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First Page of the paper:

Title of the Paper

Student Name 1 Student Name 2

Roll Number Roll Number

Course Name Course Name

Year I, Semester II Year I, Semester II

Submitted to: Dr. Apoorva Gupta


This paper is submitted to Dr. Apoorva Gupta as part of the internal assessment for the paper
Principles of Macroeconomics I, for the academic year 2023-2024
Format of the paper:

● Differs from paper to paper.

● Standard format is:

○ Cover Page: Title, authors’ name and roll no., submitted to, declaration,
acknowledgements (if any)

○ Abstract: Around 200 words, It is like a summary of the paper

○ Keywords: Maximum to 5 words. Keywords are the words which identify your

○ Introduction: Setting up the context of the topic

○ It can now differ from paper to paper

○ Inferences / Discussions / Conclusions

○ References (mention web links as well)

○ Appendix, if any

Tables / graphs: Include them within the text

● No page border, No college or university logo to be given

● Give page numbers

● Give table/figure numbers properly. Give proper headings to them, like “Table 1:
Inflation rate in India”. Mention source of the same, like “Source: RBI data from 2002-

● Font Style: Times New Roman

● Font Size: 12, Justified

● Convert your word file into pdf. Submit the paper in only pdf format

● Save your file with the name: Rollnumber_1&Rollnumber_2, that is, the name of the file
should be roll numbers of the two students.

● Only one student can submit, on behalf of both the students. No multiple submissions are
● Submit your paper on Google Drive folder:

● Needless to say, do not delete any file from the above mentioned folder, especially the
file of your fellow student. If anyone complaints about it, all will get zero.

● Deadline for submission for Project work/paper: Friday, May 10, 2024

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