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G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research.

PGDM Institute
Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
PGDM BATCH-2021-23


Factors affecting the adoption of AI by ChatGPT

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of the

Post Graduate Diploma in Management


Submitted to: Submitted by:

Dr. Amit Kumar Rashmi
G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research. PGDM Institute
Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida

PGDM BATCH-2022-24

I hereby declare that “Factors affecting the adoption of AI by ChatGPT”

The result of the project work carried out by me under the guidance of Dr Amit Kumar, in
partial fulfilment for the award of a two-year full-time degree of POSTGRADUATE
DIPLOMA IN MANAGEMENT from GL Bajaj Institute of Management. PGDM
INSTITUTE, Greater Noida.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my efforts and that it has not been submitted to
any other university or Institute for the award of any degree or Diploma or Certificate.
G.L. Bajaj Institute of Management & Research. PGDM Institute
Approved by A.I.C.T.E., Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Plot No. 2, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida
PGDM BATCH-2022-24

I would like to thank the following people; without whom I would not have been able to
complete this Dissertation Project Report.

I am highly thankful to the Director Dr. Sapna Rakesh of the institute for her support,
motivation and continuous efforts in providing us the better learning environment and
opportunities to groom ourselves as per the expectations of the corporate world. Without her
support, it would not be possible for us to complete our Dissertation Report.

I convey my sincere thanks to my Faculty Guide Dr. Amit Kumar for providing me the
constant support and guidance to carry out my project effectively and efficiently.

I would also like to convey my gratitude to all faculty members and staff for their support and

Name of the student: Rashmi Kumari

Roll no: GM22003

Admission no: PGDM22006

Table of Content

S.NO Table of Content

Executive Summary:
In the realm of AI technology, ChatGPT stands out as a significant innovation with a dual
capability of understanding and generating human-like text. This overview explores the crucial
role that ChatGPT plays in advancing the field of artificial intelligence. Technological
The effect of fast headways in AI has altogether upgraded ChatGPT's capabilities. Its continuous
change may be a key driving figure for its broad appropriation, pushing the boundaries of what's
achievable in dialect preparation.
Client Encounter and Acknowledgment:
Client fulfilment and belief are significant components affecting the appropriation of ChatGPT.
This area digs into the significance of tending to client concerns and inclinations to guarantee a
positive and effective execution of this innovation.
Moral and Societal Suggestions:
The investigation of moral contemplations, especially predisposition and reasonableness, is basic
in understanding ChatGPT's societal effect. This area dives into the broader moral scene and
societal suggestions related to this AI innovation.
User Experience and Acceptance:
User satisfaction and trust are pivotal elements influencing the adoption of ChatGPT. This
section delves into the importance of addressing user concerns and preferences to ensure a
positive and successful implementation of this technology.
Ethical and Societal Implications:
The exploration of ethical considerations, particularly bias and fairness, is critical in
understanding ChatGPT's societal impact. This section delves into the broader ethical landscape
and societal implications associated with this AI technology.
Regulatory Landscape:
Adherence to existing and emerging regulations governing AI is paramount for ChatGPT's
adoption. This section examines how compliance with ethical guidelines and legal requirements
shapes the trajectory of adoption.
Integration Challenges:
The technical challenges in integrating ChatGPT into various platforms are discussed, covering
considerations such as compatibility, scalability, and overall ease of integration.
Education and Awareness:
Raising awareness and fostering understanding play a vital role in promoting ChatGPT adoption.
This section highlights the importance of educational efforts in bridging knowledge gaps among
users and stakeholders.
Cost and Resource Considerations:
Financial implications, including costs associated with training, maintenance, and infrastructure,
are crucial factors in the adoption decision-making process. Demonstrating a favorable cost-
benefit ratio is explored in this section.
This conclusion summarizes the multifaceted factors that influence ChatGPT adoption. Emphasis
is placed on the necessity of a holistic approach, considering technological, ethical, regulatory,
and user-centric aspects for the successful integration of ChatGPT in diverse applications.
Introduction of the topic

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed the way machines understand and respond to human
language, creating a significant impact across various industries. At the forefront of this
linguistic revolution is ChatGPT, a groundbreaking creation by OpenAI. This introduction aims
to uncover the diverse landscape surrounding the adoption of AI by ChatGPT, emphasizing its
importance in the broader context of technological progress.

The rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing integration of
large language models (LLMs) in various domains have sparked a debate surrounding their
implementation within the educational sector [2, 19, 20]. This study aims to investigate
instructors’ experiences and attitudes toward harnessing AI language models in education,
focusing on understanding the underlying factors that shapes these opinions. The study addresses
a gap in the existing literature by comprehensively analyzing educators’ perspectives on
integrating AI technologies in the classroom and their implications for teaching and learning.

ChatGPT emerged from OpenAI's innovation hub as a sophisticated language model, changing
the game in natural language processing. Conceived by a team of AI researchers and engineers,
including influential figures like Sam Altman and Elon Musk, ChatGPT redefined human-
computer interactions. It goes beyond simple text processing, serving as a pioneering model
capable of both understanding and generating human-like text, pushing the boundaries of
machine-human interactions.

As we explore the factors influencing ChatGPT's adoption, it's clear that technological
advancements play a crucial role. AI's rapid evolution has equipped ChatGPT with capabilities
beyond its initial versions. This section delves into how continuous technological improvements
drive the widespread acceptance of ChatGPT.

Yet, the journey of ChatGPT into mainstream usage isn't solely dictated by technology. User
experience and acceptance are equally vital. User satisfaction, trust, and seamless interaction
with ChatGPT shape its adoption. This introduction navigates the intricate balance between
technological progress, user-centric considerations, and the ethical and regulatory frameworks
influencing AI integration by ChatGPT.

ChatGPT as a Useful Tool for Teaching and learning

One of the main themes that recurred in this analysis was the discussion about ChatGPT as a
useful tool for teaching and learning. This perceived usefulness provides insight into how high
school students might accept this technology and want to adopt it into their classrooms. As a
Teaching Tool Students commented on how ChatGPT could help teachers complete different
job-related tasks such as providing feedback, grading, developing lesson plans, and planning
classroom activities. For example, one student commented that “It can also be used to grade and
create prompts, this would cut down the time it takes to review multiple classes worth of lengthy
essays. This could save time for the teacher and give the student better and more extensive
feedback.” Here the student points out the tool’s capacity to save the teacher's time while also
giving more thorough feedback, indicating the student’s positive perception of ChatGPT being
used in school. In another example, one student wrote, “Teacher's can use this app when
necessary to help grade, or make lesson plans to save themselves time but are never forced to use
this as the only way to run the classroom.”

Experience with ChatGPT

We also discovered that students' perceived usefulness of ChatGPT was influenced by their
experience with the technology. In other words, students formed opinions about the benefits of
ChatGPT for learning based on their direct, personal experiences using the technology. For
example, one student wrote, “I have seen others use and have used ChatGPT myself, as a strong
study tool. It is very useful for summarizing information and generating examples that relate to
what I’m working on. I think it’s very helpful, though I always make sure to check and see if the
information that I’m being provided is accurate, or else I’d be learning the wrong thing.” Here,
the student indicated that they accept ChatGPT as a learning tool because it has already helped
them in this area. The student also demonstrated an understanding of one of the downfalls of this
tool in that there is potential for the AI bot to provide inaccurate information. Other students also
noted that although their experience with ChatGPT was positive, there are potential negative
effects. One student wrote, “I have used Chat GPT a number of times to test its capabilities. I
was very impressed with its ability to write essays, including essays using sources. I understand
that this would not necessarily be ideal for a school environment where students are meant to
create their own essays and develop writing skills by doing so. However, it can also be used to
give essay outlines, which I could see as being incredibly helpful for students.” In this statement,
the student expresses their positive experience with ChatGPT in the area of writing, but they also
commented on the potential of the tool limiting a student’s writing skills because “students are
meant to create their own essays and develop writing skills by doing so.” Even with this
understanding of the potential limitations of ChatGPT, the student says the tool would still be
useful in school because it could be used for outlining essays.

Negative Effects of ChatGPT in Education

Some student’s express concerns that an overreliance on ChatGPT in and out of school can
undermine skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and foundational writing skills. These
students stressed that over-dependence on ChatGPT might inhibit students’ capacity to develop
and articulate original thoughts, which can lead to an underdevelopment of life skills. For
instance, a student expressed a personal perspective saying, “One of my biggest worries is that I
would rely too much on these tools and lose the capacity for critical and creative thought. I
personally want to learn how to communicate myself clearly and to find my own distinctive
voice as a student.”

Teachers’ attitudes towards AI tools in education

The attitudes and perceptions of instructors and educators are paramount in the adoption,
rejection, success, or failure of these tools. Bii et al. investigated the attitude of teachers towards
the use of chatbots in routine teaching by surveying teachers in Kenya, and the results showed
that teachers have a positive attitude towards the use of chatbots [3]. The study found that
teachers have some reservations about using chatbots, such as concerns about the accuracy of the
information provided by chatbots and the potential for chatbots to replace teachers. However,
overall, the study found that teachers are open to using chatbots in their teaching.
The advantages of AI for teachers were identified in planning, implementation, and assessment,
with AI providing timely monitoring of learning processes and assisting in decision-making on
student performance. However, the study also highlighted challenges such as the limited
technical capacity of AI, the lack of technological knowledge among teachers, and the context-
dependency of AI systems. Kim and Kim investigated the perceptions of STEM teachers towards
the use of an AI-enhanced scaffolding system developed to support students’ scientific writing
[18]. The results of the study showed that the teachers had a generally positive perception of the
AI-enhanced scaffolding system. The teachers felt that the system could be used to provide
personalized instruction, automate tasks, and provide feedback to students. Despite the positive
expectations, the study noted that before AI can be effectively adopted in classrooms, teachers
first need to learn how to use this technology and understand its benefits.

Company Profile

ChatGPT itself is not a company, but rather an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI
OpenAI is an AI research and deployment company. Their mission is to ensure that artificial
general intelligence benefits all of humanity.
Founded: 2015
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Founders: Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Ilya Sutskever, Greg Brockman, Wojciech Zaremba
Areas of Focus: Artificial intelligence research, with a focus on safe and beneficial AI
Products and Projects:
ChatGPT: A large language model launched in November 2022, designed for engaging in
informative conversations.
GPT-3 series: Earlier iterations of the large language model technology underlying ChatGPT.
DALL-E 2: An image generation AI model capable of creating realistic and creative images.
Whisper: A speech transcription model.
Funding: Over $1 billion was raised from investors including Microsoft, Andreessen Horowitz,
and Sequoia Capital.

Launched: November 30, 2022
Developed by: OpenAI
Purpose: To enable users to have engaging and informative conversations with AI.
Key Features:
 Ability to generate different creative text formats.
 Adaptability to conversation style and preferences.
 Currently, available through OpenAI's API and research platform.
Literature review
After COVID-19 pandemic,
educational technologies become an
integral part of the
education system. With everyday
technological developments in
education sectors,
Literature review
After COVID-19 pandemic,
educational technologies become an
integral part of the
education system. With everyday
technological developments in
education sectors,
Literature review
After COVID-19 pandemic,
educational technologies become an
integral part of the
education system. With everyday
technological developments in
education sectors,
Literature review
After COVID-19 pandemic,
educational technologies become an
integral part of the
education system. With everyday
technological developments in
education sectors,
Literature review
After COVID-19 pandemic,
educational technologies become an
integral part of the
education system. With everyday
technological developments in
education sectors,
Literature review
After the COVID-19 pandemic, educational technologies become an integral part of the
education system. With everyday technological developments in education sectors, teachers need
to adopt those technologies for personal and professional development. The existing literature
review shows that researchers have mainly used the traditional technology adoption model, such
as the technology acceptance (TAM) model (Davis, 1989), unified theory of acceptance and use
of technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003), diffusion of innovations (DOI) (Rogers and
Singhal, 2003), innovation diffusion theory (IDT) (Moore and Benbasat, 1991), social cognitive
theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1986), theory of planned behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, 1991); model of
personal computer utilization (Thompson et al., 1991); self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977) and
technology readiness index (TRI) (Parasuraman and Colby, 2015) to understand the behavioral
intentions of teachers to adopt emerging educational technologies. The traditional technology
adoption has been expanded by many researchers by the addition of new major factors,
moderating factors and mediating factors in order to better fit the context of their research. For
example, Mishra et al. (2023) added academic involvement for understanding the adoption of
digital library system; Gupta and Bhaskar (2022) added personal characteristics for exploring
teachers’ intention to adopt virtual reality technology in management education; Tarhini et al.
(2017) added individual-cultural dimensions as a moderating variable for examining users
acceptance of e-learning; Sanchez-Mena et al. (2019) explored the moderating role of gender and
age for teachers’ intention to use educational video games; Kılınç et al. (2016) studied the
mediating role of risk perceptions to probing teachers’ intentions to use educational technologies;
Singh et al. (2023) considered the mediating role of attitude for online learning adoption. There
is a strong interest in the ChatGPT among academicians and research communities worldwide.
Numerous papers are discussing its benefits, limitations and future scope in the education sector
(Baidoo-Anu and Owusu Ansah, 2023; Herft, 2023; Kasneci et al., 2023; Hosseiniet al., 2023;
Dwivediet al., 2023; Qadir, 2023; O’Connor, 2022; Sardana et al., 2023; Arif et al., 2023;
Adiguzel et al., 2023). A lack of literature exists on ChatGPT’s adoption among teachers.
However, few researchers have tried to investigate this phenomenon by employing several
qualitative and quantitative research methods. Tlili et al. (2023) conducted a case study to
explore how early adopters in the education sector are effectively using chatbots. Haque et al.
(2022) employed sentiment analysis to analyze the attitudes of early adopters towards ChatGPT
and found positive sentiments. Conversely, Dwivedi et al. (2023) discovered negative sentiment
towards ChatGPT. Iqbal et al. (2022) utilized the Technology Acceptance Model to examine
faculty members’ intentions to use ChatGPT and found a negative inclination. Similarly,
Chocarro Eguaras et al. (2021) also employed the Technology Acceptance Model and
highlighted the significance of perceived ease of use and usefulness as factors influencing the
acceptance of chatbots among teachers. The aforementioned discussion from in the introduction
and literature review section makes it clear that there are several research on ChatGPT benefits
and limitations, but limited research on its adoption among the teachers. There is a need for
literature in the field of teachers’ adoption of ChatGPT. Hence this research aims to fill this gap
by adding literature on ChatGPT adoption from teachers’ perspectives. Moreover, this study has
also investigated the specific factors that inhibit and motivate teachers to adopt ChatGPT for
educational purposes. The identified inhibiting and motivating factors will contribute to the
literature body as well as dimensions for conceptual models for teachers’ adoption of ChatGPT
for future research.

Chatbots have become ubiquitous in modern technology, but their history dates back several
decades. A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users
through text or voice-based interactions [32]. Chatbots are powered by artificial intelligence (AI)
and natural language processing (NLP) technologies, allowing them to understand and respond
to user input in a human-like manner [33]. NLP also provide the affordances of chatbots to
understand and interpret human language, including its nuances, idioms, and cultural references
[34,35]. This is accomplished through machine learning algorithms, statistical models, and
linguistic rules [36]. Advanced machine-learning algorithms and natural language processing
techniques power today’s chatbots. They can understand complex language and context and
learn from previous interactions to improve their responses over time [37–39]. The earliest
chatbots were rule-based and limited in their abilities. They could only respond to pre-
programmed commands and had a limited scope of understanding natural language [34,40].
However, with machine learning and natural language processing advancement, chatbots have
become more intelligent and capable of handling complex tasks. One of the most significant
developments in chatbot technology was the usage of neural networks [41]; [42]. Neural
networks allow chatbots to learn from data and improve their responses over time [41]. This led
to the development of advanced chatbots that could understand natural language and context,
provide personalised recommendations, and handle complex conversations [43]; [44]. From the
earliest text-based programs to today’s AI-powered virtual assistants, chatbots have become
sophisticated communication tools, automation, and customer support tools. The first chatbot,
Eliza, was created in 1966 by Joseph Weizenbaum, a computer scientist at MIT [45]. Eliza was a
simple program that used natural language processing techniques to mimic a human therapist
[46]. Users could type in their problems, and Eliza would respond with empathetic statements
and probing questions. Eliza was a groundbreaking experiment in AI and natural language
processing, and it sparked a wave of interest in chatbots [47]. Over the next few decades,
researchers created increasingly sophisticated chatbots, such as Parry, which simulated a patient
with paranoid schizophrenia [48], and Jabberwacky, which used machine learning to generate
responses based on previous conversations [32,49]. Chatbots have a variety of applications, from
customer service to personal assistants to entertainment. In recent years, they have become
increasingly popular in the business world to automate customer support and reduce the
workload on human agents [50,51]. One of the most common uses for chatbots is e-commerce,
where they can help customers find products, answer questions about shipping and returns, and
even make purchases [52,53]. Many businesses use chatbots on their websites and social media
accounts to provide 24/7 customer support without requiring a large team of human agents [54].
More advanced chatbots are used in the healthcare, finance, and education industries to provide
personalised assistance and support [55]; Wang et al., 2022). As AI technology advances, we can
expect to see even more sophisticated chatbots with a wide range of applications in various
industries [56]; [57]. The D. Menon and K. Shilpa Heliyon 9 (2023) e20962 3 success of these
popular chatbots has demonstrated the value of AI in improving customer experiences and
streamlining business operations.

Teachers’ attitudes towards AI tools in education

The attitudes and perceptions of instructors and educators are paramount in the adoption,
rejection, success, or failure of these tools. Bii et al. investigated the attitude of teachers towards
the use of chatbots in routine teaching by surveying teachers in Kenya, and the results showed
that teachers have a positive attitude towards the use of chatbots [3]. The study found that
teachers have some reservations about using chatbots, such as concerns about the accuracy of the
information provided by chatbots and the potential for chatbots to replace teachers. However,
overall, the study found that teachers are open to using chatbots in their teaching. Guillén-Gámez
and Mayorga-Fernández investigated the factors that predict teachers’ attitudes towards
information and communication technologies (ICT) in higher education for teaching and
research [15]. The results of the study showed that the professors’ attitudes towards ICT were
positively predicted by their age, gender, and participation in ICT-related projects. The
professors’ attitudes were also positively predicted by their teaching experience and their
perception of the usefulness of ICT for teaching and research.
Chocarro et al. recently examined the factors that influence teachers’ attitudes towards chatbots
in education [6]. They used the dimensions of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM),
specifically perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, to understand this acceptance. The
study takes into account the conversational design of the chatbot, including its use of social
language and proactiveness, as well as characteristics of the users, such as the teachers’ age and
digital skills. They found that formal language used by a chatbot increased teachers’ intention to
use them, and teachers’ age and digital skills were related to their attitudes towards chatbots.

ChatGPT Uses and Applications in Education

Kovačević (2023) stated that ChatGPT emerged recently, bringing with it a large number of
opportunities for applications of AI. It deals with text creation and data processing using
materials gathered from machine learning, proving effective as a time-saving tool when it comes
to the preparation and implementation of teaching units to evaluate students’ assignments.
Moreover, ChatGPT has also shed some light regarding ideas on how to apply chatbots in
education, showing its capabilities to generate virtual simulation and quizzes for students
(Eysenbach, 2023). With this said, it is clear that this AI approach to education can help
educators evaluate their students, but only if they do not abuse the usage of this tool, as the
information supplied by ChatGPT is not always 100% correct.

Risks and Challenges of ChatGPT in Education

The appearance of ChatGPT caused great reactions in the educational field, as this chatbot
proved itself to be very capable regarding the usage it could provide. However, it also proved
capable of deception, making its way into academic papers, putting at risk the integrity of many
researchers’ credibility when using this tool for academic work (Lee, 2023). With the rapid
evolution of technology, authors have become more reliant on AI as an easy-to-use tool that
complements their work. However, a raising concern is the ethical aspects of these AI tools,
where misuse can lead to the lack of creative thinking and research integrity, not to mention the
inaccuracies this technology yields when not given exact prompts. Moreover, students can also
lose their ability to produce original ideas and to present correct arguments to prove their
research (Arif et al., 2023).

Opportunities of ChatGPT in Education

Ever since ChatGPT was launched, teachers have expressed their concern regarding its
applications in the educational field. As critical thinking and originality are necessary skills that
need to be harnessed by the students, and as it was discussed before, said skills can be put at risk
when using ChatGPT to generate academic work. Plagiarism is another concern, although
students and academic writers alike can still plagiarize without using ChatGPT, which is why it
may be better to assess the conduct behind these actions before banning an AI tool without
considering its benefits. For instance, Halaweh (2023) explained that ChatGPT could be used to
recollect potential ideas and issues of one subject to be studied furthermore in the future; this
would just be an aid for students to kickstart their research without being dependent on these
technologies. Even so, teachers could also benefit from using different prompts to generate new
ideas and arguments to assess and discuss with their students in class, without putting creativity
at risk. ChatGPT’s quickness regarding these scenarios could prove beneficial if used correctly,
while understanding the potential misuse it could have but emphasizing its positive uses.
ChatGPT in Educational Settings
Multiple studies have been conducted to explore the potential of ChatGPT across various
educational levels, showcasing its utility in areas such as language learning (Baskara & Mukarto,
2023; Kohnke, 2023), programming (Nayak et al., 2023), and creative writing (Garrido-Merchán
et al., 2023; Su et al., 2023). Kohnke (2023) examined the capabilities of ChatGPT in language
education, highlighting its potential to identify meaning of a word in context, correct and explain
language mistakes and offer dictionary definitions. Surameery & Shakor, (2023) investigated
ChatGPT's capabilities within the context of programming problem-solving. Their findings
indicated that ChatGPT can assist in identifying and fixing bugs, foresee potential errors, and
offer solutions to address programming challenges. Several other studies have explored the
usefulness of ChatGPT indicating its potential for personalized learning (Murgia et al., 2023) and
supporting teaching tasks (Bitzenbauer, 2023; Smith et al., 2023) . In a study with 47 children
aged 9 to 10 years, Murgia et al., (2023) investigated the potential of ChatGPT to personalize
and support students’ learning experience by providing tailored responses at the appropriate
literacy level. The authors used prompts to elicit ChatGPT responses related to the primary
school curriculum and children were asked to evaluate the readability of the responses using
"Yes" or "No" responses and emojis to express their opinions. The study found that ChatGPT's
responses were generally understandable to students, although there were challenges with
unfamiliar words.

Emergence of AI in education
Although research into Natural Language Processing (NLP) models began in the 1950s [7], it
wasn't until the 2010s that they received serious attention and progress, thanks in large part to the
advent of deep learning techniques and massive datasets ([5, 6, 7]. However, there are also
worries and difficulties associated with implementing AI in the classroom. One major worry is
that AI systems may just serve to reinforce discrimination and bias in academic settings. It is also
possible that AI systems could be abused or exploited to generate biased or erroneous outcomes.
By the close of 2022, a novel artificial intelligence system by the name of ChatGPT had
appeared on the scene. It's a type of language-based AI system that belongs to the transformer
class of AI tools. An example of a series of data that can be processed and generated by a
transformer is text [8, 9]. ChatGPT is a chatbot that has been trained on an enormous online text
dataset to produce natural-sounding responses to a wide variety of questions and prompts ([10,
11]. It is becoming increasingly clear that natural language processing (NLP) models can have a
significant impact on higher education, with the potential to facilitate individualized learning, on-
demand support, and other novel methods to instruction [12, 13]. When it comes to helping
students learn in higher education, NLP models are extremely useful. Textual data such as
academic papers, textbooks, and other course materials can be analyzed and processed using
these models, allowing instructors to provide students individualized recommendations for
additional study based on their unique needs and interests. The academic world is not immune to
the spread of artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots [14], which have made tremendous strides
in recent years. AI systems and chatbots are starting to be considered as a significant tool for
researchers and academics due to the rise of big data and the necessity for effective and rapid
data processing.

Challenges of AI in higher education

While natural language processing (NLP) models like Chat GPT and Google Bard have a lot of
potential, they also face several obstacles (or ethical problems) that must be overcome. The
problem of precision comes first. Data privacy and security has been identified as a major ethical
concern in literature [26]. Concerns have been raised concerning the privacy and security of
students' personal information as Chat GPT relies on massive volumes of data to generate
responses. To protect student data and stop unwanted access, researchers stress the importance of
strong privacy policies, data encryption, and informed consent processes. The training data's
richness, variety, and complexity, as well as the students' own contribution, have a significant
impact on the system's precision. The system may learn incorrect or incomplete patterns,
resulting in incorrect replies, if the PEN Vol. 11, No. 4, August 2023, pp.105-115 108 training
data is not diverse enough or of low quality. It is possible that the complexity of the input data,
especially idiomatic terms, and other forms of linguistic nuance, can affect the accuracy of NP
models [27].

Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM 2)

The Technology Acceptance Model 2 (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000), which is a widely recognized
theoretical framework used to understand and predict how users accept and adopt new
technologies. The original TAM model suggests that the successful adoption of new technologies
hinges on two key predictors: perceived usefulness (the degree to which a user believes that
using the technology will enhance their performance) and the perceived ease of use (how much a
user believes that using the technology will be free of effort). For a new technology to be
embraced and utilized effectively, users need to find it both beneficial and easy to use.
The revised TAM model: TAM 2 (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000) recognizes that beyond perceived
usefulness and ease of use, external factors, job relevance, output quality, result demonstrability,
and voluntariness play significant roles in shaping users' attitudes and intentions toward adopting
new technologies. (Abbas, 2016; Halawi & McCarthy, 2008). For instance, studies show that
subjective norms—essentially the perceived social pressures to use or not use a particular
technology— can have a positive impact on perceived usefulness (Choi & Chung, 2013; Jin,
2014; Lee & Wan, 2010) and is a key determinant of behavioral intention to use (Bonsu &
Baffour-Koduah, 2023; Park, 2009). In the context of education, if teachers or students believe
that their peers or superiors view the use of a particular technology as beneficial or essential,
they are more likely to perceive that technology as useful for themselves. Additionally, studies
indicate that user experience with a technology can have a positive effect on its perceived
usefulness (Wingo et al., 2017)

Objective of the study

Explore Teachers' Perspectives: Understand how teachers perceive the adoption of ChatGPT
in education.
Identify Motivating Factors: Discover factors that encourage teachers to adopt ChatGPT for
educational purposes.
Explore Inhibiting Factors: Investigate factors that act as barriers or concerns hindering
teachers' willingness to adopt ChatGPT.
Understand Innovation in Education: Examine how the adoption of AI, specifically ChatGPT,
aligns with the broader landscape of innovative educational technologies.
Provide Insights for Policymakers: Offer insights that policymakers can use to design
appropriate policies supporting the integration of ChatGPT in education.
Guide Service Providers: Assist ChatGPT service providers in customizing their offerings to
meet teachers' requirements and address potential concerns.

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