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Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer
choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the
sentence. Then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
Câu 41
If we'd had more time, we ____________ finished it.
A. would have B. must have C. could have D. could
Câu 42
Sorry. I'm late, I ____________ drop the kids off at school.
A. must have B. must not C. should have D. had to
Câu 43
As the car is small, it’s much more ______________ on petrol.
A. economical B. poor C. economic D. expensive
Câu 44
His ____________ of the generator is very famous.
A. invention B. invent C. inventor D. inventive
Câu 45
I think the principal of this school ____________ give students more freedom in
choosing the courses they want to study
A. mind B. ought to C. would like D. had
Câu 46
The company anniversary party will take place ____________ August 26.
A. on B. at C. on D. for
Câu 47
The ____________ of electronic devices is prohibited during takeoffs and landings.
A. operation B. operate C. operated D. operator
Câu 48
Our records show that you stayed in our Grand Suite ____________ the dates of May
4 and May 7.
A. in B. between C. among D. without
Câu 49
Don’t ____________ until the night before an exam.
A. be wait B. wait C. waiting D. had waited
Câu 50
I really enjoyed the disco. It was great, ____________?
A. isn’t it B. weren’t it C. wasn’t it D. is it
Câu 481
With her friend's assistance, she completed her project successfully.
A. organ B. organize C. organization D. organizational
Câu 482
Larry immediately said, "I can't go, nor want to go."
A. I B. do C. I do D. do I
Câu 483
Mary, to catch up on her rest, went to bed early.
A. hope B. hopes C. hoped D. hoping
Câu 484
I don't have on the hotels of the island.
A. much information
B. many informational
C. much informs
D. many information
Câu 485
In the room, there were more books on biology than expected.
A. little B. a little C. much D. many
Câu 486
I don't care whether or not.
A. his coming B. comes he C. he comes D. will he come
Câu 487
Please the form as quickly as you can.
A. come back B. return C. home D. posting
Câu 488
They are looking for a girl named Anna. She got lost in the park.
A. seven-year-old B. seven-years-old C. seven-old-year D. seven-old-years
Câu 489
Clayton works , doesn't he?
A. a job B. partly C. part-time D. a work
Câu 490
What do know our company?
A. about B. for C. on D. with

Câu 401
All to the factory should report to the security office before entering.
A. visit B. visitor C. visiting D. visitors
Câu 402
Our sales manager professional development training every spring for the
past six years.
A. has undertaken B. have undertaken C. undertake D. undertakes
Câu 403
No one the updated version of the new employee handbook yet.
A. sees B. has seen C. have seen D. is seen
Câu 404
Neither the president nor the department heads to meet with the focus
group participants tomorrow.
A. is needing B. need C. are needing D. to need
Câu 405
Aden Bronco to help us take inventory next week.
A. to agree B. has agreed C. have agreed D. agree
Câu 406
The gossip in the office is that a quarter of our latest model computers were
____________ by our competitors.
A. purchase B. purchasing C. purchased D. has purchased
Câu 407
The annual product launch _____________ for next Monday morning.
A. are scheduled B. is scheduled C. schedule D. schedules
Câu 408

We can prove, without a doubt, that one-half of the available office space
A. have been leased B. are leasing C. is leasing D. has been leased
Câu 409
Not only our company but many _____________ companies are saying great things
about Wordsworth Translation Services.
A. each B. another C. other D. others
Câu 410
I_____________ your brother at Green Street yesterday afternoon.
A. meet B. met C. have met D. had met
Câu 331
The new computer data system that the IT department installed is the ____________
A. most B. more C. much D. mostly
Câu 332
The first-quarter profits are much ____________ than expected.
A. well B. good C. better D. best
Câu 333
This laser printer is ____________ more efficient than that one.
A. much B. many C. a few D. a little
Câu 334
Of all the new recruits, John is the ____________ to understand new ideas.
A. quick B. quicker C. quickest D. most quick
Câu 335
Phil is the ____________ salesman I have ever met.
A. persuasive B. most persuasive C. more persuasive D. as persuasive
Câu 336
Traffic congestion is ____________ than usual because of road construction, so it will
take us at least an hour to get to the meeting.
A. badly B. bad C. worst D. worse
Câu 337
The building design was skillfully constructed by the most well-known ____________
in the city.
A. engineer B. architect C. lawyer D. chef
Câu 338
Internet usage is ____________ to be highest in cities and surrounding regions.
A. excepted B. exchanged C. expected D. expended
Câu 339
This armchair in my office is much cheaper ____________ the sofa.
A. as B. that C. than D. so
Câu 340
Her presentation is ____________ than yours.
A. the worst B. worth C. worse D. bad as


Directions: Read the texts below. A word or phrase missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each off these sentences. Select the best answer
to complete the text. Then mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet.
Câu 4
There is no (1) ____________ time to visit beautiful Nova Scotia, and Nova Scotia
Tours can help! With over 25 years in business, we know how to plan vacations
tailored to our clients' specifications. You and your family can (2) ____________.
everything from our Gaelic fiddle music and Ukrainian heritage festivals to the fresh,
salty air and delicious seafood.
For adventure seekers, there are many activities (3) ____________ you busy. Try
whale watching, kayaking, or cycling. Or, (4) ____________ you prefer any of our
world-class restaurants. Call us today at 902 - 555 - 0166!
1. A. good B. better C. well D. best
2. A. enjoying B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. enjoy
3. A. to keep B. keep C. having kept D. would keep
4. A. if B. moreover C. despite D. both
Câu 25
Over the last few months, we have received (1) _____________ letters from readers,
asking us where they can buy some of the items that have been on display in the
background of a number of our fashion features. It almost seems that the furnishings
and decorative items from those photo shoots have aroused (2) _____________
interest than the clothes themselves. For this reason, you will notice that we have
introduced a new feature entitled "Where can I buy...?" This new section will appear
immediately after our main fashion photo feature each month. We will be listing the
designers and manufacturers for just about (3) _______________ you can see in each
photo, and we will be giving you the numbers and websites you need to find out more.
Many of these items will be made available at a price of magazine subscribers.
All the more reason to take out a subscription! Take a (4) _____________ and let us
know what you think.
1. A. much B. a lot of C. numbers of D. lots
2. A. more B. much C. most D. any
3. A. pictures B. anything C. everything D. photo
4. A. break B. time C. off D. look
Câu 52
Homeowners should be aware of everything they can do to protect their homes and
valuables (1) ____________ theft. If possible, get your neighbors to set up a
neighborhood watch scheme. That way, everyone can keep an eye on each other’s (2)
____________. Secondly, insurance is vital for the contents of your home. If you have
some particularly valuable items, you should (3) ____________ these separately. Take
photos of your valuables and keep these photos somewhere safe. You can also
increase your chances of stolen property being returned to you by making your items
with a fluorescent pen. The ink from the pen is invisible to the naked eye and will not
(4) ____________ items. However, if the police recover your property, they can scan
it with a UV light and they will be able to see your makings. It is best to mark items
with your phone number or zip code. Thousands of items are found by the police
every year, but can’t be returned because there is no way of identifying the owners.
1. A. from B. to C. with D. of
2. A. hotel B. company C. house D. office
3. A. insurance B. insure C. insured D. insuring
4. A. damage B. upset C. hurt D. make


Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of single passages, such as magazine
and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several
questions. Select the best answer to each question and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
your answer sheet.
Câu 8
Looking for a great way to promote your company?
Put your logo on our shirts!
- Unlimited colors at no extra charge
- Best prices in the state
- Over 40 years of experience
- 100% natural cotton
- Pre-shrunk
- Fade-resistant
- Tank tops
- 3/4 sleeve baseball tops
- Long-sleeved
Buy over fifty and receive a large group discount and a free water bottle.
Brochures and prices available upon request.
Call, write, or visit our website.
1. Where would this advertisement most likely appear?
A. In a manual
B. In a dictionary
C. On a business card
D. In a magazine
2. What can be said about the T-shirts?
A. They come in a variety of fabric designs.
B. They come in a variety of styles.
C. They are small.
D. They are expensive.
3. What communication medium is NOT needed to contact the company?
A. Fax machine B. Computer C. Telephone D. Letter
4. What can a potential customer ask to have?
A. A brochure B. A discount C. A free sample D. A water bottle
Câu 9
How Not to Succeed in Your Job
Many magazines have articles on how to be a success, but here at Business Monthly,
the Magazine for Busy Businesspeople, we thought it would be helpful if our readers
knew how to fail.
Step One: Don't come to work on time. If you want to fail at work, then don't be on
time. Punctuality, or being where you should when you should, is a common trait of
successful people. If you don't want to succeed, be late for all your appointments.
Step Two: Don't ask questions. Successful people often try to learn what they don't
already know. They ask questions if they are unsure of a situation or a procedure. If
you want to fail, make sure you keep your questions to yourself.
Step Three: Never learn new things. In order to get ahead in your career, it is
necessary to keep yourself updated on current information in your field. Information
changes quickly; if you want to be left behind, then don't keep up with the changes.
Step Four: Don't mind your own business. MYOB, or Mind Your Own Business,
means not getting involved in office gossip. If you talk about others behind their
backs, then you can expect that others are talking about you as well. So, if you want to
fail, stick your nose where it does not belong.
1. According to the article, what does punctuality mean?
A. Having good punctuation when writing
B. Being where you should
C. Being successful
D. Being where you should, when you should
2. According to this article, what is true about successful people?
A. They are late, don’t ask questions, and never learn new things
B. They are late, don’t ask questions, and try to learn new things
C. They are late, ask questions, and try to learn new things
D. They aren’t late, ask questions, and try to learn new things
3. What does MYOB mean?
A. That you should study about business in school
B. That you should not get involved in office gossip
C. That you should prepare to own your own business
D. That you should talk a lot about other people
4. What are the steps of failure?
A. Being late, not asking anything, gossiping, and not learning
B. Being late, asking questions, talking about others, and not learning
C. Being punctual, not asking questions, questions, gossiping, and not learning
D. Being late, not asking questions, not learning, and not gossiping
Câu 58
Date: Saturday, July 9
Subject: Flooring Update
Attachment: Document_1
Dear Staff,
Please note that the office will be closed again on Monday because the contractor
needs more time than initially anticipated to complete the floor installation. I will
update you on the progress of the project as details become available. While at home,
though, continue to follow up on project leads and to support your customer accounts.
Obviously, we will have to postpone the meeting scheduled for Monday until later in
the week. On that occasion, we will go over our earnings and revenue of the previous
quarter. I have attached the relevant information so that you can review it ahead of
Additionally, we will be looking at some recent trends in sustainable building design
and construction.
Finally, I apologize for the disruption this renovation project has caused. Then again, I
hope you have been seizing this opportunity to find new ways to work effectively and
to enjoy work-life balance.
Best regards,
Theo Shanner Comlor Ltd
1. What is mentioned about the flooring installation project?
A. It is part of a larger renovation project.
B. It is taking longer than anticipated.
C. It will be inspected upon completion.
D. It has been temporarily stopped.
2. What are employees expected to do on Monday?
A. Start at a different time
B. Request details from clients
C. Work from a remote location
D. Submit agenda items
3. What did Mr Shanner include with the e-mail?
A. Financial summaries
B. Training documents
C. A list of sales contacts
D. A detailed project schedule
4. What type of business most likely is Comlor Ltd.?
A. An office furniture company
B. An industrial parts manufacturer
C. A financial consulting firm
D. An architecture firm
Câu 59
Subject: Water Shut-Off
Date: 7 January
Dear Mr. Kim,
Because of a maintenance project, the water to Jigye Apartments will be turned off for
several hours next Wednesday, January 12. The interruption will begin at 11:00 a.m.
Water service will be restored by 5:00 p.m. Please inform all of your building's
tenants in advance about the interruption, as well as these general guidelines:
After the water is turned back on, air in the pipes may cause sudden bursts of water.
You can fix this problem by running-water slowly at first.
For any other issues that occur after water service is returned, call our Customer
Service desk at the number listed on our Web site for your specific area.
Maintenance workers do their best to work quickly and finish as scheduled.
This service interruption is necessary to improve the quality of your water service in
the future. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
Pierrick de la Rue
1. According to the e-mail, when can residents expect to use water again?
A. At 7:00 a.m. B. At 11:00 a.m. C. At 3:00 p.m. D. At 5:00 p.m.
2. Who most likely is Mr. Kim?
A. A plumber
B. A building manager
C. A construction worker
D. A customer - service agent
3. What potential issue does Mr. de la Rue mention?
A. There could be an additional maintenance charge.
B. There could be a leak in the main water line.
C. There might be problems with the water flow.
D. There might be a follow-up check in a week.
4. What is indicated about the residents of Jigye Apartments?
A. They should call a specific number with any concerns.
B. They should try to decrease their water usage.
C. They have complained to the Customer service desk.
D. They have scheduled a tenant meeting on January 12.
Câu 71
Purchases of Athletic Footwear
In recent years, the market for women's athletic goods has been growing rapidly. This
long-neglected sector of the sportswear market is now one of our leading sources of
income, surpassing sales of children's goods, and while it is not yet equal to sales of
men's goods, it is fast approaching similar levels of sales.
This table shows the amount of money spent on women's athletic footwear from 1994
to 2004. For the purposes of this chart, athletic footwear is defined as footwear made
for sports and fitness activities. This includes regular sneakers as well as "functional"
shoes such as running shoes, tennis shoes, aerobics shoes, and basketball boots.
Year Money spent (in billions)
1994 $1.16
1996 $1.45
1998 $2.37
2000 $3.55
2002 $4.69
2004 $4.68
A customer questionnaire was included with each pair of athletic shoes sold in 2004.
Although not every questionnaire was filled out and returned, a significant number of
these forms were submitted. According to the results of the questionnaire, the average
woman buys one pair of athletic shoes per year, and uses them for fitness activities
such as walking, jogging, or cycling. The majority of respondents indicated that they
chose our particular brand for the following reasons: attractive style and design,
comfort, and affordability. A few respondents did express regret that the range of
athletic shoes for women is much smaller than that for men, and that they would like
to have a greater choice of styles and colors.
1. What does this table show?
A. The amount women spent on exercise between 1994 and 2004
B. The number of women who joined health clubs from 1994 – 2004
C. The amount women spent on athletic shoes in a 10-year period
D. The average yearly amount people spent on buying athletic footwear for their
2. What is apparent from the figures?
A. Less money is being spent
B. Expenditures have fluctuated
C. There is no trend
D. Spending has quadrupled in a decade
3. Which of the following can be concluded from this table?
A. The women's athletic footwear business is going strong.
B. This is a good time to open a health club or invest in one.
C. It is time to buy a new pair of athletic shoes.
D. People don't spend enough money on footwear.
4. What caused dissatisfaction for some women?
A. Quality
B. A lack of choice of styles
C. The price of athletic shoes
D. Limited availability
Câu 72
Roberts Investment Company
3625 Woodrow Wilson Way
Palo Alto, CA
Ewan Collins
PO Box 72
Sunnyvale. CA
December 3, 2006
Dear Mr. Collins,
On behalf of Roberts Investment Company. I am pleased to be able to write to tell you
that, as one of our most esteemed clients, we are sending in your name a donation to
the Children's Hospital in Oakland. Please find enclosed a card from the Children's
Hospital, made by one of the children at the annual Roberts Investment Kids'
Christmas party, which was held earlier this month.
This donation is in place of the personal gift we usually send during this season. Here
at Roberts Investment, we decided that this year we would like to give gifts which
would make a lasting difference. This is a reflection of how each of our most valued
clients really makes a difference to us. We want you to know how much we at Roberts
Investment all appreciate your generosity and hard work. It truly makes our job
worthwhile. May the coming holidays bring to you and yours good health, happiness,
and a full share of those things that make this world a better place in which to live. We
look forward to another year of working together, in the hope that the coming year
will bring even greater success for all.
Cordially yours.
Penelope Waters.
Vice Manager.
Systems Development
1. What time of year does this letter refer to?
A. Spring B. Vacation C. Tax season D. Winter
2. What is Roberts Investment doing?
A. Sending Ewan Collins some money
B. Buying Ewan Collins an excellent bottle of wine
C. Paying for Ewan Collins' car to be fixed
D. Making a charitable donation in his name
3. What is the relationship of Ewan Collins to Roberts Investment?
A. He is the vice manager.
B. He is one of their clients.
C. He was a guest at their Christmas party.
D. He used to work at Robert Investment.
4. Why is Roberts Investment sending this letter?
A. To thank Ewan for his efforts over the past year
B. To demonstrate their altruistic policies
C. To help sick children
Câu 31
Attention, all airline passengers. Please do not (1) _____________ your bags
unattended while you use the restroom or wait in line for your (2) _____________
pass. There have been several cases of theft in the airport lounge, so we recommend
keeping your bags with you all the times. If you are missing any of your luggage,
please report it to security personnel as soon as possible. You can also come to the lost
and (3) _____________ area to search for your bags there. It is advisable to keep a
name tag on your bag, as that will help us to (4) _____________ assist you if the need
Thank you for your cooperation.
1. A. leaving B. leave C. leaves D. to leave
2. A. boarding B. board C. boarded D. to board
3. A. find B. finding C. found D. have found
4. A. more quick B. quick C. more quickly D. quickly
Câu 32
To: All teachers
From: The principal
Re: Promoting Science
As you know, we at Grange High School for Girls are actively trying (1)
_____________ the sciences to our students. Recent school league tables showed the
students at Grange High School for Girls to be among the lowest in science-related
subjects. We have less students choosing to study sciences, and those students (2)
_____________ do take sciences do not get good grades. I would like to ask you (3)
_____________ the girls to become interested in science. Let them know that it is not
“just for boys.” To make sure they understand what opportunities are available to
someone with a good knowledge of biology, chemistry or physics, I am inviting a
series of speakers to talk about their experiences. Wherever possible, these speakers
will be women from the local community who are at the top of their field. Our first
speaker will be Dr. Philippa Green, who is in charge of Grange Hospital’s blood
laboratory. Our second speaker is not yet confirmed, but I (4)_____________ Mrs.
Edwina Jones, color designer for Reveal Hair Dyes Inc. Please encourage your
students to attend these after-school talks.
Many thanks.
1. A. to promote B. promotion C. promote D. promoted
2. A. choose B. who C. chosen D. to choose
3. A. encourage B. encouraged C. encourages D. to encourage
4. A. was invited B. has invited C. invited D. have invited
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of double passages, such as
magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by
several questions. Select the best answer to each question and mark the letter A, B, C,
or D on your answer sheet.

Câu 5
Outstanding Balance: 33.59
Account No.: 021-4-11895
Billed from … to …: Oct. 1 to Oct. 31
Payment Due Date: Dec. 24
As of December 15, our records indicate that the amount shown under ‘Outstanding
Balance’ is now more than 30 days past due. To avoid a surcharge and possible
disconnection of service, payment must be received within 24 days of the ‘Payment
Due Date’.
If payment has already been made, please ignore this notice, and thank you for your
payment. For billing questions, please call our office during regular working hours.
Regular working hours are Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. They are 9
a.m. to noon on Saturdays. Because of the small parking lot, we advise visitors to use
public transportation rather than your own vehicles. The subway and bus stations are
approximately 5 minutes away.
Dec. 22, 2006, Mr. Mark Foster
EZ Network Communications
23232 Greens Lane
Reston, VA 22096
Dear Mr. Foster:
I went to the bank today and paid the bill, but I remitted an amount bigger than the
bill. The bill was 89.95, but I sent you 899.50. May I please have the remainder of the
money I have sent returned to my bank account? Or may I use the money to pay my
bills for the rest of the year? I had to pay 4 bills that were overdue today, so I figured
I’d pay this bill also and was in a rush and made this one-digit mistake. Please call me
back at 555-8821 for assistance on this matter. If there is no call, I will stop by myself
to see what’s happening. Thank you.
1. When was the service received?
A. December B. November C. October D. September
2. What action is suggested if payment has already been made?
A. Demand a refund in writing
B. Acknowledge receipt of the bill
C. Return the invoice
D. Disregard the notice
3. According to the notice, how late is the payment?
A. 24 days B. 5 minutes C. About one month D. 16 days
4. What mistake did the man make?
A. He paid too much for his bill.
B. He forgot to pay the overdue bills.
C. He went to the bank when it didn’t work.
D. He transferred the money into the wrong account.
5. Why did he make a mistake?
A. The ATM machine was out of order.
B. He got the bill confused.
C. He was in a rush for lunch.
D. He was busy paying other bills.
Câu 34
Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 1 5
Conference Room 3
9:00 - 9:30 Marketing goals for the next year Roberta Giuliani
9:30 - 1 0:00 New strategies for the new millennium Rita Mendes
10:00 - 10:30 Product development Tami Tabaku
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11: 15 Employee training Peter Clark
11 :15 - 11:45 Financial outlook Ivan Sokolov
Immediately following the meeting, lunch will be served in the company cafeteria,
catered by the Ivy Pot Restaurant.
To: Peter Clark
From: Maria Petras
Subject: Meeting next week
Hi Peter,
Attached is a draft of the agenda for next week's meeting. I'd like to make a few small
changes. First, Roberta won't be available since she's leaving for an extended trip to
the West Coast day after tomorrow. I was hoping you could take her spot since you
know a lot about the subject. I also thought that Ivan should be given a little more time
since he will probably have a lot of information to present. I thought we should give
him 45 minutes to talk. Then we could still break for lunch at a reasonable hour. I hope
these changes meet with your approval. Oh, one more thing: Conference Room 3 won't
be available as it turns out, so I've reserved the Board Room instead. I don't think
anyone will object to that! I think that's all.
1. What does Maria want Peter to do?
A. Reserve another room
B. Talk about marketing goals
C. Take a trip to the West Coast
D. Help Roberta prepare her presentation
2. What will Tami talk about?
A. Financial outlook
B. Employee training
C. Product development
D. New strategies
3. What time does Maria want the meeting to end?
A. 11: 15 B. 11:45 C. 12:00 D. 12:45
4. Where will the meeting take place?
A. Conference Room 3
B. The company cafeteria
C. A restaurant
D. The Board Room
5. What did Maria send to Peter?
A. A draft of the meeting agenda
B. The lunch menu
C. A trip itinerary
D. Ivan's presentation
Câu 41
Blixen Memorial Theater
Annual Fundraising Event
January 19
Dear Friend of Blixen Memorial Theater,
As a non-profit performing arts organization, we rely on membership and fundraising
efforts to support our operating costs. Every year at this time, we hold a drawing to
help raise funds to meet a portion of our budget.
This is your chance to help Blixen Memorial Theater. Each individual who donates
$20 to the theater at this time will be eligible for a special prize. On May 20, we will
select one name at random to receive this year's prize - 4 tickets to each of the 10

Blixen Memorial Theater performances for the upcoming year. (The winner need not
be present.) That's 40 tickets, a $3,000 value!
To participate in this year's drawing, simply complete the entry form and mail it with
your payment. We will send you a confirmation number for each $20 donation upon
receipt. Every $20 you donate increases your chances of winning a whole year's worth
of exciting performances. And even if your name is not selected, you'll still win by
helping Blixen Memorial Theater offer high-quality programs.
For further information, call the office at (507) 555-8826, ext. 908.
Anna Kessler
Executive Director
Name: Anto Maldonado
I have enclosed a check for $ ………. Address: 14 Sunset Drive
Pleas charge my credit card $40 City: Stockton State: MN Zip: 55988
Card # 1122334455667788 Phone: 507-555-2292
Signature: Anton Maldonado
Please return this form with payment to:
Attention: Raffle
480 Sioux St.
Winona, MN 55987
1. Why did Ms. Kessler write this letter?
A. To invite Anton Maldonado to an event
B. To advertise a new show
C. To explain a new ticketing policy
D. To announce a fund-raising event
2. What does Ms. Kessler say about the Blixen Memorial Theater?
A. It has had to reduce its budget.
B. Its next season begins on May 20.
C. It holds an annual drawing.
D. It is offering discount tickets to people who donate money.
3. What prize is being offered?
A. A check for $3,000
B. A year's worth of theater tickets
C. Front-row seats to four performances
D. Meetings with performers after the shows
4. In the letter, the word "present" in paragraph 2, line 4 is closest in meaning to?
A. In attendance B. Current C. On hold D. Performing
5. What does Anton Maldonado indicate on the form?
A. He will purchase tickets to two shows.
B. He will contribute to the theater.
C. He is paying by personal check.
D. He would like a schedule for the new season.
Câu 49
November 16, 2016
Edmund Marcus
Marketing Director
Findlay Manufacturing Company
P.O. Box 99
Outback, IL 79930
Dear Mr. Marcus,
I am interested in applying for a position in the Marketing Department of Findlay
Manufacturing Company. I recently graduated from the university with a degree in
sales and marketing. My job experience includes working as an assistant at a local
import-export firm. I worked at this job for three summers in a row while I was
completing my university degree. Although I don't have any direct experience
working in marketing, I took several university courses in this area, and I got high
grades in all my classes. I am enclosing my resume and can provide you with letters of
recommendation from my professors as well as from my supervisor at the import-
export firm. I am particularly interested in market research. However, I would be
happy to consider any available positions you may have in your department. I look
forward to hearing from you.
Myra Collins
November 30, 2016
Myra Collins
156 Robin Lane
Outback, IL 79932
Dear Ms. Collins,
Thank you very much for your letter inquiring about positions at our company. Your
academic record is impressive, as is your enthusiasm for your future career. I
appreciate your interest in working for Findlay Manufacturing. Unfortunately, we
don't have any openings in our department for someone with your limited work
history. The research work in which you expressed an interest requires a minimum of
three years, experience in the field. Other positions in our department would require
something similar. I suggest that you spend some time gaining some practice in your
chosen field. One way to do this would be to get a position as an intern. While you
would not be paid for this type of position, it would help you get the experience you
need. My colleague, Ms. Richardson is currently looking for interns to help out in the
Marketing Department at her company. With your permission, I would like to forward
the information you sent me to her office. Then she would be in touch with you about
an internship with her company. Please let me know if this would work for you.
Again, thank you for your interest in Findlay, and I wish you all the best of luck.
Edmund P. Marcus
1. Why did Ms. Collins write the letter?
A. To ask for employment
B. To ask for a recommendation
C. To ask for information about the company
D. To ask for Ms. Richardson's contact information
2. What field of work is Ms. Collins interested in?
A. Importing and exporting
B. Teaching college
C. Manufacturing
D. Marketing
3. What does Mr. Marcus say about Ms. Collins?
A. She is highly skilled in her field.
B. She lacks interest in her career.
C. She was a bad student.
D. She has insufficient experience.
4. What does Mr. Marcus recommend to Ms. Collins?
A. Taking university courses
B. Getting more work experience
C. Looking for a job with higher pay
D. Applying for a position as a researcher
5. What does Mr. Marcus want to send to Ms. Richardson?
A. A resume
B. Academic records
C. A university diploma
D. Letters of recommendation


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