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Name:REMULLA, Keziah Arwen A. Score:

Student No.:202200015 Date:04-14-24
Computer No.:

Title: " Navigating Legal and Ethical Landscapes in Nursing


1. Intellectual Property Law:

a. Importance of Intellectual Property Law in Nursing Informatics:

- Intellectual property law in nursing informatics is crucial as it

safeguards the rights of creators and innovators in the field. It
ensures that individuals or organizations receive recognition
and financial benefits for their inventions or creations.

b. Protection of Healthcare Innovations:

- Intellectual property law protects innovations and

advancements in healthcare technology by granting exclusive
rights to creators. This exclusivity encourages investment in
research and development, fostering further progress in
healthcare informatics.

c. Significance of Intellectual Property Rights:

- Examples illustrating the significance of intellectual property rights in nursing

informatics include the protection of proprietary software used for electronic health
records (EHR), patented medical devices, and copyrighted educational materials
designed for nursing informatics training programs.

2. Copyright Law:

a. Application of Copyright Law in Nursing Informatics:

- Copyright law applies to digital content in nursing informatics

by granting creators exclusive rights over their original works,
such as articles, presentations, and software programs.

b. Role of Copyright in Protecting Digital Materials:

- Copyright protects various forms of digital materials utilized in

healthcare settings, including educational resources, software
applications, and databases. It ensures that creators have
control over the distribution and reproduction of their works.
c. Challenges and Implications of Copyright Infringement:

- Copyright infringement in nursing informatics can lead to legal consequences,

financial loss for creators, and compromised integrity of healthcare data. It also
hinders innovation and discourages investment in new technologies.

3. Privacy of Personal and Public Domains:

a. Concept of Privacy in Nursing Informatics:

- Privacy in nursing informatics encompasses protecting

individuals' personal health information (PHI) in both personal
and public domains. It involves maintaining confidentiality,
integrity, and accessibility of healthcare data.

b. Impact of Privacy Regulations on Patient Information:

- Privacy regulations, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability

and Accountability Act), dictate how patient information is
collected, stored, and shared in healthcare systems. Compliance
ensures patient confidentiality and trust in healthcare providers.

c. Ethical Considerations and Confidentiality Strategies:

- Ethical considerations in nursing informatics involve balancing the benefits of

technology with patient privacy rights. Strategies for maintaining confidentiality
include encryption, access controls, and regular audits of electronic health records.

4. Netiquette Rules and Guidelines:

a. Definition and Relevance of Netiquette:

- Netiquette refers to the etiquette or code of conduct governing

online communication. In nursing informatics, it is essential for
maintaining professionalism and fostering respectful
interactions in digital healthcare environments.

b. Key Principles of Netiquette for Nurses:

- Nurses should follow principles such as using appropriate

language and tone, respecting others' privacy, citing sources
when sharing information, and avoiding spreading

c. Contribution to Effective Communication and Ethical Conduct:

- Adherence to netiquette rules promotes effective communication, collaboration, and
ethical conduct in digital healthcare environments. It enhances trust between
healthcare professionals, patients, and other stakeholders, ultimately improving
patient outcomes and overall quality of care.

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