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Diversity on the family, accepting the best way

Agatha" Since you've been with me almost 2 years, I guess I should told you the

Ali was really excited for agatha mom"s story cuz he feels a literally curious why
mom agatha stills thinking like that, as we know too in this era diversity isn't
something wrong, the otherwise its can be make a strengthen a unity or assocition
between us.

once upon time, in one of village in west sumatera, have a beatiful and smartes
girl, although thats village really closed and never accept outsiders. then the girl
was being who only can study until university in the city, then she met men,
falling in love . however that they have a big different, exactly religion different .
men is a moslem, and women is christian.

beCause storgh love than anything, women back to her village to ask permission to
marry that guy. her family was already rejected their, kicked out form the village,
also mocked. So, they marry in city . in fact they always keep reiligion self , 2
years later her husband was died because fire incident in his company, the girl so
stressed out with a daughter 2 y.o .

one night, there was a robbery at her house, she rushed to save her daughter , but
she was almost killed. At the same time, her family came from the village and
immediately helped . sHe and her daughter live in his village, since then she had a
heavy taruma, and the pressure of ridicule from the people in his village, also

on the way home ali passed the mosque, and saw a mother with red eyes, her face
looked beautiful but her face seemed very angry. while looking at the mosque he
said "why did you take your husband so soon, and will my agatha be taken too".
Ali who heard the name Agatha was immediately shocked, he approached the
woman, but the woman instead slapped her, and screamed. Ali was confused, the
woman immediately ran, until suddenly there was a motorbike that was driving,
she fell. Ali immediately helped her.
I know you love my daughter I saw you at my house, you hugged her so tightly,
you know I brought Agatha to the city quietly, no one knows in my village agatha
was alive. Ali was surprised again.

Agatha's mother was angry, "I never agreed agatha married , she never married ,
cuz i havent family "

ali said "what can i do to make you believe"

mother "don't ever think i'm crazy, and take me to my village. change their

Ali agreed , with the provision of we will married in Islamic

10 years later, there is a best village in Padang, the village has the best cultural
destination in Indonesia. Variety Village Cultural Park, in the park you will see all
Indonesian regional performances, the village also provides an Islamic art school,
and all places of worship of all religions are available. The village now wants to
become a big city with a great leader named Ali, who has a pious wife, Agatha.

Agatha's mother died 7 years ago, when Agatha and Ali were fighting for the
village of Variety.

Mailinda Farhani
Prodi PMI’ 2021 , UINSA

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