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Name of Student: Ma. Sophia Lorraine B.

Name of Establishment: Vallacar Transit Incorporated
Inclusive Dates: January 29- February 3, 2024 Report Period: Week 2

On my second week of my internship at Vallacar Transit Incorporated's finance department,

my experiences evolved from initial orientation to hands-on responsibilities. This week, I was
tasked with scanning documents, verifying account numbers, updating checks to February 2024,
and marking documents as paid. The second week kicked off with a significant responsibility:
scanning documents and verifying account numbers. This task required meticulous attention to
detail as I carefully scanned and digitized a multitude of financial documents. Simultaneously, I
cross-referenced account numbers to ensure accuracy, recognizing the critical role precision
plays in financial record-keeping.
Navigating through the scanning process proved to be an opportunity to enhance my
organizational skills. Establishing an efficient system for categorizing and storing digital files
became imperative to streamline subsequent tasks. The latter part of the week centered on
updating checks to reflect the correct date of February 2024 and marking documents as paid.
This task, while seemingly straightforward, demanded an understanding of timelines and the
importance of accurate financial documentation.
Updating checks required a systematic approach to avoid errors in dating, and this process
underscored the significance of compliance with financial regulations and reporting standards.
Marking documents as paid involved reconciling transactions, emphasizing the role of precision
in maintaining the integrity of financial records.
As I reflect on the second week of my internship at Vallacar Transit Incorporated, the hands-
on responsibilities in document scanning, account verification, and updating financial records
have provided invaluable insights. The challenges faced have strengthened my commitment to
precision, organization, and compliance within the finance department. Moving forward, I am
eager to continue learning, contributing, and honing the skills that are essential for a successful
and impactful internship experience in the dynamic world of finance.

Submitted to: Sarah Monica Esguerra - Agana, MBA Date Received:

Adviser Feb. 03, 2024

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