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Worksheet 1: Present Simple & Present Continuous

ENGA10TRF © Porto Editora

Name No. Class

Circle the correct form of the verb. Revise:

Student’s Book, p. 9
a. She always checks / is checking her email after she wakes up. Study Guide, p. 15

b. At the moment they are listening / listen to music on their smartphones.

c. Are you believing / Do you believe in spirits and that type of stuff?
d. I prepare / am preparing dinner for my family right now.
e. It often rains / is raining in Ireland.

Put the verb in brackets in the Present Simple or Present Continuous tense.

Hi, sweetie,
How’s it going? I a. (hope) you b. (be) all ok. Can you guess what I
c. (do) now? I d. (work) part-time at McDonald’s in Dublin where I
e. (attend) a summer course. It f. (go) pretty well, I must say! Everybody
g. (be) quite cool, but the problem is I h. (not have) much free time to do
anything fun. I miss home so much right now, so I i. (send) messages to friends and
family, too. Every day I j. (practise) my English while I k. (work) and with
so many people around I l. (learn) lots of new expressions and words! This is my first job
and the guys at McDonald’s are so kind that they always m. (try) to teach me what to do
when I n. (do) something wrong! The summer course is fun, but also hard work. What
about you? What o. (be) you up to now? p. (you / spend) your holidays
relaxing or working? I q. (miss) you and our funny chats, so send me news a.s.a.p!
Big hug, Ricardo

Rewrite the sentences in the negative form.

a. John watches Stranger Things every Friday.
b. We are watching Netflix at the moment.
c. The series starts at 9 pm and finishes at 10 pm.
d. Stranger Things takes place in Hawkins.
e. The cast is filming right now.
f. People are looking forward to the next season of the show.
g. The fourth season of Stranger Things focuses on a different story.

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