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Name of Student: Ma. Sophia Lorraine B.

Name of Establishment: Vallacar Transit Incorporated
Inclusive Dates: February 19- February 24, 2024 Report Period: Week 5

As I reflect on the fifth week of my internship at Vallacar Transit Incorporated, the

journey within the finance department has continued to be a rich tapestry of
experiences and responsibilities. The tasks assigned during this week, including
document scanning, updating checks to February 2024, marking documents as paid,
encoding files for various branches and vendors, stamping deposit slips, and
organizing files, have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the
multifaceted nature of financial operations.The responsibility of scanning documents,
though familiar, has remained crucial in maintaining a streamlined digital record
system. This week's focus on updating checks to February 2024 emphasized the
importance of temporal accuracy in financial transactions. This task demanded
meticulous attention to detail to ensure that all checks were appropriately dated,
contributing to the company's commitment to precise financial record-keeping.

Marking documents as paid showcased the follow-through of financial transactions,

illustrating the life cycle of each payment. This process involved not only updating
records but also ensuring that the status of each document accurately reflected its
financial disposition. It emphasized the significance of accountability and transparency
in financial reporting. The task of encoding files for different branches and vendors
broadened my perspective on the scale and complexity of Vallacar Transit
Incorporated's financial interactions. This required a nuanced approach to data entry,
considering the unique attributes of each branch and vendor. The experience honed
my organizational and data management skills, crucial for maintaining an efficient and
cohesive financial database. Stamping deposit slips added a physical element to my
responsibilities, underscoring the importance of documentation in the financial
workflow. This task provided insight into the procedural aspects of deposit verification,
reinforcing the need for accuracy and completeness in financial transactions.
Organizing files, the final task of the week, brought a sense of closure to various
processes. This encompassed creating a structured filing system, ensuring that all
documents were easily accessible and adhering to organizational standards. This task
reinforced the importance of orderliness in financial management, facilitating swift
retrieval of information for auditing and reporting purposes.

As I navigate through these responsibilities, I am gaining a holistic understanding of the

interconnected tasks within the finance department. Each responsibility contributes to
the overall efficiency of financial operations, underscoring the importance of
collaboration, attention to detail, and adherence to established procedures.

Submitted to: Sarah Monica Esguerra - Agana, MBA Date Received:

Adviser Feb. 24 2024

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