Speaking Prep

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Topic 1:
1. What technology do you use when you study?

Well, when it comes to studying, I always make use of my laptop since it enables me
to multitask. For example, I can listen to music while I have to do research for my
presentation. Besides, whenever I encouter a problem with my homework, I can
immediately text my friend to ask them to me the ropes.

2. What subjects are you studying?

In Vietnam, students in public high schools are required to study at least 13 subjects
and I’m no exception. And, as a gifted children, I have to specialize in one specific
subject and English is my major.

3. Why did you choose to study that subject?

Since I was kneehigh to a grasshoper, I’ve always taken a keen interest in learning
new languages. English, as a lingua franca, which, in my opinion, does a great deal to
to help me build friendships with people from four walks of life and it can also do
wonders for my career in the foreseeable future.

4. Do you like your subjects?

100% yes. As I’ve mentioned, I believe being mastered in English can help me to
communicate with people from different aspects of life and thus doing wonders for my
career. Besides, I think English itself is also very interesting the more I get to know it.
For example, there are various ways to explain the same things thanks to its wide

Topic 2:
1. What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

Well, to be honest, I’m not fond of watching ads, but if I have to choose one, then it
would be TV commercials. These carefully created ads never fail to catch my
attention because they have such catchy tunes and captivating images.

2. Where can you see advertisement?

Honestly, these days, people no longer find ads unfamiliar since they are omnipresent
with a high density. Seriously, it’s hard to find a place without the existence of
advertisements in this day and age. For example, in metropolises like HCM city, tons
of colorful leaflets are sticked on the streets’ walls.

3. Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

Well, as I’ve mentioned, ads are not my cup of tea, so hardly do I watch any
commercials till it ends. However, when I watch TV, I can’t do nothing but to sit
through these annoying ads until the film resumes.

4. Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

Yes, I would say. Don’t get me wrong, I can be really rational in my daily expenses,
being able to walk into boutiques selling glamorous attires without being lured into
buying anything unnecessary. However, sometimes, ads with captivating images and
promising can win me over. So, much to my later regrets, I always find myself
splasing out on luxurious items.

Topic 3:

1. What kinds of things are boring to you?

There are tons of things that make me feel bored, however; the first thing that springs
to my mind if waiting. Honestly, I can’t stand the feeling of queuing up for a long
period of time to check out in supermarkets as it is so annoying and exhaustive.

2. What will you do when you feel bored?

Well, whenever I’m bored, I usually text my friends to ask if there are any dramatic
stories that they want to tell me. If yes, we will spend hours gossiping about those
stories and all the characters involved. However, if there is nothing funny, I will watch
movies or read books to take the tedium away.

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

Tbh, I don’t like spending time sitting in one place and being glued to a tiny screen on
end since I’ve always found this kind of thing monotonous. But when I was younger, I
was not at liberty to hang out with my friend on a weekly basis, so all I could do was
just spending hours playing video games.

4. Do you think school is boring?

No, I guess. At school, I have my beloved frien who can come up with unbelievable
ideas to do in break times. Also, they are always willing to do silly things together
with me after such gruelling lessons. Besides, at school I can learn a wide range of
knowledge, which, I believe, wil widen my horizon.

Topic 4:

1. In what conditions would you use a computer?

Well, I usually use a computer when it comes to learning and entertaining. In terms of
studying, I am enabled to multitask. For example, I can listen to my favorite music
while doing research for my presentation. Second, with regard to entertainment, I
prefer my laptop to my tiny phone. As you know, the laptop’s screen is way larger
than that of a phone which can bring me better feelings and visions when watching

2. When was the first time you used a computer?

Well, if my memory serves me right, the first time I used a computer would have been
more than 10 years ago. I remembered that I was thrilled to bits that my sister allowed
me to play online games for the first time. I felt like a brand-new world had just
opened because everything was so amazing.

3. What would your life be like without computers?

Tbh, it would be no exaggeration to say that without technological intervention, my life

would be a total chaos. I would no longer be able to watch Youtube or Netflix, things I
usually do when I’m at a loose end. In addition, keeping in touch with my friends and my
beloved ones will also be restricted. Besides, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, when
campus-based learning comes to a standstill, our learning will be prevented. So, just
imagining a day without technology has driven me nuts, let alone a life without it.

4. In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

I gotta say that on some occasions, using a computer would be difficult for me. First,
as you know, the computer is way too bulky for us to bring from place to place.
Therefore, it would not be an optimal choice for me whenever I’m not at home.
Second, after an arduous day at school, all I wanna do when I’m back home is just
lying down on my bed and surfing the Internet. As a result, using my tiny phone is
considered to be more convenient since it doesn’t require me to sit on end.

Topic 5:
1. Do you like the morning or evening?
Frankly speaking, I prefer the evening to the morning. To me, it is the most healing
time when I go back home and immense myself in my own tiny world after a grueling
day at school.

2. What do you usually do in the evening?

As a homebody, I prefer spending the luxury of time at home to going out in the
evening. After an arduous schedule, tbh, I just want to go home and relax. This is the
time I let my hair down by taking part on recreational activities and enjoying family

3. What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?

Well, when I was younger, my dad used to take me to the swimming pool everyday
after school. I was taught how to swim by dad and also I could make new friends with
the kids I met there. Besides, I usually spent the weekend visiting my grandparents
and hanging out with my cousins.

4. Are there any differences between what you do In the evening now and
what you did in the past?

Yes, of course. On weekdays’ evening, I used to go swimming with my dad, but now,
we can’t make it since I’m on the go with my studying and so is he. As for weekends,
it used to be the time for family reunion, but at present we are no longer able to do it
because everyone is inundated with their heavy workload. So, tbh, I really miss those
old good days with such precious memories.

Topic 6:
1. Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?

Well, I gotta say meeting at cafes with such beautiful decorations and relaxing vibe are
my cup of tea. The ambient coffee shops with cost-effective beverages and soft
background music are the ones we patronize whenever we have to seek for a place to
study and enjoy each other’s company.

2. Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others?

Yes, of course. I believe the best places for meeting with others are the ones with an
ambient vibe and such beautiful decorations. For example, the coffee shops are really
suitable for meeting up and spending time chit-chatting with friends as they provide us
a feeling of coziness.

3. Are there any differences between your favourite meeting places in the
present and in your childhoo
Yes, I guess the location is the biggest difference. In the past, at weekends, I used to
eat out with my family at Hoang Cung restaurant, a famous restaurant in the city. But
at present, rather than having meals at restaurants, we prefer eating at home where we
can enjoy nutritious homemade dishes by my adroit mom.

4. Why are some places better than others?

Well, it depends on different factors. First, it is the food that makes up a restaurant’s
reputation. The more delicious the food is, the more outstanding the restaurant
becomes. Second, I believe customers are likely to return to places with good service.
The highly trained staff with a hospitable attitudes will make customers feel like being
treated like a queen. In addition, restaurants with such unique outlook will set it apart
from others because they are inclined to leave an indelible impression on their
potential customers.

Topic 7:
1. Where is your favorite place to sit?

Tbh, I love spending time sitting in my studying corner in my bedroom. It is placed

right in front of the window so I can enjoy the natural light from the shining sun
outside. Nothing presents as much as a relaxation for me when I’m sitting there and
listening to some music I love.

2. Do you always sit for a long time?

Of course not. It is proven that sitting in 1 place on end will engender debilitating
diseases related to our skeletal system. Therefore, I usually avoid sitting for hours and
I also try to stretch or take a short walk during break times.

3. Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?

The answer depends on what I am doing while sitting. If I am watching a blockbuster

movie or reading an interesting book, I can be able to sit for hours without drowsiness.
However, if I have to sit down for a long period of time to do things that I consider to
be mind-numbing like doing homework, I would say that will definitely make me feel

4. When you were a kid, did you usually sit on the floor?

I believe that most of us used to be very mischievous and playful when we were a kid,
and I’m no exception. If my memory serves me right, I used to sit on the floor playing
puzzles with my sister for hours when I was about 5 years old. Besides, I was also into
role-playing games. I remember displaying all my toys on the floor and then starting
to cosplay a restaurant owner selling food to others.
Topic 8:
1. Do you have a talent, or something you are good at?

Well, I gotta say that I have a flair for painting. Since I was knee-high to a
grasshopper, I’ve always taken a keen interest in painting coloring books. My mom
usually complimented my pictures since they were painted in such a harmonious way.

2. Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

Since I was knee high to a grasshoper, I’ve always taken a keen interest in painting
coloring books. My mom usually complimented my pictures since they were painted
in such a harmonious way. So, I guess I really have a flair for painting.

3. Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?

I’m not really sure about it. Since becoming a businesswoman has always been my
life-long passion, I dunno if this talent will be helpful or not. However, I belive that
having such talents can somehow do wonders for me, especially in this age of
cut-throat world.

4. Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

Well, it would be my older sister, I guess. Just like me, she also has an aptitude for
drawing and painting. I remembered when she was in secondary schools, she used to
draw a lot about sceneries and animated characters, which were absolutely amazing.

Topic 9:
1. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Definitely, yes. BD is a peaceful industrial province located in Sourthen VN. It is less

vibrant and populous in comparison with Saigon, however; this province is full of
infinite possibilites since a lot of large international companies have chosen to place
their headquarters there. So, I realized that I want to live there above everywhere else
as BD has everything I could possibly desire.

2. Please describe your hometown a little.

BD is a peaceful industrial province located in Southern VN. It only takes an hour to

travel from BD to HCM city, the heart of Southern VN. However, it is less vibrant and
populous in comparison with Saigon, so an influx of immigrants choose to settle down
in this beautiful place. This province is also full of infinite possibilities with a large
number of factories, skyscrapers and smart urban areas.

3. How long have you been living there?

I’ve always been living there since I was born and BD is also my orignial hometown.
So it is no exaggeration that I’m in love with this place thanks to the feeling of peace
and coziness it provides.

4. Do you like your hometown?

100% yes. As I’ve mentioned, BD is really near to SG, but it is less vibrant and
populous, which are the 2 most important reasons that make me fall in love with this
place. And, as a province full of infinite possibilities, it has all the things that I could
possibly desire for.

5. Do you like living there? (apply 4)

6. What do you like (most) about your hometime?

Well, I guess the location is the best of all things. I mean, as it just takes only an hour
to get to HCM city, the heart of Southern VN, modern public services such as airport,
hospitals, etc are highly accessible.

7. Is there anything you dislike about it?

Yes, I would say. As I’ve mentioned, it is a place full of infinite possibilities, an influx
of immigrants is attracted to settle down there. As a result, pollution and traffic
congestion are inevitable. Seriously, during peak hours, it is not hard to see vehicles
crawling along at a snail's pace. In addition, trees have been cut down for the purpose
of urbanization and industrialization, which accounts for the depletion of the air
quality in some areas.

Topic 10:
1. How often do you wear a watch?

Well, tbh, I don’t wear a watch on a regular basis, but I also put it on in some special
occassions. A watch is a must-have item for me during exams season since it helps me
manage time more effectively. Also, I always wear it whenever I hang out with my
friends as it is a type of accessories which makes me look more fashionable.

2. What did your first watch look like?

If my memory serves me right, my first watch was a Cashio one and it was a birthday
prensent from my dad when I turned 5. It is yellow in color and has a sillicon strap.In
the dial of the watch, there was an adorable and popular animated character named
Snoopy. I loved it so much because it was the first watch I’ve ever had in my life.

3. What type of watch do you prefer?

Well, I gotta say smartwatches are my cup of tea. I take a keen interest in them since
they look like the tiny and portable version of smartphones. It means that I can
synchronize it with my other technological cal devices and thus allowing me to
organize my schedule easily.

4. Did anyone give you a watch as a gift?

Yes, of course. My uncle gave me one as a gift from his trip to Europe. As you might
probably guess, I was over the moon when I received it. The watch was made of
leather and it has a unique design which made it so gorgeous.

5. Why do people wear expensive watches?

Well, it is believed that “ You get what you pay for”. As a result, exorbitant watches
go hand in hand with the high quality they offer. In some families, luxurious watches
can be passed down as an heirloom as the older they get, the more valuable they are.
Also, wearing extortionate watches is a subtle display of wealth and social status.

Topic 11:
1. What types of building are there in your city?

Well, in BD these days, skyscrapers, large apartment buildings, and so on are nothing
unfamiliar with the residents there. However, historical buildings such as pagodas,
churches are still well-preserved in this city.

2. Do you prefer old or new buildings?

To be honest, I prefer contemporary buildings with basic amenities because I am

partial towards modernly dedicated structures. I take a keen interest in modern
furniture and well-ventilated rooms equipped with modern facilities.

3. Are historical buildings important?

A big yes, they are absolutely important. They serve the purpose of providing
historical knowledge passed down from the previous generation. Most old buildings
also inspire modern architecture with their one-of-a-kind design.

4. Would you like to live in an old building?

That’s a big no-no for me. I believe it’s not a good choice to settle down there since
most old buildings were built many moons ago, they are likely to deteriorate and lack
basic amenities. However, whenever I set food in an old building, I feel a sense of
nostalgia which a modern building can’t bring to me.

Topic 12:
1. Do you collect anything?

100% yes. When I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I took an avid interest in

accumulating comic books which vary in genres. Until now, it still floats my boat that
I have my own huge collection of outstanding ones.

2. Why do you collect … (that/those things)?

To be honest, I am an aficionado of Doraemon, one of the most favorite animated

characters in the world. Together with my sister, we began to accumulate every
episode of this comic. Since then, we gradually became enamored with Japanese
manga. Therefore, we decided to have our own collection of all the mangas we loved.

3. Is collecting a popular pastime in Vietnam?

In a word “yes”, not only the seniors but also the adolescents are on the edge of their
seats when mentioning this phenomenon. It is believed that collecting things is a way
to enhance our perseverance as it requires a long time for collectors to fulfill their
passion. Besides, it is also a subtle display of wealth when it comes to the collections
of valuable things.

4. Do a lot of people in Vietnam collect things and what do they collect?

Yes, of course. In this age and day, the trend of collecting extravagant items is
growing. It is their ingrained beliefs that attires from well-known brands go hand in
hand with the high quality they offer. Besides, accumulating high-end products is also
a way for customers to show off their upper-class lifestyles.

Topic 13:
1. Do you like watching programs on TV?

Frankly speaking, I used to watch TV a lot when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, but
now this is no longer my hobby. These days, there are now many state-of-the art
technological devices rather than televisions that I can make use of to entertain. And
smartphones are always my optimal choice in terms of entertainment.

2. Do you watch live sport games?

Tbh, I take absolutely no interest in watching sport games, let alone the live ones. I
find these programs tedious and drowsy. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate the
athletes and their concerted efforts in every match, but sport-related games are just not
my cup of tea.

3. How often do you watch live sports?

As I’ve mentioned, sport-related games are not my cup of tea, let alone the live ones.
So as you might probably guess, I just watch this kind of program on a rare occasion.


1. Describe an important river/lake in your country

You should say.

Where it Is located

How big/long it is

What it looks like

And explain why it is important

I am going to talk about the Mekong river, one of the biggest and most indispensable
rivers located in southwestern part of Vietnam. With a length of about 2,700 miles, the
river is the 7th longest in Asia. Locally, it's called "River of the Nine Dragons"
because the small branches of the river are, since time immemorial, associated with
the image of nine majestic dragons. Needless to say, the river is a great source of
inspiration for a great number of writers and composers.

In terms of agriculture, the mighty river together with its surrounding delta has been
known as the agricultural heart of southern Vietnam and the ‘rice bowl’ of the whole
country. The Mekong is also Vietnam's most significant fishing region.

If you are a discerning tourist who really has ‘wearing a conical hat in a sampan boat
in Vietnam on your bucket list, a trip to Mekong Delta is a must. It is carpeted in a
dizzying variety of greens and is also a place where boats, houses and markets float
upon the innumerable rivers, canals and streams that criss-cross the landscape like
arteries. Embarking on a Mekong River cruise provides tourists with a fascinating
insight into the local rural way of life, including the opportunity to visit some of the
region’s best-known sites, along with plenty of hidden gems.

1. How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?

I’m convinced that rivers bring huge benefits to many aspects of our life. In
environmental terms, they serve as a container of water during flooding seasons. They
help lessen the impacts of unexpected floods, thus mitigating the risk of soil
enervation. When it comes to agriculture, they are a great source of water supply for
fields, vegetation and animals thanks to its ability to store excessive water from heavy
rains. With regard to economy, they provide a large supply of seafood which local
people can make use of to derive money from.
2. Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?
Yes 100%. Flocks of visitors, especially those from urban areas, have the tendency to
opt for rural areas where exists tremendous lakes or rivers. Dau Tieng lake, an
artificial lake in the Southeast part of VN, for instance, attracts thousands of tourists
to go camping there. This is a chance for them to relieve all the stresses and strains
and get away from the vicious circle of their hectic life in metropolises. Besides, since
time immemorial, these natural places has always been a great source of inspiration
for poets and writers. Indeed, many masterpieces stem from the perfect combination
between human soul and nature.
3. How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?

On the one hand, flocks of visitors are attracted to come to these off the beaten track
places as they want to get away from the vicious circle of their hectic life in
metropolises and immerse themselves in the beauty of Mother Nature. Undoubtedly,
this will result in the thriving economy of the local. On the other hand, the inexorable
rates of visitors traveling to rivers can pose a threat to the surrounding habitat there in
the long term. Stimulating elements of a culture are highlighted to entertain tourists,
constituting an insult to the locals and causing damage to the unique nature of a

4. Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?

A big yes, actually. Water transportation, since time immemorial, has always been one
of the most economical and eco-friendly choices when it comes to carrying goods
from place to place. In economic terms, thanks to the ability to tote a large amount of
commodities, transport expenditures will be cut down significantly. In environmental
terms, while it is undeniable that water transportation can result in oil spills, one of the
main catalysts for the deterioration of the marine ecosystem, it is proven that fewer
carbon emissions are discharged into the air in comparison with land transportation. In
conclusion, I believe that rivers and lakes can bring huge benefits for moving goods
over a long distance.

2. Describe an interesting neighbor

You should say:

Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What you do together
And explain why he/she is interesting

If someone asks me about an interesting neighbor I’ve ever had, it would probably be
Teo. It is kinda sad that his family moved away a couple of years ago and since then
I’ve lost his contact so we are no longer keeping in touch with each other. To me, he
was always a nice and humorous friend that I’ve ever had.

We are the same age and he used to live opposite my house. Furthermore, we went to
the same kindergarten, so we became friends almost immediately after a couple of
days. At that time, rather than playing online games, which were still unfamiliar to us,
Vietnamese traditional games were always our first choice. I remembered having a lot
of fun playing those games together with Teo and other kids in our neighbourhood. If
my memory serves me right, he had a flair for the arts, which I couldn’t help but stand
in awe of him. So, whenever we played craft-related games, he always showed me the
ropes to do it properly.

To me, Teo was not only a good friend but also a helpful one, who always lent me a
helping hand when I was in need. However, as I’ve mentioned, his family has moved
away since I was little, so we can't manage to get in touch with each other. Therefore ,
I will always treasure those memories of us.

1. Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?

Well, it depends on where you look at it, really. If you are talking about people who
live in apartments in metropolises, the answer is no. I believe that since all the
apartment buildings are divided into separate zones, the chances they have to
communicate with their neighbors will be mitigated. However, if you are talking about
people living in detached houses in residential areas, it would be yes. I’m convinced
that people living in these places are inclined to know each other better. For instance,
in my neighborhood, by giving my neighbors some vegetables in my own garden or
greeting them whenever I go out, we tend to get along well with each other.

2. How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?

There exist a huge number of ways to promote the relationships between neighbors in
a society. To begin with, greeting them whenever we bump into them on our way to
school or work can really leave an indelible impression on them. Besides, it is highly
advisable to offer small kindness to our neighbor when they are in need. For instance,
we can ask if they want some organic vegetables in our garden. Last but not least, we
can only build strong relationships with our neighbors if we are respectful of each
other. It is in poor taste to have the music volume too high or having regular
insensitive parties at your place causing disturbances. I’m convinced that these acts of
kindness help to strengthen the relationships with our neighbours.

3. How do children build relationships with others in a community? (apply 2)

4. Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Yes, of course. Living in harmony with neighbours can bring people huge benefits. To
begin with, neighbours are the greatest supporters for people who live in solitude in
case of emergencies. For example, if it hadn’t been for the help of his next-door
neighbour, a friend of mine could have died from hemorrhage. Besides, they can do a
great deal to help us while we’re away from home. It’s really nice to be able to give
the neighbors a heads-up that we’re going to be out-of-town. That’s an added level of
security to have real-live eyes and ears looking out for us and our property. Last but
not least, when we have good relationships with our neighbours, it will do wonders for
our mental well-being too as we can receive a lot of useful advice from them.

3. Describe a time when you were very busy.

You should say:

When it happened
Where you were
What you did
And explain why you were busy

I would like to talk about the time when I was preparing for the high school entrance
exam, which until now is a milestone in my life. It happened around 2 years ago, but
the feeling was still intense that everything is still fresh in my mind.

Up to now, I consider that year to be the most crucial one throughout my scholar
career. All the students are required to sit for an exam that covers an overwhelming
amount of knowledge before entering high schools, and I’m no exception. In my case,
the school I wish to study in was a prestigious one, which means the competition was
very fierce. However, at that time, due to the infection of the highly contagious
disease named COVID-19, campus-based learning had to come to a standstill. As a
result, students are necessitated to study online. It was even more exhausting for me
because face-to-face interaction with my teachers and friends was restricted. I
remembered having to burn the midnight oil almost everyday to cram into the
excessive amount of knowledge.

In retrospect, thanks to the advent of modern technology, I could overcome that time. I
was able to consult a wide range of reference materials with just a click of mouse to
support my educational purposes. Even though that was a hard time for me, from the
bottom of my heart, I really treasure it thanks to all of the unique experiences I’ve
ever had.

1. Are you often busy?

Yes, of course. As you know, VNese education attaches significance to academic
achievements, which means that students are required to study an overwhelming
amount of knowledge, and I’m no exception. As a gifted student, this is even tougher
for me. The amount of knowledge to acquire is so enormous that I usually have to
burn the midnight oil to handle. To make matters worse, as the university entrance
exam is coming, I have to apply for extra classes during weekends. So, as you might
probably guess, it really wears me out.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?

Everything has its own pros and cons and being on the go all the time is no exception.
To begin with, in terms of advanatages, people who are used to busyness tend to work
more productively. I believe these people know how to organise and prioritise their
work so that they can complete their tasks on time. Besides, negative feelings which
usually occurs after such upheavals like bereavement and breaking-up are also
restricted. Since they are inundated with their workload, they have no time to dwell on
these unnecessary feelings. However, the disadvantages of keeping busy are in plain
sight. In order to keep up with the heavy workload, people are inclined to skip their
meals and avoid doing exercises, thereby being prone to debilitating diseases.
Moreover, the quality time for family and friends would also be sacrificed in favour of
career progress.This will, in all likelihood, result in the estrangement of individuals.

3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under


Whether children should learn through playing games or under pressure is still a moot
point, really. Some people say that playing can improve children’s abilities to
organize, get along with others and regulate their emotions, but it also makes sense to
say that playing games too much can result in children’s mental instability, especially
those at an impressionable age. Personally speaking, I think that playing is a good way
to develop children’s health and development. By playing, they can tap into their
imagination, for instance, in arts-related games, they can let their imagination run wild
to create such beautiful pictures. Also, I believe that children’s teamwork skills are
heightened because they have to cooperate when working in a team.

4. What kind of pressure people may experience at work?

I believe that the heavy workload and the pressure from our prominent peers are the 2
kinds of pressure that employess may bear at work. To begin with, the typical modern
lifestyle is often associated with being inundated with workload, which spares people
little time left for their social life. As a consequence, there is hardly any time reserved
for self-maintenance both in physical and mental terms, let alone time for gatherings.
This will result in the degradation of both health and relationships. In terms of peer
pressure, I’m convinced that almost everyone has to deal with it in this age of
cut-throat competition. Feelings of self-deprecation may occur when we see the
superiority and prominence of our colleagues. Once these negative feelings add up, in
all likelihood, will engender debilitating diseases such as depression, mood swings
and so on.

4. Describe a family member you want to work with in the future

You should say:

Who he/she is

Whether you worked together before

What kind of work you would like to do with him/her

And explain how you feel about this family member

If someone asks me about a family member I would like to work with in the future, it
would definitely be my 4-year-older sister. She is now studying for her bachelor
degree in a university in HCM city.

Honestly speaking, when we were knee-high to a grasshopper, we were quite

incompatible. We used to argue and even fight like cats and dogs. However, as we’re
getting older, we’ve become closer. I’ve discovered that we have a lot of things in
common, for example, both of us like watching animes and drinking milk tea.
Besides, her major is logistics, an economy-related field of study, which is also my
lifelong passion.

However, we haven’t had a chance to work together because of our age gap. In the
future I really wish to be her colleague as I believe I will be supported by her a lot. If
my memory serves me right, she used to show me the ropes when I had difficulties
doing my assignments. From that, I can tell that she is a very intelligent and kind
person, who is always willing to lend me a helping hand when I’m in need

In conclusion, I’m very grateful to have a sister like her, and I would be even more
thankful if I could have a chance to work with her.

1. Is it good to work with family members? Why?

Whether it is good to work with family members is still a moot point, really. Some
people say that working with our relatives can develop our reliance and dependence
on others, but it also makes sense to say that it can do wonders for our health both in
physical and mental terms. It’s my conviction that it is a good thing to work with
family members as we can support each other. To begin with, the typical modern
lifestyle is often associated with being inundated with workload, which results in
debilitating diseases people may get. Having a relative as a colleague can help people
avoid falling into bad habits like skipping meals. Also, they will be our greatest
supporters who can give us useful advice when we’re in need. Besides, I believe
working can be in full swing if a family member is around. Since we are used to each
other, we are inclined to work in a harmonious way, thereby achieving success more

2. Why do people want to do family business?

Well, I think people want to do family business because of its flexibility and
sustainability. In terms of flexibility, since it is a small-scale business, family members
are sometimes required to wear many hats and take on tasks outside of theri formal
remit. I’m convinced that this will do a great deal to help widen their horizon and
provide them with multi-tasking skills. When it comes to sustainability, when people
work for their family-owned companies, they are inclined to put in the extra effort and
hours needed to make it a success. Since family business leaders focus on the next
generation, not the next quarter, I believe that they will embrace long-term strategies
and emphasize social responsibilities.

3. What benefits are there when working for big companies?

It’s my conviction that working for big companies will bring people huge benefits. To
begin with, I believe that working in a globally integrated environment with people
coming from 4 corners of the world will prompt the exchange of information like
know-how and boost efficiency. Therefore, they can widen their horizon and improve
themselves when working with such prominent colleagues. Besides, working in a
large-scale business can provide people with lots of perks. For example, Google offers
their employees convenient workplace accommodations which do wonders for both
their mental and physical health.

5. Describe something you do that can help you concentrate on work/study.

You should say:

What it is

How it helps you concentrate

When you do it

And explain how you feel about it

If somebody asks me what I usually do to help enhance my concentration while

studying, it would definitely be listening to music. At first, I thought that it wouldn’t
do any good to my studying, but after times, I began to get used to it. The music I
usually listen to when I have to focus is instrumental music.

Well, tbh, music does a great deal to help me focus on my work. With its soft and
relaxing rhythm in the background, I no longer find studying on my own boring. The
beats steer me away from other noises and keep the distractions at bay, thus allowing
me to feel calm and relaxed. I remembered reading an article the other day and it says
that listening to music, especially instrumental ones, can do wonders for our
concentration and also our ability to memorise new information.

In conclusion, thanks to music, I’m now able to focus on my work for a long time
without letting my thoughts wander away. For me, this is the most effective method
that I have successfully applied so far.

1. Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the


I believe there are 2 main reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, it is the advent
of modern technology that results in children’s less concentration. Since the Internet
proliferate in every aspect of life, social networking sites and online games are no
longer unfamiliar to children. With such captivating images and convincing promises,
children are lured into these kinds of entertainment, thereby being unable to focus on
their lessons. Besides, the incapicity of concentrating of children these days also
results from the overwhelming amount of homework. For example, in Vietnam,
children are inundated with their homework, both from school and extra classes,
which, I believe will engender sleep deprivation and debilitating diseases. When these
negative impacts add up, children’s concentration will undoubtedly be depleted.

2. Do you think technology will harm children’s ability?

I’m not sure what my take on this is. Of course, I know that online games and social
networking sites are such irresistible temptation that may be the main catalyst for
children’s decreased ability to concentrate. Consequently, worse academic
performance and low efficiency will result from this. However, it doesn’t seem to be
the case if you factor in the fact that there are numerous productivity app such as
Forest which helps enhance children’s capacity of focusing by such creative and
effective methods. Therefore, I think technology can partly assists children to
concentrate if it is deployed in the right way.

3. What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?

From my perspective, every single job calls for high concentration. To begin with,
white-collar jobs especially those involve high techinal skills that necessitate deep
focusing. For example, high concentration is needed for surgeons when they remove
the tumor from areas where the major blood vessels and other vital organs lie. If the
surgeon is not careful enough, fatal mistakes are inevitable. When it comes to
blue-collar works such as workers and builders, high concentration are also necessary.
I believe since workers usually work in a workplace where the sequence of action and
the timing are heightened, just a small error will result in the failure of the whole

4. Can exercise help people improve concentration?

Yes, definitely. Exercising regularly is considere as one of the easiest and most
effective ways to maintain and improve concentration. Since physical activities have
been proven to benefit many parts of brain function, they may do wonders for our
concentration and mood, both of which could improve productivity. Besides, doing
exercises on a regular basis also boost the brain’s dopamine, a chemical substance
which help improve focusing. For example, young people who have higher
cardiorespiratory fitness display better concentration than those who are less fit.

6. Describe something that surprised you

You should say:

What it is

How you found out about it

What you did

And explain whether it made you happy

Surprises are always pleasant and in fact, they make people feel the peak of happiness.
Well, I haven’t received many surprises in my life, however, today I am going to talk
about a time when I had such an experience. If my memory serves me right, it
happened 2 years ago. At that time, I was inundated with the overwhelming amount of
knowledge I had to prepare for my high school entrance. As a result, I didn’t relealize
it was the date of my 15th birthday until I went back home and completely being taken
by surprise. My parents had already prepared many things to celebrate my birthday
which made me feel really grateful.
I remembered being worn out after a gruelling day at school, but when I got home and
saw all the things that my family had done, I felt like all the tiredness had gone away.
My mom cooked a lot of delicious food which was my cup of tea. Our dining room
was adorned with gorgeous flowers and colorful decorations. But that’s not all of it.
After having dinner together, they showed me a video of birthday wishes given by all
of them, and the most surprising part was that there were several pictures of myself
since I was a newborn baby. It turned out that my parents had saved all of these
pictures in a secrect drawer for this day. It was such a pleasant surprise and I was
moved to tears. My sister also brought out a cake that she made by herself for my
birthday, which was the best cake I’ve ever eaten in my life!
I was so happy and grateful to my family, who made all these arrangements. We all
enjoyed the party to the fullest, and it gave me the chance to share my happiness with
everyone. During this celebration, many photographs were clicked, and whenever I
check out these photographs, I cherish the memories and the surprise that I was given.
1. How do people express happiness in your culture?
Every country from all around the world has their own way to express happiness.
From traditional annual town festivals to simple gatherings, the people always have
ways to show how they’re feeling with the people they care about. In my country, we
just simply smile when we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release
dopamine, which makes us happier. Besides, we also directly express our happiness
through language. When we are over the moon, we tend to contact our beloved ones to
tell them about such things.
2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?

Happiness can indeed benefit people as it enhances well-being and flexibility. Positive
emotions have an intimate relationship with longevity. A research revealed that people
who experienced more positive emotions than negative ones were more likely to have
survived over a 13 year period. Those feelings help our body promote happy-hormone
reproduction process. Another point is that positive feelings improve resilience which
helps people better cope with stresses and strains and bounce back better when faced
with setbacks. For example, happier people have a tendency to keep permanent
positive attitude for encountering and solving problems.

3. How can people be happy?

Happiness is a great goal to have, and it’s something you’ll need to work towards
every day. Being happy isn't something you achieve and then hold onto — it’s a series
of decisions that you make every day. To begin with, having a positive mindset is
essential. Instead of surround ourself with several negative thoughts and feelings, we
should look for things that can bring we joy and happiness. By doing this, we will no
longer be stuck in the vicious circle of such toxic thoughts, which take a heavy toll on
our mental well-being. Besides, setting a goal and making concerted efforrs to fullfil it
also brings us pleasure. People tend to be over the moon whenever they achieve their
passion because the higher our dream is, the happier we are when you fullfil it.

4. Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?

There is no gainsaying the fact that experiencing adverse feelings plays a vital role in
calming us down. Life is full of ups and down so it’s really normal to be out of sorts
sometimes. And a negative feeling may even help us to become stronger and better.
Sadness can slow us down, and make us really mull things over before making other
decisions. In other words, being sad doesn’t mean we are not coping with a situation.
Rather, it can help us to have a thorough insight into ourselves and thus become our
better version. I believe unhappiness is a significant emotion that helps us grow up.

7. Describe an important event you celebrated

You should say:

What the event was

When it happened

Who attended the event

And explain how you feel about the event

I would like to talk about the time I held a birthday party for my older sister. It was
back in 2019 when she passed the university entrance examination with flying colors
and immediately got admitted to three top universities in Ho Chi Minh city, which
came as a surprise to all of my family. Therefore, to mark her resounding success as
well as her turning point in life, I celebrated her 18th birthday, just a few days after
she received the acceptance letters.

Moving on to the details, I would say that it was more of a family dinner which only
involved my own family and some of my sister’s close friends. However, I still tried
my best to make it become one of the most unforgettable events of her life by cooking
many kinds of dishes that she adored, ranging from Bun Cha to Pho, all of which were
Vietnamese specialties. On top of that, I also invited a music band to perform many of
her favorite songs, which made the atmosphere at that particular moment become
cozier than ever before. In the end, we sang the birthday song when my sister cut the
cake. We congratulated her and wished her a successful college life ahead. Then we
ate cake and had a good feast together.
After the party, my sister came to me and said that was the best birthday party she had
ever had in her life. My parents at that time also felt moved because the bond between
us was strengthened a lot.

1. Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?

I think it relies on what kind of events it is. On the one hand, when it comes to
something that only happens once in a lifetime such as highschool graduation or
marriage, I will absolutely celebrate it on a large scale because those are special
milestones in our life that we all want to keep the memory fresh in our mind and share
the joy with other people. On the other hand, for events such as birthdays I typically
don’t have a tendency to hold a party because I think it was time-consuming for me
and my fellows. We all live in a hustle and bustle lifestyle where we struggle to make
a living and don't even have time for the most basic needs, not to mention attending
other celebrations.

2. What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?

In Asian culture, we attach significance to the lunar new year since it is the time of
family reunion when we enjoy each other’s company and wish for a prosperous
up-coming year altogether. During this time, people tend to heighten the quality time
and usually spend the first 3 days visiting relatives and talking about the past years
and their wishes for the next year. Meanwhile, as for European countries, Christmas is
their most special occasion of the year, which is somehow synonymous with Tet
holiday in Asian countries. On this day, not only European people but everyone will
decorate their houses with pine trees, baubles and colorful stuff. On Christmas Eve,
family members will reunite around the table to enjoy the lavish meal in a convivial
atmosphere where we can share all the ups and down.

3. Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few

Frankly speaking, it is our temperament that decides whether we will celebrate an

event with a great number of people or just have a cozy hangout with some closest
one. On the one hand, I believe a large group of like-minded people will totally
heighten our joy and emotion to the highest extent as the similarity in sense of humor
will increase the interest in such conversation and make we always on cloud nine. On
the other hand, in small meetings with just a few people who are close to us, we can
enjoy the cozy ambience and freely share about our inner thoughts without any
hesitation. So, I’m convinced that people will gain such precious memories with
different groups of people.

4. Do people often celebrate festivals with families?

A big yes actually. There is nothing better than a domestic party with all family
members gathering together around a table full of palatable yet nutritious food that
will not only increase our happiness but also tighten the knit between family members.
I always cherish these special occasions since it is the time we can enjoy each other’s
company and share all the ups and downs. Also, celebrating events with family will
also be an opportunity to have a thorough insight into each other. Indeed, we are all
too inundated with the heavy workload so we usually take quality time for granted.
Therefore, it is not only the time for us to cement our relationships but also the time to
relieve all the stresses and strains.

8. Describe a popular/well-known person in your country

You should say

Who this person is

What he/she has done

Why he/she is popular

And explain how you feel about this person

If someone asks me about one widely-known person in my country, it will definitely

be President Ho Chi Minh, I am sure that President Ho is held in high esteem not only
by Vietnamese people but also residents from four corners of the world. He is a
prominent leader and he led many resistances that defeated foreign invaders to bring
peace and protect national sovereignty.

President Ho is globally renowned for leading a simple life and spending all his life
fighting for the happiness of Vietnamese people and the autonomy (independence) of
the nation.

He was born into an impoverished but intellectual family in Nghe An province so he

had a thorough insight into the misery and poverty that were triggered by war to
Vietnamese people. Therefore, at a very young age of early twenty, he decided to
travel overseas to figure out a way to save the country. He was confronted with
innumerable ups and downs, yet with his perseverance and patriotism, he came back
to Vietnam with innovative ideas to revamp the management system as well as
eliminate invaders.

President Ho had accomplished a lot in his life of doing politics; however, he never
thought for himself only, he helped other people till the end of his life. Now there are
many memorials of President Ho in different countries for people to honor one of the
most eminent men in the world's history.

1. What kinds of people are popular at work?

Well, I guess that there are 2 kinds of people who are famous at work. To begin with, I
believe that resourceful people who have the amazing problem-solving skills are
really well-known at work. These people are inclined to have a solution straightaway
after they encounter a particular problem, which, I’m convinced will enhance the
productivity of the working process and be a great source of inspiration for their
colleagues. Another kind of people I want to mention is visionaries. These people tend
to have plans for everything they wanna do in decades rather than days or weeks. As a
result, sometimes, it can be a burden for their teammates as they can feel inferior to
their partners.

2. Are bosses more popular than employees at work?

Well, it’s my conviction that bosses are way more famous than employees at work. To
begin with, I believe that things revolving around our bosses’ private life are usually
one of the main topic for employees’ small talk to gossip about during their break
time. Since bosses are inclined to be regarded as the most prominent and powerful
ones, it seems like that their employees might not find them down-to-earth. As a
result, such different stories are made up and even exaggerated about the employer’s
personal life, especially those who lead a secluded lifestyle. Therefore, I think that
eminent bosses are usually more popular than their staff.

3. Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleagues or

doing well at work?

Well, it’s my conviction that these 2 factors are equally important. On the one hand,
getting along well with our colleagues brings us huge benefits. Coworkers who have
positive relationships with one another are more likely to perform well when working
together on a project, which will have a direct impact on our professional success.
Also, it will do wonders for our mental well-being as working in a healthy workplace
can help mitigate stress and negative feelings. On the other hand, we will gain high
respect from our peers and boss if we perform well at work. I believe that our chances
to get a promotion will be heightened when we can handle all the assigned tasks in a
productive and creative way.

4. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?

It’s my conviction that being in the limelight at school can bring children both
advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, when children are famous for their
talents or their high achievements in school, I believe that their peers will stand in awe
of them. As a result, they will impart such positive energy to others. Jenny Huynh, a
young and famous Youtuber in Vietnam is a prime example of this. She is a great
source of inspiration for many Vietnamese children thanks to her optimistic
personality. On the other hand, rising to stardom at an impressionable age can take a
heavy toll on children’s mental well-being. Their friends can be envious of the fame
and love they have, thereby badmouthing about them. These mean people can also
make up stories which can deplete the reputation of the ones they hate. Day by day,
when these distortions add up, their victim are inclined to experience bullying at
school, which, I believe, will unhinge them.

9. Describe a positive change that you made in your life

You should say:

What it is

Why you did it

Who you did it with

And explain how you feel about the change

Changes are inevitable during every individual’s life because they are essential for
grown-ups. And, as did my life, a gradual transformation came and changed me for
the better, which is when I took up doing plank.

I started working out in the summer of 2020. At that time, I was inundated with the
overwhelming amount of knowledge I have to cram into to prepare for the high school
entrance exam, so I turned to eating, which was my only way to relieve them. I felt
much better, but my body was not in good shape, since I was overweight. By then, I
had stuffed myself with fast food without taking up sports to work off the fat for
months. As you might probably guess, I put on a lot of weight and even had
metabolism issues. That was the moment I decided that “enough is enough” and began
doing workout. However, it never comes to my mind that this decision is able to
change my life.

At first, it was pretty hard for me as it calls for perseverance and patience.Planking
requires one to have strength in their arms, while I did not. My first attempt was quite
easy because I only kept it up for 15 seconds. My initial thought was: “Wow, this is
just a piece of cake”. But then I had to slap my face because it was really tough when I
increased the amount of time I kept the same posture. Practicing planks has been quite
challenging. Therefore, I asked my cousin to join me. Since then, we have not only
been able to lose weight but also have the motivation to do it every single day.

Well, I have to say that my first purpose to do this exercise is to lose weight, though I
then realized that it does wonders for both my physical and mental health. I now feel
refreshed and invigorated after I took up this new healthy habit. In the future, I am
going to keep doing this to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
1. Is it easier for young people to change?

That’s a big yes. To begin with, I believe that young people are inclined to have the
ideas, the creativity and great energy to shape a better world. They are full of hope and
they also yearn to acquire new things to widen their horizon, which also means that
they can adapt to new changes in this modern age. Besides, as they are still in their
prime, they don’t have fear for day-to-day issues such as family finance or children’s
education, which means that they have no reasons not to risk ‘everything’ they have
on an ambitious campaign or dreamt-up organisation.

2. Is it easy for old people to change?

Contrary to the young, from my perspective, it is pretty challenging for the old to
change. Firstly, in terms of technology, the elderly were born at times when the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 hadn’t taken place, thus, it is hard for them to fully
understand novel robots and machines. Therefore, we can witness that most old people
are not inclined to use technological devices in their daily life. Secondly, in terms of
mindset, the old traditional education given to them was drastically different from
today’s, which poses a constraint on their ability to absorb new trends. Hence, they are
often conservative, making it difficult for them to converse with the younger

3. How can people change their daily routine if they want to?

Changing one’s routine seems easily possible, though it is not that feasible to
accomplish. It requires one individual to prepare an obvious schedule for a day, which
is essential to strictly follow. Moreover, before altering their routine, they have to
practice their will and discipline to the fullest. These are two important qualities that
every shift demands. Otherwise, it is quite inquiring to change anything in case that
person is not completely into it.

4. What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?

Making constant changes may wreak havoc on individuals. Every person has a routine
to keep track of. However, to one that changes, their timetable may be chaotic, and
hard to remember what they need to do for that day. Therefore, they easily miss what
needs to be prioritized and vital to themselves. The same case may also happen in
organizations with frequent changes. Employees can be in trouble as they are not
capable of remembering the schedules which are modified every single week. As a
result, the work that needs to be done first has not yet been accomplished, leading to a
possible delay in the whole company and dissatisfaction from customers.
10. Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam.

You should say:

When and where did it happened?

How long were you in the traffic jam?

What did you do while waiting?

And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam

Well, if my memory serves me right, it happened a month ago when I was coming
back home from Ben Tre, which is located in southwest Vietnam. Everything was just
fine until the car ground to a standstill right in the middle of bridge. At that time, I was
sleeping and the sudden halt woke me up. At first, I was frightened with the thought of
something happening to our car, but it turned out that there was a crash between a
container and a car. The accident occured right under the bridge, so massive traffic
congestion with vehicles crawling along at a snail’s pace was inevitable.

You know what, it usually takes us around 5 hours to travel from Binh Duong to Ben
Tre and vice versa. However, due to the smash, we were stuck for almost 2 hours and
it turned out to be a 7-hour-long trip. So, as you can probably guess, I was driven up
the wall and utterly exhausted. In order to kill time and cheer everyone up, I decided
to turn on some music which was all the rage. As a result, the atmosphere was less
serious and everyone seemed to be more relaxed.

As I’ve mentioned before, I was totally pissed off. But thanks to the mood-booster
music, the long-lasting halt became less uncomfortable. Besides, I also felt sorry for
those who were in that car crash since accidents are things that no one can anticipate.

1 How can we solve the traffic jam problem?

From my viewpoint, traffic jams are attributable to both subjective and objective
factors. If you are talking about subjective factors, I believe that we can all mitigate
this undesirable trend by complying with the regulations. Since it is reported that most
of the traffic congestion in Vietnam are engendered due to careless driving. For
example, driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding results in tragic
accidents in Vietnam. In order to ameliorate these issues, those who violate the law
should be rigidly punished to make sure no wrongdoings are committed again. And if
you are talking about objective factors, it might be a complete different story. As
things like construction zones and weather conditions are unpredictable, there’s
nothing we can do to mitigate it. For instance, on rainy days, cars are driven at a
snail’s pace due to the decreased stability and visibility. Such obstacles will lead to a
build-up of vehicles and a queue of traffic.
2 Do you think developing public transport can solve traffic jam problems?

100% yes. It’s my conviction that traffic jam is mainly caused by the rapid growth
of population, which leads to the increasing number of vehicles. By making use of
public transportations, which can carry dozens of passengers at the same time, we
can mitigate the number of vehicles on the road. Besides, since there are fewer
vehicles on the streets, crashes are also reduced. For example, in ASEAN countries
in general and in Vietnam in particular, it is reported that traffic accidents are
mainly caused by the considerable number of 2-wheeled vehicles as the primary
transportation. Approximately 14,000 Vietnamese, with 68% of the victims are
motorists, passed away each year due to traffic accidents, which is 30 times greater
than the death rate caused by diseases. In conclusion, I believe that developing
public transportation can help alleviate this phenomenon.

3 Do you think the highways will help reduce traffic jams?

Whether the highways will help mitigate traffic congestions is still a moot point
really. Some people say that driving at such a high speed on the highways is more
likely to cause tragic accidents, one of the main reasons that results in traffic jams,
but it also makes a lot of sense to think that such congestions are reduced since the
highways seperate two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. Personally speaking, I
belive that the public roads do a great deal to ameliorate this undesirable trend. To
begin with, as the highways are extensive, even sizable vehicles are no longer a
hindrance to other means of transportations. Second, two-wheeled and
four-wheeled vehicles are categorized when traveling on highways, which, in my
opion, is the main factor that help reverse this unwanted phenomenon. It is reported
that approximately 14,000 Vietnamese, with 68% of the victims are motorists,
passed away each year due to traffic accidents. With the advent of public roads,
such tragedy will be alleviated. Therefore, I am convinced that the highways will
do wonders for traffic jams thanks to its benefits.

4 What are good ways to manage traffic?

Well, according to me, there are a plenty of room for pragmatic measures that help
manage traffic. To begin with, the drivers themselves have to stricly comply with
the regulations to ensure that no tragic accidents will ever occur since crashes
mainly results from impaired driving. Those who violate the law should be rigidly
punished to make sure no wrongdoings are committed again. Besides, it is also
highly advisable for people to check their transportations before travel from place
to place since run-down cars can also contribute to these undesirable trends. On a
localized scale, it is imperative that regular campaigns be held to heighten the
citizen’s consciousness on the significance of mitigating the number of fatalities on
the roads. All in all, notwithstanding the fact that careless driving and
unconsciousness are undoubtedly the mainspring of fatal incidents, practicable
solutions are still likely to be implemented to control traffic.

11. Describe a special day out which does not cost too much

You should say:

Where did you go on that day?

What did you do?

Who did you go out with?

Why was it special to you?

Well, I would like to tell you about a small party at the end of the school year with
all of my classmates. If my memory serves me right, it happened about 2 months
ago when I just finished grade 11 and prepared to become a senior.

As a student, we didn’t have enough money to pay for a meal at a high-end

restaurant or call for a lavish meal, so we decided to make a homemade variety of
food at a friend’s house. At first, we made some spring rolls as we thought it was
the easiest and cheapest one and the show gave us a really detailed demonstration
of how to prepare this dish. Unfortunately, we ruined everything and it came as a
complete surprise to me that there wasn’t any food for my class to eat. After that,
my friend’s mother helped us to prepare another dish, which was hot pot. She
showed us the ropes and helped us prepare all the necessary ingredients. We were
all thrilled to bits with her kindness and thanks to her, we could enjoy the party to
our fullest.

In hindsight, it was an enjoyable and precious memory to me. I really treasure that
time since I could have a chance to become closer to my classmates.

1. Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?

Well, I guess it varies from person to person. Some people gravitate towards
playing outdoor activities in their spare time while others are partial towards
staying at home. In terms of social people, I believe these kinds of people share one
common trait: hanging out with others every time they are at a loose end. Rather
than spending their leisure time at home, they are inclined to let off steam outside
by playing recreational activities such as swimming and cycling. When it comes to
homebodies, they prefer spending the luxury of time at home after an arduous
schedule. Hardly can you see them at the coffee shops or outside in their free time
since they are into being at home all the time.

2. How do people spend theri leisure time in your country? (apply 1)

3. How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?

Frankly speaking, traditional games have been transformed into online and virtual
games due to the advent of technology. I believe such transformation can bring
some consequences. Much of the research conducted has shown a great number of
youngsters, especially teenagers, are addicted to the Internet and spend most of
their leisure time playing online games, surfing social networking sites such as
Facebook or Instagram. This is because they find themselves unable to resist the
temptations of the virtual world where they can get out of the rat race and openly
express their inner thoughts. Nevertheless, constant exposure to computer screens
or mobile phones leads to sedentary lifestyles and increases the possibility of
physical problems like myopic and obesity.

4. Do you think only old people have time for leisure?

Well, it’s my conviction that whether we are in our youth or not, we still can have
the luxury of time to engage in recreational activities if we have a work-life
balance. It is scientifically proven that resting and relaxing is crucial for
productivity and efficiency. Our bodies and minds need time to unwind and do the
things we love, as those moments of enjoyment would alleviate stress and help us
recover if we burned out. If we acknowledge the importance of leisure time to our
health and our work or study, we will find ways to add that into our schedule.

12. Describe a quiet place

Where it is

When you like to go there

What you do there

Why you like to visit there

If someone asks me about a quiet place that I have ever been to, it will definitely be
the library in my school.

Honestly speaking , living in the hustle and bustle life of the industrialized province
like Binh Duong with four corners of many buildings and motorbikes barely gives me
any opportunities to immerse myself in such a quiet place. Like many students, library
is the place where my friends and I patronize.Since library is not as noisy as other
places, we can concentrate on our lessons and assignments without being disturbed by
anyone. The library possesses a tranquil ambience with not many kinds of sound, most
of which are the sound of students turning pages of the books they are reading. With
regards to the facility, this library is filled with shelves and books which are arranged
systematically and logically which make it easy for both students and teachers to find.
Moreover, in this day and age, many librabries now have technological devices like
computers for students to make use of. Furthermore, the library is furnished with
beanbags, desks, a computer lab, and conference-like desks, which makes it a
comfortable place to get work done.

In hindsight, I believe in the foreseeable future, people will come to the librarywhich
enable them to focus on their work and to get away from the vicious circle of the
hectic life of the city.

1. Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?

Honestly speaking , living in the hustle and bustle life of the developing country like
Vietnam with four corners of many buildings and motorbikes barely gives me any
opportunities to immerse myself in such a quiet place.In addition ,to the best of my
knowledge, Vietnam undergo from the biggest agricultural country to a powerful
industrialized country, so I guess it’s challenging for citizens to find silent places then.

2. Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

There are various reasons that lead senior members in our family prefer living in quiet
place to living in the noisy ones.This can be illustrated by the fact that while the
young and middle-aged enjoy living on the edge, the elderly tend to insist on a
tranquil, slow-paced life. This enables them to focus on their work and enjoy a
convivial atmosphere around. Besides, senior citizens are more aware of the benefits
of quietness due to the heaps of experience they have. Hence they chose to spend
more time in a serene environment as compared to youngsters.

3. Why are there more noises made at home now than in the past?

Well, I guess that there are several reasons that result in the increasing amount of
noises at home at the present. I believe that traffic and industrial sites are the 2 main
catalysts for noises. In the past, there were less vehicles on the road since people used
to make use of horses or travel on foot when it came to going from place to place.
Also, urbanization and industrialization were in their infancy, which, I believe, results
in more silence. In metropolises these days, they are the 2 main factors which
engender noise pollution. For example, unpleasant noise from construction sites
usually exerts adverse effects on city dweller’s well-beings.

4. Why do some people want to use noise as background sound when they are
working or studying?

Since music and background noise offer a range of benefits when it comes to factors
such as productivity, creativity, concentration, and mood, people usually make use of
it. To begin with, it is proven that using noise as background sound can improve our
cognitive performance. For example, listening to music has been shown to improve
performance on tests measuring intelligence and various cognitive functions, and to
improve people’s ability to perform mental arithmetic. Besides, utilizing background
sound can heighten our concentration. When performing repetitive tasks over long
periods of time, listening to some soft music does a great deal to help us maintain our

13. Describe a way/change that helps you save a lot of time

You should say:

What it is

How you implement it

How difficult it is

And explain how you feel about the way/change

The positive change that I would like to talk about is getting up earlier, which helps
me to save a lot of time.

Going to bed after 1 or 2 AM was inevitable because there were so many temptations
during the night time that kept me awake for hours such as the latest episode of The
Walking Dead, a music video that I had been counting down for weeks to be released
or the fact that I simply wanted to meet a deadline because I had been procrastinating
for a month. I had no choice but to give up that kind of toxic habit simply because I
was fully aware of how destructive this sleeping habit could be for me, both
physically and mentally, especially in a long run, and staying up late certainly leads
me to become bad at time management.

As a saying goes “old habits die hard”, which made perfect sense to me when I first
started to get rid of my unhealthy routine. Since I’ve got used to staying awake late, it
was really hard for me to go to bed early and I also encountered difficulty with my
sleep at first.
However, after several months, I now can be able to get up early, which makes me feel
over the moon. At the present, I can use this peaceful and quiet time to plan my day
ahead, allocating a certain time frame for each of my tasks, which results in my
productive enhancement. Besides, this positive transformation also allows me to do
exercises on a regular basis. As I have more time for myself in the morning, I’m able
to do morning stretches or go cycling, which, I believe, can do wonders for my mental
and physical well-beings.

1. What can people do to save time?

Everyone adapts different strategies to optimize their time, as for me, my go-to way
must definitely be having a planner. Let me start with some obvious benefits of
planners. Firstly, having a to-do list with all the tasks on one page helps us to plan a
day better and in a more productive way. Plus writing down the task makes us
remember it better and think of more efficient ways to complete it. Secondly, with a
planner, we have an exact list of things to do, and not only does this really speed up
the process but also helps us keep track of our work. Therefore, I’m convinced that
possessing a daily planner would greatly assist people in work-life balance and avoid
the misuse of time.

2. Does technology help people save time? How and why?

I’d have to say that is a valid statement. Many technological marvels have been
devised to remove human drudgery and make the productive use of time. A paradigm
of this must be the computer. In the past, organizing data was all done manually, and
could possibly take weeks to complete just one category. These days, however,
employees only need to input all the data into the computer. At just the touch of a
button, the computer will do all the heavy lifting and all the data will be neatly
categorized. The same goes for other work that is dangerous, boring, onerous, or just
plain nasty.

3. Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save


Well, frankly speaking, I’m on the fence about this. I mean of course you can say that
it is of necessity for senior members to shape children’s personality by imposing
discipline on them from their formative years. Learning to increase one’s productivity
levels would absolutely do wonders for them in the long run. However, Abbé Dimnet
said that children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate
themselves. Hence, I also factor in the fact that children should fathom the
significance of time on their own, thus encouraging them to explore as well as
experience different time-saving strategies to find the best-suited.

4. Do people who can manage time well become successful more easily
In a word, yes. There is no gainsaying the fact that it takes great self-discipline to
make productive use of time. Therefore, it’s my conviction there exists two factors
that strengthen the possibility of a time-efficient person being successful at work.
Firstly, if people master time-management skills, they would probably have more time
for improving themself and creating a work-life balance, thus being greatly beneficial
for their career path as well as social life. Secondly, considering such self-discipline
needed, the likelihood is that not only do those people impose strict rules on
themselves but also have an admirable determination, which are vital prerequisites for
a successful career ladder.

14. Describe a friend you like to talk with. You should say:

Who he/she is

What you like to talk about

Why you like to talk with him/her

And explain how you feel about him/her

Well, when it comes to my friend that I wanna converse with, off the top of my head, I
would say it’s Dương. I considered that we have gone back a long way. In fact, we
have been friends since my first year at secondary school. Up to now, I still remember
vividly the first time I met her when I was in grade 6. At first, I thought she was a
reserved girl. However, as I got to know her more, I realized that Dương was an
open-minded and humorous person and in fact we shared a lot in common.

Moving on to talking about topics we usually discuss, we share a lot of common

interests with each other based on the situation that we are still classmates. Some of
these interests are universal such as movies or computer games. Specifically, we enjoy
watching films from Marvel Cinematic Universe and some creative games such as
Minecraft and Spore. These kinds of creational activities bring us relaxation and
excitement after a rigorous schedule at school.

I really appreciate her kind personality as she always respects me and loves me for
who I am. Despite having a hectic schedule, she’s always willing to lend a
sympathetic ear and raises my spirits whenever I have problems or I’m in a bad mood.
In brief, I feel very grateful to have such a friend like her.

1. Where do young people like to meet?

Well, these days youngsters are into places that provide them with an ambient
atmosphere and a relaxing vibe such as the coffee shops. I believe young people can
spend time chit-chatting and enjoying each other’s company for hours in these kinds
of places. Besides, the young are also attracted to places with beautiful decorations as
they can take pictures of themselves to upload on social media.
2. What do young people talk about when they meet up?

Well, I guess that youngsters gravitate towards talking about their hobbies and things
revolving around their life. For example, as a adolescent, I usually tell my friends
about the films I like or sometimes I also converse about the all the ups and downs in
my daily life.

3. Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?

Yes, definitely. It’s my conviction that honesty is the most important factor that
contribute to a long-lasting friendship. It is a powerful tool that can help you build,
empower and grow any kind of relationship.There will always exist a gap between
individuals if we don’t open up and tell our friends the truth. I believe such dishonesty
and lying can certainly destroy our friendships.

4. On what occasions do people talk with strangers?

On various occasions, I would say. We might want to ask someone for directions or
for help if we are lost in a strange place. When going shopping at supermarket,
sometimes we can encounter problems with the products we are searching for. That’s
when we start a conversation with the staff there to ask for help.

15. Describe a contest/competition you would like to competition

participate in

You should say:

What the contest/competition is about
Where the contest/competition will take place
When it will be held
And explain why you would like to participate in it

Honestly speaking, I’ve never taken part in any competitions before, but if I have to
pick one, it would definitely be related to art which is painting.
The competition I want to join is not only a normal painting contest but it is also an
activity to raise funds for the orphans in the area. The winning paintings are auctioned
and the money received will be given to the local orphanage to help the children there
have a better life. This contest is annually held on June 1st which is also Children's
day. It lasts for 3 days and takes place at the children’s house. The participants are
from all ages, it can be a small kid, an adult, or even an elderly person. Pappers,
pencils, crayons and paints are at your disposal but you can bring your own if you
wish. Every contestant has 3 hours to complete their work and the result will be
announced on June 4th.
From my perspective, this is a meaningful contest because it allows everyone to lend a
helping hand to the underprivileged people as well as revel in the beauty of the arts.
This will upgrade the kids' quality of life and give them more opportunities to access
further education. As a girl who has an avid passion for arts, I love the feeling when
everything is sketched under my drawings. Moreover, this helps me to think out of the
box and tap into my imagination to create or portray something. This also serves as an
outlet for negative feelings and a chance to meet like-minded people and befriend
To sum up, this is a magnificent competition that I’d love to participate in for its
humanity as well as creativity.

1. What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?

It would be about combat sports or team sports, I guess. People have a tendency to
watch sports which are exciting and competitive like soccer, boxing and so on and
these shows often have extremely high ratings. This is because they would like to let
their hair down and immerse themselves into the vibrant atmosphere of the match
after a grueling day at work. A prime example for this is during the recent SEA
Games, almost every house in Vietnam all turned on the TV to follow the competition
for their patriotism and love for sports.
2. Why are competition shows popular?
As I’ve mentioned before, people enjoy watching competitive shows as a form of
recreation. Furthermore, everyone seems to have interests in sports especially in
Vietnam whose citizens are crazy about sports. That is not to mention the fact that
people love the thrill of cheering for the team that they like and competitive shows
somehow allow them to satisfy the need to win without actually participating.
3. What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
To the best of my knowledge, competition is prerequisite in companies which require
novelty. That is because competition encourages people in these industries to
constantly come up with ingenious ideas for advancement. A prime example is the
fashion industry where competitors have to have novel initiatives and human
ingenuity will be made use of for self-renovation. Therefore, these industries will
accordingly develop in leaps and bounds. On the contrary, if these industries are no
longer competitive, it is difficult or even no motivation for human-being to think out
of the box. This means that there will be no development and these industries will
remain the same.

4 Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in

It is necessary. I believe that competitiveness can bolster people’s motivation to apply
themselves. Through such competitions, people can tap into their imaginations and
come up with ingenious ideas that can make them thrive in the face of modern
workplaces which attach significance to an individual's credentials. Besides, I believe
these competitions are great chances for them to widen their horizons and develop
new skills which can do wonders for their career.
16. Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way.
You should say:
What it is
What benefits it has brought
How it influences people of different ages
And explain how it changed people's lives

Over the last couples of centuries, there have been a multitude of significant
innovations that have influenced the entire human race. One of those innovations I
want to share today is the invention of the “smartphone”.

It’s no exaggeration to say that smartphones have partly contributed to the

development of humans, particularly in communication terms. It allows people to
keep in touch with each other despite geographical constraint, which has made a
considerable change in our lifestyles. Furthermore, the smartphone is also recognized
as an underpinning foundation for the appearance of other technological devices

I have no doubt that smartphones are playing an indispensable role, which people
from all walks of life always have to carry on a daily basis for various purposes.
Particularly among young people, it will positively change the way they work and
study since smartphones can be a convenient tool that help students and adults to
perform their assignments more productively. As for elderly, they can communicate
with their children irrespective of place through social platforms. In addition,
smartphones also serve as a stress reliever for many people after a grueling day at
work as they can text their friends or update their status to express all of their inner
thoughts and feelings on social media.

In conclusion, thanks to the development of smartphones, it has improved human’s

lives in leaps and bounds not only in communication but also in working and studying

1. What is the most helpful innovation at home?

It’s hard to choose one out, but I think the robotic vacuum cleaner has significantly
helped our family in terms of household chores. Although these robots have just been
applied in residents’ houses lately, they seem to be highly evaluated because of their
practicality and convenience. I’m convinced that people will have more leisure time to
unwind and let off steam as well as avoid household conflicts when they have these
robots to help them with housework.
2. What household appliances make us lazy?
I believe that when something is called an automated robot, it can cause people’s
laziness. For example, a robotic vacuum cleaner, which I mentioned before, will help
people automatically finish their household chores without intervention. Besides,
some kinds of technological devices can result in sedentary lifestyles since people are
inclined to spend time glued to a tiny screen like television or smartphone rather than
going outside.
3. What kind of invention can be used at school?
Since technology has developed in leaps and bounds, a large number of cutting-edge
innovations have been applied in educational fields. It is no doubt that many kinds of
electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets and so on, are predominant in the
educational environment. Thanks to these multifunctional gadgets, students and
teachers will become more interactive and efficient in their assignments. As for
students, they can consult an enormous variety of reference materials with just a click
of mouse to support their educational purposes. Especially during the covid-induced
lockdown, teachers are still able to interact with their students through many online
meeting platforms.
4. Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?
I think I’m on the fence about this. I mean of course you can say that AI will become
omnipresent in the foreseeable future thanks to the proliferation of technology. As a
result, it is believed that the presence of teachers will no longer be needed since AI
teachers’ knowledge would be invariably superior to that of their human counterparts.
However, we also need to factor in the fact that because AI are imperfect, breakdowns
or errors are inevitable, which may exert negative effects on educational quality. All in
all, it’s my conviction that if we can combine both AI and human teachers in the
school environment, thus promoting an all-round education.

17. Describe an occasion when you lost something. You should say:
What you lost
When and where you lost it
What you did to find it
And explain how you felt about it

I’ve lost many things over the years. Sometimes they’ve found their way back to me,
and sometimes they’ve disappeared forever. I’ve lost my wallet a couple of times, and
unfortunately never got it back, but the most stressful time was when I lost my phone.
It is my inseparable thing and I would say that I make use of it the most whenever it
comes to study and entertainment.

There was one day I was taking a taxi home and had a lot on my mind. I was lost in
thought and wasn’t really paying attention when the taxi dropped me off at home. I
got out, paid the driver, and didn’t really notice that my phone was laying on the back
seat. The cab drove off and I unlocked the door to my apartment. It took me quite a
few minutes to notice that something was missing — my phone of all things.
I flew into a panic because I didn’t know how to contact the driver or even which taxi
company it was that had taken me home. I imagined the driver wouldn’t have known
who the phone belonged to either.

I had a spark of inspiration and realized I could call it from my laptop. I rang my own
number over and over. Maybe another passenger or the driver noticed, but after
several attempts the driver answered. I explained what had happened, and asked if
they would be kind enough to bring it back to me.

I gave them my address and had some money prepared for when they arrived. I felt
relieved and beyond lucky that I was going to get my phone back.

I heard a knock on the door — it was the taxi driver with my phone in his hand. I was
smiling ear to ear and offered him some money. He shook his head and refused, but
instead wished me a good night as he passed me my phone.

1. What kinds of things do people usually lose?

All kinds of things. People will often leave behind st they’re not used to carrying. It
may be the case that on rainy days, people may take an umbrella out with them, but
when the rain stops it might be forgotten. Another scenario is that people are inclined
to leave behind their possessions when they have a lot on their mind or they are in a
hurry. For example, we tend to rush things if we wake up late, thus leaving our keys

2. What do people often do when losing things?

As far as I’m concerned, the most obvious step is to retrace where they’ve been. If
they can't find their keys, they can look in the places where they’re likely to have left
them. This is a strategy that’s worked for me and probably many other people. For
example, there was a time I accidentally left my phone on the taxi because there was a
lot in my mind at that time. After returning to home, I realised that my phone was
missing, and as you might probably guess, I flew into panic. However, after several
efforts to calm me down, I started to recall what had happened and finally found it.

3. Is it an effective way to use rewards for lost things?

That is dependent on the price and the lost item. If the incentive is more than the
value of the lost item, it will almost likely drive whoever finds it to return it to
its proper owners. This is evident with missing pets or documents that are only
useful to their owners. If the reward does not match the value of the object
found, the person who found it are more inclined to keep it. You wouldn't return
a ring worth $1 million for anything less than that.
4. What kinds of people may lose things often?
Well, I think two groups of people may lose things often.The first one is careless
people. For this group of people, they do not have the habit of putting things in order
so they like leaving things around indiscriminately. Since they are unorganized, they
are more incline to lose their possessions. The second one is the elder. As you know,
the older we get, the worse our memory becomes. Therefore, I believe older people
have a tendency to forget where they placed their things, thus losing things often.

18. Describe a traditional product in your country. You should say:

What it is
When you tried this product for the first time
What it is made of
And explain how you feel about it

As far as I'm concerned, VietNam is famous for making such traditional crafty things
as ceramics.
In VN, it is all the rage in every household with various shapes and sizes, which are
used for different purposes. To do this, you have to be very skillful and patient to
make a beautiful ceramic figure. So when an opportunity turned up, I went to the
artisan village and bought a few pots for my own family. It is these villages that are
considered the places where all this stuff is produced and sold. When I was there, I
watched a kind of a performance. I was caught up in all this hype so I asked the
craftsmen to show me the ropes. For me, it was extremely hard however, it was as
easy as pie when he did. The only thing I remember is that clay was first dampened '
cause when dampened, it behaves like plasticine . Then it was modeled, dried , and
then fired.
Crafty products aren't about speed, patience and accuracy are the prerequisites (=
precondition) , which accounts for my genuine admiration for craftsmen. I really like
ceramics for many reasons. If we talk about pottery, for example, it is healthy and
non-toxic. Glassware and porcelain make very good presents and this list can be
endless. It is no wonder that ceramics have become a traditional product in my

1. Why are traditional products important?

It’s my conviction that traditional crafts are significant because of their cultural and
economic values. Traditional items represent part of our cultural heritage because they
are special and unique to our culture. Furthermore, they can help to produce and
promote one's culture among friends from four corners of the world. Another reason is
that many local people live on traditional crafts, which makes it a source of income for
their daily life. If it had not been for these traditional products, the craftsmen would be
financially devastated.
2. Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?
Definitely yes. On the one hand, tradition represents part of our cultural heritage
because they are special and unique to our culture. Furthermore, tradition can help to
produce and promote one's culture among friends from four corners of the world. On
the other hand, many local people live on traditional crafts, which is a source of
income for their daily life..
3. Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?
It is an unpalatable fact that the majority of young people these days are not fond of
traditional products. They tend to utilize modern and innovative items which results in
the depletion of these traditional products’ popularity in the foreseeable future.
Therefore, I’m convinced that youngsters should be taught about the importance of
these kinds of products from the formative years. Therefore, they will be able to have
a thorough insight into these conventional crafts, which, I believe, can make them
treasure such culturally rich products.

19. Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy. You should say:
What is it
When you do it
Who you do it with
Why it is important to keep fit and healthy
And explain why it can help you keep fit and healthy

Well, in order to stay healthy, it’s a no-brainer that I have to do exercise on a regular
basis. For me, I usually go cycling when I’m at a loose end to work off the fat.

If my memory serves me right, I took up this habit around a year ago. At that time, I
was inundated with the heavy workload, which spares me little time for exercises. As
a result, I put on so much weight that my body is no longer in good shape. That was
the moment I decided “enough is enough” and started going cycling.

At first, it was pretty hard for me as it called for stamina, a key factor that a cough
potato like me is lacking. However, after a few days, I began getting used to it and I
even found this kind of activity quite relaxing. Therefore, I decided to invite my sister
to join me, however; since cycling didn’t pique her interest, she turned me down and I
ended up doing it on my own.

Honestly speaking, I feel much better now since I started this habit. It’s my conviction
that leading a healthy lifestyle not only does wonders for my physical health but also
my mental well-being. Thanks to it, I was able to lose belly fat and get lean. Also,
cycling allows me to unwind and enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature whenever I’m
down in the dumps. In the future, I will definitely keep doing this healthy habit to stay
healthy both physically and mentally.

1. How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?

Well, I believe that the children and the elder have their own ways to stay in good
shape. When it comes to youngsters, I believe calories-burning exercises are their
optimal choices to keep fit. They tend to do exercises which call for a lot of energy
and stamina to work off the fat. When it comes to old people, they usually opt for light
exercises such as stretching or walking to burn calories. Since these kinds of activities
don’t require intense movements, which I believe, can be handled well by the elder.
Besides, whether we are young or not, it is of significance to have a healthy diet. It is
proven that a healthy eating habit not only does wonders for our physical but also our
mental well-being.

2. What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?

Well, I gotta say it varies from person to person. To begin with, energetic people are
inclined to do exercises which call for stamina and a lot of energy. For instance,
adolescents have a tendency to play football as a recreational activity to let off steam
after a rigorous schedule. With regard to the elder, they usually opt for light exercises
such as stretching or walking to burn calories. Since these kinds of activities don’t
require intense movements, which I believe, can be handled well by the old.

3. How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?
Well, there are several methods that parents can help their children lead a healthy
lifestyle. To begin with, it is important that they should set good examples so that their
kids can model themselves on. Since children are the mirrors of their parents, this is of
significance. Besides, making physical activities as part of a family's routine is highly
advisable. For example, going on a bike ride every weekend with your kids not only
helps them to stay in good shape but also helps strengthen the bond between family’s
members. Furthermore, developing a healthy diet full of nutritious ingredients from
their formative years is necessary. I believe this habit can keep kids away from being
addicted to junk food.

4. Do you think it is good for governments to utilize popular celebrities to

help build health awareness?
A big yes, actually. I’m convinced that since celebrities can utilize their popularity to
make people model themselves on, such health-awareness campaigns will be
heightened. There would be positive changes in people’s attitudes of the importance of
leading a healthy lifestyle. For example, a lot of youngsters take up doing exercises
because they want to stay healthy and follow in their idols’ footsteps. However, this
method is a double-edged sword, meaning that the celebrities must be careful about
their lifestyle or else they will make their fans fall into bad habits without any
awareness of debilitating diseases.
1. Describe a time when you helped a child/ when you helped a kid. You
should say: (áp dụng bài spring rolls nha)
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it

I have always had a flair for teaching someone. So when my younger cousin begged
me to show him how to make spring rolls for his mom's birthday, I immediately
consented to his request.

A week before her birthday, we went to a supermarket just a short stroll from our
house to purchase all the necessary ingredients. He followed me step-by-step from
preparing the ingredients, mixing all of them to seasoning. I demonstrated to him
some culinary skills to wrap and roll the dish beautifully. As for the last stage, we
turned to an air fryer to make it easier.

The process was a piece of the cake because my cousin was also quick on the uptake.
Our efforts turned out to be a roaring success. My aunt was over the moon and my
cousin just thanked me over and over again. I was so proud and satisfied with the
result of my so-called student.

Part 3
1. Do you often help kids? How?

In a word, yes. As I am the oldest daughter in my family, I am responsible for helping

and taking care of my younger brother, especially in his study. I usually supply him
with essential information, introducing new ideas and topics around the surrounding
world. Also by demonstrating him some life-survival skills, which play an
indispensable role in his life, I can make sure that he can look after himself when left
to his own devices. Through assisting my brother in his life, he can easily confront
lots of adversities in the foreseeable future.

2. Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?

It goes without saying that these volunteer services bring such a vital impact on our
careers. By participating in some voluntary work, we can earn certificates as a way of
polishing our CVs, so it would open up better chances of being accepted when
applying for jobs or scholarships. Beside that, volunteer services allow us to broaden
our social circle and easily equip ourselves with lots of useful skills for our work or

3. What can schools do to develop students' awareness of volunteering?

There are a multitude of ways that schools can apply to heighten students' awareness
of volunteering. I think the optimal practice is to incorporate some trips to local
volunteer houses into school curriculum. Therefore, students can have a thorough
insight into these voluntary work and devote more time to these activities. Also a trip
to these places brings children a pool of opportunities as they can widen their horizon
and equip themselves with soft skills, which, I believe, will do wonders for their
career. So, it is of great necessity for teachers to organize some meaningful trips like
that to encourage their students to volunteer.

4. Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people

Theoretically speaking, the recipients who receive help from volunteers benefit more.
As volunteers assist them in some aspects of life, especially study and health, thus
they will have a better life and integrate themselves into a big society. However, in a
practical term, those who take part in volunteer services will benefit more. There goes
a saying: the more you share, the more your bow will be plentiful. Doing voluntary
work is a precious chance for people to prepare for their career orientation as well as
upgrade themselves by learning many useful skills and broaden their horizon. Also,
becoming a volunteer allows people to feel the buoyancy of helping out others, and
thus. always willing to lend a helping hand to those in desperate needs. So, I’m
convinced that voluntary works not only bring huge benefits to the volunteers but also
the recipients
21. Describe something that you can't live without (not a computer/phone).
You should say:
What it is
What you do with it
How it helps you in your life
And explain why you can't live without it

I would like to describe one particular thing becoming an indispensable part of my life
which is my glasses. I have been wearing glasses for over 6 years. Frankly speaking, I
wear them every time except when I go to bed.
I was intrigued by glasses and thought it would be fun to wear one, because I believe
wearing glasses will make me look smart and fashionable. When I realized I couldn't
read what the teachers were writing on the blackboard, I persuaded my mother to take
me to an optometrist, who examined my eyes and prescribed a set of spectacles, which
was rather costly at the time. To be honest, I couldn't see well due to myopic problems
and the optometrist advised me to wind down my eyes every now and again to keep
them from becoming nearsighted. My eyes, however, did not improve as predicted. As
a result, I have to wear glasses on a regular basis.

Tbh, at first, I was really excited about wearing glasses, but as time went on, I learned
how inconvenient it was. On hot summer days, for example, the glasses tend to slide
down my face. Because of the misted glasses, I sometimes couldn't see anything while
entering heated rooms from outside. I couldn't live without them anywhere, whether I
liked them or not.

1. Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?

Well, there are several reasons that modern things appeal to children's emotions. With
a mine of information these technological devices provide, children are able to do
everything at will, entertaining, for example. These smart devices allow children to
explore everything that piques their curiosity, space and the universe, for instance.
Another reason that makes kids addicted to these tools is because they are fun. With
just a click of the mouse, children can look for a variety of knowledge that they are in
search of, ranging from artistic subjects to scientific ones. Therefore, I believe such
things are the reasons why children are lured to novel things.

2. Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things (such as clothes)?
It’s my conviction that sentimental values and the thought to reuse things are the 2
main reasons that make the elder find it hard to throw away old things. In reusable
terms, the old have a tendency to put aside their possessions, even though these things
have already been worn out, for later purposes. For example, my grandma are inclined
to keep old clothes, which are already ragged, in order to reuse them for cleaning.
When it comes to sentimental values, since in the past, when our country was
colonised by the callous invaders, the old had to live paycheck to paycheck to make a
living. As a result, buying new clothes was considered a luxury for them and only on
special occasions did they buy new clothes. It’s my conviction that these items give
them a sense of nostalgia whenever looking back, thereby making it hard to throw
them out.

3. Is the way people buy things affected? How?

Yes, definitely. Due to the persuasive promises and captivating visual effects of
advertisements, advertisements subliminally influence people in their purchasing
decisions. Most can be really rational in my everyday purchases, being able to walk
into boutiques selling glamorous items without being lured into buying anything
unnecessary, However, as commercials are so inviting by their unsurpassed visual
effects and so convincing with their promises, they will, in all likelihood, allure
customers to buy on impulse. And so much to their later regrets, customers often find
themselves splashing out on luxurious items that do not address any of their needs
after watching advertisements.
4. What do you think influences people to buy new things?
From my perspective, reasonable prices and the company's reputation ís 2 main
factors that influence people to buy new things. In terms of affordability,customers
will, in all likelihood, opt for the appropriate items that not only suit their budget but
also address their fundamental needs. In contrast, there is hardly any chance that they
will splash out on luxurious items that are beyond their reach, just to put themselves in
financial predicaments afterwards.When it comes to the company's prestige, there
goes a saying that “You get what you pay for”, so it is our ingrained belief that the
company's reputation is synonymous with the high quality of merchandise
manufactured. As a result the customers are inclined to make the choice for the
products from well-known brands rather than unheard-of ones whose stability is not

22. Describe something you received for free. You should say:

What it was
Who you received it from
Where you received it
And how you felt about it

If someone asks me about a gift item that I received for free, it will definitely be a tote
bag. I have to say that one such deal called “buy one get one free” truly captivates
customers’ attention. And mine was no exception.

The free item I got, as a gift, was a tote bag and I got it from one of the most
ubiquitous boutique stores in Saigon. This particular store had a good reputation of
selling high-quality attire at an affordable and discounted price. That’s why customers
like me from all over the city flock into it to buy their products.

When I asked the salesperson about a particular T-shirt that I was keen on, he
informed me that I could actually get a gorgeous tote bag for free if I had bought that
T-shirt. As I’ve mentioned, I took a keen interest in “buy one get one free”, so I asked
him to show me the bag and it came as a complete surprise to me when I saw it. It not
only had a very nice look with vivid color but also it was manufactured by a renowned
corporation. Therefore, I just went ahead and bought the T-shirt without any
I felt really euphoric as I received the free item, which really suit my taste. In fact, I
actually needed one such small tote bag for going to some extra classes and hanging
out with my buddies.

1. Do you think people should pay for education? Why?

​Definitely yes! As nothing in this world can be absolutely free. However, I am
completely against hyper-expensive tuition fees, the way most top universities charge
in the world. This makes absolutely no sense, as, yes they provide the best education,
but they don’t have this kind of expenses, to be asking hundreds of thousands of
dollars for tuition. In my opinion, there should be a government limit, a ceiling on
university fees and part should be supported by the government, and another part from
the students. This should create an affordable payment that everyone can manage. The
tuition should be way lower than it is at the moment, that’s for sure. No one should get
into lifelong debt because of education.

2. Is it good or bad for people to have free education in the future?

On the one hand, it is good, It would lift the whole society to the same or similar level,
as most people would hold a Bachelor’s degree. This means that the competition will
be really fierce, but also every employer would be able to find professional candidates
everywhere. The quality of life of people will be improved and this seems to be a big
positive outlook for the whole society. On the other hand, free higher education might
bring some unexpected results. Most people would not work a lower-wage job. This
results in the difficulty of service jobs to find workers. Without low-earning workers,
the economy would have some huge problems developing, as most high-educated
people would refuse to do any service job.

3. What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

Well, I guess that really depends on the social status and level of customers. I have
seen companies giving away insane gifts and free items to people just because they are
famous or wealthy. It does not make sense in one way, and in another it does.
Prosperous people receive basically free top brand products, as this makes a free
advertisement for the companies. If we are talking about the everyday man and
woman though, we don’t get any interesting or worthwhile freebies. It could be a
small card, a little souvenir, or most of the time usually nothing. They even charge us
for tiny little bags to put our purchases in.

4. Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?

Customers are into receiving free gifts from companies for 2 main reasons. To begin
with, it is a sign of great customer service when we receive free items or additional
goods. We tend to remember these instances and then we might recommend them to
some of our friends. This will, in all likelihood, bring the original company more
revenue in general, and so it is a great strategy to win clients. Another point is that I
believe this is a strategic step to create a bond between the seller and the customer.
Receiving a free item from your favorite brand creates a deeper connection between
the company and the customer, and then that customers are more likely to return to
buy more products. It’s a win-win situation.

23. Describe a special cake you received from others. You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
Who you got the cake from
And explain why it was a special cake

Being a big-time food fanatic, I love tasting mouth-watering delicacies. Tbh, I have
always had a soft spot for cake. Although it wasn’t the best cake that I’ve ever eaten,
to me, it was the most precious one that I’ve ever had.
During my last birthday, the world was going through the outbreak of the Covid-19
pandemic, which led my region to be in a state of lockdown. At first, I thought that I
couldn’t celebrate my birthday with a cake because we were in such a predicament,
however; much to my surprise, my mom decided to make me one. Since we are not at
liberty to go out, she tried to make use of all the ingredients that were available at
It turned out to be a roaring success. Everything about the cake was amazing, from the
yellow sponge cake to the chocolate buttercream with Choco chips and fruits. At first,
I thought it would be too rich and creamy for me, however; I was taken aback as it
was far beyond my expectation. What’s more, it wasn’t too sweet and the soft moist
texture of the cake was such an added bonus, unlike any other cakes I had eaten. It just
melted in my mouth when I had the first bite of the cake and needless to say, it was
such an indescribable feeling.
I must say that the cake was not only delicious, but it was also the most precious and
special gift I have ever received for my birthday. My mother did bake it out of love
and affection for me and she was incredibly happy when she knew that I relished
every single piece. For that, I felt so grateful to my mom and it was really an honor for
me to have a chance to experience that delicious creation first-hand.

1. Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special
Well, Vietnam is remarkable for the diversity of delicious traditional food. In my
opinion, the most prominent one that deserves mentioning is ‘Banh Chung’, an
indispensable Vietnamese cake eaten on Lunar New Year. ‘Banh Chung’ is made from
very simple and basic ingredients such as glutinous rice, mung beans, and pork, etc.
This traditional cake is an essential part to make a perfect Tet holiday in the hearts of
Vietnamese people, since it is recognized as a symbol of VNese cuisine. It is
undoubted that Tet holiday would be incomplete without family members gathering
and chatting while enjoying ‘Banh Chung’ and many other traditional dishes.

2. Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special
From my perspective, occasions such as birthday parties, family gatherings or New
Year Eve are important events that call for a slap-up meal. On these special days,
people have a tendency to put their heart and soul into preparing food by choosing
expensive, top quality ingredients and spending several hours cooking and garnishing.
Also, special occasion meals tend to require a greater variety of dishes with greater
numbers than a day-to-day menu that makes it even more important. People are
inclined to organize parties and invite their friends or colleagues to celebrate the
occasions and have fun with them, thereby making these special events much more
meaningful and memorable.

3. Do you think it's good to communicate when eating with your family
In my opinion, a family meal is the precious time when all family members reunite in
one place, talking with each other about everday’s things after a grueling day. Family
mealtimes provide people with the opportunity to share all the ups and downs that
happened in each other’s lives. On top of that, being able to openly articulate our
thoughts and feelings in these moments helps us unwind after an arduous schedule.
Moreover, regular conversation in a natural setting helps family members learn the
give-and-take of effective communication. It helps people practice manners, listening
and taking turns in conversation and also learn how to ask and respond to questions.

24. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood You should say:
What kind of toy it is
When you received it
How you played it
And how you felt about it

When it comes to childhood toys, I believe every kid has a variety of toys such as
cars, teddy bears, puzzles and many more and I’m no exception. However, my
perennial favorite one is a teddy bear featuring an animated character named
“Heffalump” which was all the rage at that time
If my memory serves my right, my aunt bestowed me an exquisite teddy bear to
celebrate my fifth birthday. When I recieved it, I was over the moon as it was very
beautiful. Furthermore, Winnie the Pooh was my favourite TV program that I watched
every episodes of this series over and over again. Among all the characters in this
series, I loved Heffalump the most as he was very playful and adorable. Therefore, I
even wished to have a Heffalump teddy bear for my up-coming birthday.
Not long afterwards, no sooner had my birthday arrived than my dream came true. I
vividly remember seeing it right beside my bed when I woke up. As you might
probably guess, I was on cloud nine and totally taken aback as together with the teddy
bear, there were several toys that I’d dreamt to have.
Up until now, I still preserve it carefully. Every night I still hug it when I sleep as it
gives me a sense of safety and intimacy. Besides, it also serves as a cure for my
ocassional insomnia. Therefore, I treasure it a lot and for me, it’s not only a toy but
rather than my best friend.

1. Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more
time with them?
I’m not sure what my take on this is. Absolutely, I know that parents ought to allocate
their spare time to play with their children rather than purchasing more toys for them.
This is because offspring need their parents’ love and attention to have an all-round
development. As you know, parents are their first teachers, so they are able to teach
their kids both moral lessons and some basic academic knowledge. Notwithstanding
the fact that children invariably ask for new toys such as cars, teddy bears or dolls,
these toys are just unemotional objects, therefore, they are easily dumped in a short
time and kids desire to share their ideas as well as feelings with their parents.
However, it might not seem to be the case if you factor in the fact that parents are
overwhelmed with their work, I mean, they sometimes have to go on business trips,
which means they have no better choice in this circumstance apart from buying more
toys for their children. In this situation, toys might be a substitute for parents, which
enables children to avoid a sense of isolation and sadness.

2. What's the difference between the toys kids play now and those they
played in the past?
In this day and age, almost all children play with toys made from mainly plastic with
various colors, vivid imaginations, numerous shapes which easily entices them in the
first impression. Moreover, omnipresent toys recently are followed by some characters
which are familiar to children such as Supermen, Barbie, Doraemon and so on. In
comparison to the previous day, the kids’ toys usually come from natural materials
like trees’ leaves, clay and rice. Although these conventional products don’t have
numerous colors or various shapes, they are made by children’s hands, which
facilitates their creativity and ingenuity. What is more, if they don’t have the ability to
make themselves toys, they can participate in some traditional games with their
companion such as hide and seek.

3. Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?

A big yes, actually. Commercials aimed at children can have a detrimental impact,
particularly on the relationship between parents and their children. Many children,
especially those at an impressionable age, are easily manipulated to want things they
see in advertisements, and this may cause conflicts between parents and children if
parents turn down their children’s desires. Besides, advertising targeted at children can
have negative effects on their health. Many fast food and junk food companies these
days direct their marketing strategies towards children, making their products appear
to be healthy and appealing. Unfortunately, most children do not fully understand the
concept of advertising and are easily lured into purchasing these unhealthy foods, and
as a consequence, can result in many debilitating diseases such as obesity and

4. How do advertisements influence children?

In modern society, advertisements appear all over the place from social media to every
corner of the street with a high density. And it is universally accepted that
commercials have a pernicious impact upon both kids’s health and safety. In terms of
health, children are easily lured into flyers which promote fast food as they are so
captivating in visuals. Since they are not fully developed, they are inclined to be
addicted to these unhealthy food, which, I believe, will result in many debilitating
diseases such as obesity and diabetes. As for safety, some kidnappers take advantage
of youngsters' innocence to carry out wrongdoings. As a consequence, the inexorable
rise of juvenile delinquency are inevitable.

25. Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or

suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
Who the person is
What he/she said
How the advice/suggestion affected you
And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions you felt about the advice/

Well, I would like to share with you about a time that I felt overwhelmed about
studying English. If my memory serves me right, it happened a year ago when I
became a freshman at high school.
Being in a new educational environment, I have to confront with a variety of relentless
situations to become an adult. Besides the compulsory lessons at school, I also
participated in an optional English class which was located in the center of my
province. The teacher there was my advisor. After having told her about my
difficulties, she spent an hour sharing her experiences as well as giving me some
positive advice for my school life. Though in the beginning, I could not agree with her
for the things she said as we were in different scenarios, later I thought that she was
right in every aspect. At one point I was so amazed to learn that she was pretty much
like me. Then I was also elucidated the vitality of studying and how it would do
wonders for my career in the future. The best thing about that conversation was her
conscientiousness and friendliness. She was willing to hear my concerns and gave me
such useful advice, which made me feel very grateful.
To be honest, her advice has helped me a lot in my career and proved out to be one of
the most useful pieces of advice of my life. From this, I have an opportunity to have a
thorough insight into my studying career as I always had a faintest idea how far I will
grow. Also, thanks to her advice, I finally have my own orientation in the foreseeable

1. When should parents encourage their children?

Well, it’s my conviction that parents serves as the biggest supporter for their children.
It is important stages of kids that I believe will need their parents’ encouragement
most. Since these special ocassions are rife with uncertainties, which, I think, such
useful advice from their parents to can bolster their confidence in pursuing the things
they love. For example, choosing a career to pursue calls for different factors that need
to be mulled over. Therefore, parents, as the seniors, have their role to play in this
section by advising and encouraging their kids to choose a suitable one that suits them
the most.

2. Should parents always encourage their children?

On the one hand, it’s a yes. I believe such important stages of life of kids that need
their parents’ encouragement most. Since these special ocassions are rife with
uncertainties, which, I think, such useful advice from their parents to can bolster their
confidence in pursuing the things they love. On the other hand, always supporting
their children is not good. As a kid, it is undoubted that they sometimes are
badly-behaved. According to me, these misbehaviors need correction from their
parents to ensure that these kinds of wrongdoings will never occur again. Instead of
chastising them for their behavious, parents should explain the reasons why to their
children to let them understand clearly,
3. Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback?
Well, both negative and positive feedbacks are significant if we look at it from a
optimistic view. To begin with, it is undeniable that negative comments can result in
people’s self-deprecation and dejection, however; it is also a great source of impetus
to them. People will be likely to make a concerted effort to improve and become a
better version of themselves, which, I believe will make them thrive in the face of
adversities instead of succumbing to hardships along the way to success. When it
comes to positive comments, I believe it will do a great deal to help people strengthen
their strong points, which will make them stand out from the rest. Besides, these types
of feedbacks can also boster their confidence, thereby having faith in their choices.

4. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in


To begin with, it is undeniable that negative comments can result in people’s

self-deprecation and dejection, however; it is also a great source of impetus to them.
People will be likely to make a concerted effort to improve and become a better
version of themselves, which, I believe will make them thrive in the face of adversities
instead of succumbing to hardships along the way to success. If people were told only
positive things, then we would live in a false reality and become stagnant. We would
be unrealistic in your goals and disillusioned with our capacity. This could result in
the stagnation of our skills as we might think that we superior to others and that there
is no flaw in our plan. Therefore, it’s my conviction that negative feedbacks are just as
significant as positive ones.

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