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Applications of the Session Rating of Perceived Exertion System in

Professional Rugby Union

Article in Strength & Conditioning Journal · December 2013

DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000015


45 15,253

2 authors:

Tom Comyns Eamonn P Flanagan

University of Limerick University of Limerick


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Applications of the
Session Rating of
Perceived Exertion
System in Professional
Rugby Union
Tom Comyns, PhD1 and Eamonn P. Flanagan, PhD, CSCS2
Irish Institute of Sport, National Sports Campus, Co. Dublin, Ireland; and 2Irish Rugby Football Union, Dublin, Ireland

ABSTRACT with rugby-related skills (1). These and the data analysis can be extensive.
components comprise the training Multiple data sets are also produced,
modalities used in professional rugby which can be difficult to interpret and
union and the monitoring of such a vast use by coaches.
PRACTITIONERS IN THE USE OF range of modalities is central to
THE SESSION RATING OF PER- An alternative method for quantifying
performance. the training stimuli is the session rating
TRAINING LOAD MONITORING IN Training for success is a balance between of perceived exertion (session RPE)
achieving peak performance and avoid- method developed by Foster et al.
ing the negative consequences of exces- (10). Session RPE is a simple, reliable,
sive training. Training volumes and noninvasive, and valid method based
intensities that are not optimal do not on the Borg’s category ratio 10 (CR-
have the desired physiological adapta- 10) scale (2). The athlete rates the
tions, whereas those that are excessive intensity of the session using the CR-
RELIABILITY IS PRESENTED. THE increase injury risk and impair sporting 10, and this value is multiplied by the
USE OF THE SYSTEM TO MANAGE performance. An appropriate periodiza- session duration to get a training load
SQUAD AND INDIVIDUAL PLAYER tion of the training stimulus applied to (TL) score for the session. These session
TRAINING PLANS WITHIN WEEKS a player is important to obtain optimal load values are used to calculate 2 other
AND ACROSS WEEKS IS DETAILED. sporting performance. important variables—training monotony
COMMON ERRORS THAT CAN BE and training strain. Research has shown
Numerous techniques and methods
ENCOUNTERED WHEN USING THE that the session RPE method is a reliable
are available to strength and condi-
tioning coaches to quantify the train- and simple tool to assess TL in steady-
RUGBY UNION ARE ADDRESSED. ing stimuli to which rugby players are state aerobic training (9,10), intermit-
exposed. These include heart rate tent-aerobic training (9), and strength
INTRODUCTION monitoring and time motion analysis training (6). The validity of the method
ugby union is an intermittent via global positioning satellite (GPS) has been specifically investigated in

R high-intensity sport in which

activities that rely on maximal
strength, speed, and power are inter-
units (5). Although these equipment
and methods have proven to be accu-
rate and to provide detailed informa-
training sessions for collision-based field

spersed with periods of lower intensity tion on the training stimuli, from our
training load; training monotony;
aerobic activity and rest (13). It is a col- experience, there are disadvantages
training strain; periodization;
lision-based field sport requiring high associated with their utilization (5).
tapering; training load management;
levels of endurance, strength, power, These devices can be expensive espe-
rugby union
agility, and speed as well as proficiency cially with an extended training squad,

78 VOLUME 35 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 2013 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
sports (3). Recently, Clarke et al. (3) dem- done to ensure that the rating reflects represents the overall stress that the
onstrated strong correlations between the global intensity of the session (9). If athlete was exposed to throughout
session RPE and heart rate training the rating was taken immediately post- the training week. It is derived by mul-
impulse and stated that the method is session, a particularly difficult or easy tiplying the weekly TL (including the
inexpensive, practical, and accurately section at the end of the session could game load) by the training monotony
measures individual’s response to field dominate the player/athlete’s rating score. A higher TL week together with
training sessions. Anecdotally, it is (9). The RPE should reflect a single a high monotony score yields excessive
known that the session RPE is a widely global rating of the intensity for the training strain values.
used method of quantifying training entire training session according to An electronic spreadsheet can be cre-
intensity and volume in professional Foster et al. (9). This RPE is then used ated to calculate each individual ses-
rugby union. in conjunction with the entire duration sion TL, weekly TLs, and weekly
of the session to calculate the session training monotony and strain. Table 2
SESSION RPE METHOD: AN TL. TL is calculated by multiplying the illustrates an example of such a spread-
EXPLANATION session RPE by the duration of the ses- sheet. To use such a system, each play-
The session RPE method monitors sion (Figure 1). er’s session RPE and session duration
training by examining simple markers For example, if a rugby training session in minutes for each session must be
of both training volume and training lasted 85 minutes in length and the entered. For rest days on which no
intensity. Foster et al. (8,9,11) devel- player gave a RPE of 5 (hard) for the training is undertaken, a TL value of
oped the session RPE method based session intensity, then the following is 0 must be entered.
on a RPE for a session and the duration the calculation of the TL for that session: SQUAD TRAINING LOAD
of the session. By using these 2 varia- MANAGEMENT
bles, both the volume (duration) and TL 5 85 3 5
The primary use of the session RPE
the intensity (RPE) are factored into 5 425 arbitrary units ðAUÞ: method is to provide coaches with an
this method of monitoring. To calcu- overview of workload for athletes (or
late the measure of session intensity, By recording the session duration
squads of athletes) across varying
the player is asked to rate the intensity and session RPE for each session dur-
training modalities over time. Coutts
of the session 30 minutes after comple- ing a typical training week and calcu-
et al. (4) described the periodization
tion of the session (9). This is under- lating each individual session TL, 2
of professional rugby league training
taken by asking them ‘How was your important monitoring variables can
across a full training year using the ses-
workout?’ and having them rate it be derived—training monotony and
sion RPE system variables of TL, train-
against a modified rating of Borg’s training strain. To accurately calculate
ing monotony, and training strain.
CR-10 (9) that can be seen in Table 1. these variables, each session load
Higher TLs were completed in prepa-
should be calculated and rest days cal-
The delay in asking the player/athlete ratory macrocycles of training and TLs
culated with a TL value of 0.
to rate the intensity of the session is for strength training and conditioning
Training monotony is a measure of were reduced during phases with high
Table 1 day-to-day training variability during competition demands. Coutts et al. (4)
The session RPE scale a training week (7). McGuigan and showed that a periodized approach can
Foster (12) referred to monotony as be used in team sports and the authors
Rating Descriptor the variability of training for the train- support the use of the session RPE sys-
0 Rest ing period. It is calculated by dividing tem as a practical method to guide and
the mean session TL by the standard assess periodized training programs.
1 Very, very easy deviation of the TL over a 1-week
We have used this method extensively
2 Easy period. If the TL is equally high on
at 2 professional rugby teams. TL,
each day of the week, the training
3 Moderate monotony, and strain are tracked from
monotony value will be high. Alterna-
week to week across periodized train-
4 Somewhat hard tively, if high and low load training
ing blocks providing coaches with
days are interspersed throughout the a visual impression of the periodized
5 Hard
training week, a moderate or low train- plan as experienced by the athlete
6 ing monotony score will be derived. (9). Figure 2 displays a set of session
7 Very hard Both the overall weekly TL score, RPE data for a professional rugby team
which is the product of all the individ- across a 24-week period. These data
8 ual session TL values throughout the would represent a “fit to play” squad
9 week, and the training monotony that comprises fully fit players partici-
score are used to calculate training pating in all modalities of training.
10 Maximal
strain (7). Training strain is a value that Injured players or players on adapted

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 79

Applications of the Session RPE System

Figure 1. Training load is the product of session time and session RPE.

training plans are not included in this Our observations of periodized plan- week. Weeks of high monotony (and
data set. Each player’s weekly TL, ning in professional rugby are that resultantly high strain) can be identified
monotony, and strain is calculated greatest TLs are accumulated in the and coaches can strive to organize
and then pooled into a squad average. early preseason phase with average training in a more optimal manner to
This period represented a preseason weekly loads of 2400–2600AU. In the maintain TLs but reduce training
phase leading into the first half of in-season phase, the weekly workload monotony and training strain. An
a competitive season. Weeks 1–6 rep- notably reduces to values of approxi- example of this can be seen in weeks
resent the early preseason phase. mately 1800–1900AU. These in-season 2, 3 and 8, 9 where monotony rises
Weeks 8–12 represent the late presea- loads include loads accumulated in above 1.2 units and training strain in-
son phase. Weeks 7 and 19 represent competitive games. An example of creases 30–40% above TL (see Figure 2).
a holiday week for the athletes. The in- a within-week breakdown of the TLs Figures 4 and 5 demonstrate the effect
season phase runs from week 13 to 24 for the different components of train- that within-week TL organization can
and includes 1 competitive game in ing, for example, rugby team session, is have on training monotony and strain.
each week. Graphically representing provided in Figure 3. In weeks A and B, Saturday represents
workload in this manner allows the By plotting training monotony and a game day over which coaches have no
coach to assess where heavy and light strain along with TL between weeks, control of load management.
weeks have occurred and whether or coaches can identify weeks in which Throughout both weeks, players accu-
not the athletes’ perception of training the TL has not been appropriately mulate the same absolute TLs (2125),
is consistent with the periodized plan. managed and arranged within the but when the organization of training is

Table 2
An example of a spreadsheet layout for calculating training load, monotony, and strain
Day Session Session RPE Session duration (min) Session TL Daily TL

Monday Weights/strength 4 45 180 300

Speed 4 30 120
Tuesday Rugby training (units) 6 80 480 480
Wednesday Weights/strength 4 35 140 290
Conditioning 6 25 150
Thursday Rugby training (team) 5 65 325 325
Friday Rest day 0 0 0 0
Saturday Rugby game 8 65 520 520
Sunday Rest day 0 0 0 0
Weekly training load 1915
Average daily training load 274
Training monotony 1.32
Training strain 2533


Figure 2. An example data set of training load, strain, and monotony over the course of a 24-week period of a rugby season.

monotonous from day to day it leads to to approximately 30% increase in train- established need for periodic reduc-
a suboptimal training plan and unnec- ing strain. Foster (7) has recommended tions in TL to treat and prevent over-
essarily high training strains. Week A that alternating hard and easy training training (14). The technique of
alternates heavy and moderate days days reduces training monotony and systematically decreasing TL to facil-
and has an additional day off within strain and this balanced approach to itate physiological fitness is known as
the week. Week B follows a more load management may help reduce in- a taper.
homogenous TL across the week. cidences of illness and overtraining (7). An extensive review of the factors
Although there is a tapering of TL A strong advantage of the session involved in tapering is available (14).
throughout the week toward the game RPE system is to allow coaches to Based on the scientific literature, when
day, the result of this homogeneity is an assess the impact of programmed an appropriate and successful taper is
elevated training monotony that leads taper or “light” weeks. There is an implemented, athletes can expect

Figure 3. An example of a within-week breakdown of training load for the different components of rugby training.

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 81

Applications of the Session RPE System

Figure 4. Week A—An example of a well-organized training week that attempts to minimize training monotony and training strain.

improvements in power, strength, training, such as strength training, is very assessing the weekly TLs in this context,
serum testosterone levels, and mood easy to assess and control via the number it allows coaches to assess if the pro-
state and decreases in muscle damage, of repetitions (reps 3 sets) or volume grammed reduction has had the desired
sleep disturbance, and cortisol levels load (reps 3 absolute load). However, effect. In reference to Figure 2, planned
(14). From our experience in profes- attempting to assess volume reduction “download” weeks were implemented in
sional rugby union, tapering can be across all the aspects of professional weeks 5, 11, 17, and 24 and TLs are
achieved by reductions in training fre- rugby training such as on-field training, notably lower in these weeks. Our obser-
quency, duration, intensity, or volume speed training, and conditioning is more vations have been that athletes gener-
or a combination of these factors. difficult and less measurable. The session ally accumulate 70–80% of the TL in
It has been recommended that for expe- RPE method offers a unique opportunity download weeks compared with the
rienced athletes in anaerobic sports that to assess tapering volume reductions average of the other weeks in that train-
the key variable for manipulation when holistically across all aspects of training. ing block. It has been our experience
tapering is overall training volume (14). The session RPE systems allows coaches that quite drastic reductions in pro-
Recommendations have been made for to compare the overall TL across the grammed training volume are required
magnitudes of volume reduction based tapering week to previous “normal” train- to have measurable appreciable effects
on the duration of “normal” training car- ing weeks and assess whether or not the on TL perception by players. This may
ried out up to the taper week. Volume planned changes in TL have resulted in include a significant reduction of num-
reduction in the context of controlled a similar reduction to the actual TL. By ber of exercises, sets and repetitions in

Figure 5. Week B—An example of a poorly organized training week that does not minimize training monotony and training strain.


Figure 6. The training loads of a player with chronic injury returning from an adapted training plan to a full training plan.

strength training sessions (20–30% vol- environment are unable to follow a full previously stated, players should report
ume reduction), reduced on-field train- weekly training plan due to chronic RPE scores within 30 minutes of the
ing time (10–15 minutes less per injury management. Such players often cessation of training and should refer
session), and a reduction in overall train- need to be managed in a week-by-week to a consistent scale when giving these
ing frequency through the elimination or day-by-day manner depending on scores.
of extra short-duration conditioning ses- their specific condition and symptoms. Consistency is highly important when
sions for some players. In conjunction with medical staff, timing session or game duration also.
strength and conditioning coaches can Coaches should decide ahead of the
track what type of loads (magnitude, season’s data collection whether they
MANAGEMENT training frequency, etc) are associated plan to include warm-up duration in
The session RPE method can assist in with increases in chronic injury symp- their overall session time and adhere
managing players with acute injury in toms. Coaches can develop a personal to this decision throughout the season.
their return to full training. Players profile of what loads and strains are tol- The game-day warm-up presents a par-
with short-term acute injuries (4–6 erable. This can help with individual ticularly unique problem in maintain-
weeks) or in the latter stages of long- planning and scheduling and assist in ing data collection consistency. The
term injury are often capable of follow- making informed decisions as to the ses- game-day warm-up is generally much
ing adapted training plans and are sions in which the player will participate longer in duration than warm-ups used
often only restricted from performing or whether or not they should have in day-to-day rugby sessions. The
specific types of training such as full time restrictions on their involvement game-day warm-up typically lasts
contact rugby training. Coaches can in specific sessions. Figure 6 demon- 20–30 minutes. It is also drastically dif-
use the RPE system to help develop strates the TLs of a player with a chronic ferent to the game itself and can be much
injured players training to “mirror” full injury gradually returning from an adap- less in terms of intensity and physical
team training even if some of their ses- ted training plan to a full training plan. effort. Including the game-day warm-
sions have to be adapted in nature. The up as part of the game duration can over-
RPE system assists the returning player OMISSIONS estimate the TL of the game because the
in training in the same pattern of exer- There are potential errors that need to respective RPE scores of both modalities
cise and recovery as fully fit players so be avoided when using the session RPE are generally much different. We recom-
that when they can return to full train- system in the professional rugby envi- mend omitting the warm-up phase from
ing, they can adapt more readily and ronment. As with any data collection the TL of the game or scoring it sepa-
their body is ready to exercise and system, consistency of data collection rately and following this protocol for the
recover at the same frequency as the must be as closely adhered to as possi- duration of the season.
full training squad. ble. With the session RPE method, We recommend using the actual time
The RPE system can also be used in consistency must be maintained in the players spend on the pitch rather
the management of chronic injuries. collection of RPE scores from players than the standardized game time of
Some players in the professional rugby and in the timing of sessions. As 40 minutes per half. With in-game

Strength and Conditioning Journal | 83

Applications of the Session RPE System

stoppages, a half of rugby can often As previously stated, one of the com- Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
last over 45 minutes. This actual mon goals of using the session RPE The authors report no conflicts of interest
game time rather than an artificial system is to establish weekly TLs and no source of funding.
game clock time should be used for (and monotony and strain values) for
most accurate TL calculations. the playing squad. Calculating the
Another common error associated with squad average data can be wrought Dr. Tom
using the RPE method in the team with errors and must be approached Comyns is
sport environment relates to the inclu- with caution. Within the professional a strength and
sion of 0 values on nontraining days. rugby environment, players can often conditioning
On a nontraining day, a 0 value for be on adapted training schedules due coach for the Irish
TL should be recorded, and these 0 val- to acute or chronic injury or due to Institute of Sport
ues should be included in calculations involvement in alternative playing and a consultant
of weekly TLs, monotony, and strain. squads. The inclusion of such players lecturer in Sport
in the weekly average calculations can Science at the
The associated 0 TL values have a sig-
artificially reduce the squad data. At the University of
nificant effect on training monotony
end of each training week, we recom- Limerick and Dublin City University.
and strain. If these 0 values are not re-
mend the selection of a “fit to play
corded and included in the relevant cal-
squad” or a “training squad.” This could
culations, then training monotony and
comprise players who have completed
strain will appear artificially high. Dr. Eamonn
the entire week’s training and playing
Coaches should exercise caution in Flanagan is
schedule. This should give coaches
comparing raw TL, monotony, and a strength and
a truer reflection of the TLs accrued
strain values between players. If a par- conditioning
by the planned training schedule.
ticular player is exhibiting a higher re- coach for the Irish
corded TL, for example, than another Rugby Football
player, this does not necessarily mean Union.
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that he has accumulated a higher and valid measure to provide strength
actual TL. From our experience, some and conditioning practitioners with
players are simply “high raters” and simple and subjective markers of overall
will consistently rate sessions of the TL. The system can be used to provide
same work output on a higher level information on within-week and across-
to their teammates. This is likely due week training loading within the profes-
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