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Andrew gives his report to his coworker.

The coworker sigh as he reads Andrew report on ways to

save the earth.

Coworker: Don’t you think this will only worsen the environment?
Andrew: Oh, come on, don’t be such a buzz kill, with this plan we can make more money.
Coworker: Our job is to help the environment to get better not making it worser. You should take your
work more seriously or we might need to fire you.
Andrew: Hey! Don’t tell me to do. So what if I get fired?. I’m sure a better company will hired me.

Andrew storm off the office and went to the lounge room. He eventually fell asleep on the couch.
Suddenly he was woken up by an unexpected someone.

Mother nature: Hey! Wake up!

Mother nature: I am Mother nature and I’m here to show you what is happening to the world.
Andrew: What why would I follow you, nonetheless a stranger.
Mother nature: Im sorry but that is not a question.

Mother then teleported them to a deforestation land.

Andrew: Wait! AHHH. Woah what happen here?

Mother nature: This was once a forest home to many animals but because of humankind, the trees was
cut down causing the animal to lose their home.
Bird: That’s right! Many of us are disappearing and this is very bad for the ecosystem. Not only that,
deforestation has a starring role ,responsible for roughly 10% of global warming.
Andrew: Really, how so?
Tiger: Because trees absorb and store carbon dioxide and when the forest are cleared, they will release
carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the world.
Andrew: and what do you expect me to do?
Tiger: FIX IT! You’re hurting the earth, so it up to your kind to find a solution.
Mother nature: Calm down, tiger. But believe me, he has the potential to contribute to saving the
world if you give him a chance.
Tiger: Fine.
Andrew: I’m sorry that happen to you, but can I just go home.
Mother nature: Lets go to one more place then I allow you go home.
Andrew :fine.

Mother bring Andrew to the place. A forest turning to ashes because of a blazing fire

Andrew: What happen here?

Mother nature: Due to global warming, the plants here hass dried out,making it more easy to catch
Tree: Please help me! I am burning, the animal! their still in me! What did we do to deserve this…..
Mother nature: Wildfire will simultaneously impact the climate by releasing large quantities carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
Andrew: I- Im don’t what to say… I’m sorry.
Mother nature: tell my story Andrew, spread the awareness. Lets work together to save the earth
Andrew : I will, promise

Andrew saw everything disappearing and wake up on the office couch and he felt something change
inside him. A few month later, Andrew has been coming up few ideas and finally he got a great idea.
He give the report his coworker. His coworker takes a look.

Coworker: I'm thrilled about this idea and would love to arrange a meeting to discuss it further with
our top investor from Petronas.
Andrew : really?! that’s amazing I would love too to present my idea to them
Coworker: so its official then.

Andrew: It good to met you madam, Im here to present my idea to you in hope that you will peek an
interest on it.
Investee: it good to see you, lets get things started shall we.
Andrew: yes of course, first of all I would like to introduce Net Zero Carbon Emissions
2050(NZCE50) and National Energy Transition Roadmap(NETR).
Assistant investee: NZCE50? NETR? What is that?
Andrew: NZCE50(Net Zero Carbon Emission 2050) balance between greenhouse gas emissions and
removal from the atmosphere, crucial for mitigating climate change. While NETR (Net Energy
Transition Roadmap)is a Strategic plan guiding transition from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources,
vital for sustainability and reducing environmental impact.

Investee: what is the importance of NZCE50 and NETR?

Andrew: NZCE50 is able to reach climate goal and its safer and cleaner energy.
while NETR reach climate goals it also have High-value Green economy .
Investor: What will this project do to save the earth?
Andrew: NZCE50 and NETR play a crucial role in achieving global sustainability goals by reducing
emissions, promoting renewable energy, enhancing efficiency, fostering sustainability, and driving
innovation for a greener future.
Andrew: do you have anymore questioned?
Investee: no I understand it and I love this idea im looking forward to work with you
Andrew I’m looking for it too
They shake on it.
Mother nature: the earth is dying because of us!
Bird: so we should work together to save the earth
Tiger: What are you waiting for!
Tree : get up and! lets to this together

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