Embedded Processor Assignment

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Embedded Processor Assignment Questions

Unit 1:

1. Describe the architecture of MSP430x5xxx with its block diagram.

2. Explain the low power modes in MSP430.
3. Define any five instruction set in MSP430 with example.
4. Explain different GPIO register in MSP430.
5. Draw interfacing diagram and program for interfacing of Relay to MSP430.
6. Draw interfacing diagram and program for interfacing of Buzzer to MSP430.

Unit 2:
1. Compare ARM7, ARM9 and ARM11 including its features and applications..
2. Illustrate the suitability of Arm processor in Embedded Application.
3. Explain data flow model and program flow model in detail.
4. Explain the architecture of ARM7.

Unit 3:
1. Draw and explain the architecture of LPC2148 .
2. Explain System control block in detail.
3. Draw and explain the interfacing of motion sensor to LPC2148 along with C program.
4. Draw and explain the interfacing of Keypad to LPC2148 along with C program.
5. Draw and explain interfacing of 4 LED’s with port pin (P0.0 to P0.3) of LPC2148 and
also write the embedded C program to blink the LED’

1. Draw flowchart and algorithm for GSM and GPS using UART.
2. Draw and explain the interfacing of EEPROM to LPC2148 along with C program.
3. Draw interfacing diagram of ADC to LPC2148 for temperature monitoring along with C

Unit 5:
1. Compare CORTEX R, CORTEX M and CORTEX A series.
2. Explain the need of operating system in developing complex applications in Embedded
3. Draw and Explain the architecture ARM Cortex M3.
4. Explain CMSIS standard for AM Cortex.

Unit 6:
1. Explain IoT along with its architecture.
2. Draw block diagram of Embedded System with IoT.
3. Case study :
Smart home Automation
Agriculture Automation

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