketers can strategically use consumers' failures to achieve goals

in developing promotional appeals for specific products and services by
tapping into emotions, providing solutions, and offering support. Here's

1. Appeal to Emotions:
Marketers can empathize with consumers' feelings of disappointment
or frustration when they fail to achieve their goals. By acknowledging
these emotions in their promotional messages, marketers can create a
sense of relatability and understanding, which can resonate deeply with
the target audience. For example:
Advertisement Example: A fitness apparel brand may create an ad
campaign that acknowledges the struggles of starting and maintaining a
fitness routine. The ad could feature individuals facing setbacks or
challenges in their fitness journey, accompanied by a message of
encouragement and resilience. By tapping into consumers' emotional
experiences, the brand can establish a connection and position itself as
a supportive ally in their quest for fitness goals.

2. Provide Solutions:
Marketers can position their products or services as solutions to help
consumers overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. By highlighting
the unique features or benefits of their offerings, marketers can
demonstrate how their products/services can address specific pain
points or challenges faced by consumers. For example:
Advertisement Example: A meal kit delivery service may create a
promotional campaign targeting busy professionals who struggle to find
time to cook healthy meals at home. The campaign could emphasize
the convenience and time-saving benefits of the meal kits, showcasing
how easy it is for consumers to prepare nutritious meals in their own
kitchens. By offering a practical solution to a common problem, the
meal kit delivery service can appeal to consumers' desire for
convenience and healthier eating habits.

3. Offer Support and Encouragement:

Marketers can position their brand as a supportive partner in
consumers' journey towards achieving their goals. By providing
resources, guidance, or incentives, marketers can motivate and
empower consumers to stay committed to their goals. For example:
Advertisement Example: A financial planning app may launch a
promotional campaign targeting individuals who struggle to save money
or manage their finances effectively. The campaign could offer
educational resources, personalized budgeting tips, and incentives such
as cashback rewards for achieving savings milestones. By providing
support and encouragement, the app can help consumers overcome
financial challenges and make progress towards their savings goals.

In summary, marketers can effectively use consumers' failures to

achieve goals as a foundation for developing promotional appeals by
empathizing with their emotions, providing practical solutions, and
offering support and encouragement. By positioning their products or
services as valuable resources in consumers' quest for success,
marketers can establish stronger connections with their target audience
and drive engagement and loyalty.

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