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1. Admin Actions:
a. Login: Admin logs into the system.
b. View Dashboard: After login, the admin views the dashboard.
c. Manage Users:
i. Add User: Admin can add new users (students/teachers).
ii. Delete User: Admin can delete existing users.
iii. Update User: Admin can update user information.
d. Generate Reports: Admin can generate attendance reports for courses.
e. Logout: Admin logs out of the system.

2. Teacher Actions:
a. Login: Teacher logs into the system.
b. View Dashboard: After login, the teacher views the dashboard.
c. Mark Attendance:
i. Select Course: Teacher selects the course for which they want to take
ii. Mark Attendance: Teacher marks attendance for students.
d. View Attendance Reports: Teacher views attendance reports for their courses.
e. Logout: Teacher logs out of the system.

3. Student Actions:
a. Login: Student logs into the system.
b. View Dashboard: After login, the student views the dashboard.
c. View Attendance: Student views their attendance for each course.
d. Logout: Student logs out of the system.

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