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Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani

Thesis paper

Design and implementation of blogging






Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani


1 Introduction ________________________________________________________________ 4
1.2 project Goals and Objectives: __________________________________________________ 4
1.3 History leading to the project: _________________________________________________ 5
1.4 Identification of problem, solutions and opportunities of the current situation: _________ 7
2 Production Description ______________________________________________________ 10
Product summary: ________________________________________________________________ 10
Production Sketch board: __________________________________________________________ 10
2.2 context level diagram of data flow: _______________________________________________ 11
2.3 Hardware and Software details with draft Image: ____________________________________ 12
2.4 Software Key features: _________________________________________________________ 13
3 Data Collection and flow overview _____________________________________________ 14
Information gathering method: _____________________________________________________ 14
3.1 Document review ______________________________________________________________ 14
3.2 Questionnaire ________________________________________________________________ 15
3.3 interview: ____________________________________________________________________ 17
3.4 observation: __________________________________________________________________ 18
Overview of the gathered information: _______________________________________________ 19
3.5 Use Case Diagram: _____________________________________________________________ 20
3.6 Scenario and work-flow-chart of system functionality ________________________________ 21
3.7 Functional requirements: _______________________________________________________ 25
3.8 Non-Functional Requirements: ___________________________________________________ 26
4 Diagram and observations ___________________________________________________ 27
4.1 logical data flow diagram: _______________________________________________________ 27
4.2 Activity diagram: ______________________________________________________________ 30
4.3 State Chart diagram: ___________________________________________________________ 34

5 User interface and conclusion _________________________________________________ 36

5.1Home page: ___________________________________________________________________ 36
Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
5.2 Log in or create account form: ___________________________________________________ 37
5.3 Front page of the web blogging website: ___________________________________________ 38
5.4 Blog writing page of the web blogging website:______________________________________ 39
5.5 search page of the web blogging website: __________________________________________ 40
5.6 update / delete and mini web program of the web blogging website: ____________________ 41
5.7 Profile setting page of the web blogging website: ____________________________________ 42
5.8 Sign in page for users and admin of the web blogging website: _________________________ 43
5.9 Admin home page of the web blogging website: _____________________________________ 44
5.10 Admin search and control panel of the web blogging website: _________________________ 45
conclusion_______________________________________________________________________ 45

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani

1 Introduction

Our objective here is to design and implement a blogging website. Where people get more
access to knowledge form different locality, culture and even countries. People form any
community get easy and secure access to all category of knowledge based on category sys-
tem in our website and locality wise arranging the blogs is our main aim here.

Web design is a process of conceptualization, planning, developing and execution of elec-

tronic media content delivery through internet in form of markup language suitable for inter-
pretation by a web browser and display as a graphical user interface (GUI). The main intent of
web design is to develop a website (that is a collection of present content and interactive fea-
ture in form of web pages) that will enable users at any location to access remote information
in websites on any issue or topic of their choice at their own convenience (Hajnal, Baudouin,
1992). Such websites can be built using notepads (which requires knowledge of codes0 or
other advanced software such as macro-media. The development of websites requires the use
of HTML, XHTML or XML tags. When displaying more complex media on the website like anima-
tion video or sound, plug-ins are required such as Macro-media flash.

There are many kinds of blogging websites available across the web already. The short answer
to the question of leading to this paper is, ‘currently no blogging website directly aim toward
making localized blog post where giving the post from same locality is mostly prioritized.’

There are social media to connect people, our website is not a social media people connecting
website. This is a knowledge spreading site here people get to know other’s view on any topic
in their locality specially and even can extend their view to other locality.

1.2 project Goals and Objectives:

To begin with, the project goals and objectives will be described.

• To design and implement a blog posting website.
• Separate the posts based on the locality.
• Categorized the blog posts based on different topics level.
• Put voting system in posts to highlight the good and informative posts.
• Search blog posts based on their category and locality.
• A robust database system to process all the data and represent to users efficiently.
• Represent the user-friendly front end to easily navigate around and remain engaged.

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani

1.2.2 Objectives:
• In the website people get to know common information about their locality.
• Remain updated about the locality around all the topics.
• Reduce the number of local newspapers.
• People get to spread news in a locality faster and efficiently.
• Different people from other community or country get to know the locality
view of any place easily which is currently hard to get through common social
media sites.
• Everyone in a locality have the voice and don’t have to rely on biased new
paper or rumors.

1.3 History leading to the project:

In the 1950’s and early 1960’s, prior to the inter-networking that led to the internet, most com-
munication networks were limited by their nature to allow communications between the sta-
tions on the network and the prevalent computer networking method was based on the central
mainframe method. The spread of the inter-network began form into an idea of a global inter-
network that would be called ‘the internet’ (Shi, Sheng and He, 2011) , and this began to
quickly spread as existing networks were converted to be compatible with this. This spread
quickly across the advanced telecommunication networks of the western world and then began
to penetrate the rest of the world as it became the def-facto international standard and global

Following the commercialization and introduction of privately run Internet Service Providers in
the 1980’s, and its expansion into popular use in the 1980’s, the internet has had a drastic im-
pact on education, commerce and virtually every aspect of life. This includes the rise of instant
communication by e-mail, text based discussion forums and the World Wide Web (websites)
(Klie, 2015).

The historical background of web design could be traced back to 1990 when accessing infor-
mation through the internet was rather a technical affair that even Ph.D. holding physicists
were often frustrated when trying to swap data. Then one of such physicists, the now famous
Tim Berners – Lee, cooked up a way to easily cross-reference text on the internet through “hy-
pertext links”. This wasn’t a new idea, but his simple hypertext markup language (HTML) man-
aged to thrive while ambitious hypertext projects floundered.

By 1993, almost 100 computers throughout the world were equipped to serve up HTML pages.
Those interlinked pages dubbed the World Wide Web (WWW), and several Web browser pro-
Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
grams had been written to allow people to view Web pages (Klie, 2015). Because of the popu-
larity of the Web, a few programmers soon wrote Web browsers that could view graphics im-
ages along with the text on a Web page. One of these programmers was Marc Andreessen; he
went on to become rich and famous selling the world’s most popular Web browser, Netscape
Navigator. Today, HTML pages are the standard.

Web based technology is the face of modern society. Currently all the sectors moving to the
world of internet. With the necessity keeping in front and finding profit all newspaper going to
online along with social media. Social media is a good way to communicate and it’s not
enough to get knowledge about a locality. Social media connect people not the society (Fuchs,
2021). On the other hand, newspapers focus on the most unpredictable topics currently run-
ning in their territory. Observing the situation, get to know that there is a good gap in con-
necting locality to another locality. Even form the same country, people from different region
have many of their own views, culture, and food.

Observing the opportunity, came forward with the idea to make a blog posting website
where we mainly focus on sharing the posts targeting the locals first, then on based of user’s
search history, loved blogger before and so on according to another parameter.

Through social media people connect to the people of their interest (Fuchs, 2021). Social media
is mainly focused on the lifestyle of people and their personal information. Although social me-
dia plays a good role in present days to spread news, knowledge, connect people and so no, it
still gaps in solely spreading the required knowledge and news to all the people without the
barrier of any constrain. Social media are bound to keep people’s information and theirs posts
in a circle based of the user’s interest (Livingstone and Brake, 2010). This hinders the mass
spread of any contain. Also, one cannot get information about some authentic article about
anything if the owner of the article restricts the other user. Looking at those factors, a blogging
website is the main solution to those problem where anyone get the access to any information
on their interest without the basic restrictions of social media. Our locality-based blogging web-
site will give access to both the writer and the visitor to exchange their view unrestricted.

Apart form of news spreading sites are the new papers websites or news portals. But they are
mostly the view of the reporter where the visitor has mostly no voice. Sometimes the informa-
tion in newspaper can be biased (Gunther, 1992). And overall, a newspaper never represents
the overall view of any locality and make people communicate and share their view. Newspa-
pers have their own strength. But our aim here is to make a platform where people share their
view to any community, specially to their locality first. This way any user can follow a believable
source, know about any topic of their and others locality, such as food, weather, view, peoples
prospective and so on.

Other than those, mostly new company, investors and add agency targets to get as much
knowledge about any local area or the community to gain as much success as they can. But the
sourcing of knowledge has a huge gap (Mahnke, Wareham and Bjorn-Andersen, 2008) and still
Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
it’s done mostly manually. If those agencies along with other had a good source to study
deeply about locality, community, people from specific region, their view and lifestyle, it would
be a great advantage to them. Looking at this factor, locality-based blog posting website is a
correct solution where everyone represents their view openly (Nardi, Schiano, Gumbrecht,

Any up voted blogger with good enough knowledge in any locality would be consider as a
valuable person and in future can be contacted by the follower. This type of concept would
hugely benefit both the user, web hosting authority and good blogger.

Considering all the thought process and evaluating the necessity, the design and im-
plementation of a blogging website (Hajnal and Baudouin, 1992) is considered as
main topic of this thesis paper.

1.4 Identification of problem, solutions and

opportunities of the current situation:

Below will state the problem, solutions, and the opportunities.

1.4.1 problems:
1. irrelevant information
2. time:
3. search:
4. lack of information on specific topics
5. lack of voice

1.4.2 lack of mass targeted audience

6. lack of authenticated information by audience
7. gap between blogger and viewer

Brief discussion on points:

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
irrelevant information: People from all around the world got access to the internet and that’s
the main goal of world wide web. People form every community, race, country don’t share the
same recent topics or interest mostly. So, while in current blog posting websites or social media
you get to see all kind of information while our main target is to keep people updated about the

local information. Through this blog posting side, we will overcome the problem of being over-
flown with unnecessary information.

time: current sites throw the vast amount of information to visitor (Kohavi.R, Longbotham.R,
2009), although the viewer liked the information but still the information may be of no use to
the viewer. This waste a lot of time of the viewer to finally come across the topic he needed.
Global blog and news is not bad to consume but what really matters is what is useful to him in
present life and keep himself updated with the topic happening around him.

search: while searching about any topic by category, current blogging sides represent the blogs
with most view or like and dislike ratio. This led the reader to a situation where he gets the in-
formation but not relevant to what happening around him. Even its possible to find topic with
location based but it needs extra time of the viewer to search and dig through the vast amount
of information given to him.

lack of information on specific topics: Here by specific topic means the topics he or she can re-
ally use. One blog about a political situation in America is specific topic to an audience when he
or she search using the term politics but actually this much specification is not enough (Melville,
Gryc and Lawrence, 2009). Most useful one should be the political blog about his or her locality.

lack of voice: when a reader of a blog from different community comment on a blog posted by
person from different community of country, the comment might be still there but doesn’t play
any role to the blogger. If the blog is about some political movement or some internal issue to
spread mass awareness, participation of people from different country in the blog is of quite no
use. In worst cases the blog will be ignored by the blogger. This led to waste of time and
spreading voice which might be irrelevant to others.

lack of mass targeted audience: when blogging about food, restaurant or any local issue, the
blogger aims the most people of his location. People from his location can attain, participate,
or put some contribution toward the blogger. In most case reader form different country pays
no contribution (Constantinides and Fountain, 2008). In these cases, although the blogger has
a large engagement of audience, but this might not be even his targeted audience.

lack of authenticated information for audience: authenticity differ from place to place. Some-
thing legal in one place might not be legal in another place. Suppose current situation of
COVID virus is different in different places. Someone reading a blog posted by person from
different country is not getting the authentic information (Constantinides and Fountain,
2008). Other than that, any rules, news, and policy from different place may cause problem to
other location. So, while the audience is getting information but it’s not the exact or authentic

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
gap between blogger and viewer: Every community have different lifestyle, believe and way to
lead life. Although with modern time the gap is getting less but some gap will always be there.
The blogger and the audience might have different view on a situation while both are right. But
the different observation occurred from their situation and community. In those cases, both
parties will go against each other and make an unwanted situation.

1.4.3 solutions:

1.localized based database

2.first server relevant blog on search
3.analyse data to make bridge in similar community

Brief discussion:

localized based database: making the databases based on location category and dividing it
into different sets might be a good solution. When performing search, make the system on first
perform search query on the self-database of same location wise categorized. If proper infor-
mation not found, them through API connect to other database, generate stamp mark on the
data to let reader know, it’s from different location. In this way while searching query, always
the priority is the database of that locality (Batra and Kapil, 2010).

first server relevant blog on search: Here by relevant blog, I mean, those blogs from the same
locality. The previous discussed the database dividing system will go hand in hand with this so-
lution. While searching any blog, first search in the locality (Batra and Kapil, 2010), anyone
posting that type of blog and presenting it to audience. If there is shortage of locality-based
blog on the topic, then present other location’s blog but keep the reader informed.

analyze data: anyone posting any blog, analyte the tag words, content, location, and topics
instantly and put in relevant data based. This analyzation system will make the other solu-
tion system to go easy and perform better search.

target to make bridge in similar community: This solution is not a technological term, actually
it’s an overview. Form global content when audience come to local content it would be little
hard for everyone. But once they understand the benefit, it would reduce a great gap within
same locality people who are apart for their daily busy life. Keep pushing the project and mak-
ing people aware and usefulness of it is a solution toward making the project successful.

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani

1.4.4 Opportunities:
• Awareness and knowledge will be easier to spread which are useful and
needed first.
• For business owners, it will be easier to attract people which are relevant to them
first then can do promotion to other territory (Sajid, 2016) .
• Creating a website where people are connected in both real life and virtual life and
they can visit each other and engage in same activities (Dubé, Bel and Sears, 2003).
• Job opportunity will create for some blogger with great knowledge in their do-
main and can co-work with other.
• As a profiting business strategy, there can be made payment promotion system
(Sajid.2016) where blog of an individual will reach the most people with same inter-
est for a specific time.

2 Production Description
Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani

Product summary:

A Localized based blog posting website where focuses mainly on connecting the people form same
locality first with similar topic, then by serial in later format provide the other places’ blogs with less
priority, connect business and person on a community basis, stores information of the users along
with their choice of location, liked blocks, their own written blogs on different topics and picture of
the users in the database.

The system will be able to keep records or blogs with settings in database, sort them, on request
bring them forward, bring the new blogs forward with time in news feed. There are many blogs
posting where they are aiming for the glob to connect, I took a different approach where in real life
people comes closer in real life through their works, knowledge and bogs.

2.1 Production Sketch board:

• Client: Public, blog writer, blog reviewer.

• Administrator
• Database: Client information, setting, blogs, preference.
• Algorithm: Updating front page, sorting search with same locality, putting logical output
from front to lower format.

Design and implementation of blogging website Anko Mujitaba Tijjani
2.2 context level diagram of data flow:

Blog reader Blog writer

Open account settings

Search blog Write blog

Blog Website
With latest blogs

Sort page with time Sort with preference


Keeps blogs Users’ information

Database with blogs, users’ information and
11 | P a g e settings

Figure 2.2 Context level of flow chart

Diagram 2.2 is described the flow chart of the client, administrator, database and the algorithm. For
instance, blog reader as a client will open an account and search for blog, after that the blog website
will start generalizing the latest blog front and start sorting algorithms, building database.

2.3 Hardware and Software details with draft Image:
2.3.1 Hardware:
• Users: Mobile, PC, Laptop or tablet
• Database server
• Web server
• Application Server

Database Server Web Server Application Server

General public
Figure 2.3.1: Image of blog posting website’s management system
Figure 2.3.1 mentioned how does database server, web server and application server become a
cycle which derive to the content to the public.
2.3.2 software:
There are three different parts:
• Distributed Database layer
• Application layer
• UI layer.

2.4 Software Key features:

• Creating a blog posting website making it more efficient to connect local people.
• Provide locality-based post search result in front
• Diving the database with the basis of locating will make the workflow easier
• An automated system which updates the blogs main pages every day and based on the
user’s preference

Data Collection and flow overview

Information gathering method:
To design the locality-based blog posting website, it’s important to gather enough information
for the success of the project. The information includes if any existing website to the similar
quality have progresses in recent time, how the market and user community react toward this
kind of projects, which database system with proper algorithm serves the right efficiency to-
ward making the project into reality (Buyya and Yeo, 2009). We have used both obtrusive an
unobtrusive method for the collection of information to ensure maximum effective deploy-
ment process. The method to gather information to complete the project in effective format
are presented in an informative way in blow parts.

3.1 Document review:

Document review is one of the most required and effective way to know about any existing
project in the same domain (Bretschneider, Cirilli and Jones, 2017), its efficiency in the field of
interest and success rate in the progress. Using the document review process, we can easily
overview all the blog posting website’s motive, their progress ration, what mistake we are going
to make comparing to the failure projects and what is the success rate in our project if we ap-
proach the right way (Rohwer, Schoonees and Young, 2014). Documents can be collected from
different renowned sides official website, observing their rise and fall ration in current rate, any
paper or thesis published on the similar topic and so on. Any voting or research carried out on
similar kind of idea also can be considered as a document and important information can be ob-

3.1.1 Advantages:
• Cheap to carry out
• Can save time from getting involved into existing problems
• Provides functional information with required knowledge
• Provides the latest observation on any related existing topic
• Can save valuable time form wasting extra hour on finding new ideas and their values.

3.1.2 Disadvantages:
• Management can provide inaccurate information.
• Need authority to access some of the confidential information.
• Inaccurate information may lead to problems to the projects.
• Outdated documentation may not represent the present scenario of the current project
• Documentation might be documented at a time different from present situation which
doesn’t depicts the actual output.

3.2 Questionnaire
In the case of finding the question related to the success ration of the project and over-viewing
the preference of the website, some question can be used to obtain the answer. One of the eas-
iest ways to perform questionnaire is to put some pull or voting in social platform (Mohammad
and Zhu, 2015) like Facebook, Instagram, tweeter, Wechat, QQ, different blog posting sides and
voting portal. This way question asking session can be performed on mass and general personal
to know their opinion. This technique will lead us to a clear opinion of mass generation. Along
with general idea and preference, some technical questions asking session can also be per-
formed by going to technical help seeking sites, like: Stack overflow, queare, and so on.
Those question asking session will help us to get the optimal option in case of choosing soft-
ware, hardware with algorithm to better finish the project with high efficiency.

3.2.1 Planning of the questions:

1. The questions to be asked to people should be different on their background of

knowledge and experience.
2. Select current sides and methods to ask relevant question, polling and voting (Moham-
mad and Zhu, 2015).
3. Social media can be chosen to know about the people’s opinion on the project and its
good and bad sides.
4. Technical sides should be used to ask about technical question.
5. Which kind of view or looks are preferred by the mass audience
6. Which technical option will be right choice for you to establish the site efficiently
and properly?
7. Many peoples’ opinion will defer, must attract as much people as possible in the voting,
polling or question to know the optimum solution.

3.2.2 Advantages:

1. It is useful because the questions are straightforward.

2. A large amount of data can be gathered in a short amount of time.
3. The researcher can quickly qualify the questionnaire results.
4. It is more objectively assessed than other approaches.

3.2.3 Disadvantages:

1. Only collects responses to direct inquiries.

2. Because the respondent may or may not be present and held accountable for the type of
answers they provide, the analysis may be false-positive.
2. Inadequate for certain types of information, such as feelings, emotions, and action.
3. It's impossible to know how much consideration the reply has put into it.

4. Questions based on the researcher's preconceptions may arise. As a result, there could be a
5. It is untrustworthy.

3.2.4 Summary:
The poll was conveyed to the top administration, and it was effectively gotten. The surveys as-
sisted us with investigating what the genuine issue is, the thing that thoughtful intelligent
moves to make in the framework and the highlights to be included the framework. The polls
likewise assisted collect with huge producing of information significantly quicker so the under-
taking could be begun on schedule. We had the option to break down the data effectively in
light of the fact that the inquiry was posed with an immediate reason. The administration had
the option to fill the structures effectively and rapidly. By and large, the effortlessness of the cy-
cle made the most common way of gathering, breaking down, and dealing with the information

3.3 interview:
Interview alludes to one-on-one discussion which is finished by one individual demonstrations in
job of questioner and someone else acts in job of interviewee. Commonly, the questioner poses
inquiries, and the interviewee reacts to accumulate data about a particular theme. Meeting
should be possible by up close and personal gathering or strive web and phone line

3.3.1 advantages:
1. Because both the interviewer and the interviewee communicate directly throughout the
interview, any misunderstandings that may arise during the interview can be resolved.

2. The interviewer can choose the best applicant because the interview allows him or her to
learn a lot about the interviewee.
3. When compared to other methods, an interview is less expensive.

4. The interviewer can adjust any question during the interview to get extra information,
making it a flexible technique to gather requirements.
5. During the interview, the interviewer can comment on the interviewee's body language.
6. Using the interview method, a thorough examination of the situation can be completed.
3.3.2 disadvantages:
1. to the point consideration is needed during the meeting to try not to any miss subtleties.

2. Meeting can be tedious strategy as the readiness and directing of it requires some
3. The achievement of meeting relies upon the questioner's productivity.

4. Individual conflictions can have a spot during the meeting from both the questioner and

5. Meet isn't prescribed to be done alone during the necessities gathering as the questioner can
neglect a few inquiries to pose.
6. Meet is hard to be rehashed for actually looking at the accumulated information.

3.4 observation:
In this strategy, the expert himself visits the affiliation and watches and understands the pro-
gression of reports, working of the current system, the customers of the structure, etc. For
this methodology to be accepted it takes a specialist to play out his occupation as he knows
which focuses should be seen and featured.

The mark of perception is to track down what truly occurs, not what the laborers think. It is to
see who does what in an affiliation and how they manage the data and information they have.
By just watching people work is a truly immediate way to deal with notice the progression of
information around an association. Nonetheless, investigators must be wary of the Hawthorne
sway (Hawthorne, 2013). This is the place where the representatives of an association change
their lead since, they realize they are being watched.

Here we do observation on the present websites bases on the same idea, their progress,
working procedure, up and down of their strategy, what the customers need and how the
project can be accepted to the mess and make the project a success.

3.4.1 advantages:
• It permits the investigator to approve realities and information assembled.
• The investigator can see definitively the thing is being finished.
• The eyewitness can accomplish information relating the actual climate of the gig.
• It allows the eyewitness to do work estimations and assessment.
• It is modest comparative with different techniques.

3.4.2 disadvantages:
• A few assignments could conceivably be performed much the same way.
• The onlooker can miss noticing specific undertakings.
• It very well may be unrealistic at times.

• The workers of the association could conceivably perform contrastingly while being noticed.
• An expert can inclination sentiments on what they see, and what they basically saw.

Overview of the gathered information:

In the top part of this passage, we described some of the technique to gather information to
make our project more efficient. Before even starting on the project, through the processing of
information we can know the predicted outcome of the project.

Overseeing data includes assembling and appropriating essential data and absorbing them on
the task the board exercises and cycles. The data gathering procedures are rehashed processes
that are utilized to make and arrange information across various types of sources.

If we have performed the tasks properly, we already have enough planning and sketch board to
start working on out blog posting website, its looks, strategy to follow, proper management sys-
tem and working module in hand. Now we can start establishing the website and already hav-
ing a basic idea about the outcome of our project.

3.5 Use Case Diagram:

Figure3.5: Use Case Diagram (Aleryani, 2016)

Figure 3.5 stated how the website user and the administrator connected through
the system in different elements.

3.6 Scenario and work-flowchart of system functionality

3.6.1 work-flowchart 1
Action initiator Register to the web page
Actor General user of the website
Action to take Register in the blog posting website
Triggered event A form comes to fulfill the information required
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
Create account Web form
User name Web form
Password Web form
Confirm password Web form
Country Web form
Post code Web form
Insert image Web form
Assumption The user have internet connection

3.6.2 work-flowchart 2
Action initiator login to the web page
Actor General user of the website
Action to take Login in the blog posting website
Triggered event A form comes to fulfill the information required
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
User name Web form
Password Web form
Assumption The user have internet connection and
3.6.3 work-flowchart 3

Action initiator Login as Admin to the web-page

Actor Admin of the website
Action to take Login in the blog posting website
Triggered event A form comes to fulfill the information required
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
User name Web form
Password Web form
Assumption The admin have internet connection
and valid

3.6.4 work-flowchart 4
Action initiator Change setting to the web page
Actor General user of the website
Action to take Change setting in the blog posting website
Triggered event Buttons and form comes to fulfill the information
required and click when needed
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
Log in Web form
Setting Button on front page
Change name Button in setting tab
Change profile picture Button in setting tab
Edit location Button in setting tab
Changed loved id Button in setting tab
Block id Button in setting tab
Assumption The user have internet access and
active account

3.6.5 work-flowchart 5
Action initiator Change setting to the web page
Actor Admin of the website
Action to take Change setting in the blog posting website
Triggered event Buttons and form comes to fulfill the information
required and click when needed
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
Log in Web form
Search id Web form
Search post Web form
Freeze id Button in setting tab
Delete id Button in setting tab
Forward id Button in setting tab
Freeze post Button in setting tab
Delete post Button in setting tab
Forward post Button in setting tab
Assumption The admin has internet connection
and the login information is correct

3.6.6 work-flowchart 6
Action initiator Search write and interact with blog in web page
Actor General user of the website
Action to take Interact in the blog posting website
Triggered event Buttons and form comes to fulfill the information
required and click when needed
Steps to perform Information portal
User visit the website Website URL
Log in Web form
Search blog Web form
Search by name Web form
Search by category Button in web page
Get writing panel Button in web page
Write blog Web form
Edit previous written blog Button in web page
Up vote blog Button in web page
Down vote blog Button in web page
Comment Button in web page
See blogger location Read only web information
See blogger Button in web page
Like blogger Button in web page
Assumption The user have internet connection and
the login information is correct

3.7 Functional requirements:

1. Administrator access protected by unique password & ID

2. Registration option for potential users
3. Users can register themselves or can be registered by authorized admin
4. User name, location & password required for the registered users to login
5. Update Profile Information option on requirement.
6. Account deletion available to the registered users
7. Account deletion authorization available to the administrator
8. Notify users while interaction with their posted blog.
9. Display newly posted blogs by the loved blogger.
10. Notify users by provided email information about any updates in their profile
11. list and setting can be changed when necessary.
12. Filters provided for ease of search for specific blog
13. Filters provided for available blogs in specific regions
14. Filters provided for easier search of topic by type and by region
15. Administrator can generate reports on the information provided in the system
16. Administrator authorized to update users list information
17. Log out option available to the registered users
18. Log out option available to the Administrator
19. Option available for the Users to update for their eligibility to be a blogger.
20. Option available for like, up-vote, down-vote, comment.
21. Option available for the reader to love and react to a blogger.

3.8 Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Framework should be secure

2. Framework should be observed, kept up with in ordinary stretches to guarantee quality,
heartiness and to kill any security dangers
3. Information gave ought not be altered/deleted without managerial approval
4. Reinforcement of the data set in normal span is important

5. Framework ought to be planned in an easy to use method for guaranteeing simplicity of


6. Framework ought to be planned in a manner so it can got to by any stage with

web association and a fundamental program
7. The framework ought to have a low vacation.
8. The framework ought to stay away from and lessen information repetition.

4 Diagram and observations

4.1 logical data flow diagram:
4.1.1 Logical data flow diagram:
request add request modify
Delete post/
user Post Blog keep edit

Request search request submit request


Search blog Update database

Request add metadata

Like/dislike/ Blog own

comment blog
Notify blogger

Figure 4.1.1: Logical Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4.1.1 showed the cycle of the request generated in
the system, at the end adding value – like, dislike, or com-
ment, then notify the blog owner.
4.1.2 Logical data flow diagram 2:

new User’s Database

request accept req update database updated successfully

Update req create account Account

request for signup req for verify
SignUp Provide information
information created
to database

Figure 4.1.2: New Account Logical Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4.1.2 described how the account created by the user’s database, in-
cluding the process of signing up, provide and update the information.
4.1.3 Logical data flow diagram 3:

admin User’s Database

request accept

go to profile Search req for modify Update req update

login /modify/delete
content information

Figure 4.1.3: Admin profile Logical Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4.1.3 showed the cycle of the updating information in the system, at the end updating value – up-
date, modify, or delete content, then updated information successfully.
Paper of blogging website on locality bases

4.1.4 Logical data flow diagram 4:

User User’s Database

request accept req delete database deleted successfully

req for delete Delete req delete account Account

go to edit tab
login Delete
account information deleted
to database

Figure 4.1.4: Delete Account Logical Data Flow Diagram

Figure 4.1.4 showed the process of deleting an account, from the user login and the user’s database started running
the database of information deleting, finally activated the account being deleted.
4.2 Activity diagram:

4.2.1 Activity diagram: 1

Figure 4.2.1: Activity Diagram (Bastos and Ruiz, 2002)

Figure 4.2.1 showed the joint of client web page, web page and the database site, how to turn out the
result of cancel.
4.2.2 Activity diagram: 2

Figure 4.2.2: Users create account activity Diagram

Figure 4.2.2 showed how to successfully register an account by the data transac-
tion through client web page, web page and database site.

4.2.3 Activity diagram: 3

Figure 4.2.3: Admin update profile activity Diagram
Figure 4.2.3 mentioned the update process of the blog, through the description of information transac-
tion of database.

4.2.4 Activity diagram: 4

Figure 4.2.4: Users deleting account activity Diagram
Figure 4.2.4 showed how to delete an activated account through client web page, web page and the
database site.

4.3 State Chart diagram:

Login request to server request blog
Potential blog post search blog post

Found potential

React to blog

Update blog data server

Notify blogger

Request blog form

Submit form
blog post Write blog

Figure 4.3: State Chart Diagram

Figure 4.3 showed how to the blog being written through the process of login to the server, re-
questing, reacting. Updating and notifying.
4.4 CRUD matrix:
actions User data Blog data Location User type
Search R R R
Write R C R
View R R R R
React R CU R
to blog
Change U U R
Delete R RD R
Delete RD D D D
Figure 4.4: CRUD matrix

User interface and conclusion

5.1Home page:
Searching the website, this is the first page get front:

5.2 Log in or create account form:

This form is used to create a net account or login to read or create a user database
5.3 Front page of the web blogging website:
here comes all the new and related blogs based on the location and previous liked.
5.4 Blog writing page of the web blogging website:
Here the user can write a blog and post it.
5.5 search page of the web blogging website:
5.6 update / delete and mini web program of the web
blogging website:
5.7 Profile setting page of the web blogging website:
5.8 Sign in page for users and admin of the web blogging
5.9 Admin home page of the web blogging website:
5.10 Admin search and control panel of the web blogging

This project is based on an idea to bring the people of same community closer to each
other through sharing the most relevant blogs to each other of the same community.

Here in the project, have used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, MYSQL, EXPRESS JS for logics, data-
base, operation, base formation and interaction. Along with all the technology, it’s been a high
priority to make something original and different.
The overview: A location-based blogging website where main priority to show blog and post
blog goes to the people of same community or location. This process will create more bonding
in same locality or get chance to know each other. If no similar or searched blog is found form
same community, then it will be shown from all over the globe, if still missing then show a
blog related to the searched topic.

The working procedure, classes, diagram, function all are described in the paper. Best wishes
to the invigilator, professors and teachers related and will examine this paper.


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