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Detailed Lesson Plan


Mentee: Apple Mae R. Ejorango

Mentor: Mr. Khyrthz Marco Salaguste


a. describe the skills in playing Patintero

b. recognize the value of participation in playing Patintero: and
c. execute the different skills of the game


Topic: Target Games( Patintero)

Subtopic: Patintero

References: K-12 PE Curriculum Guide

Materials: pictures, Chalk, Power Point, Television, bondpaper, cards


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning class, please everybody stand up

for a prayer. Good morning, Ma’am. ( The students will stand
Once again, good morning class!
Good morning, Ma’am.
Before you take your seats, pick up the pieces of
papers and cellophanes and arrange your chairs
properly. ( Students do as told)

You may now sit down

( Sitting down)

Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent from the class today? No one Ma’am.

Very Good! Everybody is present.

Let’s clap our hands for ourselves ( Students clap their hands)

Setting of classroom rules

Before we move to our new discussion, I want us

to have an agreement for us to have an organize
flow of discussion.

Everybody read! 1. Raise your right hand if you want to answer or

ask questions.
2. Listen and be quiet when someone is talking in
3.Use positive language and attitude.
4. Avoid going in and out.

Is it clear class? Yes, Ma’am.

B. Motivation
Are you ready? Yes, Maam.

We will have an activity, But first, I will group

you into three. And each group will have to
arrange the jumbled letter and paste it on the

Do you understand?
Yes, Maam.
Now, What word did you form out from the
jumbled letter? The word is ‘’Patintero’’ Maam.

Alright! Its Patintero

C. Activity

Now, before we proceed to our lesson for today,

let us first play a game entitled “execute me
correctly ”

I will let you choose your partner. All you have

to do is to execute the following gestures. If one of
you commits mistakes automatic the two of you is
out. This is the hand gestures that you execute;

● If I raise a yellow card – means you are

going to jump forward.
● If I raise a red card – it means you will
jump backward. And If I put my right
hand in this side (right side) – meaning
you will jump going to the left.
● If I put my left hand in this side –
meaning you will do jumping going to

Afterwards the winning partner will receive


Do you understand, class?

Yes, Maam.

( Pupil is playing’’

D. Analysis

Based on our activity, what are those movements

you do?
We jumped forward and backward to the left and
to the right, Maam.

So, anyone who has an idea of what will be our

topic for today? I think its all about ‘’ Patintero’’

Very good! Class, Have you ever wondered how

to play the Patintero? Yes, Maam.

Alright! This morning we will discuss The game

called Patintero.. But before that let us know first
our objectives that we need to attain at the end of
our lesson.

A. describe the skills in playing

B. recognize the value of
participation in playing Patintero:
C. execute the different skills of the
Thank you!

Now let us discuss what Patintero is.

Patintero is a native game in the Philippines that

requires two teams with at least five players on
each side. It is played by two opposing sides that
considered as either defender and attackers.

The main goal of Patintero is for one team to cross

over to the other teams territory without being
tagged by the opposing team.

How many teams does Patintero have?

It should have two teams, Maam. And at least 5

Very good.

And what is the main goal of this game? It is for one team to cross over to the other teams
territory without being tagged by the opposing


Do you want to know the skills in playing this Yes, Maam.


This game requires:

Agility-ability to move quickly and easily.

Speed-ability to move the body in one direction as

fast as possible.

Balance- ability to stay in control of the body’s


Spatial Awareness- ability of being aware of

surroundings and your position relative with them.

Class, Do you think you have these skills in Yes, Maam.

playing Patintero?

Let us know more about the rules and steps in

playing Patintero.

1. Draw a massive rectangle on the ground

using chalk for clarity and divide it into
smaller rectangles depending on the
number of players.
2. The players should form two teams with
an equal number of players, where one
team plays defensive and guards the other
team against passing the lines. The two
teams make up the guards and the runners
3. The guards assign a player to the lateral
line in the middle of the rectangle and the
other players on each horizontal line.
4. The objective of the runners is to get
across to one end of the big rectangle and
back without being touched or tagged by a
5. During the game, the guards should
ensure they have both feet on the ground
before tagging their opponent; otherwise,
it will not count. Once a runner is tagged,
he or she gets out of the game.

In Playing Patintero here are the rules. Please

1. The game starts with a toss of a coin to
decide the team that becomes the
passer or runner.
2. There is a time limit of two minutes
for each team to score.
3. Once the two minutes elapse, the two
teams change sides, and the guards
become the passers and vice-versa.
4. The passers or runners are supposed to
cross the lines from the starting point
and back, to earn a point.
5. The line guards are positioned on the
vertical lines with one on the
horizontal line of the grid, making sure
that their feet are always on the line.
6. The Patintero objectives of the line
guards include tagging the passers or
runners with their powered or butterfly
hands and blocking them from passing
the lines.
7. Once a guard tags any of the passers,
the line guards assume the position of
the passers.

Thank you, Class

The duration of the game is three innings, and
each inning is divided into halves.
The above Patintero mechanics may slightly differ
from one community to another, but the nature
and style of the game are usually standard.
Yes, Maam.
Is the way of playing Patintero clear to you class?

Okay, very good!


Target games are usually included in children’s

activities because it teaches them new skills and
strategies that they can use in their daily life.

Some target games may also involve avoiding

different obstacles, blocking the opposition’s
thrown object or defending.
What is the importance of playing Patintero, The importance of playing Patintero is through it
Class? we can acquire and enhance our skills, Maam.

Our balance, Agility and speed Maam.

What are those skills that we can enhance or
acquire in playing Patintero?

Which skills that refers to being aware of our Spatial Awareness, MAam.
surroundings in playing Patintero?

There are two opposing teams, with at least 5 or
How many teams does Patintero have?
more members, Maam. The defenders and the

Very Good!

Now, How important is participation and other Active Participation and skills is very important in
skills in playing Patintero? playing because, in order for us to win we must be
aware of our surroundings ,and be having the
ability to move quickly and to control our body in
one direction. If one didn't follow or was not
mindful then the whole group would be affected.
That’s why it is really important to participate

Great Answer!

Very Good!


Now, since you know this game very well. We

will have a group activity. I will group you into
two. You will have to execute those skills through
playing Patintero.

In your group, Select six representatives to play

the game. Yes, Maam.

Are you ready to play? ( Learner’s are playing Patintero)



1. What are the benefits of playing

2. How important is Larong Pinoy in
Children’s lives?


1.Give 2 basic rules in Patintero

2. Give 2 on how to play Patintero

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