Why Did People Want The King Back in 1646

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Why did people want the King back in 1646?

Given the way Charles I acted in the 1630s and the strong opposition to his rule as king by 1642, you would be
forgiven for thinking that no one would ever want him to be king again! But after 4 years of brutal civil war, the
people of England were exhausted.

Charles I had a lot of support in 1646, but what were the specific reasons for this change of attitude?

Work your way through the sources in these two case studies to answer the question, ‘Why did Charles have so
much support in 1646?’
1. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/civilwar/g4/cs1/
2. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/civilwar/g4/cs2/

The left-hand column of table below lists the most common reasons historians have identified as to why Charles had
so much support in 1646. In the right-hand column, make a note of which sources provide evidence to support this
reason and give a brief description of what the source says.
There is also space at the bottom for you to add any other reasons you might find as you read the sources.
Reasons people supported Charles I Evidence from the sources that supports this explanation
in 1646
People wanted peace and stability. In source 2, case study 1 the quote ‘and city of Lincoln shall have full power
They felt you could not have that and authority to take all rents, money, horses, arms, goods and plate of
without a king. Living through civil every person at war or in a group against the Parliament.’ Shows that the
war was worse than living under Parliament had resorted to taking money from the people, making them
Charles I’s rule. believe that it was better under Charles’ rule. Also, this extract from source
1, case study 2. ‘Were there any difference [between the two sides] in this
confusion, it might be debated, but I think the time [for fighting] has past,
after so much going wrong.’ Shows, the people had become very tired of the
Rule by Parliament’s County In source 4, case study 1, the quote ‘Mary's husband is in very poor health,
Committees was worse than living his whole estate has been seized, and so he cannot pay an extra 20th part
under Charles I’s rule. [5%]. Yet a warrant was issued against Mary's husband to pay the rest. In
truth Mary's husband is much in debt’ shows that Parliament was taking so
much money and resources that the people could not keep up and were
rapidly falling short of these.
Many people were suspicious that In source 3, case study 2, the quote ‘he three kingdoms are brought near to
some Parliament leaders had radical utter ruin and destruction. We think that until satisfaction and security is
(extreme) and dangerous ideas. given to both your kingdoms, Your Majesty's coming here is not convenient,
People thought that getting Charles nor agreed to by us.’ Shows the fact that many MPs wanted the war to be
back on the throne would stop over to stop paying taxes, but others wanted to force Charles to have
these radical Parliament leaders. restricted power. Charles wrote to parliament asking if he could come to
them to end the war, but Parliament wrote back, denying him allowance to
come. This could have been a time where some MPs were tired of the
fighting, but others wanted power.
There were too many expenses and In source 7, case study 1, a new tax is to be paid for the army and all
too many laws where the people soldiers in the army, as the quote ‘And it is further ordered by the
would give money to parliament. Lords and Commons, that from the 1st of February 1644, the sums of
Even though Charles had taxes, money mentioned below shall be taxed and paid for the payment of
there were not as many as the ones the army and related costs in the following way. That is: There shall
given from Parliament. be a monthly charge, until the 1st of December next, if the war goes
on so long’ shows. This meant that the people had to pay more taxes
with the money they did not have.

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