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April 15, 2024

Asynchronous Classes
Kinetic Molecular Theory
Direction: Identify and explain the KMT applied in the following applications of
characteristics of gases.
1. Hot air balloons rise in the atmosphere.
- The hot air balloon rises in the atmosphere because of the 5th assumption of
KMT where in the kinetic energy depends on the temperature of the gas. The
flame underneath the hole of the balloon heats the gas inside of the balloon, the
only way for the gas to escape is through the same hole of the flame is going
through propelling the balloon upwards.
2. Using blowgun in hunting animals in the mountainous area of the Cordillera.
- The assumption of KMT applied here is the 1st assumption. This is because
when using a blow gun you put your lips on one end of a long tube and wrap your
hands around your lips to secure the blow gun. When you blow there is only one
way for the dart to go out which is the other end.
3. Carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in soda, creating carbonation.
- The assumption of KMT applied here is the 2nd assumption. This is because
when the carbon dioxide is dissolved in the soda it is still in in motion, due to the
constant motion while inside the soda it creates the carbonation.
4. Oxygen is transported from the lungs to the cells of the body via the bloodstream.
- The assumption of KMT applied here is the 3rd assumption. This is because
When oxygen enters the blood, it attaches to hemoglobin in red blood cells. This
happens because gas molecules move and collide.

Boyle’s Law
Direction: Create a word problem applying Boyle’s Law. The problem should include the
 Depicts real-life application of Boyle’s Law
 Measurements
 Computation/ Solution to the given problem
 Explanation using the Kinetic Molecular Theory

Scenario: A scuba diver descends underwater to a depth of 20 meters. The diver's air
tank has a volume of 10 liters at the surface where the pressure is 1 atm. Boyle's Law
states that the pressure and volume of a gas are inversely proportional at constant
temperature. What will be the volume of the air in the scuba tank at a depth of 20
meters, where the pressure is 3 atm? Assume the temperature remains constant.
Initial volume (V1) = 10 liters
Initial pressure (P1) = 1 atm
Final pressure (P2) = 3 atm
Depth = 20 meters
Computation/Solution: P1V1 = P2V2
1 atm * 10 L = 3 atm * V2
V2 = (1 atm * 10 L) / 3 atm
V2 = 10/3 = 3.33 liters
V2 = 3.33 liters

According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, as the scuba diver descends to a depth of 20
meters, the pressure increases due to the greater weight of the water above. This
increased pressure compresses the air in the tank.

Rubric: Real-Life Scenarios Applying Boyle’s Law or Charles’ Law

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Needs Improvement
Real-Life Presents a Presents a Presents a Presents a real-life
Scenario detailed, clear, relevant real-life somewhat scenario that is not
and relevant real- scenario that relevant real-life fully relevant or clear
life scenario that applies Boyle’s scenario but in its application of
effectively applies Law but lacks lacks clarity or Boyle’s Law. The
Boyle’s Law. The some detail or detail in its scenario
scenario clarity. The application of demonstrates limited
demonstrates a scenario Boyle’s Law. The understanding of the
deep demonstrates a scenario law's principles.
understanding of good demonstrates a
the law's understanding of basic
principles and the law's understanding of
their practical principles and the law's
applications. their applications. principles.
Measurements Provides Provides mostly Provides Provides inaccurate
, Equations, accurate accurate somewhat measurements,
and measurements, measurements, accurate equations, or
Explanations equations, and equations, and measurements, explanations that do
explanations that explanations that equations, and not effectively
effectively connect the real- explanations, but connect the real-life
connect the real- life scenario to there are scenario to the
life scenario to the assumptions significant errors assumptions of the
the assumptions of the Kinetic or omissions that Kinetic Molecular
of the Kinetic Molecular Theory. detract from the Theory. The
Molecular Some minor clarity or connection is unclear
Theory. The errors or accuracy of the or illogical.
calculations are omissions may be connection to the
clear, well- present, but Kinetic Molecular
documented, and overall, the Theory.
logically linked to connection is
the scenario clear and logical.
Overall The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation is
Presentation is well-organized, is mostly well- is somewhat disorganized,
clear, and organized and organized and unclear, or
engaging. It clear, but may clear, but may unengaging. It fails
effectively lack some polish lack coherence to effectively
communicates or engagement. It or engagement. communicate the
the real-life effectively It communicates real-life scenario,
scenario, communicates the real-life measurements,
measurements, the real-life scenario, equations, and
equations, and scenario, measurements, explanations,
explanations, measurements, equations, and demonstrating
demonstrating a equations, and explanations limited
high level of explanations, adequately, but understanding or
understanding demonstrating a with some room effort.
and good for improvement.
thoughtfulness. understanding.

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