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The Delegate of Jordan

Opening Speech

Honorable President, Distinguished Chairs, & Fellow Delegates,

The delegate of Jordan is immensely honored to be attending this conference, and hopes to work
hand-in-hand with fellow nations to resolve any humanitarian crisis.

Leaked data, thousands of photographs, spreadsheets, and police documents, are simply not enough
to express the immeasurable pain that Uyghur Muslims are currently experiencing in China. More
than a million of those individuals are currently under mass incarceration against their will in
detention camps.
The conditions that Uyghur Muslims are currently undergoing, including severe psychological and
physical torture, are attempts to wipe out this ethnic group.

Similar situations take place in Palestine, where documentation and evidence is simply not enough to
hold Israeli forces accountable for targeting Palestinian journalists. An attempt to hide the human
rights violations occurring in the West Bank.

The delegate hopes for a heated debate and easily implementable and logical solutions.
The delegate yields the floor back to the chair…

Forum & Topic: HCR - Inhumane conditions facing Uyghur Muslims in China
Main Submitter:

Fully Aware that the BBC reported that factories are being built within the supposed re-education
camps of Xinjiang, where half a million people are forced into cotton picking, and satellite images
show rapid growth of the camps in the region,

Realizing that The Xinjiang Police Reports mention separation of families, and forceful mass
sterilization of Uyghur women in the detention camps for the purpose of suppressing the population
of the ethnic group,

Bearing in Mind that The Australian Strategic Policy Institute stated that there are 380 detention
camps in Xinjiang, running as high-security prisons with strict punishment, currently incarcerating
nearly 1.2 million Uyghur Muslims,

Emphasizing that the reason for the detainment of Uyghur Muslims in the detention camps is often
because of expressing signs of Islamic faith. They are forced to abandon their religious beliefs and
identities after extreme levels of physical abuse in the camps,

Recalling the many attempts took place to dilute the minority of Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang
area, including: a mass migration of Han Chinese that was orchestrated by the state, the banning
religious practices, and the destruction mosques and tombs,

1) Affirms the significance of taking harsh and severe punitive action (in the form of economic sanctions) against
anyone involved in the mass incarceration of Uyghur Muslims, as it is a violation of human rights,
a) Requests that the EU and other nations aid in implementing economic sanctions such as: practising favouring
trade policies, and the imposition of new restrictions to frighten opponents, etc.

i) Imposing economic sanctions on China which is a nation that has regularly supported, and given its
governments' financial assistance to fund acts of ethnic cleansing, forcing its government to reevaluate the
amount of support and funding towards the ethnic cleansing,
ii) Weakening the financial stability of terrorist groups and organisations by freezing their assets and
disrupting their operations, (this will dismantle future terrorist organisations and convince existing groups to
reconsider or abandon their objectives),

b) Restricting any financial aid or exchange with China and its political figures,
i) Confiscation of money, seizure of real estate, and the cessation of investments overseas,
ii) Government agencies should review their investments in various Xinjiang’s sectors,
iii) Restricting imports of goods and services or financial transactions from People's Bank of China,
iv) Ban on the stay of any government of influential figures involved with visa and travel bans,
v) Demands that EU representatives vote against loans, or financial assistance to China,

c) Fining firms that fail to ensure that their supplier chains do not involve forced labor, as well as prohibiting the
use of items that contain state-sponsored forced labor;
i) Emphasizing companies' legal obligations under international and national law,
ii) Ensuring firms are aware of the dangers of being involved in major human rights abuses through direct
commercial activity and supplier networks;
iii) Examine multinational financial institutions' portfolios to ensure that they are not participating in regional

d) Encouraging companies and Investors to Join the Coalition to Abolish Forced Labor in the Uyghur Region's
"Call to Action" to end the practice of forced labor affecting Uyghur Muslims or doing analogous measures is
2) Strongly urges nations worldwide & NGO’s to work on educating the public on the importance of
protecting minorities from ethnic cleansing,

a) Targeting young adults and military personnel on the societal and economic consequence of the
ongoing state-sponsored ‘genocide’,
i) For the youth, raising awareness begins in schools and universities, by dedicating certain
classes to inform students about the severity of ethnic cleansing in certain regions,
ii) Hosting seminars and workshops that can accommodate to different age groups, which further
work to raise awareness,
iii) Calls upon states to promote and foster a spirit of respect for of ethnic groups in all personnel
within their armed forces,

b) Making use of TV networks, media outlets, journalistic reports, and social media to spread the
word about the issue. As these actions are not only considered a complete violation of human
rights, they can immensely impact individuals and societies as a whole, as differences resulting
from dismissal of the problem, and continuing to ‘eradicate’ Uyghur Muslims, can limit
communication and peace amongst nations;
3) Demands adequate assistance for victims and survivors.

a) Put an end to all direct and indirect forced repatriation of Uyghur Muslims to China.

b) Create means to track incidences of harassment of Uyghur Muslims in other countries and take measures,
using criminal law, to hold offenders responsible.

c) Ensure that Uyghur Muslims have access to programs that provide legal, medical, and psychological aid to
survivors of torture, rape, and other forms of violence.
4) Emphasizes the need for the involvement of all necessary UN bodies in giving their utmost support for a
commission of inquiry into human rights violations in Xinjiang,

a) The UN high commissioner for human rights should use her ability to actively investigate this issue by:
i) Implementing confidential monitoring groups placed in Xinjian, reporting regularly to the HCR, assisting
in the collection of the necessary information,

ii) The obtained information and findings must also be made public, as well as shared with other UN member
states and relevant UN bodies,

iii) With the involvement and support of government officials, investigate the credibility of allegations of
crimes against humanity and human rights violations against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang,

b) Encourage national prosecutors to conduct structural investigations, similar to ICC preliminary exams, in
which the prosecutor's office gathers and analyzes material on alleged major offenses in order to lay the
groundwork for future charges;
Forum & Topic: HCR – Israeli Impunity, Targeting Palestinian Journalists
Main Submitter:

1) Recalling that according to the Head of PJS, 55 reporters and journalists have been killed by

Israeli fire or bombs since 2000. Moreover, 40 Palestinian journalists were detained in the past

year, 20 of which remain incarcerated,

2) Emphasizing that Journalists bring significant atrocities to the public's attention. Their activity

aids in obtaining critical evidence to hold war criminals accountable. Targeting reporters in an

attempt to prevent the documentation of the destruction of religious sites, the war crimes, and the

violations of human rights currently taking place in the West Bank,

3) Recognizing that The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols states that all

parties to a conflict must protect journalists, uphold their rights in case they are captured,

4) Bearing in mind that The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court establishes that

intentionally directing attacks against journalists who are not engaged in the hostilities,

constitutes a war crime,

1) Demands holding those responsible for any deliberate attacks against journalists or media professionals, (in the west
bank), accountable for their actions. Any acts of hostility towards them is considered a violation of international
humanitarian and human rights,

a) Urging the Israeli state follow and abide by the rules of various international treaties and the Geneva
Conventions, which criminalize any deliberate attacks against journalists,

b) Carry out official investigations led by the UNHCR, IFJ, and other related NGO’S if another Palestinian
journalist has suffered any of the following during the coverage of armed conflict in Palestine:
i) Died,
ii) Sustained life threatening injuries,
iii) Disappeared or kidnapped in suspicious circumstances,

c) Prosecuting and punishing those responsible for the targeting/killing of the journalists through
i) Confiscation of money, seizure of real estate, cessation of investments overseas,
ii) Ban on the stay of any government of influential figures involved with visa and travel bans,
iii) Cases followed up by the ICC or any other institution responsible for the punishment of the perpetrators;
2) Calls upon enforcing cooperation between governments, media professionals, journalists, unions, associations,
NGO’s, related UN Bodies, to aid in supporting initiatives and providing funding for,

a) Programs that aim to collect and distribute protective gear to the Palestinian journalists, that can save lives
and minimize injury, including:
i) Helmets,
ii) Anti-ballistic Vests,
iii) Body Armour, etc.

b) Initiatives that work towards sheltering and housing journalists, where they can seek refuge, and continue
carrying out their duties safely,
i) Providing necessary goods,
ii) Establishing safe press centers with adequate equipment,
iii) Safe houses in discrete locations away from the firing line,
iv) Secure communication techniques in said shelters allowing them to contact the outside world and work
without the risk of interception of their communications,

c) Creating safety funds for emergency assistance that can cover medical treatment, legal assistance
i) Quality Psychological Assistance,
ii) Trauma Referrals, Safety consultations, Illness, Injury
iii) Insurance through media organisations or individual insurance agreements
iv) Fund to compensate journalists, or their families for any damages if insurance wasn’t available,

d) Adequate training for Palestinian journalists before they begin reporting in the field, from Defense & Health
Ministries, specialized personnel, etc.
i) First Aid Training, Support Combat to react to life threatening situations while covering armed conflict,
ii) Risk Analysis to educate journalists on what to do to avoid hazardous situations and how to act when faced
with danger;
3) Emphasizes the need for the Israeli state to relax certain restrictions on licensing and communication, making it
easier for Palestinian journalists reporting from the West Bank during armed conflict,
a) The Israeli state should stop the restriction of the transmission of international/national news and comments
through delaying it or interfering with it

b) Asks improving the communication between journalists and the relevant civilian authorities
i) Authorities must provide regular information about the conflict, allowing journalists the necessary and
effective security measures to guarantee their freedom and ability to report,
ii) Provide an effective warning in advance before carrying out attacks that may affect civilians and journalists,

c) Relaxing and easing licensing obstacles for media employees, and shall not use the excuse of protecting
journalists ass a reason to restrict their rights and freedom,

d) The usage of effective hotlines which draws attention to attacks on journalists and ensuring their freedom
i) International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX)
ii) Keeping the hotlines and the local field offices of the ICRC informed on the whereabouts of the journalists to
better trace and protect the journalists

e) Respecting the need and the importance of confidentiality

i) The journalistic sources from which media employees must be kept confidential to ensure safety
ii) Refraining from forcing journalists to hand over classified documents or revealing secret information, as
stated in by the European Court of Human Rights

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