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World War 1 2.

Russia - The advancing German

- Started June 28, 1914. - after Civil War Soldiers were pushed
back by the TE’s soldiers
Assassination: - It took 1 month for resulting in Germany
- primary reason why Austria - Hungary to thinking on how to restore
World War 1 happened. proclaim a war. the strength of their
a. Victims forces.
- Archduke Francis July Ultimatum - Alternative way for
Ferdinand (Austria) - sent to Baron Wladimir Germany to attack and
- Wife Sophie Giesl von Gieslingen, control the ports of
b. Assassinator former Austro - English Channel to
- Gavrilo Princip (Serbian Hungarian minister, to control the entry of
- Bosnian) Serbia. supplies; failed in the
c. Attempts - consists of 10 demands Battle of Ypres (October
- It took two (2) attempts that must be followed 19, 1914.) with 250,000
to kill the heir. within 48 hours or else dead.
d. Reason Austria - Hungary will
- Archduke went to attack Serbia. Trench Warfare
Saravejo, Bosnia to visit - Serbia will follow all the - type of fighting
Austria- Hungary’s injured demands except for equipment where both
soldiers. number 6 - to investigate sides dug deep trenches
- Driver Leopold Lojka the Serbian Government. to defend themselves
made a wrong turn. - 40 days after the death from artillery and machine
of Archduke, A-H began guns.
Triple Alliance built by to attack Serbia. - brutal bc of the new
Otto Von Bismarck chemical warfare
Germany equipment.
1. Germany - began to attack France - The enemy controlled
2. Italy (replaced by and Russia. Baltic Sea,
Turkey) - Asked Belgium to pass Mediterranean Sea, and
3. Austria - Hungary through their country to Black Sea.
enter Paris.
Triple Entente - Belgium did not agree Civil War in Russia
on this so Germany also - a result of the
1. Russia planned to attack emergence of the
2. Great Britain Belgium. opposition against the
3. France - Belgium is Great Bolsheviks after Nov.
4. Italy (joined) Britain’s responsibility 1917.
bc Belgium’s ports - The Russia’s “Tsar” or
Fact about Germany: contributed greatly to “Caesar” was replaced
- Influenced by Charles Great Britain’s trade and and can no longer go to
Darwin’s theory - military ops. war bc they lack proper
Survival of the Fittest. - With this, Italy, former supply of foods, etc.
Triple alliance, joined - United States replaced
Germany conquered: Triple Entente. Russia in Triple Entente
1. Lorraine and Alsace - Ottoman Empire bc they were also
- Franco - Persian War (Turkey) then joined TA. affected bc their ships
sunk during the war.
United States prior to Epidemic on the Home d. Countries in Asia
WW1 Front and Africa
- strong tradition called - In 1918, an influenza e. League of Nation
Isolationism. epidemic broke out.
- Germany began using - Nearly 675,000 Great Depression
u-boats as a weapon Americans had lost their (1929-1939)
against Allied Powers. lives. - worldwide economic
- May 1, 1915, Lusitania, downturn
British luxury liner Paris Peace Conference - greatest and longest
carrying over 1900 - January 12, 1919. economic recession in
passengers were - Leaders from 32 modern world history.
torpedoed by a German countries including Big - no work nor banks to
u-boat, killing 1200 Four (Triple Entente) borrow money.
people, including 128 - President Woodrow
Americans. Wilson Fascism
- March 24,1916, the - British Prime Minister - Political belief that says
Sussex was torpedoed David Lloyd George. an individual is less
once again by German - French Premier important than the
u-boats. Georges Clemenceau nation.
- US joined Allied Forces - Italian Prime Minister - Ideology that considers
April 6, 1917. Vittoro Orlando the gov’t is more
powerful than people.
Arriving in Europe Treaty of Versailles - Requires the citizens’
- Americans that fought - Germany paying for complete loyalty and
Europe were known as massive reparations for service for their gov’t and
the American damages caused during country.
Expeditionary Force the war.
(AEF) led by General - Germany was required Totalitarianism
John J. Pershing. to pay an equivalent of 20 - rule that exists in
- Convoy System - troop billion gold marks (5 countries that believe in
transport were billion dollars in gold, fascism.
surrounded by commodities, ships, - a system where gov’t
destroyers or cruisers. securities) has complete control
over aspects of people’s
On the other side of the World War 2 prequel lives.
world, Japan and - September 1, 1939 to
Portugal joined Triple September 2, 1945. 3 Dictators of WW2
Entente, and have taken - biggest and deadliest 1. Adolf Hitler of
some parts of Germany. war in history, involving Germany
more than 30 countries. 2. Benito Mussolini of
Turkey surrendered first. Italy
A-H followed. Germany Treaty of Versailles 3. Josef Stalin of USSR
was late bc their leader - signed June 28, 1919
was deposed. - countries not in favor:
a. Germany
b. Japan
c. Italy
Adolf Hitler - A large percentage of Italy in WW2
- gained power and Jews were sent to - Italo-Ethiopian War
authority in 1933 as extermination camps - In 1935, Italy conquered
Chancellor of Germany. where they were Abyssinia Empire (former
- was called “Fuhrer” murdered using gas force of Ethiopia)
during his rule. chambers and poisoned
- hated the jews by the “cyanide”. Germany in WW2
- blames the jews for their - Cyanide is a rapidly - 1936, Germany
defeat in WW1. acting, potentially deadly conquered Rhineland
- the propaganda and chemical that interferes (former part of France)
hate of the Germans was with the body’s ability to - 1938, conquered
the main reason why use oxygen. Czechoslovakia.
holocaust existed. - biggest concentration
camp is the Auschwitz Despite the disturbances,
Holocaust Concentration Camp in Great Britain and France
- systematic Poland. remained silent on the
state-sponsored killing of - 6 billion people were violation of Germany,
six billion Jewish people killed in holocaust. Italy, and Japan.
and millions of others by
Nazi Germany and its Japan in WW2 Munich Conference
collaborators during - one of those affected by - GB, Germany, Italy, and
WW1. the GD. Japan’s economy France talked at the MC,
- genocide of European decline was made even Sept. 29,1938.
Jews during WW1. worse by their “lack of - Germany promised not
- approximately 44,000 resources” to support its to occupy more lands.
concentration camps. large population. - GB and France made
- Jews were - Due to economic agreement with the
disenfranchised of their depression, Japan had to USSR (Union of Soviet
rights. obtain natural resources Socialist Republics)
- Jews’ properties were from their conquered
confiscated. countries. German-Soviet
- Jews were deported to - In 1931, Japan occupied Non-Aggression Pact or
the “Ghetto” - area Manchuria, China. Molotov-Ribbentrop
surrounded by stone - Due to loss of authority Pact
walls and barbed wire to of the League of Nations, - Germany and USSR
prevent Jews from the dictators Hitler and made secret agreement,
interacting with the Mussolini had the Aug. 23-24, 1939.
Germans. confidence to conquer - Agreement was to
- Jews were enslaved lands. promise not to declare
and gradually killed by - 1937, Japan conquered war on each other.
deliberate starvation and Beijing and Nanjing of - Germany promised to
neglect. China, called “Massacre give land to USSR.
of Nanjing”.
Final Solution Germany did not fulfill its
- Policy intended that agreement to not conquer
Jews would be killed someone’s land or
wherever and whenever territory.
they were.
Start of WW2 Battle of Stalingrad - said they were not real
- real turning point for the conquerors, just
Germany AP to weaken and not the liberating Asian
- Sept. 1, 1939, attacked American’s D-day. countries from European
Danzig, a city in Poland. and American
- Blitzkrieg or the Operation Sea Lion Imperialism.
Lightning War - modern - September 1940, OSL - USA was the biggest
method of Germany, happened. obstacle to the Japanese
airforce, infantry, tanks, - code name for plan, so the JP
and artillery attack Germany’s planned treacherously attacked
simultaneously. invasion of GB through the American base in
- April 9, 1940, conquered the English Channel. Hawaii.
Denmark and Norway, - April 6, 1941, Germany - Dec. 7, 1941, Pearl
though Denmark only attacked Yugoslavia and Harbor was attacked,
lasted 4 hours in war. Greece, allies of GB in resulting to USA
- May 10, 1940, the Mediterranean Sea. declaring war against JP
conquered Netherlands, on Dec. 8, 1941.
Belgium, and Operation Barbarossa
Luxembourg. - June 22, 1941, OB - Hitler declared war
- June 22, 1940, France happened. against USA since
surrendered after - Germany’s invasion of Germany was an ally of
capturing Paris. Soviet Union. JP.
- April 6, 1941, Germany - Germany broke the pact
attacked Yugoslavia and with the USSR with 3 Arcadia Conference
Greece, allies of GB in million soldiers, 3,000 - First Washington
the Mediterranean Sea. tanks, 7,000 artillery Conference, held in
- May 1941, Germany’s pieces, and 2,500 Washington, District of
relentless victory ended. planes. Columbia, on Dec. 22,
- Failed to defeat the 1941.
royal airforce of GB. GB and France declared - It was this consultative
- Hitler abandoned OSL war against Germany on body of top military
after they lost 2,000 Sept. 3, 1939. leaders that would refine
planes. the Allied military strategy
- January 1942, failed to June 1940, Italy joined and approve all
capture Moscow, Russia Axis Powers significant military
due to very brave decisions for the duration
defense and cold 1941, Bugaria, Romania, of conflict.
climate of Russia. and Hungary joined Axis - Attended by Winston
- February 1943, conflict Powers. Churchill of GB and
ended in the “Battle of Franklin G. Roosevelt of
Stalingrad” between WW2 in Asia Pacific the USA.
Germany and USSR. - They decided
- 8,000,000 soldiers of Japan “Germany first” or
the AP were dead and - busy expanding territory Germany will be
wounded. with the propaganda of bombarded first before
- 1,100,000 soldiers were the “Greater East-Asia JP.
from USSR. Co-Prosperity Sphere”
- In the end of 1941 and May 8, 1945, Germany Leap Hopping
early 1942, the victory made an unconditional - aka Island hopping
was now with the Allied surrender, which was - amphibious military
Powers. accepted by the Allied strategy employed by the
- June 1941, AF led by Forces. allies in the Pacific War.
General Bernard - Germany surrendered
Montgomery defeated as their dictator died. Battle of Leyte Gulf
and drove the Afrika - Oct. 23-26, 1944
Korps of Germany into War in the Continent of - largest naval battle of
North Africa. Europe ended!!!!!!!! World War II and by some
Jusko buti naman!!!!! criteria the largest naval
Afrika Korps battle in history, with
- German expeditionary WW2 in Asia Pacific over 200,000 naval
force in Africa during personnel involved.
North African Campaign Fall of Bataan - Americans returned to
of WW2. - April 1942, Fil-Am the Philippines led by
forces surrendered in General Douglas
September 1943, Italy what we call Fall of MacArthur.
surrendered to the AP Bataan.
- Signaled the end of any Battle of Okinawa
Operation Overload organized resistance by - April to June 1945
- June 6, 1944, the OO or AF in the Asia Pacific. - for the Americans, this
the D-day happened. - April 9, 1942, Battle of was too violent and
- The Allied Forces Bataan ended when US harsh.
conducted one of the Gen. Edward P. King - Over 100,000 civilians
largest amphibious surrendered to JP Gen. or as much as one-third
assaults- the D-Day or Masaharu Homma. of the pre-war population
the Normandy died during the battle.
Landings. Battle of Midway - 49,000 American
- AF continuously - June 1942, BM casualties, including
liberated France, happened. about 12,000 deaths.
Belgium, Netherlands, - Americans defeated JP
and Luxemborg, was also at midway where 4 JP Operation Downfall
called the Liberation of aircraft carriers were - Casualties will be much
Western Europe. sunk. These are: worse than Okinawa if
- Akagi they invade Japan.
Dec. 1944, German - Kaga - proposed Allied plan
Counter Offensive failed - Sorya for the invasion of the
in the Battle of the - Hiryu Japanese home islands
Bulge. near the end of World
Battle of Guadalcanal War II.
April 1945, Soviet Forces - Ended Feb. 1943.
reached Berlin, Germany. - Signaled the beginning
of “island hopping
April 30, 1945, Hitler campaign”.
committed suicide with
his wife, Eva Braun.
New Weapon of Second World War has
America: Atomic Bomb an estimated 75-80
- USA’s innovative million deaths, 40 million
weapon are civilians.
- Hiroshima Bombing,
Aug. 6, 1945. First bomb USSR - 24 million deaths
dropped; more civilians China - 20 million deaths
died than soldiers.
- Nagasaki Bombing, That’s 3% of world
Aug. 9, 1945. Second population.
bomb to drop.
Trial in Nuremberg
Aug. 9, 1945, Soviet - All high-ranking Nazi
Union conquered Germany were tried and
Manchuria, China and investigated.
Korea that was formerly - 12/22 generals were
conquered by the JP. hanged.
- Goring committed
Sept. 2, 1945, JP formally suicide by ingesting
surrendered in the ship of cyanide the night before
Missouri headed by Gen. his execution.
Douglas MacArthur.
Trial in Tokyo
WAR ENDED!!!!!!! - JP military leaders were
also tried and
Yalta Conference or investigated for violating
Potsdam Conference human rights.
- the Big Three (GB, US, - 7 generals were
Soviet Union) agreed that hanged including Prime
after Germany's Minister Hideki Tojo.
unconditional surrender, it
would be divided into League of Nations was
post-war occupation dissolved bc it was
zones, controlled by ineffective and later on
U.S., British, French and founded United Nations,
Soviet military forces. The an organization of nations
city of Berlin would also with a common goal -
be divided into similar peace.
occupation zones.
- Germany will be

War Reparations
- Germany, Japan, and
Italy will pay for war

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